How to care for white laminate. What is the care of the laminate floor and how to maintain a neat appearance of the coating. Basic general rules for the care of paneling

A clean and well maintained laminate floor is essential integral part the interior of the premises. During operation, spots, scratches, swelling, swelling or gaps between the planks may form on the floor. Improper washing of floors also worsens the condition of the laminate flooring. Therefore, cleaning the laminate floor plays an important role in its operation.

The widespread use of laminate flooring requires knowledge and skills to care for them. Housewives are often interested in the question: how to properly wash a laminate floor so as not to spoil it and so that there are no stains. Knowing the features of such a coating, you can properly care for it and once and for all decide for yourself how and with what to wash the laminate.

Features of the laminated coating

Laminate flooring is a set of laminate planks connected along the length and at the ends with each other by means of a lock. The junction of the planks forms a joint. Joints are weakness laminated coating. Here, laminate damage is most common, since the basis of this material is a moisture-sensitive fibreboard. Low-cost laminate locks are not treated with a water-repellent compound, so they can deteriorate if water enters. In expensive and elite types of coating, the grooves and ridges are additionally treated with a composition containing wax, which improves the resistance of the coating to moisture.

It is very important to know how to properly wash laminate flooring so as not to damage the base layer of the board and to maintain the shine of the coating.

Laminate cleaning is an important and crucial moment in the process of caring for the coating. If you want to keep your home clean, then it is simply impossible to do without cleaning. Dry cleaning is carried out regularly as abrasive particles accumulate on the surface: grains of sand, small pebbles, small parts of toys. They can scratch the finish. To clean the laminate, sweep the debris with a soft-bristled broom. To avoid dust, vacuum with a brush, also with a soft bristle. As the floor becomes dirty and dusty, after cleaning, it is necessary to do wet cleaning.

The cleaning result must be effective and safe both for the floor and for the inhabitants of the premises in which it is laid. To do this, you need to know how to wash the laminate with high quality, without streaks and stains, so that it shines and preserves the life of the coating as much as possible. Protect the surface from all sorts of scratches, swelling and discoloration will help right technology cleaning, good tool and detergents.

How to clean laminate

In order to properly wash the laminate floor, you must follow a certain sequence of actions.


First, clean the floor of large debris. To do this, you need to collect all the items that can scratch the surface when sweeping. For example, large pieces of glass, metal or sharp pieces of plastic. Next, collect sand and dirt from shoes or plasticine scattered by children. This can be done with a wooden spatula or spatula. Sweep away any large debris with a broom. Carefully collect it with a scoop. The broom must be soft enough not to scratch the surface of the laminate. With a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush, you need to carefully collect all the small debris, dust, hairs, not missing corners, baseboards and hard-to-reach places.

Before washing, you must first clean the laminate from contamination with special detergents, which will be discussed below.

After that, you can proceed directly to wet cleaning.

Basic rules for washing laminate flooring

  1. The main rule to follow when washing a laminate floor is that the washing time and the amount of water that will fall on the floor should be minimal. Then the moisture will have time to evaporate from the surface of the coating before it penetrates deep into the joints and begins to destroy them.
  2. For washing, use a soft cloth or a microfiber mop with an adjustment lever. It is better to use a microfiber cloth. It well collects excess water from the surface and does not leave large streaks. The rag or mop head is carefully wrung out after each washing. Old T-shirts, other colored items and rags with pile cannot be taken for washing. When using them, the surface becomes dull and stains remain.
  3. Wet cleaning is best done with open windows so that the water evaporates quickly and wet spots or puddles do not form.
  4. To increase efficiency, special detergents are added to the water. More on this will be discussed below.
  5. Heavily soiled floors should be washed twice. Cleaning is done in small areas, often washing the rag. First time with detergent. Then let the room dry. The second time - plain water.
  6. If the floor is lightly soiled and dusty, laminate flooring can be washed once simply hot water(how much hands endure) so that it evaporates faster from the floor surface.
  7. If small children or allergy sufferers live in a room with a laminate, you can wash the floor with hot water, without using any detergents. Water should be at a temperature of 70-80 degrees. Then it will disinfect the floor and quickly evaporate. You need to work with gloves. Change the water frequently and wring out the cloth thoroughly. In order not to get burned, it is better to use a mop with a wringer.
  8. Wash the room in such a sequence that you do not walk on a damp surface.
  9. It is better to move the mop parallel to the laths of the laminate. So less water gets into the joints between the lamellas.
  10. Dry laminate can be polished with a soft, dry cloth. This will remove the remaining moisture, stains and add shine to the coating.
  11. If the floor is too wet, wipe it with a soft, lint-free cloth or dry mop. This will keep the laminate from swelling and reduce streaks.

