How to wash plastic. How and with what you can wash a white plastic window sill at home from various contaminants (yellowness, rust, stubborn stains, brilliant green, adhesive tape, primer and glue after repair)

Cleanliness in the kitchen depends on many factors. Most housewives monitor the condition of the floor, work surfaces, wash dishes on time and wash textiles. How long have you been evaluating appearance your windowsill?

In the kitchen, the window sill gets dirty many times faster.

A dirty window sill can drastically ruin the look of the kitchen. At the same time, care for it may vary, depending on the material chosen. In this article we will talk about how to wash off dirt. plastic window sill and keep it spotlessly clean without much effort.

Types of stains on the windowsill

First of all, it is necessary to understand the what stains can appear on a plastic window sill. Knowing what to watch out for will make you more likely to prevent them from occurring.

Various stains are washed off various methods.
  • Do you have flowers on your window? You will most likely have to spend a lot of time dealing with yellow spots that inevitably occur after watering, if the pots are leaky.
  • Have you recently changed your window? We have to deal with drops of primer, pieces polyurethane foam and other traces of installation work.
  • After winter period there will probably be stains from glue, adhesive tape.
  • Sintepon crumb can stick to fat, and it will be very difficult to clean up such an education.
  • Dirt coming out of the vents may leave marks on the surface of the window sill.
  • Do you often put pots and dishes on the windowsill? Probably there will be greasy spots which are not so easy to extract.
  • Even plastic can show signs of rust., which "crawl" there from metal elements.

In addition, if the kitchen is small, many housewives use the windowsill as an additional workspace. This also negatively affects its purity, and it is almost impossible to predict what stains will appear there.

Now let's take a closer look at how to deal with each type of window sill pollution.

Caring for a plastic window sill at home

As we have said, it is easier to prevent serious pollution than then try to bring them out by a variety of methods. To prevent window sill care from becoming an impossible task, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our tips. .

Many stains are easier to prevent than to remove.

They will help you keep your window sill in order and prevent most troubles from occurring.:

  • First of all, you need to find out what material your window sill is made of.. For plastic, material of two structures can be used: smooth and porous. The first one is easier to maintain, since it is enough to simply wipe it. Dirt and grease penetrate deeper into the porous structure, so you will need special detergents.
  • A plastic window sill can be finished with either a thin PVC film or a wear-resistant laminate film. The second option is preferable for the kitchen: it is less susceptible to mechanical damage, which means that it can be washed with hard sponges and more effective products.
  • Do not place hot pots and pans on the windowsill- they leave unaesthetic marks, and the surface may be damaged and you will have to repair the window sill.
  • Under the flowers, it is better to install special coasters or put thin silicone mats. So the pots will not leave scratches and moisture will fall on the windowsill less, which means you can avoid yellow streaks on the surface of the windowsill.
  • Every day, wipe the window sill with a dry cloth, even if it seems clean to you. So you remove the smallest particles of dust that eat into the coating and turn it from white to dirty gray.
  • Wash the window sill once a week with soapy water and then dry it with a clean cloth.. This will help wash away small particles of fat, which can soon turn into stubborn stains.
  • Wash windows and spaces between them regularly- if they themselves are not too clean, they can become a serious source of dirt already for the windowsill. Therefore, do not forget to keep the entire window opening clean, and not just the part that goes into your kitchen.
  • Never rub the window sill with abrasive products too hard! So you can erase the protective top layer of the coating and it will turn yellow or gray.
  • Bought new detergent ? Be sure to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the window sill: if it contains harsh chemicals, the color of the coating may change in the most unexpected direction for you.

With our tips, keeping the window sill clean will not be difficult at all. But what if there are persistent stains on the windowsill that cannot be washed off with soap and water? Here are some effective recommendations that will help remove any contamination from the plastic window sill.

Method 1. We wash the window sill with laundry soap

If ordinary liquid soap or dishwashing detergent does not help, take the familiar brown bar of laundry soap. It contains more alkali, so it copes well even with greasy stains on a plastic window sill.

old but effective way clean window sill.

Rub the soap on a grater and dissolve in warm water. Then thoroughly wash the window sill. If old grease stains do not go away, moisten them with water and rub well with soap. Leave it like that for half an hour and then wash it off.

Not too old pollution will depart. This method is one of the safest and most environmentally friendly.

