Do-it-yourself greenhouse: the best projects and assembly recommendations. Winter greenhouse: do it yourself How to build a good greenhouse

The presence of a greenhouse in a summer cottage is a common occurrence. Using different materials, you can build greenhouses of various shapes and sizes. Work in them begins in early spring and ends in autumn. Having your own vegetables is not only economical, but also safe, as you can be sure of their quality. That is why many have a desire to equip a winter greenhouse. You can grow vegetables and fruits in it all year round, even if it's cold outside.

Can an amateur summer resident build such a structure? In fact, not much time and money is needed to build and equip a winter greenhouse, so you can handle the tasks on your own. In this article, we will tell you how to build a winter greenhouse with your own hands, demonstrate the necessary drawings, as well as photo and video instructions.

Features and differences from the summer greenhouse

During the construction of a winter greenhouse, unlike a summer one, a strong and reliable construction is made. She stands on a foundation. In addition, the heating system works in the winter greenhouse. It is from the latter that the quality and constancy of the temperature inside will depend. Every winter greenhouse should have:

  • lighting;
  • heating;
  • ventilation;
  • watering.

The size of the greenhouse must be selected according to the number of crops to be grown. The coating material must be reliable. A simple film will not protect crops from frost and snow. It is also important to provide for the possibility of additional wall insulation.

When developing a winter greenhouse, several conditions must be met for good plant growth: light and temperature conditions, as well as air humidity.

The main types of winter greenhouses

A modern winter greenhouse can be built from various materials. Today, the construction market is filled with innovative materials. They are characterized by increased strength, lightness and affordable price. This allows you to pick up everything you need within even a small planned budget. At the preparatory stage, it is necessary to plan the design. Her choice will depend solely on the plants that are planned to be grown.

Types of winter greenhouses are distinguished not only by the materials used, but also by external forms.

  1. Shed - wall and with earth embankment.
  2. Gable - with main walls and a glazed roof.
  3. Polycarbonate arched.

  1. First of all, the parameters are calculated, since further calculations will depend on this.
  2. It is also necessary to take into account the functionality, that is, to know in advance the features of growing crops. In modern and modernized winter greenhouses, you can grow not only vegetables and fruits, but also mushrooms, herbs, and flowers.
  3. The microclimate inside the structure will depend on the correct location of the greenhouse at ground level. If desired, the structure can be deepened inside and get the effect of a thermos or start building on the surface. Some people prefer to equip greenhouses in old buildings (garage or barn).
  4. A wide variety of architectural solutions allows you to realize any ideas and ideas. You can build the structure yourself or buy a finished structure. You can also seek help from specialists.

Many grow flowers of various crops for sale. When choosing exotic plants, it is necessary to calculate all costs, as well as study the requirements for construction.

When developing a project, it is necessary to take into account the material with which the frame will be sheathed. The winter greenhouse must be strong and airtight, therefore, for arranging the frame, choose:

  • tree;
  • metal.

Both materials are very durable, so making a choice in the direction of one or the other is quite difficult. Metal is strong and durable, but wood is much easier to work with. In addition, the tree will not heat up at high summer temperatures. To support the weight of the entire structure, as well as the load of snow on the roof, it is necessary to use strong and thick posts.

Frame material:

  • film;
  • glass;
  • cellular polycarbonate.

When choosing a film, it is necessary to sheathe the frame not in one layer, but in several. In addition, you should not use it to equip the entire structure. Glass also has many disadvantages: heavy weight, fragility and complexity of installation. The most suitable material for a winter greenhouse is cellular polycarbonate. The advantages include: low weight, light transmission, as well as ease of installation.

According to experts, the microclimate in a greenhouse made of wood is several times better than that of metal. When choosing a tree, it must be treated with modern antiseptics and protective agents.

When choosing a site for the construction of a winter greenhouse, it is necessary to take into account three main factors:

  1. Light. The winter greenhouse should receive the maximum amount of sunlight. The greenhouse is best placed along the length from west to east.
  2. Wind. If there are often gusty and cold winds in a selected place, it is necessary to consider protection. This will save on heating and constantly maintain an acceptable temperature and microclimate.
  3. Convenience. Access or passage to the greenhouse should be wide and convenient. Thanks to this, it will be very convenient to operate the greenhouse for its intended purpose.

When organizing protection from strong winds, you can plant a hedge. It must be remembered that the fence must be placed at a distance of at least 10 m. The distance is calculated depending on the height of the ridge.

The most basic in a winter greenhouse is heating. This process is the most time-consuming and complex. For its organization, the help of specialists is required. But you can do everything yourself. It is necessary to choose the right type of heating, on which the productivity of the greenhouse will depend. Today, there are many ways to equip even a large area to heat. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Sun. Affordable and cheap option. But it is not suitable for winter, since the sun's rays are not so strong and will not be able to warm. It can be combined with other heat sources.
  2. biological heating. Biologically active substances decompose, due to this, heat is released. The simplest biological substance is manure. As with the sun, this method will not be able to fully heat even a small area.
  3. Electricity. Affordable and popular heating method. It can be installed in any area away from home. For it, you can use different electrical appliances: convectors, heaters, infrared radiation, cable heating, heat pump and water heating.
  4. Air heating. It is organized at the initial stage of construction of a winter greenhouse, in particular, when pouring the foundation. With the help of heating and ventilation units, warm air is supplied to the middle and upper parts of the greenhouse.
  5. Gas. Gas heaters are installed in the greenhouse, in which direct combustion takes place. A good ventilation system is essential to avoid oxygen burnout.
  6. Bake. An affordable and economical option involves installing a stove and heating the entire area of ​​​​the winter greenhouse. Gas, wood and coal can be used as fuel. Among the shortcomings, heating of the walls can be distinguished, so it is not recommended to plant plants near the stove.

It is necessary to choose the type of heating on an individual basis for each specific case. It is necessary to be guided by such criteria as the local climate, the planned budget and the type of plants.

Stages of construction of a winter greenhouse

Since the stages of construction and technology are completely dependent on materials and construction, there is no need to talk about standards. For example, we will consider the construction of a winter greenhouse, which is adjacent to the house. A brick is chosen for the foundation. The frame is erected from a wooden beam or a profile pipe. The entire structure will be sheathed with polycarbonate.

To create the effect of a thermos, you can not go deep into the ground, but only raise the base. The depth of the foundation is 50 cm, the width is 40 cm. For convenience, it is better to make a strip foundation. Do not forget about the sand cushion or use fine gravel. The execution steps are standard and do not require any professional skills and equipment. After pouring, it is recommended to withstand the foundation for a week. On hot days, the surface is moistened with water. A layer of waterproofing should be laid between the foundation and the plinth.

For the construction of the basement, you can use used bricks. If the financial side allows, then a new brick is selected. The height of the wall should be about 1 m. The thickness of the walls can be half a brick or a brick, at your own discretion. The frame is built from a durable and pre-treated wooden beam. Anchors and dowels act as fasteners. Thus, a skeleton is installed, which will be a reliable support for heavy loads. The frame under the roof must be made at an angle of 30 ° from the horizon line.

The frame should be sheathed with polycarbonate according to the standard scheme and technology. For a good result, several conditions must be met:

  • marking;
  • precise cutting;
  • accuracy of installation;
  • the use of special fasteners;
  • sealing polycarbonate seams for tightness.

Several vents installed around the entire perimeter can serve as ventilation.

For greater savings, it is recommended to choose a place near the house. Thanks to this, one of the walls is already completely ready, so you do not have to spend time, effort and money. In order for the main part of the greenhouse to be constantly warm at the front door, it is necessary to attach a vestibule. For high-quality sealing, you can use mounting foam and special sealants.

After all the construction and sealing work has been completed in full, you can proceed with the arrangement. So, it is necessary to supply water to the greenhouse, electricity for lighting. It is important to take care of the valves, which will provide high-quality water supply.

When choosing sources of light scattering, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of growing the selected crops. Another important issue is the soil. The substrate is prepared, fertilizers and special additives (feeding) are applied. They will ensure the rapid and correct growth of all vegetables and fruits that have been selected.

Guided by the suggested tips, you can build and prepare a winter greenhouse in just a few days for growing various crops in the winter. It is enough to use all the available materials and purchase the missing ones. You can do all the work alone, but it is better to have an assistant, especially when it comes to installing the skeleton of a winter greenhouse.


For information on how to make heating in a winter greenhouse, see the video:



If there is a desire to diversify your personal diet, moreover, to please the family with real natural vitamins before the next seasonal harvest appears, and with the right approach, to deliver fresh berries and vegetables to the table throughout the year, it is optimal to purchase a greenhouse or greenhouse from us, and if you have with certain skills and free time, you can build a greenhouse or a greenhouse yourself. How to make a greenhouse or greenhouse yourself?

Of course, before you get down to business, you should think through the various parameters and nuances of the potential process, thoroughly understand the question of how to create a greenhouse with your own hands:

  • you need to decide how much area of ​​​​the site can be free;
  • to resolve the issue with the functionality of the design, that is, the greenhouse will be relevant throughout the year or will be used only in the spring. The year-round option needs a lot of effort and materials, because you will have to additionally conduct heating, lighting, water and equip high-quality ventilation;
  • then the type of structure and the materials from which it will be built are determined.

In order not to miscalculate in this case, it is better to consider variations of greenhouses and greenhouses.

Varieties of greenhouses and greenhouses

Now there are many modifications of greenhouses and greenhouses, moreover, on the basis of the general principle of their arrangement, craftsmen create personal options, sometimes individual details for a given agricultural structure. Greenhouses are usually divided according to different criteria, for example, according to the forms and materials of release, stationarity, and also the time of construction.

Features of the design of the greenhouse and greenhouse

The frame of a greenhouse or greenhouse is usually made of boards, and the useful volume is formed thanks to the lid in the form of glazed frames, they can be opened if necessary. This solution is optimal for growing seedlings, greenery, so that all this appears on the table as early as possible.

A temporary type of greenhouse, installed only for the period from spring to summer, is considered a combination of a wooden frame, plastic film, and fiberglass reinforcement. This solution will last for quite a long time, if the structure is disassembled into parts in winter, and everything is stored indoors. As a result, you will simply change the film for a new canvas, it is not difficult and not expensive.

Some craftsmen mount a greenhouse in a large old barrel, it is also used in the spring, but it is not necessary to remove it from the site in the winter, because the design can serve as a flower bed, or even an open garden bed.

Another solution needs forced heating, and is used immediately after the snow has melted. The structure is made of boards, metal-plastic fittings, covered with plastic wrap, and in order to look after the plants, it will be possible to go right inside.

The capital greenhouse is equipped with various necessary details, a certain microclimate is created inside it, which guarantees the operation of the building throughout the year. To do this, it is enough to make a not very deep foundation, then a brick base, and insulate everything well.

Such a greenhouse can even be attached to one of the walls of the living space, then it will be easier to connect the system to communications. It is comfortable to take care of the plants throughout the year if an exit to the greenhouse from the house is equipped.

