DIY chimney deflector diagram. The best do-it-yourself chimney deflector: drawing and dimensions. Video: making a collet deflector with details

Normal operation of any heating unit necessarily requires the presence of a smoke channel. Without normal draft, not a single boiler, fireplace, or stove will work.

However, very often there are various problems with traction, especially when strong wind. To solve most of these problems, a chimney deflector installed in the upper part of the pipe was invented and is actively used.

A conventional chimney deflector is a device placed at the end of a chimney pipe or ventilation duct to increase draft (see). At correct selection optimal size and the type of this device, it is possible to increase the efficiency of the thermal unit (up to 20%). It should also be noted that the chimney deflector serves as excellent protection against rain, snow, dust, debris and birds getting inside the chimney. So it’s worth spending time installing the deflector, especially since it’s not difficult to do this work yourself.

Tip: installing a deflector is especially effective when it is not possible to make the smoke channel straight.

The principle of operation of the deflector is quite simple - air flows hit the outer surface of the diffuser, flow around it and thus create a slight vacuum (Bernoulli effect - when the speed of air around an obstacle increases, a vacuum appears), which increases the draft in the chimney duct.

Types of deflectors

Over many years of creation and design, the following types of deflector structures have been designed and are now being manufactured:

TsAGI deflectors are mainly used. This universal type, which is suitable for installation on any pipe - ventilation or chimney. A channel is attached on top of the chimney pipe, exceeding its diameter; this channel forms a diffuser flowing around the wind. As a result, zones appear on the sides high pressure, and in front and behind there are vacuum zones, which contributes to increased traction. To prevent debris from falling into the chimney, a cap is attached over the diffuser.

However, each of the listed types copes well with the tasks assigned to them. The main differences are:

  • dimensions;
  • sensitivity to wind direction.

The disadvantage of any deflector is that in calm weather this device provides some resistance to draft.

For the manufacture of deflectors, materials are used that are not prone to corrosion and can withstand high temperatures. Most often, it is galvanized or stainless steel or copper.

Deflector structure

All deflectors have almost the same structure.

A typical chimney deflector consists of the following parts:

  1. Inlet pipe.
  2. Diffuser (upper outer cylinder).
  3. Deflector housings.
  4. Brackets for fastening the cap - umbrella.
  5. An umbrella cap with a cone shape.

The main material for the manufacture of deflectors is galvanized iron sheets. IN Lately deflectors appeared on sale, where the metal is coated with enamel or protective layer plastic. For installation on ventilation ducts where there is no hot air outlet, plastic deflectors can be used.

Deflector calculation

Before you make a chimney deflector with your own hands, you need to make a calculation and draw a drawing with all dimensions set. The calculation is based on the internal diameter of the chimney pipe (d) and using a special table, the height of the deflector (H) and the width of the diffuser (D) are selected.

Deflector size selection table

If the required size is not in this table, then you can calculate it using the following ratios:

  1. The height of the deflector should be: 1.6 - 1.7 d.
  2. Diffuser width: 1.2 - 1.3 d.
  3. Width of the canopy: 1.7 - 19 d.

Where d- internal diameter of the smoke channel.

Important: when making a deflector with your own hands, you must adhere to these proportions. If you make a device that does not meet these ratios, the deflector will not work properly.

Once the drawings are ready, you can begin preparing the necessary tools and materials

In order to make a deflector for a chimney pipe with your own hands, you need the following tools and materials:

  • roulette;
  • metal scissors;
  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • electric drill;
  • set of open-end wrenches;
  • galvanized iron sheets;
  • bolts with nuts;
  • clamp;
  • metal strip.

Making a deflector

After carrying out the calculations, we proceed to the production of all components deflector:

  1. Using a pencil, draw the corresponding parts of the deflector: the outer cylinder, diffuser and cap. We draw strictly according to size.
    Tip: you can make life-size patterns from cardboard and simply trace them along the outline on the metal.
  2. Using metal scissors, we cut out all the parts - the lower cylinder, diffuser and umbrella cap, reverse cone.
  3. All parts must be connected using welding, rivets or small bolts.
  4. We cut out brackets from a metal strip to secure the cap.
    Tip: to save material, the steel strip can be cut lengthwise into thin strips.
  5. The hood mounting brackets are attached to the outer surface of the cone diffuser.
  6. A reverse cone is attached to the umbrella cap.

After all the main parts are made, you can begin assembling the deflector directly on the chimney.

Installing the deflector

Let's consider the option when deflectors for a chimney pipe are installed on a metal chimney with an internal diameter 120 mm .

The assembly work will proceed in this order:

  1. The lower cylinder is installed on the chimney and secured in a fixed position using a bolted connection.
  2. A diffuser (upper cylinder) is attached to the lower cylinder using a clamp.
  3. The umbrella cap with a reverse cone is mounted on brackets.

Tip: be sure to place a reverse cone under the hood. It allows the deflector to work effectively even in low winds.

Important: if the chimney pipe has a large diameter, then for reliable fastening to the chimney it is necessary to use additional braces made of steel wire.

Chimney and ventilation ducts play a very important role (see). It is devices such as chimney deflectors that make the operation of these channels stable and eliminate the problem of lack or weak draft.

Have you ever noticed a special cap over the chimney on your neighbors' roof? This is a deflector. IN literal translation this word means "reflector". In fact, the deflector is a short pipe, a shell, which is usually mounted on a head with an umbrella and is designed to protect the upper section of the chimney from strong winds. The deflector on the chimney is also called a chimney or a weather vane - this is an ancient architectural element. Some of its variants remain true works of art to this day. Why not decorate your steam room with it?

What is a deflector and why is it needed?

The deflector itself enhances traction by deflecting air flows. Here the wind simply encounters an obstacle, and a low pressure zone appears in front of it. This is how cravings increase.

Special studies have shown that when using even a conventional deflector, the efficiency of any chimney increases by as much as 20%! But it also protects the pipes well from snow, rain and plant debris that can be carried by the wind. Moreover, the deflector works well in any conditions - regardless of how and where the wind blows.

Let's take a closer look at the principle of operation of the deflector. Air currents hit its outer surface, flow around it and thus create a rarefaction of air. In physics, the phenomenon is called the Bernoulli effect - when the air moves quickly and goes around an obstacle, it is discharged, and it is this process that significantly increases the draft in the chimney.

If you have backdraft in your chimney, we recommend that you read the article

The most popular types of deflectors

Modern deflectors are:

  • With a flat pommel;
  • With opening lid;
  • With a gable roof - two slopes on a pipe;
  • With a semicircular pommel.

Deflectors with a flat copper top are often installed on houses built in the Art Nouveau style. But for modern buildings A cap with a semicircular top is more suitable. With a gable roof, they best protect the chimney from snow.

Basically, deflectors are made from sheets of galvanized iron, although recently you can increasingly see on sale deflectors in which the metal is coated with enamel or even a layer of plastic.

