Director's office decoration. Director's office: design, photo and design styles (67 photos). Modern office for the head of a large enterprise

Based on the research, scientists have found that the environment in the office affects productivity, the desire to come to work and stay in the office all day long. Therefore, the choice of colors should be approached competently, taking into account the psychological state of workers in the perception of a particular color. What color to choose for the walls in the office?

When choosing a design for an office, one should take into account many factors and the influence of colors on the visual perception of a person. To create an overall picture, the following examples of wall painting can be given:

  • Gray and its derivatives or neutral colors. Relate to calm tones. They do not irritate the eyes, but cause despondency and apathy. The gray shade of the walls in the office is combined with the color of the clothes of the employees, so it is possible that soon everyone will fall asleep at the workplace, and this will reduce labor productivity.
  • Office painting yellow. The opinion of psychologists is twofold. Some believe that this color of the cabinet is pleasing to the eye, uplifting and increases productivity. Another opinion of experts is that in such an environment it will simply be impossible to concentrate on the task at hand. Both are scientifically substantiated and have their own evidence, but for each person, the attitude to this color is individual and everything will depend on its perception.

  • Green. For the office, this tone is the most optimal. It does not tire during the working day, and therefore you can work quietly for a long time. Decorating the walls with green is soothing to the eye. When doing work that requires concentration, this is the most suitable solution. The design of the selected flooring in green tones gives businesslike character at the same time.

  • Blue. If you paint the walls of office premises with this color, then the effectiveness of the work of employees will also be at a high level. If the work activity is related to counting or small details, then this solution will be optimal. It is important to choose the color blue, not blue, otherwise the perception will be the opposite.

  • Brown. When choosing such a design, one should take into account that it has a depressing effect on the human psyche. But if you paint the walls, for example, in the office of the investigator, then a feeling of security is created among visitors.

  • Red. Only creative workers can choose such tones. A room painted in such tonalities enhances emotionality and causes aggressiveness in mentally unbalanced people. Red invigorates and is good for such people whose labor activity is aimed at performing physical labor. This color is categorically not recommended for use in the office of the head involved in negotiations and conclusions of contracts. Such a design will only exacerbate situations that arise when resolving contentious issues, cause excitement, irritation and, perhaps, conflict situations.

  • Orange. Applying this tone to the walls will be ideal for receiving clients and concluding contracts. But it is recommended to use an orange tint, it is perceived softer and does not irritate the eyes.

  • Violet. It calms and helps to relax, so individual places can be painted in such tones.

  • White. Painting the walls in the office in this color will visually make even a small room larger, white also gives efficiency and rigor.

  • Black is used in the office to create contrast with other tones. In general, black will only cause negative reactions from others.

How to choose the right shades

The chosen design depends on some parameters, and in order to correctly determine what exactly is suitable, it is not necessary to be a specialist. Consider the following factors:

  • parameters of the area of ​​the room;
  • Which side are the windows facing?
  • illumination of the room;
  • window opening sizes.
  • If additional lighting is needed, this problem can be solved by adding lamps on tables or walls.
  • Decorative paints of warm shades are used for rooms whose windows are directed to the north side, and on the contrary, cold tones are used for the south sides.

The color of the walls in the office also depends on the furniture to be purchased or available in the room.

  • interior style;
  • personal wishes of employees or the head;
  • color schemes of furniture;
  • colors of other finishing materials, if any;
  • impact on mental state.

On the video: paints for the office and living room.

The opinion of psychologists

As noted above, the color of the walls in the office has a direct impact on the mental state of a person, his performance, including the ability to concentrate on tasks and, in general, his productivity during the working day. In practice, many factors have been confirmed.

List of expert opinions:

  • The design, saturated with bright colors, is aimed at excitation of the nervous system.
  • Decorative paint of different colors and shades can provoke migraines and increase fatigue.
  • Calm tones are well suited, they increase efficiency.
  • It is recommended to select cool colors for small areas, they visually expand the space and provide focus on a particular task.
  • The best results are achieved by combining warm and cold shades, while the impact on the human psyche will be positive.
  • The green color is always pleasing to the eye, this solution ensures the concentration of employees' attention, especially if their activities are related to working on a computer.
  • The design in gray tones is soothing, but also allows you to fall asleep at the workplace.
  • Yellow is used to increase mental alertness.
  • Not entirely successful will be decisions on the choice of purple or blue colors, they suppress performance.
  • A negative impact on productivity and pink colors.

