Raising sheep business plan. The best breeds of sheep for breeding. Sheep breeding staff

There are many ways to make money in countryside and one of the most popular of them has always been and remains sheep breeding. If the business plan for sheep breeding is drawn up correctly, costs can be minimized without sacrificing quality, and profitability can be significantly increased.

Sheep breeding: advantages, technology

When formulating a business plan, remember: the most important factor in the calculation of any planned enterprise is consumer demand. The three main sheep products are:

  • meat;
  • wool;
  • milk products.

In Russia, the processing of sheep wool is underdeveloped, so meat is considered to be a more popular commodity. And raising sheep is really profitable. The sale of wool and dairy products, as a rule, plays the role of a side income.

It should be understood: sheep breeding is not the kind of activity that will provide tremendous profits. Rather, it is a way to get a stable income without large investments and high risks.

The main advantage of this provincial business- No big upfront costs. Even without owning a solid capital, it is quite possible to try yourself in breeding sheep, starting with a small livestock. Most often, farmers do just that, and then, as the herd grows, they expand the boundaries of the farm.

But even with the minimum planned volumes, it is necessary to draw up a sheep breeding business plan, calculating the upcoming costs, income, payback period. In general, this is a very profitable business, since pasture is the main diet of sheep during the grazing period. That is, the cost of food is only for the time when there is no grass. These animals are relatively short period growth, a good yield of meat, but it costs, by the way, not cheap.

How to start raising sheep

When compiling a business plan, first of all, you need to think about how profitable it will be. Therefore, you should not save on the purchase of sheep, you must carefully choose the breed, focusing on the recommendations of experienced farmers.

Proper selection of the primary flock will ensure rapid growth, maximum meat yield and minimum disease susceptibility. A good breed is, if not a guarantee, then one of the foundations for the success of the event. Very popular . They quickly gain weight, are famous for their very tasty meat and high fertility.

It is recommended to purchase sheep in large specialized farms with a good reputation. If you plan to purchase a large herd, it is better to collect several groups from different farms. So the risk of intergeneric mixing will be minimized.

In addition, the following issues need to be addressed:

  • where animals will graze in warm weather;
  • what they will eat during the grass-free period.
  • in which room the sheep will sleep and stay in cold weather.
  • who will graze, feed and water, shear sheep, clean the pen, etc.

The pasture can be purchased or leased. An excellent option would be the territory of an abandoned farm with a ready-made paddock, of which we have a lot in our country. Renovating a building is much cheaper than building from scratch. By the way, the sheep pen does not require additional insulation, as these animals are very tolerant of cold weather.

It's worth thinking about winter nutrition in advance. The ideal solution is self-harvesting of hay from cereals and legumes. You can add variety to the diet of animals and improve their growth by purchasing oats, barley, etc. Do not forget that both hay and feed also need to be stored somewhere. To do this, it is better to equip the area indoors closer to the corral.

The main costs of organizing a sheep farm

Beginners should not start with a large population. Firstly, these are huge costs, and secondly, it is much easier to gain experience and deal with primary problems with small volumes.

All the above calculations are made for a large flock of 300 sheep solely as an example. As rates may vary by location and other factors, figures are approximate.

Primary (one-time) investments

So, the first thing sheep breeding requires is a full-fledged pasture. According to statistics, one individual with subsequent offspring consumes about 1 hectare per year. The annual rent of the required area will cost about 100 thousand rubles.

No less amount will be needed to put in order an abandoned farm or paddock. But the main expense item that makes up the business plan is the acquisition of a livestock of sheep. The wholesale price of one individual reaches 3-4 thousand rubles, so at least a million is needed to purchase a herd of 300 heads.

fixed costs

Since we are talking about a large, full-fledged farm, an article on the remuneration of employees should be included in the sheep breeding business plan. You will always have to support a shepherd, a handyman, a milkmaid. From time to time, there will be a need for the services of a veterinarian and a clipper. The total salary of such employees will be about 600-700 thousand rubles a year.

For the purchase of additional feed for the year, given that the hay will be harvested independently, it will take at least 60 thousand rubles. About 50 thousand rubles a year will cost all sorts of overhead costs.

In total, with a rough estimate, the proposed business plan assumes costs in the first year of 2 million rubles. Considering that large scales are taken as a basis, this is not a very significant amount.

Profitable part of the financial plan

Despite the apparent simplicity of the description, sheep breeding is a rather complex and responsible undertaking. Before making a profit, a novice farmer has to solve a number of technical and organizational issues.

Sales of finished products

Along with the troubles of raising animals, the issue of selling products is acute, the main of which is meat. When dealing with a large-scale economy, the problem of marketing should be approached seriously. Potential customers are restaurants, cafes and market vendors.

