Light green wallpaper in the kitchen. White and green kitchen is an original combination. The main mistakes when choosing wallpaper for the kitchen

Many people want to have a beautiful and cozy kitchen, and it is also desirable that it lifts the mood and is “warm” on it. One option is a kitchen in green tones. Natural color, which is a symbol of life and will definitely not leave you indifferent. Let’s figure out how to make it beautiful and cozy.

Green - what shade is it?

Green color has many shades and tones. From rich and dark malachite, then delicate pistachio or light green. There are also different approaches to interior design, the choice of the “role” of the green color - main, additional or accent... All this allows you to get interiors with different moods, although each of them can be called “green”.

To ensure that a kitchen in green tones meets your expectations and you don’t get tired of it, decide what kind of atmosphere you want to create: calm, relaxing, invigorating, joyful, warming. The choice of shades depends on this. For a calm environment, soft tones from the “cold” part of the palette are suitable. They can be used as basic ones - for walls, facades. For a warm, warming effect, you can choose one of the shades of the “warm” part. But here you need to make sure that there is not much of it: this color can be kitchen apron, some of the facades, accessories and additions in the kitchen interior are of restrained tones - just to add a touch of bright mood.

The list of shades of green is shown in the photo above. But remember that the photo and the screen greatly distort colors. To have an accurate idea, you need to look at the color in person. This can be done in paint stores that have tinting stations. They have a list of colors. There the distortion is usually minimal.

The role of green in the kitchen interior

If you look at kitchen interiors in green tones, you will notice that not only the shades differ, but also the amount of this color. And this is also the moment that you need to decide. If you already had experience and were comfortable in greenery, you can immediately order furniture and look for a shade to decorate the walls. If you just want to “try it out,” it’s better to start with some details.

As the main

A green kitchen is not always the case monochrome design. Green can be the main color, and then there is a lot of it. It can be accent or additional. Then it is present only in some details. For example, if the walls and furniture facades are painted in different shades of green, this is the main color (several options in the photo).

When green is the main color in the kitchen The main thing is that the color does not bother you...

With this approach there are several important points. Firstly, in this case, choose soft, calm shades. Although the kitchen is an area of ​​active activity, many also use it as a dining room, and in this case it is better to find something quieter.

Secondly, in such interiors, additional colors (floor, ceiling, tabletop) are neutral, and only accents (some accessories) can be bright (but compatible). Red, blue, and in some versions yellow or orange go well with greens. You shouldn’t forget about brown or black either. Some details of similar, bright colors are needed to dilute the green. Oddly enough, this is exactly how it works - bright details attract a significant portion of attention.

Only the façade or part of it

It can only be green furniture facade or even just part of it - the lower or upper cabinets, or just part of the finish. There are no restrictions in choosing a shade - if you want, you can even use lime or “toad in love.” But these are the tones that quickly become boring in large quantities. The best options for this option are pistachio, mint, green moss, green tea, and apple. Furniture in dark green looks interesting: malachite, emerald, jade, blue-green. But the rooms for such shades should be spacious and bright, and the rest of the interior should be light and balanced.

Delicate green strongly diluted with white - the result is a very delicate shade Modern style and red as an accent - for those who need dynamism in the interior Classic combination - a kitchen in green and brown colors Blue-green... a very unusual color for a kitchen

Another option is to make only part of the façade green. Modern ones can have facades different colors: upper and lower cabinets may differ in both color and texture. Some of the boxes may also be of a different color. So, as an option, make some of the facades in green tones, and use neutral colors as the main ones - white. gray, beige and all their shades. This is an option for those who are not sure that greenery will not “strain”.

As an additional or accent

There is another way to make sure whether you like a kitchen in green tones - make only easily replaceable interior parts so. These include walls to be painted or wallpaper, countertops, and some (plastic, glass, MDF).

Green walls in the kitchen - you can really feel how much you like it

For example, green walls in the kitchen will allow you to test the intended shade of the furniture. Repainting walls or re-pasting wallpaper is much faster and cheaper than ordering new facades.

