Effective material for sound insulation. High-quality sound insulation of walls in apartments and private houses. Modern materials guarantee efficiency. Soundproofing walls in an apartment - what you need to consider

Scientists have established the fact that exposure to constant noise negatively affects the human psyche, does not allow him to fully relax and unwind, and worsens the general condition of the body. Therefore, the issue of soundproofing walls in an apartment and private house with modern materials is becoming increasingly relevant. There are a huge number of soundproofing materials on the market. The most popular and effective ones will be discussed below.

How to choose a material for high-quality soundproofing of walls in a private house

This question cannot be answered unequivocally. All types of sound insulation offered by modern manufacturers are divided into categories and types, which have their own characteristic features.

Before purchasing soundproofing material, you should first determine its function.

  1. The material can be:
  2. Sound-absorbing.


The first type absorbs noise, ensuring its attenuation inside the structure. Sound-absorbing materials have a fibrous or granular base. Significant advantages are low price, low weight, and therefore ease of installation.

Soundproofing structures reflect noise and prevent it from entering the room. Optimally solves the problem of sound penetration from the street. All of them are quite massive and heavy, so they are inconvenient during the mounting process. You should also take into account the features of the room. IN small rooms

noise spreads faster, and the issue of sound insulation is especially acute. At the same time, oversized structures eat up useful space and reduce the already small footage. Noises can be structural or airborne.

Structural include the sounds of moving furniture and falling objects, the stomping of children, etc. Airborne noise travels through the air. These are people's voices, music playing and equipment working. Airborne noise is eliminated using a thick and dense surface. Materials that absorb vibration help reduce the sounds of footsteps, impacts during repairs, and falls. To get rid of structural interference, compaction of individual zones is suitable. durable materials will combine all types of sound insulation. This is an expensive and energy-intensive process that reduces available space but provides the highest quality results.

Important! Some modern materials combine all types of sound insulation.

Types of modern materials for sound insulation

Mineral wool is very popular for sound insulation

  • still remains one of the most popular options for soundproofing in an apartment. It is inexpensive and, according to professionals, can retain up to 98% of various noises. Designed for finishing most types of surfaces, but may lose properties due to high humidity.
  • Cork are soundproofing boards that can be easily mounted on a prepared surface. Due to its natural origin, it is more expensive than mineral wool, but for protection against impact noise it is the best option. Not subject to rotting, prevents the proliferation of bacteria and microorganisms. At correct installation and operation will not lose its properties for about half a century.
  • Among the new products it is worth highlighting sandwich panels ZIPS (thermosound-insulated) with interlayers mineral wool and plasterboard cladding. They are one of the best materials on modern market With ideal parameters sound reflection and noise absorption at the same time. They are very easy to attach, but are expensive and require installation in several layers.
  • Soundproof breathable boards ISOPLAAT. Made from natural, environmentally friendly fibers coniferous trees. They isolate the room from both shock and airborne noise. They are mounted with glue and consist of a 2700 x 1200 mm slab with a thickness of 10 mm, a weight of 4 kg and a sound insulation index of 23 dB.

  • Wall panels "Kraft" made of environmentally friendly fiberboard, lined with waxed paper on the front side, and with wax paper on the back side corrugated cardboard. Each 12 mm thick sheet weighs about 5.5 kg. Rw is 23 dB. Suitable for finishing.
  • EcoZvukoIzol panel made from quartz sand and seven-layer cardboard profiles. The acoustic mat has a thickness of 13 mm. Weighs from 10 to 18 kg, but has a sound insulation index of 38 dB.
  • Mineral plate Schumanet made of basalt fibers and is considered a premium sound insulator. One side is covered with a fiberglass layer, which helps maintain the integrity of the mat and holds the basalt fibers in one position. This characteristic is especially useful if lining with acoustic panels is planned. Due to its low moisture absorption, it is suitable for use in wet areas.
  • Texound appeared on the market relatively recently. Its main advantage is that, due to its small thickness, it practically does not eat usable area.The basis of the material is the calcareous rock aragonite, and harmless polymer compounds are used as binders, providing flexibility and elasticity. Even thin-thick canvases are very effective and are capable of dispersing high-intensity sounds, not only penetrating from the outside, but also occurring inside the room. The sound insulation index is 28 dB.
  • Acoustic foam. Foam mats are one of the most effective sound insulators in the budget price category. It is successfully used in concert halls, studios and large rooms. They perfectly absorb and dissipate sound vibrations and are able to drown out low-frequency sounds (for example, the bass of music). The material is quite durable and has a wide size range. The main condition for its installation is fastening directly to the base of the wall, without additional pads. If you soundproof not only the walls, but also the floor and ceiling with foam rubber, the room will become almost soundproof.

