Instructions for Gas wall-mounted boilers Ariston. Double-circuit gas wall-mounted boilers Ariston

If the house has a gas double-circuit boiler Ariston, then there are no problems with heating in the house - this is already becoming a kind of axiom. Equipment from this brand is characterized by a high level of reliability and rarely overgrows negative reviews. In this review, we will look at the most popular Ariston boiler models, briefly outline their characteristics and give user reviews as an example. Prices will also be given, which will certainly appeal to every buyer.

Features of gas double-circuit boilers Ariston

By creating gas double-circuit boilers, Ariston strives to give the world the best heating technology. To begin with, we note the fact that the developers have created equipment that fully adapted for operation in harsh Russian conditions These are low outdoor temperatures in certain regions, low gas pressure and low water pressure. Like it or not, but all this occurs quite often, and often at the same time. Boilers from Ariston work even in the most difficult conditions and give people warmth and hot water.

Ariston gas boilers with two circuits will provide your home with heat and hot water.

Let's look at the main features of Ariston boilers:

  • Ability to work at reduced power this technology, used in some models, allows you to operate the equipment at a power 10 times lower than the nominal one, without affecting the operation of the DHW circuit;
  • Precise sensors - boiler automation is endowed with sensitive and very accurate sensors that maintain the temperature of the water in the circuits at a given level;
  • Convenient control - here the developers of double-circuit boilers have reached a high quality new level. The equipment is famous for its intuitively easy operation, the presence of self-diagnostic systems with error logging, as well as its information content. Some Ariston boilers can be controlled using multifunctional external panels;
  • Reliable modern materials - hydraulic groups made of high-strength composites excelled here;
  • Profitability and efficiency is a vague concept, but the manufacturer claims that he managed to increase heat transfer by as much as 10%;
  • Low-noise technologies - given the some noise of double-circuit gas boilers, specialists from Ariston came up with a way to slightly reduce the noise level;
  • Built-in control electronics solar collectors- useful to those who use such a natural resource as the sun in their work.

As we can see, double-circuit gas boilers from trademark Ariston has gained a lot of features. They are not present in all models, but you can always do right choice, knowing about their capabilities, skills and obvious merits.

As for condensing gas double-circuit heating boilers, they differ more high efficiency and reduced emissions.

Main models and their prices

The prices for gas wall-mounted double-circuit boilers from Ariston are lower when compared with the prices for equipment from Baxi or Vaillant. But we will not scatter empty words - now we will analyze individual models and indicate approximate prices for heating equipment.

The double-circuit wall-mounted gas boiler Ariston EGIS PLUS is designed to work in homes where you need not only to create heating system, but also to organize the supply of hot water. If we disassemble this model and look into its complex interior, we will find two separate heat exchangers there at once. This is an advantage, because such a boiler construction scheme significantly increases their reliability - models with bithermic heat exchangers are considered less maintainable.

The presented boiler has a capacity of 24 kW and can be used to heat rooms up to 240 sq. m. The efficiency is 94.5%, the performance of the hot water circuit is 13.6 l / min. Adjustment of temperature and setting of other parameters is carried out using a simple control panel located on the front panel. Control of working parameters is made by means of the LCD display. The boiler is already equipped with all the necessary piping - inside are expansion tank and circulation pump.

The main advantage of the device is its affordable price - the average cost is 33-36 thousand rubles. The choice of buyers are offered varieties of boilers with an open and closed combustion chamber.

A simple double-circuit gas boiler Ariston BS II is designed for use in apartment buildings, in systems of individual apartment heating. On the shop windows we will see several modifications - with open and closed combustion chambers, with aluminum or copper primary heat exchangers, as well as with different power, from 15 to 28.7 kW. The performance of the DHW circuit varies between 13.5-13.6 l / min. As in the previous model range, the heat exchangers here are separate. The efficiency of the device is 89.6%.

Inside we will find a circulation pump, three-way valve and an expansion tank of 8 liters. Temperature control is carried out by two ultra-precise sensors. Some interesting features not here, the device is aimed at unassuming users. Not the most advanced information content should be noted, since there is no liquid crystal screen here - the boiler is controlled by knobs and buttons, and LEDs are responsible for the indication.

Prices for double-circuit gas wall boilers Ariston BS II vary between 35-40 thousand rubles, depending on the power of the selected sample.

Wall-mounted double-circuit condensing boilers Genus Premium EVO are aimed at those who appreciate the cost-effectiveness of the purchased equipment and contribute to the protection environment. Condensing boilers, compared to traditional units, have a higher efficiency and a reduced amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Three modifications with closed combustion chambers are offered at once to the choice of consumers - with a capacity of 22, 28 and 31 kW.