As an option - a kitchen apron and countertop

Despite the fact that the facades in the photo above are white, the interior itself cannot be called boring - the bright tabletop and apron attract attention. For harmonious interior It’s worth adding a few details of the same shade in another part of the room - around the table.

Another option for using green as an additional option (the main one is beige-brown)

Two different compatible shades in one interior are also very interesting idea, which can be played in different ways. The ideal way is mosaic. It can combine larger number colors, but the most important thing is not to “overdo it”.

Apron, walls, tabletop - two shades of green with main white

People living in wooden houses often suffer from monotony - the “wooden” color everywhere and constantly also tires. A great way to add a pop of color is to paint your work wall green and add accessories in the same shade. They will perfectly “dilute” the yellowness of the wood.

For those who are wary of even such volumes of greenery, we can suggest hanging curtains, a certain amount kitchen utensils, which remains in sight, a couple of accessories (watch, picture, etc.). If the sensations are comfortable, it will be possible to expand the “captured territory”.

The most popular combinations

Harmonious is a complex topic. There are different ways to select suitable shades using the color wheel, but the simplest solution is to use ready-made tables (pictured below) or select exactly the same shades as in one of the photographs. You can repeat a specific design only if you really like it, but it is advisable to practically “copy” the shades.

Color tables traditional style. The vertical stripe is the main color

Working with color tables is easy. Choose the shade that will be your main one. It is usually presented as a larger stripe on the right or left than all other stripes. From the smaller rectangles located nearby, choose the colors that you want to combine in your interior. But remember that they are all divided into three parts:

  • The main one is one, sometimes two colors that fill a lot of space. If we talk about the kitchen, then these are the walls and kitchen set. There can be three options: only walls, only furniture, and walls + furniture.
  • Additional. One or two more shades, of which there are enough. In the kitchen this is the floor, curtains, dining table, chairs, walls, kitchen apron, etc.
  • Accent. These are the colors of the accessories. Chairs sometimes end up here, but mostly these are small details - pictures, clocks, cups/bowls, etc.

But searching for tables by key (primary) color is long and problematic. You can do it differently. Find any table that contains the shade you like. We consider it the main one, and select the rest from the line. The colors here are 100% compatible, so everything will be harmonious.

For example, you can use the table above. Find the desired shade and select accompanying colors and tones from the line. Everything is extremely simple.

At least in the selection according to the tables you can find unusual combinations, there are several traditional ones, proven in many interiors. We present some of them below.

With brown

The combination of green and brown shades is taken from nature. Just look at the trees around and you will see perfect combinations. That's probably why there are so many kitchens in green and brown tones. Usually neutral shades are added to this duet: white, gray, but there can also be bright spots in the form of accessories.

Yellow cups and stools are the moment that adds color to a not too bright palette. In such an environment it is cozy, calm and at the same time not boring, even in the gray autumn-winter season.

The kitchen furniture is green with a white countertop and the floor is warm Brown. In general, the interior is perceived as green-brown. And the feeling is confidence, dynamism and a certain restraint. They are enhanced by the presence of stainless steel, which also gives the style a modern twist.

With white

White-green kitchen interior- a great option if you don’t like flashy colors and combinations of bright, saturated colors. With white, even the brightest shade does not “load”; the feeling of lightness and light still remains, even if dark shades are used.

Brighter shades, style - modern Green - as an additional...

The classic combination of this solution is green + white + gray. Black/brown/red/blue/purple/yellow/orange may (but not necessarily) be added to them in small quantities. These bright touches can radically change the “mood” of the interior. If you don’t have enough sunny color in winter or autumn, add bright spots - curtains, tablecloths, a couple of kitchen items bright colors. Life will sparkle with new colors!

With gray

Green and gray are a basic color combination. It is suitable for those who prefer a calm, slightly chilly atmosphere. A kitchen in gray-green tones can be decorated in a loft, modern, or classic style.

Either loft, or Provence... But very interesting...

Depending on the other colors, it can turn out quite cheerful, or cozy and calm.