After wet cleaning warm water laminate dries faster. But pure tap water leaves streaks on the surface. To avoid this, it must be neutralized. At home, a weak solution of table vinegar is used for this. Now you know how to wash the laminate so that there are no streaks.

What is the best way to clean laminate

This question torments all housewives. And the answer to it is very simple: it is best to wash the laminated surface with detergents specially designed for this, strictly following the instructions for use. Overdose or inappropriate use of the product can lead to stains, streaks and damage to the coating.


Retail chains offer a wide range of professional detergents for laminate flooring:

  • Mellerud Bio is a natural-based product that removes dirt, dust, oil and grease films well.
  • Emsal Laminate - based on soap, provides gentle care, protects edges from swelling, adds shine, prevents dust accumulation.
  • Pronto - eliminates streaks, adds shine and cleans dirt well.
  • HG - concentrate, creates a thin film that protects against moisture.
  • Laminol- industrial tool, softens water, antibacterial, adds shine, does not require rinsing.

Household floor cleaners (Mr.Proper, Glorix, Meine Liebe, Luxus, Grass, Sarma and others) can also be used to clean laminated surfaces.

In addition to special detergents, you can use ordinary ones that can be found in any home. However, it is worth remembering that all detergents are used with restrictions.

Detergents - shampoos, liquid soaps, dishwashing detergents - must have a neutral PH, be safe for the respiratory system of humans and animals, do not contain ammonia and chlorine. Their high reactivity can damage the surface of the laminate.

Some professional detergents do not require rinsing. Read the instructions carefully before use.

Any new detergent should be tested on a small, inconspicuous area. The average concentration of detergent is 50 grams per 10 liters of water. After applying the product, it is necessary to wash the floor with clean warm water and wipe it dry with a soft cloth or fiber cloth.

To remove streaks and give shine, after drying the washed floor, the surface must be polished with a dry flannel cloth or rag.

Universal recipe without unnecessary chemicals

Special and professional detergents clean the laminate well from dirt, but they are quite expensive. There are universal recipes for washing the floor without the use of chemicals.

The easiest, cheapest and most common way to clean laminate flooring without the use of professional chemicals is to use clear table vinegar. This method is easily implemented at home. 200 ml is added to a bucket of hot water (10 liters). 3-9% white vinegar. This solution cleans the floor in the usual way– wringing out the cloth well and not stepping on a damp surface. There is no need to go through plain water a second time. Vinegar has disinfectant properties. In combination with hot water and a well-wrung cloth, it will ensure that moisture evaporates quickly. Additional polishing with a dry cloth will remove moisture, enhance shine and remove stains. A solution of vinegar in water cleans dirt from laminate surfaces well and makes them shine.

Do not use apple cider vinegar, wine vinegar, or any other type of vinegar that is not clear in color. This can damage the laminate surface.

At this method there is only one drawback - during washing there is bad smell. It does not cause any harm and quickly disappears.

If there is no 3-9% vinegar, you can use 70% essence ( acetic acid), but it will take 10 times less.

What rag to use

As we have repeatedly mentioned in this article, it is best to use a microfiber cloth to clean laminate flooring. In principle, any soft cloth that absorbs moisture well, which can be wrung out well, or a special rag for mopping, will do.

Important! The rag should not shed and contain solid inclusions (buttons, locks, etc.) that can scratch the surface.

As an alternative to a floor cloth, you can use a mop. This will make cleaning the floor a little easier. It is better to use a universal mop with adjustable handle length. When washing large areas, professional mops with covers made of various materials on a movable nozzle of a rectangular or oval shape. The movable mop head facilitates the process of washing and subsequent polishing of the laminated flooring. To wash a small area, it is enough to have a simple household mop.

Washing vacuum cleaner and steam cleaner

Progress does not stand still and manufacturers household appliances For several years now, they have been offering to automate the cleaning process with a washing vacuum cleaner.

However, using a regular washing vacuum cleaner for washing laminate flooring should be done with great care. Water entering the joints while spraying with the cleaning nozzle of a vacuum cleaner penetrates the joints and causes them to swell. Only when washing laminate, the locks of which are treated with a special wax composition, you can use a new generation of washing vacuum cleaners. They spray water less intensively, are equipped with a special nozzle that quickly sucks up liquid and a brush that carefully collects residual moisture.

Steam cleaners are very effective in removing dirt from the surface of the laminate, but its use is possible under the following basic conditions:

  • The covering has no damages and divergences of panels;
  • Panel joints are glued special glue or treated with a water-repellent wax-based compound;
  • The material must be with a durable protective coating of 33 or 34 class.

How not to wash laminate flooring

When washing laminate floors, it is recommended to use special detergents for laminate. It is forbidden to use products containing chemically aggressive components. They render negative impact for laminate flooring.