In order to save on heating in the winter season, you can install a kind of thermos greenhouse, for which they dig a foundation pit, the depth of which is 1.7-2 m, then everything is covered with a transparent roof. The solution is interesting, but the main thing is to take care of the ventilation system. Of course, this option is laborious in its own way, but as a result, the design guarantees savings in energy costs.

What should be the shape of the roof?

Before you make a greenhouse or a greenhouse with your own hands, you need to determine its shape, in no case do not forget that you still need to install a roof, and this is an effective detail in growing plants. Most popular solutions:

  • gable roof, greenhouses of this kind are in demand, because they are really spacious, comfortable to be, moreover, both for plants and gardeners. With the right design, installation and choice of material, the room will be illuminated by sunlight throughout the day. Such a plan is equipped with greenhouses for winter gardens, planting them not so much with vegetables, but with exotic plants. Of course, this option will be realized only when the proper conditions are organized, there are reliable heating systems, lighting and irrigation;

  • arched roof, this solution for an arched greenhouse is extremely easy to install when compared with a gable counterpart. The bottom line is that the form, closed with polycarbonate, as an option - with plastic wrap, ideally scatters sunlight around the room, so the plants will receive maximum natural heat. Also, an important point in this case is that due to the arcuate shape, precipitation in the form of snow does not remain on the roof, that is, it does not deform or be damaged due to the increased load in the winter season;

  • a shed roof is ideal for greenhouses that are adjacent to a massive building, for example, a house, or even a large stone fence, always on the south side. It is really possible to save money on the construction of this greenhouse, because one of its sides will be a finished wall, the base will actually adjoin it. In addition to all that has been said, it will be extremely simple to conduct communications in the greenhouse. When designing a greenhouse with a shed roof, you should choose the slope of the slope correctly, only in this way the snow will not lie on the roof surface, because the increased load will only damage the coating.

The main material for covering the greenhouse

When we make a greenhouse at home, you need to understand that different materials are needed for certain greenhouse designs, but usually they have one feature in common - the material for covering the walls, as well as the roof, must be transparent, allowing enough light to pass through.

The table below contains information on the current physical, as well as technological, moreover, performance indicators of the three most popular materials. Namely, polycarbonate, polyethylene film, also classic silicate glass.

Technical and operational parameters Cellular polycarbonate Glass Film
Installation complexity and weight Lightweight, self-supporting material. It makes it possible to reduce the number of frame parts and even completely abandon the foundation Glass is a heavy material, therefore, if it is chosen for coating, the building must have a solid frame and a reliable foundation (foundation) A very lightweight material that needs to be securely fastened to the frame.
Durability The operational period of the coating, proven by practice, is about 20-25 years, the manufacturer gives a guarantee for 10 years of its service. Polycarbonate, due to its rigidity, is itself an element of the load-bearing structure. Once fixed, it does not give deformation and distortions. The material is durable if it is protected from the mechanical impact of heavy loads (snow and hail). The service life of the film is very short, at best - 2-3 years, as it is destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet rays.
Noise isolation The material, thanks to its honeycomb structure, suppresses wind noise well. With poor-quality installation, the wind can penetrate into the greenhouse, and the glass can make a ringing or rattle. It almost does not create sound insulation, and in strong winds, it rustles in the wind itself.
Appearance The aesthetic and modern appearance of the material creates a greenhouse, even to a certain extent, a decorative element of a suburban area Glasses have a fairly neat appearance if installed according to all the rules. The material looks neat only in the first year after it is fixed, then the film becomes cloudy and collapses, especially if it is left on the frame for the winter.
Safety Polycarbonate is safe, does not break when dropped. It is 200 times stronger and at the same time 15 times lighter than fragile and rather heavy glass. Glass shards are very dangerous if they hit the ground, as they can cause very serious injury. Therefore, for safety reasons, glass installation must be carried out with strict observance of all safety rules. In terms of injury, it is completely safe.
Care Dust is almost imperceptible on the surface of the material, and if it is heavily soiled, it is enough to wash it with water from a hose. Raindrops can linger on the surface of the glass, and then, when they dry, they leave muddy marks. To wash off these stains from the surface, you will have to make a lot of effort. It is not recommended to wash the film, as it will leave cloudy stains that will prevent the penetration of light.
Created microclimate Polycarbonate perfectly insulates the room. The drops formed as a result of condensation of ascending vapors flow down the walls of the greenhouse, and do not fall on the plants or on the gardener's head. The material transmits and diffuses sunlight very well. The heat released by plants and soil does not escape through greenhouse covers, and therefore the necessary greenhouse effect is formed. Glass does not provide the same high thermal insulation as polycarbonate, so the greenhouse effect is significantly reduced. The material transmits light well, but does not scatter it, and low-quality glass often starts to work like a lens, which is undesirable for plant leaves. The new dense film creates good thermal insulation, but after working for one season, it becomes thinner and cloudy, therefore it loses its ability to completely retain heat and transmit light.

Taking into account the indicated parameters, it is possible to determine the best material for a particular greenhouse or greenhouse, which will become more consistent with their design.

Careful preparation for the construction of a greenhouse, its placement on the site

In order for planting in a greenhouse to find the light necessary for development, moreover, it receives it throughout the day, it is necessary to correctly distribute and orient the structure on the site. The final harvest largely depends on how long the beds will be illuminated with natural light. For this reason, it is customary to install greenhouses in open space, as an option - with a transparent plane to the south.

Having decided on the type of greenhouse or greenhouse, and having found the optimal place for it on the site, plus, having distributed personal strengths and capabilities, you can proceed to drawing up a sketch, and also a small drawing.

Greenhouse or greenhouse design

It is not at all necessary to draw every detail under the ruler, given the strict rules of drawing art. If you are the owner and want to do everything on your own, the project is intended for you and your assistants, you can simply draw a greenhouse by hand in a projection in which it is possible to consider all sides of the building, then indicate the dimensions of the main details on them. Marking is usually done thanks to a rope and pegs, they are simply driven in along the perimeter of a potential pit.

What you need to know about the foundation pit and the foundation?

If you opted for a thermos greenhouse that will function throughout the year, then before digging a pit, it is optimal to carefully remove the top fertile soil layer from the territory. This soil is transferred to an individual pile, then it will be laid in the beds of the greenhouse. When deepening the pit, suddenly there are layers of clay located under the fertile base, it is also better to put it aside, separately from the mixed soil.

Clay will justify itself when adobe bricks are produced, they will be able to insulate the greenhouse. The depth of the pit should reach at least 1.7 m, but most often it is deepened to 2 m. It is at this distance that natural geothermal heat is stored that comes from the ground, so the soil never freezes. Naturally, if the greenhouse is not equipped in the northern regions of the country, there is always permafrost even at a shallow depth.

As for the width of the pit, the optimal figure is 2-5 m, and the length is determined based on desire. You can’t make the greenhouse wider, because it will quickly cool down, heating and lighting will require a huge amount of electrical and other energy. Not counting the pit itself, a smooth descent is made, as a result, an entrance door to the greenhouse will be installed there. If the place is marked for the all-season version of the greenhouse, it is optimal to dig a trench for the strip foundation, up to 0.3 m wide and deep.

This is really enough, since the structure is not heavy, so there is a minimum load on the foundation. In height, right above the ground, it is optimal to raise the foundation by 0.2-0.5 m, although sometimes only 0.1 m is poured, the rest of the wall is built of brick if necessary. Then sand is poured into the trench and rammed with a layer of 0.5-0.7 m, then crushed stone with an identical layer. After that, along the trench, with a small recess in it, formwork is installed, which as a result is filled with concrete mortar. It should be ensured that the concrete lies tightly and there is no air in it, in order to avoid problems, it is optimal to carry out bayoneting by piercing the poured mortar with a bayonet shovel.

Sometimes it happens that support posts made of metal pipes are embedded in the foundation, and other parts of the greenhouse or greenhouse will eventually be attached to them. It is possible that a wooden frame made of timber can become the basis for the greenhouse, it is treated with an antiseptic, installed on a sand cushion.

Installation of greenhouses

Everything is clear with the base, you can proceed to the installation of the option you like.

Greenhouse or greenhouse on a wooden frame

A greenhouse that does not need a concrete foundation, where a solid wooden frame acts as the basis, is mounted without much difficulty:

A base box made of timber, with a section of 20x15 cm, is laid on a smooth prepared area covered with sand. The base should be in close contact with the surface of the earth over the entire area. For this reason, if a gap appears between it and the surface when laying the frame, it is better to close it with a stone lining. It is imperative to align the frame, otherwise the greenhouse will be uneven, its work will be unstable.

After you level the box, at its inner corners you need to drive pieces of reinforcement into the ground, the length of which is 0.7 m, this measure is important in order to fix the base in one place.

The next stage is the driving in of reinforcement along the long side of the box, moreover, 0.7-0.8 m should go into the ground, and 0.6-0.7 m should remain on the surface. The reinforcement should be at a distance of 0.5-0.7 m from each other, moreover, opposite rods similar to themselves, installed on the other side of the box, since this is the basis for fixing the pipes.

Pre-prepared metal-plastic pipes of the required length should be put on the surface of the reinforcement. A certain arcade is formed, which will serve as the basis for a transparent coating.

In order for the pipes to stand in one place tightly, it is better to strengthen them with metal loops that are screwed to the box with self-tapping screws.

If the structure is voluminous, it is better to strengthen it well on the end sides, they should stand rigidly. This frame not only guarantees rigidity, but also forms a doorway.

To do this, you need to vertically put the bars, the cross section of which is 5x5 cm, then fasten everything with horizontal crossbars in several places. Sometimes assuming that transverse fasteners are indispensable, pipes for arches are connected with cross adapters, horizontal sections of pipes are installed in them.

Another option for giving the structure full rigidity is to fasten the arcade at the top of the vault with a single pipe.

Fastening can be done with wire or plastic clamps, construction tape or "ties".

The frame, which is formed from pipes, must be covered with a dense plastic film, it is laid out with an overlap of 0.2-0.25 m. In the lower part, the film is attached with construction brackets and a stapler to a wooden box. Initially, the film is well stretched onto the arcade, then attached to the end sides, at the door the material is folded inside the greenhouse.

The door itself should be light, but be a rigid structure. It is usually created from a bar of 0.5x0.3 m, plus, in order to exclude deformation, a pair of battens is attached diagonally. Then the resulting canvas is covered with a plastic film. The door is usually hung on a pre-prepared opening due to the hinges. Just like this detail, window openings are installed, they are located almost under the ceiling, on the opposite side from the door. Thus, a natural flowing air circulation will be obtained.

Features of the thermos greenhouse

Building foundations for walls

After the foundation pit is ready for the greenhouse, a strip foundation is created around its perimeter. To do this, a trench is necessarily pulled out, then various actions are carried out, identical to those described earlier, where it was a question of the foundation for a winter greenhouse.

When the foundation is completely ready, the walls begin to be laid, we must not forget about installing one or two ventilation pipes. They are installed in the lower part of the end side of the building, opposite the front door, at a height of 0.5 m from the floor.

After installing the roof, it is customary to raise pipes to a height directly above the ground, at least 1 m.