But the ideal option is to cooperate with wholesale meat buyers on an ongoing basis. Offering a little more low prices, they nevertheless provide a stable volume of implementation.

In addition, it will be possible to sell wool, skins, milk, sheep cheese. But these specific products are not in high demand with us, and the price for them, accordingly, is small. Therefore, it is beneficial to draw up a business plan with an emphasis on the sale of lamb.

Income from sheep breeding

Animals can be sold both for meat and live stock. The cost will not vary significantly. If we take into account the upcoming breeding, it will be possible to sell a maximum of 200 rams per year. Their sale can bring in the end up to 1 million rubles.

From the sale of wool, the annual budget of the farm can be replenished by a maximum of 100 thousand rubles. In total, it comes out to 1,100,000 rubles a year, plus additional proceeds from the sale of milk and skins.

Thus, the proposed business plan assumes that a sheep farm with a population of 300 sheep should fully pay off in less than two years from the date of opening. It must be said that for large enterprise This is a fairly short payback period.

The average profitability of a sheep farm is low - 15% (can vary from 10 to 20%). But with further development and expansion of the economy, these same 15% can turn into a very solid, constantly growing figure!

Alas, it is precisely because of such views that food production is now almost completely at the mercy of Chinese and European farmers.

But if you draw up the right business plan for breeding sheep, you will be able to provide for yourself and your family. And we are not talking about a couple of thousand rubles. In city restaurants, fresh lamb is snapped up instantly, so breeders are at a disadvantage Money definitely not complaining.

A bit of history

Readers at the sight of the phrase "sheep breeding" may decide that we are talking exclusively about the republics of our south. Oddly enough, but this is far from the case. From time immemorial, sheep breeding has been practiced in the central part of Russia.

The same Romanov breed of sheep was bred far from Caucasus mountains. Therefore, keeping and breeding sheep is not only the prerogative of the southern regions, since sheep breeding has every chance to become a profitable livestock sector again.

And in the days of the USSR, the country was full of collective farms in the central regions, which were engaged in breeding these animals. Currently, in some places, work is already underway to restore the number of sheep, so it's time to support this good undertaking!


As you already understand, in the conditions of our state, only a correct and objective (which is very important) business plan for sheep breeding can guarantee the success of the event. We will try to tell you about the most basic features and concepts, in no way claiming to be unique.

It is possible that some provisions will have to be adjusted to the current situation in a particular region.

What to take on?

Be sure to purchase a plot of land suitable for the size of the pasture. The experience of Soviet sheep breeders clearly shows that sheep cannot live without grazing. Rely on the stall content - you will get a lot of problems with hooves and metabolism.

Accordingly, the question of area arises. Sheep breeders say that one sheep of the Romanov breed (which is famous for its prolific fertility) will require at least one hectare of pasture.

Of course, we cannot give an assessment of the financial side of this issue, since in different regions our country the cost of land varies greatly. Because of this, each sheep breeding business plan will be unique.

In addition, be sure to provide for the construction of a suitable canopy on the pasture. In most cases, there is no such urgent need for a capital sheepfold, since sheep are surprisingly cold-resistant animals.

If there are really severe frosts in your region (below 30 degrees), then in this case you will need to build a sheepfold that could accommodate all the animals for such periods. Otherwise, breeding sheep will be simply impossible, since frostbite does not contribute to the active manifestation of the reproductive function.

As a heating device, you should use an ordinary potbelly stove. If you do it yourself, then the costs can be laid in a couple of thousand rubles (the cost of the metal). Again, it is difficult to talk about the price of building material for the corral, since everything depends on local realities.

Where to buy?

One piece of advice can be given here. It is necessary to acquire breeding animals in breeding farms and only in them! Buying animals from private sellers, you run the risk of throwing money away in vain. So, there are cases when obviously defective animals are sold. In particular, cryptorchidism is widespread in sheep.

This veterinary (and medical) term refers to cases where the testicles do not descend into the scrotum. Outwardly, the ram will look completely normal, will not shun the opposite sex. But this will not make it easier for you, since such an animal is completely barren.

If your sheep breeding business plan does not involve wasting money, then it is better to take our advice. When buying animals in specialized farms, you get all veterinary certificates and other documents for them, which will save you from problems with many authorities in the future.

As for their cost. Here, again, it all depends on the breed and region. So, if you buy a ram of some popular fat-tailed breed, then you will have to pay at least 12 thousand rubles for an adult animal. The cost of a sheep can start from 4.5 thousand.

