Hemming the roof overhangs at an angle. Soffit installation is easier than you think! Roof filing: materials

Sheathing of roof overhangs is the final stage of roofing work, the essence of which is not only to protect the roofing, but also to give it an aesthetic and finished appearance. One of the most common options for filing is the use of specially designed panels - soffits.

Soffit products appeared on the construction market relatively recently, but they have become widespread and popular due to the presence of a large number of advantages, such as aesthetic appearance, affordable cost, long service life, and ease of installation under roof overhangs.

Types of spotlights

Soffit panels can be made from various materials, and depending on this, they are divided into metal (galvanized, aluminum, copper) and plastic (vinyl). Each of the varieties has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. At the same time, the process of their installation is largely similar and has not so many differences from each other.

Soffits under the roof have a perforated structure, which promotes free air circulation and protects the material from dampness, mold and putrefactive processes. Non-perforated soffits are not used for roofing, but are used to finish indoor spaces.

If we talk about manufacturers, then at present there are many companies that produce high-quality soffit panels. For example, Decke soffits for filing roofs, produced by Docke Extrusion, are very popular due to their high quality. Their warranty period is 50 years, which is certainly an excellent indicator for such products. Other well-known soffit manufacturers are Mitten, Grand Line, Holzplast, etc.

Do-it-yourself tools and materials for installing spotlights

Filing roof overhangs with soffit panels is a simple matter, and therefore you can usually do without the help of specialists by installing the soffits yourself. Of course, a little skill and diligence will still be required for this.

Before undertaking such work, you should read the installation instructions for roof spotlights and prepare the necessary equipment.

The set of tools required for installing spotlights with your own hands includes the following:

  • roulette;
  • level;
  • carpenter's hammer;
  • metal scissors;
  • corner;
  • hacksaw with fine teeth;
  • electric drill;
  • Circular Saw.

You can do without the last two tools, but they greatly facilitate the work and speed up the installation process.

The calculation of the required amount of materials is quite simple: the cornice overhangs are conditionally divided into rectangular sections, and to calculate the area of ​​​​each of them, the length is multiplied by the width. Further, based on the size of the soffit products themselves, the required number of panels for installation is calculated. Of course, when buying, it is advisable to take a little more material, providing for some margin - in case of errors in calculations and errors in work.

In addition to the soffit panels themselves, during the installation process, certain additional elements are used for them: J-bevels, J-profiles, H-profiles, sometimes external and internal corners. Among the necessary elements are also wooden blocks for the construction of the filing frame (usually with a section of 5 by 5 centimeters). Finally, fasteners are also required for installation: most often when mounting spotlights, dowels and galvanized self-tapping screws are used.

Instructions for installing soffit panels

To install soffit panels under roof overhangs, you must first build a frame or box to which they will be attached. For this purpose, one bar with a section of 5 by 5 centimeters is attached to the wall of the house by means of dowels. Another bar is fixed on the inside of the cornice board, after which the transverse rails are stuffed connecting these two bars. Fixing the bars to the truss structures can be done using self-tapping screws.

Fixing spotlights to certain structures is carried out by means of additional elements. Roof overhangs are hemmed with a J-bevel. The function of the H-profiles is to fix the soffits at the right angle corners. They can also be used to directly connect the panels themselves to each other. By means of J-profiles, lateral adjoining of soffits to cornices and other structures is carried out: soffit panels on the side sections are inserted into J-profiles and fixed in them.

In addition, spotlights are also attached to each other with the help of hooks and holes located along the edges.

Depending on the type of panels and the configuration of the roof overhangs, the installation instructions for soffits may differ, however, thanks to the use of locking elements and accessories, their installation is in any case a simple matter.

Soffit filing rules

Despite the simplicity of the process, there are certain rules and recommendations, without which the installation of spotlights will not be correct and may lead to unpleasant consequences during operation.

The main of these nuances that require compliance during the installation process are as follows:

  • Soffits, especially plastic ones, should be fastened carefully, without bends and tensions.
  • The fastening of the panels should not be too tight, with fixation to the stop.
  • The parts are joined together until a characteristic "lock" click appears.
  • For do-it-yourself installation, it is best for non-professionals to choose plastic spotlights. Their installation is much easier than other varieties, since the plastic is lightweight, flexible and easy to cut.
  • Thermal insulation of the facade and all finishing work during the construction of the house must be completed before the installation of soffit panels.

In order to properly equip the roof of the house, it is necessary to go through several successive steps, including starting - to create a frame and final - to design it. The latter include the installation of weirs, snow plows and the filing of ledges that directly protect the facade of the building from destruction.

The purpose of the roof sheathing

The procedure itself is needed to protect the roofing elements from destruction and for the beauty of the building.

Roof lining allows you to:

  • give the exterior of the structure a complete look;
  • regulate the thermal insulation level in the premises of the building;
  • prevent the regular influence of natural precipitation on the condition of the external elements of the building;
  • regulate the temperature in the rooms.

Experts advise filing all overhangs, regardless of their size, angle of inclination and design features of the roof.

Do-it-yourself cornice decoration

Roofing the roof of the house is quite easy. This procedure is quite accessible to every homeowner, but requires certain knowledge and skills. First of all, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work on the design of the roof frame with your own hands.

Actions are classified into:

  • preparatory;
  • protective coatings of protrusions.

Preliminary actions

Starting events - long in time, consisting of a series of cases:

  1. Material orientation, hemming technology, ventilation.
  2. Organization of rafters, walls, tools, etc.

What material to choose - how to hem the roof from below

For filing overhangs, it is better to prefer the same roofing. According to the quality and size of products, the cost of hemming events is calculated. Also important are the strength and durability of the material.


The use of lumber for filing roof overhangs with clapboard is a fairly common procedure and quite in demand. This material is hemmed with wooden ledges of buildings and not only.