Proper wall laying

The masonry walls are usually made from adobe, foam concrete blocks, sometimes from fixed formwork from polystyrene foam blocks, their cavities must be filled with cement mortar. If the latter option is most relevant, you can immediately get insulated walls, but in this case it is valuable to separate the structure from the ground with plastic wrap. As soon as the stone walls are erected, the gap between the soil and the masonry should be sealed with clay, while ramming it well. The scheme of the greenhouse-thermos is clear in the lower figure.

The walls must be raised from the foundation above the ground by at least 0.5-0.6 m. If fixed formwork was not used for them, then everything is optimally insulated to the depth of soil freezing, taking into account the regional climatic conditions where the greenhouse is being built.

The insulation can be laid on the outside of the wall, that is, between it and the ground. For this reason, the gap between them will have to be expanded, then the insulation should be separated from the ground thanks to the waterproof film. When expanded polystyrene acts as a heater, it will begin to rise above the soil surface, in particular, from the outside of the building, while it is valuable to waterproof everything, then seal it with an external decorative coating. It is optimal if it turns out to be a material that does not rot when moisture gets on it. For example, a plastic lining is suitable.

It is possible to close the insulation using a different method, for example, to cover everything outside with expanded clay, to cover it with roofing material from above. In this case, corrugated board is justified, it is fixed below polycarbonate, and even glazing. In this case, a plastic film for covering the roof will justify itself.

Frame installation

The next step will be the installation of the frame under the wall covering, and also the ceiling, with polycarbonate, because its installation is simple and safe.

Initially, on the walls that are raised from the pit, the bars are laid and fixed with anchor fasteners, their section size is literally 10-15 cm.

The rafters, as well as the ridge beam, should have a similar cross-sectional size as that of the bars mounted on the walls. A rare crate is attached to the rafters, literally 2-3 bars per slope. In this case, it is needed to guarantee the rigidity of the structure. Then sheets of polycarbonate are attached to the crate. They are hooked with certain self-tapping screws with a large cap, in other words, with a press washer, and also with a rubber gasket.

At the end of the installation of the roof covering, the end walls of the greenhouse are trimmed with polycarbonate, then the finished door is installed. It's great if it has a glazed part. In addition to all this, almost under the roof itself, the upper part of the ventilation, a kind of hole, is equipped, a pipe is attached there.

How to strengthen the building?

It is important to focus on the fact that you need to leave that section of the roof that faces the south side open to sunlight, because the sun is there more time throughout the day. A different roof slope from the inside of the greenhouse is covered with foil insulation, which will reflect the light that enters it through the transparent part of the roof. For this purpose, it is optimal to use foamed polyethylene, the thickness of which is 5 mm, with a foil part.

Fastening occurs to the roof rafters thanks to self-tapping screws with a wide hat. At the junction, the insulation must be bent onto the wall. In a similar way, it is customary to insulate the walls of the greenhouse, the material is fixed on vertical stone planes with liquid nails, and even a crate of thin rails is arranged on the wall, plus polyethylene foam is fixed with self-tapping screws.

The tasks of the foil coating are considered not only to reflect light into the space, but also to save carbon dioxide, heat and moisture, which are vital in the course of photosynthesis that occurs in plants.

How to organize heating in a greenhouse?

To prevent heat from leaving the greenhouse or greenhouse for a long time, it is customary to install doors on the ventilation openings. The room can be heated in various ways, for example, by the “warm house” electrical system, then by convectors and a long-burning stove. And if the greenhouse is located near the house, it is really possible to conduct water heating directly from the gas boiler.

Suddenly, the “warm floor” system is installed, then before placing it, you need to prepare the bottom of the greenhouse, because the energy can go into the ground in vain. The system should be mounted under the beds, although, if necessary, it can be placed under the paths between them.

Preparation takes place in stages:

  • a heat-insulating sheet is applied to the ground, it is good if foil is present in it;
  • be sure to pour a layer of sand about 5 cm thick;
  • a reinforcing mesh is applied on top, the cell size of which is 3x3 cm;
  • then the heating cable is fixed;
  • it is covered with a sand cushion of 5 cm;
  • reinforcing mesh is laid again;
  • 30-40 cm of soil is superimposed on it.

Each layer is laid in the formed beds, the sides are bricks or boards. The beds are usually arranged along the walls, but suddenly the greenhouse or greenhouse is wide, then an additional line is installed in the middle. It is good to create beds at a slight angle, so the surface of the soil will be slightly turned towards the transparent roof slope on the south side. Quite often, recently, convectors have been installed in the greenhouse for heating.

They really have a lot of advantages, which are ideal for greenhouses and greenhouses:

  • minimally dry the air, in comparison with other heaters, because they are designed in such a way that they create an artificial circulation of warm air;
  • easy to install, it is enough to hang the convector on a bracket mounted on the wall, plug it into the socket, and set the temperature level on the regulator;
  • I am pleased with the presence of an automatic mode for turning the heater on and off, taking into account the selected temperature, this saves electricity;
  • the device is small, with an aesthetic modern look.

Before you buy a convector for heating a large space, it is better to look at the characteristics of the device, take into account the power, then it will become clear how many heaters you need for your area. Another solution for heating is a long-burning cast-iron boiler with a water circuit.

To mount such a system, you have to work hard:

  • first, it is the boiler that is installed, its installation is carried out directly in the greenhouse, or even in the next room;
  • you need to carry out a chimney that can be raised to a height of at least 5 m;
  • in order to pass the pipe through the hole equipped for it, it is better to isolate the combustible materials of the greenhouse from the high temperature during the heating of the boiler;
  • it is important to calculate the correct slope of the pipes of the circuit, then carry out the supply, as well as the return pipes for the coolant, most importantly, correctly distributing the radiators;
  • the system must be filled with water, then the temperature sensor must be installed directly in the greenhouse.

The installation of the described system, for sure, is really complicated, in comparison with other analogues, in particular, if we draw a parallel with the converter heating system.

When heating a greenhouse, it is important to note that for the normal development and growth of plants, it is necessary to maintain the air temperature at the level of +25…+30 degrees, while the soil temperature should reach +20…+25 degrees. Moreover, it is important to maintain a normal level of humidity in the room.

What will be the greenhouse or greenhouse on the foundation

A greenhouse mounted on a strip foundation will easily function throughout the year if it has the necessary conditions for this.

Accordingly, the assembly of the building is carried out very carefully, because it must be generally airtight, not counting, of course, the installed ventilation system. For the frame, it is optimal to prefer wood, since it conducts cold minimally, in comparison with a metal profile, it is guaranteed to create “cold bridges”.

The frame for this version of the greenhouse is mounted in stages:

  • on adobe or stone, plastered walls, which are 0.5-0.7 m above the ground, waterproofing material is laid, mainly classic roofing material;
  • thick wooden beams are attached to it with anchors, their width depends on the walls, and the height varies from 5 to 15 cm;
  • the gaps between the walls and the bars, and even the metal profile, it is better to close up with mounting foam;
  • further work depends on what material will be the main one in the greenhouse, it may turn out to be a finished metal-plastic frame, or a justification for a metal or wooden frame;
  • then double-glazed or triple-glazed windows are installed in metal-plastic frames, wood frames with glass or double-glazed windows are installed in a wooden frame, polycarbonate is usually attached to a metal counterpart.

The foundation, then the floor and the lower level of the greenhouse wall must be insulated. For this reason, in this case, it is better to prefer a "warm floor", its device is described above, and in addition it is necessary to install high-quality converter heating. It will maintain the temperature in the room.

If the greenhouse is located in a cold region where there is a lot of snow in winter, then when cleaning the yard from snowdrifts, it is better to pile the snow right next to the walls, it will serve as a heater, and will make it possible to save on heating in the winter. For walls, it is better to prefer thick glass, about 5-7 mm, or even cellular polycarbonate 10-15 mm. The honeycomb material has an air gap between the main planes, it all works like a heater.

Organization of lighting

Any greenhouse that is used in the winter should be additionally illuminated, so the spring state will appear in the room, due to the fact that the length of daylight hours, as well as the intensity of winter solar radiation, will be really small.

In order to save energy in the form of lighting devices, it is possible to use lamps with LEDs. They are sometimes of different shapes, but are located only at the highest point of the ceiling. Naturally, if there is a desire, it is available to install classic lamps, they are mounted at the junction of the roof and walls, as an option - high directly on the walls.

To adjust the lighting hourly, it is possible to put a control unit with a specific timer, set the time on it when the light in the greenhouse needs to be turned on and off. The described system will make it possible to save energy, create extremely comfortable conditions for plants.

If a greenhouse or hotbed is needed only for the spring-summer period, it is not difficult to justify them, because no special warming conditions are required, but also lighting. The winter version, in turn, is extremely complex, especially in calculations and construction, and in everyday operation in general. Usually these complexes suit those people who professionally grow flowers and vegetables, some exotic plants. Thus, they simply cannot do without a comfortable room, with a special microclimate. All these maintenance costs will pay off over time when the sale of plants or fruits begins.

The efficiency of the greenhouse is determined by the cost of construction, ease of operation and high returns. Those who have seen enough of the finished structures made of metal and polycarbonate and were impressed by their cost cannot believe that the same ones can be built independently from improvised materials. There are many available technologies for building a greenhouse with your own hands - what to choose, from what material and what design to make more profitable and easier. Study the theory, look at the photos and videos to choose the best option.

home greenhouse

What can you make an inexpensive greenhouse

To create an inexpensive and functional greenhouse, the remains of various building materials, both new and used, are excellent. For example, a frame can be built from window frames left after the installation of metal-plastic windows, a metal profile of a suitable section, or plastic water pipes. What about coverage? To replace expensive glass and polycarbonate, alternative materials should be used as it.

Greenhouse building from window frames

Frame materials

To make a decision on the suitability of a particular type of recyclable material, analyze its properties in terms of new operating conditions:

  • strength, evenness and stability;
  • environmental safety for humans and the environment;
  • maintainability and susceptibility to machining;
  • ability to tolerate high humidity and temperature changes.

Arched wood frame

Most likely, the material that is ideal in all respects cannot be found, but with some assumption for mounting the frame of the greenhouse with your own hands, you can use:

  • lumber - round timber, timber, board, sleepers;
  • metal profiles - round or open section with sufficient (from 1.5 mm) sheet thickness;
  • water pipes - made of polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene, low-pressure polyethylene, ordinary or reinforced with a metal mesh;
  • case products to be disposed of - wooden containers, construction pallets, wooden or plastic barrels, an old refrigerator, window frames.

Mini greenhouse in the refrigerator

Each option has its pros and cons, and you need to take them into account at the beginning of the design:

  • wood is environmentally friendly and accessible to most summer residents, however, before and after installation, it must be carefully treated with an antiseptic. But even in this case, the service life of a wooden frame does not exceed 5–7 years;
  • subject to the correct selection of the section and the corresponding loads, the metal frame serves for a long time, but is subject to corrosion. It must be regularly coated with an anti-corrosion compound;
  • it is easy and quick to build a tunnel greenhouse from plastic pipes. However, the indicators of its rigidity and wind resistance are small, so it is necessary to install such a structure in a quiet place and cover it only with a film.