Accordingly, the price of your entire enterprise will completely depend on what kind of livestock you plan to keep on your site. In general, serious breeding of sheep and rams involves keeping at least half a thousand individuals, but in our area you will meet this very infrequently.

What breed to choose?

Unfortunately, we again cannot give an unambiguous answer to this question. If there is such an opportunity, then it is better to acquire the breed that has already managed to prove itself when breeding in your area. However, the Romanov breed that we have repeatedly mentioned can rightfully be considered universal, so in the absence of any contraindications, you can opt for it.

What about the staff?

The biggest difficulty on your way is hiring a shepherd. First, he must serve at least 300 heads alone. Secondly, it will not be easy to find such a master of his craft, so you will have to tune in in advance for a long search for a suitable candidate.

As a rule, in large farms, people who are engaged in sheep shearing are a separate item of expenditure, but in the case of a small livestock, this work can also be assigned to the shepherd. Of course, in this case, he will need helpers.

Speaking about the attendants, many people forget about the importance of treating animals, compiling the right diets and working with breeding material. Do not repeat other people's mistakes: profitable breeding rams can become only subject to a professional approach to business.

Ideally, it would be good to assign a separate veterinarian, livestock specialist and artificial insemination specialist to the herd, but in reality it is possible to get by with only one specialist who will deal with several areas at once.

Sales of products and their demand

It should immediately be noted that the once popular and in demand sheep wool is no longer of such interest to buyers. This is due to the import of products from New Zealand and Europe. In a word, the breeding of sheep should primarily focus on the sale of meat.

It is best to identify in advance the outlets that are interested in regular purchases of meat. If you have all the documents confirming the high quality of products, and all carcasses have a veterinary stamp, then the demand is guaranteed to be high.

Ideally, you need to conclude an agreement with some cafe. Since they have a high demand for kebabs and other meat dishes in busy places, your products will certainly be in demand.

And now - the most important thing. How profitable is breeding sheep at home. Let's try to calculate how much the cost of acquiring breeding stock will result in.

The financial side of the issue

Let's say we're building a 300 head farm. Where did this number come from? Everything is very simple - at least three hundred animals are required to obtain a high meat yield. If you take less, you will get, rather, an individual farm, which will not be able to bring a really serious income.

So, these 300 heads will cost us about 1 million 350 thousand rubles, subject to the purchase of animals at a minimum wholesale price(4.5 thousand per head). We note right away that we will not consider the issue of buying land for grazing the entire flock, since in most cases it is too expensive for a novice sheep breeder.

Thus, for three hundred sheep, pasture will have to be rented, and average cost rent will be about 100-150 thousand rubles a year. On the wages its employees should set aside at least 600 thousand rubles, taking into account bonuses and other payments. For other expenses, you need to leave about 50 thousand.

What do we have as a result? It turns out that for the initial purposes we will need to set aside at least 2 million 100 thousand rubles.


Suppose that in the first year we send about 50 animals for meat. From their sale we will get about 500 thousand rubles (average market value in the country). If you sell meat directly to restaurants in large cities, then on the eve of the holidays you can earn 1.5 million rubles or more without any problems.

In the case where you prefer to sell animals by live weight, your income will be approximately the same, assuming normal fatness and good health of the sheep.

Thus, breeding sheep for sale is sometimes no less profitable than selling their meat. For wool, you can get something about 100-150 thousand rubles a year.

Ultimately, we have approximately 1 million 150 thousand rubles of profit. That is, 2.1 - 1.5 = 600 thousand rubles of losses for the first year. Here is the answer to the question of whether it is profitable to breed sheep.

If everything goes well, there will be no case and other negative factors, then you can fully recoup your undertaking in two or three years. In the case when you live near a large city, this period can be significantly reduced.

Summing up

In conclusion, we can say that sheep breeding as a business has broad prospects in our country. These animals feed on pasture, are unpretentious in care, and multiply rapidly. If you immediately establish distribution channels finished products then you will earn very good money.

In the Russian open spaces it is beneficial to keep unpretentious pasture animals. Sheep breeding as a business for a novice farmer is one of promising directions. You can start developing your own business with minimum investment. The sheep does not require large stocks of feed, it is unpretentious, even in winter, it gets grass from under the snow.

Features of keeping sheep

Sheep represent a class of herbivorous herd domestic animals. Unpretentious in nutrition, sheep can be kept in paddocks, fed on pastures. Only in winter, the flock is in the koshara at night, during the day the herd is sure to walk and feed in the paddock. By lambing, the breeding stock is placed in warm room without drafts.