What color to paint the office is decided by the head or his subordinate staff. But if the work being done is related to creativity, then bright and saturated colors should be used. For work that requires concentration, calmer shades will do.

Office decoration

What color to use when decorating an office? Such a decision depends on the opinion of employees, including their type of activity. But it should be borne in mind that the choice of light shades is the most optimal for employees. This gives both efficiency and efficiency at the same time.

The main goal is to comply with labor protection standards, including the preservation of health in the course of work. Every leader should know this, since it is he who is responsible for the health of his subordinates.

If it is difficult to independently determine which colors to choose for the design of the workspace, especially if the work has different directions, then it is recommended to turn to professionals. Specially trained people who have supporting documents for this type of activity will be able to correctly assess the situation and find a suitable solution.

Beautiful color combinations (2 videos)

Different design options for offices (22 photos)

The design of a director's office in an office usually says a lot: about the company itself and its status, about the style and preferences of the head. Therefore, the design of this cabinet should be stylish, cozy and presentable at the same time.

Interior details should be in harmony with each other and leave only a positive impression for visitors and employees of the company.

After all, it is in this office that the most complex and important working issues are resolved, serious negotiations are underway, and sometimes even interviews are held.

Most often, managers choose between two styles: classic and modern. And some of them even prefer to work remotely, for example, at home or somewhere on the islands.

Today we will talk about how to arrange the office of the head. And how to equip a working nest at home.

Cabinet in classic style

The interior of an office in a classic style is the simplest and most win-win option. The main thing here is to adhere to standard design methods: do not forget about natural finishes, solid wooden furniture and restrained colors.

Psychologists, for example, advise using natural tones in office design: brown, beige, gray or terracotta.

The main piece of furniture in the manager's office is a desk, which should be large, roomy and comfortable. Another important element of the classic office is the boss office chair. Usually it is made of natural or eco leather.

In addition, for comfortable work in the manager's office there should be spacious shelves or cabinets for storing the necessary folders and documents.

Properly organized lighting is also an important part of the interior of the study in the office.

The work area should be well lit. For example, if a central chandelier is used in the room, lighting can be added using sconces, table lamps, floor lamps and lamps.

If the design of the cabinet allows the use of built-in lamps and lighting, it is desirable to distribute the lighting evenly over the entire area of ​​the room.

You can complement the office with expensive paintings, stylish vases, original wall clocks or high-quality stationery.

Many offices have a separate area for negotiations. Usually a long table with chairs for visitors is placed in it. There is also a zone for informal negotiations, in which there is a comfortable sofa, several armchairs and a small table.

Cabinet in modern style

Classics are classics, and many well-known brands and companies have long been guided by modern design trends and technical innovations.

More and more offices began to be located in the open spaces of former industrial buildings. More and more offices are creating loft-style working interiors with brick and concrete walls, beamed ceilings and industrial lighting.

Increasingly, managers themselves are in the same open space with employees or have a personal office, which is zoned with light partitions or glass walls.

In such offices, designer furniture made of plastic is used in combination with glass and metal.

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home office

Outsourcing is gaining popularity these days. Young people prefer to do most of the work at home. And this has its advantages:

– it is much more economical than renting an office space or coworking space;

— no need to waste time on the road or be nervous, standing in traffic jams;

- at home you can look whatever you like;

- at home you can work in bed in your arms with a cat;

- huge desks can be easily replaced with console tables or coffee tables, which can easily fit all the necessary gadgets.

Today, a specially equipped workplace is a necessity.Therefore, it is best to think over a plan for arranging an office and create the right working environment that will meet the requirements of aesthetics, practicality and ergonomics. After all, it is in this place that you will have to spend most of your working time.

If you are a creative person, the Art Nouveau interior with broken lines, unusual colors and an abundance of various, small and stylish details will suit you best.

For an amateur, it is best to create an interior in a hi-tak style: without unnecessary details, strict and practical.

If the apartment does not allow you to create an office in a separate room, the workspace can be equipped on a heated balcony or attic by making repairs there.

Lighting plays an important role in workplace planning. It can be a chandelier, sconce, recessed lights, table lamp. There must be a window.

When choosing a color scheme, it is better to give preference to pastel colors. Bright colors, although uplifting, are potential irritants that will constantly distract from work.

If work t Requires attention and concentration, choose cool colors, and if you need a creative atmosphere, then warm ones.

