What floor is better to make a room. Which floor is better to make in the kitchen: recommendations for choosing flooring Useful information about self-leveling floors for the kitchen

We will analyze the most popular coatings, and you will already decide which of the evils is the least.

First, take into account the initial data of the kitchen

Before thinking about what is better to put on the floor in the kitchen, you need to think about where exactly the room is located:

1. If we are talking about a high-rise building and a middle floor, then almost any floor will be warm enough and it makes no sense to especially worry about warming.
2. A if you live on the ground floor or in a private house, then here the conversation is different, since in winter, without special heating, the floor can be simply icy.

Also important is the initial humidity of the room, which, again, depends on the location. Particularly wet kitchens are on the ground floors and in houses without a basement. Having laid a wooden floor in such a kitchen, for example, you should not count on the fact that it will lie for a long time and will not need scraping.

But let's go in order.

What floors are there and which ones are the most practical?

Of the most popular and affordable coatings today, we can distinguish:

There are, of course, also cork floors, there are stone ones, but this is no longer so popular, since the price “bites”. Therefore, we will not include them in our review, it is better to talk about them separately, taking into account all the nuances.

From all of the above, we can say that the most practical floors are tile and self-leveling.

But the tile has one big minus - it is cold. Self-leveling floors are quite expensive. But we are all Let's look at it in more detail in separate blocks. considering both advantages and disadvantages.

If desired, you can also make a combined floor, this is especially true for kitchens connected to the living room. Due to the transition of textures, it is possible to successfully zone the room.

About screed and insulation

When repairs are in full swing, the question of which coatings to prefer is not the most burning one. Now the main thing is the screed and leveling of the surface.

Before choosing the material from which the screed will be made, you need to think about what you will lay on top.

If it is a tile, then there is no difference what will be below and an ordinary cement mortar will do. And if it is a laminate, then it is much better to make a gypsum screed using a plaster mixture for this. Such a floor will come out much warmer and will be less moisture permeable.

Also, the thickness of the screed may depend on what type of insulation you choose.

And if you raised the screed high enough, then making wooden flooring is no longer very reasonable if your ceiling height is standard, that is, 2.5 meters. If you "steal" the extra 10 cm, then this will significantly affect the visual perception of the room.

And if you are also planning a hinged ceiling, then it will not be good at all. Now let's get closer to the topic and talk about specific coatings.

Laminate in the kitchen

The good thing about laminate flooring is that its installation is quite simple and you don’t need to involve professionals for this. Also, it is quite easy to care for him, he is quite durable, warm to the touch, and the choice of colors and textures is more than huge.

Overall, laminate flooring is a very good choice for a kitchen, as long as you buy it with durability in mind and don't go for the cheapest option.

Of course, a class for commercial premises is not always needed, but increased moisture resistance and resistance to chips will not hurt. By the way, just recently we wrote about that, be sure to read.

Keep in mind that a kitchen is a kitchen. A knife, a heavy frying pan, a meat grinder can fall out of your hands ... Anything. And it will be simply impossible to restore the floor later.

Also if your room is still damp, the same first floor, then laminate will not be the most brilliant choice for the reason that it has the property of "going". And if in a room of medium humidity it retains its original appearance for 10 years, then in a humid room in the fifth year, the joints will begin to “turn out”.

Do not forget that the kitchen is a place where you constantly water splashes. And the laminate does not like this very much, and you need to constantly wipe off the drops in order to keep the surface as long as possible.

Wooden floor

You can't lay parquet on your own, of course. It is expensive, subject to abrasion and, in general, not the best option for the kitchen.

But ordinary deck boards are what you need. The floor comes out very warm and without insulation, it is easy to take care of it and most importantly - no screeds are needed in this case, since the board is laid on the logs.

It is for sale ready-made, so you don’t need to scrape anything, just lay it evenly, setting the supports in level.