Sheep are precocious animals. Puberty in queens occurs at 5-6 months. A herd of fattening lambs and lambs are grazing and kept separately, the case of sheep at the same time, so that lambs appear in early spring for the whole herd at once. 1-2 lambs are born, the herd replenishes quickly.

For a novice farmer, sheep breeding as a business is beneficial for many reasons:

  • animals are undemanding to the conditions of detention;
  • low mortality in the herd;
  • livestock is rapidly multiplied due to natural offspring;
  • meat, milk, skin and animal hair are in demand.

Lamb is considered an environmentally friendly meat, since natural feed of plant origin is used in fattening sheep.

The weight gain of young animals is 250-600 grams per day, depending on the breed. By the year, the mass of young animals is 80-90% of the weight of an adult.

The ever-growing warm thick fur on animals keeps them warm in winter and becomes a disaster in summer. Therefore, in the spring, fleece is removed from each sheep, obtaining a valuable product for light industry. There are special breeds of sheep that are bred precisely because of the long thin wool.

During the year, each adult sheep eats;

  • grass and succulent feed - 200-250 kg;
  • hay - 150 kg;
  • straw - 100 kg;
  • concentrates - 100 kg.

Additionally, sheep need mineral supplements and salt. Sheep, animals are clean, they will not eat leftovers from feeders or drink dirty water from the trough. If they are not walked daily, even in winter weather, for several hours, the hooves are not ground down and the sheep cannot walk, death may begin. Sheep breeding in Russia is developed in regions where pasture and herd walking are available. These are Transcaucasia, Stavropol, Buryatia.

Is sheep breeding profitable at home?

In a personal farmstead, sheep are kept for wool and meat. Wool is used to make clothes and felt boots, covering yurts. Sheep skins have long been used for processing and making outerwear and shoes. If the skin was dressed with wool, then a short fur coat or dokha was obtained. In everyday life, the sheep dressed and fed the owner, ate grass, hay and roughage. Modern sheep breeding at home uses the meat and wool of animals. A healthy fermented milk drink is made from milk.

Caring for a flock in the summer requires a pasture and paddock. In winter, it is necessary to have a barn and a warm sheepfold for queens. The cost of keeping sheep is not burdensome, the meat is tasty and fragrant. Sheep breeding as a business can be started in the backyard.

Business plan "Sheep breeding"

To start a sheep breeding and commercial production business, you need to become an individual entrepreneur and draw up a business plan. When planning business activities, it is necessary to calculate the profitability of production and the balance of expenses and income. According to economists, the profitability of sheep breeding is about 20%, which is a good indicator for the agricultural industry.

Sheep breeding, as a business for a novice farmer, allows you to develop production with a small initial capital.

It is necessary to provide a spacious ventilated room for keeping livestock in the winter and providing roughage. The floor in the shed should be adobe, there is enough light, the feeders are installed above the floor so that the hay does not get trampled.

It is important to decide on the breed of sheep for breeding. There are breeds:

  • sheep Romanovskaya - the most unpretentious and with a large offspring;
  • meat fat-tailed ones - grow quickly, have thick wool and a lot of meat;
  • fine-wool breeds are bred for wool.

The division is conditional. Fine-fleeced sheep also give meat when slaughtered, and tail-tailed breeds require shearing.

Home sheep farm - video

For those new to the business, sheep farming is a very tempting place to start. entrepreneurial activity. This occupation is one of the most profitable and promising in the industry. Agriculture in our country, allows you to quickly reach a good profit and profitability and does not require large labor costs. In this article, we will take a closer look at sheep farming as a business for a novice farmer and demonstrate detailed business plan.

Sheep have fairly strong immunity, which significantly reduces the risk of loss of livestock and frees from the cost of veterinary services. Sheep breeding is the most traditional branch of animal husbandry in Russia and today it demonstrates a fairly good perspective of the direction.

Sheep breeding has a number of advantages over other areas in the agricultural industry:

  • the process can hardly be called laborious;
  • low costs for the purchase of feed;
  • high precocity;
  • unpretentiousness in content;
  • lack of seasonality indicators, which leads to a constant demand for products;
  • rapid increase in livestock;
  • small investment;
  • high demand for meat with low competition in the market;
  • the opportunity to participate in preferential programs from the state for the development of agriculture.

This list of advantages makes sheep farming a great business idea that, with a small initial investment, will allow you to quickly reach a good income.

But, as in any business, there is weak sides, which should mean a novice farmer.

A significant disadvantage is the low profitability. Even with the development of a successful business, high labor costs and favorable conditions, the maximum level of profitability will not exceed 15-20%. In addition, in the early years, the profits must be directed to the development of livestock in order to build a truly reliable and stable business.

