Growing cucumbers in winter. Indoor cucumbers: how to grow juicy and crispy fruits on the windowsill How to grow cucumbers on the windowsill

Growing cucumbers at home in winter is quite possible, but it requires some effort. This is light and heat-loving plants, so they need to be placed on the sunny, south side, the room temperature should be within +20...+25°C.

All cucumbers are divided into greenhouse (greenhouse) and bed (grown in open ground). The remarkable thing about these vegetables is that they can be grown at home: on window sills, balconies or loggias, provided that certain factors required for their cultivation are present. Growing cucumbers at home requires additional lighting using daylight lamps (at least 15-16 hours a day). To avoid freezing of the roots, it is recommended to insulate the bottom of the boxes or pots (install them on a board, foam rubber or other insulation).

Choosing a cucumber variety

Special varieties have been bred for home cultivation - self-pollinating, early ripening and high-yielding. As a rule, these are hybrid varieties of cucumbers. Hybrids are marked with the symbol F1 (heterotic), their sprouts differ significantly from the parent plant, since their characteristic features appear only in the first generation.

A parthenocarpic hybrid is a gherkin with female inflorescences that do not require pollination to set fruit. Depending on the variety, the size of hybrid cucumbers can reach from 12 to 25 cm, the ripening period is 30-50 days.

To grow cucumbers on a windowsill in winter, the following varieties are most suitable:

  • Masha F1;
  • Claudia F1;
  • Bianca F1;
  • Marinda F1;
  • Indoor Rytova F1;
  • Shchedrik F1;
  • Prestige F1;
  • Khutorok F1.

For example, variety Masha F1 ripens in 30-40 days, the yield is high (5-7 fruits per branch, on the windowsill - up to 20 fruits per branch). Shchedrik F1 gives a harvest in 40-45 days, fruit size 12-14 cm, yield up to 20 pcs. from a branch. Marinda F1- a high-yielding variety, characterized by the simultaneous ripening of all fruits.

Khutorok F1- early ripening variety (starting from day 30), fruit size up to 10 cm, green cucumbers with black thorns, hand-pollinated. Khrustik F1— ripening time 50 days, yield up to 7 cucumbers per branch. It is distinguished by its tall growth, which allows it to decorate a balcony like a vine. When creating favorable conditions for plant growth, up to 30-40 fruits can be collected from each bush.

The planting date is determined based on the period of fruit ripening and depends on the date by which fresh cucumbers are expected. From the appearance of sprouts to the ripeness of the fruit, an average of 45-50 days are required.

Dishes and soil for growing cucumbers on the windowsill

To grow seedlings from seeds, it is better to use small plastic cups (from yogurt, sour cream, mayonnaise, etc.), or pots with special soil, or peat cups. Make 3-4 in the bottom of the dish small holes.

To grow cucumber bushes from seedlings, large containers with a capacity of up to 5 liters or 5 kg are required (plastic pans, buckets, special deep boxes). Small holes are drilled at the bottom of the container to ensure soil ventilation and remove excess moisture. The bottom of the container is covered with drainage from small pebbles or sand with a layer of 5 cm, then cover with soil.

Great value has a choice of land. Gardening stores sell special soil enriched with essential minerals and substances, where you can also get advice on how to grow cucumbers on your own. Experts advise preparing the soil yourself.

For example, use the following mixture:

  • 2/3 of the container is turf or garden soil, which is first disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • 1/3 of the container - fertilizers (5-6 g of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen, 20-60 g of lime), humus;
  • 1 glass of chalk;
  • 2 cups of ash;
  • 4 cups of rotted leaves of garden trees or rotted sawdust.

It is better to prepare such a soil mixture in advance, in the fall. It is calcined in the oven to neutralize the eggs of various insects, then watered generously. The soil should be well moist and loose. When cultivating cucumbers in 60-70 cm boxes, 5-6 bushes of seedlings are planted.

Growing seedlings

The seeds are pre-soaked in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate; the method of planting dried seeds or as they are is also used. The grains are first germinated in a saucer in a warm, dark place at a temperature of +25°C. After the first sprouts, 0.5-1 cm long, appear, they are transferred to cups or pots with soil, covered with polyethylene and placed in a well-lit place. The temperature in the room should not be lower than +20°C. It is necessary to water and fertilize the seedlings.

After the true leaves appear, the seedlings are carefully transplanted into large containers, making every effort not to damage the roots of the plants. If the seedlings were grown in peat cups, then they can be moved into containers without removing them from the cups.

You can use the method of sowing seeds directly into large boxes. Sprouted or dry seeds are planted in moist soil in holes 1.5 cm deep and covered with soil and polyethylene. The boxes are placed in a warm place with a temperature not lower than +25°C. As soon as the first shoots appear, they are moved to the windowsill, where the temperature should be +20°C.

Growing cucumbers from seedlings

Containers with seedlings are placed in a warm and well-lit place. During this period it is required special care for cucumbers. After the appearance of 4-5 leaves, the first pinching is carried out, after 5-6 leaves - the second. Then the main stem is pinched above the 11th leaf. In the future, as the stem grows, it is necessary to remove side shoots, which take away vital juices from the plant, interfering with fruiting. Above the ovary, the shoots are pinched and only 1 leaf is left. To support the growing vines and provide better lighting, they tie up the growing stems - they stretch ropes to which the sprouts are attached.

It must be remembered that cucumbers are a moisture-loving vegetable and the bushes need to be sprayed with a sprayer 1-2 times a week. For spraying, as well as for watering, use warm, settled water. Watering is carried out when the top layer of soil dries. Excess water in the soil can lead to rotting of the roots of the plant and its death.