Sound insulation price

When purchasing sound insulators, you need to pay attention to such characteristics as:

  • Density.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Resistant to fungus and mold.
  • Fire safety.
  • Resistance to tensile and pulling.

The better these indicators, the more optimal properties the material will have. Naturally, its price will be higher. Pricing is also influenced by naturalness - environmentally friendly material safer and more expensive.

If we consider each type of sound insulation separately, then sandwich panels will be the most expensive. Their average cost is in the range of 1000-1300 rubles per square meter.

  • Plates based on mineral and glass wool cost between 200-300 rubles. per meter
  • Drywall sheets – 100-300 rubles.
  • The price of sound-absorbing materials in rolls varies from 170 to 300 rubles.

How to save on sound insulation

Prices for soundproofing walls in country house modern materials may be different, but in any case you should not skimp on indicators such as fire resistance, moisture resistance, etc. Then the soundproofing system will last for a long time and will provide additional home security.

First you need to determine the type of noise you want to eliminate. For example, if your neighbors dog barks behind the wall, then the noise disturbing you is of airborne origin. In this case, there is no need to purchase expensive materials designed to combat several types of noise. Choose a sound insulator that only eliminates airborne noise. If constant renovation work– insulate the wall from structural noise.

Do not buy sound insulators intended for industrial and public premises. They have high specifications, but for ordinary apartment materials with lower performance are suitable. For residential buildings, systems with a sound insulation index of 15 dB or more are suitable. An index of 22 dB is suitable for rooms with special requirements.

How to choose the best soundproofer

According to experts, the best sound insulators on the modern market construction market are materials based on mineral wool or fiberglass. They allow air to pass through, do not burn, are easy to cut and, at the same time, are affordable for most consumers. But there is still no universal material. Manufacturers offer dozens of options. For achievement best effect It’s better to combine several of them. Most often used in homes:

  • To overcome airborne noiseceramic brick, wood structures, plasterboard, foam concrete, fiberglass, special multilayer panels, mineral wool.
  • To overcome impact noise– cork materials, polystyrene foam, bitumen-cork substrates, polyethylene, etc.
  • To overcome structural noise– vibroacoustic sealant, fiberglass, silica-based substrates and other highly elastic materials.

The consumer tries to give preference to the most durable and elastic sound insulators that have a budget price. When installed correctly, all sound insulators will create a pleasant and calm atmosphere in your home.

And if you still have doubts, watch the video from comparative characteristics different soundproofing materials:

- this is a solution to many problems, because people often complain about noise from neighbors, sounds from the street, etc., which interferes with their rest. Even the most cozy apartment will not be able to guarantee complete peace within her. To protect yourself from noise, it is necessary to carry out sound insulation. Moreover, the process itself is quite simple, so you can complete everything yourself.

Permissible noise standards

Nowadays, many materials have been created that can protect an apartment from outside noise. The most popular are the following:

  1. Drywall.
  2. ZIPS panels and ecowool.
  3. Ceiling panels.
  4. Suspended ceiling.
  5. Roll materials.

Sound insulation itself works in 2 directions. Firstly, it is soundproofing, that is, all sounds from neighboring rooms are reflected. As a result, the person will not hear anything. Secondly, this is sound absorption, that is sound waves are absorbed, so that the neighbors won’t hear anything.

There are several types of noise. Airborne are those sounds that are transmitted only through the air. For example, these are conversations of neighbors, laughter, screams, etc. Such sounds enter the room through cracks, windows and doors. The impact sound penetrates through the walls themselves. For example, this could be the sound of a drill or other tools. Structural occurs due to vibrations. It also penetrates walls, just like the drum. Sources are Building tools. As a rule, both the percussive and the structural appear simultaneously.

Loudness is measured in decibels. There are permitted indicators that will be optimal for human perception. This is approximately 40-45 decibels. This sound does not harm the human body. An example would be a normal conversation. But this rule is only valid from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Then only a light whisper is suitable for a person, and this is approximately no more than 20 decibels.

