Fulfillment of all desires. What is the genius of this technology? The Best Techniques for Materializing Things

Science to do miracles. Author's training for the fulfillment of desires Karavaeva Natalya Gennadievna

The most effective wish fulfillment techniques

There are only two ways to live life. The first is that miracles do not exist. The second - as if there are only miracles around.

Albert Einstein

Science has proven that the patient recovers faster if he believes in the professionalism of the attending physician and the effectiveness of the drugs taken, even if the drug is a placebo (a placebo is a physically neutral substance, a dummy pill that is offered to the patient as a miracle drug).

In order for wish fulfillment techniques to really work, you must believe in such a possibility.

Choose only those “magic remedies” to which you have a soul, in which, in your opinion, “there is something”. If you read the description of the technique and the “butterflies in your stomach” came to life in anticipation of a miracle, then it’s yours, feel free to take action.

As you may have guessed, this was advice for the Romantics.

For skeptics of Realists, I will briefly tell you what the action of “magic” rites is based on.

As you remember, access to the treasures of the unconscious gives us unlimited possibilities to achieve the goal. However, the entrance to the subconscious is guarded by a critical consciousness. Therefore, most of the techniques for fulfilling desires and all kinds of magical rituals are aimed at lulling the vigilance of consciousness and at introducing a person into a trance. The trance state is also called "altered consciousness".

For example, most ancient magical rites were performed either early in the morning (at dawn) or late at night (after midnight). This is the time when a person has not really woken up yet or, on the contrary, is already tired. The time when a person is in a sleepy state, that is, in a state of natural trance.

A person can be introduced into a trance and the so-called paradoxical logic. When statements or actions devoid of rational meaning are presented under the guise of logical ones.

Absurd recipes, "strange" magical actions, "mysterious" phrases and spells - all this good example paradoxical logic.

While consciousness is looking for a rational kernel in the proposed absurdity, the subconscious remains open to suggestions.

“No, that cannot possibly be,” the foreigner retorted firmly.

- Why?

“Because,” the foreigner replied, and with half-closed eyes looked up at the sky, where, anticipating the coolness of the evening, black birds were silently drawing, “that Annushka had already bought sunflower oil, and not only bought, but even spilled. So the meeting will not take place.

M. Bulgakov. "The Master and Margarita"

For example, the Simoron system (a wish fulfillment game system developed by Peter and Petra Burlan) is almost entirely built on absurd and paradoxical techniques. In addition to the fact that such fun rituals help to release the creative unconscious, they help to remove the excessive importance of desire.

You can also enter an altered state by performing certain rhythmic movements (for example, a shaman dance, a round dance), drawing, perceiving special music, pronouncing or shouting special words through meditation and prayer.

I will not bore you with a list of all the ways to influence the subconscious - there are many of them.

Another thing is important - behind all these "frivolous", at first glance, magical manipulations there are quite real levers of influence. Therefore, you should take seriously the choice of a specialist whom you trust to make changes to your mental program. In my opinion, there is no better candidate than yourself.

I tried to pick for you the most interesting and effective techniques for fulfilling desires, which are presented in this chapter.

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We hope that this site really helps ladies, charges you with positive energy and gives you confidence that wishes do come true. Therefore, in this article we will consider another concept of the fulfillment of desires. This is, so to speak, another important component that allows wishes to come true. But not everyone knows about him. Perhaps they know, but they do not give themselves an account of this. This article is about wish fulfillment techniques.

AT recent times The theme of fulfillment of desires is gaining momentum. Why? Because the secret is finally out. The secret of wish fulfillment. Someone will not believe it, but as they say: "To each his own" . We believe that desires can be realized if you find a special technique!!! Each person has their own. Anyway, every person thought and wondered: "Why is that person more successful than me, if he does not even have a secondary education?"

There are people who are worse than you. Worse in mind, talent, skills (depending on which of course). Well, they are worse than you and have much less experience than you. But they live better. And it looks like they were born that way. But is it?

Why is this happening?

