Baby bed in the form of a car with your own hands. We turn the childhood dream of a car bed into reality with our own hands. Making symmetrical parts

All parents know that small children love to play and watch cartoons, but sometimes it can be difficult to put them to bed in the evening. Bedtime is the least favorite time for babies.

A crib is every child's dream!

One way to reconcile a child with the fact that it's time to go to bed is to make sure that the children's bed is attractive in the eyes of the fidget. To do this, you can assemble a car bed with your own hands: it will evoke associations with the characters of animated series, and delight children with its appearance, turning sleep into another exciting and useful game.

First you need to decide what will be the appearance of the future bed. The selection criteria are the size, functionality and preferences of the child. For kids younger age preferably a car in the form of a cartoon character, for example, "Cars" or "Poly Robocar" - it will remind you of your favorite TV series.

Car-bed in the style of the cartoon “Cars”.

In addition, these models are the safest: smooth shapes will eliminate the presence of sharp corners, and high sides will help to avoid accidental falls during sleep.

The original truck bed for the children's room.

Older kids can make scaled-down prototypes of real cars. Such models look more serious, and the child in them will feel like an adult. For authenticity, you can add moving parts like a steering wheel and wheels, or decorative elements- windows, wheels, headlights and turn signals, adding opportunities for future children's play.

Hand made wooden bed.

Bed-machine in the process of being assembled.

Bed machine after painting.

That's how interesting this model looks in the nursery.

Drawers in a crib with their own hands.

If there are several children in the family with a small difference in age, there are options bunk bed in the form of a bus or van. This helps to save room space and increases the functionality of the sleeping area.

Optimal bed sizes

A car bed, like a regular counterpart, should take into account the needs of children in space for sleeping. Convenience and comfort are the main conditions for healthy sleep child. The sleeping place should be made at least one meter wide and at least one and a half meters wide, and given that parents often need to lie down with the kids for a while before going to bed, it would be better to increase it to two. This will provide room for growth.

Determination of the optimal size of a crib.

Spacious and comfortable baby bed.

If the do-it-yourself car bed planned for assembly is a bunk bed, you should take into account the height of the upper floor and ceilings in the room. Incorrect calculations can lead to the fact that the distance is too small, and it will be inconvenient for the child to constantly bend down. The sides of the second floor should also be high enough.

Drawings and diagrams

To make a do-it-yourself car bed, you will need detailed drawing, on the basis of which the parts will be created. Bed design may include not only sleeping place, but also additional boxes, shelves, stairs, other details and decorative elements. It is also possible to update the interior of the children's room at the same time, so that it is more in line with the changed environment - for example, a rug, a rug with a pattern depicting the road, or photo wallpapers with road signs.

Having decided on the model, you can pick up similar ready-made drawings on the Internet, or do the calculations yourself by drawing the layout manually, or in any convenient design program.

A drawing of a simple bed-machine that you can make with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself drawing of a crib 155 * 70.

Design drawing of a crib-typewriter for a boy.

Drawing of a car bed with a convenient drawer.

Another version of the drawing of the bed-machine.

One of the methods is the preliminary drawing of the template of the future bed on cardboard or paper, in order to subsequently easily transfer the projection of the details to the material chosen for the base. A do-it-yourself car bed, the drawings of which are properly calculated in advance, is much easier to assemble than a creative product from scratch.

Choice of material and tools

The basis for a baby bed should be harmless and non-toxic materials. It is recommended that you choose your wood carefully and check for all relevant health certificates.

From right choice Crib materials depend on its safety and durability.

The most common option is to make a car with your own hands from photolaminated chipboard or chipboard. These durable materials differ in bright appearance and high moisture resistance, allowing you to create beautiful models.

A set of tools for working with wood.

Another option is the MDF base. It is environmentally friendly, since natural polymers are used in the formation of the array. This material is very close to natural wood in its properties, but at the same time it is more durable and resistant to external influences. Children will have to try very hard to scratch such a coating, and its susceptibility to moisture is minimal. Such a children's bed-machine will be durable and practical in operation.

For processing materials and cutting out parts, you will need a set of special tools. However, most of them are already kept at home by any man: a hammer, a screwdriver or a screwdriver, a drill, sandpaper for grinding and deburring.

Tools for making a bed with your own hands.

Recommended to purchase electric jigsaw- it will greatly simplify the process of sawing wood. You will also need self-tapping screws, a measuring tape, a marking pencil and, if necessary, non-toxic paints.

