Soundproofing materials types and properties. Modern soundproofing materials for houses and apartments. Airborne and structural noise

If there is even an ordinary highway, you don't need to explain and how it affects nervous system person. Even in the best case scenario, it will cause people constant irritation and increased nervousness. Remember that they are measured in decibels (dB). According to sanitary standards, at night this figure should not exceed 30 dB, and during the day - 40 dB.

A variety of products, which are produced in great numbers by modern industry, will help achieve this result.

A little about sound insulation

The purpose of such materials is to protect the premises from penetration unnecessary noise. Some of the sound is delayed and scattered, and some of it is reflected and goes back into the external environment. The soundproofing qualities of the structure itself are characterized primarily by the thicker they are, the less likely it is that air vibrations will be able to transmit their energy. The ability to “eliminate noise” is indicated in the form of a sound insulation index, which for ordinary residential buildings should be between 52 and 60 dB. Concrete and brick, normal logs and laminated veneer lumber have good ability. Drywall, for example, does not absorb sound well, but has decent reflectivity. By the way, about her. What soundproofing materials are really good at blocking noise, and not just reflecting it, creating a resonance within the room itself?

Sound absorption

Sound absorption is characterized precisely by the ability to completely neutralize and dampen wave vibrations. Compounds that have these characteristics are granular, fibrous or cellular. As in the previous case, the soundproofing characteristics of materials are assessed using an indicator called, as you might guess, the sound absorption coefficient. The spectrum of this value is not too wide: from 0 to 1. If the sound is completely reflected, the value of the indicator is “0”, if it is completely absorbed - “1”. Quality materials for interior decoration The house is distinguished by the soundproofing ability of materials with an index of at least 0.4.

The simplest sound-absorbing materials

The use of absorbent materials is not necessarily available only professional builders. Thus, the simplest fiberglass, which can be purchased at almost any construction supply store, can successfully replace professional analogues. Even by laying a thick carpet on the floor of the room, you can get rid of the annoying echo. Even in cases where these options are not viable, there are ways to significantly quiet the environment: furniture with thick upholstery absorbs a lot of noise, as do heavy curtains and other types of drapery.

Of course, if possible, it is better to provide more effective ways noise protection. Acoustic screens with absorbent materials can be purchased for use in rooms where loud sounds are generally not allowed (children's rooms for infants). Most of These screens were developed by designers and engineers in such a way as not to “overlap” the overall style of home decoration. In a word, this is an excellent soundproofing material for walls in an apartment. Unfortunately, you can’t find it in every construction supermarket, and the cost is not very reasonable.

Comfortable noise level. What are the dangers of increased

Scientists have found that the average person is most comfortable at 25 dB. If the value is lower, then a familiar “ringing” silence appears, which causes a feeling of psychological discomfort. As a rule, in the city people can easily tolerate a noise level of 60 dB, but if they permanently live in an area with a value of 90 dB, insomnia sets in, which quickly develops into neuroses that can result in serious mental disorders. At 100 dB and above there is a risk of complete hearing loss. To protect against such sad consequences, soundproofing materials are used. They are soft, semi-hard and hard.

Characteristics of solid type

As a rule, they are made on a granular basis, but there are exceptions. Thus, there are materials that include natural pumice, “foamed” perlite, and vermiculite. Their sound absorption coefficient is 0.5. The mass of this kind of materials should not exceed 300-400 kg/m3.

Soft varieties

Again, they are made on the basis of the same mineral wool, as well as fiberglass. However, technical varieties of ordinary cotton wool are used much more often; felt is also very popular. For these materials, the sound absorption coefficient can vary from 0.7 to 0.95. Of course, they are much lighter than the previous variety: their weight does not exceed 70 kg/m3.

Semi-rigid variety

In this case, we mean soundproofing materials for an apartment made from glass wool or mineral fiber, as well as from synthetic materials. For example, polyurethane foam is often used in this capacity. Semi-rigid varieties also have a fairly high sound absorption coefficient, which can range from 0.5 to 0.75. The weight can reach 130 kg/m3, but more often it does not exceed 80 kg/m3. Thus, in most cases it is recommended to use soft varieties, which, with minimal weight, have an excellent sound absorption coefficient.

How to choose the right material for a living space?

However, the choice of the “right” material also largely depends on what kind of sounds interfere with being in the room. Yes, work electrical appliances creates so-called airborne noise (vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, computers). If we are talking about walking, various kinds construction work, etc., implies impact-type noise. In our conditions, it is also not uncommon for a house, built without the use of normal soundproofing materials and assembled on a rigid frame, to turn into one large source of sound pollution. In this case we are talking about structural noise.

Soundproofing materials with a cellular structure (pumice, expanded polystyrene) cope well with shock loads. Airborne noise, which is most typical for most residential premises, is perfectly damped using fiber boards or their analogues. Alas, structural damage can be dealt with only after dismantling the main structural elements and using special gaskets with good soundproofing qualities.

Eliminating airborne noise

You should know that the main characteristic for materials with the ability to absorb airborne noise, is the so-called sound absorption index (Rw), which is expressed in decibels. Remember: in order not to hear the speech of household members behind the wall of the room, it is important that the soundproofing properties of the materials (used in the construction of the partition) are equal to a coefficient of at least 50 dB. We have already talked about the sound absorption coefficient: the closer it is to unity, the better. For living rooms this indicator should be no lower than 0.5.

The most reliable way to protect against unnecessary noise is to install dense and massive interior ceilings. In this case, they have proven themselves best foam concrete blocks and concrete with inclusions of a sufficient volume of expanded clay. It is important that the walls are really monolithic design. The presence of any cracks or holes is not allowed. It should be remembered that different soundproofing materials for walls can be used in one structure, provided there is a strong and monolithic connection between them. This is achieved using a high-quality solution. The “canonical” example is a foam block wall separated facing bricks or artificial and/or natural stone.

It is important, however, to take into account the fact that the construction of such structures in an already occupied building is an extremely complex and non-trivial task. In addition, if the house itself is built from not very high-quality materials, such a measure will reduce noise by only 10-15 dB, which is not enough for normal sound insulation.

It is much easier and cheaper to make a partition based on fairly strong and rigid structures using various types of sound insulation. If you compare soundproofing materials in this case, you won’t see much of a difference even with cork flooring...

In this case, the rigid base can be not only brick or foam block, but even ordinary drywall on a base made of wooden beams, for the manufacture of which properly dried wood was used. The higher the density, the better the soundproofing ability of the material. Of course, the main role in delaying noise will be played by a layer of soft materials. As we have already said, in residential premises it is most advisable to use fibrous varieties, like mineral wool or fiberglass slabs: they absorb airborne noise most effectively.