Noisy businesses can produce sounds up to 85 decibels, but this is only the limit. Moreover, people can work in such conditions no more than 8 hours a day. It has been proven that during this time the sound will not cause harm to the human body. If the noise is stronger, then it is necessary to use special protective equipment.

The critical indicator is 110 decibels. When the level rises to 130 decibels, a person feels discomfort even on the skin. So it’s not at all surprising that apartment owners often suffer from the screams of their neighbors. But you can protect yourself from this by building sound insulation. In addition, you can do everything yourself, so you don’t have to hire a team of workers—even a beginner can handle the whole process.

Preparatory stage

You can easily insulate walls from noise with your own hands. First you need to determine in which room to install it. Then you need to select a surface. By the way, insulation is not always done only on the walls. If noise comes from the lower floor, then you will also have to cover the floor with soundproofing material. The same applies to the ceiling if the neighbors above are noisy.

Preparing the wall begins with finding those places where there are cracks and crevices. It is through them that noise mainly passes through. They definitely need to be puttied. This is very important, since even the walls themselves after such a procedure will better absorb noise and not let it into the room.

Next important point are sockets, since various sounds also penetrate through them. This is especially true for panel-type houses. Before soundproofing, you must first turn off the electricity in the entire apartment. It is imperative to follow safety precautions. You can turn off the electricity on the panel, using the machine or simply pulling out the plugs. After this, you need to use a tester to check the outlet to be absolutely sure that there is no current in it. Then you need to disassemble it and pull it out. The hole in the wall should be filled with glass wool or mineral wool. Remember that flammable materials should not be used. Next you need to fix everything mortar, which hardens quickly. For example, regular plaster will do.

Now you need to start soundproofing the pipes. It is necessary to treat the places where they touch the wall. It is through the pipes that most noise penetrates into the rooms from the entrance. It is best to use a sealant for insulation, but it must be elastic. All seams between walls and pipes should be treated with this substance. By the way, you need to select a sealant that is also resistant to sudden temperature changes.

Algorithm of actions when using various materials

Procedure for arrangement DIY walls will vary depending on the materials used.

  1. Plasterboard structures. To make a protective structure, you need sheets of plasterboard, special wooden slats, hardware for fixing profiles to walls, ceilings and floors. In addition, you still need to purchase in advance a profile for drywall, screws and special layers that will absorb noise. First you need to prepare the wall. Then you should create a frame on which the drywall will be attached in the future. The profile cannot be fixed directly to the wall. It is necessary to retreat about a couple of centimeters, laying special gaskets with anti-vibration properties under the profile. They are made from cork or rubber. When the frame has already been built, it is necessary to lay glass wool or mineral wool with sound-absorbing properties. Instead, slabs of this material are still suitable, but they must be semi-rigid. When choosing a material, you must pay attention to the sound absorption index. It is usually much higher for softer materials, so these options are more effective. After installing the sound-absorbing layer, plasterboard slabs are attached to the profile. Self-tapping screws are used to secure parts. By the way, drywall itself is also a material with excellent sound-absorbing properties. The final stage work is gluing the joints between plasterboard sheets. A grid is used. Then the joints are puttied. After this, you can glue sheets of wallpaper or paint the walls.
  2. Decorative panels. Now on the market building materials There are many decorative panels available from different manufacturing companies. If the wall is not completely flat, then it can be veiled with slabs. They are attached to the sheathing with special liquid nails or fixed to each other using the tongue-and-groove technique. This soundproofing method is very simple, but at the same time it looks beautiful, since decorative panels can be chosen with different shades, textures, from different materials. As a result, the wall will look presentable. The cost of such panels is approximately 750-800 rubles per sq.m., but in terms of soundproofing properties they are not inferior plasterboard sheets. In addition, the panel is quite light in weight - only 4 kg, which is very convenient for the person installing it. This option is suitable if you need to treat all the walls in the room this way, and not just one side. Then the decorative panels will decorate the room, while reducing its area will be minimal.
  3. Roll sound insulation. In this case, the material is glued to the wall - this soundproofing walls with your own It’s very simple by hand, and the method is low-cost. The material is sold in rolls. It is glued in the same way as wallpaper (for example, vinyl). A special glue is used that is designed just for this. The cost of such material is approximately 1300-1400 rubles per roll, which is designed for 7 sq.m. This option is great if you don’t want to invest too much in your home (for example, if it’s rented). But it must be taken into account that the effectiveness of this method is not the highest. The noise level will only decrease by half.


