Business plan for setting up a retail business

Some argue that it is unrealistic to implement any business project these days.

Such an opinion is obviously wrong. In Russia, as in other developed countries, there are all conditions for opening a business. As practice has shown, it is realistic to receive a stable and solid profit in the field of trade.

In this article, we will consider the nuances of implementing an idea that is associated with a trading network.

First, we note that trade will be effective only if the basic rules that are shared with us by the successful businessmen of the planet are observed. Let's consider them.

Rule 1 - you should not sell a product or service, but. Naturally, the demand for products is determined by the popularity of the manufacturer. For this reason, it is desirable to include products in the assortment famous brands. However, it should be understood that one should not forget about customers who can afford little-known brands, that is, cheap ones.

Rule 2 - in the process of work, you should apply a creative approach against the backdrop of continuous development. To develop a business means to improve both the material base and the professional qualities of your subordinates. You must instill in your employees a desire for self-improvement. For this purpose, you can use one of their motivation tools, and there are many of them.

Rule 3 - before the implementation of a business project, it is imperative to draw up a clear, competent and. Do not oversaturate this document with wording, mathematical calculations, unnecessary phrases. Avoid "muddy" moments that can cause distrust among potential partners, investors. Lay it all out organizational issues, the financial side of the business (shopping facility). the purpose of your trading network should be short but clear to understand. Only in this case you will be able to find your customers without any problems, avoid all kinds of problems, and eliminate risks.

A few words about the trademark and its protection

At the start, you should already have an assortment of products that will be in demand. Otherwise, you run the risk of running into problems such as an incomplete sale, and this is associated with a loss of money. As the practice of successful trading companies has shown, it is necessary to work with several brands. Pay special attention to the brand at the start, as it largely determines the reality of introducing products into a particular market niche.

Below are the main reasons why buyers "stick" to a particular product:

Reason 1 - affordable price. If your assortment will be represented only by expensive goods, then do not expect large sales volumes. You must understand that modern buyers are guided by democratic prices.

Reason 2 - a well-implemented product presentation. The most successful salespeople claim that sales success depends to a large extent on the ability to present their offer. Remember a poorly presented product is an unsold product. This is true for both wholesale and retail outlets.

Reason 3 - high quality, functionality, environmental friendliness. You must initially be focused on customers, including their needs. In most cases, people tend to buy useful thing which will benefit them, including profit. With regard to environmental friendliness, buyers prefer those products that do not have a negative effect on their health, environmental situation. Practice also shows that the greatest demand within the same brand is for products that differ from analogues in functionality.

A brand is a kind of tool for achieving, maintaining average and high price. It allows you to correctly position the retail facility, as well as the goods that are sold on its basis. Always enrich your assortment with exclusive, high-quality, cutting-edge, fashionable, useful products.

Remember that little-known products against the background of dubious quality will not allow you to achieve the desired sales volumes.

With regard to brand protection, you must take all measures that will prevent copying, use by competitors. What will help in this case? Register a trademark, logo, slogan, corporate font at the state level.

Your business plan should detail the following points:

  • the specifics of the business, that is, its direction;
  • brand;
  • registration costs trademark, shopping facility.

The main nuances of franchising

Business planning can go in several directions. First, you can create a new brand. Secondly, sales of products for which the rights have been acquired are possible. In the second case, we are talking about franchising. Brands, various kinds of products, advertising are a kind of goods that can be purchased and have exclusive rights to dispose of them.

The first approach to business for beginners will be somewhat difficult, since all the nuances, for example, creating a brand, conducting an advertising campaign, and so on, will be achieved only on their own. Often this approach to business is called a business from scratch. The second approach allows you to exclude all these moments, since the acquired brand will be initially promoted, that is, in demand on the market. Among other things, franchising will contribute to business development and, accordingly, reduce the return on investment period.

If you set out to bring to life a trading company specializing in a wide range, which will sell multi-brand goods, then you will need wholesale and retail supermarkets, wholesale warehouses, online stores, that is, a whole distribution network.

Delivery Features

With supplies in such a business, it is difficult even for experienced entrepreneurs. This is especially true for retail facilities that specialize in the sale of imported goods. Experts in the field of trade advise at the start to refuse to obtain permission to export and import products. It is much safer for business to find acceptable suppliers (intermediaries).

This approach to business will eliminate the need for personal participation in customs operations. Let's face it with customs from the sidelines foreign countries usually there are no problems. This cannot be said about the native customs: there are frequent downtime, unreasonable delays, seizures, and the like. Therefore, it is better to put the decision of this issue on the shoulders of experienced mediators. You will also need to contact the shipping company.