It should be remembered that in all cases the effective thickness of the partition should not be less than 50 mm. And further. At least 50% of the total internal volume of the partition should definitely be left for soundproofing materials for the walls, since otherwise you will not be able to achieve high efficiency. Now let's discuss specific varieties.

Glass wool

Made from regular fiberglass. Its main characteristic is high strength, as well as elasticity and vibration resistance. Many soundproofing flooring materials are made from compressed glass wool. Its characteristics are due to the fact that between the fibers there is a large number of air gaps. Glass wool has a lot positive qualities: it is absolutely unaffected even by open flames, is very light in weight, does not absorb moisture with excellent vapor permeability. In addition, cotton wool is chemically passive and does not cause corrosion in those metals with which it comes into contact. This is very important in this case, since many soundproofing materials for walls are made on its basis. When renovating an apartment with its help, it is only important to remember that getting tiny particles of glass wool into the respiratory system is extremely undesirable, and therefore it is necessary to use a good respirator.

Mineral wool

Perhaps it is known to every builder. It can be made from melts of (silicate) rocks, as well as from slag, which is a waste of metallurgical production. As in the previous case, the material is not susceptible to open fire, and also does not cause corrosion of metal structures with which it comes into contact. Excellent sound absorption abilities are due to the presence in its composition of a huge amount of fibers arranged in an absolutely chaotic, intertwined form.

Important Note

Do not confuse mineral wool and fiberglass, since the characteristics of their fibers are different. For glass wool, its length is at least 5 cm, while for mineral fiber this figure does not exceed 1.5 cm. In addition, the first material (mineral wool) is noticeably lighter, and its cost is somewhat lower. In particularly noisy rooms, it is often necessary to install a so-called acoustic ceiling: its reflective elements will reflect excess sound, while soft materials will effectively absorb it. The latter are placed in the space between the “native” ceiling and the outer layer of acoustic coating.

Manufacturing of multilayer panel

To simplify the work, take ready-made elements of the ZIPS system. They can be used as effective sound insulation single-layer walls made of solid materials (brick or concrete). Structurally, such panels are very simple, as they consist of sandwich panels and covering material in the form of plasterboard. The “sandwich” itself consists of the same drywall, which is interspersed with layers of mineral wool or fiberglass. The important fact is that under different rooms You can select special models with different thicknesses of the “acting material”. In particular, some soundproofing materials for doors are made using this type.

The advantage of such panels is that, without having metal frame, are extremely lightweight and can be attached to the wall using ordinary screws of suitable length. Note that between load-bearing wall or even as a partition, it is advisable to place a special gasket for sound insulation. Unlike previous materials, ZIPS belongs to the category of poorly combustible materials, which limits the use of panels in bathhouses and other rooms where there is a possibility of their contact with an open flame.

Depending on the model, the thickness of such material can reach 13 centimeters. With this indicator, the sound insulation index is 18 dB. Thus, when hanging ZIPS of this thickness on the wall of a typical living space, the degree of sound protection can reach 63-65 dB. Please note: such soundproofing materials can only be used for walls when renovating an apartment if they are of sufficient strength load-bearing structures, since the mass of a square meter of ZIPS can reach 21 kg, or even higher.

How to protect yourself from impact noise?

In this case, it is necessary to use structures that could repel and disperse sound waves, rather than absorb them. Porous, elastic materials are suitable for this purpose. The most commonly used option is with special pads, which are laid during the installation of the finished floor.

Cork lining

Unique not exposed mold, fire, fungi and rodents. Very chemically inert, completely safe for any type of metal structures. The service life can exceed 40 years. The highest quality varieties can reduce the level of impact noise by 12 dB at once. Alas, the cost sometimes cancels out all the advantages of the material, since square meter They ask for five or six dollars. At the current rate, this is somewhat expensive... If not for this circumstance, cork floors could be described as “the best soundproofing materials.”

Polyethylene foam

A more “budget” option for protection against impact noise. Foamed polyethylene has a density from 20 to 80 kg/m 3, which makes it possible to use it in almost any type of residential premises. It has several varieties:

  • Unstitched. Molecules of a substance are not connected to each other by chemical bonds. The most cheap variety, allows you to reduce the noise level by three to four decibels.
  • Physically stitched. Some of the molecules form a fairly dense structure. Due to this, the soundproofing properties of this type are higher (allows you to reduce noise by five to six decibels). Some soundproofing materials for ceilings are made based on this type.
  • Chemically cross-linked. The molecules have a strong chemical bond together. Due to this, the material has indicators that are only slightly inferior to those of a cork lining.

Regardless of the type, polyethylene is good to use when installing concrete screed; it is placed under parquet boards and laminate. In some cases it can be used to strengthen joints. Physically durable, resistant to many chemical substances. It is flammable and therefore should not be used in areas where there is open fire. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, it quickly loses its protective properties. It is not advisable to lay such a substrate in public premises, since under strong mechanical loads it quickly wears out. It does not allow moisture to pass through, which in some cases creates the preconditions for the development of mold. Despite this, many soundproofing materials for floors (linings) are made on its basis, since the cost of polyethylene is very low.

Acoustic principles are often not quite correctly interpreted and, as a result, incorrectly applied in practice.

Much of what should be considered knowledge and experience in this field often turns out to be incompetence. The traditional approach of most builders to solving problems of sound insulation and correction of room acoustics is based on practice and experience, which often limit or even reduce the overall acoustic effect. Successful acoustic projects tend to be free of misconceptions and pseudoscientific conclusions, and their content is aimed at ensuring that the money and effort invested will produce beneficial and predictable results.

Listed below are some of the most common acoustic myths, which we constantly encounter when communicating with our clients.

Myth #1: Soundproofing and sound absorption are the same thing

Data: Sound absorption is a reduction in the energy of a reflected sound wave when interacting with an obstacle, for example a wall, partition, floor, ceiling. It is carried out by dissipating energy, converting it into heat, and exciting vibrations. Sound absorption is assessed using the dimensionless sound absorption coefficient αw in the frequency range 125-4000 Hz. This coefficient can take a value from 0 to 1 (the closer to 1, the correspondingly higher the sound absorption). With the help of sound-absorbing materials, hearing conditions inside the room are improved.

Sound insulation - reducing the sound level when sound passes through the fence from one room to another. The effectiveness of sound insulation is assessed by the airborne noise insulation index Rw (averaged in the range of the most typical frequencies for housing - from 100 to 3000 Hz), and of interfloor ceilings also by the index of the reduced level of impact noise under the ceiling Lnw. The more Rw and the less Lnw, the higher the sound insulation. Both quantities are measured in dB (decibel).

Advice: To increase sound insulation, it is recommended to use the most massive and thick enclosing structures. Finishing a room with sound-absorbing materials alone is ineffective and does not lead to a significant increase in sound insulation between rooms.

