Decorative painting of metal under a tree or a stone. Painting under wood: how to paint plastic under bleached oak, do-it-yourself video installation instructions, photo and price Painting wooden parts under metal

It happens that the car interior, front door or other piece of furniture has lost its original appearance, but still looks strong. In this case, you should not throw good things into a landfill - you can give them a second life. There are many decorating options for this, but the easiest way to give things an expensive and stylish look is to paint them under a tree.

What can be decorated under a tree

Decorative finish imitating a wooden surface can be carried out on various items from:

  • metal;
  • plastic.

Do-it-yourself technology for all materials is almost the same.

How to choose a dye

Wood paints can have any base. It is selected taking into account the base on which the enamel will be applied. The main thing when creating decorative finishes- choose colors. To create an imitation wood structure, you need 2 tones:

  • light (beige, light yellow, sand);
  • dark (dark brown, burgundy or even black).

The choice of color combination will depend on what type of wood is planned to be imitated when decorating the product, but dyes must be taken alone trademark. But it is always worth remembering that the dark paint that will be applied with the second layer should be more liquid.

Required Tools

To prepare the surface of a thing for painting with your own hands, you need the following set of tools:

  • screwdrivers (you will need these to unscrew removable parts that do not need to be painted, for example, door handles or car dashboard)
  • "skins" of various grain sizes;
  • sponges and brushes for surface cleaning.

List of basic painting tools

To create with your own hands wooden decor» you will need:

  • any painting tool (brush, roller or spray gun), you can also use decorative paints in spray cans;
  • primer;
  • special rubber grater for decorative work (some of the following decorating methods allow you to do without this tool);
  • enamel of two colors;
  • colorless varnish for additional fixation of the pattern.

When all the tools, as well as the enamel and varnish necessary for decoration, have been purchased, you can begin the preparatory work.

Preparing things for dyeing

Certainly, preparatory stages for metal, chipboard or plastic vary slightly depending on the base, but there are general requirements:

  1. Remove the fixed structure and remove everything from it additional details. If fixed parts or some parts of the thing are planned to be left unpainted, then it is better to seal them with masking tape.
  2. Remove all dirt and remnants of the old finish.
  3. To level the surface with the help of “skins”, changing the grain size from coarser to finer, you can do the processing using grinder, it all depends on the structure of the material being prepared. This stage is not needed only for smooth plastic - on the contrary, it is recommended to scratch it a little to improve adhesion with a soft metal brush.
  4. For metal, if there are signs of corrosion, clean it and treat it with rust preparations.
  5. Remove all irregularities with construction putty.
  6. Degrease the bases. For this purpose, white spirit or other degreasers are often used, suitable in composition to enamel and primer.

After the degreaser has dried, the base is ready for decoration.


Before you start decorative works, a primer is applied to the base using any painting tool and left to dry. On the dried ground with your own hands, the decor "under the tree" can be done in three ways:

  • when using a special grater;
  • by mixing liquid paints;
  • soot application method.

When deciding how to paint a wood-like door or decorate any other piece of furniture with your own hands, everyone chooses the most convenient method for themselves.

With a rubber grater

This is the easiest way decorative design do-it-yourself, it is preferred by most beginner craftsmen. It consists of the following steps:

  1. The selected light color of the enamel is applied and left to dry completely.
  2. After the light paint has dried, a dark layer is applied on top of it, but you should not wait for it to dry completely. As soon as the dye has dried up a little, a rubber grater is taken with a relief pattern carved on it, imitating a wood cut, and with its help, while the paint is still liquid, characteristic traces in the form of stains and grooves are left over the entire surface. The light color showing through the dark layer creates the illusion of a woody structure. This pattern is left to dry completely.
  3. The finished item is varnished, preferably in 2-3 layers, dried and put in place.

If there is doubt in your decorating abilities, then you can practice working with a grater on unnecessary grounds.

Liquid mixing

This technique is a little more difficult for beginners. Here you need an artistic flair and a sense of color, and this method can only be used on relatively large flat areas. But do not neglect this technique, because with its help you can create an amazing wood pattern. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Enamel is applied light tone and dry out a little. You don’t have to wait long, because for the next stage, the base dye needs to be wet.
  2. Take a brush. If the first layer can be applied with any painting tool, then a brush is needed for the second. Using a brush, a dark one is applied over the first, still liquid, layer. Mixing paints while working with a brush gives stains that resemble a wooden cut.
  3. After drying, the resulting pattern is varnished.

Application of soot

This method is very simple and is most often used for decorating plastics in car interiors, but other materials can also be painted in this way. With this technique of work, enamel of only one color, preferably dark, and a plastic stick are required, many take a fork or spoon from the set for this purpose. disposable tableware. The work is carried out in the following way:

  1. Plastic car parts or other items intended for decoration are painted in the selected color and left to dry completely.
  2. A stick or any other thin, unnecessary plastic object is set on fire. As soon as plastic product starts to smoke, they can draw by simply bringing it to certain areas of the surface. The random arrangement of dark uneven soot spots allows you to get an original decor.
  3. The result is varnished in 2-3 layers, and after complete drying, the item can be used for its intended purpose.