Kitchen in green tones: photo examples

The monochrome version cannot be called boring

Bright tiles on kitchen plastic - emphasis on them

Green, white, gray - a classic combination. You will never go wrong if you choose her

How white kitchen turn into bright - update the color of the apron

Green color is universal. It symbolizes life and harmony. This is the color of spring and nature. It simultaneously pleases and relaxes, helps get rid of negativity and stress, invigorates and motivates. Particularly good green color for work areas. It promotes concentration, but is not tiring or overwhelming. In a green kitchen it is pleasant to cook and relax, gather with your family for dinner or invite guests for a cup of tea and cake. In addition, it is good for the eyes. It is not for nothing that green is often used in public institutions, restaurants, cafes and entertainment centers.

Interior styles

In the interior, green is always one of the most fashionable colors. It is closest to nature, goes well with natural materials and fits into current eco-trends. Even according to Feng Shui, such shades are a symbol of gradual stable growth and harmony. Therefore, green can easily fit into any kitchen interior style.

Green kitchen in modern style

Modern style combines several trends. This is the simplicity of minimalism, and extravagant notes of pop art, and the functionality of high-tech. This kitchen requires bright or cool shades. This is metal artificial lighting, clear geometry, strict lines, gloss. Emerald or light green facades look harmonious. They attract attention and stand out even more against the background of simple white walls and a no-frills ceiling. Large gray tiles or light laminate will complement the picture.

The main accessories are glass and mirrors. Transparent green lampshades, green glass tabletop, simple, laconic tableware and decor. Thick khaki curtains or simple and functional Roman blinds will complement the picture.

Green kitchen in eco-style

Eco-style is natural colors and textures. Therefore, green color fits organically into such a kitchen. Light wood is actively used, a natural stone, decorative plaster with the effect of slate and other textures.

Eco-style is a godsend for lovers of house plants. This kitchen can be turned into a real greenhouse. In addition to ordinary flowerpots, containers with flowers are mounted in partitions. You can turn them into small home seedlings by planting basil, mint, and other herbs. An unusual solution is to use stabilized moss pre-treated with glycerin. This way you can create a real natural living carpet, for example, on a wall.

Green kitchen in classic style

Classic style requires light or deep noble shades of green. If the kitchen decoration is light, pay attention to natural stone for the backsplash, countertops and window sill. This is marble, granite or their imitations. If the furniture is white, the walls can be safely decorated in delicate pear or apple tones. Large tiles on the floor look good.

Then it's a matter of details. Glass facades, crystal vases, elegant lampshades with fabric shades, draped curtains, gilded candlesticks with green candles - all this will help set accents. Household appliances It’s better to immediately integrate it into the headset. Then it will not stand out from the overall picture.

Green kitchen in Mediterranean style

Green kitchen in Mediterranean style– these are unchanging Greek notes. It is Greece that is characterized by a cool blue-green palette, lemon and olive tones, abundance of white. White walls finished with rough are often used textured plaster. Bright green dishes with ethnic patterns look great against their background.

Cool tones are combined with warm wood texture. The work area is tiled or mosaic. The floor has rough slabs or decorative rock. The ceiling is warm or dark. To create coziness, green textiles and decorative details in country style are used.

Green kitchen in country style

Rustic country is simplicity, ease and romance. In noisy cities, this style is an opportunity to relax, unwind, and get distracted. Country is natural materials, rough textures and soft outlines. Untreated wood, brick, and textured textiles are actively used. Linen goes perfectly with green.

Country green is one of the key colors. The British, for example, actively use a combination of deep saturated shades with solid wood. But the French prefer light wood and pistachio, olive or mint flowers. The main thing is not to overdo it. If the country-style kitchen already has furniture with green facades, then it is better to leave the walls and ceiling neutral. Light curtains, curtains on shelves, textile pillows and paintings in decorative frames are all elements characteristic of the style. The only rule is a harmonious match of textures, patterns and shades.

Finishes and materials

Green is popular and classic color. Different shades are presented in almost all collections of finishing materials. Tiles, laminate, wallpaper, paint, glass, plastic, textiles - the choice is unlimited. Green looks good with natural wood and stone, and bright and rich colors - with chrome and metal.