Advice from the author: Do not use modern laundry soap in liquid form. It is much less concentrated, and therefore the effect will be weaker. And its cost is several times higher. It is better to buy a traditional bar, even if it does not smell very pleasant.

Method 2: We wash the window sill with washing powder

Soap doesn't work? Take advantage of more effective means- washing powder. It will not only remove stains, but also help whiten the surface a little.

Choose a hand wash powder with bleaching properties.

Pour a little powder on the surface, a little more - directly on dirty places. With a wet rough sponge, first rub the spots, and then the entire window sill. Rinse soap suds thoroughly clean water. Then wipe dry.

This method is not suitable for window sills finished with PVC film - the hard side of the sponge can leave scratches on them.

Advice from the author: If you are using laundry detergent washing machine, and not for hand washing, be sure to use gloves. Otherwise, you can get serious irritation, since the substances in such powders are quite aggressive.

Method 3: Wash the window sill with window cleaner

Most glass cleaners do a good job with dirt on the windowsill, excluding old grease stains. Ease of use can be considered a plus - most of these detergents are sold in convenient spray bottles.

Such a tool will clean not only the glass, but also the window sill.

Therefore, you simply need to spray the product on the stain, wipe the stain with a soft cloth, and then rinse the area with clean water. For stubborn stains, leave the detergent on for a few minutes before washing.

Advice from the author: The convenience of spraying is at the same time the main disadvantage of this method. Small spray particles get into the air and scatter throughout the room. Therefore, for the kitchen, this method is not the best choice. Unless, of course, you want to spice up a dish with glass cleaner or enjoy Sea Fresh salt.

Method 4. Clean the window sill with vinegar

Oddly enough, vinegar is considered one of the most effective methods window sill cleaning. It dissolves grease stains well, helps get rid of rust and slightly brightens the window sill.

Vinegar removes even stubborn stains.

Dilute the vinegar in a one-to-one ratio and apply on the windowsill. Moisturize stains well, especially old ones. Leave the solution for 10-15 minutes. However, keep in mind that in the case of PVC film, especially colored film, you need to be careful - vinegar can change the color of the surface.

Rinse off the solution carefully and dry the window sill. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

Method 5. Remove dirt from the windowsill with a melamine sponge

A few years ago, melamine sponges became a real hit among housewives. It is enough just to run a moistened sponge over the stain - and it dissolves almost before our eyes.

The melamine crystals that make up the sponge literally dissolve dirt.

Outwardly, they look like the usual foam rubber sponges, but they have a slightly stronger structure and seem a little damp to the touch. Melamine really cleans any dirt well, but for old stains you have to put in a lot of physical effort.

Advice from the author: Unlike foam rubber, melamine cannot be called a material that is safe for human health. Therefore, thoroughly wash the window sill with clean water after cleaning. In addition, the sponge can crumble during use, so carefully remove any crumbs so that they do not get on the dishes or in the food.

Method 6. We make PVC paste for cleaning the window sill

The name sounds mysterious, but in fact the mixture consists of only two components - toothpaste and chalk. Due to the abrasive properties, such a composition cleans stains well, while simultaneously brightening the window sill.

Time proven method.

Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and do not forget to crush the chalk well: large grains easily leave scratches.

Apply the mixture with a damp soft sponge, lightly rubbing into the window sill. After all the dirt has gone, rinse the surface with clean water and wipe dry. Repeat if necessary.

Method 7: A mixture of vinegar and baking soda to remove old stains

If you need to remove an old, stubborn grease stain, you can do without special detergents. First, apply a thin layer of baking soda to the dirt with a damp sponge.

A mixture of baking soda and vinegar for the most stubborn stains.

Then put some vinegar on the powder. Wait until it's over chemical reaction. Carefully remove the mixture along with loose dirt. Repeat if necessary.

How to wash the window sill after repair

Repair work leaves a lot of stains on the windowsill.

For example, if you need to clean a plastic window sill after repair work. Proceed as follows:

  • Remove all plugs, as a lot of different dust usually accumulates under them. First, thoroughly vacuum the window structure, then wipe the surfaces with a damp sponge, paying special attention to the places of the stumps.
  • If there is a primer, putty or plaster left on the windowsill, remove the residue with abrasive products. You can use a special detergent from the hardware store or use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar - both methods will be quite effective if it hasn't been too long. But after a few days, only professional solvents will help you, which are not cheap - keep this in mind. Apply the selected product for half an hour, then remove rubber spatula Or just a wooden spatula. Rinse thoroughly. warm water.
  • If mounting foam remains on the windowsill, use a stiff brush- With its help you can easily remove dirt.
    The remains of building dirt can be easily washed off with a solution of laundry soap.