We will not speak here of the power of thought and the laws of extension. You should have known this for a long time. Why is this happening my answer is : they do something right and do it unconsciously. They think right. They feel right. They believe to the end. And so they do right action. They go to the right and necessary events. Events do not fall on our heads. We are going to them. And it depends on how our brain is configured. And our brain is a kind of compass. What wave he is tuned to is the one he will follow all his life. Therefore, it is important to properly tune your brain. And not just for one day, but for the rest of your life, you have to do it. You won't get the first results tomorrow. Perhaps in a year. But this does not mean that you need to "hold out" for a year in order to get the result immediately, as time passes. Of course not. Miracles will happen to you all the time!!! But only if you start to turn your steering wheel to another life. And while you are wrapping, everything happens to you, as it happened before. So have the conscience to be constant. Deal?

How to tune your brain to the right wave, I described in the book " Rainbow of Happiness. There are tricky techniques that allow you to do this as quickly as possible. Although if you are not new to such matters, then you will still learn something new. This is not available anywhere on the Internet. Now about one component, which we will reveal here.

Wish Fulfillment Technique is an Important Component

Personally, I understood how wishes come true. I want you to understand too. If you really want to learn how to fulfill your desires, then you can check out the course " Technique for the fulfillment of desires from BC Chance. There you will learn more very an important component that will allow you to fulfill desires. If you take this information seriously, then the effect is guaranteed. Many have already done this, so do you, dear readers.

What is this component that allows you to fulfill desires? It is difficult to describe it in words or give it a name, but you must literally with your desire "soak". What does it mean to soak? This means that you must (again, it is difficult to explain in words), say, see and feel your desire in everything. If you want to attract love, then you must feel it every day and see your love in everything. Here you are watching a romantic movie, what is happening there, all this is love, it is happening to you too (only positive moments). You watch a clip with your favorite singer, and so - this singer is your love.

It must be felt every minute. Every thought you have must be connected with your desire. This happened to me, and my wish came true after 7 months and in an amazing way. I hope you understand what I mean.

Unfortunately, our words are the most primitive way we express anything. However, I will give an example. Do you want to attract into your life more money. You should also imbibe this desire. Whatever you look at, listen to - all this is connected with your desire - attract more money. You're right, you live it.

Usually in such situations, when a person is really saturated with his desire, there is a filter of information. You begin to notice everything that is connected with your desire. If you wanted a Porsche 911, you start to even notice them. On TV, for example. And, of course, you begin to notice your desire even where there is none at all. For example, with the same machine Porsche 911. You just notice something that looks like it, like a sports car. And as soon as you saw it, another sports car, you thought about Porsche 911.

In addition, all your thoughts about what you want are positive. In other words, you don't have it, but you think you have it. You even felt it so plausibly that you are not particularly interested in it anymore. You have had this for a long time and you are bored with it.

Every thought, every focus is directed towards your desire. You walk and experience joy while doing it. This can be compared to being told that you have won the car of your dreams and it will be delivered to you soon. How would you feel while waiting? That you already have it. You would feel joy in yourself. Same here. You don't have it, but you think differently!!! Why? Because our brain, as it has been said more than once, does not distinguish the difference between the real world and the imaginary world. If you have scrolled something many times in your head, then at the moment of embodying it, you no longer feel that this is something too special. Or that it was so scary to do so. For example, you imagined how many times you went on stage and experienced (really) fear and nerves during this. You have done this so many times in your head that at the moment of the onset of this event, it already seems that not everything turned out to be so scary at all.


For a while you will live your desire, and see it in everything. You will be haunted by a feeling of inspiration and joy that this is already really yours. It's such a special feeling and it's hard to describe it. You can speed up this process if you use special techniques for this. You can also sign up for training. 3-week training in the technique of fulfilling desires. This is a very powerful training.

In this article, we talked about one component that makes wishes come true. It is possible to develop such a state - the state of "impregnation" through meditation and the performance of special techniques through it. Actually, in this article, I gave you all the recommendations. Then everything depends on you. So it was, so it is, and so it will always be.

I wish you that your wishes really come true. To make you feel a kind of magical state. And, of course, that you are always lucky!!!

Dear readers, as you know, fulfillment of desires is the main theme of our site. All our efforts are aimed at helping you fulfill your hopes, dreams and aspirations.

We intend to show, tell and prove to you that the achievement of goals and the implementation of what was conceived in life is just as real as the fact that in this moment you are reading these lines.