All presented samples can operate at a power not lower than 10% of the maximum, which is necessary when working with warm floors outside the heating season.

What is remarkable about these gas double-circuit boilers developed by Ariston specialists? Here are the benefits and additional features in the form of a list:

  • Built-in weather-dependent automation is a godsend for those who trust technology to monitor comfort;
  • Self-diagnostic system with logging of errors and accidents;
  • Built-in harness - circulation pump and expansion tank are already on board this heating unit;
  • Cascade connection of boilers - up to 8 pcs (required for heating large buildings);
  • High efficiency - up to 108% (Ariston claims that condensing technology saves up to 35% of thermal energy);
  • Smooth adjustment of the speed of rotation of the circulation boiler;
  • Protection function implemented circulation pump and a 3-way anti-calc and blocking valve;
  • Advanced security systems;
  • Built-in filters mechanical cleaning water - one for each circuit;
  • Built-in silencer - reduces the noise of the boiler;
  • Copper heat exchanger - the key to a long service life and a minimum of losses;
  • Three years warranty is an advantage that needs no further comment.

The double-circuit gas boiler Ariston Genus Premium EVO operates on condensing technology and is characterized high efficiency, inaccessible for traditional boilers. Also, the model is distinguished by convenient control and informativeness - there is an LCD display with clear inscriptions and symbols.

The price of a gas condensing double-circuit boiler Ariston Genus Premium EVO varies from 70 to 85 thousand rubles, depending on the power of the purchased model.

This line is almost completely identical to the previous one. The exception is heat exchangers - they are made of steel here, which determines the cost of equipment and the margin of safety. The boilers are represented by two models with a capacity of 22 and 28 kW, the performance of the DHW circuits is 14.5 and 16.8 l / min. Both modifications are endowed with closed combustion chambers, as befits condensing boilers.

As in the case of the previous series, Ariston Clas Premium EVO gas condensing double-circuit boilers have intuitive controls and come with weather-dependent automation. The solar collectors control functionality is also implemented, there are mechanical filters, a stainless steel burner and a built-in piping.

The average prices for gas condensing double-circuit wall-mounted boilers Ariston Clas Premium EVO vary between 80-85 thousand rubles.

Each owner of his house tries to make it as cozy and comfortable as possible. To achieve this, it is worth thinking about installing a double-circuit wall gas boiler Ariston, which will help solve problems with heating a residential building. The device is very useful in that it will provide heat both in an apartment and a private house up to 500 m².

Also, a gas wall-mounted boiler of a double-circuit type Ariston will allow you to quickly heat water for instant use. In this case, a person does not have to connect a boiler, which will require additional investments and separate place for installation.

Descriptions of the double-circuit boiler Ariston

Today, there are many interesting models on the market for gas boilers. This is quite convenient, since everyone will be able to choose a device that is most suitable for the price, type, characteristics and installation method. Double-circuit wall-mounted boilers Ariston gained their popularity due to rare situations with their malfunction, as well as silence during operation, which is very important for maintaining a calm atmosphere in the house.

One of the most important components in all gas boilers is a burner, in this case it can be modulated or normal. The first option is more popular than the second. When using it, the entire system will be regulated automatically, without human intervention. In this case, the power of the installed heating equipment depends on the temperature indicators.

The burner is also divided into 2 types:

  • open;

It is the safest, since it does not involve the entry of combustion products into the room in case of emergency. Also in this case, the owner may not worry about building a chimney. It is necessary to bring a special coaxial pipe to the closed burner; it can always be brought out in any accessible place.

An open-type Ariston boiler, in any case, requires a chimney to bring combustion products outside. Also, do not forget about natural traction. Air will enter the system from the living quarters, so it will have to be constantly ventilated.

coaxial pipe used in closed system combustion, the good thing is that it is made of 2 layers. One is necessary for the removal of combustion products, and the other will ensure that fresh air enters the boiler. Thus, the owner of the equipment does not have to constantly ventilate the room and worry about natural draft. The room will always have enough oxygen.

Distinctive abilities

According to reviews of gas wall-mounted double-circuit boilers Ariston, they have 4 distinctive features useful for their owners:

  1. All models of this company are equipped with automatic protection systems.
  2. The presence of a water pump, which is necessary for the constant circulation of water through the pipes.
  3. Possibility to choose a model with an expansion tank. With its help, automatic pressure control will occur inside the heating system.
  4. Ariston equips its equipment various types ignition. It can be automatic, which will greatly facilitate the life of the owner of a particular boiler. Otherwise, each time the unit is started, a person will need to press a special button.

