How to use peat tablets for seedlings. When to plant asters for seedlings

To grow seedlings of garden flowers, including asters, they begin in early spring. Usually flower growers have been preparing nutrient soil for this purpose since autumn, or they use a store-bought substrate. But if suddenly, for some reason, it was not possible to pre-purchase or prepare the land, you can use a very interesting and practical way landless cultivation with snails. This method is often called "for the lazy", but it is very convenient. Not only is no soil required at all, it is also easy to care for, not to mention the fact that the grown seedlings can be freely removed from the snail without damaging the rest.

How to make a snail?

Instead of a container with earth, the seeds of asters will germinate in a special snail. You can do it this way:

  • spread a garbage bag on the table to make a long ribbon (no need to open it);
  • put a strip of toilet paper on top of the bag;
  • lay the next strip of paper, aligning it with the bottom of the package (so that it reaches the water);
  • Lay the last, third strip of toilet paper on top of the bagging strip again.

Instead of garbage bags, you can cut long strips of film.

The snail blank is ready.

How to sow asters in a snail?

Now you need to spray the toilet paper well with a spray bottle. Then step back from the top edge of the tape 0.5 cm and use a wet toothpick to lay out the aster seeds, leaving a similar distance between them.

After the seeds are laid, carefully twist the tape into a roll, that is, make the snail itself, and put it vertically in a glass, at the bottom of which there is a little water. Water by toilet paper will go up to the seeds as it dries, creating the necessary moisture. And a plastic bag put on a glass will keep it and create a greenhouse microclimate.

When installing a snail in a container of water, it is important not to confuse where it is located. top part with seeds.

When to transplant seedlings?

The container with the snail must be placed on a light windowsill. It will sprout in about a week and the bag will need to be removed. When the seedlings get stronger, unfold the snail and take out the seedlings one by one. Depending on the time of sowing the seeds, the seedlings dive into separate cups (with early sowing) and grow there. Or they are immediately planted in open ground if the seeds were sown in May.

Planting asters with seeds is a simple matter. If you do not like unnecessary worries, then just sow them on the site in open ground, you can sow flowers even in winter. After the seedlings have risen, they dive into the right places. But there is one thing, but! The fact is that sowing in open ground significantly delays flowering, and sprouts can also be damaged from adverse weather conditions. After all, the seeds can begin to germinate quite early in April-May, and at this time frosts and other weather troubles are still possible. Before winter, it is also not recommended to plant asters, because they can freeze out. It is better to use seedlings.

Preparatory work before sowing asters

Before you start planting, it is worth noting the fact that aster sprouts best from young seeds. Worse germination in two-year-olds and so on. Therefore, pay attention to the date at the time of purchase.

It is also important for beginners in this business to find out not only the answer to the question of how an aster is grown from seeds, but also when to plant flowers. Sowing, as a rule, is carried out from the second decade of March to the second decade of April. But this is already the deadline. Sowing dates are best determined by lunar calendar. Never plant any plants during a full moon.

Seeds can be sown in a common container, but now many have begun to practice sowing in peat tablets, which contain the most optimal nutrient soil.

The advantages of this method are:

  • ease of landing, as all preparatory work before sowing - this is pouring tablets with water;
  • with this method of planting, you do not have to get your hands dirty, collect spilled soil or take care of the optimal balance of nutrients during its preparation;
  • The biggest plus of peat tablets is the absence of the need for picking.

Planting aster seeds for seedlings in a common container is also relevant. Therefore, what to choose is up to you. The technologies are described below.

Sowing asters for seedlings in a common container

If you are planting flowers in a common container, then simply pour the soil into the container. Lightly tamp it down and moisten it with a spray bottle. You can buy potting soil at a gardening store. Suitable for universal flowers.

For information!

Asters are absolutely unpretentious to soils. They grow in all kinds. Perhaps the flowering is a little better and the green mass is thicker on light and neutral soils. Therefore, it can be used for landing and garden soil, adding to it, a little peat, sand or humus, if any.

After the earth is poured and moistened, aster seeds are scattered over its surface. Next, press them lightly with the palm of your hand, but do not fall asleep on top of the earth. For germination seed material need open light. Containers cover cling film, plastic transparent bag or glass and put on the windowsill.

Astra rises very quickly. In less than a week, somewhere on the 5-6th day, your seedlings will be born. Next, they will grow very quickly. When sprouts appear, the film is removed. If you planted in ordinary soil, and not in special soil, then when the seedlings get stronger, it can be shed with mineral fertilizers. And the concept will get stronger - it means the moment when small sprouts give real leaves, otherwise fertilizers can burn them or wash them off.

Important point!

Since asters are “fast” flowers, the seedlings begin to grow abundantly. But if at this moment the weather is not happy sunny days, then it is necessary to put lamps for additional illumination. Don't neglect it. Otherwise, the seedlings, in search of additional light, will stretch very much, begin to collapse and break at the base.

After the aster seedlings have grown up, and real leaves have appeared, the seedlings dive into separate containers. Here you can use plastic cups, improvised means such as cut in half packages from dairy products. But we advise you not to take those containers whose walls do not bend well, since during transplantation to the street it will be difficult for you to do this, and it is easy to damage the tender plants at this moment.


