Indoor Anthurium flowers have spots on their leaves. Proper care and treatment of anthurium diseases at home. Leaves slow down and dry out quickly

We consider problems when growing anthurium: leaves or their tips turn yellow, dry, turn black, as well as brown spots, rust on them. We describe the reasons for the appearance of these symptoms and frequent illnesses leaves of “male happiness”.

Why do anthurium leaves turn yellow?

Leaves may turn yellow various reasons. Most often this happens with unbalanced lighting, improper watering, lack of nutrients, as well as when damaged by pests and due to various diseases.

To find the cause, you need to read the recommendations of experts and analyze your care at home.


“Male Happiness” loves bright, diffused light (10-12 hours a day), but without direct sunlight. Leaves can also turn yellow due to lack of lighting (October - March and northern windows - light with lamps) or from sunburn (summer, most often on a southern window).

A burn on anthurium leaves looks like a large yellow spot, which is often surrounded by dry brown or blackened areas. The burnt leaf must be removed and the flower placed in another place (east or west window) or darkened.

Various variants of yellowed leaves


Yellowing of leaves can be caused by both excess and lack of water, as well as its temperature and mineral composition.

  1. Excessive frequency of watering is one of the most common causes of plant death. Stagnant water contributes to root rot, which is manifested by yellowing leaves (a symptom of gradual dying).
    The flower needs an urgent transplant; for information on how to do this correctly, see the article:
  2. Leaves also turn yellow and dry due to lack of water combined with low air humidity. This phenomenon is often observed during summer heat or in winter, when heating radiators dry out the air greatly.
    Spray the air and leaves of the anthurium more often (moisture should not get on the inflorescences!) and wipe, and rinse under a warm shower every 2-3 weeks.
  3. The flower needs to be sprayed and watered with soft water 1-2 degrees warmer room temperature. Hard water with lime and chlorine negatively affects life processes, since it prefers slightly acidic soil.
    We recommend refreshing your memory:

Yellowing after transplantation

During replanting, fragile roots could be damaged. For information on what to do next, see the same article on transplantation (link above in the article).

Feeding and fertilizers

Anthurium does not need a large amount of minerals (too much is harmful). It must be fed moderately: from March to September every 15-30 days 20-50% of the dose liquid fertilizer for flowering species.

  1. First of all, a deficiency of nitrogen, sulfur, iron and manganese should not be allowed. With nitrogen deficiency, development slows down and they turn yellow prematurely. lower leaves“male happiness”, and young people become pale and small.
  2. Iron deficiency is manifested by chlorosis, which first affects young leaves, and subsequently old ones: the veins become dark green in color, and neighboring areas of the leaf become pale with a tinge of yellow.
  3. With a deficiency or excess of manganese, the leaves turn yellow and droop, or small spots and specks form on their surface, and then they curl and fall off.
    For prevention, water the flower with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate every 30-40 days.
  4. When there is an excess of sulfur, the edges and tips of the leaves first turn yellow, and then curl, turn brown and wither. And the deficiency of the element is accompanied by yellowing of the upper young leaves first.
    In this case, special fertilizing is not needed, since sulfur is contained in many fertilizers along with ammonium, potassium or magnesium sulfates.


“Male happiness” is most often attacked spider mite, aphids (especially young leaves) and scale insects. They suck out the sap, causing the leaves to turn yellow and fall off.

We wish you to find the cause and eliminate the problem with the leaves of the anthurium, and receive only pleasant emotions from the flower!

Beautiful, long lasting blooming anthurium takes pride of place in the apartment. Bright flowers and the beautiful arrow-shaped leaves of the anthurium plant are business card a home where love and care are enough for all its inhabitants. A demanding flower loses its decorative effect at the slightest deviation from the maintenance norm. Flowers become especially capricious over the years, losing foliage.

Signs of the need for flower rejuvenation

On gardening forums you can find out that in some cases, without special care old anthurium continues to bloom at the age of more than 10 years. For others, the plant needs resuscitation after 4-5 years. Therefore, it is not age that makes a flower grow old, but improper care.

Signs that a pet is asking for help and needs rejuvenation will be its appearance:

  • the high anthurium stem was exposed from below;
  • the flowers are crushed or the plant does not bloom;
  • the leaves become smaller, many side shoots appear;
  • The trunk stretches and the leaves fall off.

In any case, if a flower has lost its decorative value, and it is a pity to part with it, it should be revived. But first, carry out an analysis and determine what is missing in agricultural technology, so that in the future the plant will delight you with its appearance for a long time.

