Curtains on the front door to the house. A variety of decorative curtains on the doorway. A photo. Photo of curtains for a glass door

How often can you find door curtains in modern houses and apartments, and is this not absurd? The first thing that comes to mind is my grandmother's house in the village, they certainly had such door curtains. Therefore, it seems that these devices are used exclusively only in remote villages with dilapidated huts.

It is quite similar to the truth, but digging deeper and looking into the past, it turns out that these products were used far from the villages. For the first time, curtains were used on the doorway in aristocratic houses. As they say, fashion always comes back.

Today, curtains instead of doors are increasingly found in the interiors of houses. How to make the design of such an unusual door accessory can be found in this article.

What is the purpose of door curtains?

In fact, the curtains on the entrance doors do not carry the function intended for the door. This is definitely not an option to save money, it is likely that they have a certain decorative task. In the first case, curtains are hung instead of doors to give the interior of the room some kind of castle reliability and nobility.

And in the second case, they are hung to create comfort. After all, it is not for nothing that many city dwellers strive to sneak away at least for a couple of days to a village house. To achieve a cozy atmosphere, the simplest way is to use curtains for interior openings instead of doors.

There is a third function that allows you to give harmony to the atmosphere of the room. Often curtains are installed instead of a door to limit space. For example, if the living room and kitchen are located in one large room with a wide doorway, then curtains will be the best solution.

Curtains on the door will not only visually divide two rooms of different purposes, but also contribute to the formation of a pleasant and cozy atmosphere. In this case, the curtains seem to hint that there are two different rooms here.

Sometimes curtains are installed not in the opening, but directly mounted on top of the door. This is possible when the house has doors with glass inserts. In this case, hang curtains on the kitchen door or more often on the bedroom.

Proper door curtains

It doesn't matter what your goal is - to create a simply cozy atmosphere or to delimit rooms, you still need to make the right choice. Today, there should not be any difficulties with the choice of this product. In order not to get confused in a large selection, it is necessary to understand some rules for the correct selection.

All door curtains are divided into three groups:

  • Modern;
  • Classic;
  • Country.

Art Nouveau curtains

Curtains of this style are made using the latest materials or with designs that are similar to this style.

Curtains made of threads, which are also called rope curtains in a different way. Such decorative curtains for doors are popular today because of their singularity. They are made up of many threads.

Such hanging curtains are made both from simple threads and from materials such as shells and beads.

Roller blinds or roman blinds can also be used. As mentioned earlier they are attached to the door and are great for doors with glass inserts. Curtains on the balcony door as one example of this option.

Door curtains in classic style

Basically, the interior in this style is a luxuriously decorated room. Therefore, door curtains are selected accordingly from expensive velvety fabrics.

Do not forget that the curtains should be combined with other elements of this style. Take a look at the photo of the curtains on the door and you will immediately want one for yourself.

Curtains for a rustic doorway

For rustic country style, the simplest curtains are used. Usually these are curtains sewn with coarse fabric or cotton with a simple wooden cornice.

Why you need to give up the doors

Before realizing some unusual and alien idea to everyone, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the shortcomings and advantages of this idea. Let's look into all the nuances of this issue:

  • A doorway without a door in it can save your family budget;
  • Such openings can have a wide variety of shapes (arches or trapeziums). It is not at all easy to buy doors of such forms;
  • For finishing work on the improvement of the doorway, there is a large selection of materials;
  • If you escape the door from the opening, then you can visually enlarge the room;

Disadvantages of an open doorway

As practice shows, most people tend to use interior doors in their homes.

The absence of a line that divides the room. Suppose there is no door between the kitchen and the living room and all the smells from cooking penetrate not only into the living room, but also into all other rooms.

Installation restrictions. Some rooms, according to their purpose, require the presence of a door. Of course, we are talking about a bathroom and a toilet, you can add another study to them.

Lack of personal space. As often happens in our country, young couples live with their parents in the same house. I think anyone who is familiar with this situation and will not want to hear about some kind of curtains and curtains. A door, that's what they need, strong and secure.