Create an illusion wooden structure can be on any basis, thanks to the proposed methods to get a stylish and expensive looking front door or the original interior of the car or just inexpensively update a boring interior and give new life old favorites.

Or any construction material many people are interested. After all, the old fashioned. Buying old things and interior items is quite expensive. But you don't have to do this. After all, the process artificial aging It has been worked out for a long time and everything can be done with your own hands, in this case the price will not be high.

In the article, we will consider how do-it-yourself antique painting is done.

Wood is the most common indoor material. That's why we decided to start with him. Many have old wooden things, but repairs will be expensive, in some cases the price will be higher than new ones. Let's consider the options for doing this work.

Features of preparation

Before directly painting a wooden surface antique, several steps should be done preparatory work as shown below:

Removing the old cover

Removing from the surface wooden object old paintwork.

Sanding wood

We clear from various pollution and grind, using coarser sandpaper first and gradually moving to a finer one.

We prime the tree

We treat the surface with an antiseptic primer that protects the wood from decay and mold and improves the adhesion of the future coating (see).

Attention: In this option, do not putty the plane. This should be done in cases of large chips and cracks.

Antique painting: dilapidated and rough surface

In order to achieve a dilapidated look, wood staining should be carried out in the following way:

  • After carrying out the preparatory work, we cover the wood with paint in one layer. best choice will become matte.
  • After the paint has completely dried, it is necessary to rub it with fine sandpaper in places where wear usually appears on similar objects made of wood.
  • It is necessary to carefully clean the product from dust and re-coat with a thin layer of paint.

Attention: In case of insufficient manifestation of the aging effect, the sandpaper should be reapplied, going over some areas again.

  • The last stage of the work of this technique is the processing of the entire product with a fine-grained sandpaper.

The scope of the described technology extends both to the decoration of furniture and doors.


This option is no less popular and in demand. This is just a pattern of cracks, and quite small ones, which are located in varnish or paint.

Consider how to paint antique in this version:

  • After all preparatory activities the surface of the product must be covered with a background layer of paint, which will be used to paint cracks.
  • After waiting for the background coating to dry completely, we apply a special transparent varnish for craquelure.
  • After the varnish has dried, we apply the last coat of paint, under the influence of which the varnish will begin to crack. In order to achieve an interesting decorative effect, it is necessary to choose the last color of the dye different from the background.
  • The last step is to cover the wooden object with clear acrylic varnish.

Attention: It is worth noting that you can get a similar result without a special varnish.

In this case, the creation of a decorative effect will consist of the following actions:

  • After the preparatory measures, we cover the surface of any.
  • After 1-1.5 hours, on a wet layer of alkyd coating, apply a layer of acrylate, for example, Siro Himmea or Harmony.
  • After a certain amount of time after staining, cracks will begin to appear through which the background layer superimposed first will be visible.

Attention: But there is one condition: categorically do not use coatings diluted with water for the implementation of the presented technology.

IN the latest technology the principle of creating cracks is based on the faster drying of the final layer of the coating, in contrast to the initial one. This technique is less expensive, since a special varnish for craquelure is quite expensive.

Crackling is excellent for creating the appearance of aging on medium-sized surfaces, such as painting moldings, small interior items or doors.


Of interest is such a way to achieve the aging of wooden objects, as the use of patina - a special dye for wooden surfaces with the effect of aging, applied as follows:

  • First you need to cover wood product varnish based on polyurethane.
  • We are waiting for the complete drying of the varnish and apply the thinnest layer of patina.
  • After waiting 20 minutes for the patina to dry completely, it is necessary to treat the surface with a tool such as scotch brite, commonly referred to as a metallized sponge. The severity of the aging effect is determined by the intensity of your movements and the pressure on the sponge.
  • Use a dry soft cloth to remove dust from the item.
  • The final step is varnishing the wooden object.

Attention: If you do not have a scotch brite, then use ordinary sandpaper different types ranging from coarse grained to fine grained.

The effect of multilayer painting

It is possible to achieve the visibility of multi-layer painting using the following method:

  • After the preparations have been made, the background coating must be applied in a thin layer on the object so that the natural pattern of the wooden object shows through.
  • The second step is to make the product dilapidated with sandpaper.
  • In the last step of this technology, it is necessary, by dipping the brush in a dye of a different color from the background and blotting it with a rag, to distribute the remains of the dye over the surface, exerting some pressure on the brush.

wax contamination

It is also worth taking into account the way to achieve the effect of pollution that occurs in the process of using the item. In order to implement this technique, you should take such simple actions as:

  • Apply an uneven layer of dark wax to areas of the object that are most prone to dirt.
  • The second and final step of this technique is the coating wooden product dark lacquer.