Myth No. 2: The higher the value of the airborne noise insulation index Rw, the higher the sound insulation of the fence

Data: The airborne sound insulation index Rw is an integral characteristic used only for the frequency range 100-3000 Hz and designed to assess noise of domestic origin ( Speaking, radio, TV). The higher the Rw value, the higher the sound insulation exactly this type.
In the process of developing the methodology for calculating the Rw index, the appearance of home theaters and noisy engineering equipment (fans, air conditioners, pumps, etc.) in modern residential buildings was not taken into account.
A situation is possible when a light frame partition made of gypsum plasterboard has an Rw index higher than that of a brick wall of the same thickness. In this case, the frame partition isolates the sounds of a voice, a running TV, a ringing phone or an alarm clock much better, but a brick wall will reduce the sound of a home theater subwoofer more effectively.

Advice: Before erecting partitions in a room, analyze the frequency characteristics of existing or potential noise sources. When choosing design options for partitions, we recommend comparing their sound insulation in third-octave frequency bands, rather than Rw indices. To soundproof low-frequency noise sources (home theater, mechanical equipment), it is recommended to use enclosing structures made of dense solid materials.

Myth No. 3: Noisy engineering equipment can be located in any part of the building, because it can always be soundproofed with special materials

Data: The correct location of noisy engineering equipment is a task of paramount importance when developing an architectural and planning solution for a building and measures to create an acoustically comfortable environment. Soundproofing structures and vibration-proofing materials can be very expensive. Despite this, the use of soundproofing technologies cannot always reduce the acoustic impact of engineering equipment to standard values ​​throughout the entire audio frequency range.

Advice: Noisy engineering equipment must be located away from the protected premises. Many vibration-isolating materials and technologies have limitations in effectiveness depending on the combination of weight and size characteristics of the equipment and building structures. Many types of engineering equipment have pronounced low-frequency characteristics that are difficult to isolate.

Myth No. 4: Windows with double-glazed windows (3 panes) have higher sound insulation characteristics compared to windows with single-chamber double-glazed windows (2 panes)

Data: Due to the acoustic connection between the glasses and the occurrence of resonance phenomena in thin air gaps (usually they are 8-10 mm), double-glazed windows, as a rule, do not provide significant sound insulation from external noise compared to single-chamber double-glazed windows of the same width and total glass thickness. With the same thickness of double-glazed windows and the total thickness of the glass in them, a single-chamber double-glazed window will always have a higher value of the airborne noise insulation index Rw compared to a double-chamber one.

Advice: To increase the sound insulation of a window, it is recommended to use double-glazed windows of the maximum possible width (at least 36 mm), consisting of two massive glasses, preferably of different thicknesses (for example, 6 and 8 mm) and the widest possible distance strip. If a two-chamber double-glazed window is used, then it is recommended to use glass of different thicknesses and air gaps different widths. The profile system must provide a three-circuit seal of the sash around the perimeter of the window. In real conditions, the quality of the sash affects the sound insulation of the window even more than the formula of the double-glazed window. It must be taken into account that sound insulation is a frequency-dependent characteristic. Sometimes a glass unit with a higher Rw index value may be less efficient compared to a glass unit with a lower Rw index value in some frequency ranges.

Myth No. 5: The use of mineral wool mats in frame partitions is sufficient to ensure high sound insulation between rooms

Data: Mineral wool is not a soundproofing material; it can only be one of the elements of a soundproofing structure. For example, special sound-absorbing slabs made of acoustic mineral wool can increase sound insulation plasterboard partitions, depending on their design, by 5-8 dB. On the other hand, covering a single-layer frame partition with a second layer of plasterboard can increase its sound insulation by 5-6 dB.
However, it must be remembered that the use of arbitrary insulation materials in soundproofing structures leads to a much smaller effect or does not have any effect on sound insulation at all.

Advice: To increase the sound insulation of enclosing structures, it is strongly recommended to use special slabs made of acoustic mineral wool due to its high sound absorption rates. But acoustic mineral wool must be used in combination with soundproofing methods, such as the construction of massive and/or acoustically decoupled enclosing structures, the use of special soundproofing fasteners, etc.

Myth No. 6: Sound insulation between two rooms can always be increased by erecting a partition with a high sound insulation index value

Data: Sound propagates from one room to another not only through the dividing partition, but also through all adjacent building structures and engineering communications(partitions, ceiling, floor, windows, doors, air ducts, water supply, heating and sewerage pipelines). This phenomenon is called indirect sound transmission. All building elements require sound insulation measures. For example, if you build a partition with a sound insulation index of Rw = 60 dB, and then install a door without a threshold in it, then the total sound insulation of the fence will practically be determined by the sound insulation of the door and will be no more than Rw = 20-25 dB. The same thing will happen if you connect both isolated rooms with a common one. ventilation duct, laid through a soundproof partition.

Advice: When constructing building structures, it is necessary to ensure a “balance” between their sound insulation properties so that each of the sound propagation channels has approximately the same impact on the total sound insulation. Particular attention should be paid to the ventilation system, windows and doors.

Myth No. 7: Multilayer frame partitions have higher sound insulation characteristics compared to conventional 2-layer ones

Data: Intuitively, it seems that the more alternating layers of plasterboard and mineral wool, the higher the sound insulation of the fence. Actually soundproofing frame partitions depends not only on the mass of the lining and on the thickness of the air gap between them.

Various designs of frame partitions are shown in Fig. 1 and are arranged in order of increasing sound insulation ability. As an initial design, consider a partition with double gypsum board cladding on both sides.

If we redistribute the layers of drywall in the original partition, making them alternate, we will divide the existing air gap into several thinner segments. Reducing the air gaps leads to an increase in the resonant frequency of the structure, which significantly reduces sound insulation, especially at low frequencies.
With the same number of gypsum board sheets, a partition with one air gap has the greatest sound insulation.

Therefore, applying the correct technical solution when designing soundproof partitions and the optimal combination of sound-absorbing and general building materials has a much greater impact on the final soundproofing result than simply choosing special acoustic materials.

Advice: To increase the sound insulation of frame partitions, it is recommended to use structures on independent frames, double or even triple gypsum board cladding, fill inner space frames with special sound-absorbing material, use elastic gaskets between guide profiles and building structures, and carefully seal the joints.
It is not recommended to use multilayer structures with alternating dense and elastic layers.

Myth No. 8: Polystyrene foam is an effective soundproofing and sound-absorbing material.