What are the advantages of Ariston gas boilers

Behind recent times the popularity of the Ariston brand has increased significantly due to high-quality gas boilers, and this is not in vain. operates silently and consumes as little fuel as possible. This will allow the owners of the unit to save on utility bills and, at the same time, provide comfort and warmth to the house.

The client will receive a high-quality device that provides round-the-clock water supply and heating of the house even with large area up to 500 square meters. Also, do not forget about the durability of the service of each boiler. The terms indicated in the guarantee are much more modest than they actually turn out to be. In terms of dimensions, the equipment is much more compact than other brands, which means that it can be installed absolutely anywhere, even in a small apartment with limited space.


Almost all gas boilers from the Ariston brand have a capacity of 15 to 30 kW. Thus, each client will be able to choose the necessary indicators for the size of his apartment or house. Also worth noting are other distinctive characteristics such gas equipment:

  • with maximum efficiency, boilers have a high level of efficiency;
  • all wall-mounted boilers have Russian instructions and designations on the equipment itself, so citizens do not have problems with controlling the unit;
  • most models from this manufacturer are able to perfectly cope with water in the system and low pressure;
  • special attention to this equipment should be given to those people in whose houses power surges often occur. Ariston boilers can easily cope with such jumps in the network;
  • All models are very easy to operate. To start using the boiler, you do not need to study the instructions for a long time, all the features of operation are intuitive and accessible even for those who install such a unit for the first time.

In some cases, the boiler cannot simultaneously heat water and provide sufficient space heating, this applies to budget models. In this case, a person needs to think about installing an additional boiler.

Note! If we talk about expensive units, they have a special display that shows various characteristics, including the temperature inside the boiler and outside. This is very convenient in terms of introducing the necessary characteristics for the correct operation of the equipment.

Operating instructions for gas boilers Ariston

Before purchasing an Ariston gas boiler, you need to understand that if the buyer does not understand its installation, it is better to contact experienced specialists and entrust all the work to them. After all, even with the most detailed instructions, it is not a fact that the case will end successfully. In this case, there is every chance of damaging the equipment, after which you will have to call repairmen, and this will result in additional costs.

It is very important to keep children away from the equipment. To do this, after, it is necessary to have a conversation with them and explain in an accessible language that nothing can be twisted and put on the unit, only an adult should do this. If the family leaves, for example, on vacation, after the boiler is turned off, it is also necessary to shut off all pipes for the supply of gas and water. Only after that the equipment is disconnected from the network.

If a display is provided on any model, all indicators that it displays must be strictly controlled. It can display malfunctions or deviations from normal operation that occurred during the heating process.

One of the most important points in the instructions for gas equipment is safety. Before connecting the boiler, you need to familiarize yourself with it first.

What are the types of wall-mounted boilers Ariston

All Ariston boilers are divided into 3 series. They have different technical indicators and functions, namely:

  1. Clas - this series refers to more bulky and powerful devices for heating residential premises. They are equipped exclusively with special regulators that automatically regulate the gas supply. This is necessary to save fuel, which is very convenient in terms of utility costs and frequent business trips for the home owner.
  2. Genus. These are the most innovative and multifunctional models of Ariston gas units. They have more features than other boilers from this manufacturer. Along with the equipment itself, the buyer will receive additional accessories such as a fan required for smooth speed control, as well as heat exchangers, primary and secondary. All devices from the Genus line are distinguished by the presence of a large liquid crystal display. It will display all the characteristics that correspond to the operation of the boiler at the moment.
  3. Egis. Units from this series have small size and attractive appearance, which earned them great popularity among the owners small apartments. The device will fit well into any interior. Important feature of these boilers lies in the fact that, for their size, they have a fairly high level of efficiency and low fuel consumption, which is controlled by an intelligent control system.

Because of what the wall-mounted boiler may be faulty

The main reasons for the malfunction of Ariston gas boilers include the following:

  • During the maintenance of the burner adjustment or control units, specialists made mistakes.
  • Failed installation.
  • Buying a fake, which is distinguished by low-quality components.
  • Lack of sufficient air supply.


When buying one of the Ariston wall-mounted gas boilers from the seller, you need to check the availability of all necessary documentation, which

confirm that the equipment corresponds to the manufacturer. Only in this case, problems with the device will arise very soon.