  1. Chlorine and chlorine-containing products, such as Whiteness, must not be used for cleaning. Chlorine discolors the surface and changes the shade of the decorative coating.
  2. Do not use high concentration acid and caustic alkali. Such products corrode the protective coating and destroy the fibreboard.
  3. It is forbidden to use disinfectants and other products containing ammonia. It affects the laminated coating, worsening its gloss.
  4. It is not recommended to use polishes and products intended for the care of other coatings when cleaning. There may be spots, turbidity and streaks on the surface.
  5. Do not use abrasive powders, pastes or coarse brushes. This leads to scratches on the laminate, which degrades it. appearance and leads to rapid wear.
  6. Do not wash the floor with a wet cloth with plenty of water. Penetrating into the cracks, moisture leads to swelling of the fiberboard and damage to the coating.
  7. Do not allow an overdose of detergents in a water solution. This is the most common cause stains on the surface and damage to the integrity of the coating.
  1. The use of special detergents facilitates the washing process, but excess chemicals have not benefited anyone. Of course, it is impossible to completely abandon them, but it is better to limit the use of detergents for severe pollution.
  2. In order to properly wash the surface without leaving streaks, you must first clean it of dirt, grease, stains using cleaning products. They are best used locally, at the site of contamination.
  3. To keep the floor surface in good condition, you should:
    - exclude abrasive pastes and powders;
    - use a clean white rag or special napkins;
    - follow the instructions for the cleaning agent;
    - after removing dirt, rinse the area with clean warm water and dry quickly with a cloth.
  4. When using non-professional cleaners and detergents for laminated surfaces, it must be taken into account that an aggressive environment (alkaline or acidic) and the abrasiveness of the material can damage the laminating coating. Therefore, any tool must be used wisely, according to the instructions, or by checking on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor. Prolonged exposure to the surface is not allowed.
  5. The easiest product you can use to clean laminate flooring is a mild shampoo or liquid soap. Dilute 20 mg. in five liters of hot water and mix well. Dip a cloth or mop head into the soapy water and wring it out well. Start from the far corner of the room and go to the exit without stepping on the wet floor. Use a mop or cloth to make movements along the planks. So joints are less disturbed, dirt is better washed out and divorces are well eliminated. After complete drying, re-wipe the floor with a cloth washed in clean warm water or in water with the addition of 6-9% white vinegar. (50 ml per 10 liters of water). Vinegar neutralizes the effects of an alkaline environment, adds shine to the laminate, and washes away dirt residues. We finish with a complete drying of the floor surface, airing.
  6. How often can laminate flooring be cleaned? Wet cleaning should be done no more than once or twice a week, depending on the degree of contamination of the floor. Dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner or a broom can be done daily.
  7. On a smooth dark-colored coating (under wenge, bog oak) whitish streaks may remain. To avoid this, use special detergents to wash the laminate without streaks. They are added to the water dosed according to the instructions. The floor washed in this way is wiped dry and polished with a soft, dry cloth. Divorces will not remain.

How to wash brilliant green and other stains on the laminate

Floor cleaning is almost always associated with the removal of various stains. In this case, the following tips will help us:

  1. If the laminate is contaminated with aggressive liquids or paints, special cleaners must be used. For example: Dr Schutz, Elatex, Spray Max.
  2. There is not always such a tool at hand, but you need to act quickly. Suitable funds from household. Solvents will help clean the floor from paints. For oil paints will do white spirit, for nitro paints - acetone. Paint must be removed immediately with a cloth soaked in an appropriate solvent. Wipe the solvent dry. Rinse the floor with a solution of vinegar and warm water. Wipe dry.
  3. If it was on the floor polyurethane foam, then it must be removed from the surface with a wooden spatula, and the remains with white spirit. If the foam has dried, you need to carefully scrape it off with a wooden scraper and clean the place with white spirit.
  4. Places of contamination with acrylic paints must be thoroughly washed with warm water.
  5. Gypsum putty can be carefully scraped off and the area washed with warm water.
  6. Traces of adhesive tape are removed with white spirit.
  7. Wine stains and cognac stains are well removed with technical or medical alcohol.
  8. Stripes from colored pencils and felt-tip pens are rubbed with alcohol or white spirit.
  9. Grease stains and blood stains are treated with a cloth soaked in window cleaner or mineral spirits.
  10. To wash off stains on the laminate from rubber shoes, bicycle tires or wheels from a stroller, a rag soaked in white spirit will help. They can also be erased well with an ordinary school eraser.
  11. You can wash the brilliant green with a rag soaked in alcohol.
  12. If chewing gum or resin gets on the floor, then it must be frozen with an ice bag and removed from the surface. Or scrape off with a wooden spatula, and remove the remnants with a cloth with white spirit.

In all cases of contamination of the surface with active substances, it is necessary to quickly take measures for cleaning and, finally, rinse the area to be cleaned with warm water or water with white vinegar.

