Brands of built-in kitchen appliances. Built-in appliances for the kitchen: manufacturers, advantages, choice. How to choose the best set: mini or maxi equipment

Built-in appliances have long ceased to be a luxury item, and today they are only practical and ergonomic equipment that can be easily placed in the kitchen, depending on the needs and desires. But before acquiring the functionality necessary for the kitchen, it is worth considering whether it is really worth spending money on built-in appliances or opting for the classic version.

To begin with, consider the advantages and disadvantages of the built-in kitchen.

First, embed appliances in kitchen furniture now fashion trend, while monolithic models of stoves, refrigerators, microwave ovens and other equipment are a thing of the past. And most importantly, built-in appliances take up less space than monolithic ones and will especially appeal to owners of small kitchens.

But embedded technology also has several disadvantages.:

  1. Often, such a technique is fully integrated into the kitchen furniture, and when replacing any built-in appliance, it may be necessary to change part, and sometimes even all, of the furniture set, which implies unnecessary hassle and costs.
  2. Those who like to change the arrangement of furniture, including in the kitchen, will face the problem of rearranging cabinets and cabinets in which a set of appliances is built.
  3. And most importantly, such a technique is much more expensive than analogues made in a monolithic version.

After weighing all the pros and cons of built-in appliances, and deciding to purchase this particular type of equipment, it is very important to know how to choose built-in appliances for the kitchen among all the variety presented.

Built-in hob: selection rules (video)

Modern built-in appliances for the kitchen: how to choose

The most important point when purchasing built-in appliances is that the decision on the selection of equipment occurs at the very beginning of the design and interior planning stage, before choosing kitchen furniture.

What to consider when choosing:

  1. Required minimum. First you need to decide on the set of functionality that should be present in your kitchen. It is important to remember that it is recommended to choose a set of built-in appliances based on your needs. For example, a dishwasher or a large hob with six burners will be useful for numerous families, especially with children, and a complete waste for convinced singles. The latter can simply refuse to purchase a dishwasher, and choose a hob with a smaller number of burners.
  2. Financial opportunities. An important thing when buying built-in appliances is the limit of the amount of money that is planned for spending on acquiring the desired functionality for the kitchen. Before going to specialized stores, it is important to calculate how much you can spend on equipment and try not to go beyond the designated limits. In any store, sales assistants are interested in selling the most expensive equipment as possible, so they will offer the most “fancy” models that are not always better than their counterparts with less functionality.

It is not worth overpaying if the model of embedded technology is more expensive only because of the functions that will not be used.

Guided by the above rules when choosing, the purchased built-in appliances will create a comfortable working atmosphere in your kitchen.

A set of built-in appliances for the kitchen: what is included in it

Today, most types of large and small household appliances can be built into kitchen furniture.

Types of embedded technology:

  1. Fridge. The most popular sets of built-in appliances for the kitchen most often include a two-chamber refrigerator with a freezer, but this is not the only option. For small families, a small single-chamber refrigerator with or without a freezer is suitable. It is also possible to place a small freezer separately from a single-chamber refrigerator.
  2. Hob and oven. There are two types of hob and oven installation included in the kits kitchen appliances. The first is dependent, when the hob is built right above the oven, and both of them have general management. The second type is independent, while the oven can be located at any convenient level and place, and each appliance has its own control. In the latter version, the hob and oven can be operated from different sources. For example, even if the kitchen has gas supply, you can purchase electric oven, which has more precise temperature control than a gas oven.
  3. Hood. The set of built-in appliances for the kitchen can include an extractor hood of 2 types of operation: with air extraction or air filtration. Extractor hoods deliver polluted air to ventilation, where it subsequently leaves the kitchen. Hoods, working on the principle of air recirculation, purify the air themselves with the help of filter elements and return it back to the room. The efficiency of the hood directly depends on its size. The optimal width should be equal to the width of the hob.
  4. Dishwasher. Dishwashers can be selected in different sizes - the maximum number of sets of dishes that can be loaded at a time. The kit can include various options: from 4, the smallest, to 17 sets - large-sized machines that take up a lot of space. Most convenient dishwasher located near the sink, but there is no strictly installation place for it, it all depends on the size of the hose for draining dirty water.

There are also a variety of small appliances. coffee machines, microwaves, steamers and other small household appliances can also be included in the selected set and placed in wall cabinets or a common column. To save even more space, you can choose the two-in-one technique.

Built-in refrigerator (video review)

Good appliances for the kitchen: which manufacturer to choose

On the modern market presented a wide range of built-in appliances for the kitchen, and not many people know how to choose the manufacturer of this product.

Let's introduce some of the most well-known companies in the production of built-in appliances.:

  1. Siemens(Siemens) is a German multinational concern engaged, among other things, in the production of embedded appliances.
  2. Electrolux(Electrolux) is a Swedish company that is one of the world's leading manufacturers of kitchen appliances.
  3. Krona(Krona) is a German trademark, by order of which Italian factories produce sets of reliable and high-quality household appliances.
  4. Gorenje(Burning) is a manufacturer of household appliances from Slovenia, which is gaining popularity today due to the high quality of its products.
  5. Kuppersberg(Kupersberg) is another German manufacturer of household appliances, well-known in our country.
  6. Ariston(Ariston) - the property of the Italian company Indesit, one of the most largest manufacturers appliances for the kitchen in Europe.