How to cut sheets and make holes

The main elements used to build a do-it-yourself car bed are side walls(sides), front (it should be lower than the rest so that it is convenient for children to climb in and out) and headboard.

Using the template, transfer the drawing to the blanks and cut them out with a jigsaw. After that, you need to grind the resulting parts and drill holes for the fittings that hold the structure together. Finished parts can be painted, and during drying, you can start making decorative components and boxes.

After all the details are ready, it remains only to pull the frame with screws and install it in the planned place.

Choosing a mattress for a car bed

Despite the decorative component, the bed is primarily a place to sleep.

Mattress for homemade bed typewriter.

Therefore, the choice of a mattress must be approached carefully and responsibly so that children can sleep comfortably and comfortably.

It is important to choose a really high-quality and comfortable mattress in the crib.

There are two types of mattresses: with springs and without them.

Mattress for a cot on springs.

To create a car bed with your own hands, it is better to choose the second ones - they are characterized by greater durability and orthopedic qualities. You also need to consider that the mattress should be lower in height than the side boards, and also have hypoallergenic and antifungal properties.

Mattress in a crib with a latex filler.

There are latex, polyurethane foam and coconut fillers - each of them has its own advantages. You should choose the one that better fit for your child.

Mattress for a child with coconut filler.

So, coconut are more rigid and are recommended for young children. From the age of seven, after consultation with an orthopedist, soft bases can be used, and from twelve - polyurethane foam.

A variant of the combined filler for a mattress in a crib.

In addition, manufacturers produce mattresses with special features: ventilated, antibacterial and even ionized.

Baby bed care

A crib made in the form of a machine does not require special care, different from ordinary furniture. It should be regularly wiped from dust and dirt with a damp cloth, ventilate and vacuum the mattress, bed linen and inner drawers.

The mattress of the crib must be periodically ventilated and cleaned of dust.

A do-it-yourself car bed is a great way to please a child and transform the interior of a children's room. She will serve as cozy place for sleeping, and a playground for fun games.

At the mention of hand-made furniture, its accessibility and simplicity come to the fore. It - perfect solution for beginners who decide to please their family new furniture. But this does not apply to all crafts. In production, interior items are created in large quantities, which implies the use special technologies or the simplicity of the models. It is easier for home craftsmen - you can fully focus on one particular product, put all your love, care, and strength into it. Great option- do-it-yourself car bed. Today you will learn how to make it so that it performs not only a user function, but also an additional game one.

Design features of the bed machine

Children's furniture is even more stressed than adult furniture, despite the large difference in weight. Children are constantly active, moving hard, so both ordinary and play beds are used not only for rest and sleep, but also somersaults, jumps, climbing, and various games. That's why:

  • A do-it-yourself bed-machine, first of all, should be as strong as possible, and this applies not only to materials, but also to fasteners.
  • Also important is its compliance with the given dimensions.
  • Since it is impossible to make such a design sliding, it is better to choose the parameters for growth. On average, such furniture lasts several years.
  • Everything in it should be safe - paints, material, lighting, stickers.

bed frame

The choice of base, as a rule, depends on the experience of working with wood, your own wishes, the upcoming load, which is due to the weight of the child.

Let's look at how to make a do-it-yourself car bed in the two most popular variations:

  • These parts are assembled from a bar with a section of 50 by 70 mm. Joints are reinforced with metal corners. If it is expected to have drawers in a typewriter bed, then the transverse beams are replaced with boards or plywood lintels. The frame is assembled on a frame, it consists of a back, sidewalls, headboard. The bottom of a children's bed-machine can be made solid from thin plywood or slatted. The frame is installed directly on the floor, on rollers or on legs.

Important! This design can be called simple, but reliable. At the same time, the dimensions of the frame coincide with the dimensions of the mattress.

  • Here, the main load of the machine bed is distributed between the footboard, headboard, sidewalls. The mattress in this design rests on a frame of bars, fixed on inside backs and sides. Reinforce the base with a frame in the form of bedside tables. The headboard and footboard act as the fronts of the bedside tables, while the sidewalls are attached directly to them.

Side panels, footboard, headboard

They play the role of the main design details, because thanks to them the bed takes on the contours of the car. They are made from chipboard, plywood, MDF or wood - it all depends on financial opportunities and features of the selected model of a children's bed-car.