  • TsAGI deflector;
  • "Smoke tooth";
  • Grigorovich deflector;
  • Ball-shaped deflector with rotation;
  • Open Astato;
  • Round deflector "Voller";
  • Star "Shenard".

The most common today is the TsAGI deflector. Let's look at its structure:

  • Inlet pipe;
  • Diffuser;
  • deflector housing;
  • Brackets;
  • Umbrella.

The domestic model of the “Smoke Tooth” deflector is also popular today. You need to insert it with the door facing the smoke collector. It looks like this: we place one edge on the wall, lift the second and lower it into place. For easy installation, remove the futerose plates from the back and side walls. You also see two handles in front of you - they are called “ cold hand"and is intended for controlling and adjusting the operation of the furnace.

Have you chosen a model? Now let's look at how you can make a chimney deflector with your own hands - for your steam room.

How to build a deflector yourself?

The deflector has its own parameters. So, its height should be 1.6-1.7 from the internal diameter of the chimney duct, and its width should be 1.7-1.9. Diffuser width – 1.2-1.3. But first, let's decide on the material from which it will be made:

  • Copper;
  • Galvanized iron;
  • Stainless steel.

Why copper if it is such an expensive material? The fact is that the deflector is located in one of the most inaccessible places in the bathhouse, and therefore, so that it does not have to be repaired, it is better to make it as resistant to atmospheric conditions as possible. And copper is the best in this regard.

And here's how to make a deflector:

  1. Draw on cardboard an outline of all the main parts, such as the cap, diffuser and outer cylinder.
  2. Transfer everything to metal and cut using metal scissors according to these patterns.
  3. Connect the parts to each other using rivets, bolts or welding.
  4. Make brackets from a strip of metal - you will use them to secure the cap to the surface.
  5. Attach a reverse cone to the cap.

The deflector itself must first be assembled, and only then installed on the roof. We first install the lower cylinder and secure it with bolts and nuts. Using clamps, we attach the diffuser to the lower cylinder, and on it - a cap with a reverse cone.

Weather vane deflector: the latest technology

This is a special device in which the body rotates simultaneously with the deflector visors curved on it. And those are connected to the bearing unit. At the top there is a weather vane, which allows the entire structure to always be “downwind”.

How does this thing work? Quite simple and ingenious: the air flow passes through the space between the visors, accelerates and thereby creates a rarefaction zone. As a result, the draft in the chimney increases, the fuel in the stove burns well, and air exchange improves - if ventilation is also created. Such deflectors are good for preventing backdraft, sparking and flame failure.

You can make such a miracle of technology yourself! Then simply attach the structure itself to the cut of the chimney using a ring with a bearing assembly. A high-quality influx of fresh, clean air and good removal of combustion products are the most main secret good oven operation and light steam!

For what purposes is a deflector used?
Design features
Features of operation
Self-installation on a chimney
Manufacturing of the TsAGI deflector

A device such as a chimney deflector is a small canopy over the smoke exhaust structure. It performs the function of protection from aggressive environmental influences: precipitation, winds. In addition, the deflector helps create the necessary traction.

Chimneys, like units that require solid fuel to operate, are one of the main components of thermal installations. To work effectively heating design, it is necessary to ensure the influx of air masses and the removal of combustion products.

In order to reduce the influence of wind gusts on the draft force, a deflector is used for the chimney in ventilation and smoke removal systems. It promotes the removal of flue gases. This device is placed in the pipe heads. “Deflector” is translated as reflect, divert.

There are a number of reasons why smoke partially remains inside buildings and does not escape through the smoke exhaust system:

  1. Strong gusty wind penetrates the chimney and affects the smoke coming from it. As a result, the traction force is reduced and combustion products are only partially removed.
  2. The height of the chimney pipe is insufficient or it is not placed correctly on the roof.
  3. The conditions for smoke exhaust are worsened because the chimney diameter is incorrectly selected.

The functioning of this device as a windproof device is based on the effect of suction of combustion gases from the chimney using the wind. The deflector is able to change its direction in the direction most favorable for the movement of gases through ventilation and chimney ducts.

As a result, the wind does not reduce thrust, but rather increases it. Its increase is most noticeable in pipes that have from 2 to 4 revolutions. The chimney deflector helps increase the efficiency of the smoke exhaust structure to approximately 20%. The second important function of this device is to protect the gas exhaust channels from the penetration of various debris and precipitation.

Deflectors are mounted:

  • both on individual and on common, collective chimneys that create natural ventilation;
  • on the trunks of garbage chutes;
  • on channels for removing combustion products of gaseous fuel.

Design features

If you look at the drawing of the deflector for the chimney, you can see that it has three main parts:

  1. Bottom cylinder (glass). For its manufacture, an asbestos, ceramic or metal pipe is used.
  2. Adjacent to the cylinder is a diffuser that expands towards the bottom - the upper glass. This requires three to four racks.
  3. An umbrella in the shape of a cone-shaped cap is installed above the diffuser.

At the top of the diffuser and cylinder there are annular rebounds, which are needed to deflect the air masses from the movement directed vertically.

The surfaces of the device are positioned so that the wind, regardless of direction, does not interfere with the removal of combustion products, but, on the contrary, helps due to the suction of gases through an annular hole located at the top and bottom.

The umbrella and diffuser are usually made of galvanized steel. These devices operate under the most unfavorable conditions and, since there is a danger of corrosion processes, it is recommended to produce these elements from high-quality boiler steel.

Features of operation

The device works in a certain way:

  1. When the wind moves onto the chimney from top to bottom, gases are sucked in due to the annular hole located at the bottom.
  2. When exposed to air masses from bottom to top, gases are sucked in through the upper hole.
  3. If the wind is directed horizontally, suction occurs through two ring-shaped holes.

The lowest efficiency of the deflector is observed when air masses move from bottom to top. In this case, the wind is reflected by the umbrella in the direction opposite to the movement of gases. This disadvantage available for all types of devices. To eliminate this, the deflector umbrella is produced in the form of two cones, joined together by the bases. The lower one reflects air and smoke flows, and also cuts them and leads them outside.

Self-installation on a chimney

The drawings will help you mount a deflector on a chimney pipe with your own hands.

Installation of the device, for which an asbestos-cement pipe is used as the lower cylinder, is carried out as follows:

  1. The racks are secured to the lower glass with M6 bolts and nuts.
  2. The upper cylinder and the lower element are fastened with clamps.
  3. Brackets are used to attach the cap with a reverse cone.
  4. If a round device is used for a chimney with a rectangular or square cross-section, installation is carried out using adapter pipes.
  5. For pipes with a large cross-section, supports-legs made from strip steel are added to the deflector.

Manufacturing of the TsAGI deflector

Thanks to the simplicity of the design, it will not be difficult to understand how to make a deflector for a pipe with your own hands. After completing the preparation of templates based on the drawings, they begin to work with metal.