Photo curtains on the door

In many homes today you can see beautiful curtains or curtains with which you can decorate a doorway or arch. Modern curtains are a great addition to the interior of the house, as they differ in style, appearance, shape, fabrics. You can always find a suitable option for decorating, for example, a country house. It remains to find out which of the varieties of curtains for arches, niches, doorways to give preference to get "to the point" in the design.


In many apartments and country houses today you can often see curtains instead of interior doors. They learned to frame doorways with curtains several centuries ago. Since then, the main function of curtains or curtains - the protection of personal space - has remained. This is not only about the ability to protect the premises from mosquitoes, from flies. Most often, curtains simply divide the room into two halves or into two different functional areas. Therefore, the aesthetics of curtains is very important.

Today you can use different styles in interior design, for example, it can be multi-layered textiles, fabrics with bright patterns, curtains with additional decorations, for example, in the form of lambrequins. Curtains and curtains for doorways are often selected based on the principles of combinatoriality with the rest of the background. At the same time, there are no difficulties in the overall design of the interior.

Many designers prefer to build on the main features of curtains when these elements carry one of the functional loads:

  • decorative curtains are necessary to divide the space (the same macrame curtains do an excellent job with this function);
  • curtains serve as protection against drafts, from insects (in this case, denser materials are used);
  • curtains allow you to fill the house with comfort (various variations with curtains can significantly transform the space, add entourage, create the right atmosphere);
  • thanks to hanging curtains or curtains, you can think over the zoning of the room (in this case, even any mesh material, beautifully decorated, will do).

Various curtains, based on the functionality of these elements for home decoration, are suitable for entrance, interior, balcony doors.


When choosing curtains for decorating a doorway, it is important to proceed from the style and design features of the room. Door curtains can perfectly harmonize with the rest of the style, if their color, print, size, configuration, fabric density are taken into account. Curtain curtains are quite appropriate in the living room, on the loggia, in the bedroom, in the hallway, in the kitchen. These interior items are mounted on special crossbars or fixed with magnets.

Interesting interior solutions can be seen at the entrance to the house, when the front doorway is decorated with elegant curtains. Many designers find that ornate curtains add more status to an interior. Often curtains for openings and arches are considered as the main way to divide the interior space. In various cultures, there is a trend towards the use of door and arched curtains. But in European culture for centuries, curtains have been treated with the same respect.

Curtains (or curtains) on the doorway have a lot of advantages:

  • with the help of such curtains, you can correct the space (visually expand its boundaries or reduce its size);
  • curtains can often be changed by experimenting with materials (textiles, threads, wood);
  • thanks to tastefully selected curtains, you can bring lightness to the interior or “overload” it with color (therefore, it is important to correctly select all design elements in style, shape, color);
  • thanks to the curtains, you can save usable space (this is an effective way of interior design for small apartments);
  • curtains will cost less than interior doors (therefore, door curtains can be safely attributed to an economical design).


Stylish interior design today comes down to the following types:

  • retro style;
  • country style;
  • oriental canvas;
  • ethnic motives.

Within these areas, you can always expand the boundaries of interior transitions. The main thing is that curtains or curtains always meet the basic requirements: they remain durable and practical for a long time, do not interfere with movement.

To date, the widest range of these accessories for home design is presented to buyers.

Popular types of curtains and curtains come down to the following types:

  • vertical blinds (may be suitable for a balcony door to share a living room with a balcony; at the same time, the incredible convenience of such structures, for example, with remote control, is noted);

  • roller blinds (models of curtains with a cassette fastening method are selected, which makes it possible to quickly remove textiles);

  • classic curtains (one of the most common design options for doorways, when the illumination of the room is taken into account, the feature of the material is that it can be dense or transparent);

  • curtains with magnets (a modern variation on the theme of comfortable curtains for the summer, which still serve as a natural obstacle to the penetration of insects - this is a mosquito net-curtain at the entrance to a room or loggia);

  • roman blinds (an excellent option for framing a balcony door, but such curtains are also suitable for stylish design of a doorway at the entrance, textiles can be easily removed);