Which brand of equipment is preferable for a particular buyer - everyone decides for himself. Time-tested equipment from world manufacturers, confidently occupying their positions, can rarely disappoint.

Rating of household appliances for the kitchen

As part of a market research study, a home appliance company conducted a survey on customer satisfaction with the most commonly used household appliances for kitchen.

According to the survey, Samsung became the leader among refrigerator manufacturers, gaining slightly less than half of the votes. The most popular among all dishwashers were machines for the kitchen trade Bosch brands, Indesit and Hansa. best reviews Hobs and ovens from the manufacturer Gefest were awarded to consumers. A little less positive feedback equipment from Darina and Gorenje.

This study was carried out to select foreign and national companies whose product is in the highest demand due to quality, reliability and convenience. As a result, a lot of both positive and negative feedback about household appliances of various manufacturers.

Kitchen appliances: reviews

Svetlana T.:

For more than 10 years, a Samsung refrigerator has been in our kitchen. It became an excellent replacement for our old "Minsk-15" and since then it has never been capricious or broken. It freezes well, for winter we fill the freezer with meat, poultry, so it fits a lot and there is still room. Of course, now you can choose a brand new model with various functions"know-frost" and something else, but our refrigerator is still working and working. So we'll use it.

Roman Grozdev:

About a year ago I bought a dishwasher as a gift for my wife. I chose the most advertised manufacturer - Bosch, and did not lose. Washes qualitatively, does not make noise, and it is convenient to load dishes. My wife is overjoyed, and I don't need more.

How to choose the right built-in appliances for the kitchen: tips (video)

As can be seen from the above information, the choice of technology must be approached meaningfully. Good luck with your choice! Let your kitchen be comfortable and functional.

Built-in appliances in the kitchen are a fairly common solution that saves room space. When choosing equipment that will be integrated into the design of the room, it is important to know what criteria you should focus on. This article will tell not only about the varieties of embedded technology, but also point out its advantages and features. The most popular models of specific equipment and their cost will also be considered.

More recently, appliances integrated into kitchen furniture were considered a luxury item. However, today this option has become widespread. The main advantage of built-in appliances is that it is practical and occupies a minimum area of ​​​​the room.

Installing a kitchen set with built-in appliances also reduces the cost of electrical energy. Furniture for individual functional elements, as a rule, is selected individually. The arrangement of devices inside the cabinets provides sound insulation, which is an important advantage.

Installation of equipment is carried out not only taking into account usable space particular cuisine. During installation, the personal wishes of the owners are also taken into account. In sum, this provides the necessary functionality and comfort. Another advantage of this technique is the ease of installation. It is also worth noting the presentable appearance of the built-in elements.

Integrated electrical and gas appliances also have some disadvantages. First of all, they have a higher cost compared to conventional devices.

Note! When choosing a set of equipment, it is recommended to pre-order a headset for it. Installation of built-in devices in finished furniture is often impossible, since its dimensions may differ from those required.

Before installing embedded technology, you will need to discuss the various nuances of the process with a specialist more than once. Because of this, more time is spent than in the case of the installation of conventional devices.

Integrated appliances are location dependent. Therefore, their rearrangement is impossible. Carrying out repairs of built-in household appliances requires the intervention of only qualified specialists. It is not recommended to repair the failed elements on your own.

What is included in the set of built-in kitchen appliances

In the kitchen set, you can integrate many large and small appliances. Of course, there is a technique that is necessary for any kitchen space. It includes the following positions:

Fridge. This freezer is necessary element any kitchen. The most popular built-in refrigerators today are two-chamber. However, installing a device with such characteristics is not always justified. For example, single-chamber refrigerators equipped with a freezer may be suitable for small families. If necessary, the latter can be installed separately.

Cooking hob and oven. In the case of integrated technology, there are two options for mounting these devices: dependent and free. The first of them takes into account the overall design of the hob and oven, which are controlled using a common panel.

In turn, the free arrangement of these cooking elements allows them to be positioned independently of each other. Thus, the hob and oven can be connected to different power sources. For example, a cooking surface can be connected to gas pipe, and the oven to a conventional outlet, as electronic options have more precise temperature control.

Hood. A set of built-in appliances for the kitchen, as a rule, includes this device. Today, there are two types of integrated hoods, which differ in the principle of operation: equipped with a tap and filtering. In the first case, the device collects polluted air and facilitates its removal through the ventilation pipe.

Filtering devices are also called recirculation. Such hoods are equipped with special filters, thanks to which polluted air is purified. After this procedure, he returns to the kitchen.

Useful information! It is important to remember that the efficiency of any exhaust device depends on its area. Experts recommend choosing devices of the same size as the dimensions of the hob. This will achieve maximum efficiency air purification.

A photo interesting options built-in kitchen. Advantages and disadvantages of furniture. Correct equipment and style of the room.

Before you buy a built-in 60 cm kitchen hood, you must also decide on its future location. The recommended height of the location of such a device ranges from 75 to 85 cm (from the hob).

Note! The popularity of the 60 cm hood is due to the fact that this width is ideal for most stoves. The installation of a narrower device is undesirable, since its efficiency will not be enough for normal air purification.

Another important parameter when choosing a hood model is the noise level that it emits during operation. If the kitchen is not combined with the living room, then an excellent option would be to install the device up to 50 dB.

Rating of built-in kitchen hoods 60 cm

The range of built-in hoods is incredibly wide. There are many varieties of such equipment on the home appliance market, which differ in size, technical characteristics and brand. Consider which air purifiers are the most popular:

  • ELIKOR Integra 60;
  • Weissgauff TEL 06 BL;
  • Kronasteel Kamilla 1M 600.