It is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Using patterns, draw the required contours on the metal with a simple pencil or special chalk before making a deflector for the pipe. In places of overlap you need to add 20 millimeters.
  2. According to the drawn outline, the parts are cut out in expanded form using scissors for metal work.
  3. Use a hacksaw to cut metal strips or corners into pieces of the required length. They will be required to fasten structural parts made of galvanized iron.
  4. The prepared parts are bent, holes are made in the overlap areas, and rivets are used to secure the edges.
  5. Then the product is assembled. In this case, the elements are drilled at the places of overlap, and rivets are used to secure them to each other.
  6. Fixation to the chimney can be done in one of two ways: making holes in the inlet pipe or creating a clamp from a strip of metal, which will require a bolt and nut.

Homemade Wolpert-Grigorovich deflector. How to make a deflector yourself and improve draft in the stove pipe.

Chapter: Country construction and improvement

A deflector is a device that improves draft in a pipe. It does this due to the fact that as a result of air flowing around the deflector, areas of low pressure are formed directly above the pipe.

And this entails the leakage of air (or furnace gases) from the pipe. Those. there is an effect of elongation, lifting the pipe by about 15-20%. But this is often more than enough to provide good traction in short (low) pipes. Deflectors have been known for quite a long time, since the discovery of the laws of aerodynamics, but they are widely used only in industrial systems. And although their manufacture is very simple and everyone can do it, the reason for their absence on our pipes is solely ignorance and lack of information.

As a result, “creative” umbrellas loom over the roofs - the product of local stove makers who think a lot about “unwritten beauty”, but much less about draft in the chimney and high-quality combustion of fuel.

There are many deflector systems: TsAGI, Volpert-Grigorovich, Khanzhenkov, etc. But the most common option for heating is the Volpert-Grigorovich deflector.

Although, according to some reviews, the TsAGI deflector has proven itself better for ventilation systems.

The deflector circuit is quite simple. A truncated cone is installed above the pipe - a diffuser, so that the pipe fits slightly into it. A protective umbrella is installed over the pipe as usual. But to compensate for damage (zones high blood pressure under an umbrella), an inverted cone is attached under the umbrella.

As a result, inside this structure, when the wind blows from the side, a reduced pressure is formed, and the smoke more readily rushes out of the pipe outside. To be fair, it should be noted that with a strong downward wind flow “from top to bottom,” the pressure inside the deflector increases (due to shielding by the umbrella).

This must be taken into account when choosing the installation location and pipe height. The best way to blow the deflector is from the side or from below, and this is 99% of cases.

Before you start making the deflector, you need to calculate its dimensions.

All of them are tied to the diameter of the pipe. (If the pipe is square, then a square deflector is made, although it works worse due to its angularity). The diameter of the pipe is considered the initial value D. And all other dimensions are calculated with the coefficients corresponding to the sketch. The diffuser diameter at the bottom is 2D, at the top – 1.5D, the diffuser height is 1.5D. The “immersion” of the pipe into the diffuser is 0.15D. The height of the umbrella cone, the reverse cone and the distance between the umbrella and the diffuser are 0.25D each.

DIY Volpert-Grigorovich deflector

All these dependencies were obtained as a result of blowing the deflector in wind tunnels. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to adhere to them.

So, knowing the dimensions, we begin to calculate and cut the workpiece.

The ideal material for the deflector would be thin stainless steel. But regular galvanized steel will do just fine. It will last for many years, but making a new one will take several hours. The article “How to calculate a cone pattern” will help you in calculating the size of the blanks.

The pattern for the diffuser is a curved strip of steel, and for the umbrella it is two circles with cut out segments.

Don't forget to leave a 2-3 cm strip of metal on one of the edges for joining. We make the umbrella 2-3 centimeters larger than the reverse cone.

To avoid fussing with the bends and twists of the steel, I used blind rivets and a rivet gun. Since there is no need for tightness here, fastening the edges of the pattern with rivets is much faster.

It is convenient to use some kind of mandrel in the form of a hanging bar on which the diffuser is placed. Holding the part, we drill holes in two edges at once, insert a rivet and “pull it out” with a rivet gun. Fast and reliable fastening. Lightly straighten the rivet with a small hammer.

We also do the cones of the umbrella and reflector, but do not connect them yet.

To attach the umbrella to the diffuser at the desired height, I used pieces of threaded rod. For stable fastening, 3, arranged in a three-rayed star, are sufficient. On the diffuser, the pins are attached to special loops made from a strip of metal and also attached to the diffuser with rivets. The studs are simply screwed into the hinges and secured with nuts.

This system allows you to very accurately and quickly set the umbrella to the desired height.

3 holes are drilled in the reverse cone and the reverse cone is fixed with nuts and lock washers at the desired height.

Now you can attach the protective umbrella. Since it is slightly larger in diameter than the reverse cone, along its perimeter in several places the protruding edge is cut to a width of 1-2 cm.

and this strip bends onto the lower cone. There are 6-10 such strips and both cones are fastened together very securely. And due to the fact that the upper cone - an umbrella - is larger than the lower one, precipitation will not accumulate inside this “flying saucer”.

Now all that remains is to attach the deflector directly to the pipe.

To do this, it is convenient to use a short piece of pipe, so that you can slowly and efficiently connect it to the deflector, and then install the entire structure on the chimney.

Having marked and drilled the necessary holes in both the diffuser and the pipe, we fix the deflector using threaded rods, ensuring the required amount of pipe entry into the diffuser.

Now you can install everything on the pipe.

Perhaps the design will seem somewhat cumbersome to some. However, the deflector actually significantly improves the draft in the pipe. Even with a slight wind, the draft even in a cold oven can be felt very clearly with your bare hand and by ear. During combustion, even when the furnace is ignited, the draft increases as the pipe warms up.

And a strong wind creates a very significant draft, as if air is being forced into the firebox, as if pressurized.

According to subjective feelings and experience, the pipe is approx. 3 meters works the same as a height of 5 meters. If the firebox of the stove is not overloaded with fuel and there is a good air supply, then the height of the flame in the firebox is no more than 15-20 cm, versus the usual 40-50.

In this case, the combustion process is very active.

By spending just a few hours making a deflector, you can significantly improve the combustion process in your stoves.

Konstantin Timoshenko. © 06.08.2014

Questions and discussion of various deflectors on the forum.

A ventilation deflector is a special attachment mounted on the upper end of the exhaust pipe to protect the duct and facilitate the ventilation process. After all, the deflector blocks the cut of the pipe, preventing the penetration of precipitation or small debris, and, at the same time, creates an additional exhaust force in the channel, generated by the wind blowing through this nozzle.

Moreover, the exhaust pipe can belong to both ventilation and the system for removing combustion products from the stove or boiler (chimney).

The principle of operation of the deflector

This nozzle works based on the Bernoulli effect, a Swiss mechanic who discovered the relationship between flow speed and static pressure in the channel.

Bernoulli established that with an increase in flow velocity, provoked by a narrowing of the channel, the pressure in the air duct or pipeline drops, creating a vacuum in a certain area of ​​​​the pipeline.

That is, the deflector “catches” the wind rushing into a narrow channel - the diffuser, and causing a drop in pressure in the upper part of the ventilation duct.