It is difficult to imagine the design project of an office without elements of wood trim, which will add comfort, coziness and a businesslike manner.

The necessary set of a standard office includes: a table, a chair or an armchair, an area for storing books, documents and stationery. It is important that the latter have convenient compartments for everything you need, as well as a place for special equipment, such as a scanner and printer. If necessary, you can install a special bedside table or shelf for them.

And in the end, add one convenient detail - a magnetic board on which thoughts, notes, schedules and more will be stored.

Much depends on the characteristics of the environment that surrounds the leader. For example, his ability to think correctly and logically, to make important decisions thoughtfully, to maintain a good and working mood. Let's take a closer look at what office space design options are possible, and how the office of a civil servant differs from the general director of a large holding.

Interior features of the manager's office: room design techniques

When designing an office for any category of leaders, the following principles should be taken into account:

  • room zoning. The following corners should be present: meeting area, where there will be a large table, many chairs, a demonstration board, a projector and other visualization methods; the main place where there is a personal workspace with a desk or computer desk, cabinets and shelves for documents, a safe; a meeting area for visitors and business guests with a comfortable sofa, armchairs and a coffee table;
  • view of the director's room. Style - business, strict, practical, comfortable. You can make small personal changes: write certificates, honorary sheets or photographs with famous people in the profession on the walls. Painting in the workplace will make the interior more diverse. Make sure that the office is well lit both naturally and with the help of lamps and fixtures;
  • the presence of corporate symbols. A large and medium-sized company probably produces attributes in the form of pens, notepads, flags and other stationery with a company logo. By diluting the interior with the help of such things, you can emphasize the status of the leader.

The office is the face of the leader. In addition to the above points, it must be kept clean and tidy. Try not to scatter papers or utensils, make sure that outerwear is always in the place provided for this.

For the ambitious man

Distinctive features of a beautiful office interior design for a male leader are: restrained colors and the predominance of metal things, glass, and gloss. You should not mount a collection of weapons on the wall or a photo from a successful fishing trip. Let the personal stay at the door. The arrangement of the male workplace should be stylish and practical. For example, a wooden corner wall will allow you to avoid the classic wallpaper design. The manager's office should radiate the atmosphere of a leader.

For a successful woman

A female leader is an increasingly common phenomenon. Such a person has pronounced leadership qualities, a clear presence of a personal opinion on any issue, and a willingness to show aggression towards a competitor. Therefore, the design of the office of a female manager in a modern style is the most popular option. Traditional delicate shades and soft features in furniture are being replaced by rich colors and experimental novelties. Young managers prefer to see light materials, designer gizmos, photos from important conferences with influential people. As a lawyer, a woman often puts on public display a license or certificate, honorary sheets from legal forums. It is important to arrange the room correctly. For example, a table should be placed in front of a window opening: it will highlight the figure of a girl.

The best color solutions

To make the office space set up in a working mood, be stylish and comfortable for business meetings, designers advise making the most of natural shades: brown, beige, gray, green. With their help, the interior will seem expensive, and the atmosphere will be conducive to communication and work. To prevent pragmatism from turning into despondency, add bright accents. For example, an orange spot in the form of a leather chair can dilute a gray environment. Or in a room with brown wallpaper and wooden furniture, make a green corner with indoor plants. Properly selected flowers will perform a decorative function and enrich the room with oxygen (which contributes to mental activity).

Making a VIP cabinet for the boss is quite simple. Wood trim will look stylish and cozy. Properly placed and color-matched pieces of furniture will create the appearance of a separate zone, equipping a desk with a lamp in the form of an apparatus will give the room a special flavor.

Universal neutral tones for the director's office

Ideal for finishing the office of the director of the enterprise or the modest bosses of the provincial state office are beige shades. They are noble, versatile and practical. To give a beautiful appearance to the room, you should correctly place accents, correctly perform zoning. Curtains are an important part of decorating a space. They fill a large area, so they can play a key role in the design. A male or female workplace is easy to create. You just need to choose the right decor.

Director's office style: choose by character

Style characterizes the boss as a person, gives the key to understanding his qualities and character. This is a specific decoration of the room in which the director will feel "on his territory." Style solutions for a business office are radically different from each other. Let's consider them in more detail.