ELIKOR Integra 60. Such a device includes a retractable panel and is notable for its good efficiency. This model is produced in Italy and is an excellent budget option for installation on small kitchen. It has a fairly low noise level (up to 55 dB at 2 speeds).

And also such an extract can function in two modes: exhausting air outside the room and recirculating. ELIKOR Integra 60 is an excellent example of built-in household appliances for the kitchen. The price of such an exhaust device is the smallest among popular representatives - only 3200 rubles.

Weissgauff TEL 06 BL. This hood is suitable when you want to buy built-in appliances for the kitchen with a small supply of usable space. This is due to the fact that this device is the quietest of all. The maximum noise level that this model produces during operation is only 46 dB. Therefore, in conditions of limited space, it will not create discomfort for the owners.

Like the previous model, such a device is capable of operating in two modes: exhaust and recirculation. It has 3 speeds and is equipped with a special indicator that monitors the level of contamination of the grease filter. You can buy this device for a relatively small price - 6900 rubles.

Kronasteel Kamilla 1M 600. For the installation of such a hood, a special cabinet is required, the dimensions of which must correspond to the dimensions of the device. This model includes a special valve. It performs a very important function - it does not allow polluted air to penetrate back into the room.

Note! Built-in kitchen hood 60 cm Kronasteel Kamilla 1M 600 has the best value for money.

It can run at different speeds total number which is equal to three. Experts advise buying such a device for installation on small kitchens, as it has very compact motors. This device is controlled mechanically. The price of Kronasteel Kamilla 1M 600 is approximately 4700 rubles.

There is another popular brand that often ranks high in the integrated kitchen appliances ranking - KRONA. This company manufactures budget models of hoods. Devices from this manufacturer are presentable appearance and high efficiency. They can function both for removal and processing of polluted air. The cost of built-in hoods for the KRONA kitchen 60 cm ranges from 3900 to 4900 rubles.

Features of the built-in kitchen hood 50 cm

Exhaust devices that have this width differ in some features. Often, such devices are integrated into the base of wall cabinets and purify the air using carbon or other filters. Such elements can be located inside the structure or outside. And they are also able to divert air into the ventilation duct.

Built-in kitchen hoods 50 cm, equipped with filters, require some care. Cleaning elements need to be cleaned from time to time and, if necessary, replaced with new ones.

Models of this width, functioning on the tap, are recommended to be installed in spacious rooms. This is because the disguise ventilation duct Requires an overall kitchen set.

It is possible to purchase a mixed hood model. But often a device operating in one mode is enough. The main thing is to determine the required type of device for a particular case. The main advantage of devices with a width of 50 cm is their compactness. Hoods with such a width can be placed in almost any hinged niche.

You can buy a built-in hood for the kitchen in any specialized store. It is also possible to order such a device via the Internet.

Built-in kitchen hood 90 cm: pros and cons

When choosing a device whose width is 90 cm, you need to take into account some of the nuances. First of all, you need to make sure that the device will not occupy an area intended for other purposes. Dimensional hoods, like others, are mounted in wall cabinets.

A kitchen with a built-in hood should have enough space for various utensils. If the dimensions of the headset do not allow the air channel to be placed in it, then it is recommended to choose a device that operates in the recirculation mode.

Consider the main advantages of installing a hood that has a width of 90 cm:

  • high efficiency (due to area);
  • low noise level during operation;
  • variety of shapes and colors.

It is also worth noting that the price of such devices does not differ much from the cost of small-sized models. However, 90 cm hoods are bought much less frequently than smaller appliances. This is due to the fact that such a width does not always allow the device to be ergonomically integrated into kitchen furniture. Most modern headsets do not have the ability to accommodate such a device.

Useful information! If you still decide to purchase a 90 cm hood, then experts advise you to opt for a retractable version of the device.

To maintain harmony, the parameters of the hob must be the same, which is often not advisable. This is especially true for small-sized standard kitchens in multi-storey buildings.

Tips for choosing an oven: dimensions and other parameters

Before buying an oven and hob, you need to decide on their location in the room. It is also desirable to immediately select the type of device. The most popular today are independent devices ( and ). The price of a gas stove and one that operates on electricity can together vary from 25 to 55 thousand rubles.

Today on sale you can find two types of ovens:

  • gas;
  • electrical.

Gas-powered devices are cheaper, but in this case you should not save. Experts advise buying electric ovens because they have many benefits. The main one is temperature accuracy. It is also worth mentioning that electrical devices contribute to uniform heating of the inner surface. In its turn, gas models do not have the ability to fine-tune the operating parameters.

When choosing an oven, you also need to pay attention to its dimensions, front surface design and door opening option. The sizes of built-in ovens can be both standard and peculiar. The most common way to open the door is hinged. But devices equipped with a retractable system are considered much more convenient. In this case, the baking sheet also leaves the inner chamber, which eliminates the possibility of getting burned when removing food.

Note! It is important to remember that the temperature of the front surface during the operation of the oven must not exceed 40 °C.

In terms of design, there are many options for ovens. For rooms made in classical style, it is recommended to purchase devices with a transparent front panel. The modern interior will be decorated with ovens that have black or metallic colors. However, first of all, you need to decide how to build in the oven, at what height, etc.

