Heating systems for a country house: options for heating a country house. Choosing the optimal system for heating a dacha The best way to heat a dacha

Country house - perfect place to spend time with family and friends. You can even live on it summer time. However, some people prefer to relax on summer cottage not only in the warm season, but also in the cold. This is where many summer residents have a question about how to ensure heating of a summer house in winter without electricity, because it is not always possible to connect the heating system using electrical equipment.

How to heat a country house

Currently, there are many heating methods country house. Choosing one or the other heating scheme, some subtleties should be taken into account. Since country houses were built in different time periods, the building materials used for their construction may differ from each other. Someone spent on building their country house a lot Money, fully raising a full-fledged structure, while for some the dacha cost a pittance, but at the same time it is not suitable for permanent residence.

Heating a country house largely depends on the building materials that were used in the construction of the premises. If you use heat-resistant panels and slabs, heating will be much easier than when equipping a dilapidated building.

In addition, when selecting a heating system, it is necessary to take into account the availability of communications. As a rule, most holiday villages are located in remote places from centralized gas pipelines.

When choosing how to economically heat a dacha in winter, it is also important to take into account the fact of the presence of the nearest source of coolant. So, the house can be heated using coal, firewood, diesel fuel, etc.

The most popular view fuel in Russia for heating country houses, villages and even country houses there was and still is firewood. Firstly, their price is lower than any other alternative fuels, and secondly, such resources can always be at hand.

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Types of heating systems

Cottage heating options are classified depending on the coolant:

  • air;
  • steam;
  • electrical;
  • aquatic.

In addition, heating blocks are grouped based on the type of fuel:

  • liquid fuel - diesel fuel, diesel fuel, etc.;
  • gas heaters for summer cottages;
  • solid fuel - firewood, coal, pellets, etc.;
  • Heating a country house with electricity.

Each of these heating block piping methods has its pros and cons. If we talk about price, then the most expensive will be an oil heating system. Whereas the cheapest heating system for a country house will be a gas boiler. However, as mentioned above, not all villages are connected to a centralized gas pipeline.

In addition, there is a choice of heating system country house The seasonality of your stay also affects:

Summer option

Enough a large number of country houses were erected from wooden cuts. The wall ceilings of such premises are not capable of holding thermal energy inside the building. Therefore, if the dacha is not heated, temperature conditions in the room will be almost identical to street indicators. Wooden buildings can be quickly warmed up using electric heaters or furnace equipment. In this case, you will need to carefully insulate the facade of the building, as well as use a powerful heating unit.

All-season option

Structures that are planned to be used regardless of the time of year are prepared for low temperature conditions even at the design stage. A person who lives in a country house throughout the year certainly made sure that his home was equipped with all necessary communications. At a minimum, such a room must have light and water. Summer models, as mentioned earlier, are mostly built from wood or panel panels, while when constructing capital-type buildings, you should use concrete plates, bricks, cinder blocks and other identical in functionality Construction Materials. And if your country house has the above communications, then the most in a suitable way The heating system device will be an electric boiler. In the absence of electricity, you can use gas heating or other alternative options.

Stove heating

If you don’t know how to heat a dacha in winter without gas or electricity, then you will probably be interested in an option such as a cast iron or steel stove. The first model is more preferable due to some of its features:

  • durability;
  • long-term temperature maintenance;
  • warm-up speed.

When considering stove heating, you need to take care of the chimney in advance. After all, without this structural element the heating unit simply will not function.

Disadvantage of a stove heating installation: systematic laying fuel resources. And if you do not add fuel in time, the fire will go out and you will have to re-ignite the stove. In addition, there is a need to regularly clean the furnace from fuel decay products.

For stove heating the best material For the firebox there will be beech, oak or hornbeam. Whereas spruce and pine will not provide the temperature conditions necessary for full-fledged living.

An excellent option for a summer house would be a good old potbelly stove in modern design. The stove is easy to use and does the job perfectly.