Basic care requirements:

  • year-round exposure to light without direct sunlight, providing at least 12 hours of daylight;
  • exclusion of any kind of drafts;
  • creating a comfortable temperature of the surrounding air and ground;
  • creation of a zone high humidity around the flower by any kind of evaporation and spraying;
  • soil that meets the requirements and without stagnant water in the pot;
  • regular watering with settled soft water and fertilizing the plant;
  • timely transplantation and propagation;
  • control of diseases and pests.

If a set of measures is completed, then the anthurium will not need rejuvenation for a long time.

Signs of improper flower maintenance

When a plant is actively growing green mass, new inflorescences appear, there is no reason for alarm.

If the leaves begin to curl into a tube, reducing the surface area, this is already a signal of a lack or excess of light and dry air. If black spots appear on the leaves, the plant is watered abundantly and stagnant zones appear in the substrate. The tips of the leaves begin to turn yellow, you need to increase the air temperature and eliminate the draft.

Too hard water has a detrimental effect on the plant. Therefore, when in drinking water increased content hardness salts, it must be softened by passing through a special filter or using the freezing method. If the water is not completely frozen, the hardness salts will remain in the liquid layer; the ice can be used for watering plants. Signs of watering with hard water are blackening of the tips of the leaves.

Yellow leaves and stems of dried flowers should be cut off with scissors, after disinfecting them in order to stop damage to the plant.

The flower is dying, how to save anthurium

The plant has stretched out and is rapidly shedding its leaves - you need to carefully examine the stem. This type of aroid partially reproduces by aerial roots. You can see marked bulges on the stem; in these places, if the conditions are right, the plant can take root. In nature, a drooping branch takes root into the ground, even through the air, trying to reach the nutritious litter. If these shoots are alive, then even though the anthurium dies, it can be saved.

It is necessary to check the presence of pests and diseases on the plant that led to the drying out of the anthurium. You should remove the plant from the pot and carefully examine the condition of its root system. Be careful when doing this; the roots are fragile. Only light and fleshy roots are considered alive. Yellowed and brown weaves no longer work. They either rotted from improper maintenance or are susceptible to infectious diseases. If the anthurium has dried up in the above-ground part, perhaps there are living roots that can be used to revive the bush.

It happens that a flower is without external signs rotting of the roots sheds the green outfit for six months, then to be reborn again, but this happens if the roots remain alive.

How to rejuvenate anthurium

Rejuvenation occurs in two ways:

  • activating aerial roots;
  • restoring the functionality of the root system.

Aerial roots will begin to develop in the warmth and humid environment. Therefore, the most the best way Place the plant in a warm place and create a belt of sphagnum moss around the growth points of future roots. In a constantly moist substrate, the plant will take root within a week or two. Then this part can be cut off with a sharp, disinfected knife, sprinkled with crushed charcoal or ground cinnamon.

Such a seedling can be immediately rooted in a pot by preparing the necessary composition of tropical soil. Sphagnum will not interfere with this; the roots will break through the pores of the moss and reach the nutrient mixture.

But if the plant is very elongated, then in this way you can root another piece of the plant stem. During root growth, the plant is not watered so as not to spoil the idle soil. It is only sprayed from above. As a harbinger of the salvation of the anthurium, a new leaf will soon appear on the seedling. After this, create conditions for the anthurium to develop as quickly as possible. The plant will not need feeding for the first 2-3 months, the soil is full, but there are still few roots.

In order to thoroughly understand the condition of the rhizomes and understand how to revive the anthurium, you need to carefully wash all the roots, but they are very fragile. Then cut out the rotten and brown parts. If there are growth points on the light-colored roots, they will be visible. Place clean, disinfected and dried roots in a pot with a drainage layer and suitable nutrient soil. The container of the dish must correspond to the size of the root system. If there are few roots left, then the container should be small.

Plant the plant according to all the rules and wait for the result. Such work may not be necessary if only the above-ground part of the anthurium dies, the roots remain viable. Then, after cutting off the top for separate rooting, the entire pot is left at rest in a warm and bright place. After some time, young shoots should appear, which can later be planted. This is also one of the ways to rejuvenate anthurium.

A significant role in the revival of plants is played by subsequent care for them, as for a loved one who is recovering from a serious illness.

Composition of soil for rooting anthurium

First of all, you should know for sure that any disease brought with the earth can be the last straw for a weakened plant. Whatever composition is prepared, it should be disinfected by any means. Final processing should be carried out with permanganate, after which the lump of earth is dried.