It is best to dive seedlings into peat pots. They are very cheap, have a compact size and most importantly - during the transfer to open ground, the pot can be planted directly into the ground without removing the seedling.

Sowing asters in peat tablets

If for the first time you wondered how to grow aster seedlings from seeds at home, then planting in peat tablets will be the most the best option. We have already talked about the advantages above.

So, you've decided to try the popular planting method, all you have to do is soak them in water for a while. It is better to take settled or filtered water. We lower the tablets into it with a recess upwards. When they swell, increase several times in size, you can start planting.

One seed can be sown in each tablet. But you can put inside and 2-4 seeds. This will increase the chance of getting more seedlings, and if you do not dive two seedlings from one tablet, then there will be no big problem.

After all the seeds are placed in their places, the tablets are placed in one tray, covered with a film and transferred to the windowsill. Shoots appear quickly. You have very little to worry about with this method. You just have to make sure that the tablets are always wet. And this is very easy to do, since you simply pour water into the tray, and the peat absorbs as much as it needs.

When the seedlings have grown, the tablets are planted immediately in a peat pot, filling the voids with nutrient soil. This is necessary so that tall seedlings do not fall and do not break.

Asters grow quickly and can be planted as early as mid-May. If you grow in tablets, then seedlings do not need top dressing before being transferred to open ground. They are enough nutritional composition. It is also worth noting that the transfer of seedlings is carried out when it has reached a height of about 7 cm, it is not afraid of light frosts in May. It is better to choose a sunny place on the site, but light shade is not terrible for asters.

Growing flowers from seeds at home is fascinating process, which does not require significant effort from you, but requires care. Plants thrive when well looked after and respond with good seedlings and yields.

When the last snow melts and the sun begins to warm up more and more, novice summer residents have to grow seedlings. This process itself is quite laborious, but you can do it easier and save yourself from hard work, while achieving High Quality sprouts. This can be done if used as landing tanks pressed peat containers.

A couple of decades ago, many gardeners had to plant seeds for seedlings in the materials they had on hand. For these purposes, they adapted boxes of juice, milk, cups of yogurt, sour cream, often used and homemade devices . However, the characteristics of these devices did not meet the expectations of summer residents.

This also affected peat pots, which until recently were very popular. Everything changed when pressed peat tablets appeared. Despite the fact that it is very convenient to plant seeds in such containers, and after sowing, almost all seeds germinate, they have one serious plus - these pots do not decompose in the ground for many months, since thick pressed cardboard is used for their manufacture.

Previously, the process of planting seedlings required a lot of strength, because you had to carefully cut the edge of the pot with a knife or other sharp object and carefully pull out the seedlings to place them on the bed. Things didn't always work out as planned. Therefore, if the owner provided proper care for the seedlings throughout the spring, then when it was transplanted into the ground, it often received damage. As a result of the fact that many of the seedlings were injured, at the end of the season the harvest turned out to be less than what the summer resident expected.

Peat tablets for seedlings - these are dry containers, puck-shaped made from thin pressed wood material, inside of which there is pressed peat. To make the pots easier to use, they are made using the most suitable components, which go through a drying and pressing operation. After contact with warm water the tablets begin to react and swell. As a result, their shape and size change. After that, they can be used for their intended purpose.

Instructions for use of peat tablets for seedlings

The process of using peat tablets involves the following steps:

  • additives;
  • fungicides;
  • growth accelerators.

Therefore, when using peat tablets for growing seedlings, you can reduce the risk of infection with various diseases and decay.

Features of peat tablets

The cylinder is encased in a fine mesh material, thanks to which the peat retains its original shape during transport, as well as when growing and watering the seeds. Peat has optimal acidity for most plants. Mean ph is between 5.4 and 6.2. These tablets, even after 5-10 years, do not lose their original properties. However, for this they need to provide appropriate storage conditions: they must be kept in a dry place.

Peat briquettes are presented in stores different sizes. They can have a diameter of 2.5 cm to 7 cm. However, experts advise choosing 4 cm briquettes, as they are ideal for garden seedlings.

If you need to grow seedlings from small seeds, then it is best to purchase discs of a smaller diameter. If you plan to grow seedlings of eggplant, pepper and tomato, then the largest briquettes are best for you.

What are the advantages of peat tablets for seedlings?

peat discs are a universal fit for growing seedlings. Therefore, you can plant anything you want in them, not only garden, but also flower crops.

Peat tablets are perfect for growing seedlings of tender sprouts of petunia, lobelia, certain types plants for which picking is contraindicated. Given that the tablets contain additives, a high percentage of seed germination is ensured. This point is of particular importance if it is necessary to grow seedlings of expensive and rare crops, as well as seeds placed in a shell.

It is advantageous to use these briquettes also because stem and leaf cuttings. Thanks to peat tablets, you can save a lot of space that is used for planting. This moment is of particular importance for an apartment, where there is not always enough space for seedlings.