Cucumbers on the window are at risk of dehydration due to dry air. To maintain a humid microclimate, you can place containers of water near the plants.

To ensure healthy growth of cucumber bushes, they must be well lit. IN winter time use additional lighting, preferably with special infrared lamps (at least 12 hours a day). At night the lamps are turned off. Cucumbers should be kept in a place protected from cold air and drafts.

For varieties that require pollination, pollination must be carried out by hand. To do this, male inflorescences are picked and female flowers are pollinated with them. You can carry out pollination in a different way - using a brush or a cotton swab.

Feeding seedlings

When growing cucumbers in winter, it is very important to fertilize the plants with special fertilizers every 10 days. It is good to use organic fertilizers, for example fermented infusion of banana peels (proportion 1:10). After the buds appear, the plants are watered with a solution wood ash(1 glass per 10 liters of water). During the period of fruit ripening, nutrition from mineral fertilizers (12-25 g per 10 liters of water) is very useful; up to 0.5 liters of the mixture are watered per bush. Mineral fertilizers alternate with organic ones.

When plants are weakened, it is advisable to use foliar fertilizing with mineral fertilizers with the addition of microelements. To prepare the mixture, add 5-15 g of urea, 10-20 g of double superphosphate, 1-5 g of magnesium sulfur or 10 ml of a stock solution of microelements to 10 liters of water. The mixture is prepared 1 day before use, stirred often and filtered through 4 layers of gauze filter. Cucumber bushes are sprayed with the mixture, usually in the afternoon or in rainy weather. At the same time, salt deposits remain on the leaves, which are recommended to be washed off. clean water.


Cucumbers are harvested daily as they ripen. You cannot leave a ripe fruit on the bush, as it takes away the plant’s strength.

If all necessary conditions are met, growing cucumbers at home in winter is quite simple. You can provide your table with these wonderful fresh vegetables throughout the year and get a ton of positive emotions from the growing process itself.

Summer residents are familiar with the technology of growing seedlings vegetable crops in a city apartment. Is it possible to grow cucumbers at home in winter until they bear fruit in order to surprise and delight your household with fresh and healthy fruits?

Here gardeners have two questions: “Is there enough light?” and “Will the plants be able to produce a harvest on a small volume of substrate?” Let's figure this out.

Let's start with correct selection varieties. If for country beds main criterion choice - regionalization in a particular region, then for an apartment this does not matter.

Here the following requirements are imposed on the varieties:

  • weak vigor (bush forms);
  • precocity;
  • parthenocarpic type (self-pollinating, without bees and other insects);
  • resistance to poor lighting (cucumbers are light-loving, but some hybrids do not react so painfully to a lack of light);
  • ability to adapt to non-standard conditions.

Growing in an apartment differs from greenhouse cultivation, first of all, in the inability to maintain the specified microclimate parameters. You have no way to control and automatically regulate humidity (only spraying leaves during the day is available), temperature (it’s good if the heating radiators have taps to turn off the water and lower the temperature), and salt content in the substrate. Therefore, the variety must be flexible and unpretentious.

Vegetable growers recommend the following varieties and hybrids for growing at home:

  • Indoor Rytova - an old variety adapted for indoor growing, develops a high vertical shoot and needs garter.
  • Masha F1 is a high-yielding, ultra-early ripening parthenocarpic for greenhouses and greenhouses, has limited shoot growth, and is easy to form.
  • Claudia F1 is a universal early-ripening parthenocarpic hybrid with excellent taste, resistant to shading.
  • Marinda F1 is a medium-vigorous parthenocarpic with good adaptive ability and resistance to powdery mildew.
  • Bianca F1 is a high-yielding parthenocarpic with resistance to rot.
  • Zozulya F1 is an old early hybrid, weakly climbing and unpretentious to the conditions, recommended for indoor growing.
  • Khrustik F1 is an early, vigorous parthenocarpic with tasty and aromatic fruits.
  • Stella F1 is a lettuce self-pollinating mid-season hybrid for protected soil, vigorous, the fruits are long and without pimples.
  • April F1 is an old early salad parthenocarpic hybrid with limited lateral branching.
  • Regatta F1 is a mid-season self-pollinating hybrid for salad purposes.
  • Balcony F1 - unpretentious parthenocarpic, gherkin-type fruits, universal purpose.

When choosing varieties, pay attention to resistance to root and stem rot and powdery mildew. These diseases are more likely to progress indoors without regular ventilation. Reviews from those who are not afraid of experiments characterize the presented varieties as adapted to indoor growing.

Timing and technique of sowing seeds for seedlings

You can grow cucumbers in a city apartment all year round, but they are still relevant winter period. You can calculate the time for sowing seeds yourself: just count the days until fruiting indicated on the seed package from the desired date of appearance of the first fruits and add 10 days.

So, if you sow a cucumber at the end of October or early November, then New Year's holidays the plants will actively bear fruit. In mid-winter you can start a second rotation and enjoy fresh cucumbers in early spring.

We will describe the process of sowing seeds step by step:

Seed germination: seeds treated in a solution of potassium permanganate or biofungicide (Fitosporin, Planriz) are poured onto damp gauze, sprouts appear after 2-3 days; the seeds are ready for sowing when the roots have grown more than 5 mm.

Attention! Seeds in the shell do not require processing or germination. They are sown dry without preparation.

Preparation of the substrate and container: for growing seedlings, use a universal peat-humus mixture or nutrient garden soil. A few days before sowing, the substrate is steamed hot water or baked in the oven. You can take disposable cups with a diameter of 8-10 cm. Before filling the cups, several holes are made in the bottom and fine expanded clay or river sand is poured in a layer of 1-2 cm.