There are many build options:

  • Installation of flat simple panels, when the resemblance to a real car is achieved by drawing headlights.
  • Disassembly of the entire structure small details to simulate a bumper.

A do-it-yourself children's car bed is made in two ways:

  1. If all the constituent parts are mounted on a frame, then they do not have to be too strong. In this case, they are made of chipboard or plywood 1 cm thick.
  2. If the frame plays the role of a bed box, then you will need MDF, chipboard or wood with a thickness of at least 1.8 cm.

Important! In both cases, all the details of the machine bed are cut out with an electric jigsaw, cleaned well, and the edges are processed with a cutter. Sections must be closed plastic edge or heat resistant tape.

Additional car bed details

It is impossible to imagine a car without such obligatory accessories as wheels and steering wheel. Most car beds, unfortunately, do not have them, which, of course, disappoints the little ones. Therefore, when assembling a car bed with your own hands, take note of the following ideas:

  • Wheels are usually glued or painted. But it is possible, in order to make wheels for a car bed, to cut out disks from plywood, to reinforce the contours with plywood overlays that imitate the bulge of tires, to cover the ends with an edge. Mount them motionless or they rotate freely. The backs and sides of the children's car bed are painted in bright colors to achieve the maximum resemblance to a real car.
  • If you have experience in development electrical circuits, then you can equip the car bed with spotlights. Or even easier to do - attach along the contours of the wheels and the contour of the sidewalls led strip. No additional knowledge is needed here - just assemble the tape of the required length, then attach the adapter.

Important! Paste over or paint the bed-machine should be even before it is assembled.

Necessary tools and materials

The range of materials today is quite large, but Special attention in the buying process should pay for the class. To make a reliable and safe car bed with your own hands, you need to purchase the following:

  • Fibreboards of class E1 and E0.
  • Wooden beam treated with an antiseptic.
  • MDF sheets, chipboard, plywood, wooden furniture board. Just a few sheets are enough to assemble a baby bed.
  • Hex key, confirmations.
  • Drill for furniture coupler.
  • Rollers for moving the bed or its individual parts.
  • Nails, wood screws.

Important! You will also have to rent or borrow from friends an electric jigsaw, a hacksaw, an electric drill, a screwdriver. A ruler, a pencil, brushes, a tape measure, a spray can of paint, and sandpaper will come in handy in the work on assembling a typewriter-bed.

Making children's furniture with your own hands

A do-it-yourself car bed for a boy is assembled using a simple technology that does not require special knowledge, skills, or the help of specialists:

  • At the first stage, assemble the frame in the form of a box or frame, with crossbars or partitions. All parts are attached with nails or self-tapping screws.
  • Cut out the back and sides of the car bed. It is better to cut the second part not according to the template - use the first blank for this to get complete symmetry. Then all the details must be sanded sandpaper, paste over the edge.

Important! Remember that no protrusions or sharp edges are allowed here.

  • Make a rough assembly of a children's car bed in order to identify and eliminate possible shortcomings. If everything is fine, you can disassemble the bed, arrange it further according to the project, paint it, glue it.
  • As soon as the bed is dry, assemble it again. Then fix all the parts on the frame with self-tapping screws, and connect them together with confirmations. The heads of the screws are painted in the desired color. Next, you can attach the rollers to the bottom of the frame.

Important! The last step in assembling a do-it-yourself car bed is decorative trim and overhead wheels are installed, the backlight is mounted under the machine, stickers are glued. Lastly, the rack bottom is laid.

Your baby has grown out of the first crib. Instead of buying a standard crib from the store, you can make your own. In this case, the costs will be much less. Now there is a whole direction of thematic design of children's beds. Especially popular options in the form of a car. Consider how you can make such children's furniture as a car bed with your own hands, because in this case its appearance and dimensions are limited only by your imagination.

Every loving father can make a car bed

Let's dwell on the option that can be taken as the base one. But, of course, nothing prevents you from supplementing it with any of your own details.

Step-by-step instructions for making a baby car bed

1. Choosing a typewriter and sketching

First of all, you need to decide on the appearance of the bed. To get started, select the desired "car" on the Internet - it can be either a photograph of an existing crib or any image of a car.

Machine selection

Then you need to make a sketch of the future product in the form of the car you have chosen, so that you can clearly see how to make a car bed and what the consumption of materials can be. It is required that there are side, front, back, and in some cases top views. Of course with the dimensions. Please note that the crib should have high enough sides so that the child cannot fall during sleep. But at the same time, they should not prevent the child from getting into the “car”.