The Ariston gas boiler is a product of the Italian company Ariston, which takes into account the features of domestic communications and climatic conditions. These devices, according to the assurances of the manufacturers, are not afraid of our realities - low gas pressure, voltage drops, untreated water and severe frosts.

The Ariston brand is the brainchild of Vittorio Merloni. His father, Aristide, founded a small business back in the 30s of the last century. Today, this enterprise has become the largest industrial giant, uniting several large companies. The Merloni Elettrodomestici concern was renamed Indesit Company in 2005, which includes several brands, including Ariston. The company occupies the 3rd place in the world in terms of sales of household appliances.

Advantages and disadvantages

Italian boilers are able to operate smoothly even at a pressure of 5 mbar and at a temperature of minus 52 ° C. They are equipped with two mechanical filters that purify the water. The developers took into account almost all the dangerous moments for gas equipment in conditions of increased risks.

Each model is equipped with a self-diagnostic system that simplifies their operation and maintenance. Security systems prevent emergencies, timely stopping the operation of the device. Self-diagnosis is periodically repeated - if the parameters are back to normal, the device will start without human help. Ariston pros:

  • Absolute safety - despite the explosive fuel.
  • High efficiency. After the combustion of gas, there are almost no combustion products left - all the heating goes to heating.
  • Outdoor equipment should be placed in a separate room.
  • To eliminate pressure surges, it is necessary to install an additional adjustment unit.

What do Ariston products have in common?

Traditional gas heaters are available in nine lines - each of them contains different number modifications - from 2 to 7. The rulers represent single-circuit and double-circuit versions. Some have a wide range of capacities, others consist of 2-3 options. All traditional Ariston models are distinguished by the following features:

Automatic control. All modifications have the "auto" function - the intelligent unit itself selects optimal modes taking into account changing conditions.

They can work with a conventional or coaxial chimney.

Russified control panel. Its logic is intuitive - you don't even need instructions to figure it out.

The material of the burner is stainless steel. Its power is modulated taking into account the given mode. This solution saves gas.


Hydraulic devices are made of high-strength composite materials.

Expansion capacity - 8 l.

Automatic removal of air from the heating system.

Protective systems - from blocking, scale, freezing.

The double-circuit device has a copper heat exchanger - primary, and stainless steel - secondary, for heating domestic water.

In 2-circuit versions, a "summer" mode is provided - work only on hot water supply.

Condensate tank.

Temperature sensors - 2-4 pieces, depending on the series.

Quality soundproofing. Virtually silent operation.

Included is an instruction manual. All documentation is presented in Russian.

Warranty - 2 years. For condensing versions - 3 years.

The average dimensions of 70x42x60 cm are somewhat larger than those of competitors.

The models of each line have distinctive design and technical solutions. Also, models may differ in functionality, dimensions, design.

What are they?

By installation method:

  • Wall-mounted - it is compact, has a copper heat exchanger (less often - steel). It is completed with binding elements. Mounted on flat wall. Mounted models are more sensitive to unstable parameters of gas and water supply.
  • Floor devices are more powerful, heavier and larger. They need a fairly large area. Mount them on the floor - on a stand. Production material - cast iron. Power - up to 64,000 watts. Such heating capacity is enough to heat an area up to 500 sq. m.

By the number of circuits:

  • Single-circuit - work only for space heating.
  • Double-circuit - heat the house and heat water for domestic use.

By type of combustion chamber and thrust:

  • Open firebox (natural draft) - combustion air comes from the room. Such a device is atmospheric.
  • Closed chamber (forced draft) - the principle of operation is based on forced ventilation. This is the turbo version.

How to choose?

To choose gas equipment for heating a private house or apartment, you cannot act intuitively - you need to calculate heat losses. For the calculation, the condition is taken that for 10 sq.m. area (height up to 3 m) should account for 1000 watts. But this is just an approximate calculation. It is not recommended to select an option without a margin so that the device does not have to function at the maximum of its resources. It is also necessary to take into account the degree of insulation of the house.

A more accurate calculation is ordered to construction and design companies. The cost of such services depends on the region and amounts to 2,000-7,000 rubles. Calculation errors can provoke:

Uneven distribution of heat throughout the rooms;

Lack of hot water.

Operation and maintenance

You should find out from the instructions what the pressure in the expansion tank should be - since it may decrease during operation. It is recommended to check the pressure once a year. You should periodically:

Check filters and clean if necessary.

Clean heat exchangers - this is especially important for hard water;

Change appropriate gaskets.