No wallpaper will protect apartment residents from noise from the street or from the shouts of neighbors. To get rid of intrusive loud sounds, it is necessary to carry out sound insulation. The procedure itself is quite simple, so you can do everything yourself. This option will be the cheapest. In addition, you can choose different materials to suit your taste. Many of them are very easy to install on walls, so even a beginner can cope with this task.

All noise can be classified into three categories: airborne, impact and structural. The most common type, of course, is airborne noise - this includes the sounds of passing vehicles, the hum of equipment, and the sounds made by animals and people.
The ability of a material to protect from noise will tell you the index of sound insulation – Rw.

Impact noise, as the name implies, occurs when shocks occur, for example, when hammering nails or moving furniture. Finally, structural noise- these are the sounds of nature penetrating through structural elements Houses.
The key characteristics of soundproofing material are sound insulation and sound absorption. It should reflect or absorb sound, preventing it from entering the room.

From the point of view of acoustic engineers, there is no soundproofing materials– only special designs in which the structure is extremely important. Often, builders use multilayer systems in which sheets of dense plasterboard alternate with layers of porous materials, such as mineral wool. But, unfortunately, they reduce living space and are quite expensive.

The secret of effective sound-proofing – a combination of special design and material.

Review of popular soundproofing materials

Modern technologies make it possible to use simpler and advantageous materials, providing isolation from external and internal noise. Thus, ZIPS sandwich panels have proven themselves well on the market. They are a combination of dense gypsum fiber and soft glass wool layers. Their thickness varies from 40 to 130 mm, and Rw is 10 dB.

More thin material are ISOPLAAT heat and sound insulating boards. Their thickness does not exceed 25 mm, and their sound insulation index is twice as high as that of ZIPS - 23 dB. In addition, ISOPLAAT is made from environmentally friendly coniferous fibers. The boards are mounted using glue and “breathe” well.

The thinnest panels are EcoZvukoIzol and Kraft - 12 mm and 13 mm, respectively. The first ones are made of a seven-layer cardboard profile with the addition of quartz sand, the second ones are made of wood fiber boards. Both are easily attached with ordinary glue. The sound insulation index of both is approximately 23 dB.

Finally, it is worth warning about the most common misconceptions. There is an opinion that materials such as cork, PPE, polyurethane foam do a good job of soundproofing and at the same time, due to their small thickness, help preserve square meters. In fact, this is not entirely true - they only absorb impact noise, but do not insulate at all from airborne noise.

This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Construction or renovation of real estate is not complete without soundproofing devices. Many residents of large cities dream of creating silence in their apartment or house. Today this can be done quickly, efficiently and inexpensively. The construction market has seen many quality materials for sound insulation for walls. They differ not only in origin or price. The buyer is offered panels and slabs, single-layer structures or triplexes, rigid and elastic materials. To choose the most suitable sound insulator for walls, experts recommend considering several points.

Criteria for selecting materials for sound insulation for walls, floors and ceilings

    Many Russians put safety first finishing materials for human health. Some panels contain allergenic substances. The most environmentally friendly products are those based on cork, basalt or quartz sand.

    The desire to save money can also play a cruel joke on the buyer. Cheap materials for soundproofing walls can be very thick, which will negatively affect the usable area of ​​a cramped room. You should also calculate how much waste may be generated after installing the insulation.

    There are many sound insulators on the market made in Russia. Many of them are produced under license from world-famous brands. They have good quality and reasonable price.

    The general repair estimate consists not only of the cost of the material. The simpler the installation of sound insulation, the cheaper the work of the finishers will be. It is worth paying attention to the presence of hardware products in the kit. When it comes to large amounts of insulation, this little detail can have a negative impact on the budget.

Our review included best materials for soundproofing walls, ceilings and floors. When selecting applicants for the rating, the following criteria were taken into account:


    environmental friendliness;

    degree of sound insulation;

    expert opinion;

    An excellent combination of low thickness and noise insulation capabilities is observed in ZIPS-III-ULTRA panels. The sheet thickness is only 42 mm with overall dimensions 1200x600 mm. Experts gave the rating winner laurels to this material for its precision manufacturing and full set fasteners. The symbiosis of gypsum and glass fiber allows a thin-walled panel to effectively absorb sound. As support system Vibration isolators (8 pcs.) are used. Professional finishers use sandwich panels together with drywall.