The key to success in the fight against stains is precisely quick removal staining agent from the surface of the laminate. If the stain is already dry, then more physical effort and stronger detergents will be required to remove it.

What is the difference between caring for white and dark laminate

Dark particles are clearly visible on a white laminate floor. These can be grains of sand, small pebbles that are brought in with shoes and scratch the surface, leaving dark marks. Dust and dirt, gathering in scratches and dents, make them noticeable. Therefore, it is very important not to mechanical damage surface white surface. With the accumulation of dust in the joints and crevices and subsequent washing, dark stains may remain on the white surface. Therefore, the white floor should be vacuumed and dusted more often.

Dark laminate flooring shows less dents and small scratches, but gray dust and light stains from detergents are very clearly visible. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully remove the remnants of detergents from the surface. This is achieved by additional rinsing with clean warm water followed by polishing with a clean soft cloth.

  1. Keep the floor clean and dry clean daily.
  2. Do wet cleaning no more than once or twice a week as it gets dirty.
  3. Do not allow waterlogging and overdrying of the room.
  4. Put a rubber mat in the hallway near the door, on which dirt brought from the street will remain.
  5. Walk on the laminate floor in soft shoes or socks. This keeps the gloss and integrity of the surface longer.
  6. Stick felt pads on the legs of the furniture to prevent scratching the floor when rearranging the furniture.
  7. Avoid dropping heavy sharp objects or spilling corrosive liquids on the laminate flooring.
  8. Clean up spilled liquid immediately and mop the floor dry.
  9. How to wash the laminate in the kitchen from grease? First, remove the grease with a dry cloth. Then wipe the area with a cloth moistened with mineral spirits or window cleaner. Finally, wash the area with soap and water and dry with a dry cloth.
  10. Special care products for laminate should be used strictly according to the instructions and follow the dosage.
  11. To make the laminate shine, apply finishing rubbing with special means or a solution of water with white 3-9% vinegar with a well-wrung rag.
  12. Do not treat the surface with wax-containing compounds and mastic used for wood flooring. This makes the surface slippery and may cause injury.
  13. To reduce sliding in the kitchen, you need to wash the laminate with a solution of soda (50 grams per 10 liters of warm water), then a solution of 3-9% vinegar (50 ml per 10 liters of water). Wipe the floor dry and keep dry.
  14. with a special wax pencil, matched by color. Broken and broken joints must be filled with acrylic sealant in the color of the surface.

The application of our tips will help you properly care for the laminate during operation. This will extend its service life and enjoy your interior.

How to take care of laminate flooring so that it always looks like new? After all, you must admit that when buying such a floor covering, you would like to see it always bright and beautiful, and not faded and scratched. This pleasure is not cheap, and one can even say top-notch, which is second only to parquet in this role. Therefore, caring for a laminate floor is by no means an empty and rather responsible task.

Basic general rules for the care of paneling

Caring for a laminate involves a number of simple, but mandatory procedures. For different types this coverage these procedures may vary, but there are some general rules, which are recommended to be followed by all owners of panel flooring.

  1. Regular wet (but not wet) and dry cleaning.
  2. Choosing the Right Laminate Cleaner Minimizing the risk of mechanical damage.
  3. Timely response to the slightest damage and their immediate elimination (if possible, of course).
  4. The presence of at least basic knowledge about the properties of this material, its composition and classification.

Note: pay attention Special attention to item 2. in the list. Flooring, especially home-grade (21-23), does not particularly like water, since its fiberboard base easily absorbs moisture, which remains there, and then it swells and deteriorates. Therefore, cleaning of such a laminate should be carried out only with special detergents, and there is no need to abuse it. water procedures". But commercial panel flooring of class 32 or 33 is no longer so water-repellent, and it can be “bathed” more abundantly, but also without excessive fanaticism. Read more about classes.

Cleaning and cleaning products for laminate flooring

  • For dry cleaning, an ordinary broom and a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment are ideal, but just do not turn on the washing mode on it.
  • Wet cleaning should not be abused - it will be enough to carry it out once, maximum twice, a week. It is advisable to use a mop for this, on which there is a moisture extraction function. Dilute warm water with detergent in a bucket - and go ahead with the song. However, you can just lightly wipe the floor with a slightly damp cloth every day - we will not swear at you for this.
  • From detergents chemical substances we recommend a special product for laminate, sold in any hardware store. In addition to it, you can use baby shampoo diluted in hot water. A couple of tablespoons per bucket of water will be enough.
  • There is also a folk version of washing, using table vinegar and a pulverizer. This method is very relevant when losing shine. To a liter of water, add a quarter cup of vinegar and spray this mixture evenly over the surface of the deck. Wipe this place with a dry and soft (necessarily soft) cloth, and then wipe it with a cloth soaked in plain water. After, wipe everything dry and you can relax - it's done.

