How to start a bosch gas water heater. Manual ignition: for older models of speakers. When to include a column

Geyser- an indispensable thing for residents of both their own houses and apartments. Hot water enters the water supply system only in winter period. In summer, ice flows from the pipes. Therefore, a device that heats water is the only way out of this situation. But just before operation, you need to learn how to turn on the gas column.

There are many types of water heating devices. But in most houses there are still Soviet units, the kindling of which requires certain knowledge. It's hard to turn them on. This is done using manual ignition, which requires maximum effort and care.

Speakers produced in several recent years, have an automatic system and do not require special skills from the person operating them.

How to check traction

The draft is checked in open columns, since all modern units have automatic system security. It, in turn, does not allow the column to be started in the absence of traction. And it can also turn it off if the thrust disappears. But any device can fail, so you should not count on the flawless operation of the automatic column. It is very important to learn how to test yourself. Professionals use a special device when checking. But if it is not available, then it is worth using the old common methods.

  • Remove the front panel, take a small strip of paper and bring it as close to the chimney as possible. If he tightens it, then there is traction.
  • Bring a lit match close to the viewing window. If it will draw in the flame, then this indicates the presence of thrust.

How to fire up a column

Geysers with a closed chamber are easy to start. The situation is more complicated with devices with an open camera. Before you light the column, you must turn on the igniter.

The sequence of work on columns with piezo ignition is as follows:

  • Turn the gas valve and press the manual piezo ignition button.
  • Set the desired water temperature.
  • Make sure there is water in the heat exchanger.

The sequence of work with electronic ignition of the column:

  • Insert batteries into the hole.
  • Open the supply valve hot water.

And also it is necessary to eliminate the air lock (if any). To do this, you need to ignite the gas column several times in a row. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations and not allow the device to overheat.

Manual ignition method

This method of ignition is only available on old-style geysers. AT modern models it is not used. Manual ignition of the column is done with matches. But first, the following manipulations are done:

  • Turn the water tap connected to the column to its working position.
  • Unscrew the valve responsible for the flow of fuel into the igniter.
  • Ignite the wick with a lit match.
  • Start the main gas supply valve.

The disadvantage of such a column is that it is very difficult to use. There will be hot water only if it is lit by a person who knows how to do it right.

With a piezo ignition

Piezo ignition speakers can be called semi-automatic. To ignite the wick located in the combustion chamber, simply press the button. As a result, a spark is created, which helps the filter to catch fire. But this ignition method requires certain conditions to be met:

  • First turn on the main fuel regulator, and only then ignite the main burner.
  • Even if the regulator is returned to starting position and turning off the water, the filter will continue to burn.

The disadvantage of such a system is the significant use of fuel. The most popular models of gas water heaters using piezo ignition are Bosch WR 10–2 P miniMAXX-2, Nevalux 5111, Junkers WR 10–2 P.

Automatic method

Such an ignition system is suitable for beginners who are afraid to ignite a gas column on their own. After all auto mode allows you to do everything safely and easily. Modern manufacturers use the Hydropower system, which makes it easy to start the device.

The Bosh Therm 2000 O model, when water pressure is received, activates the turbine. It is responsible for the automatic start of the fuse system - the wick and the main burner.

The Bosh Therm 2000 O and Bosh Therm 4000 O models work with batteries. But they periodically require replacement.

The Bosch AM1E model is made with a built-in digital panel showing all alleged wrong actions.

But in such convenient system there is a significant downside. Low water pressure negatively affects normal functioning turbines. This leads to frequent breakdowns.

Column Handling Precautions

Before proceeding with the launch of any equipment, you should carefully read the operating instructions. This also applies to the gas column. Basically, they work on the same principle, but the following security measures should be applied to all of them:

  • Regular maintenance and cleaning. This will result in safe operation.
  • To do the cleaning correctly, you need to find a specific section on this topic in the instructions for the unit.
  • Monitor the heating of the heat exchanger.
  • Periodically check flue outlets. Make sure they don't get dirty.
  • If you notice any irregularities in the work - immediately call the gas service.

In no case should you repair the damage yourself.

Video: How to light a geyser

Operation of flow gas water heaters has its own characteristics. In order for the device to serve flawlessly in your home for as long as possible, during use, you must adhere to certain rules. Your safety also depends on this. Target this material- suggest how to properly use the gas water heater, depending on its type.