Dimensions of built-in ovens

The selection of the dimensions of the oven depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen, as well as the size of the furniture into which it will be built. Among the most important geometric indicators of this device are:

  • depth;
  • width;
  • height.

The standard depth range of this technique varies from 55 to 60 cm. If desired, more compact models can be purchased (for example, an oven with a depth of 45 cm).

The standard indicators for the width and height of ovens are 60 cm. For small rooms that need to save usable space, it is recommended to buy devices with a height of 45 cm. This rule also suitable in cases where the kitchen set does not allow placing an oven of standard dimensions. The same applies to the width of the products.

The internal volume of ovens varies from 35 to 65 liters. Experts advise to draw up a project in advance, taking into account the location of kitchen furniture and all necessary equipment. An oven, the dimensions of which are included in the standard size range, is much cheaper. And also it is worth paying attention to additional functions. The most useful of them is self-cleaning. The internal chambers of such devices do not need to be washed.

Before installing the built-in oven, you need to decide on what level it will be located. The recommended distance from the floor to the device is 40-80 cm.

How to choose a hob for the kitchen

The hob, like the oven, is one of the most important functional elements of a modern kitchen. The convenience of cooking depends on the choice of this device. The home appliance market provides a wide range of gas and electric panels. The cost of the first is on average 9000-15000 rubles. In turn, the price of built-in kitchens is slightly higher - 10,000-20,000 rubles.

Gas models are more common. When choosing them, you need to focus on three main factors:

  • material of manufacture;
  • burner type;
  • design.

According to the material of manufacture, all cooking stoves operating on gas are divided into several varieties:

Enamel. Such products are reliable and have fairly high strength characteristics. Enameled hobs cost the lowest, so they are great for those who want to save money.

Stainless steel. Built-in gas panels for the kitchen made of this material are wear-resistant and resistant to corrosive influences. By their own performance characteristics they are superior to enameled ones, but they are also a budget product.

Glass ceramics. Durable material, which also has a presentable appearance. The cost of glass ceramic cooking panels is quite high, especially when compared with the previous two types of devices.

Strengthened glass. These panels look great. modern kitchens. High cost and easy to clean. Glass that has been tempered does not require special care and has a long service life.

When choosing a hob, you must also determine the number of burners in advance. The number of these elements should match the needs of the family and take into account the space that can be allocated for cooking. The most popular is the design, which includes 4 burners of different diameters.

Note! It is not recommended to purchase a device equipped with only small burners. Of course, such a stove is very compact, but the process of cooking on it is accompanied by certain difficulties.

To answer the question, which embedded gas panel for the kitchen is better, it is also necessary to study the possible design options for the burners. On sale you can find panels that are equipped with the following types of these elements:

  • with double crown;
  • with a triple crown;
  • solid (Coup de feu).

The first two types differ in the number of fire spreaders that divide the flame into parts. Solid burners are most often used in professional kitchens, as they are quite impressive in size.

As for design, there are many colors of hobs. The most popular are classic white, as well as silver and black models. The hob can become not only a functional device, but also stylish decoration complementing the interior of the kitchen with built-in appliances. Prices for these devices can be easily found in any online store.

Large built-in appliances: built-in refrigerator for the kitchen

The refrigerator is a device that no kitchen can do without. This device is large and quite expensive. When choosing a refrigerator, there are several important factors to consider. Let's consider them in more detail:

Dimensions. This criterion is the main one when choosing a refrigerator. Hardest to pick required dimensions device in the case when the kitchen set has already been ordered. Therefore, experts recommend that when buying a cabinet for built-in appliances of this caliber, take into account in advance. standard height this device is 177-180 cm.

Is one of important elements in the kitchen

Number of doors. Depending on this indicator, the following options for freezing devices are distinguished: single-door and two-door. It is worth noting that the first can be both single-chamber and two-chamber. Before buying built-in household appliances for food storage, you need to find out the dimensions of its doors, as well as the maximum and minimum size of the front (facade).

Energy class. It has only recently begun to pay attention to this parameter. Refrigerators from European brands, as a rule, take into account the minimum consumption of electrical energy and are classified according to this criterion into several types.

Useful information! Experts advise to select devices whose class is not lower than A +. Refrigerators classified as A+++ are considered the most efficient.

Freezer location. This type of camera can have only two placement options: bottom and top. Devices that have a freezer at the bottom are more suitable option for daily use.

Volume. The kitchen looks more modern and presentable. However, devices that need to be integrated into furniture also have some disadvantages. The volume of such devices is lower than that of conventional refrigerators. This indicator is very important and is calculated depending on the needs of a particular family.

Defrosting. A very important parameter, since integrated refrigerators are built into niches made of wood or MDF. These materials quickly deteriorate when exposed to water.

Experts recommend that you carefully consider the type of defrosting. For a refrigerator, it should be drip or, even better, No Frost. The latter option eliminates the formation of ice on the inner walls of the device. In turn, the defrosting of the freezer should occur only using the No Frost technology.

Choosing the size of the refrigerator: standard and unusual solutions

Integrated kitchen appliances in most cases solve the problem of a small area of ​​​​the room. With the right choice, you can place all the necessary devices with the required compactness without sacrificing convenience. The refrigerator is the largest element that can be integrated into a kitchen set. There are several tips to help you choose the right size device.

Before you buy built-in appliances for this type of kitchen, you need to take the dimensions of the corresponding cabinet. Main geometric parameters in this case: depth, width and height. It is especially recommended to pay attention to the depth of occurrence. Often, many owners forget about this parameter and a refrigerator installed in a niche comes forward. It shouldn't be.