When choosing materials, you need to choose the right shades, because they are all very different and evoke completely different associations. Bright herbal colors give vigor and symbolize the thirst for life. Dark conifers are reliability, strength and durability. Delicate mossy shades are perfectly calming. Emerald, malachite and deep blue-green tones are luxury and wealth. Pay attention to these interesting options, like olive, lime, mint, turquoise, lemon, bottle glass color.

Muted and diluted shades will become an excellent background for furniture and decor, while bright and rich shades will become a full-fledged independent accent or a daring companion color.


Green tiles are a convenient and practical solution for the kitchen floor. It is easy to care for and wash. It doesn't get as dirty as white, and the choice of colors is endless. Pay attention to natural stone and its imitation. Noble green shades of rocks and minerals always look elegant.

An alternative option is laminate or linoleum. They are inexpensive, wear-resistant and practical. But it’s better to leave a luxurious green carpet in the bedroom or living room so as not to get dirty.


Green walls are beautiful and impressive. Now there are a lot of wallpapers that you can safely hang in the kitchen. They are easy to clean, do not become saturated with grease, and do not fade or fade in the sun for years.

You can also order special stain-resistant paint. The current trend is one bright accent wall in a rich green shade.


Green stretch ceiling - bold and unusual solution. But the right shade can change the perception of space beyond recognition. Dark matte ceilings look original and expensive in large and spacious kitchens, and light glossy ones visually enlarge small ones.

Kitchen furniture

A green set is freshness and lightness. Refined watercolor and olive shades fit wonderfully into Provence or country style, deep and cold into modern high-tech, acidic into minimalism, and dark and rich into classics.

But for a kitchen with green walls it is better to choose neutral furniture. The color will fit well Ivory and wooden sets or sets with a wood texture. The shade of wood is any, from light pine to noble mahogany.

Decor and lighting

Green accents can freshen up almost any interior. They will make a light kitchen brighter and more expressive, and a dark kitchen more comfortable and lighter. It doesn't have to be a kitchen set. Sometimes it is enough to limit yourself to textiles: curtains, tablecloths, napkins, coasters and potholders.

Indoor flowers look great on the windowsill of a green kitchen. They harmoniously complement the natural picture. You can buy a bright spring set of dishes or decorate work area green tiles. The glass mosaic looks interesting.

Finishing, textiles and decor should be in harmony with each other. Warm shades of green and shades with yellow undertones are combined with other warm colors: cream, rich beige, orange, yellow, mustard and even red. Cool shades mixed with blue or gray are combined with an equally cold palette.

Green is a light, unobtrusive color. It can be safely used in lighting. Lampshades and lampshades to match the finish will make electric light more comfortable for the eyes. The main thing is that the shade is not too bright and harsh.

Small green kitchen: interior design

Light green shades visually increase the space. Therefore, this is one of the classic options for a small kitchen. Glossy surfaces kitchen unit, light suspended ceiling, good lighting and a minimum of frills - and even a small kitchen will seem airy and spacious.

For furniture in a small kitchen, it is better to choose olive, pistachio, mint, salad and diluted pastel shades. A dark set is too oppressive and will look gloomy and depressing. But it’s better to leave the walls light: white, beige, cream, gray.

Kitchen in green - photo

We have selected the best photos green kitchen designs for inspiration. Interesting and bright ideas are waiting to be implemented! Take a look and choose the option you like!

According to psychologists and designers, green is a universal color. It looks equally good both in the design of a study and in other rooms of the house: bedroom, living room, kitchen.

Universal color

It is believed that this color scheme has a beneficial effect on mental abilities, nervous system and physiology in general. You probably noticed how comfortable and calm we were in the park, in the forest. Or how our mood changes from communicating with house plants. Therefore, the choice of a green palette for the interior of your favorite place in the house is quite understandable and understandable.

Rules for color combinations

Since we are talking about a kitchen in green tones, let’s talk about how you can play with this color in accordance with the chosen stylistic decisions. First, let's outline the techniques with which you can use the color green in the design of a room.

There are many options for how to effectively use the colors of nature.