Terms of use

Any gas-using installation is a priori considered a source of increased danger, and flow systems are no exception. gas heaters. For this reason, they are subject to all rules for the treatment of household gas equipment. So, if there is a smell of gas in the room, then:

  • immediately turn off the tap installed in front of the equipment;
  • open windows for ventilation;
  • do not use electrical appliances, do not turn on (or turn off) the light, do not smoke;
  • call the gas service.

Usually, the rules for using a gas column are set out in the operating instructions that are attached to it. We will cite them again, since compliance with these rules is the key to the safety of all people living in a house or apartment. This is especially true for those homeowners in whose homes chimney-type water heaters are installed:

  • only a specialized organization that has the appropriate permissions has the right to install and connect the device. The project documentation approved by the fuel supplier is considered the basis for the performance of work;
  • start prohibited heater when there is no draft in the chimney;
  • do not turn on or adjust the column without reading the operating instructions;
  • in the room where the unit is located, it is necessary to ensure the flow of fresh air;
  • changes to the design are not allowed;
  • while the heater is in operation, avoid touching front panel near the viewing gap and open parts of the chimney.

Now about how to extend the life of your water heater. The heat exchanger is one of the most expensive elements of the installation, on the surface of which scale forms when the hot surface comes into contact with running water. Based on this, using the column correctly means protecting the heat exchanger from scale by all available means.

You should not set the maximum heating temperature, in most devices it is 70 ºС, and the minimum is 30 ºС. For example, the instruction for the unit Russian production NEVALUX states that the optimal working temperature- this is 45-50 ºС. In this case, it is recommended to limit the flow through the column using a special control valve. The goal is simple: to reduce sudden pressure drops in the device when opening taps of various consumers.

It is risky to constantly use a geyser with water whose hardness is above average. The magnesium and calcium salts contained in such water will very quickly create scale in the heat exchanger. This will lead to at least a deterioration in its operation, and even to the failure of the element. Of course, it is easy to give advice to purify water, but the process of desalination is a very expensive pleasure. You will need to purchase the appropriate equipment and constantly purchase consumable reagents for it.

The device is best turned on at the minimum heating temperature and do not use mixers to obtain warm water from the tap. The bottom line is to prevent a strong heating of the heat exchanger, when salts are deposited very intensively.

How to check gas column draft

Since a chimney and good draft are needed for units with an open combustion chamber, we will talk about them. Turbocharged water heaters push out the products of combustion forcibly and do not need a classic chimney. I must say that all modern atmospheric columns are equipped with safety automatics that do not allow the device to be started in the absence of traction or turn off the gas supply when it disappears during operation.

In general, to check the draft, you need a special measuring device, which is used by professional stove-makers. They allow not only to determine the presence of air movement in the pipe, but also to calculate the traction force. It is clear that the average layman does not have any devices, the arsenal of verification is limited in two ways:

  • having removed the horizontal section of the chimney from the entrance to the mine, stick strips of paper to the wall above the opening. If the shaft works well, then the strips will be pulled inward;
  • to check the draft of the gas column without any disassembly, you need to light a match or stick and holding it in a vertical position, bring it to the viewing window on the front panel. The flame should noticeably deviate towards the gap;

Important. Very often the chimney is in perfect order, but there is no draft due to the fact that the supply air is blocked from entering the room. This can be easily verified by opening a window during the test. A positive result will indicate to you that the room needs to be ventilated.

How to turn on the column

Let's make a reservation right away that it is not difficult to turn on a gas water heater with a closed chamber and automatic ignition. But there is a rule that is important for heaters of all types at the first start: the heat exchanger must be filled with water. So you need to open water faucet before and after the machine, and then flush the water a little in the kitchen or elsewhere. After that, the gas valve opens and the turbocharged unit is connected to the power grid. Then she will do everything herself, you just need to adjust the temperature.

Another thing is a heater with an open chamber. In this case, in order to ignite the column, you must first turn on the igniter. To do this, open the gas supply valve and press the manual piezo ignition button, the wick is ignited by a spark. Further, the desired water temperature is set with the regulators or buttons, while the igniter remains lit. As soon as a hot water tap is opened somewhere, the main burner will start from it.

If the automatic ignition system from batteries is enabled in the device, then the start-up algorithm is as follows:

  • insert the batteries into the compartment;
  • open the gas cock;
  • open the water valves;
  • unscrew the nearest hot water tap a few turns and thereby ignite the main burner. The intermediary is the igniter, which is switched on only during the start-up of the burner.