This option is not the most budgetary, but it is beautiful and environmentally friendly. And given that you also save on the screed, then this option has the right to be considered.

But here, too, do not forget that if a knife that fell from a height is stuck in a tree, a scratch will remain on it. But on the laminate - no. But it is unpleasant to walk barefoot on a laminate, like on oilcloth, and on a wooden one - very much so.

But, as we wrote above, it is very cold in winter.

So, if your kitchen is poorly heated, think thrice before settling on tiles. Not only is it cold in itself, it also lowers the overall degree of the room. Not much, but still.

But, if the cold does not bother you, or you are ready to insulate the floor at the stage of laying the screed, then you can consider this option.

The tile is very exacting to correctness and quality of laying. If it is poorly laid, and there are air gaps between it and the screed, then it will very quickly begin to “walk” in these places, and over time it will simply burst in this place. Also, the tile bursts from the fact that cast-iron pans fall on it ... It is unreasonable to renounce such an incident, because anything can happen and all options must be taken into account.

It is often impossible to find a replacement for broken fragments, since fashion changes quickly, the assortment in stores does too, so take this into account when buying building materials. Let you have a couple of extra tiles left for later.

Well, the last moment - the tile is often very slippery and it is very easy to slip on it if water is spilled on the floor. And falling on the tile hurts, yes. And the glasses crumble, falling on a hard surface instantly. But if they fell on a laminate or a tree, then nothing would happen to them.

As for which tile is better, it's hard to say. Naturally, it should not be for the walls, but for the floor.

If you don’t have a herd of rhinos running through your kitchen every day, you can choose the most ordinary, not the most impact-resistant. Expensive porcelain tile, for example, is definitely not needed, it is more suitable for outdoor patios.

Linoleum in the kitchen

Even a woman can put linoleum on the floor. But it must be laid exclusively on a flat surface, otherwise every grain of sand and recess will be visible under the coating. Not only is it simply ugly, it will also wipe itself in these places with incredible force.

The wear of linoleum depends on its initial characteristics. There are softer options that cannot be pressed with something hard, as a dent will instantly form. And there are denser ones, for offices and other commercial premises.

The main trouble with linoleum is that it does not shine with beautiful colors.

Color options in this case: grey, light grey, dark grey, blue. If you manage to find something more interesting and with a pattern, then it will be a great success. We do not recommend imitations of wood and tiles.

But linoleum has one big minus. On it, all the time there are black stripes from the soles, which are still a pleasure to wash. And, it's not just about street shoes.

So, if you have children in your house who run a lot and “slow down” with their soles, get ready for the fact that you will have to crawl with cotton wool soaked in acetone and wipe the marks.

Maintenance is absolutely minimal. this floor washes well. Also, it is not afraid of moisture, is not afraid of bumps and scratches, but at the same time it cannot be called very hard to the touch.

The self-leveling floor is not cold, therefore, it is much more pleasant to walk on it than on tiles.

Another big plus such floors - the ability to choose very non-standard colors. Here you can think of anything. Although the image of a volumetric aquarium with fish, with a full 3D effect.

But self-leveling floors are still a novelty, and therefore The price for them is not the most loyal.

Also of great importance is fitter skill. Some may do this very sloppily and the floor will look uneven. And considering that it is mostly glossy, then every dot and bubble will be visible in the sun.

Therefore, before deciding on a self-leveling floor, look for the masters and see photos of their work, and also read reviews about this company.

And so, the self-leveling floor is very durable, they say that it has been serving for more than fifty years, while maintaining its original appearance. To be honest, we have doubts about this, since no one has canceled abrasion and micro-scratches. And, if even ceramic tiles wear out after 50 years, then how can a self-leveling floor be preserved if it is softer by definition?

Our article has come to an end and we hope you have decided a bit on which floor is better to make in the kitchen. We wish you all the best!

