How to calculate the number of sections: bimetallic heating radiators. Calculation of sections of aluminum radiators per square meter Formula for calculating sections of bimetallic heating radiators

Bimetal radiators are high quality and highly efficient heating devices that can be used to heat a residential building, office space or production building. The main thing is the presence of internal elements made of steel.

Structural features contribute to an increased level of safety margin, and the negative results from the contact of the coolant with aluminum are reduced to zero. The only drawback of such heating structures is the unreasonably high cost among similar equipment.

All positive are directly related to their structure.. The core can be steel or copper, which increases the resistance to the composition of the coolant, as well as pressure drops.

The convenient type of articulation with standard piping and the aluminum surface of the radiator allow you to get high heat dissipation.

Bimetallic radiators sold in our country, depending on the device and characteristics, can be divided into two main types:

  • absolutely "bimetallic type", possessing steel pipes and aluminum body. The main advantages are durability and the absolute absence of the possibility of leakage;
  • "semi-metal variant", in which steel tubes are reinforced vertical channels. Such heating radiators are characterized by an excellent combination of low price and high thermal efficiency.

The operating principle of such heating equipment as simple as possible. On aluminum body by steel tube heat is transferred from the coolant, which contributes to the heating of air masses in a heated room.

The use of steel facilitates the use of equipment in conditions high level coolant pressure inside heating system. Steel components allow the use of a bimetallic battery type in the presence of a coolant with a low quality indicator.

Standard sizes and diameters

Today, bimetallic radiators are produced with generally accepted standard sizes:

  • thickness indicators- 9 centimeters;
  • width indicators- not less than 40 centimeters;
  • height indicators- 76, 94 or 112 centimeters.

It should be borne in mind that the linear parameters of heating devices can vary significantly and depending on the materials used and design features:

  • if you need to install thinner devices, it is not advisable to use a bimetallic type of equipment, due to a double metal layer;
  • belongs to the category of the thinnest devices option appliances.

In addition, there is a difference in height, which can vary from fifteen centimeters to three meters. Standard batteries have a height of 55-58 centimeters.

Features of calculating heat losses

Heat transfer dimensions are specified by manufacturers and are based on calculations for the temperature parameters of the heat carrier at seventy degrees. The operation process assumes the presence of some deviations from the set values, which must be taken into account when choosing.

It is for this reason that the competent selection of heating equipment involves determination of the values ​​of heat losses of the building.

These calculations are based on data on all walls and ceiling structure rooms, floors, types of windows and their number, structural features doors, the material of the plaster layer and other factors, including the direction of the cardinal points, solarization, wind rose and other criteria.

Standard heat output should proceed from an indicator of one kW per ten square meters heated area. However, these results will be very approximate.

More accurate data on the total heat loss can be calculated using the formula:

V x 0.04 + TPok x Nok + TPdv x Ndv

  • V- the volume of the heated room;
  • 0,04 - standard heat loss per cubic meter of area;
  • TPok- parameters of heat loss from one window according to a value of 0.1 kW;
  • Nok- the total number of windows;
  • TPdv- parameters of heat loss of one door according to the value of 0.2 kW;
  • Ndv- the total number of doors.

More accurate data can be obtained by using a special device called a thermal imager. The device not only performs the required calculations with maximum accuracy, but also takes into account such important characteristics as hidden construction defects and poor quality building materials.

Calculation of the required amount per area

Almost the entire volume of such radiators is produced in a standard version and has stable dimensions. To calculate the number of sections, it is advisable to use a fairly convenient formula:

According to which:

  • X is the estimated number of sections in one heater;
  • S corresponds to the heated area in square meters;
  • N represents the power of one section.

Example of calculating the number of sections bimetallic radiators heating by area:

For a room of 5 x 4 meters with a ceiling height of 2.5 meters, the optimal power indicator for one section is about 150 W, and the calculations in accordance with the formula are as follows -

X \u003d S x 100: N \u003d 5 x 4 x 100: 150 \u003d 13.3 or 14 sections.

Rules for a competent choice

In order for , which will meet all the required parameters, one should take into account some nuances:

  • radiator dimensions must be selected according to the interior design and the amount of heat output generated;
  • under the windows the equipment should overlap the width of window openings by 50 or 75 percent;
  • the minimum distance from the upper segment of the battery to the window sill should not be less than 10 centimeters;
  • the bottom of the battery should not be more than 60 centimeters closer to the floor surface;
  • for rooms with non-standard forms , the best option there will be placement of custom-made designer batteries;
  • Please note that these devices can have top, bottom, side and cross connection options to the system.