Thanks to peat containers, it becomes possible to arbitrarily choose places for placing seedlings, change seedlings in places if some have risen before others.

Considering the price of briquettes, and one a pot like this costs about 5 rubles, they are not suitable for growing a large number seedlings. Peat discs will be primarily appreciated by summer residents who need containers for growing seedlings in a small volume.

How to use seedling tablets?

Before sowing in peat briquettes seeds need to be prepared:

In some cases it may be necessary cover the sown seeds. To do this, you need to use a special peat. After sowing, the seeds must be slightly deepened inward, and only then they are laid on top of the peat.

Dry or wet seeds can be used for planting. In the latter case, they must be placed in water for 2 days, waiting for their germination. In this case, they must be sown in peat tablets very carefully, using a spatula or a thin wooden stick.

When the seeds are in tablets, they must be well watered from a pipette. When the shell becomes soft, the shell must be spread over the peat with a toothpick. Thanks to this technique, you can speed up the process of seed germination.

Peat tablets are great for growing strawberry seedlings. A match can be used to sow the seeds of this crop. To pick up a seed with a match, you must first moisten its tip. After that his transferred to the recess of the tablet. After waiting for seedlings to appear from the seeds and they get stronger, you can transplant them to a permanent place, placing them in the ground along with a peat tablet.

Planting seeds in peat tablets

After completing the sowing of the seeds, they take transparent trays in which the tablets are placed, after which they are taken to the windowsill or other warm place. For the role of a pallet, you can use a plastic transparent box from under the cake. If there is no container suitable lid, then a film is put on top of it, creating optimal level humidity inside.

It is best to put peat tablets in mini greenhouses with holes for each tablet. Water accumulation can be avoided if greenhouses are installed on special pallets. While the seedlings will grow and grow stronger, you should maintain an optimal level of humidity. In addition, they require regular ventilation, for which it is necessary to open the lid of the container.

It is also impossible to get strong seedlings without creating an optimal temperature regime. It is recommended to keep landing on the western or eastern window. The north side is not very suitable for growing seedlings due to the too cold microclimate. At the same time not best solution will install it on the south side, because at lunchtime the sun starts to warm here too much.

Gradually, drops of condensate will form on the walls of the container, at such moments it is necessary to open mini-greenhouses. For effective moisture removal, it is necessary to carry out airing at least once a day. Otherwise, you may encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as mold, which will subsequently lead to the death of weak plants. When the first shoots appear, the cover is removed. At this time, watering should not be very plentiful. To do this, pour water into the bottom stand or use a spray bottle. When growing seedlings in room conditions feeding is not required.

When using peat tablets for growing seedlings, the gardener will not have to pick, so during transplantation it will be enough for him to transfer the seedlings directly with the peat clod. This method of growing seedlings is beneficial in that damage to the root system can be avoided during transplantation. horticultural crops. This moment takes on a special great importance in cases where you have to deal with seedlings with small seedlings.

When growing seedlings, keep an eye on the cylinder. Finding that roots have appeared on it, know that the time has come for transplanting plants into more spacious containers. It is very important not to miss this moment, because otherwise the roots will intertwine with each other and grow. In this case, the plants will no longer be able to grow and develop normally. If peat tablets placed in a mesh shell are used to grow seedlings, then at the time of transplantation it must be cut to the root so that later the seedlings can take root well. However, in some cases this is not necessary, provided that the peat is placed not in a net, but in a thin layer of wood cardboard.


Although there are many methods available today for growing seedlings at home, every year more and more beginners and more experienced summer residents choose the method of growing them in peat tablets. Knowing how to plant in peat tablets, the gardener gets rid of many difficulties. Its main advantage is that during transplantation it is minimized risk of damage to the root system. This directly affects future harvest garden culture.

Growing petunias in peat tablets

Planting petunia seeds in peat pellets for growing seedlings gives excellent results. It is very convenient, economical, significantly increases the germination of seeds and contributes to the production of strong and healthy seedlings.

Difficult and capricious petunia seeds in peat tablets develop much better. Moreover, you do not need to dive, you can immediately plant it in open ground or pots without difficulty. The complex of nutrients contained in the tablets is another advantage that allows you to get luxurious plants that delight with their lush flowering.

The optimal time for sowing petunia seeds is from late January to late February. If it is not planned to illuminate the seedlings, then crops can be done in March. However, when sowing early, seedlings should be illuminated with fluorescent lamps, as the seeds germinate better in the light.

How to use peat tablets?

Peat tablets - simple, clean and fast way planting seeds and growing seedlings of flowers. It is a compressed fine-grained peat in the form of a tablet, wrapped in a net and micronutrients, selected in optimal proportions for fast and healthy plant growth. The tablet is filled with water, and it swells, then seeds can be planted in the recess on top. The advantage is the natural qualities of peat - it is water and air permeability, along with the possibility of unhindered development of the root system of plants. Peat tablets for seedlings are different diameter- from 2.5 to 4.5 cm.

Some advise to remove the mesh from the tablet - small plants develop better. This can be done with small scissors. Stress during plant transplantation in this case is minimized, thus, root system remains undamaged, and the plant continues to grow and develop, it remains only to water it on time.