The construction of a private house is a rather lengthy process that requires a certain amount of time and considerable effort. Many owners of suburban areas want to save on construction by doing some of the work with their own hands. To figure out how to make wooden floors in a private house, you should take care of the preparation of materials, as well as the choice of the necessary tools.

The choice of floor design

Before starting work, you should select the type of floor construction. Among the most common are the following varieties:

  • single;
  • double;
  • concrete floor.

The choice of a particular design is based on the features of the building in which the floor will be laid. The main factor influencing such a decision is the nature of the operation of the house. When choosing a single design, it should be borne in mind that it is only suitable for summer houses or summer cottages. The device of such a floor in a house with year-round living is unacceptable.

The boardwalk in this case is simply laid on the logs. The thermal insulation of such a floor is very low. For the construction of such foundations, it is not necessary to prepare a lot of material. Work on the installation of a single floor is carried out quite quickly.

If you decide to build a capital private house in which you can live at any time, you should start building a double floor. This design is more insulated than a single version. The main layers of such a floor are the rough and finish coatings. Between them are placed layers of hydro and thermal insulation. Such a floor device is able to protect the entire structure of the house from destruction.

Often the draft layer of a double floor in a country house is made of unedged boards. Fine finish is made of grooved board. All stages of work can be carried out independently. Thermal insulation is usually made of expanded clay.

Another option for creating a floor in a private house is a concrete base. Such structures are carried out by pouring concrete screed. If you follow all the requirements when creating such such a floor, it will turn out to be durable and strong. It can also be finished with any coating.

Wood flooring

A wooden floor for creating a coating in private homes is chosen quite often. This is due to its environmental friendliness. Many people want to have a quality wood flooring. Such floors have a number of significant advantages.

With careful processing, wooden flooring can last for decades without changing its appearance and physical characteristics. In addition, wooden floors have high thermal insulation properties. They create comfort in the house. In addition, the installation of wooden flooring is done by hand. For work, you will need to prepare a standard set of tools.

Before you make a floor in a private house, you should take care of choosing the type of wood. It should be selected according to the type of building. The floor is arranged from several layers. It must have thermal and waterproofing. The subfloor acts as an air gap. Due to it, wooden elements will not be exposed to moisture. They will not develop mold or fungus.

The floor covering is constantly under mechanical stress during operation. That is why the wood that will be chosen for the floor must have good technical performance. Boards must be dried before coating. The moisture content of wooden elements should not exceed 12%.

It is also worth visually inspecting the elements of the future floor. They should not have chips or cracks. Otherwise, it may affect the quality of the coating. Also, before laying, wooden elements are treated with antiseptics and fire retardants. This will extend the life of such products.

Installation of a wooden floor is carried out in the following sequence:

  • First you need to determine the location of the supports. Gravel should be poured in place of the harvested fertile soil. Sand falls on top. This is how the pillow is made. Each layer should be carefully compacted. The ends of the supporting pillars are wrapped with waterproofing material. Usually, roofing material is used for this purpose.
  • After that, the beams should be laid. And they are attached to the supports with the help of corners and self-tapping screws. Floors in a country house should be carefully insulated. Professional builders recommend laying plywood sheets before installing the insulation. Mineral wool is usually used as the insulation material.
  • When the insulation layer is laid, you can begin the rough flooring. Boards should be chosen in such a way that they fit snugly against each other. Self-tapping screws are used to connect them to the beams. About 1.5 cm is left between the subfloor and the walls. Such gaps make it possible to exclude structural distortions during thermal expansion.
  • A vapor barrier is laid on top of the subfloor. It usually has a thickness of 200 microns. The joints of the canvas are glued with construction tape. The edges of the vapor barrier are wound onto the walls to a height of 20 cm. After laying the film, you should start laying the finish coat.

Solid wood boards are used for the finishing floor. Sheets of plywood can also be used. They are much easier to attach. However, their appearance leaves much to be desired. For this reason, it is better to choose grooved boards. Plywood can be covered with various decorative finishes. The floor of the boards is usually varnished. This allows you to protect the coating from various influences. Also, thanks to the use of varnish, the aesthetic properties of a wooden floor can be emphasized. You can build a warm floor with your own hands in the case of constructing a concrete screed.