The heating system includes many various elements. All of them are important for normal functioning including radiators. Today, various batteries are used to heat private houses and apartments (this is what people call radiators). They can be made of cast iron, aluminum or be bimetallic. But in order for the house to be warm, it is important to correctly calculate the number of required sections in the radiator. This is what will be discussed in this article. Specifically, an approximate calculation of the number of sections of a bimetallic radiator will be given.

An easy way to pay when replacing old batteries

If you decide to replace the old cast iron radiator heating, you can use a simple method and make a calculation required amount battery sections. For this it is necessary consider some factors. Namely:

  • heat dissipation for bimetallic and cast iron radiators is slightly different. If the first has this value equal to 200 W per section, then the second has 180 W.
  • How warm was the old battery. If her work suits you, then it's good. If not, then you can increase the number of sections.
  • after a certain time, the heating radiator will heat up a little worse. This is due to clogging of the internal cavities of the device.

As a rule, when replacing a cast-iron heating radiator with bimetallic quantity battery sections do not change. Of course, if work old battery suited you. If there was not enough heat, then you can increase the number of sections.

Calculation based on the dimensions of the room

Another thing is when the heating system is installed in a new house. In this case, it is not possible to rely on previous experience in operating heating radiators. Here more accurate calculation required based on the size of the room.

Such calculations can be made based on:

There are a number sanitary norms, according to which for each square meter area of ​​the room should be certain power heating appliances. These guidelines can be easily found online. So, for the middle zone of our country, the power per square meter should be at least 100 watts. Based on this, it is easy to make the necessary calculations.

For example, if we take room area 12 square meters(three by four), then the power of the heaters should be 1200 W (12 sq.m. * 100 W). We divide this value by the power of one section of a bimetallic radiator (200 W at a coolant temperature of 90 degrees), we get 6 sections.

To get more accurate calculations, you can use a method that relies on the volume of the heated room. In this case, the data is also taken from sanitary standards. So, for the middle band on one cubic meter it is necessary to have 41 W of heating power.

If we take the same area as in the previous example, then with a ceiling height of 2.7 meters we get the volume of the entire room 32.4 cubic meters (20 sq.m. * 2.7 meters). Then the power of the radiators should be 32.4*41=1328.4W. If we divide by the thermal power of one bimetallic section, we get 6.64. This means that for heating it is desirable to install a 7-section radiator.

As you can see, using the method of calculating the volume of the room, you can get more accurate data on the number of sections of a bimetallic (and any other) heating radiator. But even in this case, the presence of windows in the room and some other factors are not taken into account. For clarification it is necessary to use correction factors.

We determine the correction factors

When calculating the required number of sections of a bimetallic radiator, it is not enough to know the area or volume of the room. Many factors are important here: the condition of the walls, the presence of unheated premises in the neighborhood, the temperature of the supplied coolant (it will depend on thermal power each section), etc.

In order for the room to be warm, it is worth considering some more correction factors. Namely:

Another correction factor refers to private houses. In such buildings there is a cold attic space and all the walls face the street. This means that the power of heating devices should be greater. So, for private houses, when calculating the number of sections of a bimetallic radiator, a correction factor of 1.5 is applied.

The calculation of the required number of sections on a bimetallic radiator depends on many factors. This is the volume of the room, and the presence of windows, and much more. For example, if the walls of a private house are well insulated, then there will be little heat loss. This means that radiators can be installed with a shorter length and power. Also number of sections may depend on the people who live in the dwelling. If they like a lot of heat, then the heaters are installed more powerfully.

It's time to change the batteries.

The comfort in the cold season depends on the calculations of the number of knots.

How to correctly make all calculations, measurements?

Everything is quite simple if you follow the instructions below.

Before you purchase heating batteries, consider ways to calculate the number of their elements.

The first method is based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Building regulations (SNiP) state that for normal heating, 1 sq. m. requires 100 watts. thermal power. By measuring the length, width of the room, and multiplying these two values, we get the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room (S).

To calculate total power (Q), substitute in the formula, Q \u003d S * 100 W., our value. The passport for heating radiators indicates the heat transfer of one element (q1). Thanks to this information, we will find out the required number of them. To do this, we divide Q by q1.

The second way is more accurate. It should also be used with a ceiling height of 3 meters. Its difference lies in the measurement of the volume of the room. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is already known, let's measure the height of the ceiling, then multiply these values. The resulting volume value (V) is substituted into the formula Q=V*41 W.