  • classic type curtains (easy to confuse with a regular curtain, curtains are great for decorating rooms in a trendy or high-tech style);

  • French curtains (their feature is the soft assembly of transverse folds along the length);

  • Japanese curtains (usually look like partitions or screens with a thematic pattern);

  • “Bishop's sleeve” (an interesting and extravagant name for this variety of door curtains is associated with a straight cut of the canvas, which is gathered in the middle and decorated with a sleeve-like overlap);

  • hourglass-shaped curtains (which can be used to decorate a glass doorway - the fabric is folded in the middle);

  • lambrequins (multi-level curtains, as a rule, with a complex configuration, having overlaps, lines of different directions).

Materials and colors

Curtains or curtains for doorways are often attached to the structure with special magnets. One of the most common door curtain materials is mosquito net, only in a more modern style. Such a curtain is convenient and practical, it can be transparent, translucent and compacted. The design style is suitable for any kind of design.

You can choose a mesh curtain by color or pattern: manufacturers quickly respond to the needs of a wide audience, so the range of door curtains is constantly updated. But more often on sale you can find curtains and curtains with more versatile shades and textures.

For example, there are options for "wooden" curtains for doorways. The shades of such curtains are really very reminiscent of a "live" texture, there are also variations on this theme - curtains "glass", "plastic", "silicone", sequins, shells or beads. It is quite possible to make many models of such curtains manually - the elements are simply mounted on a chain, so that later they can be conveniently hung over the opening.

The choice of material for the design of doorways largely depends on the characteristics of the room, its design. Magnetic curtains made of delicate fabrics will fill the room with warmth and comfort. Such curtains are most suitable for country houses to beautifully decorate terraces, loggias, balconies, verandas. For country houses, any textile is suitable (both less and more dense), with fastening to cornices, rings, magnets to the box.

If the curtains have a purely aesthetic function, then you can look at the curtains with garlands, plates, glass inclusions, with bamboo and wooden planks, with metal beads. The color scheme of curtains for doorways largely depends on the environment. It is not necessary to combine white curtains on the windows with snow-white curtains on the doorways - it can be white stripes or white geometric patterns on the curtains, and the main shade can be any color.

Also, do not overload the room with a monochromatic or, conversely, too bright color of curtains and bedspreads. Everything should be harmoniously combined, combined, the color transition should be smooth, natural.

How to choose?

Curtains for glass doors are a fashion trend that is becoming a thing of the past for interiors with sliding glass doors. Simple curtains are inappropriate here, it is better to find design options for opening openings with glass doors - such curtains can cover the view half or completely, serve as an element of interior art.

Curtains have always been and remain a functional and at the same time decorative element of the room. Curtains allow you to add harmony and comfort to the atmosphere. Today, curtains are used not only to decorate windows, but also to beautifully decorate an opening if there are no doors in it. This style of decor has its pros and cons, which are best considered before the curtains are hung. Curtains on the doors and doorways will allow you to functionally equip the room, while diversifying the overall interior. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of products.

Modern curtains today are often used to decorate not only windows, but also doorways. Various textures, color combinations and solutions, sizes and textures allow you to choose an option that will meet all the requirements of the owners of the premises. It is important to remember that the curtains on the doorway should be in harmony with the overall style of the room.

It is worth noting that the door curtain is used not only in the absence of doors as such, but also when the doors leading to the room are made of transparent material.

The decorative features of door curtains are that they make the doorway complete, relieve it of coldness and ugliness. Curtains in the interior arch can be used to protect the room from insects, to zone the room. Based on the functional features of the curtains, it is important to choose the right material from which they will be made.

What can be curtains:

  • Wooden;
  • Bamboo;
  • plastic;
  • Glass;
  • From shells;
  • From sequins;
  • Metal: from small parts.

The choice of material is very important, since the functional features of the curtains depend on it. Of course, wooden doors can be installed instead of curtains, but before that it is important to weigh the pros and cons. If it was decided to hang interior curtains, you need to pay attention to the choice of curtain style. It is very important that they complement the interior and do not violate its harmony.