For growing seedlings of petunias, peat tablets with a diameter of 3.5 - 4.5 cm are suitable, so that until the moment of transplantation, the roots of the seedlings have enough space for development. For successful germination of seeds, it is necessary to provide a sufficient amount of water, air and maintain the microclimate parameters within the required limits: temperature, relative humidity, illumination.

Planting petunia seeds in peat tablets

After placing the tablets on a pallet or in cassettes, fill them with water at room temperature. Literally before our eyes, in a matter of seconds, peat tablets completely swell, while they noticeably increase in height several times, retaining their original diameter, turning into a peat barrel. After 5-10 minutes, drain the excess water and place one grain with a toothpick or tweezers in the recess at the top of each tablet. Petunia seeds germinate only in the light, so they should not be buried in the ground. The light coming from the window is still sufficient for germination.

So the seeds have been planted. Now you need to create optimal conditions for their development. Of course, you should be aware of the dangers of direct sunlight and the danger of waterlogging the substrate. Drying out of the soil is no less detrimental to them: just a day without watering can kill the sprouts that have appeared. Moderate moisture and diffused light are the keys to success in growing seedlings.

Further care for petunia seedlings

For seed germination, you need to create an airtight structure so that it is warm and humid inside; for this, the tablets are placed in a greenhouse or mini-greenhouse. It is better to take a container for seedlings, transparent and plastic, because it is the least susceptible to the spread of fungi. It should be thoroughly washed and disinfected, wiped with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. The greenhouse is closed with a lid (bag, film or glass) and placed on the windowsill.

The optimum temperature for germination is 20-22°C, then fog will form on the transparent lid or glass, but more often you will see drops there that must be removed both from the lid and from the walls. If the temperature is too low (less than 20 degrees), nothing but mold will probably grow.

As the tablet dries, you need to add water to the pan. Soft or boiled water is used for irrigation, since an excess of any mineral salts negatively affects the growth of petunia seedlings. It is necessary to carefully control the humidity of peat, it should not dry out, should not be waterlogged. Sufficiency of watering can be determined by the appearance of a dark spot on the surface of the peat column. It is important that the peat dry out a little between waterings.

Should be removed regularly paper napkin condensate from the lid and from the walls so that the seedlings do not get sick with the “black leg”. Do not forget to ventilate the greenhouse for several minutes every day, this can be combined with the removal of condensate. If the peat tablets are too wet, then you can put a paper towel under them, when it gets wet, change it.

If direct sunlight falls on the greenhouse, drops will form on the lid, even if the peat tablet is completely dry, this cannot be allowed (you can scatter sunlight by placing a piece of paper on the glass).

After the appearance of the first shoots (after 7-10 days), additional lighting can be turned on. This will depend on the quality of the seeds and their germination conditions. Without light, development is slower and seedlings are more likely to get sick. Additional lighting at 12-14 hours of petunias is enough. In clear weather, the light can be turned off for several hours. On cloudy days, leave it on all the time.

As mentioned above, do not allow waterlogging so that the seedlings do not get sick with a "black leg", as a result of which they may die. If the tablet turns green, blackens, or cobweb fibers of white mold begin to form, you need to urgently get rid of phytopathogens. To do this, you need to remove the foci of the spread of the fungus with soft paper or cotton wool moistened with potassium permanganate. After that, it is advisable to water for some time with antifungal agents (for example, Previkur or an analogue) and then monitor the ventilation.

After the appearance of the 2-3rd true leaf, the greenhouse can be opened - at this time, the plants should already develop a small root. Petunia is fed when the second real leaf appears, with Kemira fertilizer or alternate between Master for seedlings of vegetables and flowers, and Rost concentrate. Another complex fertilizer with a low nitrogen content is also suitable. Avoid direct sunlight, which can be detrimental to immature plants.

Transplantation (transshipment) of a peat tablet with petunia seedlings

When the plants become crowded in their peat "house", the tablets should be planted in small containers filled with loose nutrient soil for seedlings. Such a transplant is necessary, because more than one week may pass before landing in a permanent place, and the root system will increase in size all this time.

Ordinary plastic ones are also suitable. disposable cups with holes made in the bottom; cassettes can be used. The transparent walls of the cup will allow you to monitor the moisture content of the earth, both on the surface and in depth. Still, it is better to remove the mesh from the peat tablet - it will more space and freedom for further development. If the seedling is slightly stretched, you should add soil to the cotyledon leaves. When picking seedlings, it is very important not to fill up the growing point of the petunia from which the leaves grow.

After transplanting, the seedlings need to be watered and put in a slightly shaded place for a couple of days. Then the seedlings are again provided with good lighting, and the temperature of the content can be lowered by several degrees. During this period, it is necessary to harden the seedlings, providing it with access to fresh air for several hours a day. During the growth of the petunia should acquire a good branched root system.

Growing strawberries from seed at home can be challenging for beginners. This process is painstaking and requires a lot of effort and expense. This article will help those who want to grow strawberry seedlings from seeds on their own. garden plot but doesn't know how to do it right.