According to building codes 1 cu. m. should be heated by 41 watts. thermal power. Now let's find the ratio of Q to q1, getting the total number of radiator nodes.

Let's sum up the intermediate result, take out data that will be needed for all types of calculations.

  • wall length;
  • wall width;
  • Ceiling height;
  • Power ratings, heating a unit area or volume of a room. They are given above;
  • Minimum heat dissipation radiator element. It must be indicated in the passport;
  • Wall thickness;
  • Number of window openings.

A quick way to calculate the number of sections

When it comes to replacing cast-iron radiators with bimetallic ones, you can do without scrupulous calculations. Taking into account several factors:

  • Bimetal section gives a ten percent increase in thermal power compared to cast iron.
  • Battery efficiency degrades over time. This is due to deposits that cover the walls inside the radiator.
  • It's better to be warmer.

Amount of elements bimetallic battery, should be the same as its predecessor. However, this number increases by 1 - 2 pieces. This is done to combat a future decrease in heater efficiency.

For a standard room

We already know this method of calculation. It is described at the beginning of the article. Let's explore it in detail with specific example. We calculate the number of sections for a room of 40 square meters. m.

According to the rules of 1 sq. m requires 100W. Let's assume that the power of one section is 200 watts. Using the formula, from the first section we find the required heat output of the room. Multiply 40 sq. m. per 100 W, we get 4 kW.

To determine the number of sections, divide this number by 200 watts. It turns out that for a room with a given area, 20 sections will be required. The main thing to remember is that the formula is relevant for apartments where the ceiling height is less than 2.7 m.

For non-standard

Non-standard rooms include corner, end rooms, with several window openings. This category also includes dwellings with a ceiling height of more than 2.7 meters.

For the first, the calculation is carried out according to the standard formula, but the final result is multiplied by a special coefficient, 1 - 1.3. Using the data obtained above: 20 sections, let's assume that the room is corner and has 2 windows.

The final result is obtained by multiplying 20 by 1.2. This room requires 24 sections.

If we take the same room, but with a ceiling height of 3 meters, the results will change again. Let's start by calculating the volume, multiply 40 square meters. m. by 3 meters. Remembering that for 1 cu. m requires 41 W., we calculate the total thermal power. Received 120 cu. m multiply by 41 W.

We get the number of radiators by dividing 4920 by 200 watts. But the room is corner with two windows, therefore, 25 must be multiplied by 1.2. The end result is 30 sections.

Accurate calculations with many parameters

It is difficult to make such calculations. The above formulas are valid for a normal room in central Russia. Geographical position houses and a number of other factors will introduce additional correction factors.

  • The final formula, for corner room , should have an additional multiplier of 1.3.
  • If the house is not located in middle lane countries, additional factor is described building codes this territory.
  • It is necessary to take into account the installation location of the bimetallic radiator And decorative elements. For example, a niche under the window will take 7%, and a screen up to 25% of the thermal power of the battery.
  • What will the room be used for?
  • Wall material and thickness.
  • What are the frames and glass.
  • Door and window openings introduce additional problems. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

Walls with windows, street and doorways, modify the standard formula. It is necessary to multiply the resulting number of sections by the heat transfer coefficient of the room, but it must first be calculated.

This indicator will be the sum of the heat transfer of the window, doorway and wall. All this information can be obtained by contacting the SNiP, according to your type of premises.

Electrical oil coolers, working principle and how to choose on

Useful tips for the proper arrangement of the heating system

Bimetallic radiators come from the factory connected in 10 sections. After calculations, we got 10, but we decided to add 2 more in reserve. So, it's better not to. Factory assembly is much more reliable, it is guaranteed from 5 to 20 years.

The 12-section assembly will be done by the store, and the warranty will be less than a year. If the radiator leaks shortly after the end of this period, repairs will have to be carried out on their own. The result is unnecessary problems.

Let's talk about the effective power of the radiator. Characteristics of the bimetallic section specified in the product passport, proceed from the fact that the temperature difference of the system is 60 degrees.

Such pressure is guaranteed if the battery coolant temperature is 90 degrees, which does not always correspond to reality. This must be taken into account when calculating the room radiator system.

Below are some tips for installing the battery:

  • Distance from the window sill to the top edge of the battery, must be at least 5 cm. The air masses will be able to circulate normally and transfer heat to the entire room.
  • The radiator needs to lag behind the wall by a length of 2 to 5 cm. If reflective thermal insulation will be attached behind the battery, then you need to purchase elongated brackets that provide the specified clearance.
  • The bottom edge of the battery is supposed to be indented from the floor equal to 10 cm. Failure to follow the recommendations will impair heat transfer.
  • A radiator mounted against a wall, and not in a niche under a window, must have a gap with it, at least 20 cm. This will prevent the accumulation of dust behind it and help to heat the room.