Recommendations for adding large quantities sphagnum moss is correct; in addition to its moisture-retaining properties, it is also bactericidal. The danger is that if the soil has dried out on top, the moss near the root retains moisture, so there is a danger of overwatering the plant. Perlite and vermiculite hold moisture in the soil well, releasing it when necessary. Ground charcoal makes the substrate porous and creates centers for the formation of nutrition for the plant. The bark, necessarily, the upland, leaf substrate provide the necessary acidity. Sand is a source of silicic acid. A small amount of vermicompost fills the composition with beneficial microflora. All these substances are vitally important in the soil. It is good to use vermiculite as a top fill so that the moisture from the pot evaporates less.

Anthurium transplantation - video

If the leaves of an anthurium at home begin to dry out, most often the reason lies in improper maintenance conditions and care. The plant reacts quite sharply to dry air and other errors, identifying and eliminating which will help restore the flower to a beautiful and healthy appearance, as in the photo in catalogs.

Optimal microclimate for anthurium - important condition not only for flowering, but also for the health of the foliage mass. The plant, brought to us from the South American tropics, requires high humidity, regulated watering and other mandatory aspects of proper maintenance. Otherwise, spots appear on its leaves, the tips dry out, and the bush itself may even die if the grower does nothing.

Irrigation violation

If you are planning to get an anthurium, know that this flower will require constant attention and care. Proper watering ensures that the leaves never begin to brown or yellow. Suffer from too moist soil root system plants, and then the whole bush gets sick. Drying of the substrate is also undesirable, as it is fraught with similar consequences.

To organize proper watering, necessary:

  • Moisten the soil only after the top layer of the substrate has dried;
  • Drain the moisture remaining in the pan;
  • Reduce watering in the cold season;
  • Moisten the soil in summer often, but in small portions.

Be sure to use settled water at room temperature with reduced hardness for irrigation. If possible, better filter it or add oxalic acid(0.5 teaspoon per 5 liters).

Dry air

Anthurium leaves can also dry out due to dry air. The plant experiences a moisture deficiency because it evaporates quickly. In tropical forests, bushes grow in conditions of high humidity, so for the health of the bush it is necessary to organize a similar microclimate.

You can increase humidity in several ways:

  • Place a tray with expanded clay or sphagnum moss watered with water near the anthurium pot;
  • Regularly spray the leaves with a spray bottle using water at room temperature (it should not get on the inflorescences, if any);
  • Install a humidifier in the room;
  • Wash the anthurium in the shower several times a month.

When leaves dry from the tips in winter, this is a sure sign of exposure heating devices. That is why it is not recommended to place the anthurium near batteries, but place it a little further from the window, in partial shade.

Other causes of leaf drying

Dry air and unregulated watering are not the only reasons why anthurium foliage loses its attractiveness:

  • Drafts and low temperatures. Placing a pot with a tropical flower near balcony door or on the windowsill, where the window is often opened in winter - a bad idea, which is fraught with yellowing and drying of the leaves. To protect the bush from the effects of destructive drafts and low temperatures, take the plant out of the room for ventilation;
  • Lack of oxygen. The root system of anthurium is demanding of oxygen, so the soil should be easily breathable, loose and light. If the plant is planted in a heavy substrate, its roots will begin to hurt over time. To prevent the situation, you need to use special soil for anthuriums or prepare soil mixture yourself, mixing 4 parts of peat, 2 parts of turf soil, 1 part each of sphagnum moss and coarse sand.

Pests and fungal diseases of anthurium: what to do

The reason for drying of anthurium leaves when kept at home and properly cared for may be infection by pests or fungi:

  • Anthractosis – fungal disease, which manifests itself in the form of drying edges of the leaf plate with a further decrease in its thickness and complete drying. To cure the bush, you will need to treat it with a fungicide (Topaz, Trichodermin, etc.). The solution is prepared according to the scheme indicated on the package, and spraying must be carried out 2-3 times to ensure complete destruction of the fungus;
  • Septoria can be identified by small gray-brown or yellow spots with a border, which gradually increase in size and dry out. The disease can be aggravated by stagnation of water, lack of lighting and fertilizing. To cure, you will need repeated treatments of the leaves with Fundazol, Previkur and other fungicides;
  • Aphids infecting anthurium cause the leaves to dry out and curl, and the appearance of characteristic light yellow spots. The drugs “Karbofos”, “Aktellik” and their analogues successfully fight the pest;

Rots that affect the root system of anthurium also affect the condition of the entire bush. Not only the tips, but also the entire leaf blades begin to dry. Determining the presence of a fungal disease is simple - just pull the plant out of the pot and carefully examine the roots. If they are brown or black, covered with plaque and soft, then the plant urgently needs to be revived:

  • Remove all old substrate from the roots, remove all affected shoots;
  • Trim yellow, dry or suspicious leaves;
  • Treat the cut areas on the roots with crushed activated charcoal or charcoal;
  • Spray the entire bush with a fungicide solution;
  • Plant the plant in a new pot with replacement soil, having previously sterilized it.