How to prevent scratches on laminate flooring

One of the main troubles of this coating, among all others, is damage such as scratches, which are very easy to apply at home. They are big and small, shallow and deep, and different origin, however, a small list of recommendations will help to protect yourself from these misfortunes as much as possible.

Maintain the humidity level in your house or apartment in the range of 30 to 65%. To control humidity, use a device called a hygrostat.

  • Immediately after laying, as well as to update the floor during operation, it will not be superfluous to use a special polish. Apply it with a sponge along the board, and then polish with a dry cloth. This will serve as both a preventive measure and will help with existing minor, minor injuries.
  • Never drag furniture while touching the floor. Just lift and carry on weight, no matter how heavy it may be. Or place towels or other heavy fabric under the legs when moving furniture around the house. There is also the so-called. "furniture sliders" in the form of plastic discs that need to be placed under the legs.
  • If possible, lay rugs on the floor, especially in places of the greatest activity and mobility of the household. Also be sure to put them in front of the entrance.
  • Trim your pet's nails.

Glossy Surface Care

There is another such special kind of our flooring as glossy. Outwardly, it is quite beautiful, but it has such a drawback: the slightest specks and abrasions stand out strongly on it, even from touching it with hands or walking on it with bare feet. Therefore, we will consider separately the question: how to properly care for a glossy laminate.

  • Walk on the floor only in house slippers, with soft soles, or in socks. You should not walk barefoot, because bare feet will leave ugly spots. About the inadmissibility of walking in shoes with heels, I think it’s not worth reminding at all.
  • It is not recommended to lay such flooring in the kitchen and bathroom. Any drop of fat or water will by no means add to its appearance bonuses, but will only spoil it.
  • You can use a washing vacuum cleaner, but only if there is a nozzle for carpets.
  • From time to time, wipe the floor with a solution of vinegar and water to give it a pristine shine.

The general recommendations described above, such as rugs, the correct movement of furniture, etc., will also be not alien here. Well, to everything else, one more piece of advice should be added: do not drop anything heavy or sharp on the floor.

Using all of our helpful tips described in the article, you will not only provide an eye-pleasing appearance to your floor, but also significantly extend its service life.

Video: Proper laminate care in a nutshell

The problem of caring for laminate flooring concerns everyone who has this flooring at home. When repairing, evaluate all the positive and negative aspects of this material. From the article you will not only learn how to care for a laminate floor, but also understand what to do in emergency situations. You will also be able to learn how to repair coating damage such as swelling from water, chips from fallen heavy items.

What is laminate made of?

Laminate flooring, or, as it is also called, “laminated parquet”, is a kind of “layer cake”, consisting of the following parts:

  • Stabilizing layer made of durable kraft board impregnated with melamine. To enhance the soundproofing effect, sometimes a stabilizing and noise-absorbing layer is combined.
  • The carrier layer is the main part of the floor covering. In economy class materials and some models of medium price category The bearing part is made of durable chipboard. The basis of expensive varieties of laminate is natural wood. It is much stronger and more practical than chipboard. In this layer, locks are cut to connect individual lamellas to each other.
  • Decorative part. This is a paper impregnated with melamine, on which a pattern is applied. It can be an imitation of wood, ornamental stone, ceramics, sea ​​pebbles and other materials.

Important! In addition to the classic, there are also waterproof grades of laminate. The bearing part is formed not by chipboard, but by high-quality plastic with air chambers. It is much easier to care for such a coating than for a regular one.

How to properly clean laminate flooring?

Materials based on waste from the woodworking industry do not like excess moisture, and natural wood does not particularly favor it. Most people buy chipboard-based laminate. With prolonged exposure to moisture on the coating, the lamellas swell and become completely unusable.

However, washing such a floor is not only possible, but also necessary. For this, mild detergents for the care of the laminate are used, which are not chemically aggressive. The cloth should not be too damp. A great option is a mop equipped with a squeezing device.

Wet cleaning methods:

  • Classic (using water and a rag). Pour water into a bucket, dampen a cloth, wring it out well and wipe the coating. Now manually wipe the floor with a dry cloth.
  • A heavily soiled surface will be washed with hot water (in no case, not boiling water!). The algorithm is the same as with cold water. Naturally, prolonged contact of the coating with hot water should not be allowed.
  • Water with vinegar. This method is relevant if the coating is heavily soiled and has lost its luster. Dissolve 250 ml of table vinegar in a liter of water, pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle. Spray liquid on small areas and wipe immediately. When the surface begins to shine again, wash the floor with cool water and then wipe dry.
  • A good homemade laminate care product is baby shampoo. Dissolve a little baby shampoo in hot water (it has a neutral pH, so it's perfectly safe), then wash the floor in the usual way.

Important! Before you buy a laminate cleaner, pay attention to it chemical composition. It should not contain sodium hypochlorite. If you wash the floor once with such a solution, there will be no harm to the coating. But from frequent washing, the laminate will lose its luster and original color.