When starting for the first time or after a long break in gas pipe at the entrance to the device is formed airlock. You can remove it by repeating the ignition operation several times.


Using a modern geyser, especially a turbocharged one, is not difficult at all. The main thing is to follow the safety rules and treat the device with care, avoiding overheating of the heat exchanger.

The use of flow geysers has certain features.

Therefore, for the trouble-free service of such a device, it is worth following the rules for its use. Safety also depends on this.

Fundamental rules

First of all, you need to remember that any devices that use gas have elevated level danger.

The same applies to operation. Therefore, they are subject to similar with other household gas appliances handling rules.

So, if you suddenly smell gas:

  1. You must immediately turn off the gas supply.
  2. In order to quickly reduce the concentration of gas, it is necessary to open the windows and ventilate the room.
  3. Until the house / apartment is completely ventilated, you can not use any electrical appliances or light a fire.
  4. After that, you need to call the gas service.

It is important to know: to carry out installation, as well as connection or can only certified specialists, according to the design documentation approved by the gas industry.

Most often, the user manual comes with the device itself. So, if you have an open-type geyser installed, then:

  1. Do not start a fire in the burner and use it in the event of a reverse draft in the chimney or no such at all.
  2. Without having previously studied the instructions, it is forbidden to turn on the device or set fire to the gas using the “scientific poke” method.
  3. In the room where such a unit was installed, there must be a constant flow of air.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to make any changes to the design of the gas column.
  5. To prevent burns, avoid touching the parts of the front panel located next to the viewing slot, as well as the elements of the chimney.

Note: it is better to turn on an open-type geyser at a low heating power and at the same time do not use mixers to produce hot water. The reason is that in the case of a strong heating of the heat exchanger, an intensive process of salt deposition occurs.

Traction test

AT this case we are talking about options for gas water heaters with open chamber combustion.

It is also worth noting that modern options atmospheric speakers often already have automatic security systems (most Astra, Bosh and Vaillant models). They do not allow the launch of the column in the absence of traction, and also turn it off if it disappears during operation.

However, relying on the fact that automation will give you a 100% security guarantee is also not worth it. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to carry out a traction test yourself. For this, professionals use special measuring devices that evaluate the presence and strength of air movement (traction).

But common man It is unlikely that such devices can be found at home. Therefore, the usual "grandfather" methods are used:

  1. The first method assumes that you need to remove front part device and, taking a small strip of paper, bring it to the chimney. If there is traction, then the paper will be pulled inward a little.
  2. The second option is simpler and does not require any manipulations with the device itself. It will be enough to light a match, and then bring it directly to the viewing window, which is located on the front panel. In the event that the flame is drawn into it, this will mean the presence of thrust.

Good to know: fairly common situations when the chimney is working properly, but there is no draft. This may be due to the fact that there is no air flow into the room, which is why there is no draft (air movement). To check this, you can close the windows and doors during normal operation of the chimney and check the draft.

How to turn it on

First of all, it should be noted that device options that have closed cell or an automatic ignition system, it is very easy to start.

The situation is different with models that have an open camera. The reason is that in order to properly ignite the column, you must first turn on the igniter.

To do this, open the gas valve and press the manual piezo ignition button, after which the wick is ignited. Then, using the regulator, set required level temperature.

Note: when starting any model, there must be water in the heat exchanger. Therefore, you must not forget to turn on the water before starting the column.

In the case of a device with an automatic ignition system, the steps should be as follows:

  1. First, you need to insert the batteries into the compartment.
  2. Then open the gas cock.
  3. Now the hot tap opens, due to which the burner will ignite itself. In this case, the igniter will act as an intermediary, which is turned on only for the time the gas burner is started.

There are cases when, after the first start-up or a long break in operation, a so-called air lock may form in the gas turbine. It can be eliminated without problems by carrying out the ignition procedure several times in a row.

Using modern gas water heaters is by and large not difficult. The most important thing is to constantly observe all the safety rules indicated here, as well as to prevent excessive heating of the heat exchanger.

Watch a detailed video instruction on how to properly ignite an open-type gas column:

Technique from Italian manufacturer Ariston has long been recognized by consumers due to the high-quality assembly of devices and their long service life. It should also be noted the affordability of devices, which is ensured by their assembly in China. A productive geyser Ariston is developed using a special technology, due to which it is fully adapted to Russian conditions, in particular, operation at a low level of water pressure, voltage drops in the network, etc.