Concrete floor

Creating a concrete base requires some preparation. First, the site on which it is planned to create a floor must be cleared of debris. You also need to remove the top layer of soil. The earth must be rammed. Gravel is poured on top. The concrete floor structure must be thermally insulated. The gravel layer is covered with sand. As soon as it is rammed, you can lay a plastic wrap. It will become a reliable waterproofing.

Then the work is carried out according to the standard scheme. Reinforcement bars are placed on the waterproofing layer and concrete mortar is poured. Concrete screed in this case is performed similarly to the one that is equipped in the apartment. To make the floor even, you need to set the beacons. As soon as the concrete dries, they should be removed. The solution is leveled using the rule. Work is carried out from the wall towards the doorway.

In the process of pouring concrete mortar, it is better to do the work according to certain rules. For example, the mixture must be fresh. Also, in the process of its preparation, cement of a certain brand is used. It must be at least M300. In addition, water and sand screening are added to the solution. Plasticizers increase the strength of concrete.

If the screed is more than 5 cm, reinforcement should be laid. For this purpose, a ready-made mesh is usually purchased. It is laid on a waterproofing film. When creating a floor heating system in a country house, the use of plasticizers and reinforcement is mandatory.

Once the concrete has gained strength, you can pull out the beacons and fill the resulting voids with concrete mortar. Completely hardening of concrete takes about a month. A warm floor in a private house will require the installation of heating elements either during the execution of the screed or after its construction.

Drying the floor is carried out according to certain rules. The base should be covered with plastic wrap. Within three days, the concrete must be wetted. If the screed has a floor heating system, it is forbidden to turn it on until the solution has completely hardened. Otherwise, the floor will crack.

fine finish

Laying the finish coat is quite simple. Decorative elements are mounted independently. The choice of finishing depends on the tastes of the owner of the house. It is also worth considering the features of the operation of the floor.

There are several options. The most common of these is boardwalk. The finished floor in this case does not need to be additionally closed. When choosing this option, a rather beautiful and practical coating is obtained. In addition, floor boards will last for decades if properly processed. They are usually impregnated with special compounds and varnished. This allows you to protect the floor from the effects of dirt and various chemicals.

The concrete floor in a country house is usually performed taking into account the laying of the finish coating. For its decoration, parquet is usually chosen. However, such a floor will be quite expensive. It is characterized by high environmental friendliness and an excellent degree of thermal insulation. It is impractical to carry out a parquet floor in a country house, because permanent residence is not planned in it. However, for a capital structure, such coverage will be optimal.

Among other materials for the floor, it is worth highlighting carpet, laminate, tile and linoleum. Laminate is laid in the living room and bedrooms. Linoleum is suitable only for the floor in the hallway and kitchen. Tiles are also used for flooring in the kitchen and hallway. For the bedroom, you should also use carpet.

The variety of modern colors and flooring materials allows you to choose the most optimal flooring option for yourself. Floors with different patterns look very nice. Natural stone and wood look impressive.


To figure out which types of flooring are more suitable for a private house, you should know the features of the operation of the building. For example, for a country house, you do not need to equip the floor in several layers. It also does not need to be insulated. Such buildings are used only in the warm season. Also, the installation of floors in a private house is usually performed using wood. Such material has a low price, and is also simply and quickly mounted.

For capital buildings, a more complex structure will have to be equipped. At the same time, the wooden floor must have several layers, including hydro and thermal insulation. Before installing such a floor, you need to carefully prepare. You will also have to choose high-quality materials. Before deciding what type of flooring to make in a private house, you should familiarize yourself with the features of each type of floor.

The concrete base is carried out in stages. It is chosen only if necessary to create a reliable and durable floor.