When choosing lining are important:

  • The quality of wood products. That is, defects on the boards (cracks, knots, chips, etc.) are unacceptable. Masters recommend using the "Extra-lining", which during the production process is carefully screened for defects and dried according to a unique technology.
  • Humidity, which should vary between 30 and 40%. This indicator is measured using a conventional moisture meter.

Since the wood will be used outdoors, it must be kept outside for a month in order to achieve an optimal level of humidity and prevent deformation of the bars.

  • The quality of lumber, depending on the type of wood. It has been proven in practice that it is better to use spruce, larch, pine, as durable and economical species that are resistant to the rotting process.
  • Board dimensions. The best option is sawn timber with a thickness of 15 mm or more, and a length adjustable overhang.

It is worth noting that, due to the need to use wooden planks with a length of 5 to 25 cm, it is better to immediately buy short products of the appropriate size. So you can save a lot when filing the roof eaves with clapboard.

profiled sheet

If there are special requirements for the strength characteristics of the structure, then it is better to use sheet profile material, for example, corrugated steel sheets, or treated with zinc or polymers.

When choosing profiled sheets, you need to remember about:

  • The condition of the surface, which should not be rough, without scratches, chips and dents.
  • The height of the wave, providing the necessary ventilation. A slight difference for this purpose is quite enough. When finishing the roof overhang, large waves do not protect against the regular ingress of rain, snow, hail inside and contribute to the destruction of the frame.
  • Color range. The tone of all profiled sheets should not differ from each other.
  • Sheet length. This parameter can reach 6 m, so choosing the required size will not be difficult. It is better to mount a professional sheet larger, equal to the length of the span of the overhang, and not taken from small panels.
  • Ease of construction. The optimal solution is the filing of the roof with a profiled sheet 0.55-0.8 mm thick. If this value is greater, then the sheets will be heavier, which is completely inconvenient during installation. Accordingly, the load on the frame components of the roof will increase.

It is worth noting that the corrugated board will have to be cut into sheets with your own hands, and this will require a special device and additional time.

OSB and plywood

This is the most affordable type of lumber in terms of finance, moreover, it has excellent strength characteristics. Therefore, OSB and plywood are in great demand in roofing.

If you chose this representative of chipboard lumber for filing the roof with your own hands, then it is worth noting that the layers of plywood are connected with formaldehyde glue during its production, and later the harmful compounds simply evaporate.

When choosing a material, you should pay attention to:

  • Type of wood. It is better to prefer products from coniferous forests, because. it is more resistant to any weather surprises. Consumers are especially pleased with its increased moisture resistance.
  • material thickness. When arranging the roof, sheets are more in demand, the thickness of which varies from 9 to 10 mm. Only such dimensions make the design durable and reliable.
  • condition of the plates namely, the absence of chips, delaminations, shape deformations and other material defects.
  • Plywood brand. Experts consider PSF to be the best option for outdoor installation.

Like corrugated board, plywood will have to be cut with your own hands, which is completely simple.


This is a kind of specific category of materials, including a set of products from: PVC, steel, copper and even wood. Such a filing of roof overhangs will look attractive and will last a long time. Each plank should be in harmony with the design of the house, giving it a complete look.

Finishing roof overhangs with soffit is an extremely simple procedure, but first you need to make a competent choice of the material itself.

Priority is given to:

  • Dimensions that are calculated independently, according to the width of the overhang and the length of the span on one side of the roof.
  • Color range. Recommendations are not given in this regard either, the choice is yours, taking into account the large assortment of spotlight tones, the design style and the variety of color palettes of all components of the design.
  • Type of perforation, depending on the location of the spotlights. Overhangs of gables are often hemmed with solid panels. Fully perforated elements of the soffit set are in demand for finishing any kind of ledges, partially for cornices.

Sheathing sequence

Masters for finishing roof overhangs distinguish two main processes:

  • rafter installation;
  • with the preparation of a horizontal box directly under the ledge.

When choosing a filing process, the reference point is the angle of inclination of the roof. If it is gentle, then it is better to use the first option, and if it is hip or with a steep descent, then the second.


To prepare the rafters, you need to decide on the method of cutting wood and installing the frame for the construction of the ledges.

The sequence of events in the preparation of rafters:

  • Provide for their length more by 30-50 cm from the planned one.
  • Form a ledge that would correspond to the specified size.
  • Cut the material and process the edges of the rafters:
    - vertical cut - for the purpose of filing along the rafters;
    - vertical and horizontal cuts - during the creation of the box.
    It should be noted that with an unexpected increase in the width of the overhang before installation, the rafters must be lengthened using the bars - “filly”.
  • Achieve a straight line of overhang.


Preparing the walls when finishing the roof cornices means their insulation, i.e. is a requirement of the procedure itself.

The process involves the elimination of cracks and crevices that would let water and air through. The desired result will not be achieved if the walls are insulated after the roof projections have been arranged.

House roof ventilation

When making ledges, it is imperative to create a ventilated place under the finishing material. Thanks to this condition, it is possible to avoid the accumulation of moisture in the sheathing area and the subsequent decay of the load-bearing components of the roof structure.

Depending on the material, choose the method of ventilation:

  1. By creating small gaps between the elements of the binder.
  2. Uniform installation of gratings for ventilation in the panel. This option is the most popular.

The use of spotlights will greatly simplify the matter, because. they already have perforation for future ventilation.


To figure out how to make the ends of the roof, you should purchase all the tools in advance:

  • saw;
  • grinder;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • ladder;
  • level;
  • fasteners: self-tapping screws, nails, screws, etc.;
  • measuring device.

In addition, you should not forget about the materials for filing, as well as about:

  • cord;
  • paint, according to the type of material;
  • antiseptic solutions.

