Economical heating boilers: selection rules, rating of the best models. Economical boilers for heating a private house - choose wisely

Residents of many private houses and summer cottages, who do not have mains gas nearby, equip their homes with electric boilers for heating. The electric boiler works automatically and all it needs is an uninterrupted power supply. This equipment is safer than solid fuel boilers or stove, as it does not emit smoke and carbon monoxide. Accordingly, such a boiler does not need to be cleaned of ash and soot. At the same time, it is quite cheap and easy to install. For him, you do not need to look for a special place where there is a hood or chimney. The electric boiler itself is easy to use and silent during operation. It can be placed on the desired temperature regime, and it will work according to the given parameters

  • heating elements
  • electrode
  • induction

The main element of the first group of electric boilers is a thermoelectric heater, abbreviated as a heating element. In addition, it has built-in power controllers and temperature sensors.

Principle of operation Such an electric boiler is quite simple: the heat exchanger of the equipment heats the water, and that, in turn, transfers heat to the room. A big disadvantage of this type of boiler is that during long-term operation scale can be deposited on its walls. This, in turn, has a negative impact on his future work.

There is also another type of boiler - electrode. As a heat exchanger, an electrode is presented in it, which transfers electricity to the coolant. Under the influence of current, water is split into ions, which pass to the electrodes of the corresponding polarity. During this process, a rapid heating of the coolant occurs.

In this boiler, the electrodes will have to be replaced periodically, as they tend to dissolve

Another modern version electric boilers are induction boilers. They heat the room at the expense of an inductor that heats the coolant. The disadvantages of this installation are the large size of the boiler and the high price.

Electric boiler selection parameters

The manufacturing technology of the induction boiler is presented in this material:

Economic models of electric boilers with high efficiency

For home heating the majority purchase exactly heating elements boilers. With them least hassle and they are much cheaper than induction or electrode. In addition, the electrode will often have to be replaced, which is not very profitable. Among the boilers electrical element equipment can be distinguished KOSPEL EKCO”, manufactured in Poland and having an efficiency of more than 99%. This boiler is used for radiator heating. It can also be used with a water heater to provide a home hot water.

The energy saving of the boiler is due to multi-stage apparatus. For models with power over 50 kW, three-phase installations are provided. There are 2 operating modes available - manual and automatic. The latter is good because special software sets the desired temperature, which varies depending on the time of day. The only drawback inherent in all boilers of this type is the periodic appearance of scale. If it is not removed, the performance of the machine will be significantly reduced.

Electric boilers of the Galan company are also popular in Russia. Inexpensive and at the same time effective, they have 3 power levels, work from different electrical networks, both conventional and three-phase, have a small weight and volume. Users of this boiler speak of it as a relatively economical model.

Electrode boilers are less popular among the population. Nonetheless, in terms of their efficiency, they show high rates. So, for example, they "eat" 2 times less kilowatts than the same heating element heater, while heating the area much more. The ability to save energy when using such boilers is achieved thanks to modern technologies. The water in the electrode boiler is heated without additional equipment(for example, a thermal element or an induction coil), so energy is consumed in smaller volumes.

The operation of the electrode boiler is accelerated due to smooth start and modern automation. Among the electrode boilers, one of the most popular is " Geyser"Galan" company with a capacity of 9 to 15 kW of domestic production, the cost of which is about 12 thousand rubles. At the same time, the price range of such equipment varies from 3.5 to 15 thousand rubles. The product line also includes boilers " Hearth", less powerful than " Geyser". And the Vulkan boilers are the most productive, their power reaches 50 kW. All boilers of this manufacturer operate silently, have high performance (from 98%).

These models have all the above advantages of the electrode boiler. The main disadvantages, due to which many are afraid to purchase innovative electrode cats, is risk of electric shock. In addition, for such a unit it is impossible to use the installation emergency shutdown. If you need to replace the electrode, you will have to constantly turn to the help of professionals.