  • Strawberry seeds are resistant to various diseases and pests, as well as a long shelf life.
  • Step-by-step instructions for growing seedlings of strawberries and strawberries

    Seeds should be selected from healthy bushes and well-ripened berries. The seed located at the base and in the middle part of the berry is considered large, characterized by a high percentage germination and has a developed embryo. Harvest from such seeds will turn out delicious and beautiful. From the collected berries, the top layer of pulp is cut off and laid out on paper to dry. Then the dried mass must be rubbed with palms. Separated seeds are stored in a glass container.

    Three months before planting, the seeds undergo a stratification procedure. This will speed up their germination. Place on a cotton pad soaked in water planting material. Top with another wet disc. All this is placed in a plastic container with a lid. For oxygen to enter the lid, it is necessary to make holes with a needle or other piercing objects.

    The soil is laid in containers, trampling a little, and moistened with a spray bottle. Spread the seeds on the surface of the soil with tweezers, a toothpick or a match, slightly pressing them to the ground. Seeds remain on the surface, they do not need to be sprinkled with soil. Daylight has a beneficial effect on the active germination of seedlings.

    After planting, the seeds are covered with a transparent cover and put in a well-lit place without direct sunlight to prevent the seeds from drying out. The lid should be perforated for fresh air. They can be put on the windowsill, but at midday it is recommended to cover from direct sunlight. Until the seedlings germinate, it is not recommended to open the lid so as not to disturb the greenhouse microclimate.

    Droplets of water that collect from above fall to the ground, thereby moisturizing the seedlings.

    Also when sowing planting material in containers experienced gardeners carry out the procedure of seed stratification directly in the soil for planting. To do this, the containers are filled with moist soil, leaving 3 cm from the top. A 3 cm layer of snow is placed on top of it, slightly compacting the soil. Soaked planting material is laid out on top of the snow. The planted seeds are covered with a transparent lid and put in the refrigerator for 14 days. After a while, the snow will thaw, and the seeds will sink a little into the ground. Melted snow will provide moisture to the seedlings for 2 weeks. However, plantings must be carefully observed, ventilated, and, if necessary, moistened.

    Care for strawberry seedlings

    After two weeks, the seedlings can be removed from the refrigerator and placed in a warm, well-lit place, such as on a windowsill on the east side. After the seedlings get stronger and let out the first leaves, they dive into separate containers - cups 5x5 cm in size. For this, you can use both peat and plastic pots. Usually this procedure is carried out when the strawberry seedlings release at least 3 leaves.

    Peat tablets are poured with water and left until they absorb all the moisture and increase in size. Then they are placed on a pallet or any plastic box. One seed is laid out in each recess in the tablet, pressing it a little. Then the tray or lid should be covered with transparent polyethylene and placed in a bright place, on the windowsill, protected from direct sunlight. During this period, it is very important for seedlings to provide high humidity and prevent the tablets from drying out. To do this, periodically add water, if necessary. There should be no stagnant water.

    The scheme of growing seedlings

  • After the seeds germinate, they are periodically aired, gradually adapting to fresh air. They also need to be exposed to the sun for 2-3 hours daily. Over time, you can put on the windowsill for a permanent stay.
  • If mold has appeared on the surface of the soil, this is not a problem. It can be carefully removed with a match, then the seedlings are well ventilated and dried. The soil is recommended to be treated with an antifungal drug.
  • In May-June, strawberries are planted in open ground. In order for the bushes to grow stronger and grow well, it is recommended to remove the first flowers. This contributes to the active growth of green mass and high yields. In addition, such bushes tolerate winter more easily. The first year, all the formed mustaches must be removed.

    Planting in peat tablets

    A lot of plants are needed to green big house: you can’t buy enough in stores, and you don’t always have what you want there. And for a balcony, veranda and terrace, annuals need to be grown from seeds ...

    Married and moved to new house, I started "landscaping work", and immediately regretted that I did not look closely at how my mother grows flowers. It seemed very simple: you just need to throw a seed into a box, and then transplant the seedling.

    The secret of success is peat

    But alas, my first attempt to grow ampelous petunias from the seeds ended in failure: the seeds did not sprout! There were 3 frail sprouts, but this is not the result! I told my friend about my problem, she advised me to buy peat tablets for seedlings and sow in them. Immediately after work, I went to the flower shop and bought a package of these pills. I considered the purchase at home: the flat dark brown rounds really looked like large pills. From above they were wrapped with a thin mesh. I carefully read the instructions on the package, laid out the tablets on a tray, poured 1/3 warm water and went about my business. When she returned half an hour later, the tablets on the tray were soaked with water and turned into tall neat cylinders with a small notch on top.

    First results

    And I started planting. I put 2-3 seeds into each recess with tweezers. Then she sharpened the match and wrapped the notch. Tray closed plastic wrap to keep the crops warm, and put it on a sunny windowsill on the veranda. I didn’t water, because the cylinders were wet, and the polyethylene delayed evaporation.