Creative approach to construction

The use of non-traditional materials and even household items in the construction contributes to the discovery of new ways of economical arrangement of amateur greenhouses. Of course, their service life is short, but in the absence of any costs, nothing prevents repeating the experiment at the right time.

Greenhouse covering material

From inexpensive offers on the market, summer residents traditionally choose a film or one of the varieties of non-woven covering material - Spunbond, Lutrasil, Agrospan or another. As for the very popular polycarbonate, if it is not possible to purchase high-quality sheet plastic, do not spend money on cheap ones. Due to almost zero protection from solar radiation, it crumbles literally in the first season of use.

Reinforced film

Someone will argue that the film is unprofitable, since it needs to be removed and changed every season with your own hands. Indeed, this disadvantage is inherent in conventional polyethylene film, but today there are more durable types of film coatings:

  • light-stabilized - they contain additives that protect against ultraviolet radiation, which increases their service life up to 36 months;
  • reinforced - have special mechanical strength due to a 2- or 3-layer structure with a reinforcing mesh of strong polyethylene threads;
  • air-bubble - also consist of several layers of polyethylene, which gives them additional strength, and specific bubbles filled with air help to retain heat inside the greenhouse;
  • hydrophilic - prevent the accumulation of large drops of condensate on the inner surface and prevent them from falling on plants.

Two in one: shelter and insulation

When buying film, pay attention to its labeling - look for a transparent light stabilized (ST) material, preferably with infrared protection (IR).

Non-woven fabrics last longer than film ones, are well ventilated and have better heat-insulating properties, but are of little use for covering stationary greenhouses. Varieties with a density sufficient for a full cycle of growing crops almost do not transmit light, and thinner and more transparent ones are not very durable. Save this option for additional covering of the film greenhouse during the frost period.

Types of greenhouses for summer cottages

If you are planning to build a greenhouse from inexpensive components with your own hands, plan in advance which design best meets the requirements:

  • Arched - due to the minimum number of joints of the frame parts and the ability to cover it with a solid canvas, it is considered an ideal solution for the early cultivation of vegetable crops by novice gardeners.
  • Gable - a sufficient angle of inclination of the roof and ease of installation of ventilation windows allow you to operate the greenhouse-house throughout the year.
  • Shed - the simplicity of installation and the rational use of usable space are best suited for owners of small plots or those who wish to install a wall-mounted greenhouse.
  • Greenhouse on a mittlider - a special roof design allows you to effectively retain heat and provide comfortable ventilation for plants in the interior space.
  • Thermos greenhouse - its principle of operation is to save thermal energy due to its insulation, full or partial deepening and a double or even triple coating layer. With proper organization, tropical vegetables and fruits are grown all year round in such thermoses with minimal heating costs.

There are many other types of greenhouse structures - the so-called "drop", greenhouses according to Fedorov, semi-arches, and so on. But not all of them can be built with your own hands, using improvised materials and without building skills. So, take on a greenhouse made of plastic pipes if an arched seasonal structure suits you, requiring dismantling in the winter.

To build a fairly large one- or gable greenhouse from window frames, there will be few stocks of your own - take a closer look at which of the neighbors is changing windows, or arrange for the removal of dismantled frames with construction companies. And also keep in mind that drawings will be needed for the successful construction of greenhouses from the profile with your own hands - without them it is difficult to maintain the given dimensions and accurately determine the amount of materials.

Construction Highlights

After studying photos of various greenhouses and typical projects or developing your own drawings, proceed to action. It is important to take a responsible approach to the choice of a site for a greenhouse, to select a set of necessary tools and consumables, to determine the type and depth of laying the foundation.

Layout example

Choosing a place for a greenhouse

Do not put a greenhouse where it seems convenient. Evaluate the site from the point of view of the grower:

  • where is its southern zone, and where is its northern one;
  • which of the free areas is on the leeward side;
  • are there tall trees or buildings nearby that obscure the space;
  • whether the new building will cast a shadow on the neighbor's yard;
  • how fertile is the soil in the area, whether it requires cultivation;
  • where will you get water for irrigation, if its source is located too far.

South side of the future greenhouse

To ensure that the greenhouse receives enough heat and light in early spring and late autumn, select a site on the south side of the plot, protected from drafts if possible, away from the red line and tall objects. If you do not exclude that in the future you will expand the greenhouse economy, provide a place in advance to increase the structure.

It is hard to find a site that perfectly meets all these requirements. But in most cases, you can smooth out some of the shortcomings - clear the site of old trees, enrich the soil with fertilizers, equip wind protection, organize drip irrigation. However, there are places where it is definitely impossible to install a greenhouse:

  • on the northern slope of the site - the structure will turn out to be cold, and the lower parts of the frame will experience an unforeseen increased load;
  • near (less than 0.5–0.8 m) fences and tall plants - such a neighborhood threatens to form an air funnel and accumulate snow in winter, which will lead to excessive heat loss;
  • next to another winter greenhouse - a snowdrift formed between them can squeeze out the adjacent wall of the structure.

Greenhouse facility drainage

It is unacceptable for rain or melt water to flow into the greenhouse, so do not place it in a lowland. As a last resort, organize a drainage system with your own hands from sewers, and, possibly, earthen ramparts made around the perimeter of the building.

Necessary tools and materials

The speed and quality of construction of any object, whether it is a residential building or a greenhouse, largely depends on the timely and competent selection of all the necessary tools and building materials. If simple frames made of timber and film can be built with only a hammer, a hacksaw and nails, then for a welded structure made of a metal profile and polycarbonate, you will need a whole arsenal of tools:

  • measuring tape, building level, pegs, twine, square, black marker - for marking;
  • grinder, cutting wheels, welding machine, electrodes, wood saw, extension cord - for the frame;
  • drill, drill bit, cutting knife - for roofing.

No less impressive is the list of materials:

  • concrete and reinforcement, brick or slate - for the foundation;
  • square pipe 20x20x2 and a corner of the same size, edged board 25x200, door hinges, metal paint, antiseptic - for the frame;
  • polycarbonate, roofing screws - for roofing.

Calculate the quantity based on the desired dimensions and shape of the greenhouse, as well as the standard sizes of building materials. So, for the construction of a gable greenhouse with dimensions of 3x6x1.7 m with your own hands (see its drawing below), stock up on:

  • at least 125 m of a square pipe and 48 m of a corner;
  • six boards 6 m long (for organizing beds);
  • 3 kg of paint for metal;
  • five polycarbonate sheets 6x2.1 m;
  • self-tapping screws 2.5 cm and 4 cm long - 100 and 40 pcs. respectively.

Drawing of a gable greenhouse measuring 3x6x1.7

In order to save money, you can cover the frame with a film or spunbond, putting polycarbonate on the roof only.

Foundation arrangement

For small greenhouses, in most cases, a foundation is not needed, but for full-sized greenhouses, it performs a number of useful functions:

  • ensures the stability of the frame and the integrity of the coating;
  • protects against penetration of rodents and weeds;
  • improves the internal microclimate provided that it is insulated with insulating boards.

As you can see, it is not worth refusing to build a foundation even for the sake of savings - this will certainly affect the durability of the entire structure. Another thing is if you build a greenhouse with your own hands for one or two seasons or plan to transfer it to another place. In this case, it is quite possible to get by with the arrangement of a light base from the following materials:

  • bricks or foam concrete blocks;
  • wooden beam 100x100 mm;
  • metal pipes (for a columnar foundation).

Brick laying scheme

Quite reliable bases are obtained from old railway sleepers or failed brake discs (they are easy to purchase or even ask at your local car service).

A tape shallow foundation is famous for its quality factor, but its construction is a costly business. To build a strip foundation for a greenhouse with your own hands, follow the algorithm:

  1. Clear the site and make markings according to the size of the greenhouse.
  2. Dig a trench 30–40 cm deep and wider than the width of the foundation by the size of the formwork.
  3. Level the bottom of the trench and fill it with a sand cushion 8–10 cm thick.
  4. Moisten the sand, compact it and install a formwork on top of it, the above-ground height of which is equal to the height of the future basement.
  5. Lay the belt connected from the reinforcement into the formwork.
  6. Prepare a dry mixture of cement, sand and gravel in a ratio of 1:2:4 and fill it with water so that a creamy solution is obtained.
  7. Pour it into the formwork, periodically bayoneting it with a shovel or a piece of reinforcement for uniformity.

Shallow concrete base

After a week and a half, you can remove the formwork, but you should not mount the frame on it yet - wait at least 28 days until the concrete gains strength.

Greenhouse assembly

Before you build a greenhouse with your own hands according to the above drawing, cut the profile into a certain number of parts:

  • 300 cm - 2 pcs.,
  • 298 cm - 6 pcs.,
  • 294 cm - 8 pcs.,
  • 170 cm - 18 pcs.,
  • 170 cm with a cut corner - 14 pcs.,
  • 160 cm - 4 pcs.,
  • 90 cm - 4 pcs.,
  • 92 cm - 1 pc.,
  • 20 cm - 14 pcs.,
  • 40 cm - 16 pcs.,
  • 130 cm - 3 pcs.,
  • corner 100 cm - 44 pcs.,
  • 130 cm - 4 pcs.

Use thin wheels for cutting and one thick wheel for deburring. After that, proceed to welding work:

  1. Weld the front end and side walls.
  2. Weld the intermediate support.
  3. Check the diagonals, set the level and install the skate.
  4. Attach the rear end and intermediate strips for the roof, including the transom.
  5. Once again, refine the diagonals and weld the braces at the corners and under the ridge.

Welding a greenhouse from a profile

Clean the finished frame from carbon deposits at the welding points and paint with a light-colored primer-enamel. At the same stage, you can mount the beds from edged boards.

  1. In the places where the sheets are attached, mark the drilling points with chalk and make 4 mm holes with a drill.
  2. Cut polycarbonate sheets into sheets for ends, roofs and walls.
  3. Make a skate by simply folding a long strip 20–30 cm wide in half.
  4. Attach the plastic blanks to the frame - first the end ones, then the side ones, the roof and the ridge.

Polycarbonate mount

In order not to wrinkle the polycarbonate cells, supplement the self-tapping screws with special thermal washers with a rubber seal. For the same purpose, it is impossible to overtighten the hardware when drilling. For the convenience of working on the roof, use a device in the form of a board with planks stuffed across. Be careful - a fall, even from a small height, is fraught with injury and damage to the polycarbonate.

Types of washers for fixing polycarbonate

An example of an assembly of an arched structure

If you need not a stationary greenhouse, but a small tunnel greenhouse, the fastest way is to order it on the website from the manufacturer, and it’s cheaper to make it yourself from plastic pipes. Metal pipes can also be used, but in order to bend them well, you will need a pipe bender. To increase the structural rigidity of the pipe cavity, it is recommended to fill it with sand and install them on the ends of reinforcing pins driven into the ground by 20–30 cm.