Among the induction heating boilers, one can single out the brand " SAV» domestic production scientific company INERA. THEIR products have enough high price(from 30 thousand to 160 thousand rubles). The cost depends on the power of the purchased boiler (from 2.5 to 100 kW) and the estimated heating area. But at the same time, it has a number of advantages. The efficiency of the electric boiler of this company is 99 percent. It is equipped with a starting (automatic) relay. The principle of operation is the same as for conventional induction units.

Video instruction for installation of an economical boiler Galan

The undeniable advantages of such a boiler are fast heating, high fire safety, no connectors, due to which leakage often occurs. At the same time, the boiler works even at low power, which other types of boilers cannot. Unlike conventional heating elements, scale cannot be deposited on such boilers. And what is very important, the performance of such a boiler does not decrease over time. And their service life reaches 25 years and more.

Electric boilers can work on different principle, while for all the energy consumption is proportional to the amount of heated coolant.

More recently, in one of the articles, we talked about . Today we will touch on the topic of economy. Everyone has long been accustomed to the fact that everywhere there are promotions, benefits, everything is only the best, and for everyone. The same is true for heaters powered by the mains. The shelves of specialized stores are simply full of offers to buy economical electric boilers for heating a private house, only today and only for you at the most favorable price. And characteristically, people believe.

Many people ask questions about the advisability of such an acquisition on the forums, some promote their products there, misleading people. But any person with a technical education will definitely tell you that such a concept as an economical boiler is not entirely correct. More precisely, it is not true at all. Let's find out if this is really the case.

Economical electric boiler for heating: myth or reality

Some manufacturers repeat like a mantra, which electric boilers energy-saving heating they produce. The benefits are simply colossal, it comes to the point that the efficiency of the units reaches as much as 400%. It's incredible, you might think, it's a sin not to take advantage of such a benefit.

In fact, economical electric heating boilers are a myth that, like a soap bubble, is deliberately inflated by enterprising and not always clean-handed marketers.

What is the deception? Everything is quite simple, there are laws of physics, which, although many scientists are trying to challenge, have so far been unsuccessful. One of the laws is the law of conservation of energy. It is better to call it the principle of conservation of energy, according to which energy passes from one state to another with the complete preservation of its magnitude.

Based on this, we can conclude that even a supposedly energy-saving electric boiler for heating will give exactly as much energy as it consumes, no more, no less. In addition, when they write in the product passports that the efficiency of the unit is 98% or 95% - all this is sheer nonsense. The efficiency of any heater is exactly 100%. O we talked about last time.

It turns out that there can be no economical electric boilers for heating a priori. Only the conversion method may differ electrical energy into the heat and the rate of this process. The list of questions to ask when you are offered to buy the most economical electric boiler for heating:

  • whether errors are found in the law of conservation of energy;
  • whether Noether's theorem has been refuted;
  • whether the riddle of Nikola Tesla was solved;
  • whether the developer received the Nobel Prize.

How does everything work in practice? All electric heating boilers have exactly the same electricity consumption. To heat a liter of coolant by one degree, the boiler spends 0.001 kW of energy. The device works as an intermediary. It takes energy from the network and converts it into heat, heating the water. How he does it doesn't matter. All the same, he will give exactly as much as he took, he will leave nothing for himself. Even that small part that heats not the coolant, but the body, is still eventually transferred to the air. Why, then, did they come up with the term economical electric boiler for heating a private house?

Marketing and more marketing. If there is a choice between a simple unit and an economical electric heating boiler, which one will you prefer? Of course, the second. Given the fact that this is a special device, then, naturally, the latest super-complex technologies were supposedly used for its production. They are very expensive and require a lot of labor. It is no wonder that an economical electric boiler for heating a house will cost more, but then what benefits promise their owners. All this in order to increase sales. Oh, this wild capitalism that came to us from the West.