    On the 6th day, sprouts began to appear! All tablets! I ran to the store and bought a few more packs. This time I sowed surfinia, lobelia, Turkish cloves, snapdragon, marigolds, salvia, decorative sunflower, gillyflowers, asters, purslane - I made all the window sills on the veranda with this wealth!

    Since I sowed 2-3 seeds in each tablet just in case, I removed the extra ones. Now my task was not to spoil the matter: to properly grow the seedlings and transplant the seedlings into pots and boxes. With peat tablets, it turned out to be quite simple: you don’t touch them at all for the first week, then you start watering them. Moreover, I was absolutely not afraid that a jet of water would damage the thin sprouts: I poured water into the pan, and the tablets pulled it into themselves, like sponges.

    Hassle-free transfer

    When it came time to transplant the seedlings, I managed very quickly, as I planted the seedlings along with the tablets. In the process, I saw that the peat cylinders were all braided with roots. Well, it probably could not have been otherwise: peat is loose, and besides, it is saturated with nutrients and stimulants for the development of roots. The instructions say that for the prevention of diseases there is an antifungal substance in peat tablets. In any case, none of my plants got sick.

    I filled the pots and boxes with soil to 2/3 of the height, put the plants together with the tablets and sprinkled with soil. Very convenient, because not a single spine was damaged. And then I just watered, fed and rejoiced at the rapid growth of my flowers! When I subsequently loosened the earth in a pot, I saw that there were no nets, no tablets themselves - they dissolved and mixed with the earth.

    Universal help

    At the same time, I began to grow houseplants. I bought some ready-made in the store (in pots), got something from friends in the form of cuttings, and decided to grow the rest from seeds. And in each case, peat tablets came in handy. She sowed indoor seeds in the same way as annuals - almost all of them sprouted and took root.

    Cuttings root especially well in tablets. I planted them in swollen tablets, covered them with polyethylene, put them on the windowsill. The first week they had enough moisture, then watered, sometimes aired - and so on until the roots appeared.

    Peat tablets sold in different sizes; for large seeds and cuttings, I bought more

    (up to 70 mm), for small ones - small (27-42 mm). It is undesirable to stack the tablets tightly on the pallet, since the roots of one plant can germinate into the neighboring tablet, and then one cannot do without an “operation”. In addition, it is imperative to pay attention to the acidity of peat in tablets (indicated on the package). Most seedlings grow well in neutral peat, but some (hydrangea, for example) like a more acidic composition. Good luck to you!

    How to grow seedlings in peat tablets?

    Growing seedlings using peat tablets today is not only the most common, but also the most effective way. Such a device is excellent for breeding a variety of crops, creating all the conditions for optimal seed germination and ideal rooting of cuttings. And now more about

    Peat tablets - how to use for planting seeds

    Varieties of peat tablets

    There are many types of seedling tablets on sale. Each contains the main component - compacted fine-fiber peat, to which manufacturers add various necessary components.

    The most common are humus and peat tablets, to which are added:

  • mixture to stimulate growth;
  • antibacterial drugs;
  • solutions to reduce stress during transplantation.
  • Such an environment promotes maximum seed germination and rooting of cuttings of various plants. The mesh coating of the finished tablet allows it to be transported without any damage.

    Improving the characteristics of the material for seedlings, manufacturers use peat different quality by adding a variety of impurities. Produced tablets also differ in shape and volume. In most cases, the height of the product does not reach eight millimeters, and the dimensions in diameter are from two to seven centimeters.

    Peat tablets with a special paper or mesh coating, additionally treated with fungicides to protect the first shoots from fungal infections, became the best.

    When buying a product, you should always pay attention to the acidity level indicated on the label, which is selected according to the needs of a particular plant.

    For the best germination of crops, it is best to choose proven expensive brands of tablets, the structure of which includes high-quality peat and all impurities appropriate for favorable conditions.

    Great for growing strawberries from seed.

    Preparing for landing

    Having decided on the size of the mixture of peat, you should choose the appropriate container. It can be, like a separate container for each tablet, or a capacious pallet.

    When laying out peat tablets, it is necessary to leave gaps for the free growth of the root system of an individual plant.

    Special recesses for seeds, provided by the manufacturer, must be on top.

    The prepared material is poured with warm water, which should completely cover the tablet. After fifteen minutes, the peat mixture will swell and become much higher, while maintaining the original diameter dimensions.

    Excess liquid should be drained from the already completely formed substrate.

    Planting seeds in peat tablets

    Seeds are planted both dry and pre-sprouted. Landing takes place in a few simple steps:

  • A couple of seeds are placed in the prepared recesses and sprinkled with prepared humus or a composition taken a little from the tablet itself.
  • The planting container is covered with a transparent coating, which is usually polyethylene or glass.
  • The sown container is placed in a warm place.
  • A prepared small greenhouse is often ventilated.
  • Periodic watering is carried out by spraying on the surface of the water.
  • Before the first shoots, it is imperative to monitor the temperature and humidity. After wetting, it is advisable to leave the soil to dry a little.

    When sprouts appear, the cover is removed, and the container is placed in a sufficiently lit place, but slightly cooler than the previous one. Watering is done by the capillary method - adding liquid from the bottom of the pan, because water, if it gets on the stems, can cause plant disease.