Sowing: 2 seeds are planted in each pot in holes 10 mm deep, maintaining the correct orientation (root down), and sprinkled with wet humus on top.

Before emergence, containers are kept under film at a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees. With the emergence of seedlings, the seedlings are opened and moved to the windowsill from the south or east. To prevent seedlings from stretching, the daytime temperature should not exceed 20 degrees, and the night temperature should not exceed 17 degrees.

Transplantation is carried out when 3 true leaves appear.

Caring for seedlings consists of maintaining optimal temperature, moderate watering(overmoistening will cause the plants to stretch and provoke the development of diseases) and feeding (one when the first true leaf appears and the second before replanting).

Creating optimal growing conditions

For the growth and fruiting of cucumbers, you need to take care of good lighting. Growing cucumbers at home on a windowsill in the first turn (autumn seedlings) requires the installation of lamps for additional illumination. Normal fruiting is possible with sufficient daylight, so in winter, additional lighting is needed in the early morning hours and in the evening.

For example, they turn on for 5 hours in the morning (from 5:00 to 10:00) and for 5 hours in the afternoon (from 14:00 to 19:00). Depending on the region, the hours on artificial lighting may also be increased. This is provided that the plants are on the sunny side. On cloudy days the lamp stays on all day. In the second revolution, the hours for additional illumination are reduced, and in some regions it is possible to do without lamps altogether.

Cucumbers react poorly to sudden temperature changes and drafts. At a temperature of less than 15 degrees, there is a high probability of rot and stunted growth, and at more than 25 degrees, stretching of plants is observed. For fruit set, it is important to maintain a difference of 2-3 degrees between day and night temperatures, but there should not be a sharp drop. Growing on a balcony is possible if there is heating and no draft.

Water with warm, settled water. Place a bucket of water near the battery not far from the plantings a day before watering. This way, the irrigation water will always be at the right temperature, and the air will receive natural moisture. IN room conditions Excessive moisture should not be allowed. Water as the top layer of soil dries. Spraying the leaves daily has a good effect.

Cucumbers are vines and require support. The garter is carried out on a trellis made of wire or wooden slats or using twine.

For normal development of the root system, at least 5 liters of substrate are required, but the supply of nutrients will not be enough. Feeding here is required every 10-12 days. For this purpose, complex mineral fertilizers, liquid organic fertilizers and ash.

During the growing season, cucumbers need to be shaped by removing side shoots and tendrils. In self-pollinating hybrids, pinching the top of the main shoot is not necessary. It is important to collect greens in a timely manner so as not to overload the plant and not delay the growth of new fruits.

The classic way to grow indoor cucumbers

When healthy seedlings are obtained, they need to be transplanted into a permanent container and provided with sufficient nutrition. To grow cucumbers on a balcony or windowsill in the classic way, you will need a soil mixture.

Suitable as a container for planting flower pots volume 5-8 liters, plastic flower boxes, cut plastic bottles, plastic garbage bags, plastic buckets. Before filling with soil, the container is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate(1 g per 1 liter of water), make drainage holes, and lay expanded clay on the bottom. Immediately select drainage trays.

There are several proven compositions soil mixture, but the following are more successful:

  • To prepare the soil mixture, take 4 parts humus or compost, 3 parts lowland peat (has lower acidity and contains more nutrients compared to high peat), 2 parts turf soil and 1 part sawdust. The finished mixture is seasoned with urea, superphosphate, potassium sulfate and ash.
  • Mix 1 part garden soil, ½ part wood flour, ½ part dry leaves, ½ part peat and 1/3 part sand. For each bucket of garden soil add 200 g of ash and chalk and 100 g of crushed bird droppings.

The seedlings are transplanted into prepared containers and placed in a permanent place. Cucumbers are characterized by heliotropism, so you should not turn or move the plants unless necessary.

An alternative to the classic growing method is hydroponic technology. Its essence is to use a nutrient solution instead of a soil mixture. The root system develops in an inert substrate (mineral wool or coconut fiber cubes, expanded clay). This technology allows you to increase productivity and speed up fruiting.

Video report on growing cucumbers on the balcony:

Cucumbers are a product you want to enjoy all year round without buying it in the store. There are certain varieties and growing technologies that allow you to harvest this healthy vegetable right on the windowsill. Even a beginner who has never seen how this culture grows can cope with this task. So, how to grow cucumbers on a windowsill?

There are three terms for sowing seeds in an apartment or house:

  • December- already in February you can pick the first cucumbers.
  • January- cucumbers will bear fruit in early March.
  • February- first harvest in early April.

But it is worth noting that there are optimal timing sowing seeds is January-February. When planting in December, the crop will have to be provided with long-term lighting - do not forget that the cucumber is very light-loving.

Some lovers of this vegetable plant cucumbers in October while constructing lighting, since in conditions of decreasing daylight hours Without it it is impossible to get a good harvest.

Who doesn't summer cottage, and at the same time the person does not want to bother with the lighting, we grow cucumbers on the windowsill! There is an option to get early harvest, planting the seeds in March-April.

Have you tried growing cucumbers on a windowsill?


Indoor cucumbers: varieties

To get a good harvest on the windowsill, you need to choose the right crop variety. These should be parthenocarpic hybrids that do not require pollination. Let's consider the most popular varieties that can please you with a good harvest in an apartment:


It was bred by breeders for growing on a windowsill. After a month and a half, the first 15 cm long cucumbers may appear on the table. It is not demanding on lighting, so it can be grown even on northern windows. With proper care, one bush will bear 20 fruits during the growing season.