Stylish curtains on the door

When choosing a material for curtains, you need to pay special attention to the design of the interior in general. Draperies should be suitable for the materials in which the room is made. It is not entirely correct when the materials do not harmonize with each other and create dissonance. Curtains do not have to be made in the same color as the room, but they should have common features and finishing materials.

The style of execution of curtains can be the most diverse: from classic and modern to hi-tech and minimalism.

You can decorate the opening with your own hands. But before that, it is better to get acquainted with the advice of professionals on the choice of materials, their texture, color and size. When choosing materials, you should also pay attention to which rooms the suspension will be made between. Curtains can be hung in the kitchen, living room, bedroom. Filament curtains can be hung in the hallway on the front door.

Styles for curtains:

  1. Classical. Curtains can be made from thick or light fabrics. Usually these are thick curtains that fall to the floor.
  2. French. Curtains are usually collected in even and identical frequent folds that retain their shape along the entire length.
  3. "Bishop's Sleeve" The curtain fabric is collected below the middle, and the purpose of the design is to create a large overlap.
  4. Japanese. Curtains are attached to a rigid cornice, they are functional and practical screens.
  5. "Hourglass". Curtains are collected in the middle, creating beautiful and uniform folds.

The choice of style always depends on the individual taste preferences of the owners of the premises. But you also need to pay attention to the style in the interior. Curtains do not have to be in the same style, but they should not create disharmony.

The advantages of curtains on the interior arch: photo

The choice of curtains is largely influenced by the design in the interior. But it is also important to pay attention to what functional load the curtains will carry: they can only perform a protective function, or only a decorative one. To decorate the house, you can use light fabrics with many decorative elements.

With the help of bamboo fabric, you can combine both functions: protective and decorative. To do this, you need to choose a dense canvas, durable and high quality.

An arch decorated with curtains can have advantages and disadvantages. Often arched openings have a non-standard shape, so the use of curtains as a decor will only enhance the aesthetic effect. If there are no boundaries in the room, it is important to hang curtains - they will not reduce the space, but will help to zone it.

Advantages of curtains on the doorway:

  • Originality;
  • The possibility of delimiting space;
  • Inexpensive cost;
  • Variability.

The use of curtains allows you to change the decor as often as the owners of the room want. Curtains can be made from wood, fabric, glass, bamboo and other types of materials. The curtain can be a canvas of large sizes, medium or very small.

Wooden curtains on the doorway

The design of the doorway is the final stage of interior design as a whole. Wooden curtains have always been considered the height of sophistication, style and harmony. A stylish interior will look more complete if the doorway is decorated with curtains made from natural materials.

The doorway can separate different types of rooms: kitchen and living room, living room and corridor, living room and hallway, corridor and hallway.

Wooden curtains will allow you to limit the space, while not violating the space of both rooms. Wooden curtains can be hung in the passage room - they allow you to successfully zone the space. The wooden curtain has a lot of advantages.

Features of wooden curtains:

  • Eco-friendly. Curtains are made only from natural materials.
  • Antibacterial. Curtains perfectly pass air, do not disturb the microclimate in the room, unlike plastic.
  • Antistatic. Curtains do not "beat" current.
  • Ease of maintenance. Wood can be wiped with a damp cloth to remove dust.
  • Variability. Curtains can have a different shape. They can be decorated with figures of various shapes: wooden squares, rhombuses, beads.

You can make wooden curtains yourself. An opening with such curtains will look harmonious and stylish. Wooden curtains are suitable for decorating rooms made in different styles. The tree gives the room a romantic mood, allows you not to disturb the decor, complement it, make the room comfortable and cozy. In many models, the length of the curtains and their width can be adjusted.

Choosing curtains for doors and doorways (video)

Today, many owners refuse to install doors between rooms. This can be explained by many factors. The absence of a door allows you to visually expand the space, but at the same time not violate the boundaries of each of the rooms. To choose the right option, you need to know which designs will combine functional and decorative qualities. For example, roller blinds and blinds are not suitable for use in a doorway. But wicker and wooden curtains will allow you to zone the rooms, while not violating the common space.