Superimposed on this is general illiteracy and unwillingness to understand the essence of the matter. On the contrary, it is said that this is an economical electric boiler for heating the house, which means that it is so, because no one wants to admit even to himself that he was simply cheated. People buy them, and then they intensively look for benefits during operation and find them. It is only interesting what their conclusions are based on, if, most likely, the boiler bought by an economical boiler is the first in their practice and there is nothing to compare with.

Therefore, do not believe advertising, be skeptical and check everything to the smallest detail. If the manufacturers really made such a breakthrough, then why are they silent about it? Let them announce their discovery to the whole world. For this, they are promised not only the recognition of colleagues in the workshop, but a significant monetary reward in the form of the Nobel Prize.

Where can you really save?

This is an induction boiler. According to the manufacturer, it is very economical.

As we have already determined, electrical economical boilers heating for the home was invented so that you would be more willing to buy them, while there really is no energy savings. But energy is not all that can be saved. You can save:

  • place in the room;
  • your time;
  • their strength;
  • your nerve cells
  • boost self-esteem.

Is it not enough? Therefore, perhaps we should look at the situation from the other side and it will change. It does not matter that, according to the manufacturers, the units operate in an energy-saving mode, which is not the case, but there are other advantages. Using economical boilers for heating, you will gain a few centimeters in the room, which can be distributed as you wish. After all, it's profitable. It turns out that the most economical electric heating boiler, in this regard, should have the smallest dimensions.

By connecting the unit to the network, you do not need to worry that the furnace will run out of fuel, or that a gas leak will occur. Installation is simple, easy to turn on, there is a control unit that controls the operation of the device. You are calm and do not worry about anything, and this is also important. Also, economical boilers for heating do not need a chimney, the purchase and installation of which is costly. Well, in the end, how not to brag to your friends about buying a brand new, economical boiler? Thus, showing his enterprise and advancement.

Only the installation of a two-tariff meter that separates the use of electricity at night and daytime will really save you money. Also, in tandem with a two-tariff meter, you can install a heat accumulator that will heat up at night. During the day, this reservoir gradually releases its heat to the heating system. Just keep in mind that in order for the effect to be noticeable, you need to choose the right size of the heat accumulator.

There are benefits, you just have to find them. Indeed, such boilers are good-looking, they are reliable and durable. It’s just that in fact, in their design, apart from far-fetched benefits, there is no real savings. You need to accept this and stop self-deception.

Heating of premises in the cold season, important point in creating comfort and coziness in own house. Depending on technical and financial opportunities, the owner of the property is trying to pick up best option thermal equipment. A properly selected electric boiler for heating will effectively heat the premises and minimize energy costs.

The advantage of operating electric boilers for heating

An electric boiler for heating is purchased mainly for combined heat generation or in regions where there is no technical possibility of supplying gas. Heating with electricity implies a significant consumption of electricity and material costs. Electric boilers have characteristics that should be taken into account.

Advantages of electric heating:

  • Permits are not required for installation;
  • Compact design, does not require a separate room;
  • Safety of operation, in comparison with gas equipment;
  • No noise during operation;
  • Easy to install;
  • Affordable price.

The main disadvantage are high costs on energy consumption. The disadvantages include the absence technical capabilities for connecting the boiler with required power. In some regions, partial power outages are possible, then the owners are deprived of light and heat.

Types and power of electric boilers for heating a private house

There are many indicators that you need to focus on when choosing an electric boiler. One of the main indicators is the power of the heating source. To calculate, you need to know the area of ​​​​the heated building.

The average indicator is the calculation for 10 m 2 - 1 kW of power.

For example, for one-story house with an area of ​​​​100m 2, a unit with a capacity of 10 kW is needed, which will provide high-quality heating of the entire circuit. A smaller power electric boiler is suitable for heating individual rooms or a small house. Equipment with low power is connected to a single-phase voltage of 220V. For more powerful devices (from 6 kW), a three-phase voltage of 380 V is required.

What are the boilers - division according to several criteria:

  • According to the method of water heating: TEN, electrode, induction;
  • Powers: 220V, 380V mixed type;
  • Installation options: floor, wall;
  • Additional features.