How to bleach a yellowed window sill

Under the influence of constant sunlight, moisture and temperature fluctuations, the window sill may lose its radiant White color and acquire a repulsive yellow tint.

You are starting repairs in a house or apartment where you have already installed metal-plastic windows? Be prepared for stains and stains of various nature to appear on the frame, glass and window sill. Plaster, paint, adhesive tape, dust and dirt - do not full list window "enemies". It is important to know how to wash plastic windows so that scratches and scuffs do not form in place of stains.

Washing windows is a mandatory procedure not only after repair. Caring housewives prefer to do general cleaning every spring, and some even more often. Some hire cleaning companies to help clean windows inside and out. The service of such services is an expensive pleasure. If you care about the cleanliness of your home, but do not want to spend extra money, learn how to clean windows safely and correctly.

Basic Rules

Many housewives, in a fit of delight, rush to wash new windows, barely slamming the door behind the installers. This is the first mistake. Mounting foam, which is blown into the gaps between the windows, must dry. After that, the foam must be cut evenly and the slopes processed. It is advisable to carry out this procedure 1-2 days after the installation of window structures.

Window sill and plastic frame of new windows covered protective film similar to tape. If within 2 weeks the room will be held any construction works, including painting slopes, do not remove the film. It will protect the plastic building materials and possible mechanical damage. But you should not leave the film for more than 14 days. Over time, the adhesive changes its structure and can eat into the plastic. On the inside, it is better to remove the adhesive tape immediately: under the influence of sunlight, the glue dissolves much faster.

Tools and household chemicals

Set knives, spatulas, screwdrivers, scrapers and hard sponges aside. When you try to clean plastic windows with sharp objects, you run the risk of leaving deep and small scratches and abrasions. Use a soft sponge or cloth to clean. Glass is an exception. Stubborn stains can be removed with the abrasive side of the sponge. With a slight pressure on the sponge, you will not leave scratches on the glass, unlike soft plastic.

To the choice household chemicals should be treated even more responsibly:

  • Abrasive cleaning powder used for cleaning plumbing and hobs, prohibited. It should not be used to wash both plastic and glass elements.
  • Do not use aggressive products containing acids or alkalis. Do not use bleach or gels for washing plumbing.
  • Detergent must be liquid. This can be a non-abrasive gel for cleaning glass hobs, dishwashing detergent or a strong soapy solution. It is better to use special sprays or gels for cleaning windows.
  • If for some reason you do not want to use industrial products, you can prepare a cleaning solution yourself. First option: dissolve 1.5 tablespoons in 1 liter of cool water. potato starch. The second option: dissolve a full glass of table vinegar (9%) in 1 water. The third option: dissolve in 1 liter of water 2 tbsp. ammonia (ammonia).

Be warned: using "homemade" window cleaners will delay the process. Industrial facilities help clean windows faster.

Stages of washing a plastic window

Having determined how to clean plastic windows, you need to know how to do it correctly. We can distinguish the main stages. Following the correct order helps to complete the procedure much faster.

  • Always start cleaning windows from the frame (both inside and out). After processing the frame around the entire perimeter, you can proceed to cleaning the glass.
  • Clean the glass from the main layer of dirt or dust. To do this, use a cloth or sponge soaked in warm water. Do not use detergent at this stage.
  • After cleaning the glass from a layer of dust, proceed to a "deep" cleaning. Arm yourself with a soapy sponge and start cleaning the glass from top to bottom. Don't miss a single inch. Pay special attention to the joints between the frame and the glass. Dust is always clogged into the silicone layer.
  • To clean soap scum from the outside of the window, use a long-handled water squeegee. outer side glass can be washed from foam with a squeegee or a clean, damp cloth (preferably flannel). It is enough to wipe the glass several times to remove the soap solution.
  • With a dry cloth, go over the joints between the frame and the glass.
  • Washed glass must be rubbed to a shine. To do this, you can use special alcohol-containing products ("Clin", "Cif", "Mr.Muscle"). Use microfiber or any soft cloth as a rag.