Summer residents often complain that such mini-greenhouses fly away from the slightest wind. To make them more stable, build a plank base, which can also serve as the sides of the beds:

  1. From inch boards, knock down a rectangular box according to the size of the future greenhouse.
  2. Cut the pipes into segments so that after bending they form an arch of the desired height.
  3. In increments of 1 m, install the finished arches in the box, attaching them from the outside with metal clamps and self-tapping screws.
  4. Cover the resulting tunnel with a film, spunbond (polycarbonate or glass such a frame will not withstand).
  5. Fix the covering material - at the bottom with an earth embankment, on the arches with special or home-made clips, you can use elastic string.

Arched construction made of polypropylene pipes

When it gets hot, organize ventilation by lifting a covering sheet on one side, and, if necessary, shade the plants with gauze or thin spunbond.

Attached greenhouse and thermos greenhouse

The warmest, even in winter, are greenhouse extensions and thermos greenhouses. Their construction cannot be attributed to budget projects, since they are made of polycarbonate and metal, must stand on a solid foundation or be deepened several meters deep into the ground.

The attached greenhouse better stores heat by adjoining the southern wall of a capital structure - a bathhouse, a garage, a residential building. In an unheated outbuilding, the temperature in winter does not drop below 2-4 ° C, which is enough for early forcing of tulips, the production of vegetable and flower seedlings, and the preservation of outdoor plants from severe frosts. The advantages of the extension greenhouse are obvious, but there are several nuances in its arrangement:

  • the wall adjacent to the heated room must be insulated;
  • the completed foundation cannot be rigidly connected with the foundation of the main building;
  • it is undesirable to rigidly nail the support harness to which the frame of the greenhouse is attached to the house;
  • it is important to ensure that snow or ice does not fall from the roof of the house onto the extension.

Underground thermos greenhouse

The geometric shape of the attached greenhouses can be different - single or gable, arched, with straight or sloping walls.

A key feature of thermos greenhouses is their underground location - only part of the walls with a translucent roof are above ground level. The deepening allows you to maintain a microclimate like in a cellar, when, with frosts of tens of degrees, a positive temperature is maintained.

The algorithm for erecting buried structures with your own hands looks like this:

  1. Digging a pit 1.5–2 m deep and laying the foundation.
  2. The construction of walls from moisture and frost-resistant materials, for example, thermoblocks.
  3. Installation of a metal frame for the roof and its covering with cellular polycarbonate.
  4. Carrying out internal work on the installation of heating, lighting, ventilation systems.

Greenhouse extension as part of the architectural ensemble

Thermos greenhouses built in this way are effectively used for growing melons and exotic plants, even in the middle climatic zone.

Video: do-it-yourself budget greenhouse

There are many ways to organize a greenhouse economy in a summer cottage, and among them there are budget solutions. The appearance of inexpensive modern building materials in stores and a lot of practical advice contribute to the growth of public interest in this type of activity. More and more people, starting with small homemade greenhouses and moving on to a full-fledged greenhouse business, are finding a profitable business to their liking.

Video 1: A budget greenhouse with a simple design

Video 2: Installation of a foundation from a bar

Video 3: Welding frame elements

Video 4: Covering the greenhouse with polycarbonate

Put a little time into studying the projects and a little more effort into the implementation of the one that seemed most suitable, and you will have a successfully operating mini-factory of fresh vegetables. The main thing is not to neglect the nuances and absorb as much information as possible, which is actively shared by experienced vegetable growers.

Each gardener is attracted by beds with vegetables and other types of plants. And, probably, each of them dreams of greenhouses. In this article, we will consider various options for greenhouses, we will study the materials from which the greenhouse is made. Let's raise the question of whether it is better to build yourself or buy a ready-made kit. So, how to make a greenhouse with your own hands? Let's start reviewing.

Materials such as polycarbonate, glass, polyethylene film are used to cover facilities for growing plants.

The frame of the greenhouse is mainly made of metal profiles or wood, and polymer pipes can also be used.

Depending on the type of construction, greenhouse structures are of the following types: arched, gable and single-slope. The greenhouse is most often installed as a stand-alone structure, but you can make an extension to a neighboring building.
Greenhouses are divided into winter and summer. In most cases, a winter greenhouse is a greenhouse.

In order to grow seedlings for flowers or early vegetables, summer residents use a frame made of metal profiles, wood or metal-plastic pipes to build greenhouses. And depending on the preferences for thickness, covered with plastic wrap. In order to preserve the film for any season, it is recommended to shoot it for the summer period. The film can not be removed if it is made of reinforced film.

If an all-season greenhouse is installed at the dacha, then it must also be additionally equipped with such systems as microclimate control sensors, a heating and irrigation system, and ventilation must also be installed.

Do-it-yourself arched summer greenhouse

Consider how this type of greenhouse is built. In order for this structure to be made quickly and efficiently, you need to prepare the material for it in advance. It is recommended to use a U-shaped metal profile. To do this, you first mark the shelves on the frame, and then bend at your discretion. After that, you will need a food film, the remains of corners, thick reinforcement, a cutting board.

To build a support for fixing a greenhouse or greenhouse, scraps from metal pipes are used. To do this, first mark the place where the building will be installed. After that, pipe sections are driven into the ground, with a margin of approximately 30 cm above the ground.

There is no big difference between a greenhouse and a greenhouse. They differ from each other only in size. Greenhouses in height are a maximum of one meter. Greenhouses can be of various sizes, depending on how and for what it will be used.

After the supports are installed, the metal elements, pre-bent, are fixed. To make the frame more durable, the arcs are fixed with a longitudinal rigid material. As such a material, a metal profile or reinforcing bar is usually used. It is attached to each arc. Boards are laid along the entire greenhouse, they will be the boundary between the beds. Then the film is stretched over the already finished frame. It is recommended to fix it with something additionally heavy, so that in a strong wind it will not be torn off the greenhouse.

Attached greenhouse and thermos greenhouse

Who has a limited amount of space in the country, it is logical to use the attached greenhouse. Since one side will be the side of the house, the temperature in the greenhouse will be much higher, and accordingly the plants will grow faster.

These types of greenhouses can also be used as a greenhouse. To do this, it is recommended to install it on the southwestern or southern wall of the house. Thanks to this, a lot of daylight sunlight will come into the greenhouse and with it heat.

Another advantage of the attached greenhouse is the ease of conducting heating and electricity there. The rest of the structure can be made of materials such as glass, polycarbonate or special film.

A distinctive feature of the greenhouse - a thermos is that it is installed almost completely in the ground. First, a pit is dug to a depth of about two meters. Then the foundation is made. After that, the walls are built. You can also choose wall material. It is better to use wood, brick or foam blocks. As a result, it turns out that only a small part of the roof will protrude above the ground. The roof can be made from the same materials as conventional ground greenhouses: polycarbonate, film or glass. To prevent snow from settling on the roof, it must be made gable.

In winter, the ground does not freeze at such a depth, so you can not install additional equipment in a thermos greenhouse to keep the temperature at a constant level. If you cover the roof with a special reflective film, then this will give you the opportunity to collect and transform solar heat.

Many summer residents believe that the arched greenhouse is unstable. And then some of them decide to build a frame of wood. In order to build a wooden greenhouse, a number of conditions must be met. The durability of such a greenhouse will be ensured if a good foundation is made for it. Against rotting of a wooden frame, it is necessary to treat it with an antiseptic.

A wooden greenhouse is also chosen for the reason that almost anyone without special skills can build it. Woodworking is much easier than, for example, metalworking. When using metal as frames, basic knowledge of plumbing and welding is needed. To protect the greenhouse from freezing, it is recommended to use. It will be more reliable and additionally protected.

Foundation manufacturing

The first step in the construction of a greenhouse is the manufacture of the foundation. To do this, a trench is dug around the perimeter of the greenhouse. The depth is about 20 cm and the width is about 30 cm. Pegs are installed along the entire length of the trench, to which formwork boards are nailed. After that, a frame of reinforcement with diameters of about 10 mm is installed in the formwork. It is believed that this particular diameter is well suited for the manufacture of the frame. Parts of the frame are fastened with wire and after that they are welded. When the frame is made, concrete is poured into the formwork along the entire perimeter of the trench.

To fill the entire void with concrete, you need to use a vibrator, if it is not there, then you can perform punctures in a spiral from the edges to the center to release air bubbles from the solution. The concrete mixture becomes strong after 3 weeks. However, if the outside temperature is high, it is recommended to put a film on top of the solution.

How to make a wood frame

If you lay roofing material over the foundation, then the wooden frame will last much longer. Next, the tree is tied. To make it you need a beam of 10 by 20 cm section. Its lower part is attached with self-tapping screws to the foundation. Then all this is combined with metal plates.

Then vertical racks are installed to the lower trim around the entire perimeter at a distance of 75 cm from each other. The upper part of the vertical structure is fastened with a wooden harness. For reliability, it is recommended to install spacers and struts.

A wooden greenhouse, as well as a thermos greenhouse, is covered with a gable roof. In winter, snow will not accumulate, and the roof will not sag under its weight. A gable roof is easier to install. To attach the material (glass, polycarbonate or film), you will need rafters. They are quite easy to make yourself out of wood. You will need a bar with a section of 10 by 4 or the same board. The structure is assembled on the ground, and then installed on top of the greenhouse.

First, a structure is made from two beams, like the letter "A". And only then identical schemes are gradually attached to it. Then they are all linked together with ridge boards. These boards are attached to both sides of the roof. The rafters are sheathed with sheathing, on which the roof material is attached.

roofing material

Why do many people make greenhouses themselves? Most will answer that it is much cheaper. And this is how it really is. The advantage of making your own is that you are your own designer. Choose your own size, shape, material, type of greenhouse. You also do the internal filling of the greenhouse yourself, as you prefer. And if you turn on ingenuity and engineering skills, you can make automatic watering and ventilation.

With independent construction, you choose the material for the manufacture of the greenhouse. Depending on the purpose for which the greenhouse is placed, the material is selected accordingly. In order to grow vegetables and seedlings, you can use a film. Polycarbonate or glass is needed if you want a smart greenhouse. And in this case, vegetables and flowers will always be on your table.

Everyone knows that the harvest of vegetables and fruits is many times greater than the harvest just in the ground. But not everyone has the opportunity to buy. Therefore, making your own greenhouse from film and wood is a very cost-effective step.

A film is used as a material, since it does not need to additionally make a foundation. The advantage of the film is that it is transparent.

Consider each material in more detail

List of tools: axe, hammer, level, welding, knife, self-tapping screws, nails, cord. This is the main list of tools, but others may be needed depending on the type of structure.

Greenhouse with a wooden frame, covered with foil

First, we take the bars, pre-impregnated with an antiseptic and dried. Cross section approximately 50 mm. The concrete base is made first. First, a trench is dripped, sand is laid on the bottom and poured with water. After some time, the trench is filled with a cement mortar. It is better to observe the following proportions by analogy: 10 buckets of gravel, 6 buckets of sand and 2 buckets of cement mortar.

Next, the racks are made. They need to make 6 pieces. 4 pieces for the side parts, about 2 m high, and 2 for the doors. To correctly make the bars, they are placed on a flat surface, the necessary measurements are taken, and only then they are attached to the base with self-tapping screws or corners with nails. Using a plumb line, we measure the level.