There are also single-circuit and double-circuit equipment. The first option works only for heating a private house. A double-circuit boiler can serve both for heating and for use hot water for household needs. The purchase of an additional boiler for heating water becomes an irrelevant problem. Cost per this equipment somewhat higher, but in the process of operation fully justifies the cost of perfect work in the heating system and hot water treatment.

Heating elements and induction electric boilers for the home

Heating a house with heating elements is a classic. The device is a tank with tubular electric heaters placed in it. The power of each heating element is about 2 kW. This device is quite economical due to the step control and easy to maintain. Heating elements are easily removed if element replacement or repair is required.

Advantages of heating element structures:

  • Low cost of equipment;
  • Relative energy savings;
  • Ease of use;
  • Average service life.

The disadvantages include the appearance of scale, which interferes with high-quality performance. It covers the tubes, circuit and batteries, which helps to reduce heat transfer. Many cottage owners prefer induction boilers. They are durable and consume 2 times less electricity than TEN models.

An induction boiler consists of 3 main elements: a body, a heat-insulating layer, and a core.

The principle of operation is based on magnetic inertia. An induction coil is installed above the apparatus system, which generates heat with the help of current. The advantages of an induction boiler are the ability to use both water and another coolant, durability of operation, no scale formation, fast heating speed, safety. The induction unit is quite heavy, so it is installed on the floor. Models of this series are significantly higher in price than TEN boilers.

How to choose an electric boiler for heating a private house: electrode models

Electrode or ion boilers work due to electrodes (anode and cathode), which are the main heating element. Water is used as a heat carrier. Heating occurs due to the rapid movement of ions that release heat.

Advantages of electrode boilers:

  • Rapid heating of the circuit and radiators with high efficiency;
  • Small size of the device;
  • Simplicity of design;
  • Lack of scale;
  • Optimal control during operation;
  • Withstands voltage fluctuations.

When choosing an electrode boiler, it should be taken into account that the coolant must have good conductivity, which must be monitored in a timely manner. A conventional anti-freeze liquid is not suitable for such a system. You need to buy a special one, the cost of which is quite high.

The electrode boiler must be grounded for safety reasons.

It will also be necessary to periodically change the electrodes, which will dissolve over time. The temperature of the coolant should not be higher than 75 ᵒС, as there is an increase in electricity consumption. Power increases by 25% when using double-circuit devices. To regulate the temperature, it will be necessary to install additional equipment.

Which electric boiler to choose the most economical for the home without damaging the wallet

For big country house It is best to choose an induction type boiler. It is the most economical in comparison with heating elements and electrode models, at least by 25%. Long-term operation on any type of coolant is clear advantage. However, not everyone can afford the initial purchase of equipment.

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house is not large, you can pick up heating elements or electrode boilers.

They are affordable, and by automating control, energy is saved. Moreover, the efficiency of all electric boilers is almost the same. Some models lose some efficiency during operation. You should be prepared to replace the electrodes and heating elements, over time, the expected wear of the elements comes.

To find the best option, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • The power of the boiler must correspond to the heated area, experts will help to calculate it;
  • The device must be secure;
  • Fit into interior design;
  • Complete noiselessness and absence of vibration;
  • The boiler must have maximum efficiency;
  • Models should be chosen with additional automation that will control the heating of the coolant;
  • Fast heating speed, can save further energy consumption;
  • A mandatory point is a certificate of quality and guarantee period manufacturer.

When connecting electric heating, experts recommend installing meters with different tariffs. You can save on daytime power consumption, and increase power consumption at night.

Rating of electric boilers for heating a private house: three leading manufacturers

Among the wide selection of electric boilers, there is a rating of the most popular manufacturers producing decent units.