To date, there are a fairly large number of apartment floor coverings. This is precisely the main difficulty that is encountered on the way to choosing the right material. Today we will try to figure out which floor is better to make in the apartment. We will find out which materials are the most practical, take into account reviews about them and consider photos of ready-made options.

The main criteria for choosing a floor covering

In whatever room of the apartment you plan to replace the floor, there are general criteria by which the type of flooring is selected:

  1. First, decide how much money you are willing to pay for this type of building material. After all, the price categories of floor coverings are quite ambiguous and depend on the type of material and its quality.
  2. When choosing a floor covering, the location of the apartment is taken into account. For example, the material that can be used on the second, third and higher floors is strongly discouraged from being installed on the first floor (due to the increased level of moisture in the basement).
  3. Lifestyle and the number of people living in the apartment. If four adults, two children live in one room, and besides, there are animals, then preference should be given to more durable and high-quality material.

Choosing the floor for the bedroom

The bedroom is the place where we are used to being as relaxed as possible. Therefore, we want to get maximum comfort from this room, so that we can relax calmly. Often, movement around the rest room occurs with bare feet, so the main quality of the flooring should be warm.

Warm and soft carpet: a good option for the bedroom

The most suitable coating for the bedroom can be materials with high heat resistance characteristics:

  • Carpet;
  • natural wood;
  • Parquet.

    Attention! In recent years, laminate has become the most common material due to its practical, strong and durable characteristics.

    Although it is worth knowing that in terms of its thermal properties, the laminate significantly loses to the carpet. Walking on such a coating should be in room slippers or cover it with a carpet. Another great way to make laminate flooring warm is to equip a special heating system under it.

Children's room - a zone of increased attention

We all want to provide our children with maximum warmth, comfort and protection. Therefore, the choice of flooring in the children's room should be taken with the utmost seriousness. In his room, the child spends most of his free time: playing, learning lessons, resting and sleeping. The most important criterion for choosing a floor for a children's playroom is safety. The material from which the coating is made must not emit harmful toxic substances and an unpleasant odor.

Cork flooring: one of the most environmentally friendly materials for an apartment

One of the safest floors is cork flooring, the same one that clogs wine bottles. The main properties characteristic of a cork floor:

  • Security. The material is completely environmentally friendly, therefore it does not emit harmful and toxic substances into the air;
  • It has excellent anti-allergic and bactericidal properties;
  • Moisture resistant, which is very important for rooms where there are small children;
  • Cork flooring is an excellent soundproofing agent. Therefore, the active games of children will not be heard by the neighbors below;
  • Elasticity and strength.

Attention! Cork is a fairly durable material that is not subject to decay and the formation of fungus.

The only drawback of cork flooring is its expensive price, which is equivalent to the cost of natural wooden parquet.

What is the best floor for the kitchen

The kitchen is a zone of high humidity and temperature. Therefore, the flooring of the kitchen room must be practical, durable, and also hygienic. The ideal option for the kitchen can be a ceramic coating (tile). It does not require special care, if dirty, just take a damp cloth and wipe the floor. Today, you can simply be surprised at the variety of ornaments and patterns on tiles, so everyone will choose the most suitable design for themselves. Another advantage of ceramics is that even after time it does not change its original appearance and bright color.

Ceramic tiles: a great option for a room like the kitchen

If you are primarily interested in budget options for coatings, then you should pay attention to linoleum, which today is significantly different in its appearance and quality of the Soviet coating. Linoleum is also quite easy to maintain and has good quality characteristics.

Flooring in the corridor and hallway

The corridor and the entrance hall are considered the most passable places in the apartment, which are subject to frequent pollution, dust and mechanical damage. It is for these reasons that it is necessary to use high quality flooring in these rooms. And here again ceramic material (tile) comes to the rescue. It is wear resistant and durable. Ceramics does not require special care, the swamp, dirt and dust can be easily removed with an ordinary damp cloth.