Rafter installation

Such a technological process of roof upholstery is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Cut the material according to the parameters of the protrusion.
  2. Treat all parts with an antiseptic to improve their protective properties.
  3. If the technology requires coloring of the filing elements, then this must be done even before installation.
  4. Check the smoothness of the bases of the rafters.
  5. Align, if necessary, the rafters with the help of additional boards that overlap.
  6. Fasten them with screws or nails.
  7. Mount the latter from the ends of the plank strictly along the overhang line.
  8. Fix with hardware according to the type of material.
  9. Pull the cord.
  10. Continue the installation of subsequent parts of the binder with the obligatory orientation to the line along the cord.
  11. Leave 5 to 10 mm distances between the panels, because due to the surprises of the weather, stretching of the material is possible.

Making a box for filing

Do-it-yourself steps to create boxes on the roof are performed in strict order:

  1. Cut and pre-treat the material with antiseptics and paints and varnishes.
  2. Install and fix the board on the underside of the rafters.
  3. Nail the beam to the wall a centimeter higher relative to the frontal board.
  4. Arrange all the details of the filing in sequence: fasten one of their edges with a beam mounted to the wall, while the other with a board located on the side of the rafters.
  5. Alternate panels with gratings for ventilation at equal distances or leave a gap between the parts of the filing within 2 cm or more.
  6. Fasten products with profile plates, screws, corners. Note! If the boards are long, fastenings are necessary to avoid deformation of at least three.
  7. To decorate the corners, mount the panels on both sides of the rafters or flat.

Technology for installing spotlights on an overhang

And finally, consider how to sheathe the cornice of the house with spotlights. The procedure is quite simple, but at the same time, it requires theoretical knowledge to ensure reliable coverage.

All actions must be performed in a certain sequence:

  1. Cut the blank material to the size of the width of the overhang. If this value is more than 45 cm, then additional installation of a horizontal type of plank in the middle is necessary.
  2. Mark the fixing line on the wall.
  3. To ensure the reliability and evenness of fasteners, it will be necessary to mount the board on the wall along the entire length of the protrusion.
  4. Fasten the bars to the rafters from the bottom horizontally, because. soffit panels will be mounted to them. Remember that before mounting the spotlights, you need to pre-cut the rafters along the vertical and horizontal lines.
  5. Place the F or J-profile on the board fixed to the wall.
  6. Connect the parts with screws.
  7. Insert the panel strips one by one into the profile.
  8. Attach the opposite side of the product to the rafter or add another J(F)-panel. If, due to the significant width of the overhang, you have an auxiliary bar attached in the middle, then you will need another fixation with screws for the beam with spotlights.
  9. Once the installation procedure is completed, install the L-profile along the overhang lines, which close the ends of the rafters and panel strips.


Now you know how to hem the roof from below, and in what sequence to perform all the steps. Whatever technological process and material you choose, you must strictly follow all the installation rules. The strength of the structure will depend on this, and the building and roof will become incredibly attractive.

If we consider the device of any roof in detail, we can see that it is a rather multi-layered and complex structure. It is on how accurately it is designed and thought out that its reliability will depend. The installation of a modern roof is significantly different from the process that was carried out earlier - even 50 years ago, roofs were built differently. Now modern materials are often used, as well as elements that have not been heard of before, now they are an invariable part of the design. Installing spotlights on the roof eaves is a simple job, but these elements will increase the protection of the house from wind and precipitation, and give a finished look to the entire structure.

Soffits are elements that are hemmed to the bottom of the roof. They are located between its edge and the wall of the house, where, as a rule, after the completion of work there is a gap into which birds can easily penetrate, debris can get in, and the wind also blows. They can be made from various materials, have perforation or be made without it.

Roof soffits - what is it

Soffit - a small panel that just closes the gap between the wall of the building and the roof. Factory options are usually quite easy to install. They are durable, lightweight, can be installed at any time of the year and perform the required protection function 100%.

Types of spotlights

All spotlights for sale, as well as those that are made by hand, can be classified according to a certain type. For example, by the type of material used for the manufacture or by structure.

Factory soffits often resemble siding elements in appearance. But they may be slightly different from each other. So, the following options for elements for filing roof structures are distinguished.

Advice! When choosing spotlights, an important factor is the width of the slats. It can vary from 30 to 80 cm. This allows you to choose the most suitable option in each case.

Soffits can also be made from various materials. Depending on this, they will have certain properties.

Table. What materials are soffits made from?


Frequently used option. For the manufacture of such soffits, polyvinyl chloride is used. Advantages of the option - resistance to moisture, the ability to choose any color, ease of installation, low cost. Also, mold and fungus do not appear on such spotlights, they do not rust. Products perfectly cope with temperature extremes in the range of -50 - +60 degrees.

This version of spotlights is durable and practical, it is relatively inexpensive. Elements are made of steel with galvanization, due to which the material is not subject to corrosion. But if the protective coating is damaged, then the steel spotlights will quickly rust and become unusable. But they are more durable than plastic ones.

Soffits with the longest possible service life. Copper is able to withstand the impact of external factors for 150 years. She is not afraid of water, wind, environmentally friendly, easy to care for. However, the cost of such spotlights is very high - not everyone can afford them.

One of the lightest soffit options. Now aluminum products are the most demanded on the market. They are easy to install, are not afraid of exposure to temperature and moisture, do not burn or fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, and therefore are very popular.

On a note! There are also spotlights made of wood. But usually they are made by hand.

Prices for various types of spotlights

Calculation of the required quantity and selection criteria

Before you go to the store for spotlights, you should calculate how many elements of this type will be needed, taking into account the ventilation and size of the building. So, ventilation should occupy approximately 1/150 of the entire ventilated space. This means that the entire area that will need ventilation is divided by 150. Then the ventilation elements (for example, dormer windows, etc.) are subtracted from the obtained value. Next, the result is compared with perforated soffits. Based on the value of the area that one soffit panel will occupy, the total number of elements required for the work is also calculated.