One of the best varieties for growing at home. Bushy, high-yielding, does not require lighting or garter. The variety loves abundant watering and responds well to mineral fertilizing.


Young hybrid, widely used by gardeners, as it has the following positive qualities:

  1. high productivity;
  2. self-pollination;
  3. disease resistance;
  4. Suitable for salads and pickling.

Disadvantages include: strong love to the light, therefore it requires additional lighting when grown on a windowsill.

Russian winter

A variety that appeared on the market in 2013. Culture has distinctive positive qualities:

  1. resistance to lack of light;
  2. excellent taste and presentation with small pimples and white stripes.

Brownie Kuzya

The variety is selected for growing on a windowsill. This culture has certain positive qualities for which it is valued:

  1. shade tolerance;
  2. resistance to instability of room temperature;
  3. high yield, from 3 bushes you can get up to 10 kg of fruit;
  4. excellent taste without bitterness.

This hybrid loves plenty of hydration with warm water and light sandy soil.


An early ripening hybrid, in just a month you will be pleased with the first harvest of 5 cucumbers. There are advantages:

  1. resistance to overgrowth;
  2. rapid fruiting when grown on a windowsill;
  3. not susceptible to diseases.


  1. a very light-loving crop; when grown in winter, it requires lighting;
  2. needs constant feeding;
  3. requires the formation of a bush.


A high-yielding hybrid that is suitable for growing on a windowsill. Breeders have removed the natural bitterness of this plant at the genetic level, which makes it the most attractive for planting. The disadvantage of the crop is that it is tall, so you will have to form the bush correctly to avoid complete shading of the room.

City pickle

Gherkin with a medium ripening period, calmly withstanding lack of light in winter. The variety is high-yielding and disease-resistant.

Moscow greenhouse F1

An old hybrid bred by Soviet breeders. Distinctive feature crops - large fruit size. The variety is resistant to diseases and pests. One plant bush can produce up to 15 kg of cucumbers per season.

Growing technology

How to grow a cucumber on a windowsill? For rapid growth and good fruiting of cucumbers on the windowsill, you need to follow a certain technology for growing the crop:

  • Prepare high-quality soil. You can buy soil in a store or prepare it yourself. cucumbers love lungs, fertile soils consisting of: garden soil, humus, peat, wood ash and sand. To improve the quality of the soil you need to add required quantity mineral fertilizers.
  • Prepare containers for planting - flower pots with a capacity of 8 liters for each plant. It is worth remembering that cucumbers do not tolerate stagnant water, so you need to prepare drainage, this can be fine brick, perlite or crushed stone.
  • Prepare planting material, for this they produce:
  1. calibration;
  2. disinfection;
  3. germination.

The seeds are selected, then soaked for 1 day in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and washed in running water. Sprout on damp gauze or cotton pad.

Sowing seeds

Planting material can be planted in small peat cups, or directly in pots. Sow two seeds in each cup with a 2.5 cm hole. Before planting, the soil should be well moistened. Until the seeds hatch, the pots are covered with glass or film and placed in a warm place with an air temperature of +25 degrees. As soon as the seeds hatch, the covering material is removed and the pots are transferred to a sunny windowsill.

Expert opinion

Filatov Ivan Yurievich, private farmer for more than 30 years

If the seedlings were planted in small cups, then you should be careful when transplanting so as not to damage the delicate roots and leaves. Plants are replanted as soon as the second true leaf has formed on them.

Bush formation

When growing cucumbers on a windowsill, you need to form a lush bush that does not require a high garter. To do this, you need to pinch the growing point at the height of the fifth true leaf. Side shoots will begin to form - only three are left. They will need to be pinched after the 10th sheet. We also form three layerings from each shoot. All tendrils should be removed, as they take up the nutrients the plant needs.

Top dressing

Cucumber is a fast-growing, strong crop that requires good nutrition, otherwise don’t expect a good harvest. The crop needs to be fed regularly, and fertilizers must be properly selected and balanced. Feeding is carried out in three stages:

  1. First Fertilizers are applied on the 14th day after transplantation. At this time, emphasis is placed on organic supplements rich in nitrogen and calcium for rapid growth of greenery.
  2. Second fertilizing occurs at the beginning of flowering; potassium-phosphorus compounds are used. This is necessary to prevent barren flowers.
  3. Third Since cucumbers are treated with an infusion of ash, for good fruiting.

Cucumbers respond very well to feeding, so do not neglect it.


You can also watch a video where an experienced gardener will tell you how to grow cucumbers on a windowsill and recommend the varieties that are easiest to grow in an apartment.

As you can see, growing cucumbers on a windowsill is not complicated in any way; the main thing is to adhere to the technology offered by experienced gardeners.

Growing cucumbers in winter is a simple process. If certain conditions are met, even a beginner can get a good harvest of cucumbers in winter.

Is it possible to harvest cucumbers all year round?

Greenhouse farms sell their products in markets, shops and supermarkets all year round. The abundance of vegetables and fruits no longer surprises anyone.

Some gardeners do not limit themselves to growing vegetables in the summer on their plots and grow vegetables in winter in heated greenhouses, basements and apartments.

How long do cucumbers bear fruit in winter?

At any time of the year, cucumbers ripen four weeks after planting. The average harvest time is three months. These dates are not influenced by either landing time or external environment. The main thing is quality care.

The volume of the harvest is influenced by the correct formation of the plant, as well as the timely removal of ripened fruits. The number of greens from one bush averages from 10 to 40 pieces.