Curtains on the doorway allow you to deprive the passage of facelessness, coldness, emptiness and ugliness. With the right choice of interior curtains, it turns out to emphasize the style of the entire room and form a unique and unique design.

Features of using curtains

A few key points:

  • To visually expand the room, it is appropriate to use light, light and flowing fabrics, such as a veil or organza.
  • Curtains of a dark and deep shade will help to correct the disproportionate width of the room.
  • Interior canvases with small prints will visually expand the spatial boundaries, and products with large patterns, on the contrary, will narrow them.
  • In small rooms it is not advisable to use heavy and complex curtain compositions with draperies.

Options for using curtains for openings

Two ways to apply:

  • instead of a door. The canvases used instead of the door are more decorative than functional. They do not overload the atmosphere, give the room a freer look and make it much more comfortable. Symmetrically or asymmetrically picked up interior curtains will not interfere with free passage.
  • To the door. This placement is particularly suitable for door structures with glazing. In this case, the curtains will help close the extra view and make the atmosphere more personal and secluded.

Thanks to a variety of fashionable textiles, you can perfectly complement and decorate any interior. Curtain ensembles not only endow the space with comfort, but also make its image more complete.

The photo shows white curtains on the doorway in the pantry in the interior of the bathroom.

Types of door curtains

There are several varieties.


A variety of vertical, horizontal blinds or pleated blinds provide an excellent opportunity to bring some airiness and spaciousness into the room. This solution is not only very original, but also the most functional.

Hanging curtains

They are quite spectacular hanging decor, especially advantageously decorating the doorway. Rope interior hanging curtains made of thin sticks or glass beads add brightness, color and unusualness to the atmosphere.


They are a very compact design in the form of a textile fabric fixed on a special roller. Roller blinds have a fairly wide range of applications, due to which it turns out to be interesting to experiment and play with the interior.


They are simple, but at the same time a very elegant and functional element of decor that goes well with almost any room design.

The photo shows the kitchen and gray Roman blinds on the doorway leading to the balcony.

Portieres and curtains

A standard design solution that is always quite up-to-date. Due to the wide variety of colors and textures, interior curtains and curtains fit especially harmoniously into the overall interior concept.


Fixed at the bottom and top, the textile fabric is intercepted in the center with a ribbon or any other decorative device, which gives the curtains an unusual hourglass-like silhouette.


Such screen panels, similar to a screen, at the same time represent both a harmonious interior detail and the semantic center of a stylistic composition.

Photo of curtains instead of doors in the interior of rooms

Design options for interior openings in various rooms.

To the living room and hall

Curtain compositions give the atmosphere a certain softness, plasticity and balance. Curtains on the doors not only decorate the living room, endow the space with a decorative effect and make the typical layout much more diverse, but also organize a smoother transition between rooms.

In the photo there is a living room and a doorway with curtains decorated with fringed lambrequins.

To the children's room

Multi-colored textile fabrics, thread, ribbon models, curtains with beads, ruffles or products decorated with photo prints with your favorite cartoon characters that will look quite original and original are especially appropriate here.

To the dressing room

For the dressing area, it is appropriate to use thick curtains that do not let in light and securely close the internal content from prying eyes. Such a curtain ensemble will give the interior dynamism and add new touches to the atmosphere.

The photo shows purple interior curtains on the doorway leading to the dressing room.

To the kitchen

The kitchen room can be decorated with wooden, filament or textile products. However, the fabric should be selected so that it absorbs as little as possible various odors that constantly accumulate in the kitchen.

The photo shows a kitchen interior with a doorway decorated with a patterned blue curtain.

To the pantry

A doorway decorated with bamboo, dense fabric, wicker rattan or other laconic designs looks neater and at the same time securely hidden from prying eyes.

In the hallway and corridor

The front door or interior openings in the hallway are often decorated with curtains. With the help of such a design idea, it turns out to radically change and transform the appearance of the corridor, making it stylish, original and at the same time very cozy and comfortable.