Important! It is impossible to close the cornice overhangs with a continuous coating. Ventilation in any case should be. The best option is to buy perforated spotlights and calculate how many are needed to cover the entire space between the wall and the eaves along each wall of the house.

As for the selection criteria, it is only important to take into account the fact that it is recommended to install spotlights with perforations on the street, and indoors you can use spotlights without holes. Regarding the color - here you can choose to your taste, but in any case, it is important to first evaluate how the chosen color will look in the overall harmony of the house.

Mounting options

Soffit panels can be installed in two ways - diagonal and horizontal. In the first case, the elements are placed parallel to the overhang of the structure. The mounting profile is mounted on the rafters. The method is optimal for decorating a roof with a slope angle of not more than 25 degrees. At the same time, the length of the overhang cannot exceed 5-6 m. Diagonal is not the most convenient way, since fixtures for spotlights will have to be installed in places that are difficult to access. And the consumption of materials increases significantly.

The horizontal method is much easier to implement and saves time and material. In this case, the soffit strips will be mounted parallel to the base. Here, a kind of box is mounted from the bars, on which the soffit elements are attached. Roofing in this way is done quite quickly.

Installation of soffit elements

To work with PVC elements, you will need a screwdriver, a writing instrument, a tape measure, a stepladder, self-tapping screws, and a sharp knife. You will also have to purchase the spotlights themselves and profiles (H, F, J), due to which the fastening will be carried out.

Step 1. Installation of spotlights is impossible without treated wooden slats 3x5 cm in size. Before starting work, they are treated with various compounds that prevent rotting and damage to wooden material.

Rail dimensions - 3x5 cm

Step 2 With the help of the building level, markings for fastening the rails are applied to the wall of the house. First, the places located closer to the corners of the building are marked, then all the marks are connected by a single line, along which the rails will be mounted. When marking, the building level is applied to the roof eaves - relative to it, markings are applied to the walls.

Step 3 The slats are attached to the wall using so-called quick-mount pegs. Their length will depend on the thickness of the wall, as well as insulation. The pegs are screwed with a screwdriver.

Step 4 Also, rails are mounted along the entire length of the gutter belt. Here they are fastened with wood screws, taking into account the parameters of the J-profile.

Step 5 If necessary, additional wooden slats are installed, which are fixed on the gutter belt and rafter legs, as well as on slats fixed on the wall of the house. They will serve as an additional support for the spotlights.

Step 6 A long wooden rail is mounted in the center of the installed crossbars, which will also act as an additional fulcrum.

Step 7 Fixing strips S-25 (J-profile) are being installed. But before that, the individual elements are interconnected in order to achieve the required length. To do this, a small piece of the mounting element is cut off from one of the strips and this edge is inserted into another strip. Thanks to this, if necessary, the slats will be able to expand linearly.

Step 8 The slats are fastened under the slats mounted on the wall of the building using flat head screws.

Step 9 In the corner of the building, the planks should be joined at an angle corresponding to the corner of the building. The corner is formed end-to-end.

Step 10 The entire building is finished with these strips in those places where the soffit panels will be installed.

Step 11 In order for the soffit strips to be subjected to thermal expansion, they need to be trimmed. Work can be performed using any tools - a jigsaw, metal shears, etc.

Step 12 The prepared soffit panel is inserted with one edge into the previously installed profile, and then with the other edge into the profile from the opposite side.

Step 13 Two adjacent planks should lock together in the lock, and a distinct click is heard. It means that the slats have risen correctly.

Step 14 Each soffit strip is secured with flat head screws at the mounting holes.

Fixing the soffit panel with screws

Step 15 Next, an angular H-profile is mounted. The corners of the building are different, so it is important to start by cutting the planks correctly. To do this, one H-profile is taken, it is divided in half from the edge - a mark is made with a pencil. Further, this edge is installed in the corner where the previously installed profiles are joined. The second edge of the bar is placed exactly in the middle of the corner of the girdle.

Step 16 The bar is temporarily fixed on the supports. With the help of the building level, the contour of the facade of the building is transferred to the bar. Marking is done with a pencil.

Step 17 The resulting element in the shape of a triangle is cut out.

Step 18 After that, the bar is tried on to the corner. Next, the required marking is applied on the other side of the plank - the shape of the angle of connection of the roof joints is also noted. Excess planks are cut off.

Step 19 The trimmed H-profile strip is mounted in the corner.

Step 20 Next, the installation of soffit strips continues. Only now they need pruning. The edge of the plank with the lock is inserted into the lock of the previously installed plank. Next, markings are applied to the soffit along the angle of the H-profile. The resulting excess is cut off.

Step 21 The trimmed panel is mounted in its place. Similar actions are repeated until the very corner, until the gap is completely hidden.

Step 22 The installation of the herringbone panels starts from setting a right angle between the edge of the panel and the edge of the corner of the profile fixed under the eaves.

Step 23 Direct mounting of the planks ends like this - its locking part is cut off from the extreme panel. It is mounted at the previously installed bar S-25 (the one that was mounted at the beginning of work). Next, a segment of the soffit panel of the required size is installed. The installed lock will not allow the bar to walk in the wind.

Video - Filing spotlights

As soffits, you can use pieces of profiled sheet and hem the roof with them. To do this, sheets of material are cut into pieces equal in width to the gap between the wall of the house and the roof eaves. In the same way as when installing plastic spotlights, support bars are installed along the walls and cornices, and additional supports are also mounted. Further, the sections of the profiled sheet are fixed on them with the help of self-tapping screws.