Windows without streaks can be obtained without using special means. Ordinary old newspapers will help you with this. Washed from the soap solution, the windows should be rubbed dry with a crumpled old newspaper. To improve the effect, spray water with vinegar or ammonia on the glass. Thin newsprint perfectly absorbs leftovers excess moisture without leaving streaks on glass and mirrors.

How to whiten a window sill

Washing the window sill is a more difficult task. On previously white and clean plastic, dark circles from flower pots, layer of dust and yellow spots. It is yellowness that is considered the most dangerous enemy of a plastic window. It appears from exposure to sunlight, improper selection of detergents or from external pollutants (such as tobacco smoke and fat settling during cooking).

Before you get rid of yellowness, you need to remove all foreign objects from the windowsill. Most window sills have a porous structure. Dust, dirt and soot linger in the pores. To wash the window sill, use soft brushes and sponges. Avoid aggressive detergents (powders, products based on acids and alkalis). A soapy solution of water and dishwashing liquid is enough. Liquid soap should not be used.

The window sill cleared of dust is ready for bleaching. You can get rid of yellowness with the help of the following tips:

  • Use a chlorine-based product: bleach or stain remover. Apply it to a clean, dry window sill and leave it on for 1-2 hours. Remove bleach residue with a clean, damp cloth.
  • Prepare a mixture of washing powder and baking soda. Mix the components in equal proportions, add a small amount of water to make a "slurry". Apply it to the plastic surface in a thin layer, leave for 45 minutes. Remove the rest of the mixture with a damp sponge.
  • Chalk or tooth powder can be used to whiten window sills. Both substances are absolutely safe and do not require any precautions. Before use, the chalk must be crushed to a powder. Dampen a sponge or soft brush in water, dip into a jar of powder and treat the window sill. After 1 hour, remove any remaining powder or chalk with a clean, damp cloth.
  • Window sill can be bleached from yellow spots a mixture of vinegar and soda. This tool easily removes even stagnant stains. Scatter a small amount baking soda on a dry window sill. Soak a sponge in vinegar (not a solution) and use light, circular motions to work over any yellow spots. The substances will react, and foam will form on the windowsill. Do not leave the mixture on the windowsill for more than 15 minutes.
  • Ordinary medical alcohol saves from yellowness. Soak a cloth or sponge in alcohol and "walk" along the entire length of the window sill. During the procedure, put the vents on the "ventilation" mode, as alcohol releases toxic substances. At the end of the procedure, wipe the window sill with a clean, damp cloth.

If none of the above methods of rehabilitating the old window sill helped, do not despair. "Update" windows with a special self-adhesive film. It can be purchased at the supermarket. If you want to “fit” old window sills yourself, watch video tutorials on the Internet.

How to wash a window after repair work

When trying to clean plastic windows after repair, you will encounter large quantity stubborn dirt: paint stains, primer streaks and sticky tape residue. Do not despair: you can wash even the most "caustic" substances.


If it is necessary to wash or wash off the paint, the law applies: the sooner the better. Fresh drips and splashes from paint can be completely removed with a damp cloth. If the repairmen did not show sufficient care and left behind dried drops of paint, you need to be resourceful. It is important to choose a product that will not damage the plastic, but will remove the paintwork material.

  • Sunflower oil. Generously lubricate the paint spots with any vegetable fat and leave for half an hour. Then remove with a cotton swab or wet sponge. If some drops are not removed, remove them with a wooden stick or a rubber spatula (for grouting). Do not use a utility knife or metal spatulas to avoid scratching the glass or soft plastic.
  • Solvent. When choosing a solvent, consult the shop assistant. It is important to clarify from which surface you have to remove the paint. Glass can withstand more aggressive agents, but plastic may become cloudy or yellow.
  • Soap solution. Water and soap will help to remove easily water-based paint. In the fight against oil paint she will remain powerless. Soak the stain with warm water, lather with laundry soap and leave to “limp” for half an hour. After that, the stain can be easily removed with a damp cloth.