2. Material selection

The next step is the choice of material:

  • Usually for such furniture are used chipboard sheets or MDF. They come in different thicknesses and colors. dimensions may also differ slightly, but on average they are 2700x1830 mm. Depending on the size and "bells and whistles" of the crib, you may need 1-2 sheets.
  • However, for more environmental safety We strongly recommend using natural wood or plywood panels instead of cribs.
  • Timber 50x70 mm - it is sold in three-meter length strips, it is better to take four strips.
  • Confirmates (euroscrew, euroscrew) - special furniture ties, a bit like self-tapping screws. They will fit in sizes 6.3x50 mm and 7x70 mm.
  • Hexagonal socket for a screwdriver or a special hex key for confirmations.
  • Confirmation drill - regarding the diameter, consult with the seller in the store where you will buy confirmations. It is quite possible to get by with conventional drills, but then it will take more time to prepare the holes.
  • Casters for easy moving of the crib.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Nails 120 mm.
  • Mattress (can be orthopedic).
  • Mattress upholstery fabric.

3. Making the bed frame

Then we proceed to the manufacture of the frame of the crib. It must be very durable, since the child will probably not only sleep in the crib, but also play quite actively in it. It is for him that a bar is needed. You can cut it to size at the place of purchase. Frame parts can be fastened together with nails, screws or self-tapping screws. Under them, it is necessary to drill holes, otherwise the timber may burst. On the upper part frame, you can put a piece of furniture sheet or plywood, which will play the role of a mattress pad.

Making a bed frame

  • Making a bed frame
  • How to cut sheets and prepare holes?
  • Painting work and subsequent assembly of the bed

Your baby is growing up, and soon you will have to change the bed. You can, of course, go to furniture store and there, having studied a huge assortment, choose something suitable.

Diagram of the car bed.

And another option is to make a bed with your own hands. In this case, the sleeping place of your growing crumbs will be at least comfortable, and at most unique and one of a kind. Imagine how happy the child will be! And in order to attract him to work together and unobtrusively learning, you can make this bed with him.

To make the bed match the character of its owner, you can build something unusual.

For example, a do-it-yourself baby bed is a car. This is sure to please the child. What do you need to make a car bed yourself? Let's figure it out!

Bed machine: model selection and sketch preparation

Drawing for assembling the bed.

The very first thing that needs to be done, having decided on the independent manufacture of the bed, is to decide how it will look. An approximate model can be peeped on the Internet or invented with a child. After the choice is made, it's time to create a sketch of the future bed.

This drawing will help you better understand possible ways manufacturing and approximate material consumption. The best option a sketch is considered, in which the car is shown from different angles: side, front, top, and so on. The more angles, the easier it is to calculate the amount of material. Naturally, the dimensions of all components should also be indicated on the drawing.

Pay attention to the need to equip the sides, the height of which must be safe for the child. What does it mean? They should perform a protective function while the child is sleeping, preventing him from falling out of bed. But too high sides can interfere with him during the game or at the moment when he climbs onto the bed. So choose optimal size sidewall heights.

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We turn to the choice of material for the bed

Bed frame assembly diagram.

What is a car bed made of for a child? The question is simple. Most often, ordinary sheets of chipboard or MDF are used for these purposes. The size range of these sheets differs in length and width, but the standard version corresponds to following values, 2700x1830. What size sheet to buy, decide for yourself, as it depends on the size of your bed. On average, it takes 1 or 2 sheets.

If you want a baby bed to meet health safety requirements, it is better to use natural materials instead of chipboard for its manufacture, such as furniture board or plywood.

You will also need a beam, the section of which corresponds to the value 50x70. On sale, it usually comes in three meters in length. Most likely you will need at least four bars.

For reliable fastening of the parts of the bed to each other, it is necessary to use confirmations or euro screws. These are special mounts for furniture production, in appearance resemble self-tapping screws. For them, it is necessary to prepare a special hexagonal nozzle for a screwdriver or, alternatively, a hex wrench designed specifically for them.

For faster and more comfortable work, you need to purchase special drills, again designed for the above fasteners. You can, of course, also use conventional drills for these purposes, but then be prepared for the fact that it will take you much more time to prepare the holes.