Boiler technology has now been developed long burning. Their work is based on the principle of pyrolysis, when firewood or any other solid fuel burns at low temperature with the simultaneous release of pyrolysis gases. They are taken to a separate chamber, where they additionally burn out, releasing heat. On the one hand, this significantly increases the efficiency of the boiler - almost up to 85 and even up to 90%, on the other hand, the burning time of one load of firewood reaches almost 8 hours.

Gas heating

Piping using a gas boiler is the most profitable and easy-to-use method of heating a home. However, this option can be used provided it is connected to a centralized gas pipeline. Gas heaters are considered the most efficient because they cost enough short period they are able to warm up the temperature in the room.

If there is no connection to the gas pipeline, you can easily connect the heating unit to gas cylinders. Despite their simplicity, such devices are no less popular than stationary heaters that are identical in functionality. But at the same time, they can be easily transported from place to place. It is for this reason that gas-cylinder heating equipment is considered autonomous.

You can connect the gas heating circuit using natural or forced circulation coolant. So, if you have a one-story house, then a system with natural circulation will be quite enough to provide the necessary temperature conditions in the room. Whereas for the heating device two-story house a more powerful system will be required, for which you need to use a centrifugal pump.

Infrared heating device

The most primitive way of heating a country house. To do this, you only need to purchase a heater, place it in a room that needs heating, and connect it to a storage device. These heaters usually have compact dimensions. They can be placed not only on the floor, but also on the walls, and even on the ceiling.

Infrared heating systems are alternative heating sources that can operate for a long time from electrical storage devices. All that is required is to regularly check the performance of the battery and charge it from time to time, for example, from solar panels.

There are a lot alternative ways heating systems that allow you to heat your home efficiently and economically. Among these we can name geothermal heating, where the house is heated by natural resources- water, light and earth. Electric convectors, solar collectors, air conditioners, etc. - all these are ways to create a comfortable temperature in the house.

Which one to choose depends only on financial opportunities. We hope our tips will help you do right choice and give your preference to the most profitable and efficient heating unit.

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A huge number of families today have country house building outside the city, where they spend a lot of time both in the warm and cold seasons. In this case, the following question would be very appropriate: how to heat a dacha in winter? This is especially true for those regions where the temperature drops to critical levels, so this task should be approached very competently and all steps for installing heating equipment should be carefully considered.

Today there are three main options for heating a dacha in winter.

  • furnace system;
  • water heating system;
  • electric heating.
In addition, all these categories, in turn, can be divided into subtypes. Therefore, you should consider in more detail how to optimally and most competently heat your dacha in winter, study all the pros and cons of the equipment and dwell on the technical characteristics of each heating system.

Furnace heating system

This type of heating is not particularly popular today, due to some of its features. However, many owners still prefer to heat their cottages in winter using a traditional stove, so this method should be described in more detail on how to heat country house not so easy.

The main disadvantage of this option for heating a private home is the difficulty of servicing the stove. So, for high-quality heating, the system should be ignited several times a day, adding new portions of fuel. If the ignition material is coal, then in this case the resulting ash should also be regularly removed, which also requires a certain amount of time.

The main advantage of the furnace system is absolute autonomy. Heating a country house in winter using a stove does not require the use of either electricity or gas (more details: ""). The main fuel is only wood and coal. The elementary nature of the design completely eliminates the risk of breakdown.

There are two main types of stoves:
  • traditional Russian stove;
  • , called a potbelly stove.
The massive mechanism of the Russian stove can perform several useful functions at once. It is perfect for cooking, the warm surface allows you to sleep on such a stove, and, of course, such a unit is capable of heating a private house. It is important to note that due to its large size, heating can be provided to several living spaces at once, and the fact that a traditional Russian stove is made of brick ensures long-term heat retention and prevents any temperature changes.
The disadvantages of such a stove include its massiveness. To equip such a heating device, you will need to allocate from 6 to 8 m² in the room.

In addition, the time for heating such a furnace is long (bricks need at least several hours to warm up). It is impossible not to mention the fact that it is worth installing a Russian stove only in one-story buildings, since otherwise the design will bear little resemblance to a stove and will become similar to the real thing industrial equipment, characterized by its enormous size.