The above activities, as well as installation, configuration and first start-up, are the task of the masters service department. The owner only needs to conclude an appropriate maintenance agreement, and follow the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the operation of the device. A specialist should be called twice a year - you can not start the heating season without an inspection. At the end of the season, you also need to invite a service worker.

Ariston Series

The manufacturer offers three series, each of which has several modifications.


For those who like to save. Double-circuit models are compact and have increased efficiency. There are filters and anti-scale function, intelligent control and frost protection. Operation at temperatures up to -50° C is allowed. Demanded versions:

Egis Plus 24 CF is an open firebox.

Egis Plus 24 FF is a closed chamber.

The line is represented by one power - 24 kW. Specifications:

Dimensions - 40x77x31.5 cm.

Weight - 30 kg.

combustion efficiency. At 24 CF - the second. At 24 FF - the third.

The efficiency for 24 CF is 92%, for 24 FF it is 94%.

Productivity on hot water – 9,7 l/min.

You will have to pay 20,000-30,000 rubles.


Bigger and more powerful than Egis. They also have everything for trouble-free operation - frost protection, filters, auto-tuning, fuel consumption control. This series has an 8L expansion tank to heat water. Modifications:

class evo. AUTO and INFO PLUS functions. The power of the device with a closed chamber is 24 and 28 kW, with an open chamber - only 24 kW. Productivity - 9.9 and 10.2 l / min, respectively. Power consumption - 88.5 kW.

Clas B - you can connect a boiler.

Clas Premium is a condensing boiler.

Clas Premium Evo - with PLUS, INFO and AUTO functions.

CLAS EVO SYSTEM - there is an automation that reacts to the weather and copper heat exchangers. Versions with closed (FF) and open (CF) firebox. Power range - 16-32 kW. The first have an efficiency of 93%, the second have up to 90%.

CLAS SYSTEM - single circuit versions. Hanging option. 16,000-32,000 W.

CLAS and BS II - heating and hot water. Economy class.

The approximate price is 25,000-32,000 rubles.


Representatives of this series are the most functional wall-mounted versions with two circuits. There is a fan, LCD screen, remote control, weekly programmer. Modifications:

  • Genus Evo. Open/closed firebox (turbo). Heat output 24-30 kW.
  • Genus premium. Condensing boiler. Increased efficiency - 105%. 24-35 kW. Remote control. Self-diagnosis.

Hotpoint-Ariston Cares X 15 FF

Wall-mounted 2-circuit version. The approximate cost is 27,000 rubles. Expansion tank for 8 l. Turbocharged. Protection against overheating, flame out and lack of thrust. Weight - 30 kg. Dimensions (HxWxD) 77x40x31.5 cm.


Wall apparatus "UNO" with instantaneous water heater. Compact - 40x70x25 cm. Closed firebox. 24 300 W - heating capacity. Electric ignition. Protective systems - gas control, antifreeze, heating limitation. There is a water filter. Weight - 29 kg.

Hotpoint-Ariston BS II 15 FF

Mounted device with two circuits. Heat output - 15 000 W. turbo type. Heats an area up to 180 sq. m. Weight - 30 kg. Efficiency-91%. Power consumption - 106 watts. Estimated price - 23,000 - 32,000 rubles.

Launch and operation

Start-up and adjustment works are carried out by representatives of the company - employees of the service department. Failure to comply with this requirement will void the warranty. It is enough for the user to read the instructions to figure out how to use the device. It is important to follow the operating rules and perform seasonal maintenance in a timely manner. When a malfunction occurs, an error code appears on the display, indicating the cause of the malfunction or the problem that has occurred. Together with gas equipment- instructions, passport and connection diagram.

How to fix?

When installing, consider the following points:

  • Anchor bolts are used for fastening. Install on any wall - deaf or load-bearing. Wall material - brick, aerated concrete blocks, reinforced concrete slabs.
  • The pipe connection is carried out according to the instructions. The data sheet describes in detail the purpose of all conclusions. Shut-off valves are placed directly in front of the apparatus. Cleaning filters and a pressure relief valve are installed at the water supply point.
  • Most Ariston models are equipped with a coaxial chimney - exhaust gases are removed through a hole in the wall.
  • Additionally, the equipment is equipped with a circulation pump.
  • Control unit - temperature control DHW water and heat carrier.
  • Ariston models are non-volatile, so the instruction prescribes mandatory installation UPS.