  • Firstly, you can purchase a kitchen set in green tones. The choice of shade will be guided by your own intuition and personal preferences. If the price complete set you can’t afford furniture, but your soul requires something new, a good option is to purchase facades sized to fit existing modules. You can replace them with your own hands, armed with a tool and desire;
  • Alternatively, you can use another design technique - partial replacement facades. The main thing here is to harmoniously choose the right palette that will look good in your kitchen. So, in rooms on the north side, light, soft shades of green are recommended. If desired, they can be combined with one or more bright colors warm side of the color wheel. There are certain instructions that will help you find an acceptable combination of colors;

This is interesting! The versatility of the color green lies not only in the fact that it is a symbol of calm, confidence and decision-making. It harmonizes perfectly with the primary colors of white and black, giving the interior a touch of strict academicism.

An excellent combination is a combination that is suggested by nature itself:

  • green – yellow(grass - sun);
  • green – orange(forest - sunset);
  • green – cream(foliage - tree);
  • green – brown(photo).

  • The next way to use green in the kitchen is color accents. This includes the design working wall, the use of dining area furniture in appropriate colors, curtains and decorative accessories. Such design techniques will help create a unique style and highlight the interior favorably.
  • The simplest, cheapest and most invariant way to transform a room is to change the wallpaper, especially if you have a linear placement of the kitchen unit (three walls remain free). But just hanging green wallpaper in the kitchen is boring and not interesting. And given the affordable price and variety finishing material for walls, there can be an infinite number of variations on the theme. Therefore, this issue requires more careful consideration.

Wall decorations without problems

Main selection criteria

When it comes to choosing wallpaper for the kitchen, you need to remember that in addition to its visual appeal, it must be resistant to high humidity, dirt and not absorb odors. At the same time, it is easy to wash and does not complicate the cleaning process.

Green wallpaper for the kitchen paper based, in this case it is not worth considering at all. Many washable items emit a harmful carcinogen - benzene. The wallpaper performed well vinyl based, but they have one drawback - they do not allow air to pass through at all, this can lead to such unpleasant moments as the appearance of mold and mildew.

Wallpaper for the kitchen

The most suitable option for the kitchen, non-woven and fiberglass wallpaper are recognized. They have a lot of advantages. One of them is the simplicity of the gluing process - since the glue is applied only to the wall. Possibility of painting, i.e. various kinds contamination can be removed by applying a layer water-based paint. Tips for working with new materials can be seen in this video at the bottom of the page.

The most common and pleasing to the eye is the green color that surrounds people, both in nature and in the interior, and the right green kitchen set will emphasize the style of the room. It calms and has a positive effect on the mental state. A nice bonus is that green of any shade is suitable for decorating a kitchen.

Features of choice

Before you decide on green color for kitchen furniture, it is best to correlate it with the color of the apron and appliances at the design stage. The advantages of a kitchen interior in green tones include:

  1. A calming effect, tested by specialists and confirmed by time, as well as creating an atmosphere of comfort.
  2. A green kitchen set will suit any kitchen style and will highlight it if the rules for combining colors and textures are followed.
  3. The light green shade of the kitchen set (light green, lime, mint) visually increases the area of ​​the room, which is important for small kitchens in apartments.

The green facade of the kitchen will look like a loser if the companion color is incorrectly selected and a combination of more than three colors is used in the same space. To avoid problems with color selection, you need to follow several rules.

For example, bright colors are suitable for highlighting an accent, but not for decorating a kitchen countertop or a solid facade. Dark green (pine or myrtle shade) nobly reveals itself on large area desktop or upper pencil cases headset.

In design small kitchen It is important to combine shades of green with light shades (white or light beige), while in a large space you can combine green with different colors.

For “hot” kitchens, where the windows face the sunny side, it is best to choose cool color facade (mint, emerald, olive, moss color). For a “cold” room, it is worth choosing warm shades (lime, pear, chartreuse). The matte, muted and monochromatic design of the set is characteristic of classic kitchens, and the abundance of gloss, print and wavy geometry is characteristic of modern design.