To realize a dream, there are many methods, techniques and ways. Do not count them all. Our website contains the best of them - all of them have been tested by us on ourselves, have passed the test of time, as well as the practice of tens and hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

All of them are working. You will not find here a single non-working technique, method or ritual. Everything depends on you - first of all, on your Faith in the very possibility of fulfillment of desires. And in the second - from correct execution the accompanying instructions and regulations.

Friends, choose any technique to your liking - and forward, to the embodiment of what you want into reality!

Fulfillment of desires by the power of thought

Many books, articles have been written about the power of thought, feature films, documentaries and popular science films have been shot about it.

A striking example of this is the popular science film "The Power of Thought or Down the Rabbit Hole". In it, our whole life and the world around us are presented through the prism of quantum physics. The story is not conducted in a dry scientific language, but with the help of lively and imaginative scenes.

The thought runs like a red thread that our thoughts form our reality, our personal Universe. And that the speed of materialization of our intentions directly depends on the power of thought.

In general, the use of the power of thought is main instrument in any technique for the embodiment of the plan and the realization of goals. Without the use of this powerful and creative force- the power of human thought - there can be no talk of any embodiment of the desired.

Because thoughts become things, and like attracts like. With similar thoughts, we attract similar events, circumstances or people into our lives.

Everything depends only on us. Or rather, from the power of our thoughts ...

Wish Fulfillment Technique

As mentioned above, there is currently big choice technique to achieve goals and you just need to choose the most suitable one for yourself and start working with it.

The results will not be long in coming - you will see how your goals one by one will begin to be fulfilled - of course, when all the rules and instructions are followed.

Here we will present a rather simple, but trouble-free technique for fulfilling desires, which we ourselves have been using for more than 10 years to translate our goals, plans and projects into reality.

This technology is described in detail on our website, in a series of articles called "5 Steps to the Dream".

Here it is in summary:

Step 1. Define your goal

You must be clear about what you really want. In other words, make your goal as specific as possible. After that, check it for truth - it is important that it is YOURS, and not imposed from outside.

Step 2. Find out EVERYTHING about your desire.

Collect all the facts that you can collect about your cherished goal. You must know all the details and nuances - even the most insignificant ones. You need to see the BIG PICTURE of what you want. You must "soak your dream through and through."

Step 3. Connect the power of the universe

Send an order to the Heavenly Chancellery, entrust the implementation of your plan to the Higher Forces, entrust your cherished dream in the care of the Universe - in other words, shift the responsibility for its implementation from your shoulders to the more powerful. And watch the signs carefully. Pay attention to the signs of the universe - you should get an impulse to perform certain actions. And then act on inspiration.

Step 4 Visualize Desire

The fourth step is to focus on the end result. No thoughts about how to execute - just fixing on the end point. For this, a visualization technique is used, according to which the focus of your attention is entirely focused on the final scene - on the very moment when the goal has ALREADY been achieved. And saturating your subconscious with the corresponding emotions of joy from its performance.

Step 5 Release

Now that you have already done so much to realize your intention, you need to ... let it go. Like a bird from a cage, release your desire into the wild - let it fly to its cherished goal - to embodiment in your Reality. Just forget about it! This is done so that the energy of your intention to have what you want does not interfere with your dream to come true freely, easily and effortlessly. And then the Universe with leaps and bounds will bring you closer to your dream, and your dream to you. All you have to do is release your desire and act on impulse.

Friends, this technique works wonders - just try it!

Simoron technique of wish fulfillment

Simoron technique makes wishes come true! This gaming psychotechnics united wizards and sorceresses from all over the world.

­ Simoron It is first and foremost a game. This is sparkling humor, unbridled fun and the theater of the absurd all rolled into one.

Simoronit means to be able to find a way out of any problems effortlessly, using comic rituals in practice. Simoronit means turning the usual picture of the world upside down and achieving the fulfillment of one's desires easily and naturally.

"Simoronists" are easy to recognize in the crowd - their cheerful faces always have a smile and they are full of optimism. With the help of the fascinating psycho-gaming technique Simoron, you can fulfill any wishes.

If you have problems with work or career advancement - rituals Simoron to work quickly correct this misunderstanding.

Dreaming of a soul mate and want to meet your love - rituals Simoron for love bring you your life partner.

Find real friends, understand your life calling, improve your financial situation, decide housing problem, become a favorite of Fortune and be irresistible in the eyes of others - all this and much more is subject to the practitioners of this wonderful technique.