An alternative is the lease (purchase) of freight transport. Still, it is safer to trust the delivery of products to companies that specialize in transportation, including international ones. Possible options transport: auto, sea, river air Transport, rail transport. Both the intermediary and the shipping company must be reliable.

Working staff

The staff of a trading company should at least be represented by sales consultants, sales managers, advertising managers, accountants, warehouse workers.

The answer is simple - you need to attract third-party money, that is, the money of other people (abbreviated DDL). Often, large business projects cannot be implemented due to insufficient initial capital. Therefore, we said earlier that the business plan in our case should be interesting for investors, that is, people who agree to give money.

The essence of this concept is simple. As an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, you need to acquire or create profitable assets - your own business (in our case, open a trading network) - using not your own, but other people's money.

Usually in such cases they go to the bank and take out a loan. This is a classic example of using DDL.

Note that the concept of using someone else's funds is applicable to different markets.

What are the forms of DDL? Where to get them?

This kind of money can take many forms and come from different sources. In general, they can be direct and indirect. In the latter case, we are talking about the resources of other people. They are classified in terms of the compensation you will have to provide for their use. The main forms of third-party funds are represented by borrowed capital, share or equity capital and "live" money.

Traditional ways of using other people's funds to implement a business idea or grow a business are based on fundraising. They are often referred to as raising or mobilizing capital. They come down to obtaining one or another type of loan (debt capital) or selling a share of the company (share or share capital).

Possible sources of other people's money: private investors, financial institutions and funds represented by investment and commercial banks, savings and credit associations, insurance companies, pension funds, credit unions, venture capital companies.

Note: Some sources are only real abroad, but it doesn't hurt to know about them. You can also get money through the placement of shares (that is, the sale of shares in the company to investors). There are other, less accessible sources of third-party tools. These include companies that specialize in issuing credit cards. Your actions in this case: you open an account for yourself personally or in the name of a company.

It is likely that you will be able to use the money of relatives, friends, co-businesses, such as suppliers who provide favorable debt repayment terms for you, customers who provide an advance payment, and government lending or subsidy programs.

In addition, other people's funds can be obtained indirectly, so to speak "in kind". Other people provide you not directly cash, but some resources or services that you would otherwise have to pay for. In other words, you are using other people's resources. The strategic use of outside resources is often the most in a simple way implementation of business ideas and fast way success of the company.

And to engage in trade, the first question that will arise in front of you is: what exactly to trade? There are many options, but no matter what category of goods you choose, having weighed all the pros and cons well, sparing no time and effort to carefully think over the strategy and correctly calculate the business plan of the outlet, you can count on profit and satisfaction from your own activities.

The lion's share of retail space is occupied by food and clothing. Which is not surprising, because these are one of the most profitable categories of goods. Being engaged in the sale of products, you earn on turnover, clothing - on value, because in this case markup reaches 200-300%. But in both cases, one cannot but take into account the huge competition, which is extremely destructive for the newly formed business. Therefore, if you are just taking the first steps towards your own prosperous business, it makes sense to pay attention to such a group of products as household chemicals. There are several reasons for this: firstly, the shelf life of such products is much longer than, for example, food products; secondly, many products from this segment are not subject to mandatory certification; thirdly, simple conditions implementations that do not require special equipment, refrigerators, freezers etc.

How to start your own business?

In order to start your activity, first of all, you need to register as legal entity, or, in the case of a retail outlet in the market, an individual entrepreneur.

The registration procedure is now greatly simplified. All you need for this is a passport, an individual taxpayer number, a completed application and 800 rubles to pay the state duty.

One of key points entrepreneurship is a successful interaction with suppliers. Try to negotiate payment in installments, wholesale prices, discounts. Many suppliers offer their own delivery, which will give you the opportunity to save on driver services. Do not lose sight of this point, because it is very important to reduce costs as much as possible, especially at the very beginning of your activity.

FROM special attention consider the choice of location for the outlet. If you decide to work in the market, of course, it will not be possible to completely avoid competition, but it is possible to minimize it. Try to choose a place with high traffic of people.

Remember that the most important thing in trading is the human factor. It depends on the seller whether your first buyer will become a permanent one. Do not forget also about the need to establish contact with the administration of the market.