The question of how to wash the adhesive tape worries especially often. Over time, the adhesive changes its structure, and it becomes very difficult to clean it from glass or plastic surfaces. However, there are "secrets" to help remove traces of adhesive material:

  • Eraser ("trowel"). A regular pencil eraser helps to remove sticky residue on the glass and window frame. It is enough just to rub the contaminated area with an eraser and remove the glue that has rolled up with a dry cloth. The disadvantage is the duration of the procedure and the difficulty of cleaning large areas.
  • Oil. Glue changes structure when interacting with vegetable oil. It is very difficult to clean windows in this way, since it will take a lot of time to wash off the grease.
  • White Spirit. Before applying white spirit to plastic frame or window sill, be sure to test the tool on an inconspicuous area. Some materials do not tolerate solvent interaction. Apply the product to a cotton pad and treat the traces of glue.


Primer is one of the most "dangerous" materials during repairs. The thing is that the drops of the primer almost do not differ from the drops of water. They are difficult to notice on the windowsill, glass, tile or linoleum. After drying, the polymerization process takes place and the primer dries. To wash the windows from the primer will help:

  • Water. The best way wash the primer - soak it. Moisten dried drips and drops for 5 hours. The water dries quickly, so repeat the procedure every 30-60 minutes. After 5 hours, the primer will be removed with a regular sponge.
  • Remedy limescale. To remove primer from window construction suitable tool "Cillit Bang". Spray the liquid on the glass and plastic elements leave for 5 minutes, then remove with a damp cloth.
  • Solvent. Before using any solvent, do a small test on a hidden area of ​​the plastic. Instead of a professional tool, you can use acetone or a cosmetic substance to remove nail polish.

Precautionary measures

To make it easier to clean windows at home, you need to follow these precautions:

  • During repairs, be sure to protect windows from building materials and mechanical damage. Use cardboard, film, masking tape. With ordinary (transparent) adhesive tape, you should be more careful. Be sure to cover the window sill so that it does not serve as a stand for construction tools.
  • Place flower pots on napkins. Do not use pots without a special tray: after watering dirty water flow out onto a clean window sill.
  • Be careful with your choice of detergents plastic surfaces, accessories and glasses. Pay no less attention to the choice of suitable tools.
  • Take care of your own health. Wear gloves when handling solvents, chlorine and alcohol. For complete safety, wear protective goggles.

Clean windows are the key to beauty and comfort in the house. The proposed methods will help you clean up traces of repair work and wash metal-plastic windows from household dirt and dust.

Unfortunately, plastic has the ability to slowly and very confidently absorb dirt. Accordingly, the minus of a plastic window and a plastic window sill is the rapid accumulation of dust and dirt.

Even if the dust is removed with a dry cloth every 2-3 days, dullness cannot be avoided. Therefore, everyone should know how to wash plastic windows and window sills to maintain a beautiful view.

First aid for the windowsill: preparing a soap solution

Before you clean a plastic window sill, you should know that plastic cleaners are conventionally divided into 2 categories:

  1. Industrial: effective, do not contain abrasive particles, acids, but costly.
  2. Folk recipes are not as effective as the first ones, but are almost free and always at hand. Also among the benefits folk remedies- safety, because they do not pollute the air with chemicals and do not emit vapors.

Among the most safe means for washing a plastic window sill - a soap solution, soap paste or powder mixture.

A simple solution is prepared like this:

  • 40-50 gr. any soap is rubbed on a coarse grater.
  • Diluted in 1-2 liters of warm water.
  • Wait until complete dissolution.

Less water can be used, then the concentration will be higher. The powder is also diluted with water so that all the grains dissolve.

You can not use such products as ammonia, citric acid, soda, mustard to wash plastic window sills. This will lead to the formation of microcracks and scratches.

Now we take the prepared cleaning agent and apply it to the dirty window sill. We leave for 3-5 minutes. Then intensively with three sponges. Wash off with warm water.

The dirtiest place on the window sill is the gap located under the frame.

Then, how to wash the plastic window sill in the place of this gap from dust and other dirt accumulated in it? This is where an old toothbrush comes in handy.

How to clean simple (household) pollution?

Very often you need to know how you can wash a plastic window sill if there are stains from windows, traces of flower pots or rust on it?

Gels of trade brands Sif, Domestos, Mister Propper, Santry are suitable. To work with them, you need to have a hard sponge and rubber gloves. Before washing plastic window sills, it is necessary to study the instructions and follow their instructions.