Equipment Features

Ariston geysers are compact in size, traditional style and simple design features. In the process of manufacturing units, European technology is used, providing high level instrument safety. These qualities are manifested in full compliance with the operating rules recommended by the manufacturer.

All modifications presented on the official website are equipped with several security systems:

These elements provide the maximum level of safety for the use of Ariston gas water heaters when emergency situations in a centralized water supply, gas supply system.

From the Ariston factory, the equipment is delivered with test settings for the main functions, which are based on standard operating modes. Therefore, before commissioning, the geyser must be configured taking into account the recommendations specified in the operating instructions. This is necessary in order for the unit to function properly under the condition of insufficient gas pressure or surges in water pressure.

Before starting, it is necessary to properly adjust the unit, only in this way it can ensure an uninterrupted supply of hot water.

Therefore, if there is uncertainty in their capabilities, it is better to contact a specialist from the service center.

VIDEO: Rules for installing gas water heaters

Advantages and disadvantages

Based on the statistics of user reviews, a list of pluses and minuses of Ariston gas water heaters was formed. Among the advantages, the following should be highlighted:

  • water heaters can be adjusted depending on different conditions operation;
  • during operation, the device does not make loud noise, even during ignition, the characteristic sound is reproduced at a minimum volume;
  • quality assembly is ensured through the use of modern technologies in accordance with European standards;
  • all units have a classic attractive design, which is in perfect harmony with any interior style;
  • thanks to the copper heat exchanger, the resource of the device reaches 10-13 years.

Despite the fairly large popularity of the company, Ariston brand equipment also has negative sides:

  • with a sharp decrease in water pressure, an emergency shutdown of the gas column occurs, which is considered a big minus for residents multi-storey buildings;
  • in the event of a breakdown of functioning components, it will be easier to purchase a new column than to buy spare parts for high price, since the parts for the devices of this company are very expensive;
  • distrust is caused by the length of the operational life of components, since the equipment is assembled in China.

During the selection process, the most the best option should be guided by personal preferences and criteria for technical specifications and also take into account the budget for the acquisition. When buying budget versions up to 10,000 rubles, you should not count on the durability of equipment. The fact is that protective systems and individual safety blocks are mounted in units from a higher price range.

Rating of the best models of geysers Ariston

There are several gas water heaters that have gained great popularity among Russian consumers. Of everything model range users select the following devices.

Ariston fast Evo

The version has a capacity of 19 and 24 kW. With this indicator, it produces 11-14 l / min. hot water. This model belongs to a series of automatic geysers equipped with electric ignition and two batteries, in fact, from which the igniter receives voltage for the spark.


The Ariston fast Evo geyser is equipped with a flame modulation device. This element contributes to maintaining the temperature regime of the water at the outlet, even with a change in pressure in plumbing system. The control panel has a temperature controller that allows you to set desired mode heating. The maximum temperature is 60°C.

Models with the prefix "C" have a digital LCD screen, which displays the entire the necessary information about the chosen program. But here it should be borne in mind that the temperature indicators displayed on the display determine the value installed program, not to produced water.

Also, if a problem is detected or the wrong mode is set, the corresponding error code will be displayed on the screen. You can decipher the symbolism using the instruction manual.

  • Ariston fast Evo user manual

Ariston Marco Polo Gi-7S

The unit is equipped with a turbocharged system, so its design does not provide for the presence of a chimney element. The productivity of the series is 11 l/min. with a power of 19.8 kW.

Marco Polo Gi7S 11L FFI NG

To mount Ariston Marco Polo Gi-7S, you need to create through hole in the wall and install an exhaust pipe into it. It is also allowed to mount this part in a window.

Such installation should only be carried out with the permission of the gas inspection. Otherwise, you can get a large fine.

  • Ariston Marco Polo Gi-7S User Manual

Ariston Marco Polo Gi 7S 11-L FFl

This option has a closed combustion chamber and is characterized by an increased maximum power indicator - 22 kW. Fuel consumption does not exceed 2.2 cubic meters. m/h

The heat exchanger of the unit is made of copper material, it has 10 nozzles. The mass of the device is 12.5 kg, so it is very important that during installation, first of all, check the wall for strength.