How are cucumbers pollinated when grown in winter?

In summer, cucumbers are pollinated by insects. For winter cultivation, parthenocarpic varieties are used that do not require pollination. Popular varieties of cucumbers for closed ground:

  • Lilliputian F1;
  • Emelya F1 (pickling);
  • Swallowtail F1;
  • Zozulya F1;
  • Picnic F1;
  • Hercules F1 (salad);
  • Hummingbird F1;
  • Dynamite F1 (universal);
  • Anyuta F1;
  • F1 calendar, etc.

If varieties that need to be pollinated are selected for planting, the bees will have to do this work. TO female flower apply a male flower with torn petals or transfer pollen from a male flower to a female flower using a brush. This procedure is performed in the morning at high air humidity.

Photo gallery: methods of pollinating cucumber flowers

In nature, cucumbers are pollinated by insects.
In greenhouses, pollination is carried out manually with a male flower.
In greenhouses, pollination is carried out manually with a brush.

Ways to plant cucumbers in winter

In winter, cucumbers are grown in heated greenhouses, basements and apartments. Growing cucumbers consists of the following stages:

  • processing of seed material;
  • seedling care;
  • preparation of the premises;
  • watering;
  • feeding;
  • bush formation;
  • harvesting.

Agricultural technology is the same for all types of buried soil structures. The differences will only be at the stage of preparing the premises.

Seed preparation

Having chosen the hybrid varieties you like, check the seeds for germination. They are poured into a glass, filled with water, and stirred. Specimens that have settled to the bottom are left for planting. Then the seeds are placed in a solution of potassium permanganate (1 gram per 0.1 liter of warm water) for 20 minutes and washed in cold water. After disinfection, the seed material is soaked for 12 hours in one of the nutrient solutions to choose from:

  • 1 teaspoon of Agricola-Start liquid fertilizer per liter of water;
  • 3 teaspoons of bacterial fertilizer Zaslon per liter of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of organic fertilizer Barrier per liter of water.

Seeds germinate for one to two days. IN lately Dutch seeds have appeared on sale, which, due to special processing, have high germination rates and are protected from many diseases. When preparing these seeds, heat treatment, dressing and calibration were carried out. They can be embedded in the soil after soaking for two days. Popular Dutch hybrids:

  • Angelina F1;
  • Hector F1;
  • Bettina F1;
  • Dolomite F1.

Growing seedlings

Preparing seedlings takes 4 weeks and consists of the following:

  1. Cups measuring 8x8 or 10x10 are filled with prepared soil (2 parts each of peat and humus, 1 part old sawdust) or ready-made soil.
  2. Sprinkle with a solution of Ideal liquid fertilizer and sow the sprouted seeds. During the preparation of seedlings, make sure that the temperature does not fall below 12–15° C.
  3. Feed with a solution of organic fertilizers. For example, dissolve Ideal fertilizer in a bucket of water. The solution consumption is half a glass per plant. The appearance of the second true leaf is a signal for the first feeding.
  4. When the fourth true leaf appears, feed it a second time. To prepare the solution, take a teaspoon of urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water.

The seedlings are ready for planting if they already have five or six true leaves. The root system must be well developed. The seedlings are planted in a permanent place according to a 50x50 pattern in heated greenhouses and basements. If cucumbers are grown in an apartment, use a separate five-liter pot for each seedling.

In an apartment, plants can be planted without growing seedlings. With this method, the roots of the cucumbers will not be damaged during transplantation. The seeds are placed directly into the pots where the cucumbers will be grown. To maintain moisture, the pots are covered with film. After the shoots emerge, the film is removed and the pots are placed closer to the light.

Temperature and humidity

The optimal air temperature for growing cucumber is 25–30° C. At a temperature of 12–15° C, the development of plants is delayed, and at zero they die. Temperature fluctuations are harmful to cucumbers. Optimal humidity air should be maintained at 80–95%, so you need to spray the plants and install containers with water in the room.

Selection of lamps

In winter, plants need additional lighting. For these purposes, different types of lamps are used.

Table: types of lamps for lighting and heating greenhouses

Type of lampsBrief descriptionAdvantagesFlaws
Fluorescent lampsMost often used for small areas. You can combine warm and cool light and achieve ideal light quality.They work up to 2 thousand hours.
Emit almost full spectrum light.
Affordable price.
These lamps do not heat up.
The lamps are too large and may block access to natural sunlight V daytime days.
Sensitive to temperature and humidity (temperature not lower than +25 degrees, humidity not more than 70%).
High pressure sodium lampsThey emit red and orange parts of the spectrum.They consume a small amount of electricity and at the same time are cheaper than analogues.
The light output significantly exceeds that of fluorescent lamps.
Sodium lamps produce a lot of heat when operating. In winter, this effect can be used for additional heating of greenhouses.
Sodium lamps contain mercury, which makes them unsafe to use. For them, fluctuations in the network of more than five percent are unacceptable.
Infrared lampsIdeal for heating a greenhouse in winter. Modern infrared systems can provide conditions in a greenhouse that are as close to natural as possible.They warm up plants and soil well.
Warms up the air quickly. The radiation poses no danger to humans or plants.
They don't dry out the air.
The system is almost silent.
LED lampsAllows you to change the radiation spectrum and intensity.Economical energy consumption.
Operation at very low voltage.
Long service life (up to 100 thousand hours).
They do not heat up - the microclimate of the greenhouse is not disturbed.
LEDs are resistant to moisture, temperature changes and mechanical damage.
High cost.