    For planting in the ground, the roots do not open, but are transplanted along with the tablet. The peat composition, enriched with the necessary components, is further used as a fertilizer in the already open soil.

    If several seeds were sown in one place, then before moving to the ground, the sprouts are carefully separated, and the peat is evenly distributed.

    Various plants can be planted in peat tablets. The material is well suited for sprouts with delicate thin shoots and for crops that are difficult to dive.

    In ready-made tablets, gardeners have the opportunity to grow all types of vegetables, and flower growers can breed even the most difficult and rare plants.

    The benefits of peat tablets

    With the advent of peat preparations, cassettes and various plastic pots filled with soil have been pushed into the background. The predominant advantages of seedling tablets are:

  • crumbly structure of peat, which allows the roots of various crops to branch easily, without restricting the approach to airspace and moisture;
  • the addition of fungicides provides reliable protection against all diseases and harmful bacteria;
  • plants do not require additional feeding at the first stages of cultivation, since the peat mixture includes all the required elements;
  • the root system is not damaged when transplanted into another soil;
  • tablets do not absorb excess moisture;
  • the finished product does not take up much space and is successfully used in small rooms;
  • in a peat mixture, seeds germinate a couple of days faster than in ordinary soil;
  • the roots feel free, not being intertwined with each other;
  • maximum germination of seed;
  • minimum labor costs.
  • Disadvantages of using peat tablets

    With a lot of advantages, peat material still has some negative aspects:

    • price for quality product quite large, which is especially noticeable with quantitative plantings;
    • constant moisture control, since peat tends to dry out;
    • the need to use additional containers and other suitable containers.
    • When purchasing peat tablets, it should be noted not only reliable manufacturers, but also the expiration date and storage conditions of products, which is important for effective subsequent use.

      For correct application peat soil, several points should be noted:

    • Peat tablets are used only once.
    • Some seeds are left without sprinkling - otherwise delicate thin plants may not germinate.
    • The seeded substrate should not be placed near a heater or radiator.
    1. Cells for tablets are selected with a slightly larger diameter.
    2. Several seeds of only those plants are laid out in one recess, the roots of which tolerate separation well.
  • It is important not to miss the moment of seed germination and remove the transparent cover in time to avoid deformation of the seedlings.
  • To grow seedlings, it is necessary to increase the volume of the recess intended for seeds.
  • It is advisable to cut and carefully remove the interlocking mesh before planting the sprouted crop, since it does not always dissolve in the soil.
  • Peat tablets are the most suitable material for various vegetable and flower crops. Their rich composition provides the seeds with all the necessary components for growing strong and resistant seedlings with a powerful root system.

    For best result you just need to choose the right peat tablet for a particular plant and follow the instructions.

    I wish you a rich and healthy harvest.

    How to use peat tablets. Planting and growing seedlings in tablets. Photo, video

    Peat tablets are a simple, clean and quick way to plant seeds and grow seedlings of flowers and vegetables. How to plant seeds in peat tablets, read the article, see photos and videos

    Peat tablets they are peat pressed in the form of a small washer, tightened on the sides into the finest natural mesh. At the top of each peat tablet there is a small hole for seeds. The height is seedling pills- about 8 mm.

    Before seed planting peat tablets soaked in water. Literally before our eyes, in seconds (see our video) peat tablets swell and increase in height by 5 times!

    Seedling tablets are made from peat or coconut fiber.. The quality of these tablets is about the same, peat and coconut seedling tablets are interchangeable. Wet peat or coconut fiber- an ideal environment for germinating seeds. They perfectly retain water and the seeds in them do not risk falling victim to fungi (the “black” leg, alas, common cause fall seedlings. which is grown in poor-quality soil mixture).

    How to use peat tablets

    plant the seeds into special recesses in seedling tablets and gently cover 1-2mm peat (coconut fiber) tablets .

    Put peat tablets in a cassette or seedling box(it is better to use electric propagators - heated boxes with a transparent lid). Sign and label each row peat tablets. so that there will be no further confusion.

    Details about how to use peat tablets. in our special video: Peat tablets for seedlings :

    Article, photo and video. Oksana Jeter,

    Astra has rightly earned universal recognition due to its exceptional diversity: bushes from miniature to giant are decorated with inflorescences of various shapes of all colors and shades. Varieties of asters with a compact form of a bush are used in borders, and tall asters are magnificent in flower beds, competing with chrysanthemum. Astra blooms 3-3.5 months after sowing, so it is better to grow it through seedlings.

    Sowing annual aster for seedlings
    Aster seeds quickly lose their germination capacity, so only fresh seeds should be used for sowing. The term for sowing asters for seedlings is the beginning of April. For sowing, you can use it by adding washed sand to it (0.5 parts of sand per 5 parts of soil). Experienced flower growers prepare for asters soil mix on one's own. To do this, thoroughly mix washed sand (2: 1: 0.5), adding 0.5 cups or 1-2 tablespoons of dolomite flour for every 5 liters of soil mixture.