Important! The cut sheet must be treated at the cut point with protective compounds, otherwise it will quickly become unusable due to developing corrosion.

The entire roof is hemmed in the same way. To design the joint between the soffits and the walls, you can use metal profiles or plastic slats.

Prices for corrugated board

Installation of spotlights is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. But it will allow you to make the roof and the structure as a whole beautiful, neat, complete. It is worth spending a day of free time and still doing these finishing work.

An important part of laying roofing is the filing of roof overhangs (cornices). The protection of the walls and the attic from the penetration of moisture, dust, and insects depends on the accuracy and accuracy of the work. Simultaneously with the filing of overhangs, such necessary procedures are carried out as a device for ventilation of the under-roof space, organization of drains.

The filing is often carried out immediately after the installation of the truss system, before the installation of the crate under the roof. Before starting, it is necessary to file the rafter legs so that their cuts form a straight line parallel to the wall of the house.

Material selection

How to hem the roof overhang - depends on the overall style of the house, the required width of the material and the amount you are counting on. For wide cornices, lining or edged boards are usually chosen, for narrow ones - siding.

1. Lining. Material very sensitive to humidity. To hem the roof overhang, the lining is selected with the same level of humidity as that of the environment. To do this, the boards are kept for some time in the room or space where they will be used. In particular, for the installation of overhangs, it is necessary to store the lining in the open air for about a month.

In addition, it (like any wood material) must be treated with an antiseptic, water-repellent and flame retardant.

Attention! When making a gable roof overhang from a lining, ventilation holes must be arranged in increments of one and a half meters and immediately taken away with bars.

2. Edged boards. The preferred thickness is one and a half to two centimeters. The requirements for pre-treatment are the same as for lining: flame retardant, water repellent, antiseptic. In addition, it is advisable to regularly tint the boards: this will become an additional protection of the material, provide the eaves with a neat look and stylistic unity with the house.

When making an eaves overhang of the roof, the bottom of the boards at the junctions of adjacent boards should leave ventilation gaps a centimeter and a half wide.

3. Finished soffit. Available in metal and plastic varieties. Both those and others are durable, do not rot, are not subject to corrosion and biological damage. They contain UV stabilizers to protect the surface from the sun's rays.

Usually spotlights already have perforated holes for both fastening and ventilation, as well as locks for connecting parts to each other. By color and texture, you can choose a product that will be best combined with the appearance of the house.

4. As an option for processing the eaves with metal or PVC - vinyl or metal siding, as well as strips of corrugated board. Unlike ready-made spotlights, this method of filing is not very popular, but can be used when constructing narrow overhangs.

Types of spotlights

Sheathing of roof overhangs is possible with various materials:

1. Copper. High strength, fire resistance. They look beautiful and stylish. They are expensive.

2. Aluminum. Durable, flame retardant, light weight. Easy to install and repair. Durable paints. Democratic price. Of the shortcomings - restrictions on color, only white and brown are found.

3. Galvanized steel. Anti-corrosion properties, mechanical strength, fire resistance, durability. The disadvantage is a lot of weight.

4. Vinyl three-strip, three types: without holes for ventilation (for front overhangs), perforated entirely or only along the central strip. Pros - strength, resistance to water, decay, corrosion. Ease of installation. The cheapest material. The disadvantage is thermal expansion.

How to sew up a roof eaves

Attention: if internal insulation of the roof is expected, it should be carried out before the installation of the cornice.

Roof lining is possible in two ways:

1. On the rafters. The board is placed from below on the rafter legs, its angle of inclination is the same as theirs. This method is used for roofs with a small angle of slope or flat.

Before hemming the roof eaves, the rafters are trimmed from below so that the surface is even. If necessary, you can additionally strengthen fragments of boards 10 centimeters wide and 4 in thickness.

2. Sheathing the roof of the house with the installation of the frame (horizontal box). It is used on roofs with a large slope.

For the frame, thin boards are used, they are fixed between the sections of the rafters and the wall of the house. In the ridge part, where the slopes are connected, the board is placed flat on the wall, end-to-end. Fasteners are usually carried out with screws, for reinforcement it is possible to use metal corners.

Boards of filing or soffits are attached to the frame.

Unlike wooden materials, the filing of roof eaves is possible only in one position - perpendicular to the wall. The need for a frame device is offset by the ease of joining the elements themselves: they are equipped with special locks for fastening between themselves and ready-made ventilation holes.

Important: perforated elements should be used to make side overhangs of the roof. Frontal, open to precipitation, make deaf.

If the filing of the roof overhangs is made of vinyl: the self-tapping screws are screwed loosely, there is a gap between their caps and the material for thermal expansion.

Roof eaves filing: what and how to sheathe

Do-it-yourself filing of the roof cornice allows you to protect the roofing pie from external influences and give the roof an attractive appearance. Currently, there are many options for plating. We will focus on the most popular in this article.

Binder Features

Work on sheathing the roof overhang is recommended to be carried out after the installation of the truss structure, but before the arrangement of the crate for laying the roofing. Before filing the eaves, it is necessary to lay the waterproofing of the roof and it is desirable to perform roof insulation from the side of the attic. In addition, it should be noted that it is preferable to sew up the roof overhang before the start of external insulation of the walls of the house, so as not to damage the wall covering during work with the eaves.

At the first stage of work, the protruding parts of the rafters should be sawn off in one line, which should be parallel to the adjoining wall of the building.

The overhangs of the pitched roof are sewn up in such a way that gutters can be installed and ventilation of the roofing pie can be ensured. For these purposes, various materials and mounting technologies can be used.

Material selection

Traditionally, roof eaves sheathing is done using edged and planed boards. To make the roof look aesthetically pleasing, you should use boards that are the same in thickness and width. In addition to the board, various materials are widely used today, which should:

  • provide reliable protection of the eaves of the roof from moisture, frost, precipitation;
  • provide the necessary ventilation of the roof;
  • have resistance to external influences and durability;
  • have aesthetic appeal.