As a result, the rarefied void under the diffuser is filled with a portion of air drawn in by the ventilation duct.

In this case, the correct deflector can regulate the air flow in the diffuser and the direction of discharge of the medium transported by the exhaust pipeline. And with due diligence by the designers of this nozzle, the draft in the air duct increases by 15-20 percent.

Actually, because of these percentages, a deflector is used, with which you can level out the insufficient height of the air duct or the excessively modest dimensions of the ventilation duct.

Typical types of deflectors

We have already figured out why we need a deflector, so further in the text we will look at the design types of such attachments.

Based on their design features, the range of such products is divided into four groups, which include the following attachments:

  • Deflectors with a flat “lid” (top). You can even make such nozzles yourself. After all, a flat lid can simply be cut out of sheet steel or copper, without the hassle of forming a cone.
  • Nozzles with a removable lid, which are especially in demand when installing a chimney that requires periodic cleaning.
  • Deflectors with a gable (gable) cover.

    Such nozzles provide maximum protection of the chimney or ventilation duct from snow and rain.

  • Nozzles with a spherical top, which are used on the “front” side of the exterior. Such deflectors have the most aesthetically pleasing external shapes and can fit into any roofing and facade design style.

The most popular models of nozzles include the following products:

As you can see: there is a wide range of deflectors different models and construction diagrams. At the same time, you can choose from this variety both high-performance, active ventilation deflectors, and a home-made version, the manufacture of which requires a minimum of effort.

DIY deflector for a ventilation pipe

The manufacture of the nozzle begins with calculations of its dimensions.

At the same time, we must understand that the classic deflector consists of the following parts:

  • An inlet pipe, the flow dimensions of which must coincide with the outer diameter of the pipe.
  • An outer cylinder located on top is a diffuser, the dimensions of which should be no 30 percent larger than the flow diameter of the air duct.
  • A conical, spherical or flat hood held by brackets above the diffuser.

    The dimensions of the hood should be 70-90 percent larger than the throughput diameter of the hood.

Well, the height of the deflectors of ventilation systems should be no more than one and a half internal diameters of the air ducts.

Having decided on the dimensions, you can begin cutting galvanized or stainless steel sheets - black rolled steel is not suitable for the deflector. Moreover, first we draw out the developments of all structural elements - from the inlet pipe to the brackets - and then transfer these templates to the metal.

Separation of blanks from the sheet is carried out using metal scissors. Well, if you cannot make a development according to the workpiece drawing, use ready-made drawings and patterns.

Assembly of finished elements is carried out using rivets, screws, bolts or welding.

The latest technology, of course, guarantees maximum reliability, but not every welder can “weld” thin sheet metal.

Therefore, the optimal assembly technology is installation with rivets.

In this case, first we assemble the diffuser, then we attach brackets to it that hold the cap, to which we mount this part of the deflector. Next, we attach the bottom brackets to the inlet pipe and mount top part these spacers to the cone-shaped diffuser.

This is how we can make the simplest Grigorovich deflector.

Well, after assembly, all we have to do is install the nozzle on the air duct.

Installing a ventilation deflector

Installation of a household deflector on a ventilation duct is carried out according to a fairly simple rules, namely:

  • First, we install the inlet pipe by drilling holes in its body and the channel pipe.

    After all, this part is mounted either with rivets or bolts.

  • Next, we attach the diffuser funnel to the lower brackets installed on the pipe in advance. In addition, the same part can be fixed without brackets - using clamps.
  • The top - the deflector cap - is attached to the truncated cone of the diffuser using the same rivets or bolts.

Moreover, taking into account the fact that the deflector will have to be installed at a height of 80-100 centimeters from the roof ridge, it is better to assemble the cap and deflector not on site, but in a more convenient environment - on the ground or in a workshop.

Well, the installation of clamps connecting the inlet pipe to the deflector can be done at height.

Causes of chimney smoking
Application of deflectors
Do-it-yourself installation of a deflector on a chimney
Installation of a deflector with a wind protection device
Features of deflectors

The smoke exhaust system is one of the key elements of any heating installation, not inferior in importance to other structural elements.

To heating equipment worked correctly, the system must be provided with a stable air flow and removal of fuel combustion products. Typically, a chimney is used for these purposes, which, with proper design and installation, will allow the system to fully operate on natural draft, discharging all residues into the atmosphere.

In some cases, it is impossible to install a full-fledged chimney, but the need for draft does not disappear because of this.

In order for the system to continue to function, you need to install a deflector on the gas pipe, which will ensure normal draft and allow the heating equipment to work. This article will focus on deflectors and their features.

Causes of chimney smoking

Often when using a chimney, a phenomenon such as pipe smoking occurs, which can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Strong air gusts directed into the chimney.

    The result is a serious obstacle that prevents smoke from escaping into the atmosphere. The draft decreases, and the smoke remains in the system, sooner or later beginning to enter the building.

  2. The poor performance of the chimney can be explained very simply - if the design was initially designed incorrectly, then normal functioning out of the question.

    For example, installing a chimney that is too narrow will certainly lead to weak draft and insufficient removal of combustion products. The same can be said about lack of height or incorrect placement pipes on the roof.

If the second reason can be eliminated at the design stage, if the chimney has not yet been installed, then the first reason will definitely have to be dealt with, so the need to install a chimney still remains.

Application of deflectors

The main quality of deflectors for which they are used is the ability to increase traction by diverting external air flows. Regardless of the design, any deflector works on a single principle - the air bypassing the obstacle creates a low-pressure zone, due to which the draft in the chimney increases.

Do-it-yourself fungus (deflector) on a chimney pipe - drawings and calculation formula

A good deflector can increase the efficiency of a smoke exhaust system by 20%.

In addition, the deflector has an additional function that occurs indirectly - an obstacle installed on the chimney pipe prevents precipitation and various debris from entering it.

A simple deflector consists of two cylinders, one at the bottom and one at the top, and a protective cone, also called an umbrella.

The bottom cylinder is usually part of a chimney made of metal or asbestos cement. Galvanized metal is used to make the deflectors themselves.

There are several standard options for deflectors:

  • TsAGI deflector;
  • "Volper" with a round body;
  • Grigorovich deflector;
  • Open deflector Astato;
  • H-shaped;
  • Star-shaped "Shenard".

Different types of deflectors are used in the following types of structures:

  • Collective and private ventilation shafts;
  • Collective and private chimneys;
  • Systems for the removal of gases and their combustion products;
  • Garbage chutes.

Do-it-yourself installation of a deflector on a chimney

Assembling a conventional deflector is not difficult.

First you need to fix the rack on the lower cylinder using a bolted connection. The upper cylinder, which has an extension in the lower part, is attached to the lower cylinder with clamps using racks. A reverse cone is assembled on the folds, after which it needs to be installed in its place using rivets. Read also: “Why do you need a deflector on a chimney, how to install it yourself.”