Ceramic tiles are well suited for both the corridor and the hallway area.

Since the corridor or hallway is often small and naturally unlit, light colors should be preferred. So you can visually enlarge the room and make it much brighter and lighter. Bright pictures and increased contrast are not welcome in this case.

Attention! Whatever type of flooring you choose, the main thing is that it is safe for human health. The quality characteristics of the floor largely depend on the professionalism of the laying of the material. Therefore, the installation of the floor should be handled by experienced professionals.

So, summing up, we can say that for each room you should choose a certain type of flooring, which is characterized by certain characteristics. If you like warmth, then we recommend giving preference to parquet, natural wood or carpet. When sustainability is a priority, consider cork. Ceramics has an increased level of strength and practicality. While linoleum is the most budget option for flooring.

Video: What floors are better to choose in an apartment

Having started repairs in an apartment, one cannot help but face the question: how to make a flat floor correctly so that the price of materials does not “bite”, and do all the work yourself, without calling specialists. And it doesn’t matter at all whether work starts from scratch or is it an old floor that needs updating, the issue is serious and worth considering in detail. If only because not only strength, beauty, but the abrasion of the coating, the features of sliding, styling, and so on are important.

What to lay?

Market offerings are practically unlimited. Each user can choose coverage according to price, color and preferences. Finishing materials are divided into groups, prices and the manufacturer tries to take into account all the wishes of customers. But not every material can be used in a particular room. For example, tiles. Plain, ceramic, dense and beautiful. Finishing is ideal for the hallway and bathroom, but in the living room and bedroom it is not always appropriate. Therefore, you should first think about what and where to lay in an apartment or house. For example, pay attention to universal coatings: laminate, linoleum.

If you try hard, you can always find acceptable material in terms of quality and affordable price. And then proceed to the process of renovation, restoration or complete repair of the floor with your own hands.

Stages of laying a floor with a concrete base

Even starting repairs from scratch, you must first prepare the base. Not every consumer likes concrete, especially if it is the floor in an apartment on the first floors, so the base will have to be insulated. The process is carried out, as a rule, with the help of a log, which allows you to get a flat floor, which is inexpensive.

Concrete base repair

Often the subfloor has chips, dents or notches that can be removed with your own hands. The easiest option is a screed. The execution will not take much time or effort, and will not require knowledge. And even if the user takes up work for the first time, it is enough to buy a ready-made mixture and do everything as written on the package. Dry powder is sold in packages that are clearly calculated on the area, so you will have to find out this point before work. Now cover the base with waterproofing and proceed to renovate the floors with your own hands:

  1. Lay the rolled materials overlapping with an edge overlap of 10-15 cm;
  2. Leave an allowance for wall panels also 10-15 cm;
  3. Fix the edges of the strips with construction tape along the entire butt border;
  4. Pour the finished screed.

To make a flat floor in an apartment correctly, watch a video that will help you calculate the time spent on repairs. An important point: if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment is large, it is worth dividing the space into sections and pouring the foundation gradually. The use of metal guides in this case is necessary so that the solution does not overflow. After pouring, they are removed, the joints are sealed and transferred to another area, you can use metal elements as many times as you like.

In order for the floors in the apartment, made by hand, to please with strength and warmth, you will have to choose a heat-insulating substrate. In this case, the floor will always remain dry, and the final coating, for example, parquet, will not creak after the first year of operation. Manufacturers offer a wide range of materials that differ in structure, appearance and characteristics. For example, expanded clay is a dry filler, the price of which is very affordable. Possessing high quality and practical indicators, expanded clay fits comfortably. It is enough to scatter dry material over the base, level and pour another layer of screed. It's good to make reinforcement with a reinforcing mesh. They lay it on top of the insulation, thereby fixing the screed and at the same time, without limiting its "flexibility".

As for roll or tile insulating materials, after laying it is worth covering them with waterproofing in the form of cellophane, for example. Otherwise, the liquid (condensate), getting on them, will destroy the quality properties and the insulation will become useless.