As for the assortment, you may not be able to immediately determine which product to buy and in what quantities, this issue will become clear after 2-3 months of active trading, when you have already studied your potential buyer and his needs. Therefore, during the initial filling of the counter, the emphasis should be on the type of product and its price category. Act according to the principle: a little of everything. Take into account the fact that too expensive and exclusive goods are sold very slowly, and you need, first of all, a turnover. It is worth taking care to present related products in the assortment (light bulbs, napkins, brushes, diapers, gloves, etc.) As experience shows, the income from the sale of these products can be up to 30% of all profits.

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Basic calculations

As for the financial part of the business plan of the outlet, the following articles should be noted in the "Expenses" section:

  • rent: 192,000 rubles / year.

It is important to understand that this figure is taken from the calculation average price per sq.m. of retail space in Russia, so it can be very different from the prices that are currently relevant in your region. Keep this in mind when drawing up your own plan.

  1. Purchase of goods: 1,000,000 rubles / year.
  2. Salary: 190,000 rubles / year.

It means wage substitute seller and payment for the services of an accountant.

  • Additional expenses: 50,000 rubles/year.

Total: 1,232,000 rubles/year. This is an approximate amount of annual investment, provided that you rent outlet, with an area of ​​10 sq. m., you yourself act as a seller, hired another employee to be able to deal with organizational matters, and also resort to the help of an accountant.

Briefly describe the essence and characteristics of the business. Sample:

Institution type: clothing store.

Square: total area - 50 square meters. Trading room - 30 sq. m, 10 sq. m - warehouse, 10 - bathroom and office space.

Type of ownership: rent.

Location: indicate the chosen option (in mall, in a residential building, etc.)

Schedule: daily from 9.00 to 21.00.


your project is enough register as a sole trader by selecting OKVED code 47.71.– “Retail sale of clothing in specialized stores”. The next step is to apply for the application of the UTII taxation system or USN.

Other required documents and permits:

  • Certificate of entry in the general commercial register;
  • Certificate of registration with the tax service;
  • Conclusions from Rospotrebnadzor and Rospozharnadzor (to obtain it is required to provide fire protection develop an evacuation plan);
  • Waste Disposal Agreement;
  • Checking account;
  • Registration of a cash register with the Federal Tax Service;
  • Statistics codes from the State Statistics Committee;
  • Sanitary books for workers.

Market analysis and placement selection

In this area, it is most often beneficial to follow the “beaten path”. You should not open a small shop in a place not surrounded by competitors. Most likely, there are no customers there either.

The best way advance for free– to be located in a busy place next to a mass of competitors. Many potential clients already know that a good choice and they will definitely visit you.

Where is the best place to open a shop?

  1. In a separate building (the most expensive option, suitable for prestigious establishments);
  2. In a shopping and entertainment center (guaranteed flow of visitors from the center itself);
  3. On the ground floor of a residential building (suitable for location in residential areas);
  4. In a shopping pavilion near a grocery supermarket (in this case, the assortment should consist of everyday items and popular simple accessories).

Assortment and pricing

In order for a small business to flourish, it is necessary to form an optimal assortment.

What to buy?

Necessary put up for sale men's and women's clothes, accessories, related products (tights, socks, jewelry). On average, the markup is 200-400%. One of the most is jeans, the usual margin for them is 300-400%.

Example: wholesale jeans are purchased for 500 rubles, and sold for 1800-2200 rubles. For blouses and shirts, the margin is slightly less - up to 200-300% of the wholesale price.

Supplier search

For a boutique focused on buyers with average and slightly above average incomes (the most profitable option), suppliers from Turkey, Poland, Belarus, China (bijouterie) are suitable. There are three supplier options:

  • Manufacturer directly. Among the pluses low price, but you have to purchase the entire size range;
  • Wholesale supplier-intermediary. The cost of production is slightly higher, but it is possible to take only the models and sizes you need most.
  • Online store. New way procurement. Find a wholesale site, study the range, buy. There is a risk of getting poor quality products, check the reviews of the supplier first.

At first, you will have to make a 100% prepayment for the goods.

After several months of successful cooperation, you can try to take the goods for sale. For example, half of the cost of things you pay when you buy, the other half - as they sell.

Production plan

It is worth starting a business selling things in a rented room. The rental price differs depending on the location, but on average for 50 sq. m is $ 900-1100 per month. Here and below, all calculations are made in dollars. Finishing, repair, lighting installation will require additional costs: about $ 2,500.

Room requirements:

  1. Ceiling height from 2.5 meters;
  2. Good lighting;
  3. Electrical network, air conditioning;
  4. The main hall should be separated from the utility rooms.

When organizing inner space eliminate the appearance of "mazes", the visitor should easily navigate, quickly find the right thing. Place fitting booths in a conspicuous place so that you do not have to look for them for a long time.