To assemble structural elements, you can use not only rivets, but also resistance welding - there will be no noticeable difference in the end. When working, it is important to choose the correct size ratio of the deflector parts so that it can then be installed on the chimney.

The operating principle of the deflector assembled in this way is as follows:

  • Any air flow attempting to pass through the upper cylinder encounters an obstacle and bypasses it;
  • The air flows passing over the cylinder turn upward and pull the smoke coming out of the chimney with them;
  • Due to the vacuum in the pipe, the movement increases, so the thrust becomes an order of magnitude greater.

Even in the case when the wind flows are not directed strictly horizontally, but along a different trajectory, the cone installed on the chimney pipe still performs its functions.

It turns out that the wind ends up in the upper cylinder, passing through the gaps of the structure, as a result of which the smoke is sucked out.

The only disadvantage of any deflector is operation in conditions of low winds, due to which a vortex movement occurs under the hood, preventing smoke from freely escaping into the atmosphere. To reduce this effect, it is worth installing a reverse cone under the umbrella, which partially reflects external air flows inside the structure and simplifies the operation of the system. Read also: “Why do you need a cap on a chimney pipe and how to make it yourself.”

Installation of a deflector with a wind protection device

The deflector with wind protection is mounted as follows:

  • Two bearings and a vertical axis are fixed in the chimney at two levels;
  • A semi-cylindrical screen, a weather vane and a roof of the structure are successively installed on the axis.

The operating principle of this type of system is as follows:

  1. When the wind direction changes, the weather vane rotates and pulls a curtain behind it, covering the chimney from the wind.

    As a result, smoke can escape from the leeward side of the chimney at any time.

  2. Air flows pass tangentially over the semi-cylindrical screen and pull smoke behind them, increasing draft in the system.

To increase the efficiency of the structure, it is necessary to periodically lubricate the deflector bearings, and in the cold season, also remove ice that forms in the structure due to condensation.

Taking into account the last nuance, we can say that such a nozzle on the chimney pipe from the wind can effectively protect only those structures that are located in warm regions.

Features of deflectors

When installing a deflector on a pipe, you need to know about some features of its use:

  1. To attach a square or rectangular shape round deflector, you need to use special adapters.
  2. If the installed chimney has large section, then the deflector must be installed on special legs or steel supports must be used.
  3. When installing the transition from a square chimney to a round deflector, you need to take into account the gradual overlap of the brickwork.
  4. Installation of deflectors is required only for heating equipment operating on solid fuel - in other cases, any protective cone on the pipe will be useless.

Knowledge of these nuances will allow you to select the optimal pipe deflector for the chimney and install it so that it can increase the efficiency of the entire heating system.


Installing a deflector on the pipe of solid fuel heating equipment makes it possible to increase draft in the system and simplify the release of combustion products into the atmosphere - and this not only improves the quality of the system, but also prevents smoke from entering the living room, where it can harm human health.

Everyone has noticed the cap rising above the chimney, but not everyone knows why it was installed there and what its purpose is. This part is called a deflector. This is translated into Russian as “reflector”.

It is a small canopy over the pipe and serves to protect it from aggressive environmental influences: wind, precipitation and to create the necessary traction.

Sometimes it is called a smoker, and when made in some stylish form, it is called a weather vane.

A deflector installed on a chimney pipe is an architectural element that came to us from antiquity, and today it can also decorate the roof of any building.

In addition, in addition to its decorative role, it also performs an important practical function - it enhances the movement of air in the pipe.

  1. What is it and why is it needed?
  2. What are the types
  3. Weather vane deflector
  4. We make it ourselves
  5. Advice from experts

What is it and why is it needed?

Regardless of what heating equipment is used in the house and what coolant is used, any heating system is equipped with a chimney.

Thanks to it, the exhaust of combustion products is ensured. The quality of operation of the entire system directly depends on how it functions.

But a beautiful chimney that is installed according to all the rules does not always function perfectly.

This is especially noticeable in strong winds, when there is strong pressure on the gases in the pipe. To ensure that nothing could interfere with the proper functioning of the entire heating system, a deflector is placed on the chimney pipe.

Its main purpose is to increase traction by obstructing air flow. The wind, bending around the obstacle, leads to the formation of a low pressure zone around the pipe. The result is increased traction. Regardless of the design of the deflectors, they are all involved in the same process - the formation of a zone of low pressure when air flows around an obstacle.

Air flows, coming into contact with the surface of the deflector, bend around it and begin to move faster, creating an area of ​​rarefaction.

DIY chimney deflector

In physics, this phenomenon is called the Bernoulli effect. It is thanks to this that the draft in the pipe increases.

Studies have shown that when using a deflector, even the most ordinary one, the efficiency of the chimney increases by 20%.

Its usefulness also lies in the fact that it protects the pipe from wind-borne debris and precipitation in the form of rain, hail or snow. The chimney functions the same under all conditions, regardless of features weather conditions on the street.

Popular product types

You've probably noticed that they happen various shapes. Modern devices may have different tops:

  1. Flat
  2. Semicircle
  3. With lid
  4. With a gable gable roof

Semicircular cap

The first type is most often installed on houses made in the Art Nouveau style.

For ordinary modern buildings, a semicircular cap is mainly used. The gable roof of the deflector does the best job of protecting the chimney from snow.

Chimneys are mainly made from galvanized iron, less often from copper. But today products coated with enamel or heat-resistant polymer are becoming fashionable. If the device is used on ventilation ducts where there is no direct contact with heated air, then a plastic cap can be used.

The designs of deflectors are also different.

In the domestic market the most popular are:

  • TsAGI deflector, spherical with rotation, open “Astato”
  • Grigorovich device
  • "Smoke Tooth"
  • Round chimney "Voller"
  • Star "Shenard"

Various options for chimney caps

The most popular in the Russian open spaces has become the TsAGI deflector.

Its package includes:

  • Branch pipe (inlet)
  • Frame
  • Diffuser
  • Umbrella
  • Brackets

You can buy a factory deflector and install it on the chimney, but some people prefer to make it themselves from scrap materials.

To do this, you should follow a few simple rules.

Weather vane deflector

This is a mechanism that has a rotating body and is connected to a bearing unit, with specially curved parts attached to it. The weather vane itself is located on top, it allows the entire device to constantly stay in the wind.

The ring with a bearing assembly built into it is attached to the edge of the chimney using strong bolts.

The air flow passing between the visors is accelerated, which leads to the creation of a rarefied zone. The thrust, accordingly, increases and the efficiency of removal of combustion products increases.

The weather vane deflector is made of materials with high corrosion resistance. It has a simple design and can be used in chimneys on any building.

How to make a chimney deflector with your own hands

First you need to decide what material it will be created from.

It can be galvanized iron or stainless steel. Copper is also suitable, although it is an expensive material. The use of these particular metals is due to the fact that the deflector must be as resistant to temperature changes and atmospheric influences as possible.

The device has its own specific parameters that must be adhered to.

For example, the height of the chimney should be 1.6-1.7 parts of the internal diameter of the pipe, and the width should be 1.9.