Popular materials for arranging a cornice overhang include:

  • lining (wooden and PVC);
  • soffit (vinyl and aluminum);
  • corrugated board.

Edged and planed board with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm is a practical material for mounting the filing, which makes it possible to ensure high-quality and uniform ventilation of the roof. To do this, the elements should be stuffed with a gap of 1-1.5 cm.

Wooden lining. This material should be chosen with great care: the roof eaves filing is operated outdoors, respectively, the lining must be made of high-quality medium-moisture wood and have a sufficiently large thickness - this will avoid warping.

PVC lining. It is an inexpensive and easy-to-install material. Moisture resistant lining is designed for a long service life. For the installation of this material, you should immediately purchase U-shaped plastic strips for sheathing the edges and special corners for attaching joints.

Soffit. This is a special aluminum or plastic panel with which the roof eaves are hemmed. Outwardly, the soffit resembles siding, but it is made of thicker plastic and is equipped with perforations, which allows you to create the necessary air ventilation under the roof. The advantages of aluminum and plastic soffit include high weather resistance and durability. UV stabilizers are added to plastic for the manufacture of spotlights.

Soffit panels are cut along the length of the cornice overhang and installed perpendicular to the wall.

Decking. Profiled sheet of galvanized steel with a color polymer coating is usually used for filing roofs made of the same material. The profiled sheet has a sufficiently high rigidity, is resistant to external influences and extreme temperatures. Corrugated board panels are cut according to the size of the cornice overhang. The ventilation gap of such a filing is equal to the height of the corrugated sheet wave.

Eaves sheathing frame

The roof eaves are hemmed after the roof frame is installed and the protruding edges of the rafters are adjusted to size. After sawing off the rafter legs, the first board of the crate is mounted along the line, which later serves as a guide for work in the following stages. Next, you should complete the sheathing of the overhangs, choosing the appropriate type of construction.:

Do-it-yourself filing of the roof eaves includes the creation of a roof overhang box. In both versions of the sheathing device, it is performed in the same way: a board is stuffed onto the crate along the gable, it is required to measure the distance from it, which should correspond to the width of the overhang. Then the board is nailed parallel to the gable wall.

Binder installation

Sheathing the roof eaves with soffit requires the use of a J-shaped strip, which is fixed with self-tapping screws along the eaves and along the wall. Soffit sheets are mounted between the slats. The length of each panel must be equal to the distance between the mounted strips minus 6 mm for thermal expansion of the material. If the roof overhang exceeds 900 mm, subtract 12 mm. The frontal board is closed with a special frontal bar. The use of soffit and special elements make it possible to create a durable, functional and attractive roof overhang.

Before sheathing the roof eaves with an edged board or wooden clapboard, the material cut to size should be impregnated with antiseptic, fire-resistant and water-repellent compounds. This allows you to extend the life of the binder.

The width of the edged board is adjusted depending on the size of the overhang. Elements should be mounted in 10 mm increments, creating ventilation gaps. If the cornice overhang is sewn up with clapboard, the planks are laid with a tenon-groove connection, and special ventilation grilles should be installed every 1.5 meters.

To sew up the roof overhangs with corrugated board, it is necessary to screw the pre-cut sheets to the frame parallel to the wall and along the eaves. Self-tapping screws are used as fasteners. The junction of the wall and sheet material is closed with an inner corner and a frontal bar. The inner corner should be attached to the profiled sheet, the frontal bar - to the frontal board. The fastening of the outer corner is carried out along the outer joints of the profiled sheet.

Along the pediment, the corrugated board is mounted along the wall, along the outer edge of the roof overhang. Then the corners and the end plate are installed. To provide air access for roof ventilation, the width of the corrugated sheet should be 2 cm less than the width of the overhang. It is important to bear in mind that the filing, made of metal sheet, is prone to corrosion in places where moisture accumulates and its service life is inferior to other options for finishing the cornice overhang.

How and what to sheathe the eaves of the roof

The arrangement of a pitched roof is always accompanied by a process such as finishing the roof eaves. These works may not seem so significant, but the further operation of the roof depends on how correctly their implementation is.

Usually, corrugated board, lining or panels specially designed for this are used as materials for sheathing cornices.

What are roof overhangs and what are they for?

Roof overhang is the surface at the bottom of the roof, which is distinguished by a protrusion beyond the walls themselves. It is needed in order to protect the walls and foundation of the house from moisture getting on them during heavy rainfall. As a rule, the width of this part varies within one meter. Building regulations allow not to file this part of the roof.

But still, it is best if the overhangs are processed, since a strong wind that enters through the holes in them can easily tear the roof off the building. In addition to the practical function, the sheathing of the overhangs also performs a decorative one, since it is always better to remove the wrong side of the roof and aesthetically process its edge.

Before you make cornices under the roof, you need to complete the construction of the roof, finish the house and install the finishing material on the cornices last.

Types of overhangs

If you look at the roof, you can see overhangs from all sides. two of them are cornice, two are gable.

Eaves overhang

This is the lower surface through which air enters the roof structure and ventilation occurs. On roofs with an attic, air passes directly there, and on mansard roofs, into the roof structure itself, where the air cavity is located. After the air passes through the entire roof, it exits through the ridge.

If the overhang is clogged with boards, then ventilation will not be carried out, but birds, mice and insects can get into the roof structure. Thus, overhangs are formed. But not close, but with a small gap for the passage of air.