Watch again the video on how to make the floors in the apartment with your own hands and you will definitely get a flat floor that will last for decades.

How to make a joist floor

Making floors in an apartment or house with your own hands along the logs is even easier, but only if the height of the ceilings allows. Many experts recommend this option, emphasizing the optimality for several reasons:

  1. This is a dry method that does not require a screed;
  2. The increased speed of the entire procedure allows you to move on to the final work without much time.

If you do everything right, a new flat floor will be ready in just a matter of days. But for starters, they putty, fill cracks, chips, and so on. Then waterproofing and installation of a log. For this, a bar with a height of up to 70 mm is used, which is set in a horizontal plane. It will facilitate the process of setting two extreme logs with stretched transverse threads - it is easier to align the intermediate elements along them, without losing their height and evenness.

After preparing the crate, lay out a layer of insulation and waterproofing between the lags, which is attached directly to the bars, and any material of your choice is placed on top of the structure. For example, if you want a wooden floor in an apartment, take boards, but under heated floors you need to make a solid foundation:

  • plywood sheets;
  • Boards.

Under the sheets and slabs, the crate is adjusted so that each element covers three bars: one in the middle, two on the edge. The support must be strong, but the tiled material should be laid out, slightly shifting. This improves the distribution of the load, it will evenly fall on the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base. What and how much material to take will have to be decided independently, calculating the area to be covered. It is convenient to do floors on logs in a new apartment, starting repairs from scratch and in a room where the floors are pretty worn out. The option is extremely economical, especially with the use of expanded clay as a heat insulator, while the materials are lightweight, which means that there will be no extra weight on the floors.

But there are a number of points, the implementation of which is mandatory:

  1. The tree is covered with an antiseptic;
  2. Plywood from the top side is coated with hot drying oil so that the base always remains dry;
  3. Fastening with self-tapping screws on the logs will provide strength;
  4. The joints are sealed with dry construction tape, puttied.

Important! If you want to make a solid floor, you can lay plywood in 2 layers, but in this case, self-tapping screws and glue are used for the top sheets. Now the coating is ready for final finishing and you can lay parquet, laminate, carpet or tile. To make the process even clearer, watch the video.


You can make the floors in the house with your own hands in a different way. For example, by means of a dry screed. It is enough to lay gypsum-fiber sheets with density and strength. But here you need a flat surface and laying in at least 2 layers. How many items to buy will tell you the size of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. The convenience of using this material is that the connecting element of the tiles is a lock, you don’t have to buy it in addition or think about how to fix the fragments on the base.

Important! GVL slabs are laid both on concrete and on logs. Watch the video, which shows the main points of laying out and fastening GVL sheets, perhaps this option for updating or repairing floors with your own hands will be the most acceptable.

Which option to choose is up to the owner. But remember that even the most complex processes do not always require vast knowledge and experience. A few tips, patience and full calculation: how much material to take, how to fix, what to put will help you cope even in a difficult situation when you need to make the floors in the house with your own hands. And thanks to new technologies, manufacturers offer almost completely finished materials, the process of working with which is extremely simplified.

Floor covering is an important and integral part of the overall interior solution of the room. The choice of how to cover the floor in the apartment depends on many factors. The floor coverings that exist today are extremely diverse, they differ in purpose, quality, structure, cost, durability, maintenance conditions and installation complexity. Therefore, it is always possible to choose the optimal flooring for each room.

Types of flooring: linoleum

The most common type of flooring - its versatility allows it to be used in any room - from bathroom to the nursery. A variety of colors, textures of patterns (imitation of parquet, stone, wood, ceramic tiles, geometric and natural ornaments, etc.) allows you to fit it into any style - from country to high-tech. Linoleum easy to install and maintain, easy to clean, has good heat and sound insulating characteristics. Fairly wear resistant. Disadvantages - loses color over time (especially in the sun), may crack at low temperatures.