Technical base, or equipment for a clothing store

When starting a business from scratch, divide the equipment costs into two parts: hall furniture and commercial equipment.


You will need to purchase:

  • Two glass showcases - $150. VICA, Russia, April.
  • Trade counter - $ 40. DVK Style, Standes, Imato, Ronikon.
  • Shelving (4 pcs.) - $ 150. VICA, Standes, DVK Style, Torpal.
  • Two mirrors in full height- $85. Standes, "Mirror Edges", DUBIEL VITRUM.
  • Hanging floor (8 pcs.) - $ 220. VICA, ABBOTT, Techservice.
  • A set of hangers - $ 80. Techservice, Plastservice, Titan.
  • Economy panels for small items and accessories (15 pcs.) - $45. ABBOTT, DVK Style.
  • Island rack for accessories - $ 70. VICA, Argos, Torpal.
  • Two racks for things and hats - $ 80. VICA, "TechnoModule".
  • Mannequins and torsos, forms (busts, hips) - $ 250-300. RusManeken, Maneken Plus.
  • Fitting rooms with mirrors (3 pcs.) – $350. ABBOTT, "Module-Design", "Proform".


  1. Cash register - $ 150-200. Mercury, Orion, Elwes-MK.
  2. Computer - $460. Lenovo, Asus, Samsung.
  3. Barcode printer - $250. Proton, Zebra, Citizen.
  4. Anti-theft system (radio frequency gates, removable sensors, several video cameras) - $ 600-700. JSB, Definity.
  5. Etiquette pistols (2 pcs.) - $ 10. Mitsy.
  6. A set of price tags - $ 50.

Investments in furniture and equipment will amount to $3200-3500. To carry out cashless payments, it is required to conclude an agreement with one of the banks on the terms of deduction of interest from each financial transaction by "cashless". Usually bank employees bring and install a special machine for cashless payments on their own, train employees to use it.

Marketing plan

It is impractical for a small establishment to launch large-scale advertising on the Internet or distribute promotional materials. It is better to use the area of ​​the boutique itself to the maximum. Do you need a catchy sign, advertising on walls and windows or glass doors when placed in a mall. You can write on the windows bright colors data on discounts (for example, “from 20 to 70%!”) and sales, display advertising banners, etc. This is a ready-made promotion channel, the cost of which is already included in the rental price. If the institution is located on the street (in a residential building or a separate building), you will need a pavement sign with a pointer.

Actively use the following methods of sales promotion:

  • Stock. Examples: "Third item as a gift", discounts on the entire range in certain days(15th 15% discount), etc.;
  • Monthly Sales, discounts;
  • Discount and discount cards.

organizational plan

At this point in the business plan, you should draw up detailed list suppliers (at least 6) and working conditions with them. Specify the working hours and the required personnel. It is worth organizing shift work (shifts per week). In this case, it is required to hire two sellers, a consultant, a security guard and one cleaner. The manager will manage the personnel and purchases. Accounting is handled by a freelancer.

Launch strategy

Procedure for opening a company:

  1. Search for premises and conclusion of a lease agreement (to draw up some documents, it is necessary to have an appropriate certificate, so we start with this);
  2. Procedure for registering and obtaining the required permits;
  3. Repair, finishing, installation of communications and signs, decoration;
  4. Conclusion of contracts with suppliers;
  5. Purchase and installation of equipment;
  6. Purchase of products for two months;
  7. Hiring;
  8. Display of goods;
  9. Loud opening, with promotions, contests, gifts.

On average, it will take two to three months to launch.

Risk assessment

To keep the project afloat under any circumstances, think in advance about all kinds of risks and ways to deal with them.

Increasing the cost of production. This will lead to higher selling prices. To avoid the outflow of customers, form their loyalty to the company, offer discounts to regular customers, monitor the quality of service. Then a slight increase in cost will not cause a drop in sales.

Appearance of a direct competitor nearby, that is, an institution that is almost identical to yours in terms of assortment and pricing policy. The best way to combat this is to create a unique trade offer. It can be exclusive things, an interesting department with accessories, promotional sales.

Decreased product popularity. In order not to be littered with unnecessary things, follow fashion trends, feature articles and exhibitions. Ideally, you should anticipate certain fashion trends by being the first to offer the appropriate product.

Seasonal drop in demand and sales. It is worth preparing for the “off-season” in advance by arranging sales and promotions to cover current expenses.

Changing the cost of renting space. To impact on this moment almost impossible. If the new price turns out to be inappropriate, the option of a new location should be ready.