When choosing an economical gas boiler at home, each consumer is absolutely right when looking at his passport with technical specifications. But not always high efficiency, and even more so the power of the device, will guarantee that heating costs will decrease, and conditions will become more comfortable. It is imperative to take into account the heated area, but not only in order to calculate the power of the boiler, although this is also important. If you choose a powerful and economical boiler for a small house, then it is unlikely that it will actually turn out to be so, since in order to maintain the set temperature, it will turn on and off more often, which will lead to the loss of part of the heat.

The next point concerns the operation of double-circuit boilersproviding the house not only with heat, but also with hot water. In this case, there are no objective losses for gas, but there are for heat. Due to the peculiarities of the operation of such devices, when hot water is withdrawn, heat generation stops and, accordingly, the coolant begins to cool. In this case, residents of houses with a large heating system will feel less inconvenience, since the coolant travels a longer path before returning to the boiler. If the heating system is short, then the coolant returning to the heat exchanger will not receive heat, which means that the room will become cooler.

When choosing a boiler, it is important to pay attention to the type of furnace: open or closed type. The former are mainly represented floor models. AT closed boilers a forced convection air supply system is used, which can be adjusted. In open furnaces, the atmospheric feeding principle is used. But the possibility of automatic regulation significantly increases the efficiency of the latter, especially if sensors are connected to them that control the temperature in the street and in the room.

In models with closed camera turbocharged type uses the principle of regulating the intensity of combustion or its smooth switching to a lower power. Consumers also appreciated another advantage of these boilers - the possibility of installation coaxial chimney. It differs from traditional device for the removal of combustion products by the fact that it is discharged horizontally, through outer wall, and not vertically, on the roof.

A variety of turbocharged boilers are condensing, with closed loop heat exchanger, which is located cylindrically around the burner. In these models, it is possible to return to the system the energy that is lost on the evaporation of water vapor, that is, in this case, the steam itself works for the benefit of the heating system at home, allowing the boiler to achieve 96-98% efficiency.

How to choose economical gas boilers

Of course, getting any information from friends, from the Internet and magazines helps to form an opinion with a consumer who is busy with purchasing gas boiler for home heating. But it is best to turn to professionals.

Our Alfatep company presents models of all leading manufacturers of gas boilers: European, Russian and Korean. Therefore, it is not difficult to choose equipment with characteristics that are ideally suited to the conditions of each home. There is a choice of both wall-mounted compact models and floor models, with which you can heat large houses. Widely represented and double-circuit boilers, especially relevant for use in homes without hot water.

German boilers widely represented famous brands Vaillant, Bosch, Buderus, Viessmann, characterized by reliability and functionality

Among the Italian Baxi models, you can choose not only a device that can provide heat to the house, but also the most convenient to manage and operate. Many models are equipped with remote control panels with built-in temperature sensors.

You can give your choice to other "Europeans", for example, the French brand DeDietrich or boilers from Slovakia - Protherm, represented by the widest possible range.

We also have Korean developments represented by the Navien, Rinnai and Kiturami brands with automatic control and characterized by compactness.

The domestic manufacturer offers boiler models under the Lemax trademark, represented by models in several series. For noticeable savings you can choose a model of the Premium series for your home, in which, in addition to using modern technologies for gas combustion, care is taken for the consumer in terms of ease of operation of the equipment.

By contacting us, at any branch of Alfatep, or by going to the website of the online store, you can get any advice on choosing a gas boiler for home heating. Upon purchase, we provide an additional service for the delivery of goods to the facility, as well as installation and connection of equipment, which is carried out by our specialists quickly and efficiently.

The hardware market is rife large quantity such heating appliances. When choosing an electric boiler, an uninitiated user will easily get confused in differing indicators and technical characteristics.

We will tell you how to choose an electric boiler when heating with an electric boiler is justified, how to calculate the power, reduce heating bills.

Advantages of electric boilers

  • Simple design, minimal heat loss and the highest efficiency in the heating season - up to 99.5%.
  • There is no need to install in a separate room at home or cottage.
  • Electricity, as an energy carrier, does not need to be delivered or stored, which cannot be said about gas or coal.
  • Electric heating boilers are safe: if water leaks, the circuit will open, the electric boiler will turn off.
  • Environmentally friendly, no chimney is needed, since they do not emit harmful substances and decay products.