The ridge beam is used in the upper part of the greenhouse. Fastened with nails. Then everything is covered with polyethylene. Cover with a film with a small margin so that you can touch up later. Then the rail is fastened with nails to the timber.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse with a metal frame

As a base, such greenhouses use metal arches, approximately 30 mm in diameter. You can also take a tarred timber, a metal corner or a sleeper, for example. Holes are drilled in the tree, 10 cm deep every 150 cm for arches.

Side rails are attached - runs. At the top they are connected by a ridge rail. Staples are boiled from the inside, slats are inserted into them and compressed with bolts.

Greenhouse with two frames

In such a greenhouse, the sides are wooden frames. For their manufacture, a 3 by 4 rail is used. The height is usually from two meters. Width about one and a half. A film is stretched over the frames in 2 layers and only then the frames are installed in a finished wooden frame, matched to the size of the frame.

Scheme of a gable greenhouse from frames

The scheme is the same as for a conventional greenhouse with two frames. The only difference is that the rafters are attached to the top.

To do this, we take slats, one side is a skate, the second is the top of the structure. After bonding, the excess rails are sawn off.

Holes are made in a wooden beam for fastening the frame with nails. Part of the frame will be the side walls of the greenhouse, and the rest are mounted on hinges, like doors.

The greenhouses that we have just considered are summer ones. They grow various vegetables, fruits, flowers during the warm months, so that there is solar heat and light. There are also winter greenhouses, they have a more complex structure, but they also have more functions.

Gable winter greenhouse with greenhouse frames

In this design, a gable winter greenhouse uses polyethylene or glass as side walls.

Approximately at a height of 40 cm, a foundation is installed in a section of 40 by 40. Next, there is bricklaying. Bars are placed on the brick, in which holes for the frames have already been made. The bars are pre-treated with resin.

Bars with a diameter of 10 cm will serve as rafters. They connect the ridge beam and the wall beam.

Then you can already deal with the interior decoration of the greenhouse. For example, you can put shelving. In order for the air to circulate well, leave a small hole between the rack and the wall. Lath board sheathe areas between the frames.

Shed winter greenhouse made of greenhouse frames

In order for the corridor inside the greenhouse to be about 80 cm, you need to make a pit in the following dimensions:

  • depth 85 centimeters;
  • length 11 meters;
  • width 3.5 meters.

In the event that the frame is wooden, then the lower part of the beam must be treated with an antiseptic. Installing such a greenhouse is no different from a gable one. In order for the stove chimney to be used as efficiently as possible, 10 frames are installed.

  • The greenhouse must be ventilated.
  • The entrance must be on the east or west side.
  • Roofing felt, boards are taken as material for the ceiling.
  • The entrance to the greenhouse should be additionally fenced.
  • Upon completion of construction, metal materials must be coated with paint.

Newcomers to greenhouse building can first try making a shed greenhouse or greenhouse. The main difference between a greenhouse and a greenhouse is that the plants are ventilated by opening part of the greenhouse. The greenhouse is easier to use, it can be dismantled at any time, moved to another place. It should only be borne in mind that low plants can be planted in a greenhouse. Most gardeners use a greenhouse to grow seedlings. Simply put, a greenhouse is a miniature greenhouse.

Single-pitched excavated film greenhouse

Let's start with the dimensions of the pit. The width is about one and a half meters, the depth is up to half a meter, the bottom is about half a meter. Logs are stacked along the northern and southern walls. In order for the frames not to slip, a groove is made on the south side or bars are additionally nailed. Frames with a film with an area of ​​​​1 m by 1.5 m are placed along the width of the greenhouse. And depending on how many frames there will be, this will be the length of the greenhouse. Welding can be used to connect frames.

Gable film greenhouse

First, a box is made. Dimensions:

  • Height - 20 cm.
  • Width - 1.6 meters.

Rafters are nailed to the sides every 3-5 cm. On top, everything is connected by a bar, which also forms a ridge. The height will be about 75 cm. Every gardener can make such a miniature greenhouse. It is very fast and does not require large investments.

Rules for the placement of greenhouses and greenhouses

The place for installing a greenhouse or greenhouse must be chosen correctly. There should be a lot of sunlight and no wind from the north side. The best option would be a small area on the southern part of your site.

Be sure to pay attention to the condition of your soil. If the soil contains a lot of clay or a lot of moisture in it, then such land cannot be used for a greenhouse or greenhouse. The best option would be soils that are processed in advance from pests and diseases.

Let's look at how to make a winter greenhouse with your own hands? Almost every site has a greenhouse or greenhouse. These designs can be purchased ready-made. In our article, we will look at how you can make a greenhouse yourself, what materials you may need and, in general, types of structures.

Greenhouse types

One of the main advantages of homemade greenhouses is that you are your own designer and you can think over and choose the design you need.

But before you start building, you need to carefully consider a number of details.

  1. Select material.
  2. Consider an irrigation system.
  3. Is a foundation needed?
  4. Ventilation system.
  5. Dimensions.
  6. Heating system.
  7. Frame type.
  8. Interior decoration.
  9. Working space.

Addition. Structures, depending on the features, can be wall-mounted or stationary.

Characteristics of different types of structures

Before you build a greenhouse with your own hands, a mandatory step is to choose a construction model. If a greenhouse or greenhouse is adjacent to the house, then they will be economical in terms of space and heating costs.

Most of them use solar heat for heating.

There are greenhouses-polygons. They are distinguished by their uniqueness and complexity in manufacturing. Accordingly, the prices for such structures are higher. But you will have a beautifully decorated garden plot.

Structural dimensions

Before you start building a greenhouse, you need to understand what size it will be. In this case, it will be necessary to take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site, and the size of the proposed place for the greenhouse.

Consider what you need to consider when choosing a size:

  • If you plan to grow only seedlings, then you can use the smallest size.
  • If the plant will be completely grown in a greenhouse, then a more voluminous design is needed.
  • When choosing a size, you need to consider that the larger the area, the higher the cost of heating.
  • The height of the structure directly depends on the height of the owner of this greenhouse and on the interior finish (shelves).

Building a winter greenhouse: foundation

If the greenhouse or greenhouse is small in size, then the foundation is optional. However, many professionals in this field recommend its use in construction. Since the foundation protects the greenhouse from groundwater and dampness.

Types of bearing base for greenhouse structures:

  • Bars made of wood.
  • Foam blocks.
  • Brick.
  • Concrete.

In most cases, homemade greenhouses are made from a wooden frame.

Greenhouse materials

An important quality of a tree is its environmental friendliness and thermal insulation, which is very important for seedlings. A negative feature of using wood is its tendency to rot. Therefore, now they prefer to use galvanized steel as a frame.

Any beginner in this business will be able to independently assemble a metal frame. Just keep in mind that thermal insulation can be worsened.

We are building a winter greenhouse: materials for construction

Before you start building a greenhouse, you must select the material. When choosing it, you need to focus on such qualities as strength, light transmission, and good thermal insulation.

Materials such as wood, glass, polycarbonate, metal arcs, polyethylene pipes have all of the above properties.

Consider the quality of materials:

Glass is environmentally friendly and translucent. Cons - it breaks easily and weighs a lot. And also for the price - this is not the most economical option. Glazing will take a lot of time.

Polycarbonate, like glass, is environmentally friendly. It retains heat well and is resistant to mechanical damage. This is a very important characteristic, since the structure will not collapse under the influence of hail and stones. Its strength compared to glass exceeds 100 times. It is of two types: honeycombs and sheets. They differ from each other in structure and manufacturing process.

Cellular polycarbonate has greater light transmission, as its material and structure scatter light across the glass.

Sheet in its structure and characteristics is similar to glass.

Winter buildings are more complex in themselves, since during their construction it is necessary to think over heating and heat wiring systems. Many experienced gardeners recommend, or rather, believe that a biofuel polycarbonate greenhouse is the most optimal for winter time. When building a wall-mounted greenhouse, you can consider the option of connecting the whole house to the heating system. It will also be beneficial from an economic point of view.

What is biofuel?

  • Household garbage.
  • Compost.
  • You can use manure.
  • Horse dung is the most valuable fuel.

Advice. Mix horse manure with household residues - garbage and evenly distributed over the peat bedding.

The main feature of this greenhouse is a huge savings on maintaining the temperature - utilities. Plants can be grown all year round, and in the most severe and frosty winter. Excellent level of light penetration, which is not always the case in conventional greenhouses.

The main features of this greenhouse:

The main advantage is that, starting from a depth of 2 meters, the soil maintains the same temperature all the time: in winter, and in summer, and in frosts, and in rains.

Note. There are small changes depending on the level of groundwater, the closer they are to the surface, the more noticeable temperature fluctuations.

A good example is a well. In the well, both in summer and winter, the temperature is constant, above zero.

Approximately at a depth of 1 meter, temperature drops are noticeable: +5 in winter, and up to +10 in summer.

The base of the greenhouse can be heated to such temperatures using a warm floor. And to preserve the humidity of the air and soil, it is necessary to use drip irrigation.

Note. A thermos greenhouse can be built in just one season, without using any special equipment and at no great cost.

Digging a pit. Land works for the greenhouse

Since the greenhouse goes into the ground, its main part, you need to dig a hole, at least two meters. Only then the soil will not freeze, but will give off its heat.

The length of the underground part can be as long as you like, and the width is limited - only 5 meters.

Note. You can make the width and more, but then the natural heating and reflective properties will be worse.

The shape can be any, the main thing is to orient it to the west-east side. One side will be thoroughly insulated with foam or glass wool, and the other should be well lit by the sun.

A foundation will be poured along the edge or blocks of concrete will be laid out, so the edge must be well aligned.

wall construction

When the foundation is completed, you can begin to lay out the walls. On the concrete base there will be a metal frame on which the thermal blocks will be attached.

  • The best roof material is polycarbonate.
  • Installation takes place on a metal structure with a crate.
  • It is necessary to thoroughly strengthen the attachment points.

How best to make thermal insulation and heating:

A special film is attached to the inside of the wall, it perfectly holds heat.

Advice. In regions with very cold climates, a foil-coated film and a double base layer can be used to retain heat, relatively warm regions.

The main function of reflective insulation is to maintain positive temperature and, as a result, humidity and carbon dioxide levels. That is, everything that is important for the normal growth of any plants.

Even inside the greenhouse, it is necessary to provide "heat accumulators".
Note. "Heat accumulator" - it can be any container with water, for example, bottles, they heat up well and quickly and gradually cool down over time, maintaining the temperature.

The heating of the base will be carried out using a warm floor. It is very important when using it to protect the wires from damage by garden tools and moisture. To protect against both moments, you can lay it in concrete, an easier way is to close it with a net - but this is only from garden tools.

Floor heating in a greenhouse is often done under tiles, and plants are planted in pots, tubs, lawns.

Note. For plants, the main thing is to maintain the optimal temperature of 25-35 degrees Celsius, and the level of humidity.