"Ambulance" for laminate

Caring for class 32 laminate or any other is not just cleaning (dry or wet), but also restoring the laminated surface from scratches, chips or children's drawings.

Scratch removal

Scratches are the result of improper use of the laminate (rearrangement of furniture, children's toys).

Important! Such damage should not be left unattended. Gradually, the scratch will increase, dirt will accumulate in it and, in the end, the lamella will have to be replaced.

The procedure for removing a small scratch is as follows:

  1. Using a vacuum cleaner, clean the scratch, remove all dust from it.
  2. Draw over the defect with a special pencil (several times if necessary).
  3. Polish the defect with a dry cloth.

To eliminate deep defects, when the pencil does not help, you can use mastic or paste. The application of these funds is extremely simple:

  1. Apply mask with plastic glass, remove excess.
  2. Polish the floor surface with a soft, dry cloth.
  3. Paste, in comparison with mastic, has a more liquid consistency. Apply it to the scratch, smooth, then wipe (first with a damp sponge, and then with a soft cloth).
  4. After 2 hours, it will be possible to walk on the repaired place.

Important! Choosing a pencil to repair a damaged laminate is not difficult at all. Almost every shade is available for sale. Picking up mastic or paste is more difficult: the tint palette is rather limited. Have to mix different colors until you get the shade you want.

Chip removal

Chips on laminate flooring appear when heavy objects fall, usually in the kitchen. It is necessary to eliminate chips as soon as possible, since dust and dirt accumulate in them. So let's get started:

  1. Clean up the defect.
  2. Using a torch, melt the laminate putty.
  3. Apply it to the damaged area, smooth it out with a spatula and remove the excess next to the chip.
  4. Wait for the putty to cool down.
  5. Sand the area of ​​the defect and polish thoroughly.

How to eliminate the swelling of the laminate?

It can occur if liquid is spilled on the floor and not wiped off in time. If the floorboard is swollen, then the defect can only be eliminated by replacing it:

  1. Disassemble the floor a little further from the damaged area.
  2. Spread the swollen floorboards on flat surface for drying.
  3. Do not rush to lay the floorboards again. Arrange a draft in the room to destroy moisture under the coating.
  4. Reassemble the floor.

Important! Don't forget to seal the joints. Perfect option if this is done during the initial installation of the laminate.

How to remove drawings from laminate?

The effectiveness of removing "art" from the floor depends on the basis on which the ink of the felt-tip pens is made. Consider several ways to delete images:

  • If the markers are on alcohol based, try to erase the drawing with an ordinary school eraser, and then wipe the scribbled area with a piece of cotton soaked in vodka or alcohol. Now it remains to wash the floor in the usual way and wipe it dry.
  • Take toothpaste (without whitening effect) and apply on the drawing. Remove marker marks with a microfiber cloth. After that, wash the floor. Laminate is like new!
  • If the marker is water-based, then its traces are well washed off with plain water.
  • Soak a cotton ball in acetone, nail polish remover, or white spirit. Test cleaning performance on a small area first. If traces of children's creativity are easily removed, and the surface has not changed its color, continue to remove the rest of the drawings.

Stain removal rules

In addition to children's drawings, the flooring can be damaged by accidentally spilled alcohol, resin from the Christmas tree. Footprints may remain on the floor surface. And in each of these cases, you need to know how to care for a laminate floor. Here are some tips to help you deal with these contaminants:

  • Dried blood stains can be removed with a cotton swab moistened with window cleaner.
  • Spruce or pine resin must first be frozen. For these purposes, ice from freezer or a bag of frozen vegetables. After the resin has hardened, it remains to remove it from the surface with a scraper. The contaminated area is washed with a cotton swab or a piece of cloth soaked in a window cleaner.
  • Wine stains are well removed with water and a mild detergent (Misters: Proper and Muscle are equally well suited). If traces of stains still remain, you can try to remove them with denatured alcohol.
  • Stripes from street shoes can be easily removed with a soft eraser.

Laminate care products at home: basic rules

The service life of a laminate largely depends on how correctly you have chosen a floor covering:

  • In rooms with normal humidity normal laminate is appropriate.
  • A moisture-resistant coating is mounted in the kitchen and in the bathroom, but it must be used with extreme caution.
  • The best option for the bathroom is a plastic laminate.