To the bedroom

For the bedroom, fabric interior curtains in discreet colors are suitable, which will not interfere with a quiet rest and relaxed atmosphere, shiny thread patterns or items with multi-colored beads that give the room a boudoir luxury. This design does not overload the interior, making it stylish and original.

The photo shows beige Roman curtains on the balcony door leaves in the interior of the bedroom.

The color scheme of interior curtains

Thanks to the wide colors, you can emphasize all the interior sophistication, form a truly memorable and expressive design and place the necessary accents in the room. For curtains, brighter and more contrasting colors are selected, both in harmony with the main finish, and vice versa.

Selection of curtains for the front door

Entrance doorways, decorated with curtains, are quite a fashionable interior solution that differs not only in aesthetics, but also in practical use. This decorating technique radically changes the look of the room, making it fresher, cozier, more original and more graceful.

Photo of curtains for a glass door

Glazed door structures can be decorated with simple interior curtains or curtains, combined with curtain compositions on the windows, hourglass curtains, as well as rolled or Roman paintings.

The photo shows a bedroom with a glazed doorway, decorated with Roman curtains with patterns.

Design examples of interior curtains

Original design solutions for curtains.

straw rings

Differ in the democratic price, a practicality and reliability. Straw rings add texture to the interior and are great for rooms that do not require complete insulation.

On eyelets

They are distinguished by ease of movement and the beautiful appearance of the folds created during drapery. On the eyelets, you can equally well fix both heavy curtains and weightless curtains made of organza, tulle or veil.

The photo shows a turquoise curtain on the grommets on the doorway leading to the bedroom.


It becomes a very interesting interior decoration that you can create with your own hands, at no extra cost. The unique crochet weave will surely add exclusivity to the design.

Design options in various styles

Depending on the style direction of the room, you can choose certain curtains that will favorably emphasize the situation and harmoniously complement the overall design idea.

  • Provence.
  • Modern.
  • Classic.
  • Country.
  • Oriental.

The photo shows a classic-style bathroom with an arched doorway, decorated with beige-colored curtains.

Due to various curtain ensembles, the style of the room becomes more complete and harmonious, and the room itself is filled with lightness and airiness.

Photo gallery

Curtains on the doorway, not only give the interior completeness and comfort, but also make the atmosphere more secluded. Interior curtains are distinguished by high decorative functions and endow the design of an apartment or house with a special personality and at the same time a certain charm.

A doorway without a door needs to be decorated with something. If you make curtains with your own hands, they will turn out to be more original than purchased ones. Fabric, wood, beads, etc. can be used as materials. How exactly to make decorative curtains for the doorway with your own hands? What to prefer, bamboo, thread or other materials? For you, an interesting master class, examples in the photo and a useful video.

Types of decorative curtains

Doorways without doors are not a temporary solution until the next paycheck. Most often, this is a conscious interior design in order to expand the room or create a fuzzy, conditional visual border. In this case, curtains are needed to complete the interior of the room or to place accents.

Curtains can separate:

  • corridor from the kitchen;
  • kitchen from the hallway;
  • living room from the kitchen;
  • living room from the corridor;
  • areas of one room.

Production materials:

  • bamboo. Lightweight and durable, do not fade and do not accumulate static electricity. An eco-friendly version of soft natural colors for country and oriental style;
  • threads. Thread curtains can be combined with beads, shells, glass beads, feathers. Look original, but not durable;
  • decorative elements. A type of thread curtains, in the manufacture of which small decorative elements are used: beads, pieces of wood, beads.
  • the cloth. All kinds of options suit different styles.

Types of curtains:

  • classic. Fabric, falling from top to bottom;
  • French. Gathering in folds along the length is dense;
  • Japanese. Curtains look like screens, the frame can be upholstered with material or fabric;
  • bishop's sleeve Tightened in the middle, below they look like a wide sleeve with a large slouch;
  • hourglass. Lightweight fabric gathers in folds in the middle;
  • lambrequins. Various configurations with pleats and laps.