Depending on the nature of the pollution and the purpose, the following are used:

  • Domestos - for whitening the surface.
  • Mr. Proper (powder or gel) - for quick cleaning. In 5 liters of water dissolve 3 tbsp. l. funds. The window sill is wiped, thoroughly washed off with warm water with a soft sponge, wiped dry with a paper towel.
  • Cillit Bang - handles rusty smudges well. The agent is sprayed on a dirty place, gently rubbed with a cloth and left for 10-15 minutes. Next, the impurities are washed off with warm water. When carrying out such procedures, you need to keep the windows open, because there will be a strongly pronounced pungent smell.
  • Sanita will destroy greasy stains and soot. Applicable for yellow spots, has a strong smell, so removal is best done with an open window. To enhance the effect, the applied product is left on the stain for 10-15 minutes, then washed off hot water and wipe the window sill dry.
  • Cement and gypsum residues, rust and primer are well removed by SZOP.
  • Small stains will be removed by Pemolux cream. It belongs to the category of gentle products without a strong odor. The cream is applied to the stain with a dry cloth, lightly rubbed and washed off with hot water after 10 minutes.
  • Difficult stains are removed by Cosmofen 10. This is a toxic drug, so you need to work with it in a respirator and protective gloves. Cosmofen 10 is applied to a rag, which rubs a dirty place. Remove with plenty of water. When cleaning is completed, the room is well ventilated. The remedy is used both for yellowness and for more complex stains.
  • removes traces of multi-colored crayons.
  • Wet wipes for office equipment will remove dust and small stains.
  • Strong pollution (after repair, from plasticine, felt-tip pens) is well removed by all sprays for washing glasses.

Construction Dirt Removal

Windows with window sills are installed at the very beginning of the repair, so it is not surprising that they can get dirty. Even if covered with a film, it is not a fact that dirt will not get on the white plastic of the window sill.

Algorithm for cleaning the remains of building materials from the windowsill:

  1. Removing dust and dirt with a dry cloth, broom, vacuum cleaner. The residue is then wiped off with a damp cloth. Any rag is no good. It is better if it is a microfiber cloth, cotton, flannel, fleece.
  2. Application of plaster or putty removers, e.g. SZOP. Apply a paste or gel and wait 5-7 minutes for impregnation. If it hits the window sill, then the maximum layer of foam is first cut off, and a paste or gel is applied to the remaining fragments. Apply the product only on the remnants of the foam, and then allow 10-15 minutes to soften.
  3. Removal of complex dirt (plaster, putty, polyurethane foam). The paste and gel are washed off with soapy water, the remaining dirt is removed with a rubber spatula. The mounting foam is slightly scraped off.
  4. Wipe dry with a soft cloth.

It is important to remember that dirt on the windowsill should be dealt with immediately after dirt gets on the plastic. The longer the stain is not removed, the more difficult it is to remove it later.

Plastic has long been one of the most popular materials for the manufacture of various things. It is found in toys, electronics, household appliances, cars and interior items. But over time, any white plastic products begin to acquire yellow tints. The reason for this is exposure to sunlight, sudden changes in temperature, improper care and natural reactions with oxygen. In such situations, you can try bleaching the yellowed plastic to restore its former beauty.

special attention deserve windows. Plastic structures, used in tandem with glass, very often turn yellow under the influence of ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun. Bright rays can illuminate them all day long. If this happens regularly for several years, then the appearance of a yellow tint is inevitable. Additional factors are sudden temperature changes and improper operation.

The composition of the plastic used for window elements includes various substances that can extend its service life. Therefore, the window sill should be cleaned with care. You cannot use:

  • Means for washing dishes;
  • Hard sponges;
  • abrasive powders;
  • Acetone and similar in composition means;
  • alkaline substances;
  • Hot water.

All other means of getting rid of yellow spots can be used without fear.

How to bleach plastic

It is not so difficult to return the former look to plastic products. You can do it at home without outside help. All you need to do is stock up necessary means that will be used to achieve the goal. There are several cleaning methods.

Useful video on whitening plastic - video:

A simple but very effective remedy. Laundry soap will help renew old plastic, giving it back white shade. This method shows maximum effectiveness when color changes are caused by exposure to fatty deposits.

How to proceed:

  1. Grate (½ bar).
  2. Pour warm water (150 ml), mix.
  3. Apply the prepared solution to problem area. Wait 30 minutes.
  4. Wipe with a clean sponge, wash soapy traces with clean water.