Fact A: Polystyrene foam is available in sheets of various thicknesses and bulk densities. Different manufacturers call their products differently, but the essence does not change - it is expanded polystyrene. This is wonderful heat insulating material, but it has nothing to do with soundproofing airborne noise. The only design in which the use of polystyrene foam can have a positive effect on noise reduction is when it is laid under a screed in a floating floor structure. And even then this applies only to reducing impact noise. At the same time, the effectiveness of a layer of foam plastic 40-50 mm thick under the screed does not exceed the effectiveness of most cushioning soundproofing materials with a thickness of only 3-5 mm. The overwhelming majority of builders recommend gluing sheets of foam plastic to walls or ceilings and then plastering them to increase sound insulation. In fact, such a “soundproofing structure” will not increase, and in most cases even reduce (!!!) the sound insulation of the fence. The fact is that facing a massive wall or ceiling with a layer of plasterboard or plaster using an acoustically rigid material, such as polystyrene foam, leads to deterioration in the sound insulation of such a two-layer structure. This is due to resonant phenomena in the mid-frequency region. For example, if such cladding is mounted on both sides of a heavy wall (Fig. 3), then the reduction in sound insulation can be catastrophic! IN in this case a simple oscillatory system is obtained (Fig. 2) “mass m1-spring-mass m2-spring-mass m1”, where: mass m1 is a layer of plaster, mass m2 is a concrete wall, spring is a layer of foam plastic.




Rice. 2 ÷ 4 Deterioration of airborne noise insulation by the wall when installing additional cladding (plaster) on an elastic layer (foam plastic).

a - without additional cladding (R’w=53 dB);

b - with additional cladding (R’w=42 dB).

Like any oscillatory system, this design has a resonant frequency Fo. Depending on the thickness of the foam and plaster, the resonant frequency of this structure will be in the frequency range 200÷500 Hz, i.e. falls into the middle of the speech range. Near the resonant frequency, a dip in sound insulation will be observed (Fig. 4), which can reach a value of 10-15 dB!

It should be noted that the same disastrous result can result from the use of similar design instead of foam materials such as polyethylene foam, polypropylene foam, some types of rigid polyurethanes, sheet cork and soft fiberboard, and instead of plaster plasterboard boards on glue, sheets of plywood, chipboard, OSB.

Fact B: In order for a material to absorb sound energy well, it must be porous or fibrous, i.e. ventilated. Expanded polystyrene is a windproof material with a closed cell structure (with air bubbles inside). A layer of foam plastic mounted on a hard surface of a wall or ceiling has a vanishingly low sound absorption coefficient.

Advice: When installing additional soundproofing linings, it is recommended to use acoustically soft sound-absorbing materials, for example, based on thin basalt fiber, as a damping layer. It is important to use special sound-absorbing materials, and not arbitrary insulation.

And finally, probably the most important misconception, the exposure of which follows from all the facts given above:

Myth No. 9: You can soundproof a room from airborne noise by gluing or attaching thin but “effective” soundproofing materials to the surface of the walls and ceiling

Data: The main factor that exposes this myth is the presence of the soundproofing problem itself. If such thin soundproofing materials existed in nature, then the problem of noise protection would be solved at the design stage of buildings and structures and would come down only to the choice of appearance and price of such materials.

It was said above that in order to isolate airborne noise, it is necessary to use sound-insulating structures of the “mass-elasticity-mass” type, in which between the sound-reflecting layers there would be a layer of acoustically “soft” material, sufficiently thick and having high values ​​of the sound absorption coefficient. It is impossible to fulfill all these requirements within the total thickness of the structure of 10-20 mm. The minimum thickness of soundproofing cladding, the effect of which would be obvious and tangible, is at least 50 mm. In practice, claddings with a thickness of 75 mm or more are used. The greater the depth of the frame, the higher the sound insulation.

Sometimes “experts” cite the example of soundproofing technologies for car bodies thin materials. In this case, a completely different noise insulation mechanism works - vibration damping, effective only for thin plates (in the case of a car - metal). The vibration damping material must be viscoelastic, have high internal losses and have a thickness greater than that of the insulated plate. Indeed, in fact, although car sound insulation is only 5-10 mm thick, it is 5-10 times thicker than the metal itself from which the car body is made. If we imagine an inter-apartment wall as an insulated plate, it becomes obvious that it will not be possible to soundproof a massive and thick brick wall using the “automotive” vibration damping method.

Advice: Carrying out soundproofing work in any case requires a certain loss of usable area and height of the room. It is recommended to contact an acoustics specialist at the design stage to minimize these losses and choose the cheapest and most effective option for soundproofing your room.


There are many more misconceptions in the practice of building acoustics than described above. The examples given will help you avoid some serious mistakes during the production of construction or repair work in your apartment, house, recording studio or home theater. These examples serve to illustrate that you should not unconditionally believe repair articles from glossy magazines or the words of an “experienced” builder - “...And we always do it this way...”, which are not always based on scientific acoustic principles.

A reliable guarantee of the correct implementation of a set of soundproofing measures that ensure maximum acoustic effect can be provided by competently compiled recommendations by an acoustic engineer for soundproofing walls, floors and ceilings.

Andrey Smirnov, 2008


SNiP II-12-77 “Noise Protection” / M.: “Stroyizdat”, 1978.
“Manual for MGSN 2.04-97. Design of sound insulation of building envelopes for residential and public buildings"/- M.: State Unitary Enterprise "NIAC", 1998.
“Handbook for protection from noise and vibration of residential and public buildings” / ed. IN AND. Zaborov. - Kyiv: ed. "Budevelnik", 1989.
"Designer's Handbook. Noise protection” / ed. Yudina E.Ya. - M.: “Stroyizdat”, 1974.
“Guide to the calculation and design of sound insulation of building envelopes” / NIISF Gosstroy USSR. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1983.
“Noise reduction in buildings and residential areas” / ed. G.L. Osipova / M.: Stroyizdat, 1987.

Soundproofing is measured in decibels, a term used when talking about reducing the volume of outgoing/incoming noise.

Sound absorption is assessed by calculating the sound absorption coefficient and is measured from 0 to 1 (the closer to 1, the better). Sound-absorbing materials absorb sound inside the room and dampen it, resulting in the disappearance of echoes.

If you need to get rid of the noise from your neighbors, you need soundproofing materials. If you need the absence of echo in the room, sound-absorbing ones.

How to reduce noise from neighbors above/below/behind the wall? Is it possible to rid them of my noise?

Soundproofing the ceiling is obviously a losing option. The maximum reduction that can be achieved is from 3 to 9 dB. Try to come to an agreement with your neighbors and soundproof the floor for them, then you will achieve a reduction of up to 25-30 dB!

The sound insulation of a wall depends on the type of wall. They are either under construction or already existing (between rooms and apartments). For erected walls, immediately make double, independent frames. The thicker and more multi-layered the wall, the higher the chance of achieving a noise reduction of 50-60 dB in the apartment.

For existing walls, either make a frame filled with soundproofing materials, but be prepared for it to “eat up” 10 cm of space. Or, if space is limited, install soundproofing panels or roll material directly on the wall.