    Craftsmen note the ease of working with ZIPS-III-ULTRA sound insulation. Installation requires the usual set of tools: hammer drill, hacksaw, cordless screwdriver. The easiest way to find answers to emerging questions is in the instructions for use.


      small thickness;

      effective noise absorption;

      affordable price;

      ease of installation.


    • not detected.

    According to the most attractive price Shumanet-BM sound insulation is sold on the domestic market. The material is mineral slabs, which are light in weight. As a result, minimal load will be placed on the wall. It is recommended to place the material between the cladding layer and the base or lay it in wall voids. Experts note high quality budget sound insulation, which allowed it to take second place in our rating.

    Installation is carried out according to classical frame technology. It is best to fasten mineral slabs with plastic mushrooms. The material is hygroscopic, so when installing sound insulation in damp rooms, it is necessary to pack the slabs in spunbond.


      low price;

      light weight;

      good noise absorption.


    • the slabs crumble and chip.

    The minimum thickness of sound insulation is the material for sound insulation of walls - SoundGuard EcoZvukoIzol. It expands the wall or ceiling by only 13 mm. Chip domestic manufacturer became a quartz filler. It not only delays sound waves different frequencies, but also not afraid of moisture. Therefore, you can create soundproofing structures both inside and outside the house. The multilayer design includes, along with the filler, vibration-damping layers. The combination of all these qualities allowed the panel to take third place in the rating.

    Finishers write in reviews about easy installation soundproofing. The material is easy to cut various instruments. And it is possible to attach the panels not only to an independent frame, but also directly to the base of the wall.


    • one-way noise delay.
    • moisture resistance;

      ease of installation;

      minimum thickness.


    Knauf AcoustiKnauf Plate claims to be the most environmentally friendly sound insulation. The manufacturer did not use phenol-formaldehyde resins during production. Therefore, the Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences recommends the material for use in children's educational institutions or in medical institutions. The slabs will be an excellent solution for soundproofing apartments and private houses. The scope of application is quite wide, starting from interior partitions and ending with the ceiling bases. Experts gave this material fourth place in the rating.

    Craftsmen note the ease of installation of the slabs; they are light in weight and do not slide down. But insulation only works in the room where it is attached. But in the neighboring rooms you can clearly hear what is happening in the room, despite the correct soundproofing of the walls.


      environmental friendliness;

      wide scope of application;

      ease of installation.


    • one-way noise delay.

    Most wide area applications, the insulation of SONOPLAT COMBI stands out. Builders use the material when constructing walls and screeding. Finishers use panels when decorating interior partitions. Plumbers make special boxes and screens from the material. And music lovers create spectacular acoustic niches. If we add to all this an affordable price, then sound insulation could claim a higher place in the ranking. But users in reviews indicate an insufficient level of noise retention.

    The panels are mounted directly on a flat base. The insulation is provided with a lightweight backing and the ends are joined using a folded edge. The manufacturer carefully thought out the design so that a single surface could be formed.


      wide scope of application;

      affordable price;

      thoughtful design.


    • low noise reduction efficiency.

    The three-layer structure of the SOUNDLINE-DB panel distinguishes the material from its competitors. Music lovers especially liked the sound insulation. Acoustic triplex allows you to make a room soundproof. The innovation of the design lies in the elastic layer, which is located between the sheets of drywall. Moreover, the external panels are heavy and 8 mm thick. The three layers are connected to each other using a special sealant. This unusual approach did not go unnoticed by experts; the material deservedly made it into our rating.

    During testing, the acoustic triplex withstood the fire tests quite well. Effective sound insulation lasts for 25 years. The craftsmen focus on selecting hardware for a thickness of 17.5 mm; they will also have to involve assistants in the work due to heavy weight panels.


      affordable price;

      high level noise reduction;

      resistance to high temperature.


    Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

    As the quality of housing improves, when the issue of the number of square meters has ceased to be the only determining factor, the problem of soundproofing residential premises is becoming increasingly relevant. However, due to the fact that this question is quite specific, i.e. in the theory of acoustics there are a lot of implicit features and “illogical” from the point of view common sense conclusions, a large number of myths and misconceptions have arisen and become established in this area.