Ceramic tile

Interesting! How to choose, what to look for, how to choose colors?

Covering for rooms, the main characteristics of which are high traffic and high humidity - kitchen, bathrooms, hallways (hall). A definite plus is the abundance of sizes, textures, colors and shades, various decor, which allows you to choose tiles for decorating a room in any style, it goes well with different finishing materials. In addition, with proper installation, tiles allow you to optically adjust the size of the kitchen - visually lengthen / expand or vice versa, make it less elongated, much depends on the skill of the designer. We note other advantages:

practicality - it is easy to care for it, it is easy to wash

durability - waterproof, resistant to moisture and chemicals, does not lose color, does not wear out

It also has a number of disadvantages:

  • fragility - if you drop a heavy object, it can crack. However, especially for the kitchen, especially durable varieties of ceramic tiles are produced.
  • seams - even with the highest quality styling, they still remain visible. In addition, with poor grouting, the seams can become a place for the active development of mold and fungus.
  • tiles are not very pleasant for walking barefoot - they are cold. The problem is solved by mounting the "warm floor" system
  • wet tiles are very slippery, there is a great danger of inadvertent injury

Tiles are not suitable for bedrooms and children's rooms.

stone cover

outdoor stone covering(granite, marble, natural stone) are installed in places where the main requirement is wear resistance and strength, so they are most often placed in kitchens, hallways or bathrooms. They are easy to clean, not afraid of moisture, resistant to household chemicals, mechanical stress and temperature changes. But all their advantages are "compensated" by one drawback - a high price. In addition, the stone floors themselves are tactilely cold, although this problem is quite simple to solve by installing a “warm floor” system. Which further increases the costs.

Self-leveling floors

If earlier Self-leveling floors were used mainly in industrial and commercial and office premises, but recently they are widely in demand in the interiors of apartments and private houses, allowing you to get a perfectly flat, seamless surface. Their advantages:

  • aesthetics - variety and richness of colors, the possibility of obtaining 3D images
  • durability - low abrasion, do not fade in the sun
  • durability - even the heaviest furniture will not leave marks and dents
  • hygienic - easy to clean, resistant to any chemicals, mold, bacteria and fungi do not appear on the surface, no fumes
  • complete fire safety
  • moisture resistance

The disadvantages include high requirements for the base, sufficient technological complexity of pouring and high cost.


Perfect for a living room, nursery or bedroom, it can be made from both natural and artificial (synthetic) materials. Provides comfort to the feet and comfortable walking even in winter. Carpet will add comfort and warmth to the interior, it has good soundproofing and heat-saving characteristics. In addition, the object that fell on the carpet does not create noise. Treatment with special substances eliminates the appearance of moths or mites.


  • poor tolerance to humidity
  • requires constant care, accumulates dust, in the presence of pets - wool
  • removing stains will require the use of special products or dry cleaning.
  • tendency to burn out when exposed to direct sunlight


Classic floor covering, durable and environmentally friendly, presented in three types: piece elements, solid board and parquet board. Depending on the type of wood, the size and shape of the individual elements, and the way of laying, you can create different compositions that are in harmony with the stylistic features of the room. Cycling (for parquet, the working layer is several millimeters) allows you to repeatedly update the surface, restoring its color and attractiveness. Possessing low thermal conductivity, parquet serves as a good heat insulator. There are two main disadvantages: the cost and complexity of installation. Moisture sensitivity and seasonal deformation should also be added here - parquet flooring expands in summer and shrinks in winter. Parquet is not suitable for laying together with "warm floor".

floor board

Massive board (grooved board made of natural wood) allows you to get a reliable, beautiful and durable floor covering with good thermal insulation. This option is good for living rooms (where the emphasis in the design is on the naturalness and naturalness of the finish), verandas and balconies. The board is resistant to deformation, but very sensitive to moisture, requires additional processing (protection).