After taking the exact dimensions of the cabinet, you can proceed to the selection of a suitable refrigeration device. In addition to height, there are standards for the two remaining parameters. For example, refrigerators with a width of 54-58 cm are most often found on sale. And the standard depth of such devices is 53-55 cm.

Depending on the height, all refrigerators are divided into 3 types:

  • small (about 50 cm);
  • medium (from 50 cm to 1 m);
  • large (from 1 to 2 m).

Small refrigerators have one significant drawback - they do not have a freezer. As a rule, such models are installed in completely small spaces where there is no way to allocate more space for food storage. small refrigerator can also be purchased if you practically do not use the freezer to store food.

Note! For clarity, it is recommended to look at photos of kitchens with built-in appliances and explore possible options for refrigeration devices.

Medium appliances used for food storage are suitable for small families of 2-3 people. Some models from this group can be equipped with a freezer. It is also worth noting that refrigerators of this size are much easier to integrate into a kitchen set than larger devices.

Large models almost all have a freezer. It is much more difficult to choose a furniture set for devices whose height is 2 m. Therefore, it is recommended to pre-select a cabinet of the desired size.

In addition, some large refrigerators can be double-leaf (side-by-side). Experts advise buying such devices in the case when it is not possible to integrate a high model into a kitchen set. Thus, the required amount of internal space increases due to the width.

Of course, the best option is to buy a kitchen with built-in appliances together. This will allow you to get a harmonious wall, equipped with all the necessary large appliances and small appliances.

Small built-in kitchen appliances from BOSCH

One of the best manufacturers, producing both large and small built-in appliances for kitchens, is the German company BOSCH. Small devices are needed to facilitate the cooking process. The features of Bosch built-in appliances are in its high quality and modern design.

Small appliances include the following:

  • microwave;
  • coffee machines;
  • multicookers and steamers;
  • blenders.

Small built-in appliances for Bosch kitchens complements the interior of the room. Microwave ovens from this brand are equipped with glass front facades and they are great for rooms made in a modern style. It is also worth noting that this company produces, as a rule, smart equipment. Microwaves "BOSH" are able to independently calculate the cooking time and other parameters.

As for the size of microwave ovens from this company, they are completely standardized for integration into a kitchen set. Thus, problems with the location of this device should not arise.

The range of Bosch built-in appliances for the kitchen includes other devices that simplify the preparation of food and drinks. If desired, you can order a set of various kitchen appliances that will have a common stylistic design.

Built-in household appliances for the kitchen: summing up

Purchase of built-in home appliances will great choice which will save usable area premises. When choosing such complexes, one should be guided by individual characteristics space, budget and personal preferences. And also it is worth remembering that if necessary, you can always turn to specialists.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


Without a doubt, we can say that the dream of every modern housewife is high-quality appliances built into the kitchen. It can be a dishwasher, washing machine, oven and even a coffee maker. Before you go to the home appliance store, you should figure out which built-in kitchen appliances are best.

Built-in kitchen appliances

Retailers assure that sales of high-tech appliances that are built into furniture are showing rapid growth today. A decade ago, such pleasure was extremely expensive, but the development of consumer lending and the rapidly expanding range of models from device manufacturers contributed to their appearance in the kitchens of a quarter of all Russians. There are several types of built-in kitchen appliances.

Built-in washing machine

Many people are mistaken if they think that the washing machine should only be placed in the bathroom. This is an obvious stereotype, but not unfounded. Not every kitchen has room for such much-needed home appliances. In connection with these facts, built-in washing machines are represented by a small assortment, but devices can be easily bought in online stores or large chain stores.

The functionality of washers sewn into furniture is exactly the same as that of stand-alone ones (with the exception of models with vertical loading, for obvious reasons). The devices can also boast of increased capacity - from eight to twelve kilograms (for comparison - for full-sized ones, a maximum of 8 kg). In Russian stores, built-in washing machines are represented by such companies: BEKO, Bosh, Whirpool, Elextrolux, Zanussi, etc. For example, one of the available models, BEKO WMI 71241, will cost the new owner about 28 thousand rubles.

Built-in dishwasher

This segment of the household appliances market, on the contrary, prevails as devices sewn into the kitchen set (75-85% of the volume). Built-in dishwashers are of two types:

  1. With closed control - the plate panel is displayed on the edge of the furniture door (accessibility only in the open position).
  2. With open control - the panel is located at the top of the door frontally.

Dishwashers can be compact (height - 50 cm, width - 55-60 cm), narrow (height - up to 1 m, width - 40 cm) or standard-sized (height - 90 cm, width - 60-65 cm). Depending on the size, the devices can accommodate different quantity sets of dishes - comp. - 6-7, narrow. - 8-10, but full size. - up to 15 sets. In stores you can find such manufacturing companies: BEKO, Hansa, Indesit, Hotpoint-Ariston, etc. The price for all brands is different, for example, Indesit DIS 1147 is found in stores in the range of 16,000-18,000 rubles.


The most common type of appliances in the kitchen, which occupies a leading position in sales in the market, are built-in ovens. They are presented in a wide range, in different sizes, with a lot of different functionalities (grill, automatic programs, settings for each individual dish, temperature, time, etc.). In connection with this fact, the price of ovens can start from 12 thousand rubles and reach half a million. For 35-45 thousand rubles, you can find an oven with all the necessary functionality of trusted companies (Zanussi, Indesit).