You can use this method in any case, because soap is harmless.

Special wipes

Electronics stores sell special wipes. They contain various substances that can clean without any harm computer equipment from pollution. They also help with yellowing.

How to clean:

  1. Every 6 hours, wipe the yellow mark with a napkin.
  2. Repeat daily for several days until the yellowness disappears completely.

This option is ideal for household appliances and plastic window sills.

Chalk Tooth Powder

Such an unusual mixture allows you to return the white color to things if the shades of yellowness have appeared recently. You can try it for old stains, but it is unlikely to achieve significant results.

What do we have to do:

  1. Mix a small amount of chalk and tooth powder.
  2. Add water to make a thick paste.
  3. Spread over the entire surface of the plastic, wait for drying.
  4. Remove the remaining powder with a dry cloth.

The procedure can be repeated many times.

Soda and washing powder

Baking soda is very often used to clean things from dirty stains. She also copes well with yellowness.

How to apply it:

  1. Mix soda (1 tablespoon), washing powder (1 tablespoon) and water (500 ml).
  2. Apply liquid to a plastic object. Wait 8 hours.
  3. Wash off all traces with a damp cloth.

Great option for window sill cleaning.


Not less than effective way restore whiteness to plastic products is acetic acid. To do this, you need its 70% solution.

Cleaning process:

  1. wet soft tissue or a large cotton pad in vinegar.
  2. Wipe down the plastic.
  3. Wash the surface of the object with water.

When using acid, wear rubber gloves and ventilate the room. Also, it is not recommended to use a remedy for getting rid of yellowness on sensitive plastic.

Citric acid with chlorine

A powerful yellow bleaching agent that can be used on thin plastics without compromising their integrity.

How to use:

  1. Mix the same amount citric acid and chlorine.
  2. Apply to spots. Wait 30 minutes.
  3. Remove leftover funds.

This mixture can be applied repeatedly until it is possible to return the yellowed plastic to its usual form.

Hydrogen peroxide

This medicine is very popular and is present in every medicine cabinet. It helps not only to disinfect wounds, but also to tidy up the surface of yellowed plastic.

Mode of application:

  1. Wet a soft sponge with peroxide.
  2. Repeatedly wipe the yellow spots.
  3. Wash off the remaining traces of peroxide.

The tool does not harm plastic. Therefore, it is allowed to use it for a long time and repeatedly until the desired result is obtained.


Alcohol has gained great popularity in cleaning from pollution. It destroys the composition of any dirt, making things clean again. No less effective it helps to whiten strongly yellowed plastic. Its composition not only removes yellowness, but literally destroys the structure upper layers subject. Therefore, they should be used with caution.

How alcohol is used:

  1. Soak a rag in it.
  2. Wipe the yellow parts of the surface.
  3. Remove all traces of alcohol with clean water.

This method is suitable for rough dense plastic on household appliances and various appliances.


Another very aggressive solvent that can not only lighten plastic, but also damage it. Before use, it is recommended to apply a small amount of acetone to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe object to check the reaction. If everything is in order, then it can be used. Nevertheless, caution will still not be superfluous.


  1. Moisten a dense cotton pad with acetone.
  2. Wipe down the plastic.
  3. Wipe off traces of product with a damp cloth.

You can use nail polish remover instead of acetone. Its composition is not so harmful to the coating, but shows less effectiveness.

Special tools for the restoration of plastics

You can return white plastic objects to their original form with the help of special tools that are designed to restore plastic in cars. You can buy them in car repair shops and salons with spare parts.

How to use:

  1. Apply to the problem area, following the instructions.
  2. Wait for drying.

Be sure to read the instructions before use.


Option for items small sizes. It involves the complete soaking of things in chlorine.

How to do it:

  1. Dilute bleach or bleach (1 tbsp) in water (1 liter), adding a little soda (1 tbsp).
  2. Put the thing that needs to be restored in a container with liquid. Leave overnight.
  3. Remove and rinse item thoroughly under cool water.

With very strong yellowing, soaking in pure bleach without diluting it with water is allowed.


The above methods should be enough to deal with the problem and get your white plastic back. If the yellowness turns out to be very old and does not succumb to any remedy, then you can simply carefully cover it with paint that is as suitable as possible in shade, or paint the entire product as a whole. This will hide any problem areas.