Executive office in innovative high-tech style

The high-tech style has become a model for office design in large office companies that have a clear dynamic policy, modern innovative technology and consistently high income. But gradually this stylistic direction was transferred to smaller organizations. It is made in such colors: black, white, gray, steel, muted shades of brown. Characterized by straight lines, spot lighting, the presence of modern technologies for both practical and decorative purposes. Used furniture made of glass, plastic or metal. A high-tech office is a great idea for the head of a small young company. You can arrange red chairs: they attract attention and are unobtrusive.

Office of the head in a classic style with the use of wood

The classic style is characterized by the presence of wooden elements: furniture, walls or parquet. You can even use wood to decorate the ceiling, but be careful that the room does not look like a "hut". With wood, you can use elements of natural colors, rich accents. If the layout of the room is simple, then this is its plus. You can focus on the illuminated paintings in wooden frames.

Versatile cabinet in modern style

To decorate the space in a modern style, choose a bright overall room. It should contain a minimum of furniture. But even the one that will be present must be strict and concise.

No complex intricate designs, all elements are extremely simple. To learn how to furnish the interior in such an elegant and modern way, you need to use the advice of professionals.

Loft-style office - the lot of artists

The loft is preferred by creative individuals who must be in constant search of a muse and inspiration. This is facilitated by the huge area of ​​​​the premises, more like a workshop of an enterprise, and a complete flight of fancy, exactly how to decorate it. The highlight of the rooms in the loft are square windows. Thus, a large amount of light penetrates inside. Absolutely any material can lie on the floor: parquet, tile or just rolled linoleum. This style is still used by economical people and creative youth. This trend came to us from America and took root perfectly because of its practicality.

The English style is used by rich people who have reached a high position in society and appreciate quality and practicality. The furniture is made only from solid wenge, walnut or ash, often on order. Her appearance speaks of wealth and reverence for centuries-old traditions. The presence of a carpet in premium cabinet styles emphasizes the status of the owner. The owner of such a room is a respectful, reliable, restrained person, with a delicate taste. There can be no frills, only everything you need. Very often this interior is used by attaches or consuls.

Executive office in the style of minimalism

If you take a large room and put a minimum of furniture in it, you get a minimalist style. His admirers love simplicity and functionality, lack of decor and intricate images. Everything is simple and concise. A minimalist office, as a rule, is decorated in white shades. The presence of blinds in such a room will look like a relic of the past.

Office furniture for every taste

Furnishing is an important part of the design decision. Today, furniture manufacturing materials can be found for every taste and color (even lilac, for example).

Solid wood or wood furniture

Solid wood emphasizes the high status, conservatism and wealth of the leader. The main figure in the furniture is a desk, which is deliberately bulky and symbolizes stability and a strong position in the market and in society. Furniture under a tree creates a note of naturalness and harmony. In the post-Soviet space, this situation is traditional. Someone can decorate all four walls of the room with wood. However, not every person likes such an abundance.

metal furniture

Adherents of metal furniture are dynamic, purposeful people who keep up with the times. They value style combined with practicality. Cold shades of metal are associated with prudence and cunning. That is why accountants or people who keep up with the letter of the law love steel shades so much. Below you can see what the director's office looks like (design, photo).

Glass furniture

Glass objects in the form of tables and cabinets make the decoration light and weightless. But you should not get carried away: dilute the interior with more mundane elements. Glass looks great in tandem with steel and metal. For example, at such a table as in the photo below, it is a pleasure to discuss a new or already prepared contract with like-minded people.

plastic furniture

Plastic items are practical, convenient, inexpensive. But the economy option is not inferior in popularity to other materials. Its ubiquitous use did not stop decorating directors' offices. Thanks to its versatility, many new intricate chairs, tables, cabinets, nightstands, etc. have appeared on the market. Smooth, concise forms are in great demand.

Soft armchairs and sofas: comfort is a must

An integral attribute of the director's office is a "soft zone": a sofa or armchairs where you can comfortably sit down with a cup of coffee for a pleasant business conversation. The solid interior of the institution is complemented by a massive soft leather sofa, the more modest ones are content with a quality substitute “under the skin”. Experts say that the design of the office of a successful male leader should be brutal, dynamic and spectacular.

Indoor flowers and other appropriate decor in the manager's office

In the matter of plant placement, the most important thing is light, air humidity. When designing the layout of the room, consider the possibility of locating a "green area". Remember that the flower must be unpretentious, resistant to rare watering, drafts and negative conditions. It will become a beautiful decoration of the workspace. The plant will live for more than one day or even a year, so create all the necessary conditions for it.