Usually the issue of leaving a gap is solved by similar actions:

  • Leaving a gap between the filing and the wall of the house. For filing from corrugated board, the gap is left small, from half to one centimeter. When using lining, you need to leave from a centimeter to one and a half.
  • If the overhangs are made of metal, then you need to install ready-made metal gratings that are mounted on the finish.
  • If the sheathing is carried out using boards, then it is necessary to leave gaps up to 1 cm between them.
  • If it is decided to use soffits, then perforated material is used, which is created for ventilation purposes.

Gable overhang

This is the side part of the roof slope, which is adjacent to the walls of the house. Ventilation in the case of him is not important, the main thing here is protection from environmental influences. If there is a strong wind with rain outside, then it is necessary that the gable-type overhang does not let moisture in with the wind, as there is a risk of wetting the roof insulation, which will cease to perform its main function. That is why tightness is in the foreground when designing this part.

Sheathing methods

Roof overhangs can be designed in various ways, for example, in a perpendicular and parallel direction from the overhang. Various whole materials or their elements can also be used. Consider the methods of fastening the material:

Rafter stitching

If the roof has a slope of no more than 30 degrees and a small part of the extension, approximately 50 cm or less, then this sheathing method can be used. To begin with, a crate is formed, which is attached to the rafters, the material is already mounted on it in parallel, perpendicularly or along the end of the rafters.

Horizontal Binder

This design method is very good with a strong roof slope. To perform cladding work, you need to build a kind of box that is attached to the rafters and the wall. To quickly drain water that has fallen on the overhang, it is necessary to mount the beam on the rafters a little lower than the one that is attached to the wall.

All beams are reinforced with boards that are nailed perpendicular to the wall.

Materials for sheathing the eaves

When choosing a material for a roof cornice, you need to pay attention not only to its functional side, but also to the decorative one, since a sheathing that is inappropriate in style will look extremely unattractive.


Boards must take only conifers and certain dimensions. The width should be at least 5 cm and not more than 25, and the thickness should be about 2 cm. In order to prevent future damage to the tree, the boards must lie under a canopy for about a month before installation. It is also necessary to carry out treatment with an antiseptic and decorative coating with varnish or paint, if necessary.

With a perpendicular arrangement of the boards, their attachment points are located on each side, in the case of a long overhang - additionally in the middle. If the board is attached parallel to the wall, then the fasteners are installed every meter. Be sure to leave a gap of about a centimeter between the boards so that the natural ventilation of the roof is carried out.

Clapboard finish

Unlike an ordinary board, lining is a material completely ready for installation and processed. Before installation, the lining must also be left under a canopy for one month. Installation is carried out in the same way as in the first case. The only exception is that you do not need to leave gaps between the elements. Special metal gratings for ventilation are then attached to the lining.

PVC siding trim

To finish the roof cornice with siding, only those panels that have a special moisture-resistant coating are used. In addition, you will need to purchase all additional decorative elements - special finishing strips for finishing edges, corners for masking junctions, grilles for ventilation. Panels are attached perpendicular to the wall using three or four fasteners. It is better not to fasten the panels along the overhang, as they can break due to the fact that they are not very rigid, for example, like wooden boards.

Profiled sheet finishing

This material can be laid in such a way that a large area is immediately hidden. Be sure to leave small gaps of about a centimeter between the sheets of corrugated board so that the panels do not bend with temperature changes. Ventilation is carried out by installing ventilation grilles over the entire surface of the finish.

Sheet metal finishing

For the purpose of sheathing the eaves of the house, copper, aluminum or galvanized or polymer type steel can be used. The length of the sheets used can be up to 6 meters, and the thickness is from 0.6 to 0.8 cm. Ventilation can be carried out by installing additional grilles or by installing perforated sheets. Steel sheets must be treated on the cut line with special agents that prevent metal corrosion.

plywood finish

Such material for overhangs can be used, but only on condition that it is water-repellent. Plywood has rigid sheets, so it is easy to attach it, resulting in a reliable coating, but it must be painted, because it does not look very attractive without processing. Ventilation is carried out with the help of special gratings.

Soffit trim

Soffits are strips of various materials that are made for processing roof eaves. Thanks to a wide range of colors and materials, you can choose those soffit panels that will fit into the overall exterior design in appearance.

In addition, the kits have a variety of additional parts that speed up and simplify the sheathing of the cornice with your own hands. There is no particular difficulty in installation, you just need to cut the strips to size and fix them according to the existing grooves.

Additional finishing of the edge of the cornice

Any type of overhang has uncovered parts of the structure. For a cornice overhang, such elements are the ends of the rafters, and for the gable overhang, the ends of the crate. They, as well as the overhang made, need to be designed, while protecting them from atmospheric influences.

These elements can also be decorated with different materials, depending on what type of material was used. Usually, together with a set for processing the overhang itself, an edge finishing material is also offered.

Before decorating the cornice overhang, all rafters must be cut vertically at the same level. Then the ends are combined with the help of a strapping board, on which the front is attached. A gutter will be subsequently mounted on the latter.

The gable-type overhang is processed with the initial cutting of the ends of the crate that extend beyond the walls so that they are parallel to the wall. An end board is nailed to these ends. It is covered with roofing material.


A properly finished cornice part of the roof looks much nicer than one that is not framed. But not only decorative qualities are pushing builders to this step. Overhangs that are sheathed do not allow animals, wind and moisture to enter the roof structure, the presence of which can adversely affect the entire structure.

If you are interested in roof eaves filing, the options that we intend to offer you may come in handy. This is the final stage in the construction of any roof, after the roof has been completely sheathed. Unfortunately, at this stage, many people make mistakes that lead to technical violations of the roof and lead to improper drainage of rain and snow masses. So, how to hem the cornice?

Highlights of this process

Sheathing the roof overhang with cornices performs several different functions. First of all, it is the protection of the facade from damage during precipitation and their runoff from the roof. The cornice must also properly ventilate the roof so that the rafter system does not rot. But high-quality overhangs should perform one more function - to give the building a finished and neat look, which is impossible without a high-quality cornice.