In the absence of hot water supply, you can choose a double-circuit heating boiler, which is also used as a heating boiler, which is especially important for a summer residence or a private house. The consumer will have hot water around the clock.

TOP 3 best electric boilers for heating

  1. Protherm Skat 9 KR 13
  3. MORA-TOP Electra Comfort 15K

Calculation of the power of the electric boiler - the main indicator of choice

Let's deal with the most important characteristics electric boilers. Power is the main one, its choice depends not only on the heating area, but also on the presence of an insulating layer and insulation, wall material, and the quality of other building materials.

Power is provided by a heating element, an electrode or an inductor (depending on the type of boiler). It is defined in kilowatts (kW) and ranges from 2 to 60 kW.

Sales consultants use a fairly simple formula for calculating the power of an electric boiler, based on 1 kW of electric boiler power for every 10 square meters. m of premises. Let's say we have a private house area of ​​100 sq. m, for heating such an area we will need an electric boiler from 10 kW.

Consider the heat loss of your home. If the house is not insulated enough, bad windows, the power of the electric boiler should be chosen more than recommended for your area.

The performance of the heater is taken into account when thermotechnical calculation a frequent house, as well as when calculating the power of hot water supply. This will allow you to choose an average value in order to compensate for the loss of heat.

Detailed calculation of the power of the electric boiler

The power for heating a private house, summer house or apartment with a heating appliance is equal to the heat power. To calculate it, they are guided by a few simple rules:

  • for heating 1 cu. m. at home or cottages will need about 40 watts of power;
  • for each of the windows it is necessary to add 100 W, for the door - another 200;
  • These data are averaged and depend on climatic conditions: residents of the Far Eastern and Siberian regions multiply the final number by 1.5–2, the coefficient in the middle regions of the Russian Federation is 1.2, and the southern regions use a coefficient of 0.7–0.9;
  • for a house or a summer residence, the result of the calculation is multiplied by another 1.5, which is associated with heat losses due to the design of the roof and floor surface (especially in the absence of a basement).

Let's give an example for a house in the south of the country, with an area of ​​​​80 square meters. m., with a ceiling height of 3 m, six window openings, one front door. The area of ​​the house is 80 sq. m. must be multiplied by 40 W, then multiplied by 3 (ceiling height indicator), add 200 and 600 W (door and windows). We multiply the resulting value by the private house and regional coefficient - 0.7 and 1.5. As a result, we get 10920 watts.

Installation Features

Wall-mounted electric boiler for heating low power(for example, the "Mini" or "Economy" series) has single phase voltage- 220 V. For devices with a voltage of 380 V, a three-phase voltage is required.

For a conventional household outlet, you can choose a low-power wall-mounted heater of the Economy or Mini class, which consumes no more than 3.5 kW. The limiting power is calculated as follows: 16 A - current strength in home sockets. With an average voltage of 220 V, we get the maximum power - 3520 W (220x16).

Although specifications mini or economy boilers up to 12 kW can be connected to a single-phase power line, experts recommend connecting models from 6 kW to a 380 W power line.

Before installing a wall-mounted electric boiler, a cable with a recommended cross section of 1 mm and a design load of 8 A is run from the shield. Floor boilers more productive, homeowners with large area it is worth choosing this type of boilers.

Types of electric boilers

Depending on the class, purpose and performance, electric heating boilers are:

  • floor and wall: the second device is more compact, which does not affect its performance;
  • single-phase (220 V) and three-phase (380 V): this figure depends on the area of ​​​​the room;
  • single-circuit and double-circuit: the first will provide heating for a private house, the second - also the presence of hot water in the tap;
  • TENovye, induction and electrode.