Place in demand ranking

Italian boilers of the Ariston brand yielded only to three competitors. The top three are German brands. This is , . Their products are unrivaled - they are the best. But the fourth place is not bad at all, Ariston left dozens of competitors behind. Ariston is valued for its environmental friendliness, high efficiency, adaptation to Russian conditions and high hot water performance.



The Ariston double-circuit gas boiler is one of the many examples of equipment that this well-known company produces. This manufacturer has managed to establish itself with the most better side, therefore we devoted a whole separate article to their two-circuit ones. Well, let's get to know each other.

To determine the reasons for the popularity of a particular equipment, it is largely possible by its advantages, which distinguish it from competitors. We will not talk about competitors today, but simply tell you what strengths are characteristic of gas double-circuit boilers manufactured by Ariston.

  • Compact size and attractive appearance;
  • High quality and efficient automation;
  • A number of protective functions to extend the service life and increase its efficiency;
  • Ease of operation;
  • Ease of care and maintenance of gas heating equipment;
  • High level of security;
  • Excellent performance, which allows you to heat up to 500 square meters and work additionally to provide hot water.

Distinctive features

When purchasing a double-circuit gas boiler from Ariston, in addition to the listed advantages and High Quality you get a certain set of functions and systems responsible for security.

If we talk about the mandatory functions of Ariston gas boilers, then they include:

  • Multilingual menu that allows you to choose a language convenient for the user when controlling the gas boiler;
  • Auto function. It allows you to automatically adjust the power parameters, focusing on the current indicators of the air temperature inside and outside;
  • Thermal insulation and sound insulation. They guarantee quiet operation of the equipment, plus they retain the heat of the coolant for a long time even after shutdown;
  • Ariston provides a guarantee for its equipment. If these are traditional boilers, then the warranty is valid for two years. Condensing type models have a longer warranty of 3 years;
  • Ease of controls. A well-designed and thought-out menu makes it easy to navigate the management of a gas boiler, even for those who have never dealt with such equipment. There is always an instruction in the kit;
  • Power surge protection systems work instantly, allow the boiler to work stably even with fluctuations in the power grid;
  • Electrically powered auxiliary systems ensure optimal functionality even under conditions of reduced water or gas pressure.

Now as to safety. In order for the equipment to work for a long time, efficiently, efficiently and without failures, Ariston engineers developed a set of security systems, which includes:

  • Semi-automatic make-up of the gas boiler;
  • System for pumping excess air from the system;
  • A device for blocking the circulation pump, which is included in the design of a double-circuit gas boiler;
  • Anti-freeze and limescale protection system.

Types of combustion chambers

Ariston produces double-circuit gas boilers that can be equipped with two types of combustion chamber.

  1. Open. In such combustion chambers, exhaust flue gas is removed naturally. The oxygen necessary for gas combustion is taken from the room where the boiler is installed. Installation is recommended to be carried out in non-residential, specially designated premises for a boiler house.
  2. Closed. Withdrawal in such systems is forced. Security level this equipment very high as the oxygen comes from outside the room. They are installed without problems inside the house, apartment. The instruction is attached.

Nuances of choice

If you decide to purchase a double-circuit gas boiler from Ariston, then you have already successfully completed the task by 50%. The remaining 50% depends on how competently you approach the issue of choosing equipment.

Experts advise to pay attention to several key points.

  1. Dimensions. Your double-circuit gas boiler will occupy a certain place in your kitchen or other room. Decide in advance what area you can allocate for the boiler, and then proceed to the technical parameters.
  2. Water heater type. Boilers from Ariston can have instantaneous and storage water heaters. For a large family, flow-throughs are not suitable, but for 1-2 people their performance is quite enough.
  3. Give preference storage water heaters, since the water in them retains for a long time high temperature, less energy is spent on heating water when compared with flow models.
  4. When choosing between closed and open combustion chambers, it is better to buy with a closed firebox. It's better from a security point of view. Plus, you do not need to organize a complex chimney. Instead, you will need coaxial pipe. Accessible and easy. The instructions for its assembly are simple, even a beginner can handle it.

Popular Series

There are several of the most popular and sought-after series of double-circuit gas boilers that Ariston offers to its consumers today.

  • These boilers are compact in size, attractive design, high efficiency. There is a modern intelligent control system that allows you to automate the processes of equipment operation;
  • The most functional, modern series of gas boilers, in which there are primary and secondary heat exchangers, a fan, a liquid crystal control screen, which displays all the parameters of the boiler;
  • This is a series of boilers that are characterized by high power and large dimensions. Due to the built-in regulator, the gas supply is controlled, which has a positive effect on the issue of safety when prolonged absence. Boilers of this series are designed for large houses. Their price today is from 30 thousand rubles.