Several ground rules will allow you to extend the life of the laminated coating:

  1. Pay special attention entrance zone. Dust, dirt and sand gather especially intensively here. To prevent dirt from spreading around the room, use a dust mat. Make it a rule to clean this area daily. Shake out the rug every day as well.
  2. Try to avoid damaging the laminate with sharp objects. In order not to damage the coating when rearranging furniture, stick to furniture legs special pads that are commercially available.
  3. Replace regular rollers with rubber ones. If a ride computer chair on plastic wheels on the floor, it will certainly leave traces. There are no such problems with rubber wheels.
  4. Dry clean the laminate with a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment.
  5. The effectiveness of caring for class 32 laminate largely depends on how much you protect the floor from liquid ingress. Even moisture-resistant varieties withstand water on the floor for no more than 2 hours. The frequency of wet cleaning is no more than 2 times a week. Do not forget to wipe the washed floor dry.
  6. Treat the floor surface with special mastic (once a year).

Laminate is a modern floor covering, which is a high-strength fiberboard plate treated with a decorative film and a protective layer of melamine or acrylic paint. This type of coating is multifunctional and has good wear resistance, therefore it is widely used in rooms for any purpose. To prolong the life of the material and maintain its presentable appearance, it is necessary to provide it with proper care.

Laminate classes

The wear resistance class of a laminate is a universal indicator of the service life of a coating with varying degrees of load exerted on it.

By European standards All products are divided into two groups of operation:

  1. 1. Commercial (grades 31-34) - for use in public institutions. Possesses high durability and the increased degree of protection. When used for its intended purpose, it lasts from 3 to 5 years, at home this period increases to 10-30 years.
  2. 2. Household (grades 21-23) - spreads in private houses, i.e. rooms with little traffic. Serves an average of 2 to 5 years. The design is lightweight, thin, medium strength, but the price is several times lower.

The method of caring for it directly depends on the class of wear resistance of the coating. So, commercial laminate of 33 and 34 classes is allowed to be washed every 2-3 days. For instances of classes 31 and 32, no more than one wet cleaning in Week. Materials up to class 31 should not be exposed to moisture at all.

Cleaning features

Since representatives of the household operation group are sensitive to moisture, it is necessary to care for the laminate in the apartment as follows:

  1. 1. Minimize water use. Use a vacuum cleaner, broom or soft brush to clean the surface.
  2. 2. Carry out dry cleaning regularly - once every 2-3 days.
  3. 3. If liquid gets on the floor, immediately wipe the surface with a soft dry cloth, making movements from the joints to the center and thereby narrowing the affected area.

When working with a commercial group coating, the use of a damp cloth is acceptable. Before cleaning, it should be carefully squeezed out so that excess moisture does not spread over the floor and does not lead to a violation of the integrity of the joints, delamination or swelling. Rubbing is carried out by longitudinal movements, without pressure. It is recommended to use warm (but not hot) water. The average temperatures cope well with dirt and at the same time do not damage the protective coating of the floor tiles. Fluid should be changed as often as possible. This will help avoid divorce.

At the end of cleaning, the laminate is wiped dry with a highly absorbent cloth.

Tough stain removal

In case of formation of complex stains, it is necessary to start cleaning the surface immediately.

To begin with, the chosen method must be tested on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe laminate. Ideally, after the purchase, you should keep a small sample of the board for yourself in order to experiment with different cleaning products on it in the future. If it is not possible to find a piece of the slab, you need to test them somewhere in the corner of the room, where accidental damage will be invisible to the prying eye.

Note! After fixing the problem, it is recommended to treat the affected area of ​​​​the floor with a restoring paste.

Floor cleaners

On the modern market household chemicals there is special means Laminate Care:

  • Loba;
  • laminated clear;
  • Emsal Floor Care.

Also suitable for more simple options with a neutral pH, such as "Mr. Proper" or "Glorix". You must carefully read the instructions.

As a rule, flooring manufacturers indicate the brands and names of gels or sprays suitable for the care of their products. These recommendations should be heeded, because an improperly selected product will very soon destroy the structure of the floor board and render it unusable.

Under no circumstances should parquet care products be used on laminate flooring. They contain beeswax, which adversely affects the structure protective coating. For the same reason, abrasives and glycerin-containing compounds should be abandoned.

Laminate is an affordable and easy-to-use floor covering. He usually imitates natural materials: wood, tiles, stone and the like. Its main feature is high wear resistance. Wooden floor, especially parquet high level movement quickly falls into disrepair. Therefore, the tree is not used for finishing work and public spaces, where a large flow of visitors is expected.

Laminate of the corresponding class is designed for high loads. Laminate flooring is easy to care for and does not require a lot of time and effort, but you still have to follow some rules. Only then will laminate floors serve faithfully for many years.

Laminate flooring features

Laminate is a floor covering consisting of layers that are made of different materials, each of which performs a specific function:

  1. stabilizing - usually from kraft cardboard;
  2. carrier - high-density fiberboard;
  3. decorative - paper that imitates the color and pattern of wood or stone;
  4. protective.

The material and method of forming the last (protective layer) determines the class of the laminate, or, to put it simply, the level of wear resistance.