After repair and installation of new double-glazed windows, they must be cleaned. In order for the process of washing windows to go quickly and successfully, I propose to figure out how to clean plastic windows and window sills with your own hands at home.

We clean the frame and window sill

Oddly enough, it is recommended to start washing plastic windows from the profile and the window sill. This is due to the fact that during the cleaning process, already cleaned glass can be accidentally stained, so it is necessary to clean the window sill of a plastic window first.

Even though the plastic seems to be very durable material, not every detergent can be used. What tools and cleaning products can not be used and how to wash plastic window sills from stains?

5 prohibited substances

Can be used to clean plastic store funds(the price depends on the manufacturer), or hand-made mixtures. But it must be borne in mind that the composition of a particular product should not contain aggressive substances.

So, what means exactly do not need to be used:

Image Recommendations
Remedy 1. Abrasive powders

Remedy 2. Solvents and acids

Do not treat the surface with solvents and substances that contain acid. They just corrode the material.

Check cleaners for acetone and chlorine before use.

Remedy 3. Wax

It is highly undesirable to rub the profiles with wax polishes. The frame will be covered with greasy yellow spots that are almost impossible to remove.

Remedy 4. Pharmacy products

Use ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, Activated carbon- forbidden. They have a detrimental effect on PVC materials.

Remedy 5. Sharp objects

Plastic will not survive active mechanical processing, so you can’t use metal washcloths and sharp tools for cleaning either.

5 ways to clean windows

Windows should be cleaned regularly. Both after installation and during ordinary cleaning. If they are not wiped, then the throughput of the glasses can be reduced by 10%, and the frames will become covered with stubborn stains. In such a situation, no remedy for plastic window sills and windows can help.

Instruction, presented in the table, will tell you what can be used and how to wash plastic window sills from stains:

Image Type of pollution
Method 1

Tape marks can be removed by applying:

  • Scotch. Glue a fresh piece of tape to the stain and tear it off sharply.
  • Oil. Apply to required area vegetable oil and leave for 10 minutes. Then wipe with a tissue.
  • Vodka. Wipe with a cotton swab dipped in vodka, sticky traces.
  • Eraser. Erase the fresh mark with a stationery eraser.

In the same way, you can remove traces left after the protective film has been removed.

Method 2

Paint spots are perfectly removed if you take:

  • Silicate-based adhesive. You can wash plastic windows from small drops of paint if you apply a little silicate glue to them. It dries and takes the paint off with it.
  • Nail polish remover. Soak a cotton pad in the product and apply to the area for 5 minutes. Use a rubber spatula to remove residue.

Make sure that these substances do not contain acetone.

Method 3

Foam marks removed easily:

  • Rubber scraper.
  • Dimexide. Treat the dried foam with dimexide and leave for 3 minutes. Remove the rest with a damp sponge.
  • Harmless solvent. You can use a special store-bought solvent for plastic items.

Method 4

Nagar and soot - such spots on plastic windows Easily removes with normal soapy water.

Mix 10 gr. grated laundry soap and 200 ml of water, then wipe the surfaces thoroughly.

Method 5

Traces of yellow spots and "building" materials- can be removed with soapy water.

For best effect You can use dishwashing detergent.

We clean the glass

We found out how to wash stains on a plastic window sill and profile. Now consider how to properly wash the glass. The algorithm is quite simple:

  1. With a clean sponge dipped in water, it is necessary to remove dust and dirt from the surface.
  2. After cleaning with a sponge, windows should be sprayed with a cleaner and wiped from top to bottom, adhering to one direction of movement.

  1. On the last step glasses are rubbed with flannel or newspapers to a shine.

The table contains a list of the most effective means washing glass without streaks:

Image Means

Store atomizer

Spray it on the surface and wipe with a flannel. It is enough to do it 1 time.

Water + starch/chalk/vodka

Add any of the above ingredients to the water. After such cleaning, the glass will shine.


Easily remove traces of insects can be half onion. Just wipe the stains and rinse with water.


We found out how to quickly clean the profiles and wash the glass. I hope now you will not tune in for a long time, but will easily get to work. The video in this article will clearly show the effectiveness of some tools. If you have your own recipes for how to clean a plastic window sill and glass, I would be grateful if you voice them in the comments!