It should also be noted the growing demand for meat, milk and wool. At the same time, the demand for farm products significantly exceeds production, which leads to a general trend towards a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition at the population.

Statistics show that the annual consumption of mutton in Russia is about 2-2.5 tons, which indicates a high demand.

Despite the disadvantage of low profitability, sheep farming is ideal option to enter the farming business. Small capital investments, stable demand and unpretentiousness of cattle will help to start correctly, gradually increasing volumes.

The main risk in this area is the case. This can be significantly affected by natural disasters and epidemics.

How to start a sheep breeding business?

The precocity of this cattle is indisputable advantage for businessmen. At the age of 5-6 months, puberty sets in, which makes it possible to effectively breed livestock.

Fertility depends on the breed. On average, it is 120-140%, some breeds, such as Romanov sheep, have a high degree of fertility - about 300%. At the same time, the young growth reaches the full weight of an adult by the 10th month of life. The gain is about 300 grams per day.

Those who decide to enter such a business are interested in where to start breeding sheep?

First of all, it is necessary to draw up a competent business plan that will allow you to correctly calculate the costs and draw up a phased implementation of all parts of production.

For breeding, it is necessary to organize a pasture, the size of which will depend on the livestock. It is advisable to immediately focus on the future and choose a pasture with the possibility of expanding the livestock.

For a correct calculation, focus on averages: 1 hectare is needed for 1 individual and rearing offspring land plot. With simple calculations, we get the following figures: breeding 200 sheep will require about 200 hectares of land. As for the premises in which livestock will be kept, there are no clear requirements, so it will be enough to build a simple barn that shelters animals from rain, wind and cold.

For those who are engaged in cattle breeding in the eastern and northern parts of the country, it is necessary to consider a barn heating system. However, a small potbelly stove will be enough for a farm.

The most favorable regions for this industry are the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories. The Republic of Kalmykia and the Caucasus are not inferior in popularity to keeping sheepfolds. For sheep breeding in other areas, forage can be a major problem. The efficiency of this business largely depends on the quality of the feed. Feeding livestock with grass alone will not work, especially when it comes to northern latitudes. It will be necessary to purchase feed, which will affect costs and greatly affect profitability.

In order to implement entrepreneurial activities in this direction, first of all, it is necessary to find an appropriate pasture. This will be the first step in farming.

To minimize costs, you can take as a basis an already existing empty farm. Today you can find hundreds of similar objects in which dilapidated stalls and pens remain.

Of course, organizing a farm with this option will require considerable effort, but it is much easier than starting from scratch.

Choose a format

Starting to engage in this type of business, it is important to immediately determine the format for yourself. It can be of two types: farming or private farming. What is the difference between them and how to choose best option?

Conditions of business processes are regulated by legislative regulations. A non-entrepreneurial form is recognized by law as private subsidiary farming. That is, the owner of such a farm breeds livestock to meet his own needs and on his personal land plot.

Farming involves renting land and raising livestock for business purposes. In order to choose your option, you need to clearly understand distinctive features these two activities.

Arranging his personal subsidiary plot, the owner does not need to register entrepreneurial activity and obtain a Certificate. With a plot at your disposal, you can begin to create a sheepfold. There is no need to submit reports to tax authorities and off-budget funds.

But this type of activity has a serious limitation - allotment of land up to 2.5 hectares. That is, if the owner of the land plans to breed larger livestock, then it is necessary to switch to the second option.

To implement a farm, it is necessary to register an individual entrepreneur, issue a land lease and an appropriate permit that allows you to conduct activities on this land.

The area of ​​the land allotment is not limited by law when farming. Another advantage of farming is the opportunity for the entrepreneur to participate in all kinds of state grants and programs that are aimed at the development of the agricultural sector.

Such assistance from the state to the private economy is not provided.

Therefore, if an entrepreneur does not have initial investments, then it is better to pay attention to farming. This is a more serious object of economic relations, which gets the opportunity to participate in various subsidy programs.

Sheep breeding: advantages, technology

Raising sheep has a number of advantages as a business idea. These animals are very unpretentious, have good health, do not require special food and easily tolerate frost.

The average duration of a sheep is 20-25 years. The ability to reproduce remains in an adult for 8-10 years.

In addition to organizing a pasture, it is necessary to consider the diet of animals. Given their unpretentiousness in maintenance and food, this will not be difficult to do.

Sheep are grazing livestock, so there are no specific rules for feeding time here, they constantly eat. To this end, it is necessary to organize feeders in the corral, where food and water in the drinkers will constantly be located.