How to build a roof in a greenhouse with your own hands

When the walls are completely ready, you need to prepare the roof for the greenhouse. The best option for a construction of 12 meters is polycarbonate.

It is necessary to provide for the construction of the roof:

  • Preservation of heat inside the greenhouse is achieved through the use of a double coating of polycarbonate (cellular).
  • To connect 2 sheets of polycarbonate, each 4 mm thick, a profile pipe gasket is taken.
  • The snow itself will not melt on such a double cover, so you need to use a thermal circuit, it will turn on and off with a timer.
  • The use of double coating reduces heat loss during heating, but the light transmission is reduced by approximately 10%.
  • We prepare the rafters in advance - we impregnate them with protective agents.
  • The connection takes place in 1/2 of the tree, and the jumper is attached so that the length at the bottom point is up to 5 cm.
  • The rafters prepared in advance will be a support, the lintels are removed, and a ridge beam is placed under them.
  • The extreme rafters are nailed to the ridge beam using ordinary 20 cm nails.

As soon as the roof is assembled, it can be painted, after the paint has completely dried, polycarbonate is attached. For fastening, you need to take wood screws. Therefore, an iron corner for the roof is attached along the timber, and a special gasket made of heat-insulating material is also used.

The joints of polycarbonate and roof parts must be well glued with adhesive tape - adhesive tape. After all the preparatory work, you can mount the polycarbonate roof in place and fix it to the walls. Then you can move on to the arrangement of the internal space.

Our main goal is to build a greenhouse for the winter period with a small financial and labor cost and make heating in it. In this article, we will look at the most economical ways to maintain heat and heat, and the choice of materials that best minimize losses.

The design should be solid, designed for long-term use, if possible inexpensive, economical in terms of heating.

How can savings be achieved

Let's divide the question into two parts. We have to:

  • To build a structure that will absorb heat as much as possible on sunny days and give a minimum due to radiation and concept.
  • Choose the most inexpensive way to heat in winter (and not only) - considering how it will be done and how much the operation will cost.


First, we sweep away greenhouses using film or made of wooden frames, with glass, in one or two layers. Why?

In the first variant, you can forget about the preservation of heat in principle. Losses due to convection are very high; and this material is too easy to accidentally damage. In winter, all these facts will definitely lead to the death of the crop. Such a greenhouse is inexpensive in terms of financial costs. But its thermal insulation properties are practically equal to zero.

In the second option, it will also be a practically insoluble issue - heat leakage through holes between the glass and the frame. Wood can dry out or change shape with changes in humidity. Also, due to the effects of snow and rain, the frames need to be covered with protective compounds every year, for example, painted.

What remains?

Can choose

  • Metal-plastic greenhouses with several layers of glazing.
  • Greenhouses on metal structures with polycarbonate.
  • Metal-plastic.

In this case, there are many ready-made structures and all that remains for us is to choose it and pay, material and installation.

Basic principles to consider when designing

If we consider by the amount of solar energy that can be obtained, then the best option would be a shed roof, directed to the south. In this case, the sun will almost constantly shine on it almost at a right angle.

The north wall is being built opaque. It must also be insulated from the inside with foil insulation - foil inside. With such a construction, heat and light entering the greenhouse will be reflected from the foil and fall at right angles onto the beds. Since from the course of physics we know that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

Attention: you can not make a roof with a slope of less than thirty degrees. In winter, snow can accumulate, and this is undesirable for obvious reasons.

What do we get? The advantages of this solution are durability, wear resistance and good thermal insulation. The main disadvantage is the amount that will have to be spent on the purchase of such a greenhouse. The price of 1 square meter starts from 2500 rubles, if a large area is planned, then the result will be a substantial amount.


Cellular polycarbonate gained popularity very quickly after its appearance, due to the combination of its useful properties. Even when used in one layer, good thermal insulation is provided due to the cavities inside. Air is one of the best heat insulators.

Polycarbonate is almost 15 times lighter than glass, which practically eliminates the issue of structural strength.

This material is easy to bend and give the desired shape. Polycarbonate can be used together with an arch-shaped frame without any difficulties or problems. By the way, this design removes the issue with snow, the arch does not hold snow and it does not accumulate. Simple fastening, with self-tapping screws to a metal structure, and ease of processing.

The simplest recommendations are possible due to the characteristics of polycarbonate and the type of metal structure. The most durable frames are obtained from profile pipes. The arch is formed using a pipe bender, the structure is assembled by welding. The cross section of the pipe for the arch is -20 * 40 mm, the corner posts are made of pipes with a diameter of at least 40 * 40 mm.

Be sure to need ventilation windows, they will help the plants survive sunny days. Greenhouse with the use of prof. pipes, with a shed roof - simply assembled with bolts. The slopes at the corner posts are needed only during the assembly of the structure; in the future, polycarbonate will give rigidity.

Even cheaper and easier to manufacture is a galvanized profile, which is used when working with drywall, but it is not as resistant to lateral loads (during wind). When using it, you need to make a roof slope of 45 degrees, even minimal accumulations of snow are undesirable.

From the end, open-cell polycarbonate sheets must be drowned out with special strips or sealant. So, we will reduce heat loss due to convective currents inside the cells.


How to start heating inside the greenhouse yourself? Consider the most affordable solutions for small greenhouses. We will consider only air heating, because the use of radiators, their installation, piping, all this will not be cheap. And there is a high probability to freeze this system in winter.


Heating using the main gas pipeline, how to do it right? A simple solution is a convector, how many you need will depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe greenhouse. The thermostats that are used in the design of this device allow you to get the result without adjusting the burners and other issues.

The products of combustion will go out into the open air through the pipe, and air will also flow through it to maintain combustion.

If the size of the greenhouse is large, you can install a gas boiler. The heat exchanger can be blown with a fan, if necessary, warm air is diluted with aluminum sleeves. Thermal insulation, as when using a boiler for heating a house, is not needed, we have one room.

With the onset of cold weather, work in the garden and in the garden come to an end. And summer residents with regret have to leave their plots. Despite the fact that growing fruits and vegetables only becomes interesting towards the end of the season. But if you build a greenhouse with heating in your summer cottage, you can grow anything you like even in severe frosts in winter.

Construction type

First you need to choose the type of greenhouse, and only then proceed to the calculations and construction. Choice options depend on the purpose of the site and its features, on the location. Avid gardeners recommend designs using polycarbonate as a material. This is the easiest and most popular option. Another good option is a thermos greenhouse. It is erected in late spring or summer, because you need to have time to prepare the soil for planting. Polycarbonate structures can be made at any time of the year. This material is very popular because it has a number of useful qualities in terms of greenhouses.

With a small thickness, polycarbonate in winter creates the necessary thermal insulation. It has a honeycomb structure, and the honeycombs are filled with air, which has better thermal insulation properties.

The weight of polycarbonate is 15 times less than glass, so a reinforced frame is not needed. It is very easy to make an arched structure from this material, it bends easily.


If a greenhouse for the winter period is on your own site and you do not want to create a large-scale production, and, accordingly, use the labor of hired workers and sell legal products. persons, there is no need to draw up documents. For sale on the market, you only need a certificate that you grow them on your own plot.

The owner of a large greenhouse farm using hired labor, the harvest of which is sold through shops and in cafes, restaurants, needs to register a legal entity. You can also register as an individual entrepreneur or a private agricultural enterprise. This will achieve tax benefits, although all this is difficult.

Where to build?

The greenhouse must be placed so that most of the sun's rays come to it. It is necessary to ensure that the shadow from the house, buildings and trees does not fall on it. The sides of the greenhouse should be oriented to the north and south. Consider also that the wind significantly increases the heat loss of the structure.

By locating the greenhouse in the wrong place, you will get the exact opposite effect of what you expected - in the form of high heating bills and poor growth of vegetables and fruits that you grow in it. When building a winter greenhouse with your own hands: coating materials, types of heating, location on the site and type of structure, you need to choose based on what kind of plant culture you will grow. An important fact is the financial possibilities that must be taken into account.

Building features

Many amateur gardeners, when faced with this issue for the first time, think what are the differences between an ordinary greenhouse and a winter greenhouse. And the differences between them are significant.

Before proceeding with the construction of a winter greenhouse, you need to carefully read all the important points and its features. Temporary structures are assembled from separate frames. Since the weight of this structure is small, it does not need a foundation. Greenhouses using polycarbonate as a coating can be mounted on ordinary brick posts.

The winter greenhouse is a solid building. It has electricity and heating. Rigid and heavy frame allows you not to worry about the loads arising from wind and snow. But for it it is necessary to make a solid foundation.

An ordinary greenhouse can be small. It all depends on how many and what crops you will breed in it. Growing vegetables in winter, in most cases, occurs for further sale, therefore, the requirements for the area of ​​​​the greenhouse are completely different, they start from tens of square meters.

The material for covering this structure can be absolutely any. But the best, affordable and reliable will be polycarbonate.

Before proceeding with the construction of a winter greenhouse, it is necessary to provide options for severe frosts and, as a result, the need for additional thermal insulation.

The location of the greenhouse must be chosen very carefully, because this is a capital building for more than one year. It is good if it is a flat area, well lit and without buildings nearby. You also need to take into account the humidity of the land on which the building will be, it should be within the normal range.

The foundation for the greenhouse can be made using a shallowly recessed reinforced concrete tape. Since the foundation must be solid, not for one year, when pouring it, everything must be done in accordance with the requirements.

When the base is ready, you can assemble the frame of the structure on it. Factory-made structures are usually supplied with drawings and photographs that will greatly help during installation. Polycarbonate sheets are attached to the frame with rubber washers. For tightness, their edges can be sealed with tape. To ensure the flow of fresh air into the greenhouses, several windows are made. If you have a desire to grow vegetables, but you don’t know how to build a winter greenhouse on your own, you need to contact specialists or buy a factory-made structure.

Heating type

The type of heating used must be selected based on the useful area of ​​​​the greenhouse. Small spaces can be provided with heat using a stove. If the areas are large, then you need to choose from:

  • Water heating.
  • Electric heating.
  • Biofuels.

To use water heating, you will need pipes, a tank and, most importantly, a boiler. Pipes can be buried in the ground or placed directly under the racks.

Electric heating can be air or underfloor heating. Infrared heating is also very often used. The "warm floor" system is similar in design to a water system. A system consisting of heating cables is mounted in a small recess. And then it is covered with layers of sand and fertilized soil. Air heating can be arranged using fan heaters. Infrared heating is provided by infrared heaters located on the ceiling.

Biofuel is the most inexpensive way of heating.

Biofuels can be: any cattle or horse manure, warming wood and bark, hay or straw.

Biofuel is located under a layer of fertile soil. For proper heating of this type of heating, it is necessary that there is a constant flow of air and the necessary level of moisture in the air is maintained.

Which type of heating to use in your greenhouse is up to you. Each of the options needs to be considered from a financial point of view. You now know how a winter greenhouse is being built for growing plants. You need to figure out how to properly place everything in it - the layout of the internal space.

How to arrange the beds?