How to make a wish come true for free?

As you know, free cheese is only in a mousetrap. But there are exceptions to every rule, and this is exactly the case.

In this magical course, you will learn:

  • All the secrets of fulfilling your desires
  • How to create a unique wish fulfillment technique
  • How to attract money
  • How to realize any goals in 3 steps
  • Super technique "Gratitude"
  • 7 minute life changing audio recording

Wish Fulfillment Day

It turns out that there is a special day for the realization of the desired. Which one do you think?

Many consider such days New Year, Christmas and . And you can’t argue with that - indeed, the special and unique atmosphere of these holidays in itself disposes to something unusual and beautiful. And for many, it is on these dates that dreams come true. True, mostly in the form of gifts and surprises from our relatives and friends.

Yes, and these holidays, as they say, happen only once a year, and it takes too long to wait for the next New Year or Birthday.

Unbelievable but true: very few people on the planet know about special day, which the Heavenly Chancellery itself made the main one in making dreams come true.

27th - Wish Fulfillment Day

On the 27th day of each month, the Heavenly Office opens the acceptance of orders from everyone who wants to get what they want.

It is on the 27th that you need to submit your petitions, requests or orders - be sure that all your messages will reach their destination and will be considered as soon as possible. And they will certainly be accepted for execution!

  • Why exactly 27?
  • How to apply correctly?
  • What should be done on the twenty-seventh?

You will learn about this by reading our article, which is called:

Ritual for the fulfillment of a wish

One of the simplest and effective ways to realize your dream is to conduct a special ritual.


Recently, many films have been created on the subject of fulfillment of desires and many books have been written. I have been studying this topic for years and have come to the conclusion that wish fulfillment technology in all books, films and trainings it is almost the same, just the material is presented in different ways. Today I will try to describe the technology of fulfilling desires as simply and accessible as possible.

And first I want to assure you that the fulfillment of desires by the power of thought is not a fantasy, but an absolute reality! So, let's become wizards and learn how to grant our wishes!

There are a great many techniques and rituals for the fulfillment of desires, but the essence is always the same. In order for the desire to come true, you need to clearly define what you really want, formulate your desire, then present it as already fulfilled and let it go, that is, give the opportunity higher powers and providence to fulfill your desire.

And now in order:

Decide on goals and desires

It often happens that a person seems to really want and desire something, but when he receives it, he is not particularly happy. For example, a girl really wants to get married. She talks about it, maybe she communicates on dating sites, does various rituals and makes wishes, that is, she seems to be looking for a suitable candidate. And when this candidate appears, she suddenly realizes that she is not ready to get married now!

She wants to continue living with her mother, and she does not want to cook soups and iron shirts. It is likely that she just wants a romantic relationship, love and fans, which means that her desire was not correctly formulated! This is very important point! A wish will come true only if you really and sincerely want it. In order to determine your true desires, there is one very simple but effective exercise:

- Sit back, relax, and imagine that today you are living the last day of your life. Think about what you would like to do, who you would like to spend it with, and what you would like to really change in your life. Have you imagined? Now you should know exactly what you really want.

Play the scenario of your desire

And then you can start wish fulfillment ritual. How you spend it depends on your imagination. For the most part, it's simple. You can turn on relaxing music (or you can, on the contrary, remain in absolute silence), light a candle (simply because fire is relaxing and soothing), take a pen and a piece of paper and write down your desire (before that, clearly formulate it).

Now you need to visualize your desire (but only after you have written it down!). To do this, you need to completely relax, each person does this in his own way. I lie down and gradually fill my body with warmth, starting with the limbs and imagining how warm energy fills my body. Then I turn off my thoughts, this must be done, there should not be any monologue or confused thoughts. I imagine a white light that enters the brain and erases all thoughts, filling the head with pure, white light. Then I start counting from a hundred in reverse order. Make sure that there are no extraneous sounds and noise, it is best to wear headphones. You must completely relax, to the state of "rag doll".