It is also important to add some personal items to the interior of the office: work photos, paintings, certificates. But the public display of family photos is not welcome.

Small office design

Small offices are most often found among leaders in provincial cities. To create a stylish environment, when designing a room, stick to a light palette of colors, fill everything with light. Furniture should be as practical and functional as possible. You should not think that the more it is, the better. A heap of cabinets and drawers will only narrow the space. And if the office is 4 m2, then let it be one, but a large closet. Play on contrasts, resort to accents. The front door should open from the outside so that this area can be used if necessary.

The appearance of your office depends on its size and the specifics of the work. Remember that this is your business card. Therefore, it is important to equip it correctly, taking into account all the subtleties.

The office is considered not only a working area, but also a place where you can relax or think a little. And it is for this reason that the interior of the office must be designed with special care.

Study room design, office. A photo

To date, there is a whole concept of how the office should look like. The main requirements are as follows:

  • The office should adjust to the workflow. This means that there should be no objects in the room that can distract from work. Similar details are best left for other cabinets.
  • Functionality. Any working moments need to minimize the time spent on moving or searching for the necessary papers / items. It is necessary to furnish everything so that everything is at hand.
  • Coziness and comfort. Naturally, numerous meetings, meetings, and even the workflow itself are tiring. And if you have a minute to rest, you should use it. To do this, it is desirable to place a comfortable sofa in the office.
  • The office is in some way a reflection of its owner. It should have some flair and personality. Any style or overall design is best mixed with home photos or posters of your favorite team in your preferred sport. But you don’t need to force absolutely all free shelves or tables with such things, since this is a study.
  • The design of the office should show the type of activity of the owner. For example, the workplace of the head of a large company in the field of economics should embody seriousness and responsibility. Everything is placed in its place, strict order on the shelves, it is possible to install a safe for storing securities. Whereas for creative individuals (designer, artist, etc.), so to speak, “creative mess” is suitable.
  • Office dimensions. A lot depends on the parameters of the office, because if the workplace is not large, it is highly undesirable to force it with massive furniture, a large table. In such a room it will be bad and uncomfortable to move around, and a person will “suffocate” in such a room.

Zoning of a working office / office. A photo

As it has already become clear, an office or study should not be exclusively a working area. Mandatory attributes of such premises are the allocation of a place for communication with partners or clients, a place of rest and a working area. If the size of the cabinet allows, you can perform minimal zoning in the room and visually divide it.

As a rule, three areas can be distinguished in one office:

  • Work zone. This is the territory of the room, which should be as discreet, practical and functional as possible. There should not be bright details, trinkets and the like. Any excesses will also be inappropriate. Everything should be strict and simple: a rack with documents, an armchair and a table. Additionally - a table lamp, office supplies, etc.
  • Reception area. A simple and serious place in the office where important work issues are discussed, but there are no stressful factors. Potential customers or guests need to have a separate place with armchairs, a small table and a sofa. The whole atmosphere should be conducive to communication.
  • Rest zone. A comfortable relaxing corner in which everything that the owner likes is installed. For example, a music center for listening to music, a small mini-golf, a comfortable sofa to lie down, a TV or, if dimensions allow, a billiard table.
In theory, everything is clear. However, how does the separation process itself take place? How to do this correctly? After all, many employees are not specialists in the design of a study or office. For minimal comfort, it is not necessary to immediately turn to professional designers, as some things can be done independently.

The workplace and other areas can be separated from each other by screens or partitions. Various levels and niches can be used to save space. And by applying different shades, you can easily visually disconnect the zones (but you need to remember that the workplace should always be darker and more serious than others).

Office color scheme. A photo

For office decoration, the use of soft pastel shades is most acceptable, such as milky, sandy, beige, light green, peach, etc. Blue or pink colors are absolutely not suitable. The first is rather "cold" and the second is too frivolous. At first it may seem that such a statement is ridiculous, but scientists and psychologists have long identified the most successful color options for improving the quality of work.

Light tones can be diluted with darker ones, but with the condition that they will be more noble and deep. For example, brown, burgundy or emerald are welcome. The ceiling, floor and walls can be highlighted with a light color, but then the furniture should be dark. It is highly undesirable to design everything in aggressive and “acidic” tones.

Work office decoration. Photo examples

For serious officials and bosses, it is desirable to use natural, as simple materials as possible. And unusual and creative coatings are most appropriate for the office of a designer, art director, etc.