The diet must contain rock salt, which is involved in digestion, so lumps of salt should be added to the feeders. If the pastures are fertile, then additional nutrition in the summer is not required. But in the autumn-winter period they need to be fed with oats, hay and barley.

The winter period of time requires careful preparation. It is necessary to calculate in advance the required amount of feed in order to make the bulk of it in the form of mowed grass.

The most suitable grass for sheep is clover and bluegrass, which must be cut before the flowering period.

If the purpose of the sheepfold, in addition to the sale of meat and milk, is wool, then a more balanced diet should be considered. On the quality and growth rate of wool big influence provide vitamins and useful trace elements, so it is necessary to purchase concentrated feed. Of course, this will increase the expense item, but the income from the sale of sheep's wool will cover these costs and give a good profit.

When calculating the required amount of feed, we focus on the standard diet of one individual. In a year she needs:

  • 100 kg of concentrated feed or grain;
  • 100 kg of straw;
  • 250 kg of green grass;
  • 150 kg of hay.

With simple mathematical calculations, you can calculate the required amount of feed, based on the size of your sheepfold.

Development of breeding sheep breeding

To breed strong offspring, it is better to purchase livestock from different farms, which will avoid crossing closely related individuals.

Considering the high popularity of three breeds of sheep in Russia, we will focus on the features of the development of breeding sheep breeding of them.

Drawing up a business plan: what is it for?

The implementation of any entrepreneurial activity is preceded by the stage of drawing up a business plan. Many novice businessmen lose sight of this point and immediately begin to implement the project. At the same time, the lack of a clear plan, calculation of payback, profitability, analysis of the competitive environment endangers the entire business.

Why is it necessary to write a business plan, and what issues should it cover in the first place? The document helps to realistically assess your capabilities as an entrepreneur, correctly predict expenses and income, and minimize financial risks.

A business plan is a desktop guide for an entrepreneur and a valuable guide to launching and growing a project.

The standard document consists of the following sections:

  1. Summary (relevance of the idea).
  2. General provisions.
  3. Analysis of the environment (level of competition, market demand).
  4. Description of activity.
  5. Marketing section (formation and search for distribution channels for products).
  6. Organizational (recruitment of personnel, premises, purchase of equipment, etc.).
  7. Financial (forecast of expenses, income, calculation of profitability).

All these points need to be worked out regardless of the format of activity and production volumes. For novice farmers who are unfamiliar with this industry, it is better to seek help from professionals in developing a plan and analyzing the environment, selecting a breed.

Market and industry analysis

If we talk about the prospects of this direction in the market, then experts assess this economic period as very favorable.

Today there is little competition in this segment, which significantly reduces financial risks and allows you to install enough good price for products. High demand and little competition has been the result of a large reduction in livestock in recent years.

According to statistics, today about 10 million heads of livestock belong to private farms, which indicates a great potential for the direction. The largest growth in livestock is observed in the southern and central parts of the country. Despite the unpretentiousness of livestock in maintenance, not the entire territory Russian Federation suitable for the successful implementation of the project.

The basis for sheep breeding are large fertile pastures. It is difficult to carry out a successful project by foreseeing the feeding of animals with commercial feed. The most abundant regions in terms of sheep breeding are the Caucasus, the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, the Volga region and the Southern regions of the Urals. Moreover, each region is famous for its specialization.

Natural conditions and climate determine the choice of one or another type of livestock. For example, in the North Caucasus, the most popular are coarse-haired sheep. But the Central part of the country is famous for the abundance of semi-fine-wool type.

Cold regions and mountains are the best place for breeding meat-fat rams. The largest farms can be found in the Caucasus, as the region has an optimal climate, huge fertile pastures and a small percentage of the urban population.

Organizational part

This section will become a real desktop guide. It gradually reveals such issues as paperwork, search for premises and land, recruitment of personnel, purchase of equipment and livestock.


The decision to formalize agricultural activity as a farm and obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur directly depends on the scale. If 2.5 hectares of land is enough for the owner to breed a sheepfold, then you can do this without appropriate registration. This will free you from extra costs, loss of time and payment of taxes.

The temptation of this idea is leveled by the fact that it is unlikely business partners will consider the owner of a private economy for the sale of products, which does not provide documents.

As a standard, farmers register a KFH form.

Therefore, for more serious actions, you can not do without registering an IP. Only in this case it is possible to work with shops, restaurants and factories as a marketing tool.

In addition to processing documents for IP, you will need to obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service. This is necessary for the legal sale of milk, meat and wool to wholesale buyers.

For the technical part of the maintenance of the sheepfold, the permission obtained from the fire department is responsible.