Get also furniture rollers, the bed equipped with them will easily move around the room. Don't forget about screws and nails. The mattress can be purchased ready-made. Better if it will orthopedic option. If you are planning independent production and the mattress too, then you will need a dense fabric to make its lining.

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Making a bed frame

Machine bed drawing.

Well, now it's time to make the frame of the future bed. Its main qualities should be strength and reliability. This is due to the fact that, most likely, in such a car bed, the child will not only spend the night hours, but also actively play during the daytime.

That's just for the frame and the timber purchased in advance will come in handy. In order not to bother with cutting at home, you can carry out this procedure right at the place of purchase. The frame parts are fastened together with nails or self-tapping screws.

Please note: drilling holes for these purposes is considered mandatory, since in this way you will exclude the possibility that the beam will burst. A sheet of plywood is laid on the frame, which acts as a mattress pad.

Each child is special, bright and spontaneous, with a huge number of desires, but the most important of them is to play. Probably, all parents will agree: one of the most difficult problems to solve is to put a little fidget to bed. The solution is simple and ingenious: combine the process of getting to bed with the game. For this purpose, a children's car bed is the best fit. Such a bed will not only delight the child, but will also allow you to play almost all day. And if you yourself have done such an amazing and necessary thing, then the child’s confidence that his dad is the best will increase many times over.

Choose a model

Exist different types beds that are perfect for any occasion. First you need to decide what kind of car it will be. The entire "fleet" of beds is conditionally divided according to some criteria: size, age category and functionality. Copies of real cars are designed for children over the age of five, as they have low sides that do not guarantee that the child will not fall out of bed at night. Sometimes moving elements are mounted on such a “transport”, which makes them even more like real cars.

Perhaps sometimes it is better to stick to a simplified version. Such a children's car bed is more like a toy car or a cartoon character. Such options are ideal for kids at a very young age. These cribs are the safest as all corners are rounded and the sides are high enough to prevent the baby from falling while sleeping. Kids from one and a half years old can become happy owners of such their first car.

If you have several children, then you may need to place a double-decker bus or even a locomotive in the room. Such children's beds in the form of a car allow you to rationally use the entire space of the room. You can also create a "loft" bed: made in the form of a van, it allows you to use the lower tier for sleeping, and the upper one for entertaining. Or vice versa: a sleeping place is equipped at the top, and a play area is located below.

Optimal bed size

When installing children's car beds for boys, parents try to transform the room in such a way that it would be interesting for the child to spend time there. The dimensions of the bed play an important role in this. It should take into account the growth of the child, as well as provide him with safety and comfort during sleep. If you are not going to change your bed every year, then it is best to provide enough space for a child of any age. The recommended width of the mattress will be from 0.95 m to 1.2 m, while the length of the children's car bed should be at least one and a half meters, and can even reach 2.4 meters. On such a bed, a child can sleep peacefully even up to fifteen years. And young mothers assure that you can safely lie down on it while you put the baby to bed, and at the same time not experience discomfort.

If you plan to install a two-tier structure, then do not forget to take into account the height of the room. A baby car bed of this type will take from 1.5 to 1.9 m in height. You need to place it in such a way that the child on the top floor does not have to bend down.

Additional trivia

For even more realism, you can equip the car bed with headlights. LED lamps can be used not only as a decor and an element of the game, but also as night lights. You can also install turning lights, which will turn on with a separate button. Children's beds in the form of a car can be equipped with a box for bed linen. This is very convenient, since there is no need to buy another chest of drawers. If you have installed a double-decker bus, then it can be perfectly supplemented with a bracket to which a punching bag, rope or even bars will be attached.

When installing children's car beds for boys, you should also, if possible, make appropriate changes in the design of the room. For example, you can paste photo wallpapers with the corresponding pictures or install a dummy of Big Ben. Flooring can be purchased in the form of a road, and bedding pick up on the automotive theme.

What materials to choose?

The choice of materials should be approached very carefully. All elements must be safe and non-toxic for both the child's skin and breath. Before purchasing materials, you should make sure that the manufacturer adheres to all sanitary, hygienic and environmental standards. Be sure to check the certificates of conformity.

To make a bed, you can purchase chipboard laminated with photo printing. It is economical and very beautiful option, however, over time decorative coating can peel off, besides, in this case there are a number of restrictions on wet cleaning.

The second option is chipboard. It differs from the first one in that it is covered with additional protective film. Such a coating significantly extends the life of the machine-bed. Children's furniture made from these boards is stronger and less afraid of moisture.