The walls can be plastered, painted or glued with ordinary wallpaper (preferably plain). Even embossed plaster will do. For finishing the floor has always been and remains parquet or laminate. And thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to make a stretch (or multi-level) ceiling, which will hide the spot lighting of the upper level.

Selection of furniture for office design

The main requirement for installed furniture in the office is functionality. The table can simultaneously fit folders with documents, office equipment and a computer system unit, some personal items (purse, watch, etc.) and all kinds of stationery. The most important thing is that everything can be reached at any second.

Mandatory paraphernalia - hinged shelves. Firstly, they free up a lot of space, and secondly, they contain folders with documents that you can immediately reach. However, it is not advisable to leave securities here. There are only a few requirements for installing niches and shelves:

  • high-quality installation (so that nothing collapses);
  • they should be located at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the desktop. If placed too close, they will interfere with moving around the office, if too far away, you will need to constantly run to them in search of the necessary papers.

Regarding the forms, it can be noted that they should be strict and simple, without frills. Too intricate will distract and interfere at work.

Naturally, the possible size of the furniture directly depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe office. The most compact furniture is installed in a small office, you can even have a built-in type. But when the office is solid, having a large size, furniture from massive components will look great. As a material, it is best to use glass, natural wood and metal. Sometimes plastic can work.

Office lighting. A photo

The workplace should always be as bright as possible. The most successful option is the installation of lamps with multi-level diffused lighting of the space. Several sconces, spotlights, table lamp, one floor lamp can easily decorate the study room and enhance the working capacity.

However, this is not a pattern, as there are people who like to work in the semi-darkness. For such cases, you can use special lighting devices and dim floor lamps.

Design styles for a study or office. Photo examples

Today, there are many options for interior design of the workplace, but which one to choose? In order to avoid any complications or questions during registration, it is best to familiarize yourself with different styles in more detail.

  1. Classic.

The classic style is always practical and suitable for any office, regardless of the type of activity of its owner. The best option for a person who is serious about work, but rests purely at home. A rack for documents and books, a wooden table (possible with several add-ons) with drawers, a couple of armchairs and a sofa upholstered in dense fabric. Finishing - deep tones, nothing bright.

  1. English style.

If you have a preference for luxury, the English style will do. The predominant tones should be saturated deep (burgundy, brown). A wooden lacquered table should be placed against one wall, next to which you can put a high-backed chair upholstered with expensive high-quality fabric. To illuminate the working area of ​​the table, a lamp in a fabric shade is perfect. A mandatory attribute is a leather sofa and a basket for umbrellas.

  1. Hi-tech style.

This is a concise and modern style for business people who have taste. In the center of the office, you can put a metal table with a glass top, and next to it is an office chair. On the contrary, a metal rack for storing papers and books should be located near the wall. If there is a wall that dominates in size, you can install a huge white sofa or some comfortable modern armchairs. Of the shades, white and gray should be predominant. Metallic colors are also appropriate.

  1. Country style.

This option is often used by high-ranking officials who practically live by work. The atmosphere is cozy like home. The predominant material is natural wood. You can lay a carpet on the floor (not carpet), all documents are removed in a closet (can be carved). Opposite the desktop is a sofa with cushions.

  1. Ethnic style.

Perhaps the most unusual design option for a work office. Unusual patterns on the walls, dark muted tones, original figurines, several paintings. This is ideal for serious creative individuals, such as an architect.

Office accessories (photo)

Since this place is working, stationery should be present in abundance, but there should not be too much of them, all the more not visible. What is not large is best hidden in a table or put on a shelf. However, one way or another, you won’t get rid of everything, so it makes sense to dilute the design of the workplace with various accessories:

  1. Hiding/decorating the translucent part of the cabinet - the window. If the office is commercial and there are other offices nearby, the best option is blinds or Roman-style curtains. Whereas fabric or roller blinds are suitable for a home office, which will shade the room and relax when relaxing.
  2. Even in the strictest office there is a place for paintings with landscapes or a portrait. However, do not get carried away, one picture is enough.
  3. You can put a family photo on the table in a simple, “non-flashy” frame.
  4. For workers in specific areas, you can purchase small decorative items that speak of the owner's activities. For example, it would be ideal for a lawyer to put a figurine - the scales of Themis. For an economist or accountant, kinetic balls (Newton's cradle) are suitable.

As you can see, there are many nuances that affect the comfort of staying at the workplace. But if you do everything right, then the design of the office in the office will be a real salvation.