Built-in hobs deserve a separate topic for analysis, which can be either gas (standard or gas on glass) or electric (induction glass-ceramic or classic cast-iron heaters), and less often combined. The width of such devices is often of an international standard - 60 cm, but there are exceptions (elongated versions of 75 or 90 cm). Prices for hobs for the kitchen range from 67 thousand rubles to 150, depending on the type of heat supply, the manufacturer and the materials of manufacture.

coffee machine

Coffee lovers will definitely like this device, but it is worth it. this technique not cheap. Siemens, Smeg, Miele are the leading manufacturers of built-in coffee machines. Some models of the listed brands can prepare coffee either from natural beans or from capsules, and the functionality is also different: adjusting the strength, temperature, quantity, the ability to select different types of hot drink, the presence of self-diagnostics of the device (indication of the emptyness of the water / milk tank, container with waste compressed material, etc.).

Sets of built-in appliances for the kitchen

Sometimes devices mounted in kitchen furniture are sold in whole sets. The most popular option is the oven and hob. main feature- the dependence of the components of the apparatus on each other. For example, the controls for the oven and burners can be located on the same panel - this is very convenient. The biggest plus of sets of built-in appliances for the kitchen is that the price is significantly lower than if everything was bought separately. Minus - if any of the combined devices breaks down (for example, a temperature indicator), it is highly likely that you will have to change everything together.

Rating of built-in kitchen appliances by brand

Due to the abundance of brands and models, it is not easy to determine the best built-in appliances for the kitchen. Separately taken components of this or that manufacturing company are preferred by many people. A lot depends not only on the quality of the parts, but also on the ease of use, the visual component and a number of other criteria.

Consumers highly appreciate the equipment of the German company Miele, but it is also the most expensive. The second place in the rating is occupied by Smeg devices, but they do not differ in low cost either. In a favorable price-quality ratio, buyers single out such companies as Hansa, Zanussi, Indesit. Simpler and cheaper models are found at Bosh and BEKO. By the way, the market is filled not only with large-sized equipment, you can buy many different devices:

  • wine cabinets;
  • microwaves;
  • hoods;
  • sinks;
  • freezers;
  • steamers and more.

How to choose built-in kitchen appliances

Several parameters, thanks to which it will be possible to choose the right equipment for the kitchen:

  1. Quality (assembly, materials) is an important parameter on which the service life of the device will depend.
  2. Ergonomics is a criterion on which ease of use and space saving depend.
  3. Design - depends on the preferences of the buyer.
  4. Stability in operation is a factor that determines the durability of the device.
  5. Price - you can prepare in advance and read several articles and analyzes of the use of embedded technology on the Internet before going to the store.

The price of built-in appliances for the kitchen

The cost of a particular technique depends directly on the manufacturer - its popularity and build quality. It is necessary to consider the price gap not for individual models of a particular device, but in general (considering the leading firms leading the market for electrical appliances for the kitchen). It should be noted that the cost is constantly changing due to the constant updating of the range or the economic situation.

The modern kitchen is crammed with appliances that help to greatly simplify the process of cooking, reduce the time that the hostess is forced to spend near the stove. Only the best household appliances can cope with the task. New generation devices boast a wide range of various functions that greatly simplify work in the kitchen. Various lines are on sale from different manufacturers, the choice of kitchen appliances is often made taking into account its cost. Expert advice will help to equip the described premises, organize workplace so that it is as comfortable and convenient as possible to perform daily household chores.

What technique is better to choose?

The first thing to decide is what the best technique for the kitchen, choose: built-in or stationary. Built-in modules are hidden under the facades of furniture, stationary ones remain in sight. More recently, built-in appliances from European manufacturers were an unattainable luxury, today a lot has changed. Even the most well-known brands of household appliances present collections that can easily compete with manufacturers of cheap products in terms of cost. At the same time, the quality of the manufactured products deserves respect.

The acquisition of the best built-in household appliances has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • This is quite practical and ergonomic equipment.
  • It can be easily placed even in the smallest kitchen.
  • As a rule, the described household appliances for the kitchen have smaller sizes than standard stationary counterparts. This circumstance helps to form a full-fledged multidisciplinary functionality even in a small space.
  • The implementation of the concepts of modern styles is impossible without the use of built-in kitchen appliances. It helps to form a comfortable kitchen space, which can be completed at your discretion, and thereby achieve the desired ergonomics.

But giving preference to such devices, it is important to take into account the disadvantages that they invariably have.

  1. As a rule, manufacturers produce devices that are fully integrated into furniture sets if the kitchen appliances break down, you will have to change not only it, but the entire furniture module, and sometimes the entire set as a whole. And this is extra trouble, extra waste of money.
  2. Anyone who likes to rearrange often in their apartment may encounter a certain problem: it will be impossible to rearrange furniture modules in which built-in appliances were installed.
  3. And finally, the purchase of built-in appliances for the kitchen will cost an order of magnitude more expensive than stationary monolithic models.

After weighing the advantages and disadvantages, it is important first of all to decide for yourself what kind of kitchen appliances you need. It is necessary to decide which manufacturer to choose after the list of necessary equipment is determined, and the estimate itself is precisely verified.