The sequence of work on creating a deflector yourself is as follows:

  1. On cardboard we draw a diagram of the main parts.
  2. We transfer the patterns to metal and cut out individual parts.
  3. We connect all the elements to one another using fasteners or welding.
  4. We make the brackets from steel needed to mount the cap on the surface of the chimney.
  5. We assemble the cap.

A self-made deflector is first assembled and only then mounted on the pipe.

The first to install is the cylinder, which is fixed with fasteners. Using clamps, a diffuser is attached to it, as well as a cap in the form of a reverse cone. This simple element allows the device to function in any wind.

Watch the video and do it yourself step by step:

To make your own cap you will need the following items and tools:

  • Rubber or wooden mallet
  • Hammer
  • Bar
  • Clamps
  • Scissors for working with metal
  • Steel corner.

To simplify the process of assembling the device, all parts have specially cut corners on both sides.

Installing a deflector is mandatory and is most effective if there is an indirect chimney.

When making the device yourself, you must strictly adhere to the proportions indicated above.

If the deflector installed on the chimney does not meet these parameters, then it will not be able to perform its main function of creating good draft.

We make the cap ourselves, video review:

When making metal blanks yourself, it is best to do this using cardboard patterns cut to the required dimensions.

Having attached them to a sheet of metal, it will be enough to trace the details along the contour and you can safely cut them out without fear of making a mistake.

The presence of a reverse cone under the hood is also a mandatory design requirement. With its help, the chimney will function effectively under any climatic conditions.

If the pipe has a maximum permissible diameter, then installation will require the use of a stretcher made of wire.

Smoke exhaust systems, along with stoves, boilers and fireplaces operating on organic fuel, are the most important components of heating installations. For efficient work heating equipment, it is necessary to organize the flow of air and the removal of combustion products.

If heat generators operate without pressurization, then the chimney design must ensure a natural, stable discharge of combustion products. To reduce the effect of wind on draft in smoke and ventilation ducts, a deflector is used to remove flue gases.

These are special devices that are installed in the heads of ventilation and chimney pipes. The word "deflector" comes from the Latin "to deflect."

There are several reasons why some of the smoke does not escape through the smoke exhaust ducts, but remains indoors:

  • Gusty, strong winds can blow into the chimney and affect the smoke coming out of the chimney.

    The draft is reduced and combustion products are not completely removed.

  • Insufficient height of the pipe and its incorrect location on the roof.
  • The conditions for smoke removal can be worsened by an incorrectly selected (too small) pipe cross-section.

Why do you need a chimney deflector?

The action of a windproof device - a deflector - is based on the effect of gas suction from ventilation and chimneys using wind.

The wind direction is changed by the deflector in the direction that is most favorable for the movement of gases through chimneys and ventilation ducts.

Thus, the wind does not reduce the draft, but, on the contrary, enhances it. The most significant increase in thrust is manifested in pipes with two to four turns.

The chimney deflector makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the smoke exhaust system by up to 20%.

Another function of the deflector is to protect the smoke exhaust channel from debris, snow and rain getting into it.

Deflectors are installed on individual and collective channels that provide natural ventilation; individual and collective chimneys; channels for removing all gas combustion products; garbage chute trunks.

Design Features

The chimney deflector has three main parts:

  • The lower cylinder is made of metal, ceramic or asbestos pipe.
  • An upper glass (diffuser), expanding downwards, is attached to the lower glass (cylinder) on three or four racks.
  • A cone-shaped cap (umbrella) is mounted above the diffuser.

On the top of both the lower glass and the diffuser, annular fenders are made, which are intended to deflect the wind from the vertical direction.

The surfaces of the deflectors are positioned in such a way that wind of any direction not only does not interfere with the exit of combustion products, but also helps in the suction of gases through the upper and lower annular space.

The diffuser and umbrella are usually made of galvanized steel.

Considering unfavourable conditions operation of these devices - variable humidity, sudden changes in temperature conditions, high risk of corrosion; it is recommended to use high-quality boiler steel for the manufacture of deflectors.

The main types of deflector designs: Grigorovich deflector, round – “Volper”, star-shaped – “Shenard”, TsAGI deflector, open – “Astato”, H-shaped.

How does a deflector work?

The deflector works as follows:

  • If the wind acts on the pipe from top to bottom, then gases are sucked in through the lower annular hole.
  • When exposed to wind from bottom to top, gases are sucked in through the upper annular hole.
  • When the wind direction is horizontal, gases are sucked in through both annular holes.

The deflector works least effectively when the wind is directed from bottom to top.

In this case, the wind is reflected by the deflector umbrella in the direction opposite to the movement of gases. This drawback is, to one degree or another, characteristic of all types of deflector designs. To eliminate it, the deflector umbrella is made in the form of two cones, which are connected by bases. The lower cone reflects currents of air and smoke, cutting them and diverting them outside.

Do-it-yourself chimney deflector: main installation steps

Installation of a deflector, for the lower cylinder of which an asbestos-cement pipe is used, is as follows:

  • Using M6 bolts and nuts, the racks are secured to the lower glass.
  • The upper cylinder is attached to the lower part using clamps.
  • The cap with a reverse cone is secured with brackets.
  • A round deflector is installed on a chimney pipe with a square or rectangular cross-section using adapter pipes.
  • For chimney pipes with a large cross-section, usually used for fireplaces, supports or legs made of strip steel are added to the design of the deflectors.

The design and principle of operation of the weather vane

Another device that serves to protect the chimney from the wind is a weather vane.

Its design consists of a conical cover, a semi-cylindrical screen and a weather vane, mounted on a freely rotating vertical axis, which rests on a thrust bearing.

Unlike a deflector, a weather vane is a movable windproof device, the elements of which change their position depending on the direction of the wind.

When exposed to wind, the canvas turns the semi-cylinder with its convex part towards the wind, which prevents it from being blown into the outlet hole.

Deflectors for ventilation and chimney: DIY assembly instructions

The wind glides along the outer surface of the cylinder and sucks in combustion products coming out of the pipe.

There are many designs of weather vanes, but they all suffer from rapid failure of the rotating elements due to corrosion and contamination. In the cold season on metal parts condensation forms on the weather vane, which, when frozen, makes the windproof device impossible to operate.

Therefore, weather vanes are not suitable for use in regions with harsh climates, where deflectors function more effectively.

Deflector with windproof device, creating effective traction in the chimney, not only organizes the correct operation of heating equipment, but also ensures comfortable and safe conditions residence of all inhabitants of the house.

In ducts and air ducts. But over time, debris can get into the mine; the channels can simply become clogged with dust, which sticks tightly to their walls, especially if they have a greasy coating. All this reduces the diameter of the air ducts, which negatively affects the operation of the entire ventilation system.

That is why many homeowners install special devices called deflectors on the heads of ventilation pipes.

Features of the device

installed to increase draft in air ducts, shafts and channels. This device, by deflecting air flows created by the wind, creates a low-pressure zone at the outlet of the ventilation system. The air masses in the pipe, trying to compensate for the vacuum, rise to the head of the pipe, thereby increasing thrust.