To soundproof the floor, place materials such as TOPSILENT DUO or FONOSTOP BAR under the screed. If it is not possible to raise the floor under the screed by 10 cm, then lay soundproofing materials under the floor covering. Please note that in this case the noise will decrease by no more than 10-15 dB.

Try to ensure that the screed and flooring do not come into contact with the walls of the premises. The “floating” design provides better sound insulation properties. Conversely, if the soundproofing layer extends a couple of centimeters onto the walls, this will additionally dampen the sound waves.

We made repairs, didn’t think about soundproofing and now we hear noise from our neighbors, how can we fix it?

Unfortunately, you will have to make changes to repairs that have already been made.

If soundproofing of the floor is necessary, remove the laminate (or other finishing coating) and lay the FONOSTOP DUO soundproofing membrane underneath.

If there are walls, then, as mentioned above, the covering must be removed, a frame must be made and a material like TOPSILENT BITEX must be glued. Likewise for the ceiling.

What materials should be used to soundproof an apartment? How many of them do you need? How to calculate the required quantity?

Soundproofing an apartment requires an integrated approach. A structure is assembled, a “sandwich” of several materials. Thickness quality construction about 7-10 centimeters.

For calculation required quantity, send the dimensions of the room - length, width and height, the manager will make a calculation and tell you what materials will be needed.

What materials are needed for a recording studio?

For a recording studio, both types of materials are important and needed - soundproofing and sound-absorbing. First of all, high-quality sound in a studio is achieved through the use of sound-absorbing, acoustic panels made of melamine foam or open-cell polyurethane. The cellular structure of the material “quenches” sound vibrations. We recommend using thick panels up to 100 mm, this will ensure sound absorption in a wide range of frequencies. In addition, install “bass traps” up to 200-230 mm thick.

With sound insulation, everything is simple - more layers and it is advisable to use two-layer materials with a lead layer, for example, AKUSTIK METAL SLIK.

Which sound insulation is better?

The best material is the one that solves the problem. The same soundproofing materials manifest themselves differently depending on the volume, type of walls, and ceiling of the room. We recommend that you consult with a specialist before you begin any repairs.

How is soundproofing and sound-absorbing materials installed?

The easiest way is to attach sound-absorbing acoustic panels. Take any type of glue and attach it wherever you need it. The material is light and easily adheres to the surface.

For the installation of soundproofing materials, specially designed adhesives are used - OTTOCOLL P270 (for floors) and FONOCOLL (for walls and ceilings).

Do you deliver materials? Is there pick-up?

Yes, we deliver. Choose a convenient delivery method: pickup from a warehouse in Lyubertsy, delivery by van within the Moscow Ring Road and Moscow region (up to 100 km) or transport company, if you are far from Moscow.

Where can I see prices?

The price list for soundproofing and sound-absorbing materials is in the “Price Lists” section.

Thin heavy soundproofing membrane (made in Spain). It is used in soundproofing structures of floors, ceilings, walls, partitions in rooms for various purposes.

Thin, heavy soundproofing membrane with a self-adhesive layer (made in Spain). It is used in soundproofing structures of ceilings, walls, partitions in rooms for various purposes.

Combined soundproofing membrane with a layer of acoustic felt (made in Spain). It is used in soundproofing structures of ceilings, walls and partitions in rooms for various purposes.

price from 1,842.00 rub. ZA M 2

Thin panels made of pressed wood fiber sheets with a corrugated structure, filled quartz sand. They are used as a layer in the construction of thin soundproofing systems of walls, floors, and ceilings to increase their effectiveness in rooms of all types.

Soundproofing panel with an internal honeycomb structure filled with fine quartz sand. Produced from environmentally friendly natural resources. The Sonoplat Pro panel is used as for direct installation directly on the leveled surface, and in frame systems soundproofing of premises for any purpose.

Combined soundproofing panel for thin frameless soundproofing systems. The presence of an elastic, lightweight backing in the combi-panel allows it to be mounted directly on the leveled surface of the insulated wall or ceiling.

price 1,611.00 RUB. ZA M 2

thin soundproofing panel for walls and partitions made of light building materials of small thickness (foam concrete, plaster, etc., 80 -120 mm thick). The thickness of the sandwich panel is 30 mm. Additional sound insulation index ΔRw = 9 dB.


thin soundproofing panel in the AcousticGyps TM line. Excellent for isolating quiet household noises from neighbors above and behind the wall, as well as for increasing the sound insulation index interior partitions in an apartment, cottage, office. The sandwich panel provides effective attenuation of household noise levels. Additional sound insulation index ΔRw = 11 dB.


This modification of the panels is designed to enhance the soundproofing ability of walls and ceilings to the standard values ​​​​required for residential and public premises. It is the most popular modification due to its high sound insulation performance, ease of installation and low thickness. Also suitable as an entry-level solution for commercial applications: bars, restaurants, home cinemas. Additional sound insulation index ΔRw = 14 dB.

modification of panels with the highest rates of additional sound insulation in the AcousticGyps TM line. This modification of the panels provides additional sound insulation in rooms with high noise levels. It is used in rooms that are located near objects under construction or operating production facilities, recording studios, concert halls. Additional sound insulation index ΔRw = 18 dB.

price 1,528.00 rub.

ZA M 2 an effective solution for additional sound insulation of interfloor ceilings in residential and public spaces . They are high quality flooring elements. In terms of applications they can be compared with traditional solid floor systems . Benefits floor structures with the use of AcousticGyps Yoog 30 are light weight, as well as dry and quick installation

(no loss of time compared to installation of self-leveling floors).

A universal and multifunctional material with shock-absorbing and noise-absorbing properties. It is used for soundproofing floors, walls, ceilings and interfloor ceilings.

Mats made of super-thin fiberglass of the highest quality, pressed using the needle-punched method. A line of thin viscoelastic materials based on elastomeric rubber (made in Italy). Used in household and industrial equipment

, ventilation communications, construction industry, residential and industrial buildings.

Universal material made of needle-punched fiberglass. It is used in sound insulation of floors (including floors on joists and floating screeds), walls, ceilings and interfloor ceilings.

Highly effective premium sound-absorbing material. Consists of basalt fiber, produced in the form of slabs with a thickness of only 27 mm(density 65 kg/m3). Due to its small thickness, it does not steal usable area premises.

Sound-absorbing material in the form of slabs based on basalt fiber. It is used as a filler for interprofile spaces in standard sound insulation systems for walls, partitions and ceilings.

StopZvuk BP Floor is a professional non-flammable material for soundproofing floors in rooms of any type and for any purpose. Consists of the highest quality basalt fiber treated with a hydrophobic compound. Available in the form of elastic plates 20mm thick. (density 110kg/m3).