Basic rules for the formation of the basic configuration

Before starting repairs, it is important to correctly plan the location of all household appliances, determine the necessary equipment and budget. There is a basic minimum, it includes appliances that must appear in the kitchen. This is a hob, oven and refrigerator, extractor hood. We enter the name of these items in the first lines, and then we finalize the list with what each family needs specifically. It can be a dishwasher and washing machine, a double boiler and a microwave with a grill function, a cooktop with six burners.

Note! For kitchen equipment, you can use the minimum number of appliances, while not losing functionality. To do this, you need to choose multifunctional household appliances (an oven with a microwave function, for example, a multicooker that can replace several very different devices at once). No need to buy expensive equipment with a large set of additional features. It often happens that all two or three modes are in active use, and the rest have not been used for the entire period of operation of the device.

Today, almost every company that produces household appliances has a line that includes both built-in and stationary devices. The list of high-quality technical innovations is constantly updated with new devices, you can understand which technique is better to choose, guided by the best technical indicators. They are necessarily taken into account when compiling a rating of kitchen appliances. Almost all brands represented in our domestic market offer competitive products. But it differs significantly both in quality and in its external characteristics. Therefore, each buyer formulates the same question: “Which manufacturer can be trusted? Which brand is better to give preference to?

In the first place in it is occupied by the German transnational concern "Siemens". It offers a wide range of various household appliances for the home, among them there are products that can be used for kitchen equipment. This trademark was one of the first to appear on the shelves of specialized stores immediately after the formation of the post-Soviet space, so it has long become "native" for every Russian buyer. The products of the German company consistently demonstrate high quality at an affordable price, the equipment works reliably, well, if something happens to it, a huge network of service centers is able to repair and extend the life of refrigerators, cooking ovens, grill cabinets and other household kitchen appliances.

The second position of the top of the best is occupied by another German brand "Bosch". Using their products helps to forget about half of the usual standard concerns that invariably arise daily in every kitchen. Numerous customer reviews indicate that the use of Bosch appliances helps to enjoy the time spent in the kitchen. Even those who do not like to cook can easily become almost professional chefs, good recipes implemented using built-in appliances can easily compete with restaurant dishes. Therefore, if we have an unlimited cash limit, we invariably choose Bosch appliances. You can talk about its advantages for hours: reliable, multifunctional, easy to perform, durable. Of the shortcomings - only high price. It was she who did not allow the German brand to take the first leading position.

Teka is a Spanish brand. For a hundred years now, its products have been invariably in demand throughout Europe; they have appeared on our domestic market relatively recently. The company specializes in the production of equipment for the kitchen and bathroom. Therefore, the manufacturer offers entire collections of household appliances and faucets, the design of which is developed taking into account the design of household appliances. This circumstance is the main advantage of choosing this manufacturer. Its products do not cause any complaints. Modern design, versatility, reliability, durability - these are the basic requirements that are all implemented in the production of the described products. If you need to choose appliances and mixers in the right style, in the right color, you should take a closer look at this manufacturer.

Zigmund & Shtain should also be included in the rating of manufacturers. It produces classic built-in kitchen appliances that demonstrate a high level of practicality. With it, you can cook not only for the family, but also for a large number of guests called to festive events. Cooking in the house after installing such appliances will become a holiday, so you can safely flip through the catalogs and choose something suitable for yourself if the money limit is not limited by anything.

Gorenje is a Slovenian company that was able to conquer the European markets. Today, its products are also on our market, it is presented in the middle price segment. Anyone who wants to install in their kitchen reliable and practical appliances, ergonomic, capable of boasting modern design, but at the same time save money, may give preference to this particular brand. The described brand is among the ten most famous in terms of popularity. Customer reviews contain only laudatory information, Slovenian manufacturers invest a lot of money in the modernization of their production facilities, in the development of technical innovations, the functionality of which will be really high level while the price remains affordable to a wide range of buyers.

Generalization on the topic

So, if we choose appliances for the kitchen, we must first make a list of the most necessary appliances and see what we can refuse without reducing the level of functionality. We clearly plan the budget in advance. It will help you immediately decide in which group you need to look for products: among premium products, mid-price or economy class. It is important to decide what is at the forefront: style or functionality. If style dominates, not functionality, it should be borne in mind that the same oven with “hi-tech gadgets”, with touch controls, will cost 20% more than a push-button control. At the same time, the number of functions they can have is the same.

When choosing built-in appliances, it is important to purchase both furniture and technical equipment at the same time. There are companies on the market that produce furniture and install household appliances, make all the necessary connections and adjust the equipment. As a rule, they have agreements with dealerships selling built-in appliances. They give furniture factories 15% discount. Therefore, a complete kitchen equipment will be much cheaper. Tips for choosing manufacturers are presented in the article.

It is best to start equipping the kitchen area with the selection of rational and modern household equipment. And in order to harmoniously combine this technical component with the magnificent design of the decoration without unnecessary expenses and efforts, opt for devices built into the furniture.

But how do you make the right decision? large volume products that are marketed to consumers? Look at what you have (room footage, finances), determine the fundamental needs (functionality, care rules) and select the most rational model. We have prepared some recommendations and tips that you can use to select technical equipment for certain types of apartments.

Economic variation

This equipment will look perfect in a small and modest house. If the footage of the kitchen varies around 6-7 square meters. m., then a minimum set of equipment must be purchased: a refrigerator, a stove and an oven. Pay your attention to this small-sized space, however, everything you need is perfectly located in it, which is required by the hostess.

Lovely letter shaped kitchen layout G, an interior in a light, calm color palette and sophisticated furnishings complete the look.