Financial plan

To make an accurate calculation of how much it costs to open a clothing store, we take into account all, even the smallest, costs.

Capital investments:

  • Registration of an individual entrepreneur, payment of state duty - approximately $ 13;
  • Opening a current account - $ 16;
  • Making references and permits- in the region of $ 250-300;
  • Making a seal - $ 15-17;
  • Rent for three months in advance - $ 3,000;
  • Repair and decoration - $ 2500;
  • Production and installation of a sign - $ 500-600;
  • Printing promotional materials (window stickers, banners, posters) - $100;
  • Purchase of equipment - $ 3500;
  • Purchase of goods - $ 8000-9000.

In total, you will have to spend $19,000 to open a business.

Let's plan monthly running expenses in advance:

  1. Rent - $ 1000;
  2. Taxes, utility bills - $150-200;
  3. Salaries - $ 3000;
  4. Purchase of things for sale - $ 3000-3500.

The enterprise spends approximately $7,500 each month. Revenue in the first months is in the region of $ 9,000-10,000. Net profit - 1500-2500 $. High quality products and services, active promotion will pay back the business in 9-10 months.

To plan correctly and realistically, observe your main competitors in your chosen location. Consider their pros and cons and do better. This will provide the company with fame and a stable income.

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    Before starting to create business plans for an enterprise (store) of wholesale and retail trade, it is necessary to study the initial features of this business. They are very specific.

    Features of a Retail Store Business Plan

    The assortment is the cornerstone of successful retail sales, expand the list to the maximum, look for products that competitors cannot put on the counter. You can increase profitability by increasing the speed of turnover.

    Use standard advertising techniques: introduce discounts, report promotions. Ordering professional monitoring of popular products is a very expensive undertaking. Try to conduct a simplified version of it yourself: conduct a survey among store visitors, encourage all participants with nice presents. The analysis of questionnaires will indicate which assortment group to pay attention to in the future.

    An important point is the statement staffing. At first, it is desirable to achieve its compactness by introducing combined positions. Vendors may act as a window dresser and sometimes act as a courier.

    Services for the delivery of goods are unconventional for retailers, but they are in demand. So, it is worth paying attention to this point, to justify its effectiveness.

    Features of a business plan for a wholesale and retail store

    If you have accumulated experience, feel the presence of healthy adventurism, look for at least a dozen types of products that will be purchased in large quantities.

    Retail is designed for the occasional shopper, spontaneous, impulsive spending. The man looked into the store, admired appearance goods and bought several units. Opens space for advertising, it is easy to convince the visitor to purchase something in a single copy. Becoming a wholesaler, you must find, attract the following categories of buyers:

    • – smaller retailers who will retail your products;
    • – people who use your products for their professional activities.

    Focusing on wholesale trade, you move to a more complex level of relationships in the "supplier - seller - client" scheme. To begin with, a number of structural transformations will have to be carried out:

    • – to increase the area of ​​warehouses;
    • - to modernize the thermoregulation system, adapting its long-term storage of goods;
    • - pay attention to the packaging of products;
    • - acquire vehicles for the delivery of small wholesale, having your own cargo taxi will increase the list of regular customers.

    Do you know how to succeed in business thanks to the experience of successful entrepreneurs?

    Features of a Clothing Retail Store Business Plan

    First, you need to study the franchise programs of large clothing companies. If the "monsters" of the market consider you a worthy partner, entrust the implementation of models of branded brands, then preferential terms of supply and ready-made marketing concepts will appear. Inevitable disadvantages:

    • assortment policy the franchisor dictates, and you have no room for maneuver;
    • - territorial limitation, you can become a franchisee, only being at a considerable distance from the flagship stores of the parent company.

    Alternative with good prospects– sale of products of private sewing workshops. Clothing is subject to the rigid dictates of fashion. When the season ends, prices have to be halved or tripled, so it is advisable to order small batches of diverse models.

    You can also look in your city for nuggets of fashion designers, preferably winners of any professional competitions. The appearance of author's collections in the store will lead to a surge in customer activity. Additional expenses: you will need to conduct several high-profile PR campaigns for your protégé.

    As a rule, several business plans are drawn up. One of them is a starting one, it requires special care in development. Here, expenditure items are taken into account: rent, utility and tax payments; spending on the purchase of goods, wages.

    Estimated sales revenues are checked by the method mathematical modeling, determining the amount of the average check. When the business proves its viability, gains momentum, you can update long-term plans. At this stage, creative experiments will already be acceptable.