This work, of course, cannot cover all existing types of eaves and the materials used for their manufacture, so we will focus on a few basic options so that you know what and how to make a roof sheath. In particular, these will be materials that are popular in private homes, such as corrugated board, wooden lining and soffit. They meet all the technical requirements that are necessary for a successful roof filing. At the same time, the price makes these materials accessible to a wide range of citizens. That is why we decided to stop them.

Phased scheme of work

The first thing we will dwell on in detail is the correct arrangement of the roof eaves, which will be disassembled into the main elements. In such a case as filing roof overhangs, it is precisely the elements that will be discussed below that should be given the main attention if you do not want urgent repairs to be required in a year or even several months.

So what is this cornice overhang and why do you need filing roof overhangs for a private house? A cornice is a part of the rafters that protrudes beyond the facade of the house. This is the part of the roof that hangs outward, hence the name.

Eaves overhang is of two main types: simple and with the removal. We recommend using the first one, as it is not that complicated in the device, and yet will not create problems in the future. With a strong wind, there is no rumble and other sounds in it, which is often the sin of the option with the removal.

The first main element we will focus on is the roof overhang assembly. We will not give a detailed drawing here, you can easily find it on the Internet. But we will indicate its main parts, without which you cannot do without. First of all, it is, of course, a drain. What it serves for, in general, is clear - in the rain and when the snow melts, water will flow down its gutter. So she will not blur the walls of the house. It is desirable that the gutter be brought out to the side of the house so that the constant flow of water does not gradually erode the foundation for you. Therefore, we do not recommend building in the way that private homeowners sometimes do, in which the drain goes down close to the wall of the house. You should think about this even at the stage of building the roof and arranging the facade of the house.

Another important part of the assembly is a special protective sheet of metal, which should cover the frontal board behind and under the gutter. No matter how perfect the latter is, some of the water will still fall on the wall in separate drops and splashes. This metal apron will help protect the wood from decay.

The cornice overhang of the roof can have various types, namely frontal and lateral. Let's dwell on them in more detail, because without studying this issue you cannot make a roof overhang correctly. Below you can see the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

As the name implies, a frontal overhang is necessary in order to provide sufficient protection for the house. This roof overhang also determines how attractive your house will look from the outside, so be careful with it. Such a cornice consists of two edges of the roof slopes. Therefore, if you have a hip-type roof, also called a hipped roof, it will be absent.

The usual overhang of the frontal cornice is arranged quite simply. The load-bearing beams are brought out and fixed on the rafters. But there are other options as well. For example, many, in order to save money and simplify the device, make a cornice from a crate laid on top of a vapor barrier, directly under the roofing material. The cornice board itself is already attached to this crate, to which, in turn, the selected roofing material will be sewn. This version of the device is also quite acceptable, if for some reason it seems to you more convenient and simpler. But remember that good wood should serve as batten boards.

But the side overhang can be seen on any type of sloping roof. How is it created? Its basis is the rafters that go beyond the walls of the house. Each time, the distance to which they will be brought out must be calculated individually during construction, based on the height of your house, and also what width the blind area has. But usually it is about 50 to 70 centimeters, rarely more and almost never less.

So, now that you know how to properly make a cornice for the facade and sides of the house, it's time to move on to another important issue - creating the necessary ventilation through the cornices for the roof. Without this, your roof will not last long, rotting in the rafters will begin, mold will appear in the insulation, and many other unpleasant consequences. Warm air rising from inside the house must freely go outside, otherwise condensation will begin to form.

Therefore, when installing a cornice, in no case do not use sealants, but also mounting foam. They tightly block the movement of air, thereby creating an incorrect and harmful atmosphere for materials inside.

But you should also know that the front overhangs must be completely closed, and only the side overhangs should be ventilated. This is due to the peculiarities of air circulation.
And now let's look at the features of all the material options for sheathing the eaves, so that you know how you can hem the overhangs of your house. Above, we have already listed the options that can be found at the moment on sale. When choosing, we recommend focusing not only and not so much on external attractiveness, but on a guaranteed service life, because no matter how beautiful the material is, you hardly want to change it too often.

The first material that you should pay attention to is corrugated board. What he really is? This is a special galvanized steel, which can have a polymer coating of various colors. The corrugated board has excellent technical characteristics, is resistant to mechanical damage, as well as sudden changes in ambient temperature. More importantly, corrugated board copes well even with the strongest wind. But in order for there to be normal ventilation, make a gap between the corrugated board and the house, which should be approximately equal to the wave height of its sheet. Sheathing with such a metal profile of the eaves is quite popular due to its high strength.

Over the years, another material has become more and more popular, hemming the cornice with which has many advantages. These are soffits. According to their design, they are ordinary plastic panels. But these panels have ventilation holes already made during the manufacture, which ensures excellent air circulation. More importantly, spotlights are perfectly protected from sunlight, including ultraviolet rays, so they are perfect for installing the eaves of a house located in a well-lit area. That is why more and more people decide to hem the roof eaves with a soffit.

Sheathing a cornice with a wooden clapboard is a classic option. It captivates with the fact that it is a natural material that goes well with wooden houses and creates a beautiful organic look. But you need to choose the right tree. It should not be too thin, the minimum allowable width is about two centimeters. After all, the lining will have to provide reliable protection of the roof overhangs from atmospheric influences and therefore must be strong and reliable.

A good tree will be one that has an average moisture content - then it will last longer.

Now you know how to hem the roof eaves and with what material, and why it is so important to create proper ventilation. Although filing cornices is not as simple as it seems at first glance, it is quite within the power of one person. You will be able to do everything with your own hands if you approach the matter responsibly and seriously, having calculated everything you need in advance.