For growing cucumbers in winter, you can use different options lighting. It depends on what lights are already in stock. If you are setting up a new room for growing cucumbers, you need to buy LED lamps. Although their price is high, the high cost is offset by low energy consumption and long service life.

LED lamps do not affect the microclimate of the room or their emission spectrum mostly corresponds to the spectrum of photosynthesis.

Regardless of where cucumbers are grown (in a greenhouse, basement or on a windowsill), install such a number of lamps to provide lighting of 50 thousand lumens per 4-5 square meters. m. For lighting 10 sq. m of room will require 5 LED lamps power 45 W.

Table: calculation of the number of lamps for lighting cucumbers in a greenhouse

Preparation of heated greenhouses

Growing cucumbers in heated greenhouses is the most common way to grow cucumbers in winter. To receive big harvest you need to properly arrange the greenhouse. It's important to choose optimal place, provide water supply and heating.

When choosing a place to build a greenhouse, take into account the illumination of the site, protection from prevailing winds, the topography of the site, and the direction of the greenhouse to the cardinal points. The area for the greenhouse should not be shaded by trees, should be level and located in such a way that the illumination is maximum. Winter greenhouse must stand on a foundation, consist of a roof and a frame. It is recommended to install the structure in the direction from north to south. The beds are placed along the greenhouse. Electricity and water should be close to the greenhouse.
When using a water heating system, pipes are laid to heat the soil and radiators to heat the air. Gas, electricity or coal are used as fuel for the boiler. The boiler is selected so that its power is 1 kW per 8 - 10 sq. m greenhouse. Beds for growing cucumbers can be of two types:

  • box heated from below;
  • “warm” bed.

When heating beds using pipes, the heating elements are placed at a depth of 20–25 cm. Use metal pipes diameter from 75 to 150 mm. Uniform heating of the soil is achieved by using pipes of a smaller cross-section, laid at a higher frequency.

Beds with subsoil pipes allow for uniform heating of the soil

For beds on biodegradable organic matter, a box is built and filled in layers. The first layer is branches, leaves, straw, grass. The second layer is compost, the third layer is soil from the garden. The soil is shed with a solution of potassium permanganate, then with a solution of Fitosporin. After two days, they are treated with a solution of the Baikal drug, covered with film and left for a week.

For beds on biodegradable organic matter, a box is built

Video: secrets of winter growing vegetables in a greenhouse

Preparing a basement for growing cucumbers in winter

Already from the end of the nineteenth century, people began to use cellars to grow vegetables. The basement for growing cucumbers must first be prepared:

  • seal to prevent flooding;
  • insulate the floor and walls with insulating materials;
  • organize heating using electrical appliances or hot water;
  • provide basement lighting;
  • Get rid of fungus, rats and other pests.

The optimal air temperature for cucumbers during the day is 25–30° C, at night - 18–20° C. In the basement to support the necessary temperature regime easier than in a greenhouse. The air temperature under the building is constant all year round. The basement heating system can be shared with the home heating system. In this case, radiators are installed that provide power adjustment.

If the basement does not have central heating, you can install infrared heaters. They are installed on the ceiling. Infrared heaters do not dry out the air. Their number is selected so that for every 10 sq. m of room accounted for 1 kW of heater power.

Winter growing in an apartment

To plant cucumbers in an apartment in winter, it is better to use windows facing south. If there are cracks in the window, it is better to seal them. To protect plant roots from cold air, place polystyrene foam or several layers of cardboard under the pots.

To illuminate cucumbers, you can use energy-saving, fluorescent or LED lamps, which are placed at a distance of 30–40 cm from the plants. To enhance the effect, install sheets of foil and mirrors that reflect light.

Supports are used to form bushes. Mounted on top of windows wooden slats with ropes tied to it. The lower ends of the ropes are tied to the shoots. The attachment point should not interfere with the growth of the plant.

For supports, you can use a mesh that is installed between the glass and the plants. As the bush grows, the cucumber clings to the net with its tendrils, keeping it in an upright position.

Caring for cucumbers during winter cultivation

Regardless of what variety you grow, it is important to maintain temperature conditions, water the cucumbers often and feed them. Only then will the harvest be rich.


The most necessary action In caring for any plants, watering is essential. Lack and excess of moisture negatively affect the taste of fruits. Cucumbers love watering warm water. It’s good if it corresponds to the temperature of fresh milk.
Before the inflorescences appear, water the cucumbers every four to five days, moderately. During the formation of ovaries - after two to three days. During fruiting - twice a week.

Feeding cucumbers

As the plants develop, fertilizing is carried out according to a certain scheme.

Table: scheme for fertilizing cucumbers

Feeding numberPeriodFertilizer compositionPreparation of the solution
1 before floweringcomplex fertilizer Agricola-Forward
2 at the beginning of floweringpotassium sulfate, urea, superphosphate1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate, urea and superphosphate and 1 tablespoon of Fertility fertilizer per 10 liters of water
3 during the fruiting periodliquid fertilizers Ideal, Potassium Humate or Agricola-Vegeta1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water
4 10–12 days after the third feedingmullein and potassium sulfate0.5 liters of mullein and 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate are dissolved in 10 liters of water
5 10–12 days after the fourth feedingfertilizer Barrier and nitrophoska2 tablespoons of Barrier fertilizer and 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska per 10 liters of water
6 10–12 days after the fifth feedingAgricola-Forward fertilizer and organic fertilizer Fertility1 tablespoon Agricola-Forward and 1 tablespoon Fertility per 10 liters of water

Formation of a cucumber bush

Plants are tied to a support after 8–9 true leaves appear. One stem 1.5–2 meters long is left on the bush. The lowest shoots are removed completely along with the flowers; from the fourth to the seventh shoots are pinched, leaving 1 leaf and 1 ovary; All subsequent shoots are left with 2 leaves and 2 ovaries.