Kitchen style with green furniture

Green is represented by a wide palette of tones that will be appropriate in one style or another.

  • A set in a classic style made of expensive wood will emphasize the simplicity and luxury of the kitchen with the help of solid colors and matte surfaces.
  • For Scandinavian style natural and pure tones of a warm palette are suitable.
  • Country style involves a combination of pale and rich tones with wood and stone.
  • The English and Provence style will be recognizable through the decor and olive kitchen furniture with the characteristic finish of the cabinets and dining group.
  • A modern kitchen can combine several colors, such as a white top and green bottom with a black splashback.

The photo shows a kitchen design in a rustic style, where they harmoniously combine wooden facades white and green, the work area apron brought something new to the interior.

Choosing a headset shape to suit the size of the kitchen

A green kitchen set can be of different shapes and configurations. The choice of shape depends on the size of the room and its functionality (for example, it could be a food preparation area combined with a dining room).


A linear kitchen set occupies the space between two walls. It will be appropriate in a rectangular room and small narrow kitchens, where corner modules can hide the space. This layout makes it possible to place a dining table. Linear kitchen can be different lengths and be supplemented with home appliances.


A corner kitchen set will help save space due to a spacious corner cabinet and pencil case, as well as placing a sink or stove in the corner. This kitchen can be made in any style, and can also be combined with a bar counter.


The U-shaped kitchen set is placed along three walls and is suitable for medium-sized rectangular and square rooms, as well as a studio apartment. This arrangement of furniture makes it possible to install a sink and refrigerator next to the stove without violating zoning rules.

It is difficult to combine with a U-shaped kitchen set lunch group due to the high clutter of furniture, it is better to receive guests and dine with a large family in a separate dining room or living room. In a small or narrow kitchen, a U-shaped layout will be appropriate, provided that there is a play of contrasting colors (for example, a green set, a black countertop and a white apron).


The island kitchen set is exclusively suitable for large spaces and above-average sized kitchens. The kitchen island can serve as an additional workspace, with a sink and internal cabinets for storing wine bottles or dishes, or maybe dining table and move on wheels.

The island fits well into both classic and modern styles. The peninsula option (adding an island to one side of the unit) combines a storage system and a bar countertop for quick breakfasts.

The photo shows the interior design of a green kitchen with an island, which serves as an additional work table with a hob.

Materials and quality of kitchen furniture: wood, MDF, plastic

There are frequent temperature changes in the kitchen and high humidity, therefore, the choice of wall decoration, frame quality and furniture facades should be approached with special attention. Chipboard, MDF, or wood with additional coating are suitable as a frame.

  • can be made entirely of wood, or with MDF in the interior of the set. The advantages include environmental friendliness, presentable appearance and long service life. The downsides are finicky cleaning and a limited selection of shades of green.

  • Kitchen facade made of MDF boards with enamel coating provides easy cleaning from dirt (from dust to greasy splashes), it is also resistant to moisture and does not absorb odors. Available in any shade of green in matte and glossy versions. Disadvantages include color loss when exposed to sunlight and frequent cleaning of fingerprints.
  • has the same properties and sufficient wear resistance, but over time the film will fade, and in the area of ​​the stove and oven it may peel off.

  • Plastic kitchen fronts resistant to detergents, exposure to moisture and sunlight, have a long service life and are available in all shades of green. The basis is chipboard or MDF panels, which are tightly sealed with plastic, and the ends are finished with aluminum profiles or plastic edging. The disadvantages include the remains of fingerprints and the unnatural origin of the material.

The kitchen facade can be glossy, matte or combined with the addition of a pattern on the furniture film.

  • Glossy surfaces reflect light well, so they are suitable for visually increasing the space of a small kitchen. The gloss looks impressive in modern kitchens in high-tech, loft, and art deco styles. Glossy kitchen furniture cannot be combined with suspended ceiling and it is undesirable to combine it with a glossy apron or floor tiles. A green glossy facade looks best with a discreet matte apron in a neutral or contrasting color.