If you will grow plants of the same species in the greenhouse, then you can arrange the beds in parallel. Consider different cultures may not get along next to each other. For their joint breeding, it is necessary to apply the division into separate zones. For example, growing tomatoes and cucumbers next to each other will not work, because they need different watering methods - tomatoes need to be watered right under the root, and a drip irrigation system is suitable for cucumbers.

Finance, profit, payback periods

Correctly calculating the income from a winter greenhouse is very difficult, and sometimes impossible. The calculated profit and profitability of this entire enterprise is highly dependent on the distance, the city, the sales markets and the resulting crop. A more or less realistic return on investment is two or three years.

Sales channels

Fruits, vegetables and herbs are products that are in constant demand in the warm season, and especially in winter. Growing food in winter has the best profitability, because the prices for fresh herbs, tomatoes and cucumbers are very high.

Sales market

Grocery chains and small shops, and even supermarkets. They sell a very large volume of vegetables every day, so entering into supply contracts with them is very beneficial for you as a farmer. But it will be necessary to register a legal entity, and these are costs that need to be taken into account. Although if the crop that turns out to be grown is large, you can think about this sales market. The market, all novice gardeners sell herbs and vegetables here. Rent a kiosk or tent or place and you can start trading your crops.

Selling greens and vegetables directly. You can place ads on highly specialized sites, forums, bulletin boards in the global network. And there will be buyers very soon.

One of the lightest and easiest to install and assemble is a greenhouse using a wooden frame, which is covered with plastic film, a special greenhouse. The main advantage of this structure is the availability of materials, speed and ease of installation. Cons fragility of the coating, which can be easily damaged.

Another design came to us from Soviet greenhouses. Glass is used as the covering material. Its plus is the possibility of operation all year round, if heating is supplied and double frames are made for the winter period. The light transmission is perfect compared to any other material. Cons - this is a complex building, and the fragility of glass as a material.

The type of greenhouse that you should pay attention to is the buildings with cellular polycarbonate coating that are gaining popularity. The advantages include long service life, low weight, large temperature range, excellent stiffness and strength parameters. Of the minuses, in comparison with glass, the light transmission is about 90 percent.

For the installation of a polycarbonate greenhouse, special attention must be paid to the foundation. How to make a foundation? It is necessary to dig a small ditch, the approximate depth of which is from 10 to 30 cm, and the length and width are calculated based on the required area. The base must be protected from moisture - put waterproofing, it can be roofing material. If there is a strip foundation, then it is necessary to put the formwork, from any materials remaining in the garden area. The fittings can be replaced with any other metal, they will do, and the remnants of old pipes and pieces of steel wire.

Since the length of the brick is 25 cm, the width of the brick foundation will be the same.

The height of the foundation will be about 20 cm above ground level. The height of the foundation will need to be increased if you use high beds. Recommends an increase of up to 50 cm. Thus, a small wall will be obtained. It will be installed in it.

We have dealt with the foundation. Now you need to make a choice between the finished material or draft.

What is draft material? These are various types of rolled metal for the frame, polycarbonate, gaskets, etc. A greenhouse made of such materials can only be of a certain shape, as they narrow down the list of shape selection. At first glance, it will look like a small house with a transparent roof and walls. This is due to the fact that in houses without certain skills and the necessary equipment, it is difficult to make arcs from a power frame.

In a greenhouse made of this type of material, there is a plus - it is the economy of construction. There is no need to draw a project, you do not need to buy material and tools for installation, you can also install the greenhouse yourself without hiring contractors. For construction, you will need tools: a drill, a hammer, screwdrivers and a hacksaw for working with metal.

On a sheet, you make a drawing with the dimensions of your building in order to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe general appearance of the greenhouse. It is not necessary to comply with GOST standards, your drawing is enough for you. The most important thing is that you yourself understand what and in what sizes to do.

Recommendations for installing this type of greenhouse is impractical, since each gardener has different types of plot. And everyone will adapt to their own layout, and take into account all the moments and features of their site when designing a greenhouse. It also matters in the manufacture of the material from which you decide to build a greenhouse.

Positive characteristics of this type of greenhouse:

  1. Saving your time. Since the manufacturer himself calculated everything and did the design work.
  2. The kit contains all materials for installation. There is no need to search for materials.
  3. The ready-made kit already has a scheme for collecting a greenhouse. Having carefully studied it, you can easily assemble it yourself.
  4. All elements have a specific size, as they were manufactured at the factory.

The downside is that they are the same. Arches in the form of a tunnel (arched type) are now on the market. The advantage of this design is that, due to its arched shape, it has a large light reflection. And also on such a surface water from rain will not accumulate. The downside is that it is less durable and rigid.

Assembly shouldn't be difficult. We take out the diagram, look at the drawing and clearly, following the instructions, assemble the structure, almost like assembling a constructor.

The most difficult thing when collecting a greenhouse is the installation of polycarbonate. The most important thing is to follow the instructions exactly. The only recommendation is that if one person will collect greenhouses, then it is necessary to prepare props in advance.

Since it is quite soft, care must be taken when working with it. And also in the assembly process, you will need to cut and drill the material. The main thing here is to prepare in advance by marking with a construction marker.

When cutting material, we recommend using a clerical knife that is approximately 3 knife segments long so that the knife does not go to the side.
Since polycarbonate is a finished structure, it has stiffening ribs inside. Therefore, cutting can be difficult. The main thing here is experience. You can first take a small piece of polycarbonate and work with it, so to speak, to feel the material. And if you have a jigsaw, then, of course, use it.

Another important point in the assembly. The kit includes a steam pass tape. Be sure to use it. It will protect your greenhouse from excess moisture and dirt.

So, we have considered several types of greenhouses. Each of them has its own special and distinctive characteristics. And when building a greenhouse with your own hands, the best projects for yourself will be exactly those that will allow you to focus on your goals, objectives and opportunities. After all, it doesn’t matter what kind you have, the most important thing is that it is made with your own hands and will delight you and your loved ones with a wonderful harvest.

Russia has vast territories that are located in different climatic zones. Climatic conditions in most of the country do not allow harvesting throughout the year.

The natural wisdom and ingenuity of the Russian people made it possible to significantly increase the vegetation period of plants. Productively using greenhouses of various shapes and designs, amateur gardeners got the opportunity to get an early and late harvest.

A more competent approach to the construction of a greenhouse will allow you to harvest throughout the year. In this article we will try to tell you how to make a greenhouse with your own hands.

Design features

A self-made greenhouse embodied in reality occupies an important place on the summer resident's site. A self-made greenhouse does not mean that in terms of its functionality it will be less effective.

Photos and drawings of greenhouses for making your own hands can be viewed and studied on thematic sites. The design of the greenhouse, its shape, will depend on the purpose of the object.

The most popular materials for the construction of greenhouses are fiberglass or metal galvanized profile pipe, which performs the supporting role of the structure. Glass, polyethylene film, polycarbonate can be used as a coating.

The appearance of the greenhouse

Usually a greenhouse is designed for a botanical plant species. Factors such as the light transmission capacity of the coating material and maintaining the required indoor temperature are taken into account.

The shape of the greenhouse are:

  • with one slope. It can be a winter garden or a greenhouse. A passage is provided along the entire length, usually adjacent to the southern wall of the house;
  • with two slopes. This is the most common form throughout Russia. Assumes a variety of options for internal arrangement;
  • in the form of a drop. Sufficiently stable design, but difficult to install;
  • domed. It has a very spectacular appearance with a modest consumption of materials;
  • polygonal shape. They look great on the garden plot of the cottage, they easily tolerate strong winds.

Greenhouse classification

Objects that maintain an artificial climate inside themselves can be classified as collapsible and stationary greenhouses. Folding greenhouses quickly enough occupied their niche in the market of gardeners.

The ultralight frame has unified parts that can be assembled and disassembled by a person without special training. The price of such a kit will not put serious pressure on the family budget.

The coating of this design is usually a special polyethylene film. With careful handling, it can be used for several years.

A kind of classic for summer residents is the stationary design of the greenhouse. In this case, the steel load-bearing frame rests on the foundation structure. Oven windows are arranged for ventilation, at regular intervals of wall glazing sections.

Greenhouses are also divided according to the type of characteristic features, depending on the author of the project. The design of the greenhouse, the author of which is Kurdyumov, provides for watering the plants with a drip method. Also, greenhouses have the ability to maintain the desired range of temperature and humidity.

The design of the greenhouse, authored by Mitlider, is a solid structure made of natural wood. As a rule, such greenhouses are installed in the direction of the sun. This ensures the best illumination of plants.

Preparatory work

In order to make the simplest greenhouse manually, it is necessary to carry out the necessary preparatory measures.

When choosing a place for a greenhouse, one should be guided by the fact that there is no interference with direct sunlight. The site should be as flat as possible, it is desirable to have protection from the effects of strong winds.

It should be noted that you will need water for irrigation and electricity for lighting. Therefore, the greenhouse should be located on the site in an acceptable proximity to these sources.

Choosing the material for the frame of the greenhouse

Considering the choice of material for the supporting structure of the greenhouse, it should be noted that each of them is good in its own way. The following materials are considered the most popular today:

Wood. Wooden structures are easy to manufacture; professional skills of the performer are not required. Antiseptic treatment of the structure is required.

Aluminum. The low specific gravity of the metal and sufficient strength give the frame an aesthetic appearance, stability and durability. The high price of the profile is the main obstacle to wide application.

Plastic. The metal-plastic profile, due to its low specific gravity, sufficient strength, has gained popularity among summer residents. The relatively low price and high performance have become the hallmark of this material.

Steel. Galvanized steel profiles are quite popular in the construction of greenhouses. Installation of a frame from a profiled galvanized pipe does not require special training and equipment. Under such a frame, it is necessary to arrange a strip foundation.

Installation of the supporting frame of the greenhouse and coating

The reliable design of the frame will be the key to protecting plants from the sultry rays of the sun and heavy rains.

After the concrete in the foundation has gained the necessary strength, you can prepare the frame elements for assembly. The elements of the lower belt and rack are bolted together.

The elements of the upper belt and roof slopes are sequentially connected into a spatial structure with rigid connections. The entrance door is located on the leeward south side.

To ensure effective vortex ventilation, it follows by placing opening windows in the roof structure.

When covering the greenhouse with your own hands from polycarbonate, the sheets are attached to the frame with anodized steel screws. A rubber seal is laid between the polycarbonate sheet and the frame element.

Glass coating is the most traditional material. However, high operating costs pushed it into the market of greenhouse materials.

The film covering differs in the low price and simplicity in work. It should be noted the low durability of this material.

Plumbing, electricity, greenhouse heating

After the frame of the greenhouse, covering, ventilation is completed, you can proceed with the installation of the electrical network, heating and water supply.

Given that the humidity in the greenhouse will be high, all electrical work must be carried out taking into account the requirements of the relevant norms and rules for performing special work.

Stove heating, electric energy, gas can be considered as a source of heat for the room. The issue of efficiency will depend on the regional location of the facility.

For productive work, it is desirable to bring water into the greenhouse. For this, a plastic pipe with a diameter of 1.5 inches is usually used. The riser is located at the entrance to the room.

DIY greenhouse photo