Sound-absorbing material in the form of plates based on polyester (synthetic) fiber. It is used as a filler for interprofile spaces in standard sound insulation systems for walls, partitions and ceilings.

Thin sound-absorbing material (20 mm thick) in the form of plates based on polyester (synthetic) fiber. It is used as a filler for interprofile spaces in standard sound insulation systems for walls, partitions and ceilings.

By sound insulation of airborne noise (and there is also structural noise and vibration) we correctly understand the property of a structure (not a material) not to allow sound to pass through itself. Obviously, brick itself does not have sound insulation, but a brick wall. The materials themselves can be divided into sound-absorbing and sound-reflecting, depending on what predominates in them. At the same time, both are often used in soundproofing structures. In general, the principle of alternating sound-reflecting and sound-absorbing layers to increase sound insulation can be called one of the main ones in acoustics.

An example of an absorbent material is fiberglass board or polyurethane foam (foam rubber) with open pores; sound reflecting materials include concrete, glass, drywall, etc.

Therefore, the term “soundproofing materials” or “soundproofing materials” is correctly understood as materials for improving (increasing) the sound insulation of an existing barrier by installing an additional structure. For walls, this can be a gypsum plasterboard partition on a frame base with filling; for ceilings, it can also be a frame structure in the form of a suspended ceiling.

On the one hand, we see that to solve sound insulation problems, conventional building materials (gypsum plasterboard, metallic profile, fasteners, etc.), but in order to really get maximum effect It is important to understand the following. Firstly, in addition to conventional materials, it is necessary to additionally use special “sound-proofing materials” - vibration-isolating pads to reduce the transmission of structural noise, sound-proofing materials inside the frame, and much more. Secondly, it is important to know the technology of the design itself, the correct arrangement of materials relative to each other. It would be appropriate to give the following analogy: soundproofing materials are medicines for a disease, but only a professional doctor knows how, using them in combination, to cure the disease without harming the patient. In our case, the doctor is an acoustic engineer who, having made the correct diagnosis, will suggest a “course of treatment” for the “patient.”

So now we can go to brief overview"soundproofing materials".

"ZIPS" - Sound Insulating Panel System, consisting of sandwich panels (GVL and glass/mineral fiber), fastening elements, vibration-insulating cushioning materials (Vibrosil\Vibrostek) and special technology installation A characteristic feature of the system is its “vibration isolation” and “frameless” structure, which makes it possible to obtain higher values ​​of additional sound insulation with the same thickness in comparison with frame structures.

"Shumanet-BM" is a sound-absorbing (unfinished) mineral wool slab on a basalt base. In terms of physical and technical characteristics, it is comparable to basalt slabs with a synthetic binder. Distinctive feature- guaranteed acoustic properties, constant density of 45 kg/m3 and a lot of experimentally confirmed data on high soundproofing properties structures using Schumanet-BM.

"Shumanet-100" is a rolled soundproofing cushioning material. It consists of a special elastic multilayer fiberglass material, impregnated on one side with a layer of bitumen covered with polyethylene film. Unlike foam cushioning materials, also used to insulate impact noise, “Shumnaet-100” is distinguished by two important features- high acoustic efficiency and durability combined with acoustic stability, namely:

"Shumanet-100" with a thickness of 3 mm has an index of additional impact noise insulation of at least 23 dB, and with a thickness of 4 mm - at least 27 dB, respectively. The 8 mm thick extruded polyethylene foam pad has an additional impact noise insulation index of only 19 dB.

For foamed materials, after 5-10 years, due to the partial disintegration of molecules, the acoustic and strength properties are significantly reduced, and the amount of residual deformation increases. Fiberglass materials, on the contrary, do not age; their guaranteed service life is up to 25 years. In addition, additional static and dynamic loads (the weight of the floor, furniture, movement of objects and people) accelerate the aging process of foam materials (collapse of air bubbles in polyethylene foam pads), which also leads to a decrease in the effective thickness of the material and loss of elastic properties.

"Shumostop-S2" - slabs made of staple fiberglass. They are used as an elastic soundproofing gasket in building structures when installing “floating floors” with increased requirements for insulation of airborne and impact noise. See below for information on technology of use.

"Shumostop-K2" - slabs made of basalt mineral fiber. They are used as an elastic edge soundproofing gasket in building structures when constructing “floating floors” using “Shumostop-S2” slabs. See below for information on technology of use.

"Vibrostek-V300" is an elastic multilayer fiberglass. It is the basis for "Shumanet-100Super". Has the same acoustic characteristics. Used as an elastic gasket to reduce the transmission of impact and structural noise.

"Vibrostek-M" is an elastic multilayer fiberglass in rolls 100 mm wide and 30 meters long. Used as an elastic gasket to reduce the transmission of impact and structural noise. It is used when installing the ZIPS panel system, as well as when installing frame structures of soundproof ceilings, partitions and cladding made of gypsum plasterboard and gypsum fiber boards.

"Lutrasil" (spunbond) is a non-woven sound-permeable fabric. Used as a cushion layer when using glass/mineral wool mats/boards to prevent the emission of particles into environment.

Thus, it should be concluded that soundproofing materials themselves are not finishing materials and the acoustic purpose and characteristics are completely different. In addition, their use in soundproofing structures can only be justified on the basis of the opinion of an expert in the field of architectural and construction acoustics (acoustics engineer) with extensive professional experience in this activity.

Noise stop

Soundproofing slabs for the installation of “floating” floors


The high sound insulation characteristics of the SHUMOSTOP slab system (ΔLn,w = 42 dB) for almost any interfloor ceiling design provide an impact noise level 20 dB lower than required by SNiP. This allows us to talk about real acoustic comfort, when the sound of a bottle falling on the floor in the room above is perceived in the room below as the fall of a light coin.

Application area

SHUMOSTOP slabs are used as an elastic sound-proofing layer in building structures when constructing “floating floors” with increased requirements for impact noise insulation. In this case, the Shumostop-S2 slabs act as the main working layer, and the slabs high density Shumostop-K2 performs the function of an edge layer designed to increase the stability of the floor base along the perimeter of the room and around the columns.


Shumostop-S2 slabs: hydrophobized staple fiberglass of the URSA GLASSWOOL type.
Shumostop-K2 slabs: basalt fiber

Distinctive features

  • Maximum values ​​of the impact noise reduction index;
  • Stable dynamic characteristics of the material under loads of 200 - 700 kg/m2.