It is very important to make such calculations correctly. It depends on how efficient and economical the resulting heating system will be. All the information given in the article is intended to help the average person with these calculations.

On the issue of maintaining optimum temperature The main place in the house is occupied by a radiator.

The choice is simply amazing: bimetallic, aluminum, steel of various sizes.

There is nothing worse than an incorrectly calculated required heat output in a room. In winter, such a mistake can be very expensive.

The thermal calculation of heating radiators is suitable for bimetallic, aluminum, steel and cast iron radiators. Experts distinguish three methods, each of which is based on certain indicators.

There are three methods that are based on general principles:

  • the standard power value of one section can vary from 120 to 220 W, so the average value is taken
  • to correct errors in calculations, when buying a radiator, a 20% reserve should be laid

Now let's turn directly to the methods themselves.

Method one - standard

Based building regulations, for high-quality heating of one square meter, 100 watts of radiator power is required. Let's do the calculations.

Let's say the area of ​​​​the room is 30 m², we take the power of one section equal to 180 watts, then 30 * 100 / 180 = 16.6. Round the value in big side and we get that for a room of 30 square meters, 17 sections of a heating radiator are needed.

However, if the room is angular, then the resulting value should be multiplied by a factor of 1.2. In this case, the number of required radiator sections will be 20

The second method is an example

This method differs from the previous one in that it is based not only on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, but also on its height. Please note that the method only works for medium and high power devices.

At low power(50 watts or less) such calculations will be ineffective due to too large an error.

So, if we take into account that the average height of the room is 2.5 meters ( standard height ceilings of most apartments), then one section of a standard radiator can heat an area of ​​​​1.8 m².

The calculation of sections for a room of 30 "squares" will be as follows: 30 / 1.8 = 16. We round up again and get that 17 radiator sections are needed to heat this room.

Method three - volumetric

As the name implies, the calculations in this method are based on the volume of the room.

It is conditionally accepted that for heating 5 cubic meters of a room, 1 section with a power of 200 watts is needed. With a length of 6 m, a width of 5 and a height of 2.5 m, the formula for calculating will be as follows: (6 * 5 * 2.5) / 5 \u003d 15. Therefore, for a room with such parameters, 15 sections of a heating radiator with a power of 200 watts each are needed.

If the radiator is planned to be placed in a deep open niche, then the number of sections must be increased by 5%.

If the radiator is planned to be completely covered with a panel, then the increase should be made by 15%. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve optimal heat transfer.

An alternative method for calculating the power of heating radiators

Calculating the number of sections of heating radiators is far from the only way to properly organize space heating.

Let's calculate the volume of the proposed room with an area of ​​​​30 square meters. m and a height of 2.5 m:

30 x 2.5 = 75 cubic meters

Now we need to decide on the climate.

For the territory of the European part of Russia, as well as Belarus and Ukraine, the standard is 41 watts of thermal power per cubic meter of space.

For determining required power multiply the volume of the room by the standard:

75 x 41 = 3075 W

Let's round the resulting value up - 3100 watts. For those people who live in very cold winters, this figure can be increased by 20%:

3100 x 1.2 = 3720 watts.

Arriving at the store and specifying the power of the heating radiator, you can calculate how many sections of the radiator will be required to maintain a comfortable temperature even in the harshest winter.

Calculation of the number of radiators

The calculation method is an excerpt from the previous paragraphs of the article.

After you calculate the required power for space heating and the number of radiator sections, you come to the store.

If the number of sections came out impressive (this happens in rooms with large area), then it would be reasonable to purchase not one, but several radiators.

This scheme is also applicable to those conditions when the power of one radiator is lower than necessary.

But there is another fast way count the number of radiators. If in your room there were old ones with a height of about 60 cm, and in winter you felt comfortable in this room, then count the number of sections.

Multiply the resulting figure by 150 W - this will be the required power of new radiators.

If you choose or, you can buy them at the rate of 1 to 1 - for one fin of a cast-iron radiator, 1 fin of a bimetallic one.

The division into "warm" and "cold" apartments has long come into our lives.

Many people deliberately do not want to deal with the selection and installation of new radiators, explaining this by the fact that "it will always be cold in this apartment." But it's not.

The right choice of radiators, coupled with a competent calculation of the required power, can make warmth and comfort outside your windows even in the coldest winter.