Causes of a malfunction

Even for such gas double-circuit boilers as Ariston, certain malfunctions are characteristic. They may arise from different reasons which we will now try to understand. This will give you the opportunity to prevent malfunctions in the case of your equipment.

  • Violation of the rules of service. Although the instruction is attached to each boiler, not all users want to read it before starting operation. And then the instruction is no longer needed, because it is necessary to carry out repairs;
  • Insufficient air supply. If not organized correctly, the boiler may not receive the necessary amount of oxygen for gas combustion. Again, there is an instruction for this;
  • Violation of recommendations after-sales service. It's not always the customer's fault. Inexperienced or irresponsible specialists, for whom the instruction is just a piece of paper, may make mistakes during the scheduled maintenance of the boiler;
  • Poor quality equipment. Alas, sometimes malfunctions occur due to the fact that customers purchase a fake.

When purchasing a gas double-circuit boiler from a manufacturer such as Ariston, you pay not just for the brand. You get quality, reliability, durability and efficiency.

Despite the standardization of heating equipment, each manufacturer offers, albeit few, but different solutions. The Italian manufacturer of boilers - Ariston - also does just that. It's time to figure out how perfect its products are, and how it differs from the products promoted by competitors.


A gas boiler is considered the most practical and economical source of heat in any area where pipes of main gas pipelines are laid. It is this equipment that largely determines how consumers will feel the advantages of heating with “blue” or liquefied fuel. Although Ariston boilers were created by Italian engineers, yet the specific Russian conditions were taken into account properly.

The created systems were initially designed with the expectation of:

  • unstable and often low gas pressure;
  • insufficiently sustained tension;
  • contaminated water ingress;
  • extremely cold winters with heavy rainfall and violent winds.

The functional parameters of the systems are approximately the same, neither the type nor the fee for a particular model are of particular importance. The main difference concerns external perception, the size of the boiler. Of course, one cannot fail to mention the fact that, like other manufacturers, there is a clear distinction between single-circuit and dual circuit models. A useful option is the auto function, when using which adjustment to required parameters happens automatically. In addition, any boiler of the Italian concern is equipped with a built-in automated unit for discharging excess air, protected from freezing and accumulation of scale and other dirt.


To properly evaluate the characteristics of wall-mounted boilers, you need to refer to individual models. And a special place among them is occupied by the double-circuit Alteas X. This device is classified as a premium heating technology, designed for the highest possible thermal performance. The designers took care of the possibility of remote control via the Wi-Fi module. If you have mobile Internet, you can track the operation of the device anywhere in the world.

Information is displayed through a matrix display. What exactly they will be depends on the consumer (everything is flexibly configured). The boiler menu is 100% Russified. The system uses a modulating pump that consumes 30% less electricity compared to simpler analogues. The device develops an efficiency of 93.6% under favorable operating conditions. In addition to purely technical and consumer advantages, the stylish appearance of the boiler is also important.

This model can be seriously competed with the Cares mechanism. It is also mounted on the wall and also works with two circuits at the same time. But at the same time, it ensures the effectiveness of work in 93.8%. Heating can be programmed, for this purpose compatible two-position control devices are usually used. The primary heat exchanger is manufactured using the highest grade aluminum with excellent corrosion resistance and thermal efficiency.

Secondary circuit in contact with tap water very durable and long lasting. At the same time, it is able to give the necessary heat to 13.6 liters of water in 60 seconds. Both in the heating circuit, and in the hot water supply system, and in the boiler feed channel, filters are installed to prevent the ingress of mechanical impurities. For all its excellence, Cares is indifferent to harsh operating conditions. Even if the water pressure drops to 5 mbar, and the temperature outside drops to minus 52 degrees, this will not affect the quality of work.

In some cases, there is no need for hot water supply, you only need to heat the house (or vice versa). Such situations make the single-circuit boiler Ariston Clas X System quite relevant. The efficiency of high-quality gas combustion in this boiler reaches 93.6%. It is equipped with a two-speed pump and an LCD information display. In the appearance of the boiler, all the undoubted advantages of the Italian design school appear.

The best construction materials are used during production, and special functions reduce the number of stops and starts of the boiler to a minimum. You can connect an external boiler to get stable hot water. As with the Cares model, the initial heat exchanger is made from high metallurgical grade aluminium. Depending on the specific subspecies, the gas combustion compartment can be either open or closed. Heat production for the heating circuit sometimes reaches 28, and for the plumbing - 31.8 kW.