    After that, the mixture must be sieved and within an hour. After sifting, it is desirable to add 0.5 cups of perlite to the mixture. It allows the soil to "breathe" after watering, absorbs excess moisture, and then slowly releases it to the roots of plants. If the soil mixture for the aster is not steamed, then be sure to place it in a container, spill it until completely wet with a fungicide solution or a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. These measures cannot be neglected, because aster seedlings very often suffer from lodging, or caused by various types fungal infections.

    tillage photography

    Prepare aster seeds for sowing. To do this, aster seeds must be pickled with a solution of any fungicide before sowing or mixed with a small amount of dry Fundazola observing all security measures.

    photo of preparing asters for sowing

    Spread the prepared seeds evenly over the surface of the moist soil, using a small sheet of paper folded in half for this. Immediately put labels with the names of the varieties.

    asters seed photo

    Sprinkle aster seeds on top with well-washed sand (preferably calcined) with a layer of 0.5-0.8 cm. This will protect the root neck of the seedlings from getting stuck during watering and being damaged by the black leg. It is not necessary to water from above, because the moisture from the soil will gradually penetrate into the sand, and it will become moist.

    photo: protecting the aster from jamming during watering and black leg damage

    Cover the crops from drying out and place in a warm (+15 ... + 20 ° С) bright place. Keep the sand slightly damp at all times. If necessary, moisten it with a spray bottle.

    After 5-7 days, as soon as shoots appear, the shelter must be removed. At this time, it is especially important not to overdo it with watering. It is not scary if the sand dries up from above, because by this time the root of the seedling will already germinate into moist soil. If you still notice the first signs of a black leg, then diseased plants should be immediately removed with a lump of earth, filling the hole with fresh soil. After that, water the soil again with the fungicide solution.

    photo: shoots of asters

    Aster pick
    With the formation of 2-3 true leaves, aster seedlings are ready for picking. To do this, you can use the previous composition of the soil (as for sowing - read above), but without sifting. Add to the mixture 1 tablespoon containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements. In order for the fertilizers to be evenly distributed, the mixture must be thoroughly mixed.

    photo of asters preparing for picking

    Fill pots or cassettes with the prepared soil mixture, compact a little so that the soil does not settle too much when watering. Make indentations in the pot with a spatula so that the roots of the seedling can freely fit in them. If the roots are too large, you can pinch them a little. Place the seedling in a hole with a slight depth so that about 1 cm remains before the cotyledon leaves.

    photo of asters picking in cups

    Carefully compact the soil around the aster seedling so that when watering it is not knocked out by water.

    photo of soil compaction when picking aster seedlings

    Carefully water the pickled seedlings. Watering, try to start from the edge of the pot to the middle, if possible without falling on the leaves. Set the seedlings in a bright place, make sure that at first it does not get direct sunlight. The temperature should not exceed +20°C.

    photo of how to water seedlings of asters

    If you correctly filled the soil mixture with mineral fertilizers, then at first you don’t have to worry about feeding aster seedlings. If planting seedlings for some reason is delayed, then feed it with any mineral ( Fertika, Agricola, Mortar and etc.). With the advent of 4-5 leaves, start hardening off seedlings of aster in the fresh air.

    Planting asters in the ground

    It is desirable that when planting the aster stem does not exceed 5-7 cm. Seedlings should have 5-6 well-developed leaves and undergo hardening. Overgrown plants will not bloom well. Outdoor hardened aster plants withstand short-term frosts down to -2°C. Astra is developing well on sunny places while maintaining slight shading. The place for planting it needs to be changed every year, especially if the plants suffered from Fusarium in the previous summer. The spores of this fungus persist in the soil for up to 5-6 years. The place where gladioli used to grow is also not suitable, because they are subject to the same diseases as asters.

    If the soil on your site has, and you have not applied lime since autumn, then add 120-200 g of dolomite flour or one and a half glasses for spring digging wood ash per 1 sq. m area. On very hard clay soils additionally add peat and sand. It is also necessary to apply 40-50 g of complete mineral fertilizer before planting ( Nitroammophoska) per 1 sq. m. Mix thoroughly so that the fertilizers are evenly distributed in top layer soil. The bulk of the roots of the aster is located at a depth of 15-20 cm. The aster cannot stand it at all.
    It is best to plant aster seedlings in evening hours. The distance between plants is from 15 to 30 cm, depending on the variety. If for some reason the seedlings are too long during cultivation, then when planting, deepen it by 2-3 cm. After planting, compact the soil around the plant in the form of a hole for watering.

    After planting, water the seedlings in the holes and mulch the soil with peat so that a crust does not form.
    Further care consists in watering, loosening and weeding from weeds. It is important to keep the soil loose. In the second half of summer, the aster is fed with fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium. Phosphorus (20-30 g of superphosphate per 1 sq. M) contributes to abundant flowering and brighter color of inflorescences, and potassium (15-20 g of potassium salt per 1 sq.m) significantly increases the resistance of plants to various diseases.

    Tip: Astra looks most spectacular from single-grade plantings of 15-30 plants in a group.