Category indicators are standardized by Directive EN13329. The number 2 indicates a household class, that is, a material intended for finishing the floor in dwellings, and 3 is a commercial one, the wear resistance of which is higher. Today, only commercial material is produced and used.

The second digit of the marking indicates the wear resistance index. But there is one subtlety here: the indicated value is determined not by the protective, but by the carrier layer, that is, it indicates the resistance of the laminate to stress and mechanical shock. Abrasion resistance is designated AC and ranges from 3 to 6.

  • Material class 31 (AC3) is designed for low load and is used only for housing.
  • Class 32 (AC4) can be used for both residential and work areas with low levels of traffic. In the apartment, he will last about 15 years.
  • Laminate class 33 (AC5) is designed for heavy loads and is used for finishing offices, restaurants and even ballrooms. The main difference in the care of class 33 and class 32 laminate is the resistance of the first to water - the floor can be washed frequently.
  • Class 34 (AC6) is used in gyms, car dealerships, airports and train stations. The wear resistance of the material is excellent, but it is rarely used in everyday life. Such a high resistance for an apartment is redundant, and the cost is high.

What is used for floor care

Smooth upper layer laminate looks very attractive. But it is he who creates difficulties in leaving: stains remain on the floor, it is difficult to remove colored spots, and so on. To make cleaning quick and high-quality, the following techniques are used:

  • The old-fashioned famous recipe for glass cleaning: 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar in 5 liters of lukewarm water. The solution cleans well from ingrained dust and dirt.
  • Sponges, soft rags - microfiber is best, and brushes with microfiber act as a cleaning tool.
  • To remove greasy stains, liquid soap or a special paste is usually used.
  • Colored stains from juice, wine, coffee, etc. are removed with a solution of neutral detergents.
  • Polymer-based substances - wax, shoe cream, nail polish, traces of a felt-tip pen or marker, are cleaned with acetone, white spirit or other available solvent.
  • Stearin, candle wax, mastic are removed with a plastic scraper. If it remains greasy spot, then it is processed with liquid soap.
  • Chewing gum and colored wax require individual approach. For high-quality removal of the substance, it is necessary to freeze by applying ice or a cooling gel. After the wax or gum hardens, they are removed from the floor with a scraper. If necessary, repeat manipulations with liquid soap.

Laminate care products can be not only homemade, but professional. Substances have a neutral reaction, are produced in the form of a concentrate or dosed into sachets. The products are used for daily cleaning and for special care - polishing and cleaning.

What can not be applied

Laminate - the coating is mechanically strong, but does not have high resistance to aggressive substances. Therefore, not all products are suitable for floor care:

  • Abrasive substances, even the softest - it is easy to damage a laminated coating with solid particles, but it is impossible to remove this damage. The affected area will have to be replaced.
  • Detergent compositions with acid and alkaline reactions - only neutral ones can be a laminate care product.
  • Metal brushes and meshes are not used: steel scratches the laminate.
  • It is undesirable to use wax for care. The laminating coating, if we are not talking about the anti-slip option, is already smooth. The waxed floor turns into a real skating rink.

How to take care of the floor

Laminate care different type in the apartment includes two types of cleaning, the use of each of which depends on the class of material.

Wet cleaning is also necessary. When caring for class 32 laminate, wet cleaning is carried out every 2 to 3 weeks. Grades 33 and 34 can be washed more frequently. He is not afraid of water, and is usually used in rooms where pollution is permanent. It is recommended to add special products or vinegar to the water: in this way, stains on the floor are avoided. After washing, the laminate must be wiped dry. Polishing, waxing or mastic is not required.

Damage Removal

Caring for a laminate floor in your home includes minor repairs. The material of class 33 and 34 is resistant to mechanical stress, but this does not exclude scratches. The 32nd class, which is more common in residential premises, is even more so.

  • Abrasions - traces of shoes, for example, are removed with an ordinary eraser or a flannel cloth. It is advisable to drip olive or sunflower oil on the fabric.
  • A shallow scratch - painted over with a wax pencil of the appropriate shade. You can cover the trace of it with varnish, but not necessarily.
  • Deep scratches and chips - filled with acrylic putty or special paste. It is necessary to carefully choose the color, and at the same time take into account that the putty will darken by one tone when it dries. The product should dry for at least a day. Then the area is carefully sanded and varnished.

Laminate is beautiful and practical cover. In an apartment, he can serve a dozen years. But for this it is necessary to correctly assess the load on the floor and select the appropriate category of material.

The main rule for caring for laminate flooring is to immediately remove damage and stains when they are detected. It is much easier to clean the floor from grease drops, coffee or wine traces if you start cleaning right away. The same goes for ordinary street dirt and dust: daily simple sweeping does not allow dirt to accumulate, and, most importantly, eat into the surface. And this shortens the life of the material and turns general cleaning into hard labor. The proposed video discusses in detail the methods and means for caring for laminate.