Among the variety of presented methods for creating the effect of antiquity on wooden textures, both in terms of materials and execution technique, everyone can choose the method they like. Now you know how to paint an antique table and any other piece of furniture made of wood. Now let's see what to do with other materials.

Brick aging

Of course, aging a house is expensive. Yes, and it makes no sense. But here, for example, a fireplace, this is a different matter. After all, this is not just a heater, it also creates comfort in the room.

Warning: This job will require sandpaper, but take it in several sizes.

How to paint an antique brick, we will consider:

  • We take a large sandpaper and skin the plane of the brick. It is the whole plane;
  • Now we take smaller paper and in some places knock down a large relief and make it smaller;
  • Now he does the same thing with the smallest paper as in the second case;
  • After that, we remove the dust with a rag and apply acrylic dye. And for this you can use a spray gun and just a brush. After all, it is not the uniformity of the application of the dye that makes the various shades more visible.

Antique is not a difficult task, just do not confuse the surfaces where the processing has already been done with finer sandpaper.

Making antique metal

Antique metal painting with your own hands can be done in several ways. Acrylic dyes can also be used, and bronze paint can also be used. The principle of operation is basically the same. The difference is only in the final finishing of the coating.

So, how to paint antique metal in detail:

  • First of all, the surface is cleaned of rust. For this we use sandpaper.
  • After that, it is necessary to treat the surface with a rust converter. Indeed, in small cracks and places of corrosion, you can not get sandpaper.
  • We are waiting for complete drying and apply a metallic dye. In this case, it is even better to use a bone. After all, not uniform application will give additional natural shades.
  • We are waiting for complete drying and a crequelure primer is applied to the plane. After its application, a film is formed on the plane, but transparent.
  • Now we are waiting for the soil to dry and apply the last coating with crequelure paint. It forms small cracks in its structure, which create the illusion of antiquity.

In the matter of aging with bronze, the matter is slightly different.

  • Preparation is done as in the first option.
  • Painting is done with bronze effect paint. The coating is applied in three layers.

Attention: Each layer is applied after the previous one has dried.

  • At the final stage, just a clear varnish is applied.

After watching the video in this article and the photo, you can better understand the progress of the work. There is an instruction and it will not be difficult to do everything. Antique painting with your own hands is not a difficult, but painstaking task. Therefore, take your time and do everything as carefully as possible.

Wood and stone decoration is used in the production of a wide variety of products. From decorated aluminum profile office partitions, doors, windows and other elements are manufactured building structures. Decoration is also used to add aesthetic appeal to all kinds of metal products, for example:

  1. Decorating under a tree is relevant in the manufacture profiles for furniture industry . Corners and guides bearing structures and shelves of racks, elements of office partitions are harmoniously combined with the wooden components of the interior, while they are able to withstand heavy loads.
  2. metal thresholds for sealing joints are widely used when laying parquet, wooden board, laminate. They are no less relevant in places where wooden flooring replaced by tiles natural stone or its ceramic imitation. In this case, the threshold can be chosen both in the color of the wood and in the color of the stone.
  3. Decorative painting under the stone allows you to get products for interior decoration of halls, bathrooms, kitchens. Unlike natural material, with high strength, they have a low weight, which is their undoubted advantage. So, to reduce the load on the floors, in rooms with natural stone trim, you can use metal dropped ceilings with imitation of texture and color of marble, granite, malachite.
  4. Metal products with decorative powder coated excellent impact resistance moisture and aggressive environments, so they are indispensable when creating decorative finishes for special rooms - laboratories, swimming pools, as well as shower cabins.
  5. Decor allows you to use Decoration Materials from metal in combination with natural ones: with stone plinth, wood walls and additional elements. Providing the perfect simulation natural material, painting metal like wood or stone makes the product wear-, moisture- and UV-resistant.

All photos from the article

In this article we will talk about how to paint metal or plastic surfaces. In addition to an overview of painting technologies, we will look at what paints and varnishes(LMB) and tools can be used to simulate wood texture. But, first, let's decide why we need wood-like metal painting.

It is no secret that the texture of natural wood fibers looks attractive. Therefore, wood products are often not painted, but only varnished. Unfortunately, most lumber, in addition to an attractive texture, cannot boast of special operational advantages.

Wood is brittle and fragile negative impact biological factors, and therefore many products, the strength of which is subject to increased requirements, are made of metal or plastic. And it is the painting of plastic under a tree or a similar decoration of metal that will make it possible to give an attractive, but reliable product an attractive look of wood texture.

Features of wood surface imitation

If you need a surface to look like wood, while not being one, you will certainly be interested in sublimation on metal technology.