    This leads to the fact that large quantities people have formed a stable stereotype about what materials, if necessary, can solve all the problems of insufficient sound insulation. However, the practical use of such materials will, at best, leave the situation without visible changes; at worst, it will lead to an increase in noise in the room. As a first example:

    The myth about the soundproofing properties of cork

    What cork covering- a good sound insulator, almost everyone believes. Statements of this kind can be found in many construction forums. And the “technology” of application is “developed” down to the smallest detail. If you can hear your neighbor behind the wall, you need to cover the wall you share with your neighbor with cork; if the noise is coming from the ceiling, then the ceiling. And the resulting acoustic effect is amazing... by its absence! But what's the matter? After all, the seller showed data from acoustic tests, where the effect of sound insulation was indicated, and not a small effect - about 20 dB! Is it really a scam?!

    Not really. The numbers are true. But the fact is that such figures were obtained not for “sound insulation in general”, but only for the so-called impact noise insulation. In addition, the indicated values ​​are only valid when the cork covering is laid under concrete screed or parquet board at the neighbor's upstairs. Then you really hear your neighbor’s steps 20 dB quieter compared to if your neighbor didn’t have this pad under his feet. But for music or the sound of a neighbor’s voice, as well as for all other cases of using cork covering in other options, these “sound insulation” figures, unfortunately, have nothing to do with it. The effect is not just barely noticeable, it is zero! Of course, cork is environmentally friendly and warm material, but attribute to him all possible soundproofing properties not worth it.

    All of the above also applies to polystyrene foam, polyethylene foam (PPE), polyurethane foam and other similar materials that have different trade marks starting with “peno-” and ending with “-fol”, “-fom” and “-lon”. Even with an increase in the thickness of these materials to 50 mm, their sound insulation properties (with the exception of impact noise insulation) leave much to be desired.

    Another misconception, closely related to the first. Let's denote it as:

    The myth of thin sound insulation

    The basis for this misconception is the struggle to improve the acoustic comfort of the room along with the desire to preserve the original square meters. It is quite understandable to want to maintain the height of the ceiling and the area of ​​the room, and also for standard apartments with a small footage and a low ceiling. According to statistical observations The vast majority of people are willing to sacrifice “for sound insulation” by increasing the thickness of the wall and ceiling by no more than 10 - 20 mm. In addition to this, there is a requirement to obtain a hard front surface ready for painting or wallpapering.

    Here all the same materials come to the rescue: cork, PPE, polyurethane foam up to 10 mm thick. Thermal and sound insulation is added to them as a separate line. But for this case these materials are covered with a layer of plasterboard, which acts as a rigid wall, ready for finishing.

    Since the acoustic properties of cork and PPE for sound insulation of walls and ceilings were discussed above, we will focus on thermal and sound insulation.

    Termozvukoisol (TZI) - roll material, where it is used as a shell (like a duvet cover) polymer material"Lutrasil", and super-thin fiberglass fibers are used as padding (blanket). The thickness of this material ranges from 5-8 mm. I don’t presume to discuss the thermal insulation qualities of TZI, but as for sound insulation:

    Firstly, TZI is not a sound-proofing material, but a sound-absorbing material. Thus, we cannot talk about its own sound insulation. We can only talk about sound insulation of a structure in which it is used as a filler.

    Secondly, the sound insulation of such a design largely depends on the thickness of the sound-absorbing material located inside. The thickness of the TZI, at which this material will be effective in a soundproofing structure, must be at least 40 - 50 mm. And this is 5 - 7 layers. With a layer thickness of 8 mm, the acoustic effect of this material VERY SMALL. As, indeed, any other materials the same thickness. There's nothing you can do about it - the law of acoustics!

    ZIPS panels can be recommended as a truly effective material for additional sound insulation of walls and ceilings. For example, ZIPS-Vector panels with a structure thickness of 53 mm increase noise insulation by 9-11 dB, and the latest ZIPS-III-Ultra with the same thickness - by 11-13 dB. The panels are patented and this moment have no analogues in the world.

    Thus, when total thickness construction of additional sound insulation of 20 - 30 mm (including a layer of plasterboard), you should not expect any noticeable increase in sound insulation.

    In addition to these, perhaps, the most common misconceptions, there are others, less known, but no less significant. Therefore, in matters of ensuring the required noise insulation of premises, it is best to immediately contact specialists. Sometimes one glance is enough for an acoustics professional to immediately assess the ineffectiveness of the proposed measures or materials used. But the most unpleasant thing is to waste time, effort and money, and not feel the results of your work.