Slab dimensions and physical characteristics

slabs, mm
Slab width, mm Plate thickness, mm Bulk density, kg/m3 Package weight, kg Volume
packaging, m3
Quantity per package
Shumostop-S2 1250 600 20 70 11,0 0,15 10pcs/7.5 m2
Shumostop-K2 1200 300 20 90-100 8,8 0,072 10pcs/3.6 m2

Impact noise insulation

frequency Hz 100 125 160 200 250 320 400 500
14,4 19,6 23,1 21,7 27,8 32,7 34,3 33,0
frequency Hz 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3200
Reduction of the reduced impact noise level ΔLn by a floating screed laid on one layer NOISE STOP, dB 37,4 35,8 40,8 43,4 45,5 50,0 57,3 61,0

Impact noise level reduction index ΔLn,w with one layer Noise stop = 39 dB, with two layers Noise stop = 43 dB

Installation technology

To ensure the stability of the floor base, made using Shumostop-S2 slabs, Shumostop-K2 edge slabs with a width of 300 mm are laid around the perimeter of the room, as well as around the columns. To prevent the leveling screed from coming into contact with the surface of the walls, a cushioning material (for example, Vibrostek or Shumostop-K2) is used along the entire perimeter of the floor along the walls, the height of which should be slightly greater than the thickness of the screed being installed. Shumostop-C2 slabs are laid on the floor slab close to each other, without a gap. A waterproofing layer (reinforced polyethylene film) is placed on the Shumostop slabs and lifted along the wall to the height of the edge of the cushioning material. Then a reinforced concrete screed is installed with a thickness of at least 60 mm (with one layer of SHUMOSTOP) and 80 mm with two layers. The construction of the finished floor is performed on the screed. The plinth is mounted only to one of the surfaces - to the floor or to the walls.

Entry-level soundproofing panel system


The basic level soundproofing panel system is an effective solution to the problem of additional sound insulation of existing walls and ceilings. With its help, most problems of increasing sound insulation in residential as well as public spaces with moderate noise levels are solved: shops, restaurants, cafes, etc. (system operating range is from 100 Hz).

Application area

The sound insulation system is used in the construction and reconstruction of buildings to increase the sound insulation of single-layer building structures: plaster, brick and concrete walls and partitions, as well as floors. It is used in premises of any type and purpose (for additional sound insulation in apartments, cottages, offices, etc.).


The panel soundproofing system consists of sandwich panels and finishing gypsum board cladding sheets with a thickness of 12.5 mm. The sandwich panel consists of a combination of a “hard” GVL layer and a “soft” layer of basalt-based mineral fiber.

Distinctive features

  • The product is protected by RF patent No. 2140498
  • High performance additional sound insulation
  • Frameless mounting method
  • Special vibration-isolating fastening units and tongue-and-groove joints in sandwich panel construction

Technical, acoustic and operational characteristics


Working size (excluding ridge area) of panels: 1500 x 500 mm. Panel thickness: 70 mm. System thickness: 83 mm.

physical characteristics

Panel weight: 19.0 kg. Surface density of the system: 37.5 kg/m2.

Airborne noise insulation

Acoustic measurements were carried out by the Department of Acoustics of NNGASU, Nizhny Novgorod

frequency Hz

























frequency Hz









Value of additional sound insulation using a panel system, dB









Total sound insulation brick partition 120 mm thick, lined with panel system, dB









Index of additional airborne noise insulation of the panel system: ?Rw = 12 - 14 dB

Installation technology: The panel system is installed in strict accordance with the Installation Instructions.


Sound-absorbing mineral wool board


Basalt-based mineral slabs SCHUMANET-BM are one of the most effective sound-absorbing building materials in the class. Mandatory quality control of each slab ensures consistently high acoustic and consumer properties of this product.

Application area

SCHUMANET-BM slabs are used as an effective middle layer in the construction of sound-insulating frame partitions or claddings made of gypsum plasterboard/gypsum plasterboard sheets, chipboard, plywood, as well as in systems of acoustic perforated screens or suspended ceilings.


Hydrophobized mineral wool slab based on basalt rocks.

Distinctive features:

  • Quality control of each slab;
  • High acoustic properties guaranteed;
  • Non-combustible material (NG).


Plate length: 1000 mm. Slab width: 600 mm. Plate thickness: 50 mm.

physical characteristics

Bulk density: 40 kg/m3. Number of slabs per package: 4 pcs. Package quantity: 2.4 m2.
Packaging volume: 0.12 m3. Package weight: 5.5 kg.

Reverberation sound absorption coefficients

Acoustic tests were carried out by the laboratory of acoustic measurements of NIISF RAASN, Moscow

frequency Hz 100 125 160 200 250 320 400 500 630
SCHUMANET-BM slabs without reference 0,14 0,26 0,40 0,56 0,67 0,82 1,00 1,00 1,00
0,45 0,54 0,68 0,76 0,92 0,96 0,99 1,00 1,00
frequency Hz 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3200 4000 5000
SCHUMANET-BM slabs without reference 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 0,99 0,99 0,93 0,90 0,90
SCHUMANET-BM slabs with a distance of 50 mm from the hard surface 1,00 1,00 0,98 0,95 0,90 0,88 0,85 0,83 0,80

Average sound absorption coefficient NRC: 0.9

Technology of use

In the designs of sound-absorbing cladding and multilayer frame partitions, the rack profile (or timber) of the frame is mounted, as a rule, in increments of 600 mm. SCHUMANET-BM slabs are laid in the cells of the sheathing. In acoustic suspended ceiling designs, the slabs are mounted in the space between the suspended ceiling and the floor slab. SCHUMANET-BM is placed behind suspended ceiling, or mounted to floor slabs using plastic “mushrooms” for attaching heat-insulating boards. When used in non-hermetic structures, to prevent the emission of material particles into the environment, it is recommended that SCHUMANET-BM slabs be first wrapped in a sound-permeable spunbond non-woven fabric.

Shumoplast (POLYTERM)

Soundproofing leveling coating for floating floors


The sound-proof leveling coating SHUMOPLAST (POLYTERM) is a ready-to-use granular mixture of elastic vibration-insulating material POLYTERM, which, after being applied to the surface of the ceiling, acts as a sound-proofing gasket under the leveling screed in the construction of floating floors.

Application area

The SHUMOPLAST (POLYTERM) coating is specially designed for the installation of floating floors on large-area objects for ceilings with an uneven surface. A coating with a thickness of 15-30 mm is applied manually or mechanically directly onto the slab and helps maintain stability acoustic characteristics soundproofing floor, despite such factors as the presence of construction debris, protrusions, burrs of reinforcement, as well as shells on the surface of the floor..


The coating consists of polystyrene foam granulate processed using a special technology, a compensating rubber-rubber additive and an acrylic-based synthetic binder.

Distinctive features

  • The coating is patented in the Russian Federation and CIS countries;
  • Permissible unevenness of the floor surface is up to 15 mm locally;
  • Simplicity and high speed of application - complete polymerization after 24 hours;
  • Shrinkage no more than 5% under a load of 5 kPa.