Heating a dacha in winter using a potbelly stove differs from heating it with a stove. This equipment takes up very little space (about 1 m²). Warm-up time is very fast and little fuel is required. In addition, if desired, you can cook food on the surface of the potbelly stove or, for example, boil a kettle.

However, these products also have disadvantages. The potbelly stove cools down as quickly as it warms up, so in order to avoid frequent temperature changes in the room, fuel will have to be added very often, which is especially inconvenient at night. Moreover, only one room can be provided with heat from a potbelly stove, since the heating capacity is more there are not enough rooms for such equipment, so operating a potbelly stove in big house It's better to refuse.

Water heating system for a dacha

Another option for heating a dacha in winter is to use heating boilers. Despite some complexity of their installation, the result will be definitely positive.

Based on what fuel is used, boilers are usually divided into the following types:
  • diesel systems;
  • gas boilers;
  • boilers running on solid fuel.
One of the most common boiler systems are devices that run on diesel fuel. However, such equipment can hardly be called innovative, since today the price of diesel fuel is very high, so not everyone can afford to install such a unit.

However, these products have no other serious drawbacks, with the exception of the emission of unpleasant smoke during operation. To get rid of burning, the chimney of such a boiler should be mounted on the surface.

Among the advantages of these mechanisms are the possibility of storage in a large tank, high energy intensity, as well as autonomous operation, which eliminates the participation of owners in the process of operation of the device.

Gas boiler systems are becoming increasingly common. All that is required for their installation is the presence of a stable gas supply point.

Gas has more advantages over diesel fuel. This natural fuel costs much less, in addition, during its combustion no harmful substances and acrid smoke, and there is no need to store such fuel in large volumes.

The main disadvantage of these boilers is the risk of fire. Even a small gas leak can cause very serious and unpleasant consequences. It is this drawback that scares off many consumers, although in fact the danger of explosion in modern devices is practically reduced to zero.

To completely eliminate the risk of fire, experts recommend installing this room not under the house, but in a separate room. In addition, before starting installation the right decision will study various photos of gas structures and detailed videos on their installation.

An example of self-implementation of heating a summer house in winter:

Another type of boiler is solid fuel. They are used less frequently than the systems described above, in particular, due to potential problems during their operation. Fueling must be done manually, which is not always convenient.

Among the advantages of solid fuel boilers is their low cost Supplies, such as wood, peat, coal, and the fuel itself can be stored anywhere. It is only important to provide it with protection from getting wet.

Electric heating systems for cottages

This type of heating of a private home has the lowest popularity among all heating systems.

This is explained by a number of disadvantages:
  1. High electrical consumption.
  2. Sometimes it is impossible to operate the desired number of heating devices for normal heating of the room due to a weak current supply.
  3. Devices powered by electricity dry out the air, which cannot have a positive effect on the health of the owners.
  4. A constant burning smell caused by dust settling on the coil.
All of the above recommendations should be taken into account when choosing heating for a private home, and then no frost will be able to disturb comfortable stay in the country.

In private country houses, owners constantly have to use gas systems heating for warming up rooms. But in some regions this type of fuel is very expensive, and in some places the highways are at long distance from dwellings. Then the owners of dachas and cottages start thinking about how to economically heat their house in winter without using gas boilers and what fuel is best to use.

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    If there are a lot of old and dry trees growing on the site, you can use them as fuel for the boiler. But usually you have to choose among many other options, taking into account some of the nuances of the cottage. Natural gas is not considered an economical type of heating. solar panels, wind turbines, heat pumps and machine or vegetable oil. That's why There are only a few options left:

    To select the appropriate fuel, appropriate calculations are made for the entire cold season. Formulas will allow you to clarify the power of each option, the financial costs of its purchase and the degree of heating of the house. Before calculations, all units of measurement are converted to kilograms. This will make the calculations easier.

    What is cheaper to heat a country house?

    Cost calculation

    To find out what is more economical to heat a house in winter period, it is necessary to determine the characteristics of all types of fuel. They take into account the cost of one kilogram of fuel, its calorific value, the amount of heat required to heat the cottage for the entire season, efficiency and total costs.