Clas One is a double-circuit condensing boiler of the business category. According to the manufacturer, it is made with innovative additions. In particular, a specially developed heat exchanger of the latest generation, characterized by an increased diameter of pipes, was used. If street and apartment sensors are used, the system reaches efficiency group A+. The apparatus responsible for the suppression of working noises has been updated; a storage tank for a mounted boiler with a power of 24 kW or other power must, for the most part, be purchased additionally.


Knowing the wiring diagram for mounted Ariston boilers is very useful. Yes, the company prescribes that such work should be carried out exclusively by trained specialists. But they also need careful comprehensive control. The work is carried out in strict accordance with the instructions of SNiP. The prepared project is coordinated in the territorial bodies supervising gas safety.

The project must specify:

  • what are real parameters equipment;
  • where it will stand;
  • how the rest of the heating infrastructure will be implemented.

Important: even if these conditions are met, the installation itself should be carried out only by representatives of authorized service centers. It is possible to use hinged gas boilers only when they are placed in separate rooms (furnace or boiler rooms). The exact list of requirements depends on the power of the boiler and the type of working compartment. In the case of an open chamber, the approach is approximately the same as when using a conventional furnace, that is, a chimney is used to remove gases. The window facing the street must have an area of ​​​​at least 0.5 square meters. m, should also provide a sufficient area for maintenance.

Based practical experience, you can turn on the boiler without risk in the room:

  • up to 8 cu. m (with a maximum furnace power of 30 kW);
  • up to 13-14 cu. m (if they receive up to 60 kW of heat);
  • from 15 m3 and above (if 60-200 kW is generated).

The approach to closed combustion chambers is different. It uses a coaxial type of chimney, that is, a double pipe. Outdoor air moves into the furnace through the outer part, and gaseous combustion products leave through the inner part. Such devices are in any case equipped with fans connected to electrical network. It is the closed type of the combustion chamber that is optimal in sanitary and environmental terms, therefore it is recommended for kitchens and bathrooms.

The choice of the height of the wall mount and the method of such attachment is critical. Proper fasteners are not always added to the supplied bracket. Therefore, sometimes they are chosen individually, focusing on the material of the wall and its parameters. It must be taken into account that the bracket must transfer the load from the installed device and at the same time keep it in a level position. For floor systems, the requirements are noticeably softer.

The entire surface of the wall adjacent to the heat generator, even if located at a considerable distance from it, must be covered with a fireproof layer. The lower point of the suspended device rises 0.8 m above the floor, the distance from the wall to the rear line of the boiler is at least 50 mm. Next, connect the main heating circuit. How many pipes need to be connected depends on the one-pipe or two-pipe version of the system. Before connecting, we must not forget about the dismantling of the plugs covering the boiler pipes.

It is advisable to mount a filter on the input. Even if the filtration is provided in the boiler itself, it is still better to avoid overloading it. Only a boiler connected to the water supply can be connected to the gas supply circuit. Note: This information is for informational purposes only. Only professionally trained and authorized specialists are allowed to connect gas boilers to gas pipelines!

Initially, a ball-type valve is placed at the input to the device. Before the device, a fuel consumption meter and a leak indicator are placed. Next comes the turn of the thermal alarm valve. If the temperature rises too high, it will block the flow of natural or liquefied gas farther. The next step is (for some boilers) connecting to the electrical network.

Most often, schemes are chosen that involve the use of three wires. Regardless of the scheme chosen, all wiring and devices connected to it must be grounded. It is very good when the boiler is connected to the mains through a voltage stabilizer. Having connected it to the electrical network, they are then engaged in the formation of an output to the chimney. Atmospheric boilers must have a separate channel for the discharge of combustion products.

At the time of installation, there should not be the slightest dirt and traces of soot or soot inside the chimney. The vertical block after the withdrawal from the device along the length to the nearest turn is equal to at least two diameters. Then begins the section where the pipe leans towards the boiler. It is recommended to reduce the length of the segment connected directly to the chimney as much as possible. Before filling the heater with water, a specialist is invited who personally sets up the equipment and makes sure that it works correctly.

An important role in piping a gas boiler is played by a thermostat. It simultaneously provides resource savings and an optimal level of comfort in the room (thanks to competent settings). Reducing the load of the boiler itself and the circulation pump also turns out to be quite profitable. Even the most expensive device justifies the investment already in the first heating season. For your information: when it comes time to turn off the boiler at the end of this season, it is undesirable to drain the water.