The most common type. The wall-mounted apparatus is a tank in which several heating elements are placed. The choice of this mini-boiler is optimal for an apartment or house, because it is economical due to the multi-stage control mechanism, and easy to maintain. Economy models are the cheapest compared to induction and electrode ones. They are also used in conjunction with water heaters. The wall-mounted boiler has manual and automatic modes. Selecting the latter sets the desired temperature at night. The disadvantage of heating elements is the appearance of scale, which reduces productivity if not dealt with.

Often, a wall-mounted mini-boiler has a circulation pump to stimulate the movement of the coolant. AT modern models antifreeze can be used instead of water.

Induction boiler

It consists of a small dielectric tube and a ferromagnetic rod. The coolant moves through the tube. The passing electric current heats the rod, which increases the temperature of the coolant. Many make a choice in favor of such heaters, since they are durable, compact and economical: thanks to the “soft start” function, they consume 2 times less electricity than heating elements. Them vulnerable spot- a complex control unit.

Electrode boiler

The so-called "direct-acting" unit, since there is no heating element. Heats due to the flow of alternating electric current through the coolant with a frequency of 50 oscillations / second. Heating is carried out due to the rapid movement of water ions. Such an electric boiler is safe, since in the event of a system leak, it will automatically turn off.

The disadvantages include an increased requirement for water, which must have the necessary resistance. It is also necessary to periodically replace the electrodes, they dissolve over time. To avoid the risk of electric shock, heating with an electrode unit is possible only if there is a good grounding.

What should be considered when choosing and installing an electric boiler?

To determine which electric boiler is better to choose, you need to consider the following factors:

  • alleged heating area houses, dachas, apartments;
  • type of room;
  • weight and dimensions of the device;
  • operational period;
  • economy indicator;
  • price limit.

Mounting method

Depending on the installation method, you can choose:

  • electric boiler with bottom location branch pipes (inlet and outlet);
  • electric boiler with a lower inlet pipe, an upper outlet pipe.

Wall mini-boiler

An economy-class wall-mounted mini-boiler will perfectly heat the room if the following nuances are also taken into account when installing it:

  • The meter can affect the consumption of electricity. It is advantageous to choose a multi-tariff electric meter that takes into account the operation of the unit at night.
  • A pump shutdown delay program is useful.
  • Having made a choice in favor of a built-in circulation pump, you can further increase the efficiency of the equipment by several percent. It increases the speed of water movement in the system, heating a private house or apartment is faster.
  • The efficiency of an electrical appliance can be increased by using pipes of a smaller diameter. The water heating time will decrease, therefore, the energy costs will decrease.
  • The performance of the equipment also depends on the type of control. For a private house, it is beneficial to take an economy-class wall-mounted appliance with an automatic control panel, since automation increases efficiency by 1/4.

But since mechanical control is considered more reliable, mechanically controlled boilers are the most optimal for long-term heating of large areas.

Rating of electric heating boilers - choosing the best company

The most popular manufacturers of electric boilers:

  1. Protherm
  2. Vaillant
  3. Kospel
  4. Evberg
  5. Dakon

Also popular domestic firms RusNit and EVAN.

Electric heating boilers - reviews

Alexander (Moscow)

The boiler was advised by a friend, so I took already proven equipment. Has been working flawlessly for 2 years now. I don’t advise buying without a PROTHERM THERMOLINK S regulator, after installation, my savings became noticeable, the advantages of this boiler increased.

Advantages: Not big. Fits well in the room

Flaws: A little noise during operation, which is not always audible

Marina (Rostov-on-Don)

Heating boiler Protherm Skat 24K

It's a pity that domestic producers do not make such quality! Bought and forgot!

Advantages: Proterm uses copper heating elements high quality. Soft start system - the electric body does not turn on immediately at maximum power, but with a delay, which prolongs the service life. High quality stainless steel heat exchangers. The ability to use not all heating elements for heating. The presence of a built-in circulation pump, while it is almost inaudible.

Flaws: EXPENSIVE! You have to pay for quality. Production in the Czech Republic and Slovakia - hence the price! A voltage stabilizer is required, otherwise you can forget about the warranty.