    Typically the cold season lasts six months. For calculation required quantity heat, you need to apply the formula 180x24 (the number of cold hours per year), and then multiply the resulting number by the area of ​​the house. The price of fuel in each region may vary, and the remaining indicators remain unchanged:

    Such calculations will help you decide how to cheaply heat your house. But this choice is based only on financial costs. In addition, ease of use must be taken into account. different types fuel and the degree of difficulty of servicing boilers or furnaces.

    Heating a summer house in winter

    Boilers are easy to equip and maintain, which is important when calculating physical costs. After heating with one type of energy, some owners note all its advantages, while others are ready to pay any money to no longer encounter problems.

    Ease of use is determined by several parameters and is unchanged for any type of fuel. Main criteria for calculations:

    • degree of complexity of boiler maintenance and repair;
    • the need for storage;
    • comfort of daily use.

    If we rate each energy carrier according to these parameters on a five-point scale, then electricity will be the most economical. This fuel does not require storage, the boilers are easy to maintain, and daily operation does not cause difficulties. But this is the most expensive method of heating a summer house, so it is better to understand the advantages and disadvantages of all options. Strengths solid fuel - firewood, pellets and coal:

    • in regions located near forests and plantings, low prices are noted;
    • environmental Safety;
    • possibility of use in ovens;
    • easy operation.

    But there are many more disadvantages: it is necessary to equip a separate room for storing fuel, you need to constantly monitor the boiler, clean it, and periodically add coal and firewood. Low calorific value and low efficiency are also taken into account. At diesel fuel and liquefied gas more advantages:

    Disadvantages include the high cost of fuel and the risk of fires if handled carelessly.

    The most efficient and convenient to use is electricity. It combines the advantages of all other energy carriers, while having a minor disadvantage - at a high price. But if you use this method of autonomous heating at night, the cost will decrease.

    How to heat a private house without gas? But! Comfortable. Comfortable. And low cost.

    Service and warehousing

    The electric boiler does not require special maintenance. It is enough to wipe it from dust and, in case of breakdowns, repair or replace damaged parts. When using propane, you should clean the burner and igniter twice a year. The chimney should be cleaned once, and ash and burnt elements should be removed from the fuel chamber three times during the heating season when heating with pellets.

    You can use coal and firewood, but the boilers will have to be cleaned almost daily. The ash pan and fuel chamber become clogged with ash, and combustion products and soot settle on the chimney. If they are not eliminated in time, the heating efficiency is significantly reduced. Periodically, you need to add a new portion of firewood or coal, so the owner of the premises will not be able to leave his home for a long time. As soon as the filling burns out, the unit will stop generating heat, and the temperature in the house will drop again.

    Diesel fuel usually has some impurities, so it can behave differently during combustion. It quickly clogs the boiler elements, so it is necessary to remove combustion products almost every day.

    Electricity does not require storage space. Gas cylinders, canisters or other containers with diesel fuel will need small room or an extension. Heating with wood and pellets implies the presence of a separate dry room where this fuel will be stored. Coal creates a lot of dirt and dust, so you need to keep it away from living rooms.

    Operating rules

    When heating a room in winter with electricity, the owner does not need to interfere with the operation of the boiler. Propane and pellets need to be replenished from time to time; it is enough to add solid fuel or supply new propane cylinders twice a week. Many difficulties arise with diesel fuel - it is necessary not only to periodically add liquid, but also to monitor the operation of the boiler, as there is a high risk of explosions and fires.

    Solid energy sources - firewood and coal - cause the most trouble. You need to put them in the fuel chamber several times a day and clean out the ash pan. Due to the constant accumulation of dust, dirt and sawdust, it is necessary to periodically sweep and wash the floor in the room where the firewood is stored and the boiler is located. All surfaces adjacent to the unit must be covered with fire-resistant materials.

    The first option is very practical and easy to use; cold air heats up slowly. But if you set the device to an economical mode, it will be able to maintain an optimal microclimate throughout the night. Electric convectors take in air, heat it using built-in elements and release it back into the room. The thermostat allows you to select the appropriate temperature regime, the room quickly becomes warm, but the air cools shortly after the device is turned off.