To save time and nerves, you can use the services of professionals and entrust the registration of the sheepfold to them. The costs of these services, in this case, must also be included in the costs.

Finding and renting land for farm and pasture

After receiving permits it's time for pasture selection. For many start-up entrepreneurs, the question arises of buying their own land plot or renting.

More simple option is a land lease. This will reduce financial risks and will not require large investments.

Grazing one sheep requires 1 hectare of land

Given the good adaptation of sheep to weather conditions, for summer period open pastures can be used. For winter period you can use closed pens, in which it will be enough to install a small potbelly stove for heating.

Search for personnel to work on the farm

After you have found a pasture for the sheepfold, the next step is the selection of workers who will take care of the maintenance and health of the animals.

To organize a small farm for 200 heads, you will need the following composition:

  • shepherd;
  • haircut specialist;
  • veterinarian;
  • milkmaid;
  • a worker who feeds the cattle and keeps the sheepfold clean.

To organize a small farm and minimize costs, you can invite a veterinarian and a shearer, if necessary, from outside. For a larger scale business, you will need to keep these specialists on a permanent basis in the state.

With a small farm, it is advisable to find a specialist wagon who can combine several functions at once: shearing sheep, grazing, feeding.

To calculate such specialists, be guided by the fact that there should be no more than 50 heads per person. Shepherds (shepherds) and milkmaids should be permanent in the state. Others can be brought in as needed.

In order to avoid staff turnover and really provide the farm with good specialists, analyze the average wage in nearby villages and set a good income.

Selection and purchase of animals

For this industry, the choice of breed is a key factor on which the success of entrepreneurial activity depends. It is necessary to carefully analyze the market, take into account the region of work and study in detail the characteristics of each type in order to select the right cattle.

If the entrepreneur does not have experience in this industry, then an outside expert can be involved, who will demonstrate in detail the characteristics of livestock, choosing the best option for the activity.

For the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, the most the best choice become meat-type sheep. For northern latitudes, you can pick up animals with abundant wool.

Specialists classify animals into the following types:

  • semi-coarse;
  • semi-fine-wool;
  • fine-fleeced.

Fine-wooled breeds include fat-tailed, Georgian, Kazakh, Vyatka breeds.

Long-haired can be attributed Kuibyshev, Gorky, Lithuanian. Sheep of the Saraja breed belong to semi-coarse wool. Coarse-haired animals include Kuchugorov, Romanov and Hissar.

We provide a comparative description of the most popular breeds, which will help you make your choice.

species nameType ofbreedsDescription

Rough looking. Romanov breed of sheep

  • fur-meat;
  • smoshkovye;
  • meat-fat;
  • meat and milk products.
  • Romanovskaya, Sokolskaya, Karakulskaya, Gissarskaya, Kuchugorovskaya.Animals are distinguished by high endurance and adaptability to environment. They are suitable for year-round maintenance, they tolerate low temperatures well.

    Fine-grained look. Ascanian breed

  • woolen;
  • meat-wool;
  • wool and meat.
  • Dagestan, Askani, Grozny, fat-tailed, Georgian, Kazakh, Vyatka.This breed is mainly used for the supply of wool and meat. The animal has a crimped coat, they are mainly grown for meat.

    Semi-fine look. Lincoln sheep breed

  • meat-wool long-haired;
  • meat-wool shorthair.
  • Lincoln, Lithuanian, Tsigai, Gorky.Animals of this species are distinguished by a strong constitution, have thick skin and a uniform white coat. Great for wool production.

    Important! The choice of breed is largely dependent on competition and demand, so study this data before purchasing animals.

    Where to buy sheep and rams?

    Purchasing animals is one of the milestones sheepfold sales. After analyzing the competition in the region and the characteristics various breeds, you should focus on one or two types of sheep.

    The search for suppliers for the purchase of animals should be carried out according to two criteria:

    • supplier reliability;
    • his experience in the market.

    Romanov sheep are the best option for a novice farmer. They are characterized by unpretentious content and high fertility.

    If the main line of sheep breeding is the sale of meat, then you should pay attention to the following varieties:

    • Edilbaevskaya;
    • Gorky;
    • Hissar;
    • Romney march;
    • North Caucasian;
    • Tien Shan;
    • Romanovskaya;
    • Kurdyuchnaya.

    romney march

    One of the most common and profitable are Romanov sheep. The advantage is in the rapid weight gain of the animal. For 3.5-4 months, a young lamb gains 50% in weight, and by the end of the first year it already reaches 90-95% of the weight of an adult ram.