In short, the sublimation instruction involves applying the thinnest film imitating the surface pattern of lumber to a metal surface. The film, drying, forms a dense durable protective layer, plausibly imitating the surface of lumber.

When painting metal products, two goals are pursued: protection against the formation of corrosive areas and giving the metal an aesthetic appearance. Introducing the last task, sometimes it is necessary to cover the surface in 2-3 layers. But not always the end result can be just painting. Sometimes metal products must be given original decorative effects, for example, the appearance of an aged object. For this, apply special technologies. Let's try to figure out how to paint antique metal and what is required for this.

The effect of aged metal can be achieved by applying the main method - aging through the implementation of patina and the formation of scuffs. Patina is applied with special paints, but it is for metal that metallized compounds are more often used on acrylic base. Available in stores today a wide range of of such paints, in addition to the decorative function, they also perform a protective task.

Available to choose from acrylic paints under the aged metal, namely under:

  • brass;
  • bronze;
  • copper;
  • gold.

Thanks to modern technologies, an aged effect can be given not only to metal surfaces. Often such painting is performed on plastic, wood and plaster products.

The aging process is completed by applying a final protective layer. For this, they often use:

  • acrylic-based varnish, which has a high degree of gloss;
  • very durable varnish polyurethane base with a degree of gloss up to 50%;
  • matt effect polyurethane varnish.

How to age metal yourself?

The choice of the method of creating an interior style, which implies the presence of traces of antiquity in the design, is quite wide. For connoisseurs of this style, it is not always affordable to buy real old items. The way out of this situation is to imitate ancient metals. How to paint antique metal with your own hands? Coloring is carried out in stages:

  1. Surface preparation for painting. We get rid of dirt, rust and traces of grease by grinding and solvent treatment.
  2. Metal priming. In this way, we achieve the formation of roughness on the surface for better adhesion of the paint. We choose a special primer for metal.
  3. Application of selected metallic paint. Experts advise to carry out the process with a regular brush, so aging is achieved in the best way.
  4. Aging stage. When the paint dries, cover the surface with a special craquelure varnish. It is after this step metal object covered with cracks that create the effect of an old product.

Important! If not processed metal surfaces, then it is necessary to responsibly approach the choice of primer to achieve reliable adhesion with metallic paints.

On the video: a master class on applying patina to forged metal.

Bronze painting

In the old days, many items were made of bronze. Therefore, painting products in bronze will help decorate the interior of the house in vintage style. There are several technologies for coating metal under bronze. Consider the simplest options.

Give a monochromatic effect

You can perform a one-color coating of metal with bronze as follows:

  1. First of all, we clean the old surface from dirt and rust. To do this, you need to clean it with sandpaper and then carry out degreasing.
  2. To increase the adhesion of the dye to the surface, we perform the priming process for metal. In addition to adhesion, the primer will help to additionally protect the product from corrosion.
  3. At the final stage, we proceed to staining with bronze paint. It is necessary to apply 2-3 layers evenly. But each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried.

Achieving antique bronze effect

Antique decorative painting with bronze effect is suitable for lovers of rare things. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Performed preliminary preparation old surface according to the same rules as in the previous case. Also, do not forget to cover the product with a primer.
  2. After priming, one layer of bronze paint is applied to the surface. It is desirable that the composition be applied evenly, but for the effect of antiquity it is better to use a brush.
  3. After drying, the bronze painted surface is covered with patina (more dark color). It is applied to the recesses. Experts advise using a translucent patina. This allows you to adjust the shade of the bronze finish.
  4. The next stage is glazing, that is, processing with a brush that is barely moistened. light paint. The process is carried out on all protruding edges and corners. This aging method allows you to give the product the effect of wear, which usually appears on the metal over the years.
  5. Next, we wait some time, allowing the applied materials to dry completely, and at the end we cover the product with a transparent varnish.

Antique brass finish

Textured metallized compositions can transform the product, giving it an imitation of brass. The processing technology is almost the same as those provided above. The surface is preliminarily cleaned, polished and degreased. For aging, the technique is used decorative painting under brass.

The application process is carried out as follows:

  1. Before applying decorative paint, the old coating is removed from the product. To do this, you can use a metal brush or sandpaper.
  2. The key to the strength and reliability of staining is the primer. Use a compound specifically designed for metal.
  3. Brass paint is applied to the surface in one layer. You can age the resulting coating by painting with craquelure. Burnt umber, which is applied very carefully with a dry cloth, will help enhance the effect. If in the course of work surpluses were formed, then they must be removed before the substance dries.
  4. Finally, the surface of the painted and aged part is coated with an acrylic-based glossy varnish.

As you can see, design antiquity is achieved simple ways. When doing do-it-yourself work, paints help to get the desired result, which create the necessary effect of a bronze, brass, copper surface.