    Fan heaters cope with the cold even faster, but they burn oxygen and dry the air, so they are turned on for a short period of time. Easy to use infrared heaters- they heat the surface of all objects in the room, and they already give off heat into the room itself. You cannot stay under the panel for a long time; the device is installed near doors or windows.

    A large brick stove can heat a country house. The only drawback is the dimensions of the structure. The stove needs to be heated all season long, without letting it cool down. This is how they heated their homes back in the twelfth century. In small country houses they use economical furnace structures, For example, modern models potbelly stoves. They operate on any type of fuel, are compact in size, and easy to use. The main advantage of the design is its significant efficiency - the stove can heat a house in a few hours.

    It is convenient to use long-burning units. One stack of firewood is enough for the whole night; the released pyrolysis gases do not escape into the chimney, but are burned in the second chamber. Additionally you can install hob and cook food on the stove. The equipment is located anywhere in the room, since it does not require preliminary preparation foundation.

    Needed in winter economical ways heating of a country house, allowing you to feel comfortable in a country house. Cottage owners independently choose suitable look fuel, taking into account the availability of resources and one’s own preferences.

A country house should always be heated, regardless of whether it is seasonal housing or year-round living. If you plan to stay in winter, then major heating is necessary, if seasonal, only heating is possible electrical appliances. In any case, it is important to consider options for creating heating in your dacha with your own hands.

First of all, it is important to decide what the heating system will be used for. The main task, of course, is to heat the country house and maintain a temperature comfortable for living. Besides, heating can be used in the country for:

  • baths or heating water for showers;
  • cooking and boiling water;
  • drying fruits and vegetables for the winter;
  • drying clothes and shoes necessary in the damp autumn or spring period.

Heating in a country house, the choice of energy sources and the installation of a heating system depend on various factors. These include communications connected to the house (water, gas, electricity), and the layout of the house, and the building materials from which the building is constructed, and the number of residents, and the frequency of visits to the summer cottage.

There are several options for a home heating system, depending on the energy carriers used in the house:

The most economical and effective option- gas boilers. But the savings only appear with year-round use. The gas is burned and converted into thermal energy in a gas boiler, which, using a pump, supplies the heated coolant to the heating radiators. Gas equipment fully automated and equipped with a control system, so you don’t have to worry about your country house during your departure.

To connect to the central gas main, you need to obtain many permits and install a meter. All this requires certain costs and time.

If it is not possible to connect to the central network, you can use gas in cylinders. But at the same time, you need to constantly monitor the fuel level and change it periodically.

A group of cylinders is connected to the boiler through a reducer. Similar design- the most economical. If it becomes possible to connect to the central gas pipeline network, then this will not be difficult, you just need to slightly re-equip the system. But even such a connection scheme requires permission from the gas service and connection of the meter. If this is not done, then unauthorized connection will result in large fines for the summer resident.

Another way to heat a house is electric. This option is not the cheapest, but the most accessible - electricity is available in every home. Electrical equipment is compact in size and fits perfectly into the interior of the house, and installation and maintenance of such a system require a minimum of time.

An economical option for heating a dacha - an electric boiler with water heating. You can also install a separate individual electric heater in each room, but this will certainly be more expensive. Water heating works on the same principle as gas.

Heating a dacha with an electric heater is not the best the best option, because you will have to heat all the rooms at once, and this will lead to high consumption electricity. So let's consider a more economical option - electric boilers.

As electric heating Both conventional water radiators and a “warm floor” system can be used. Electric boilers are silent, do not emit smoke, combustion products or odor, have any level of safety - fire, electrical, chemical, etc. And also you do not need to obtain permission to connect the system.

The disadvantages include high energy consumption. The power of electric boilers usually reaches 3.5−7 kW, electric heaters 1.2−2 kW. For them, you need to build a separate electrical panel, connect RAM and other devices.

There are many alternative heating options to electric boilers and electric heaters. Some of them may be more economical, but almost all are used periodically - when residents come to their summer cottage.

One of the most profitable options is infrared emitters. They heat objects in the room, which then give off heat. The objects also include walls, which helps to heat a large area. Most often, such heaters are installed closer to the ceiling.