  • A matte kitchen set is more practical; drips or fingerprints and splashes are not so clearly visible. Such furniture is suitable for creating classic style, minimalism, Scandinavian style and Provence. Matte surfaces hide the space, so in a small kitchen the green façade should be combined only with light colors wallpaper

  • IN combined In this design option, gloss can only be on the upper kitchen cabinets, and the lower cabinets will be matte or with a wooden texture.

The photo shows an example of a corner monochrome glossy set in a modern style, which is not overloaded with details and looks stylish.

Rules for choosing an apron and tabletop

Since green kitchen furniture is attractive in itself, the color of the work apron and countertop should look more restrained and not conflict with the main shade.

By color scheme A win-win option would be a white, beige, light coffee apron, which will create an unobtrusive transition. It can also be several shades lighter or darker than the color of the furniture. A metal apron with high resistance to washing and its shine is suitable for modern and high-tech styles.

Bright green kitchen furniture can be combined with the same bright yellow or purple apron (this option is suitable for a spacious room). The work apron can be made of glossy or matte white tiles with bright green grout. For rustic style tiles will do with wood texture in natural tones. Photo printing on a glass panel is acceptable if the facades are plain and matte.

The kitchen countertop can be made to look like stone (marble, granite) or wood in white, beige, gray and black. For a white and green kitchen, it is better to choose a gray or black countertop; a green set goes well with a white countertop. In a small kitchen, it is best to combine the color of the countertop with the color of the apron.

Made from materials that are resistant to moisture, high temperatures and frequent cleaning, laminated chipboard is suitable, hard rocks wood (oak, pine), glass, ceramics, stone.

Decorating the room and choosing wall colors

The choice of finishing color for a kitchen with green furniture should be based on the principle of balancing: the brighter the shade, the paler the shade of the walls.

  • Walls. Wallpaper for a lime kitchen set should be white or ivory. As an accent, you can use brown or black in the details. The dining area can be decorated with photo wallpaper to match the tone of the furniture. Olive or pistachio set will look good against a background of pale yellow, pastel pink, white and gray wallpaper. An emerald kitchen will look good against the background of milky, white walls with brown patterns.
  • Floor. For kitchen flooring It is most practical to choose porcelain tiles in the color of dark wood with a characteristic texture. Also it can be glossy white tiles with green decorative mosaic. When choosing linoleum, you should pay attention to its strength and resistance to load and the degree of wear resistance.
  • The ceiling should be light with enough lighting fixtures. It's best not to add green here. Glossy ceiling suitable for a small kitchen with matte furniture. For more classic version A flat ceiling with a minimum of design is suitable.

The photo shows an example of an unusual kitchen finish. Wooden beams replace the smooth ceiling, and the walls are not covered with wallpaper. This option is suitable for decorating a kitchen in a loft style.

Harmonious color combination

The right combination of colors in the set and a combination with a shade of wallpaper and curtains gives the kitchen an interesting look.

  • The most common combination is a white and green kitchen set. It is suitable for classic design. To this duet you can add both dark and light accents in any proportions.

The photo shows a white and pistachio kitchen set in the interior of a small kitchen. The combination of these colors makes the room light and airy.

  • The yellow-green facade of the kitchen furniture itself looks bright and self-sufficient, so it can be played up with purple curtains, or balanced with white interior details.

  • Green-orange The kitchen set is combined with white wall decoration without additional texture or patterns.

  • Gray-green kitchen will do to create a country style and goes well with the wooden finish of the work area.

  • Creates a feeling of pristine nature green-brown design of a kitchen set, which, together with wooden cladding, will emphasize the eco-style of the kitchen.

  • In moderation, a glossy black and green kitchen set can emphasize the elegance and sense of style of the home owners. Does not tolerate addition of any third color other than white.

Green is the most common color in nature - the color of life, freshness, strength. Formed from a mixture of two opposites - warm yellow and cold blue, it is the personification of harmony and balance. This is an ideal color for decorating work areas of the house - kitchen and office. Kitchens of green colors tend to invigorate and improve your mood in the morning, and in the evening they calm you down and set you up for relaxation.