Well, now start "losing" your desire. But without stress! Do not think about whether you are doing something right or wrong, but just dream and imagine your desire already fulfilled. It is desirable if you connect the energy of love to the visualization. Fill your heart with love and tenderness, imagine that in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart you have a bright, shining ball that fills you (as in meditation). In this light, pleasant and relaxed state, imagine that your desire has already been fulfilled. Feel yourself, your joy, your happiness, your emotions, your feelings. Do not think through everything to the details, let life make its own adjustments to your desire. Imagine the main goal and feel the joy and happiness that your desire was fulfilled.

You can stay in this state for as long as you want, and then move on to next step- letting go of desire. This is the most difficult stage in the technique of fulfilling desires. Many can relax, think, feel, but here how to let go of desire they don't know at all. But this is very important!

Release your desire

The most important thing here is gratitude. After you have presented your desire as fulfilled, filled your desire with love and light, you should experience a feeling of gratitude. Of course, you don’t need to make a speech of gratitude to the entire Universe, you just need to add a feeling of gratitude for your fulfilled desire to the region of the heart where you felt love and light. In the technology of fulfillment of desires, it is your feelings and emotions that are most important.

After you have felt a sense of gratitude, you can open your eyes. You can burn the leaflet on which you wrote your desire and let it go to the wind, or put this leaflet in a book or some beautiful box. And from now on, stop thinking and thinking out your desire. You are unlikely to be able to forget about it completely, now your task is to keep in your heart a feeling of love and gratitude and firm confidence in the fulfillment of your desire.

Do not wind yourself up and do not torment yourself with expectations. In order for your desire to be fulfilled, some time must pass, and at this time you should not be in painful and painful expectation, but in joyful anticipation. The most important thing is to stop thinking everything through to the smallest detail, the Universe will do everything by itself, just believe, feel and know that your desire is about to come true.

Reduce the importance of your desire, and just live and enjoy today! And always remember - what you radiate is what you attract, and if the sun shines in your heart, then the world around becomes brighter!

I will be very glad if you leave comments and share your thoughts and experiences on this topic! I wish you an easy and quick fulfillment of all your desires!

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Don't think about what you don't want, think only about what you want. Instead of: "I don't want to get sick" - "I want to be healthy." Instead of: "I don't want to be poor" - "I want to be rich."

Think over the most the smallest details. For example, if you want to lose weight, then clearly imagine in detail how this will happen. Write on a piece of paper how you will feel and go towards achieving your goal. Experts recommend formulating your goals and desires in the present tense.

Expand your boundaries. Don't write a goal like "I'm on my way to buying a car." You can get a car in any other way, you don’t have to buy it, maybe you win or someone will give it. So don't set boundaries.

Another milestone is a visualization. You must have a clear idea of ​​your goal in your head. If your goal is an apartment, you must imagine its interior and everything that surrounds it in great detail: the area in which it is located, the furniture, the view from the window.

Expectation. The power of positive expectations is one of the biggest driving forces. You should not expect that your wish will come true tomorrow or next week, but you must understand that it will definitely come true. The main thing is never be afraid and always use every chance to achieve your goals and desires.

Tip 2: How to Make a Wish Treasure Map

More than anything in the world, each of us wants to fulfill our desires. There are many books on this subject and just useful advice, and, ultimately, they come down to one thing: strive for your goal and visualize (i.e. imagine) that you already have what you want to receive. To speed up the process of fulfilling desires, you can create your own or a wish card.

You will need

  • - whatman paper or a piece of wallpaper, the size of your choice
  • -photos, pictures of desired things: tangible and intangible
  • - your own photo that you like
  • -glue stick
  • - colored pens
  • -scissors


To get started, take a paper or sheet and visually divide it into nine sectors, starting from the upper left corner, as shown in the picture: wealth, fame, love and marriage, family, me and health, children and creativity, wisdom and knowledge, career, assistants and travel. Grab some pretty magazines and start cutting out whatever pieces you like according to those sectors. The picture should not contain gloomy objects, negative words or anything that makes you uncomfortable. It is better to find the desired image on the Internet and it.

wealth sector. In this sector we cut out all those images that you associate with material wealth. For example, a picture of a house, a car and banknotes. Be sure to "beat" the image. Glue your photo and write - "I'm driving my new car Toyota Camry." If it is about your dream home, make a caption - "I am in my house in France on the coast of mediterranean sea". Be specific in your desires, and sign that this or that thing is yours. After all, it may happen that you get into the house of your dreams, and it will not belong to you. This applies to all sectors.