Impact noise insulation

Acoustic tests were carried out by the acoustic measurement laboratory of the NIISF RAASN, Moscow.


The SHUMOPLAST mixture, ready for use, is packaged in plastic bags with a volume of 0.08 m 3.
The weight of the box (2 plastic bags in the box) is about 15 kg. Box size 1300 x 350 x 450 mm.

With a layer thickness of 20 mm, the material consumption is one plastic bag per 4 sq.m of surface.
Primer mass for processing vertical surfaces SHUMOPLAST-GRUNT is supplied in plastic buckets weighing 3/8/15 kg.
When treating a surface with a width of 100 mm, the consumption of primer mass is 120 g per 1 linear meter

Accessories and components

Vibrostek-M Tape soundproofing gasket

  • Durability

Vibrosil Vibroacoustic sealant

Silomer Polyurethane elastomer for vibration isolation

Vibronet profile Vibration-damped element of a metal frame

  • Metal thickness 0.9 mm

Installation technology

Before installation, coverings with a standard thickness of 20 mm must be removed from the surface of the ceiling. construction garbage with a fraction size of more than 10 mm. The SHUMOPLAST coating is applied to the ceiling manually or mechanically. The SHUMOPLAST coating is applied to all adjacent walls and columns to a height slightly greater than the level of the leveling screed to prevent the formation of sound bridges during its installation. To increase adhesion, the surfaces of walls and columns are pre-primed with SHUMOPLAST-GRUNT before treatment with the coating. A leveling screed with a thickness of at least 50 mm is laid directly on the SHUMOPLAST coating, and must be reinforced with metal structures to give it increased mechanical strength.

Vibration stack-V300

Soundproofing substrate made of multi-layer fiberglass


The elastic properties of porous-fibrous materials, which include the soundproofing substrate VIBROSTEK-V300, are ensured physical properties the fibers of the material themselves. This determines the significantly more stable behavior of the material under static and dynamic loads and the preservation of the declared acoustic properties for a long time.

Application area

VIBROSTEK-V300 is used as an elastic soundproofing substrate when installing “floating floors” directly under the floor covering (parquet boards, linoleum, carpet), as well as under cement-sand screed when using an additional moisture-proof separating layer.


Multilayer soundproofing fiberglass LB300, based on type “C” fiberglass.

Distinctive features

  • High efficiency with low thickness
  • Stability of characteristics under the influence of static and dynamic loads
  • Durability

Roll sizes

Roll width: 1 m. Roll length: up to 450 m. Thickness: 4 mm.

physical characteristics

Surface density: 300 g/m2. Dynamic modulus of elasticity Unit: 0.18 MPa at a load of 2 kPa, 0.35 MPa at a load of 5 kPa.
Relative compression coefficient εd: 0.25 at a load of 2 kPa, 0.35 at a load of 5 kPa.

Impact noise insulation

Acoustic tests were carried out by the acoustic measurement laboratory of the NIISF RAASN, Moscow.

frequency Hz 100 125 160 200 250 320 400 500
5,2 7,2 7,0 6,4 10,5 15,0 17,1 23,6
frequency Hz 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3200
Reduction of the reduced impact noise level ΔLn by a PVC linoleum floor laid on a layer of VIBROSTEK-V300, dB 31,9 39,0 48,6 57,2 61,5 62,6 63,9 65,7

Impact noise reduction index using VIBROSTEK-V300 material under a layer of PVC linoleum: ΔLn,w = 29 dB

Technology of use

When installing a “floating” floor from a parquet board or when laying it under linoleum, VIBROSTEK-V300 is laid without overlap, pressing the panels against each other. The seams are glued together with 50 mm wide tape. The panels are cut along the contour of the floor and are not placed on the wall. When laying parquet boards, 10 mm gaps are left near the walls, which are then covered with plinths. This ensures moisture circulation. When installing a “floating” screed to prevent it from coming into contact with the surface of the walls, cut strips of VIBROSTEK-V300 are laid along the entire perimeter of the floor along them. A separating layer (reinforced polyethylene film) is placed on top of the substrate and placed on the wall to the height of the edge of the material. To cut and cut VIBROSTEK-V300, you should use sharp knives used for laying carpets.


Soundproofing underlay for floor coverings


"Akuflex" is a specialized sound-proofing fibrous roll material developed based on modern requirements for building acoustics.


The Akuflex material is used as an elastic soundproofing layer in the construction of “floating” floors in the form of a lining under finished floor coverings: laminate, parquet boards, linoleum, as well as under a leveling screed in order to reduce the level of impact noise under the floor slab.


Polyester fiber processed using special technology to obtain durable, stable elastic properties.

Distinctive features

    • Ecologically safe material
    • High acoustic efficiency
    • Increases the service life of the floor covering due to the circulation of air and moisture under the floor covering
    • Has low hygroscopicity compared to other synthetic fibrous materials


Roll width: 1 m. Roll length: 15 m. Thickness: 4 mm (at 1.8 kPa load)
Roll weight: 5.0 kg.

Physical and technical characteristics

  • Surface density: 300 g/m2
  • Breaking load along length and width: not less than 750 N
  • Thermal conductivity coefficient (λ), W/m ̊С: 0.036

Reduction of reduced impact noise level:
Impact Noise Reduction:

  • under parquet board 15 mm: ΔLn,w=17 dB
  • under 8 mm thick laminate: ΔLn,w=20 dB
  • under cement-sand screed surface density 120 kg/m2 ΔLn,w = 27 dB

Tests were carried out by the laboratory of acoustic measurements of NIISF RAASN, Moscow

Accessories and components

Vibrostek-M\Tape soundproofing gasket

  • High efficiency with low thickness
  • Stability of characteristics under the influence of static and dynamic loads
  • Durability

Vibrosil\ Vibroacoustic sealant

  • Reliably seals seams and joints of any thickness
  • Has the best vibroacoustic properties
  • Neutral (does not cause metal corrosion)
  • Has increased moisture and heat resistance
  • Excellent adhesion to most building materials
  • Weather and UV resistance

Silomer\ Polyurethane elastomer for vibration isolation

  • Not susceptible to hydrolysis, as well as to dilute alkalis, acids, solvents and oils
  • Withstands long-term cyclic loads (more than 2 million load cycles)
  • Accepts significant overloads
  • When exposed to a static load, the material does not lose its properties for 10 years or more

VIbronet-profile\ Vibration-damped element of a metal frame

  • Absolutely “blind” metal profile
  • Metal thickness 0.9 mm
  • Refractory material (class KM1)
  • High degree of flatness (compared to wooden frame)
  • Stability of geometry over time (compared to a wooden frame)

Contact our specialists and we will advise you on SOUND INSULATION issues; You can purchase the necessary materials from us.