Naturally, if you are baking and do not use the oven, then it can be easily replaced with a microwave oven. It will take up minimal space, and perfectly cope with its functional purpose for heating food and preparing simple dishes.

But let us turn to the original problem, which involves the rational and efficient use of this room. picking up hob, look at the building material of its production. The most cost-effective type of coating is enamel. We have become accustomed to such a surface since childhood. It is in perfect harmony with the vintage style, and does not need significant care. Look at the magnificent decoration with a light wooden set that maximizes the height of the ceiling and the rational arrangement of appliances in the corner - it is simply impossible to look away from it.

Built-in ovens have different functionality. They can run on gas or electricity. The first option will cost less and will significantly save finances in the process of its use. Accounts from gas companies can increase slightly, and if you have a counter installed, then it makes no sense to worry.

In the event that you have opted for electric model then look at its energy class. Choose branded products "BUT", this means that you can reduce financial costs and the load on wiring when using it.

Please note that the hob and oven may be located next to each other or at some distance from each other. In the first option, you will bring to life the appearance of an ordinary stove. And in the second use unique opportunity install them in various places at your discretion and desire.

When choosing a refrigeration device for a modest room, its dimensions become an important parameter. And if the length and width of different manufacturers may vary slightly, then the differences in height can reach half a meter or more.

Of course, the smaller the volume of the refrigerator, the cheaper it will be. Low devices can be easily placed under a window or in another suitable place, this will save a lot of space. In most cases, there is no freezer in miniature versions, but you can also find a great way out of this situation - buy a modest and small-sized freezer and place it nearby. Look at how you can successfully and rationally arrange them together under the windowsill.

A separate freezer will become an indispensable assistant in the household.

Standard set

The most effective and acceptable variation for apartments with an improved layout.

Even one square meter, added to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen, can significantly expand it functionality. Thus, if the footage of this zone varies from 8 to 12 sq. m., then the complex of equipment used can be expanded by turning on the dishwasher. Low financial capabilities will be able to perfectly cope with such a necessary acquisition. Pay attention to this interior, decorated in a juicy green hue. The space is well designed here, there are many shelves and niches for storage, and the technical component has a high functionality.

The stove can be made using stainless steel, in which case it will have a cost higher than the enamel counterpart, but its ultra-modern and attractive appearance will effectively complement the decoration. It is easy to use and cleans up well. Most models are covered with a specialized layer to prevent the appearance of greasy stains.

The electric oven is widely used in comparison with the gas counterpart, due to a wide range of functions and capabilities. In addition to double-sided heating and a grill device, most of these products are equipped with convection ventilation equipment, which heats the dish evenly.

Some manufacturers supply the market with models with the ability to defrost, three-dimensional heating and cooking several dishes at once.

Any housewife wants to have a dishwasher. It can be fully integrated into the headset or open surface with a control display. It can also be positioned to further save space under the oven, as shown in this image.

Please note that the amount of water, electricity and detergent consumed does not depend on the degree of loading of the device.

The built-in hood will be able to get rid of the accumulation unpleasant odors and avoid premature repairs ceiling surface. It is needed if the kitchen space in your apartment also serves as a dining area.

Many people use decorative equipment instead of built-in equipment. But it is worth remembering that the latter option takes up additional footage, which can be used to good use in the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bshelves or niches.

An important parameter for choosing a hood is its dimensions, it must correspond to the dimensions of the hob. The built-in model does not take up much space in the kitchen, it can be easily pulled out and folded back.

Another achievement of progress and modern technologies- vertical hood, a great solution for small apartments.

Premium class

This solution is perfect for those who have luxurious apartments with excellent planning, zoning or a private cottage.

If the footage of your home allows you to implement the most courageous ideas and interesting ideas. And financial opportunities - to pick up a set of furniture and appliances from the best manufacturers, then you should not dwell on the technical characteristics and functionality of each item. The world leaders in the industry have already taken care of this.

Currently, large and popular brands produce high-quality, modern and high-performance products. You just have to choose an elegant and aesthetic option that suits the design style and your taste preferences, as, for example, is shown in the following photo.

This room has a refined and elegant atmosphere, and to complete this charming look, the products of many companies, which are decorated in a sophisticated and beautiful way, will perfectly fit in.

Naturally, hobs with a glass-ceramic surface are suitable for an elite kitchen area. They are highly resistant to dirt, easy to clean and conduct heat remarkably.

Such equipment is equipped with a touch screen for control, as well as special programs and a timer.

Currently, there are a large number of roomy refrigerators on the market that have luxurious dimensions. There are also original three-chamber designs with two doors and a large number of auxiliary programs: programming, a device for making ice and pouring a foamy drink.

The set of built-in appliances in spacious housing can be expanded washing machine, auxiliary freezer, microwave, wine cabinet, espresso machine and other interesting and original devices that are on the market in a large assortment.

You can also install a built-in television display in the kitchen, it can be hidden if necessary and hidden from prying eyes.

Once you have decided what is the most rational and efficient set of furniture and technical equipment to purchase for your apartment, then proceed to bring your incredible design idea to life.

Of course, the variations in the choice of technical equipment proposed in this material are not universal. After all small space does not mean at all that you can only spend a limited amount of money on it and vice versa. But we believe that after reading this post, you will be able to find a lot of useful and necessary information for yourself, as well as find interesting solutions and ideas for renovating your apartments.