Electric fireplace. It will not be difficult to install it, and, in addition, no special permits, skills or knowledge are required. You can place it in any room without restrictions. The main advantages of electric fireplaces:

  • no need to build a chimney to remove combustion products;
  • do not require much space, because they are built into the wall;
  • in summer you can enjoy imitation fire;
  • There are many models of fireplaces suitable for different interior;
  • mobile, can move to any place (for example, after repair);
  • The power consumed by the fireplace, as a rule, does not exceed 2 kW.

Heating convectors. This type of heating can be used in any premises, has small dimensions and original design. The design is very simple, making it easy to install and maintain. They evenly heat the air in the room, which does not require a lot of energy resources and helps save money. You can create a system of convectors to provide heat to the entire country house.

The average price of a convector fluctuates around 3 thousand rubles. It has a thermostat and a heat sensor, due to which it provides quality work device. The maximum heating temperature reaches +80 degrees. The device is completely safe, so you don’t have to worry about getting burned.

TO alternative sources heat include water convectors. They come in three types:

  1. Wall mounted. The most popular option. It is lightweight and therefore can be attached anywhere.
  2. Floor. The only difference from wall-mounted ones is the mounting of the device.
  3. Built-in. This model solves two problems at once - heating and design.

Oily electric heaters. Such devices consume more electricity than others, because they have a greater heating inertia. But they also cool down more slowly than other electrical appliances, and do not consume electricity. There are mobile and stationary versions of the device. They are most often used to warm up one room. Many radiator models have several operating modes that can be used to adjust the heating intensity.

Electric ventilation devices are an excellent option for heating a room. They are quite cheap and quickly warm up the room using air supplied from the coil using a fan. The disadvantages of the device include air drying and noisy operation.

This heating of a country house can be called one of the most reliable options. It can be used as a main and additional type heating There is no need to connect lines to the stove - you only need to take care of a supply of coal and firewood. If there is no electricity at the dacha, then the oven will help you cook food, heat water and even bake bread.

Depending on the size of the room, you can choose the required stove size and material. You can also build a brick oven with your own hands, which will have compact dimensions and an elegant design. If it is not possible to build a stove yourself, you can purchase ready-made option- cast iron stove. Both brick and cast iron stoves can have different functionality:

To summarize, we list the advantages and disadvantages stove heating dachas The advantages include:

  • installation autonomy;
  • low fuel price;
  • efficiency;
  • constant readiness for use;
  • the ability to cook food and heat water;
  • installation can be done by yourself.

The main disadvantage of the stove is that it constantly needs to be monitored and fuel must be periodically loaded into it. Other disadvantages of the design include:

  • The efficiency is significantly lower than that of boiler heating;
  • it is important to periodically maintain the stove, for example, cleaning the chimney;
  • A brick oven takes up a lot of space and requires some experience to assemble.

Boilers running on diesel fuel, kerosene or fuel oil cannot operate independently; they must be connected to a liquid heating system with batteries and radiators. It is also necessary to equip a separate fireproof and ventilated room for the boiler room.

Liquid fuel boilers are single-circuit and double-circuit. One circuit is used to heat the cottage, the second heats water for domestic needs. According to their design, HT boilers can be wall-mounted or floor-mounted.

The floor-standing unit is large in size, so it is better to install it in a separate room. In addition, this installation makes quite a loud noise. Wall mounted equipment has smaller size and can be located in the kitchen, and additional appliances can be used to suppress noise.

Solid fuel devices

Such equipment runs on solid fuel: coal, firewood, briquettes, shavings, peat, etc. It is gaining popularity in Lately due to the rise in price of other heat sources and the rather low price of solid fuel. Solid fuel appliances operate in conjunction with a liquid heating system.

The advantages of such devices are their low price, ease of maintenance, the ability to use cheap raw materials. The system operates autonomously and safely, and one batch of fuel burns from 17 hours to 2 days.

Negative properties - low efficiency; a constant supply of raw materials is required, which must be stored in a separate building. In addition, it is necessary to constantly clean the chimney and combustion chambers of soot.