This is a description of the operating principle of all deflectors, of which there are a huge number of designs. Many devices not only deflect air flows, but also increase the speed of their passage over the head of the ventilation pipe by narrowing the channel, thereby significantly increasing draft (airbrush principle).

Proper use of the deflector helps increase the productivity of the entire ventilation system by up to 20%; it is especially useful on ventilation ducts with large horizontal sections and bends.

In addition, the deflector on ventilation pipe perfectly protects against the ingress of various debris, small birds, insects, and most importantly, precipitation. Basically, the material from which these devices are made is resistant to corrosion. This is galvanized or stainless steel, ceramics or plastic.

Existing types of deflectors

Today there are a huge number of different designs of such devices. Among them, the most popular models are:

  • – an effective and simple design wind redirection device.
  • – also a very popular deflector design.
  • H-shaped device for effectively increasing draft in ventilation and chimneys.

In addition, they are often used various designs open deflectors both on the heads of ventilation and chimney pipes.

All varieties of models can be classified according to some distinctive qualities:

  • According to the shape of the top of the device.
  • Rotating (rotary or turbine).
  • Deflectors-vanes.

In addition to such a common material as metal, these devices are made of plastic. The plastic ventilation deflector is less durable than its steel counterpart, but has a lower cost and a more sophisticated appearance.

That is why plastic devices decorate the ventilation shafts of most private houses. But besides its service life, it has another serious drawback. Can't stand plastic high temperatures, therefore it is not recommended to use it on chimneys.

Weather vanes - deflectors are usually installed on chimneys, but they are also quite suitable for ventilation systems. The air flow, passing through a system of visors and slots in the product body, is redirected due to which a low pressure zone is created above the pipe. It should be recalled that the weather vane has a design that allows this device to be constantly turned, with the working side facing the wind.

Thanks to its rotating design, it not only increases draft in the ventilation shaft, but also effectively protects it from various debris and insects. This device, as a rule, has a spherical shape, so it stands out among all with its original design.

There is another original type ventilation deflector– rotary, or as it is also called turbine. This device converts the energy of air flows into the rotational movement of a turbine, which spins the air according to the principle of a tornado, thereby creating an increase in draft in the air duct. This device shows excellent results even in the warm season, creating draft in the ventilation system.

Making a simple device with your own hands

Despite the complexity of the design, every home craftsman can make a deflector with his own hands. You just need to have the necessary tools and materials. For self-made This device will need:

  • A sheet of thick paper or cardboard.
  • Galvanized metal sheet.
  • Drawing of a deflector with calculations regarding the diameter of the pipe.
  • Rivet gun.
  • Metal scissors.
  • Drill with a set of drills.
  • Marker or scriber.

After preparing the tools, material and personal protective equipment (goggles, gloves), you can begin making a ventilation deflector with your own hands.

  1. First of all, you should transfer the contours of the product from the drawing to the metal. There must be scans of all the main parts of the device: cap, diffuser, outer cylinder, racks.
  2. After this, you need to cut out all parts of the device according to the resulting pattern.
  3. Connect all parts of the device, according to the drawing or sketch, using a rivet gun.
  4. Connect the two parts of the deflector using stands cut from the same metal.

After manufacturing, you can install the deflector on the head of the pipe, carefully securing it with clamps.

The deflector will create additional draft in the channels only if all its parts are made according to certain sizes. It should be remembered that the installation should be carried out while working at height, so it is better to do it together and with insurance. If you are not confident in your abilities, contact professionals who have experience in the manufacture and installation of these necessary devices.

At first glance, the deflector is perceived as a special cap over the chimney. And upon closer examination, it is seen as a short pipe mounted on a head with an umbrella. The deflector protects the upper part of the chimney from strong winds and serves as an architectural element. Alternative names for this indispensable device are weather vane and chimney.

The need to install a chimney deflector

The functioning of heating equipment is reflected in how air circulates in the system and smoke is eliminated. If these mechanisms are not debugged, then the fuel combustion process is disrupted, carbon monoxide penetrates the premises and causes serious damage to health.

Each part of the chimney must be installed correctly, otherwise the draft will be poor

It happens that normalizing the operation of a stove or fireplace correct parameters chimney, that is, the cross-section, height and configuration are not possible. In such a situation, they resort to a deflector installed on the upper section of the chimney.

According to the rules, the smoke exhaust channel must be vertical and fairly straight. The recommended height of the pipe above the level of the roof ridge is less than 50 cm.

The deflector has an important mission - to equalize or increase draft in heating equipment. The device’s assistant in this matter is the wind, which creates a space with rarefied air and pushes combustion products into it that could not escape from the smoke duct.

The deflector often saves the situation if traction cannot be improved by any other means.

The deflector is also assigned some other tasks that help improve the operation of the chimney as a whole. The device blocks the access of rainwater and snow to heating equipment. Thanks to the deflector, the stove operates without interruption even on a stormy day.

The principle of operation of the weather vane

The functioning of a deflector or weather vane is the following process:

  • when the wind blows into the pipe from top to bottom, the products of fuel combustion are drawn out by the lower annular hole of the device;
  • if air flows act from bottom to top, then the gases are filtered out by the upper annular slot;
  • When the wind blows in a horizontal direction, carbon monoxide and other unnecessary substances are sucked out by two holes at once.

A weather vane works worst when the wind is blowing upward. This is due to the fact that the umbrella repels air flows and directs them in the direction opposite to the movement of combustion products.

The device forces the wind to travel in a certain direction, which improves traction

In order for the deflector to work without failure, regardless of the direction of the wind, the umbrella of the device is shaped into two cones connected by the bases. The lower cone has a specific role - to repel the flow of air and combustion products, pushing them apart and directing them towards the outlet of the pipe.

Manufacturing of deflectors

A chimney deflector is a device consisting of three main parts: a lower cylinder, an upper glass (diffuser) and a cone-shaped cap (umbrella).

The lower cylinder is made from a pipe, the material for which can be asbestos, metal or ceramics. An upper glass is attached to this element, fixed on three or four posts and increasing towards the bottom. A cone-shaped cap, sometimes called an umbrella, is installed above it.

In the upper section of both the lower and upper glasses, annular rebounds are created. They prevent the wind from taking a vertical direction.

The deflector consists of: 1 - umbrella-cap, 2 - legs, 3 - conical shield, 4 - diffuser, 5 - pipe, 6 - body

The weather vane is installed in a special way so that the wind blowing in any direction does not create barriers to the removal of gases. Air flows should facilitate the release of combustion products attracted by the upper and lower rings.

Diffuser and umbrella are products most often made of zinc coated steel. The best raw material for creating these deflector parts is high-quality boiler steel, because they operate in conditions of variable humidity, unexpected temperature changes and a high risk of rust formation.