Glory sector. In this sector, you will stick pictures of the awards that you want to achieve. It can be your photo on the red carpet with a cup in your hands, promotion, awards, diplomas, grants. The sector of love and marriage. If you already have a loved one, then you should stick a joint photo where you are happy. If you want to find your love, then cut out a couple in love. Each sector can have your photo. family sector. Paste a photo of your family or the one you want to create here.

Health sector. In this sector, you can use photos of a slim body, healthy food. Be sure to sign whatever you want. Sector children and creativity. If you already have children, then paste their photo here, and also add images of the desired hobby. If you are not yet ready to have children, then the image is not needed.

Sector of wisdom and knowledge. For this sector, you can cut out a picture of a library or a bookcase, and then write about the knowledge that you need. Never write - "I want ...", affirmations should say that you already have what you want. career sector. Achievements on the career ladder can be found here and in the sector of glory.

Sector assistants and travel. Suitable images of countries and their symbols (Eiffel Tower, Leaning Tower of Pisa), as well as portraits successful people from the field of activity in which you want to achieve success. Make a collage so that there is no empty space. After you have made a treasure map, hang it in the south - east. Look at it and imagine that you already have everything you want. Good luck to you and fulfillment of desires.

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Remember that there should not be empty places on the treasure map. Be sure to sign that everything that is on the treasure map is yours.

Useful advice

Start gluing only when you have already made a collage. Do all the work only in a good mood to charge your desires with the positive energies of love, abundance and wealth.

The simoron technique is a joke magic that gives amazing results. Here it is very important to catch the appropriate mood and think positively during the Simoron rituals. You can come up with rituals yourself - there are simply no clear rules. However, there are a number of proven techniques that have helped people achieve their most cherished desires. Below are some popular Simoron rituals for the fulfillment of desires.

Calling an influential friend

This technique can be used in any difficult life situations or in those moments when you really want something. Your friend must be very influential, able to solve any problem.

What will be his appearance - it's up to you. You create your own image of who you call. It can be an adult, serious man, the director of a large plant for the fulfillment of cherished desires. It is clear that such a busy person cannot answer calls himself, so he will certainly have a personal secretary - a pretty fragile girl who sometimes answers your calls when her boss is very busy solving other pressing issues.

To communicate with your influential friend, you can use any item: mobile phone, TV remote control, karaoke microphone - in general, any item that is at your fingertips at the moment.

Call your influential friend at any time, communicate with him politely and tell him only the truth. Always thank him for his help at the end of the conversation.

This ritual will help you become more confident and positive. It's nice to know that there is always a powerful person next to you, whom you can call at any moment.

Sometimes it turns out that you will only talk with the secretary. Tell her about your problem and she will gladly forward your request to her boss as soon as he is free.

Wish Box

Buy or make a beautiful box, casket, casket that you would really like. Make an inscription on the lid so that it is clearly visible: "Everything that is here - Exists!". You can write this phrase on paper and stick it.

Now your task is to collect clippings from magazines, catalogs, booklets about what you want to experience in your life. For example, do you want beautiful house- add pictures with pieces of furniture and photos of cottages to your "box of desires". You must believe that everyone in your magic box actually exists.

Do not be afraid to fantasize, the more new ideas and desires you put in your cherished chest, the more favorable the Universe will be to you.

Over time, you will begin to notice that your desires will slowly begin to come true.

doors of desire

To perform this Simoron ritual, you will need the usual interior door. Focus on your desire and say it as if it has already been fulfilled.

Write your wish on a piece of paper and tape it to the door. Close the door. Now, with expression, read aloud your desire, open the door and step over the threshold, as if taking a step towards your dream. Do this operation 27 times.

The most important thing here is to correctly formulate the desire and joyfully cross the threshold.

If you, for example, want to lose weight, then formulate your request as follows: “I eat only healthy and low-calorie foods” or “I have a very beautiful figure". Remember: no “don’t” and “want” should not be present in your desire.

You should open the door and cross the threshold as if you are rushing towards your dream, with an open heart and with exceptionally positive emotions.

Now, after conducting this Simoron ritual, every time you open any door or step over the threshold, repeat your desire (you can do it to yourself). From now on, every door you open becomes your reliable guide on the way to the realization of your most cherished dream.