Photo gallery: schemes for the formation of a cucumber bush

Scheme of formation of cucumbers above 4–5 leaves
Scheme of formation of a lash above 12–15 leaves
Diagram of a fully formed lash


As the fruits ripen, they must be removed so that the remaining ovaries ripen. Best time for harvesting - morning.

Timely harvesting will protect the lashes from fragility

Using the hydroponic method to grow cucumbers

Using the hydroponic method allows you to grow plants without soil. Instead of soil, an artificial environment is used. Expanded clay, crushed stone, and vermiculite are used as substrates. Nutrient solution They are delivered to the roots by drip or flooding according to a specific schedule.

It is better to purchase mineral solutions in specialized stores. The purchased solution contains everything the plant needs.

Recently, the use of corks, cubes and mineral wool mats as a substrate has become popular. When preparing cucumber seedlings, observe the following order of operations:

  1. Seeds are planted in seedling plugs to a depth of 1 cm. Seeds germinate in 2–3 days if the temperature is maintained at 20–25° C and humidity 75–80%.
  2. After a week, the plugs with sprouts are placed in cubes.
  3. Seedlings develop in cubes from 3 to 5 weeks, then they are placed in mats soaked in a nutrient solution.

Watering is carried out through droppers installed in the mats.

The principle of supplying nutrients by flooding is as follows: a tray with plants is fixed at an angle, and a reservoir with a mineral solution is located under the tray. Using a pump, the tray is filled with solution to the maximum level. Excess solution flows back into the reservoir. A certain amount of solution always remains in the tray.

Pros and cons of hydroponics

Advantages of using the hydroponic method:

  • the ability to control all processes of plant development, use solutions of different compositions for each stage of growth;
  • saving water;
  • saving nutrients, everything nutrients are completely absorbed, nothing goes into the ground;
  • no weeding needed, no weeds;
  • Productivity increases because the plants are healthy;
  • The ripening time of cucumbers is reduced.

Hydroponics is suitable for small spaces. Firstly, the roots occupy less space, so you can fit more plants in a small area. Secondly, hydroponics does not require much updating after each harvest, as when using soil.
Disadvantages of the hydroponic method:

  • there is a high probability of destroying all the plants when preparing the wrong solution;
  • Strict temperature control is required; if overheated, plants die;
  • this is an expensive growing method, high consumption electricity for lighting and climate control.

Features of growing cucumbers all year round in various regions, including the Krasnodar Territory

In our country, they love cucumber; a festive feast is not complete without it. From fresh cucumbers They make salads and enjoy crunching pickled or pickled cucumbers. In most Russian regions, cucumber yields are low. This is due to the characteristics of the climate. A short summer with return frosts does not allow cucumbers to develop comfortable conditions for growth and fruiting.

Only in the southern regions is the entire growth cycle of the cucumber provided with sun and warmth. One of these areas is the Krasnodar Territory. The climate there is generally characterized by excess solar radiation with moderate moisture, so Krasnodar vegetable growers periodically face the problem of water shortages. But there is a solution to this problem, such as mulching the soil to retain moisture. It's interesting that in Krasnodar region cucumbers can be grown all year round, even in unheated greenhouses - for this purpose, structures with foil walls are used, which allow maximum heat retention inside.

In other regions, especially in Siberia, in winter and autumn periods The length of daylight hours is not enough to obtain a good harvest. When growing this vegetable in Siberia and other areas, it is better to consider methods of additional lighting and heating in a greenhouse or garden bed, for example, supplementary lighting with various lamps.

Video: building a greenhouse in the harsh conditions of Siberia

When growing cucumbers in closed ground conditions, the plants create the necessary microclimate. Plants are provided required quantity light and warmth. It doesn’t matter in which region the greenhouse is located, a good harvest can be obtained in any weather conditions.

It is possible to grow cucumbers in winter. It is important to maintain the water regime and provide the plants with enough light. We see the results of industrial greenhouses on store shelves in winter. At home, knowing the peculiarities of growing cucumbers and using modern agricultural technology, you can get a good harvest and please yourself and your friends with your own grown cucumbers in the depths of winter.

Reading time ≈ 12 minutes

Seed selection and preparation

The criteria for selecting seeds for planting in open ground do not work for those in an apartment. For example, when growing indoors, we choose hybrid varieties and here the following nuance emerges:

Seeds collected from hybrid varieties do not transmit their characteristic features to the next generations. In other words, it is simply impossible to get the same yield from the collected seeds as before.

That is, you need to use purchased products. Ready seeds are usually already disinfected, so there is no need to soak them in potassium permanganate.

Soaking seeds for germination.

Planting: soil preparation

What can you plant seeds in:

  • peat cups;
  • peat tablets(from 4 cm);
  • em-trays;
  • improvised containers: for yoghurts and other products.

Important! Often, picking has the most detrimental effect on cucumber seedlings - most of the seedlings get sick, do not take root well, or even die. Therefore, many gardeners are ambivalent about this procedure.

Cucumbers in peat cups.

The soil for cucumbers must meet the following requirements: lightness, nutritional value, moisture-holding capacity, and breathability. You can prepare the following mixture: take 1 part each of sand, peat and turf and add 2 parts compost. Do not forget to fertilize the soil - for 10 kg of mixture you need to add 1 cup of wood ash, 3 tbsp. l. phosphorus fertilizers and 2 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate.