According to their design, weather vanes are divided into types:

  • Grigorovich deflector;
  • weather vane deflector;
  • TsAGI deflector;
  • spark arrestor

Grigorovich deflector

The most popular type of smoke vent is the Grigorovich deflector. It has a simplified design and therefore can be created with your own hands without much difficulty.

The lower cylinder of the Grigorovich deflector includes several pipes. In addition to it, the main parts of this type of weather vane are the upper cylinder, the conical element and two brackets for attaching the product to the chimney.

It is more reasonable to create the Grigorovich deflector from tin and steel, coated with zinc or created specifically for the manufacture of boilers. Recommended material thickness is 0.5 mm.

The most important parts of the Grigorovich deflector are the diffuser, cap and reverse cone

Despite the excellent ability of the Grigorovich deflector to enhance draft and protect the chimney from the penetration of foreign objects, it is found to have one significant drawback- poor performance in low wind conditions.

The Grigorovich deflector is manufactured in stages:

The weather vane deflector is assembled from such parts as:

  • a half-cylinder that serves as a barrier to strong winds;
  • a cover that blocks the entry of various debris into the chimney;
  • a canvas that rotates in accordance with the direction of the wind;
  • a central axis communicating with each element of the device;
  • a thrust bearing that performs the task of additionally securing the device on the smoke duct.

Compared to other draft leveling devices, the weather vane deflector is an improved device. It functions on the principle of a ship's sail. The weather vane deflector is distinguished by a rotating body that moves under the influence of the wind.

The weather vane deflector is constantly in motion, so it easily improves traction

The manufacture of a weather vane deflector is the following process:

Video: DIY chimney weather vane

By shape H-shaped deflector repeats the outline of the letter. The device is installed in a special way: the mouth of the smoke channel is connected to a pipe of the same cross-section, after which two more parts are attached to it on the right and left sides.

The H-shaped deflector is a non-standard device and is therefore rarely used

The advantages of the H-shaped deflector are:

  • operation of the device without a protective canopy, since the mouth of the chimney is already protected from the ingress of foreign objects by including horizontal parts in the system;
  • positive effect on traction regardless of which way the wind is blowing.

An H-shaped deflector is mounted only on chimneys of enterprises or boiler houses, the operation of which requires significant energetic resources. Therefore, it is not advisable to make it at home.

The TsAGI chimney or deflector consists of an inlet pipe, a diffuser, a housing, umbrellas and fasteners. The cylinder of the device can be either round or rectangular. In order to insure the deflector against malfunctions, it is attached at a distance of 1 to 1.6 meters from roofing covering.

The TsAGI deflector is equipped with a ring, which is not included in the design of the Grigorovich deflector

The advantages of the TsAGI deflector include:

  • insurance of the head of the smoke exhaust pipe against damage natural phenomena;
  • equipped with a cylindrical screen that prevents the appearance of improper draft even in a channel of significant cross-section;
  • the ability to use a more economical material option when manufacturing the device (stainless steel can be replaced with plastic at the point where the cold gas exits).

The disadvantages of the TsAGI deflector are:

  • the smoke channel is not protected from raindrops and snow, which requires equipping the device with a special cap;
  • complex installation V winter period, because at this time the internal walls of the device are covered with a layer of ice that can seal the flow area;
  • strong sensitivity to wind direction (due to absolutely windless weather or barely perceptible blows, the deflector forms resistance to traction).

The TsAGI deflector functions without problems when strong winds blow. It is advisable to mount the device as high as possible above the roof, because this will have a positive effect on the process of improving traction.

The TsAGI deflector is designed to enhance traction in strong winds

The TsAGI deflector is created by performing the following steps:

Video: manufacturing a TsAGI deflector with details

The device, called a spark arrester, consists of the following parts:

  • body (cylindrical pipe);
  • cap (protective cover);
  • mesh that extinguishes sparks.

The simplest device is a pipe sealed at the top with holes in the walls.

The installation of a spark arrester usually requires a stove, fireplace or boiler where solid fuel is loaded. We are talking about firewood or wood products.

The main difference between the spark arrester is the mesh walls

The spark arrester is characterized by the following advantages:

  • protects the roof from fire;
  • creates a barrier for debris;
  • protects the chimney from birds entering and making nests.

The disadvantages of the device include:

  • spark extinction is not 100%, which is especially pronounced with normal draft;
  • clogging of holes with soot, which makes it difficult for smoke to escape from the chimney.

When manufacturing a spark arrester, one should be guided by important rule: cell dimensions should not exceed 5 mm.

But making the holes of the device tiny is also wrong, because gas will not be able to fly out of the pipe easily.

The spark arrester is created as follows: Metal mesh You can bend it without effort if you tap it with a hammer. This will relieve the metal from excessive stress and make it obedient in terms of changing shape.

The spark arrestor can be combined with the deflector. For this purpose, it is necessary to attach a visor cut from metal to its base, bent in a certain way and secured with rivets. The resulting product will look like a cone, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the size of the main pipe.

Video: assembly of the spark arrestor deflector

Installation of a chimney on the roof

There are two options for installing the deflector: connecting directly to the smoke duct and mounting it on a piece of pipe, which is later put on the chimney. The second method is considered the best in terms of convenience and safety, because the most troublesome stage of the work is performed on the ground, and not on the roof.

Standards according to GOST

Excerpts from current regulatory documents regarding the installation of a deflector on a pipe, inform about the following:

Required Tools

To install the deflector on the smoke duct, you need to find some tools and fasteners:

  • electric drill;
  • open-end wrenches;
  • threaded rods;
  • nuts;
  • clamps;
  • two ladders (one for climbing to the roof, and the other for moving along the roof).

In addition, to install the device on the chimney you will need a piece of pipe. Its diameter should be slightly larger than the size of the smoke channel.

Deflector mounting

The chimney is connected to the pipe, performing certain tasks:

  1. On the prepared section of pipe, 10 cm from the edge, mark the points where you need to drill holes for fasteners. Similar marks are left on a wide area of ​​the diffuser.
  2. Holes are made in the pipe section and diffuser using a drill. The parts are temporarily connected to each other, checking that the upper and lower holes match. If this is not observed, then the product is considered defective, because the fastening elements cannot be inserted smoothly.
  3. Pins are inserted into the holes. On both sides, both on the diffuser and on the piece of pipe, the fasteners are secured with nuts. They are twisted evenly to protect the product from deformation.
  4. With the manufactured device they are sent to the roof. The structure is placed on the smoke duct and tightened with clamps.

If the deflector is mounted on brick chimney you'll have to arm yourself with nails and a hammer

Proceeding as described above, you can mount any device except the weather vane deflector, since its design is rather non-standard.

In the case of using a device with a compass rose, 3 holes are created in the smoke channel with a drill. The holes are made at the same level so that bolts can be inserted into them a little later. These fasteners are immersed in the holes when the ring part of the deflector-vane is placed into the cut of the chimney. An axle is inserted into a bearing in the form of a ring, and a cylinder, a device blade and a cap are alternately attached to it. The elements of the weather vane deflector are combined with brackets or rivets.