  • Green color in interior design is considered one of the most universal. Professionals value it for its ability to animate, soften and add spontaneity to carefully thought out spaces;
  • This color has an incredible number of shades: emerald, jade, jade, apple, lime, olive, pistachio, light green, mint, pear, khaki, etc. By combining different variations of green with other colors, you can create different moods and visual effects.

Our goal is to use these properties as efficiently as possible and create the desired atmosphere by selecting the right complementary colors to the desired green shade.

For those who are in the process of searching for ideas for their new, future or existing green kitchen, we have compiled a list of the most successful combinations and collected large selection photos of successful “green interiors”.

5 general rules

When creating a “green” kitchen design, you need to keep in mind a few recommendations:

  1. Ideally, if you are at the planning stage of a green kitchen design, it is advisable to start with selecting a headset, furniture, backsplash, countertops and appliances and only then start looking for a paint tone or wallpaper;
  2. With all the versatility of green, you need to take into account some of the subtleties of using its shades. Bright green tones (lime, ripe pear, chartreuse) are not desirable for decorating large surfaces. Such active shades can only be used to decorate accent wall in the kitchen with restrained colors (example in the photo below). And dark green ones (myrtle, coniferous, aspragus, etc.), on the contrary, open up precisely on large surfaces.
  1. To decorate a kitchen facing south, green tones with a greater proportion of blue should be used, that is: turquoise, mint, gray-green, jade, malachite, emerald, moss. And for kitchens facing north, green shades with a predominant yellow note are suitable, that is, olive, marsh, lime, chartreuse, pear.

  1. Try to adhere to the rule: muted, dusty, as well as deep, dark shades are appropriate in the interior of strict, traditional, or masculine kitchens.

The predominance of clean, bright shades are more suitable for modern styles, For example, . Although, this is rather not a rule, but just a recommendation. Take a look at the following photo of a classic yet modern dining room. Pistachio and lime combined with a beige background and accents of orange and pink look quite harmonious.

  1. If large spaces can be decorated in any color scheme, then small kitchens - only with a predominance of light shades. For example, the kitchen may be white and the walls light green. Or vice versa: the kitchen is green and the walls are white. If it is green wallpaper, then it should have an unobtrusive pattern that will not “eat up” the space (photo below).

Combining colors correctly

The combination with white is universal and win-win

White and green kitchen is the most classic and harmonious combination. You can add any color accents to this duo and not worry too much about the proportions.

A pistachio-colored or cooler mint-colored kitchen combined with white walls and inclusions of pink looks fresh and gentle.

Mint and gray-green kitchens combined with light finishes and wood are suitable for modern kitchen with a hint of country.

The olive-colored kitchen looks organic, English and American classics.

A kitchen in green, almost an acidic shade, is perhaps only combined with a white background.

Here interesting cuisines with green bottom and white top.

The second option of a white-green kitchen is even more common, when the set and furniture are white, and the walls are light green, dark green, gray-green, etc.

Pistachio color in the kitchen interior in combination with white and warm wood shades, as in the photo below, looks warm and cozy.

Olive-colored walls are appropriate in the interior of a kitchen of any style, both modern and traditional.

Bright grassy shade of walls with white kitchen.

Bright lime, apple, and pear shades are very active, so they are appropriate only on a fragment of the wall.

Dark green walls in the kitchen combined with white look less gloomy. In a small kitchen, dark green wallpaper on half the wall as in the photo below will not make the kitchen smaller.

Gray-green and light green walls are a basic color that will fit into any interior, especially good for kitchens designed in a classic style.

Combination with shades of brown (beige, wood, wenge) – classic and soothing

Another classic combination are green and brown or beige colors that can be represented as wooden furniture, brick wall, tiles on the floor and apron, etc.

Beige kitchen with green checkered wallpaper.

Combination with orange - for a healthy appetite

Orange and green are two self-sufficient, bright colors that are simply created for kitchens and dining rooms, as they increase appetite and mood. To avoid getting tired of the abundance of bright shades of lime, pear, grass and orange, use them in a 1:3 ratio. The best background for this union is white, and it can be diluted by inclusions of pink, yellow, and blue shades.