If you use peat tablets, you need to do the following:

  1. Find a suitable size plastic cup or other container.
  2. Cut out the bottom and place a peat tablet into the container.
  3. Pour over the tablet and wait until it swells.
  4. You can plant cucumber seeds.

Planting seeds.

Step-by-step disembarkation process:

  1. Fill the container 2/3 or almost completely with soil, after placing drainage material on the bottom.
  2. Place the containers in a tray and moisten with a spray bottle.
  3. Make a 1 cm depression in the center of each container and insert 1-2 seeds.
  4. Sprinkle dry soil on top and tamp down a little.
  5. The soil can be slightly moistened again and covered with film.

Planted seeds must be provided optimal conditions— the tray must be placed in a warm place without drafts with a temperature of at least 26°C. Every day it is worth lifting the film for ventilation. At the same time, it is worth slightly moistening the soil with a spray bottle (do not water in the usual way!). Within a few days the first shoots will emerge.

Seedling care

When the seeds begin to sprout en masse, you need to completely remove the film. Next, it is important to adhere to the following requirements:

    • Temperature regime. After the seedlings appear, you need to lower the temperature - optimally maintain 18-22°C during the day, and not lower than 15°C at night. The soil temperature should not fall below 18°C.
    • Light. The length of daylight hours is not as critical as the brightness of the lighting. To ensure a high-quality light regime, you will have to install phytolamps or other suitable lighting fixtures. It is very important not to allow the seedlings to thicken! To do this, keep the containers not tightly, but at some distance from each other.

Cucumber seedlings.

  • Irrigation mode. The first full watering should be carried out on the 5th day after germination. The water should be warm, at least 24°C. Before this, it is only allowed to spray the soil. Most best option— moisten the soil through a tray. Mulching should be a mandatory procedure after every watering!
  • Application of fertilizers. This condition is not necessary if you fertilize the soil for seedlings. If not, you should add substances based on the appearance of the plants. Each deficiency has specific manifestations (see photo below).

Important! Violation of any of the listed requirements can lead to inferior seedlings. For example, lack of light leads to stretching, weakness and illness. Overwatering leads to root rot and mass death.

Diseases of cucumbers.


Plants need to be transplanted into permanent pots after about a month. By this period, the seedlings already have several full leaves and sometimes tendrils.

Important! Since the process of transplanting cucumber roots is very traumatic, it is worth using the transshipment method - it does not disturb the earthen lump, and, accordingly, root system plants.

Options for soil mixtures for permanent pots:

  • in equal proportions of turf, sand and humus/peat;
  • 3 parts each of humus, turf and leaf soil + 1 part sand;
  • in equal parts humus and turf, add 200 g of wood ash to 1 bucket of soil.

The composition for cucumbers may also contain the following components: eggshell, husk, perlite and vermiculite.

Step by step process:

  1. Prepare 3-4 liter containers for one plant. They must have drainage holes! The height of the pots can be no more than 30 cm, since the root system of cucumbers does not reach a great depth.
  2. Place a layer of expanded clay on the bottom and fill with soil. Make a hole in the middle with a diameter of 3-4 cm and the same depth.
  3. Moisten the seedlings to soften the soil.
  4. Carefully walk along the edges of the cup with any gardening tool, then gently push through the cut bottom - the seedling should freely fall out of the cup with an intact lump of earth.
  5. Carefully, without destroying the earthen ball, place the seedling in the hole, sprinkle with soil and compact it a little.
  6. Water the transplanted cucumbers with warm water.

Idea: instead of store-bought pots for cucumbers, you can use improvised items that are no longer used in everyday life: eggplants and large bottles, pots, plastic containers, cake lids, plastic boxes and boxes.

Transplanting seedlings.

But all containers, without exception, must have holes for water to drain! If you have a large enough container (6 liters or more), you can place as many as 3 cucumber bushes in it. Experts also recommend, if possible, choosing containers of light colors that protect the plant from overheating.

Further care

It is impossible to understand how to grow cucumbers on a windowsill in an apartment in winter without knowledge of the basic rules for caring for plants. It is imperative to form bushes and correctly set the watering and fertilizing regime.

  • Location. The eastern and south-eastern sides of the apartment are best suited for growing cucumbers. But the northern and western sides are less suitable for this. It is very important to protect the crop from direct sunlight - the windows on which the cucumbers stand must be covered with tulle or a translucent curtain, or create shading in another way.
  • Shaping (pinching). There is nothing complicated in this process - the first pinching is carried out as soon as 3-4 true leaves appear on the main shoot. Next, the side shoots are pinched when they have 5 leaves.
  • Watering. The right amount of moisture is critical for cucumbers - too much will lead to root rot, and too little will lead to a reduction in yield. It is important not only to moisturize the roots, but also to maintain proper air humidity - spray the leaves with a spray bottle 1-2 times a day, and place wide containers of water in the room.
  • Feeding. Produced every 1-1.5 weeks. Fertilizer preparation: 10 g of nitrate and double superphosphate, + 8 g of magnesium sulfate. Stir in a bucket of water and use 0.5 liters per bush.
  • Garter. A climbing plant requires a garter. It provides access to light to all leaves and improves air exchange between bushes. In addition, the bushes acquire a more neat and decorative appearance. The tie also makes it easier to reach the plants when watering and harvesting.

Important! There should be no drafts or strong temperature changes in the room. If the cucumbers are standing directly on the window, the window sill needs to be insulated using a board or polystyrene foam.

Can be used for garter metal rods or trellises at least 70-80 cm long (see photo below).