DIY thread curtains

Curtains made of dense threads can be without anything or decorated with beads or other decorative elements. To create curtains, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • various threads made of silk, twine, polyester, viscose;
  • decorative elements as desired;
  • scissors, tape measure, pencil.

Attention! There are many ways to fasten threads. For example, threads can be intertwined with each other, and a bead can be placed above each knot.

What to do:

  1. Measure the height and width of the doorway so that the curtain reaches the floor and extends beyond the doorway on the left and right.
  2. Calculate how many threads you need, taking into account the distance from one thread to another and the allowance for tying knots at the top.
  3. Drill the required number of holes in the bar;
  4. Pass the threads through the holes, tying them in knots.
  5. Attach decorative elements to them with knots or special fasteners.
  6. Even if there are no beads on the entire length of the threads, it is advisable to make them at the very bottom. Weighting will help the threads hang vertically.
  7. Hang a plank over the doorway.

If you do not want to drill holes, you can glue the threads to the bar with a heat gun.

How to make hanging curtains

For the original decoration of the opening, colored pebbles, beads, beads, shells, glass beads, decorative knitted, glass or crystal elements are suitable. Colors can be used neutral, or, conversely, contrasting, depending on the style of the interior. In addition, you need to prepare:

  • beautiful and strong threads;
  • braid;
  • wooden plank or double-sided tape;
  • needle for putting on beads.

For a standard doorway, on average, about 500 threads are needed.

Guide to action:

  1. Cut the threads to the height of the doorway. You can use the idea with threads of different lengths.
  2. Cut the tape to a width slightly larger than the doorway.
  3. Carefully stick the threads across the entire width of the double-sided tape.
  4. Bend the tape twice so that the threads remain inside.
  5. On the resulting strip, glue the braid in the color of the threads or wall decoration.
  6. Attach above the doorway.
  7. String beads on each thread with a needle. You can fix it in different ways: with crepes, pliers, knots or a thread threaded twice in different directions.

Advice. If you plan to "draw" a pattern or pattern with beads, then it is best to do this before hanging the curtains. If you just want to put beads on threads, then it is more convenient to do this in limbo.

Such beauty, shimmering in the rays of the sun, can be woven together with children. In order to cope with the work, 2-3 days are enough.

Making a bamboo curtain

Bamboo curtains - decoration of ethnic interior. Previously, they were sold ready-made, with a pattern. Today it is more difficult to buy such curtains, but it is quite possible to create them yourself. The manufacturing technology will resemble the installation of wooden curtains.

You will need:

  • sticks made of wood or bamboo;
  • fishing line;
  • crimps - clips for decor;
  • cornice with rings.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Measure the height of the doorway.
  2. Cut the fishing line to the desired length with a small allowance.
  3. String the bamboo onto the fishing line, securing each element with crimps at the top and bottom.
  4. When ready, hang the fishing line on the cornice rings.
  5. Attach a cornice.

A bamboo or wooden curtain will be denser and more durable than a regular filament curtain.

Tailoring an elegant fabric curtain

Fabric is the most common way to design a doorway. To make it even more unusual, it is better not to purchase standard options, but to do everything yourself. Before work, you need to draw a sketch and take into account the number of frills and lambrequins. Based on this, calculate the required fabric footage. For example, drapery doubles the footage.

Attention! The width of the curtain is calculated by the formula: the width of the cornice, multiplied by the assembly factor (from 1.8 to 3x, depending on the type of fabric), plus seam allowances.


  • the cloth;
  • thread, needle;
  • sewing machine;
  • threads to match the material, braid.

Action steps:

  1. Prepare fabric: wash and dry.
  2. Process or remove the edge.
  3. Cut according to the sketch.
  4. Sew the curtain on the sewing machine according to the pattern.
  5. Bend and sew loops at the top.
  6. Put on the rings of the eaves.

In order for the curtain not to block the entrance to the room, you can install pickups and use them to hold the curtains open.

A product made of thread, bamboo or fabric will delight the family and surprise friends, and it can serve for more than 5 years.

Do-it-yourself curtains on the doorway - video

Curtains on the doorway - photo