    The weight of an adult male reaches 50 kg, the female - 35 kg. Also, Romanov sheep are characterized by high fertility and early puberty. Unpretentiousness in maintenance and resistance to frost makes these sheep one of the most popular species in farms in the central and northern parts of Russia.

    Marketing part

    This chapter of the document is responsible for the sale of products and pricing. To do this, you need to carefully study the competitive environment and research the market in order to competently perform pricing. Given that the business can be implemented in several directions (sale of meat, milk, wool, livestock), it is necessary to analyze the market in all segments.

    When pricing, consider the following nuances:

    • perform a miscalculation of the cost of goods before setting a price;
    • focus on supply and demand in the market;
    • The maximum amount of profit depends not only on the price, but also on the costs.

    Receipt and sale of products

    Sheep farming allows marketing activities in three areas: milk, meat and wool. In order to ensure the continuity of the process, it is necessary to establish distribution channels even at the stage of purchasing animals.

    It is better to sell meat and milk on a contractual basis with major suppliers. It can be supermarkets, shops, enterprises Catering.

    The presence of a contract imposes obligations on both parties. On your part, you will have to ensure the supply of fresh meat in accordance with the established sanitary standards. The buyer undertakes to fully pay for the ordered goods.

    Another marketing option is to sell meat and milk to dealers, but this will significantly reduce income and affect profitability.

    The sales option can be implemented in two directions:

    • sales of live products;
    • sale of already cut meat.

    The first option is easier to organize, but at the same time, the buyer purchases the entire batch from you at a wholesale price.

    The second option requires hiring additional staff, but in this case, the profit will be higher. It will be necessary to additionally organize a slaughterhouse and hire a butcher. In addition to the sale of meat, an additional source of income can be the sale of wool.

    Breeding and processing sheep wool on an industrial scale is considered a profitable direction for farmers. In our article you will find detailed information about the types of woolen raw materials, the features of the process, as well as how to start a wool processing business.

    You can negotiate with combines and private enterprises that will buy wool in bulk during the shearing. Thus, you fully realize the product. In addition to wool, you can donate dressed skins of slaughtered sheep, which are in great demand today. For the delivery of this product, study the demand among the enterprises of the shoe, leather haberdashery direction, conclude contracts for the supply of products.

    Just betting on the sale of wool is not worth it. The price of wool is low and in order to achieve good profitability, you need to have a farm for 1,000 heads or more.

    Another area of ​​marketing may be the sale of milk and dairy products. But, unlike cow's milk, sheep's milk is not as popular in the market. Therefore, if you sell it privately at retail, it will take a long time. In addition, it will be necessary to include financial section and transport costs.

    The best solution would be to conclude an agreement with a milk processing plant or a catering facility that needs these products.

    As an expansion of production, we can further consider opening our own workshop for dressing hides, sheep cheese production, tailoring leather goods from sheep skin.


    This chapter is one of the most difficult and important. Try to make financial projections for at least three years to see the development prospects.

    You should also set a short-term and long-term goal for generating income from the sheepfold. This will allow you to clearly navigate and make adjustments if you suddenly deviate from the vector.

    The main costs of organizing a sheep farm

    In order to make the calculations correctly, we take into account the production of 300 heads.

    For the organization of the economy you will need:

    • purchase of sheep (3,000 * 300 pieces) - 900,000 rubles;
    • land allotment - 100,000 rubles;
    • repair / restoration (construction of a stall) - 100,000 rubles;
    • salary (based on 5 units) - 600,000 rubles;
    • registration of a business and payment of taxes per year - 150,000 rubles.

    In total, 1,850,000 rubles will be required to organize a sheepfold.

    It should be noted that the amount for the purchase of livestock, land, repairs should be immediately available. At the start, the income will be minimal, so it is not necessary to count on investing the earned funds.

    Revenue part

    To calculate the income for the year, we take the profit from the sale of all products.

    • delivery of live individuals (100 pieces * 3 thousand) - 300,000 rubles;
    • wool sales - about 200,000 rubles;
    • meat - 500,000 rubles;
    • milk - 200,000 rubles.

    The average expected income from keeping a sheepfold will be 1,200,000 rubles.

    Thus, the payback period of the sheepfold is 16-24 months.

    Profitability of sheep breeding

    Calculating the benefits of this idea and profitability, it should be said that the standard organization of a sheepfold pays off within two years.

    A lot depends on the climate zone and the entrepreneurial spirit of the farmer. If the cost item fully includes the labor of hired workers, then this will significantly reduce income and affect profitability. If the main work will be done on its own, then in this case we can already talk about good profitability. You can start farming even with minimal investment, gradually increasing the number of livestock and developing production.

    Video - Sheep breeding