Marco Polo Gi 7S 11-L FFl

The device is made in a modern style. A fairly compact device with dimensions of 563x350x130 mm will perfectly harmonize with such an interior design as a loft, minimalism, as it has a metallic color and a black control panel.

  • Ariston Marco Polo Gi 7S 11-L FFl User Manual

Faults and solutions

If the column stops working, first make sure that all communications are connected correctly, there is enough pressure in the system (all this is indicated in the instructions). Often users invite masters, pay for expensive calls, but there really is no problem - just open the instructions and read them carefully. However, faults still occur. Let's describe them and give ways to eliminate them.

  1. When the tap is opened, the appliance does not start.

The reason may be:

  • insufficient water pressure;
  • membrane wear;
  • discharged electric ignition batteries;
  • failure of the control unit;
  • servo failure.
  1. Overheating shutdown mechanism

The reason, most likely, lies in the weak pressure of water or in its retention in the heat exchanger - the ducts are clogged, due to which water cannot pass from the column to the water dispensing point. Immediately you need to clean all the connecting nodes. A large layer of scale, which is regularly disposed of, will also delay the pressure.

  1. The water does not heat up to the set temperatures. If the pressure is good, but the temperature is insufficient, and the flame protrudes beyond the radiator, the reason is the heat exchanger clogged with soot.

If the flame is small blue color, the water is hot at first, and then it gets colder, you need to change the membrane.

  1. If the column turns on, works stably, and after a few minutes it goes out, and this repeats constantly, the problems are in a clogged or improperly removed chimney.

When it goes out immediately after turning it on, the reason may lie in the breakdown of the ionization sensor or dead batteries.

  1. Mini explosion when turned on - strong bang

This happens because gas is pre-filled into the chamber, and it detonates when turned on. The reason may be a failure of the servomotor, a breakdown solenoid valve or contamination of the igniter, if the column is equipped with an ignition wick.

VIDEO: Chimney error - how to fix


All of the above modifications were selected based on feedback from customers and specialists from repair services. Each option has a high degree of reliability, safety and is approximately in the same price range.

Since the advantages of gas water heaters a large number of, we can safely say that they all function well under the condition correct installation and operation. Most of the problems that owners indicate can be fixed by simply replacing the batteries or cleaning the chimney.

If the device is operated in a region with hard water, an additional filter must be installed. As a result, the user will prevent the rapid formation of a scale layer that reduces the life of the heat exchanger and all equipment.

VIDEO: How to clean the flow sensor

A liter of water heated with a geyser will cost you less than the same liter of hot water from a centralized water supply or a liter of water from an electric heater.

The geyser is compact and efficient in operation. Unlike a boiler, it will not take her an hour to heat the required volume of water.

If you only have cold water, then with a geyser you will always be provided hot water without any problems. The current models of geysers are completely safe and easy to use, durable and also have a variety of designs.

The gas column does not have any serious shortcomings. But it should be noted that in order to install it, you will have to collect a certain package of documents and obtain special permission.

Choice of geyser

When choosing a gas column for your house or apartment, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

    Geyser performance

    Ignition type

    System type

    Method for removing combustion products

    Safety of use

    Additional functions.

All these parameters are described in detail in our article. In addition, this article discusses different manufacturers geysers and other useful recommendations.

Installation of a geyser

The geyser can be installed on or in other non-residential premises. The height of the ceiling in the room must be at least 2 m. In addition, the room must be well ventilated. In no case should the gas column be installed above. Detailed Instructions you can find on the installation of a gas column in the article.

After you have installed the geyser, let's try to turn it on. Open the valve that turns on the gas supply to the column. Then open the tap to supply water to the column. The next step is to turn on or ignite the column. There are 3 options for how to light a gas column.

    Manual ignition. This way of turning on the gas column is now rare. To do this, bring a match and light the wick and immediately turn the gas supply valve. The system is simple, but not very safe, so manufacturers no longer produce speakers with such a connection system.

    The next most common option is piezo ignition. You just need to press the button and the piezoelectric element will produce a suit that will set fire to the wick automatically.

    Some manufacturers have begun to produce gas water heaters with a fully automatic burner start system. A special turbine is installed in the column, which begins to work under the influence of a stream of water. Thus, it is completely excluded manual activation. But there is one significant drawback. In many homes, water is supplied at a sufficiently low pressure and this is not enough for the operation of the turbine. Pay attention to this when choosing a gas column for your home.