The third option is MDF. This is the most environmentally friendly raw material from sawdust. They are connected by a natural polymer, which eliminates the use of formaldehyde. Such raw materials are most similar in properties to natural wood but it is much more durable. MDF perfectly tolerates moisture, and it is almost impossible to scratch it.

And finally, of course, wood in combination with plywood: this option will turn out to be the most expensive, but also the most beneficial for the health of the child.

Required tool

Many dads will immediately grab their heads, as much as it takes - this and that. In fact, everything is not so scary. You will need a jigsaw, with which we will cut out the details. You can, of course, manage a simple jigsaw or a saw, but then the process will turn out to be very long and time-consuming. Also, do not forget about the grinder: it is useful for removing burrs and chips, but you can get by with simple sandpaper. Each owner will surely find the rest of the tool at home. You need screwdrivers, a hammer, brushes and paints (necessarily non-toxic, for internal works), self-tapping screws, tape measure, pencil. Everything is ready - so you can start.

Do-it-yourself children's car bed

To create a bed, you need to find detailed drawings, with step by step instructions. Perhaps you need a bed with a box for toys or a place for a bed, or maybe you should provide shelves for various little things. Having decided on the design, you can calculate the amount of material needed.

For the simplest model you will need:

  • plywood or MDF with a thickness of 16 millimeters - for the sides and back;
  • slatted bottom or plywood 10 mm - the basis for the mattress;
  • furniture fittings and fixtures;
  • glue;
  • brushes, paints or varnish.

Stages of creating a bed

We decide what should be a children's bed-car. Photos can be viewed in our article or visit specialized furniture showrooms. After that we make a sketch. This may be a model reduced several times, but in compliance with all proportions.

When you start to like appearance future product, you will need to make a paper template. Then it will be easy to transfer it to plywood before cutting. Of course, if you draw well, then you can skip the stage of creating a template, and draw directly on the material from which the bed will be created. Perhaps you are well versed in programs such as AutoCAD, then make a layout in them.

Now the children's bed (car) invented by you begins to be realized. We attach the drawing to plywood and cut out the details. We process them with sandpaper to eliminate roughness. At the end of this part of the work, paint everything necessary elements and put them together.

What details are needed?

In order to create in the future (perhaps for friends or acquaintances or with the advent of babies in the family) do-it-yourself children's car beds, it is better to save the drawings. Perhaps they will still be needed. And now we cut out two sidewalls in the form of a car and a headboard. Of course, if the bed is against the wall, you can get by with one part, but then the car will turn out to be less spectacular. On the sidewalls, you can draw everything you need, but if there is a lot of enthusiasm, then try installing plexiglass side windows. Also, the machine can be equipped with rotating wheels and headlights. The front of the bed must be lower than the rest so that it is convenient to climb into it. You can even install a steering wheel.

Choosing a mattress

Mattresses can be divided into two main groups: spring and springless. The latter are distinguished by a longer service life and orthopedic effect. Also, all mattresses are classified by filler:

  • coconut fiber has - good hypoallergenic properties - it is natural material medium hardness;
  • latex filler - breathable, with antifungal properties, does not absorb dust;
  • polyurethane foam - artificial latex with similar properties, but cheaper.

When buying a mattress, be sure to take into account the age and physiological characteristics of the child. Doctors recommend the following types depending on the age of the children:

  • up to three years - from coconut fibers, medium hardness, 5-12 cm high;
  • from 3 to 7 years - also of medium hardness, but upper layer may be latex
  • after 4 years it is allowed to use a mattress with independent springs;
  • from 7 to 12 years - milder types are allowed, but it is better to consult an orthopedist;
  • over 12 years old - polyurethane foam mattresses, fourteen centimeters high, they have sufficient rigidity, ideally suited to the increasing weight of a teenager.

Manufacturers also offer mattresses with additional properties. These can be antibacterial impregnation, treatment with silver ions, covers made of ventilated material in the kit.

Proper bed care

A bed made of chipboard or MDF should be wiped with a slightly damp cloth, especially carefully you need to remove dust from vinyl stickers and photo-printed images. Plastic parts can be washed with soapy water, and boxes with bed linen regularly vacuumed and ventilated.

The car-shaped crib helps to decorate the nursery and at the same time serves as a resting place and playground. In addition, falling asleep in such a bed is much more exciting, and the process itself is now turning into a fun game.