How to prevent leaves from drying out

Much easier to organize suitable conditions for anthurium, than to treat a drying bush later. Thus, for the plant to feel comfortable, it is necessary:

  • Place the pot on eastern or western window sills in the summer, and move it to the southern ones in winter;
  • Water the flower moderately, only after the substrate has dried;
  • Organize high-quality drainage system to drain water by making holes at the bottom and placing a drainage layer in the pot (1/3 of the total height);
  • Avoid direct sunlight on the leaves;
  • Spray the bush and wash it regularly;
  • Use suitable soil with the required acidity (5.5-6.5 pH).

Timely replanting (once a year) with a change of substrate will help avoid nutrient deficiency and maintain the health of the flower.

Anthurium is a “tail” flower (translated from Greek). Luxurious flower culture, natural conditions whose habitats are the tropics of Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay.

Currently, there are almost 800 species of the Araceae family in the world. Moreover, 75 of them can be grown in the garden and only 25 at home. But those that are close to natural.

Therefore, if you liked a flower with a wonderful inflorescence in the form of a blanket over the cob and decorative leaves, you will have to master the basics of caring for it. To know, why anthurium leaves turn yellow, and also what to do if the tip of a leaf begins to dry on a flower.

Why do anthurium leaves turn yellow?

U healthy plant the surface of the leaves looks smooth, shiny or matte. In some species it is velvety. Moreover, it is given decorativeness not only by inflorescences of greenish, white or bright colors (pink, red, purple), but also by leaf plates - solid, deeply dissected. The types with cut edges are especially good.

At home, most often, you can find such popular decorative foliage varieties of anthurium as:

  • crystal;
  • Andre (white, red);
  • Schurzer, Hooker, Veitch.

If you notice a spot on the surface of dark green leaves(yellow, brown or black), which means there is a reason that spoils their appearance. Perhaps this is a sign of plant disease.

Why does anthurium turn yellow at home?

Anthurium, as a truly tropical crop, prefers a warm, humid microclimate and diffused light. For any deviation from comfortable conditions the flower reacts immediately.

First of all, the leaves of the anthurium begin to turn yellow. And it is quite natural that a gardener, especially an inexperienced one, wonders why and for what reason such undesirable changes occur.

The most common reason is non-compliance with plant care rules. However, quite often anthurium can turn yellow after being purchased in a store, once at home. Because the air in the apartment is drier and the temperature is completely different, the flower will need some time to adapt to the lighting.

If the anthurium leaves continue to turn yellow, solving the problem will take more time and will require knowledge about specific measures to help.

Reasons why anthurium leaves turn yellow:

In addition to these reasons, the leaf turns yellow due to attached pests - aphids,. They suck the juices out of the plant and it turns yellow.

And also, perhaps, the flower is affected by fusarium. In this case, total yellowing of the leaves and their wilting are observed.

Deficiency of iron and magnesium in the soil is the cause infectious disease called chlorosis. At the same time, the yellowness on leaf plate inevitable.

If there is not enough nitrogen in the substrate, this will cause yellowing of the lower leaves of the anthurium. Appearance plants will suffer in the same way from a lack or excess of sulfur and manganese in the soil.

Why do anthurium leaves turn yellow after transplantation?

It happens that after that the leaves of the flower begin to turn yellow. Obviously, this was facilitated by the actions of the grower, due to which the plant became worse:

  • During transplantation, the root system of the anthurium was damaged;
  • the soil has been chosen incorrectly or the crop is adapting to new conditions;
  • After transplantation, the flower was over-watered.

Other mistakes also occur, which are usually made due to ignorance of the nuances of anthurium transplantation.

First of all, this concerns complete replacement soil. For example, if you leave part of the “store-bought soil” in the pot and then add your own, then after replanting it will be difficult for the plant to adapt to two substrates that are completely different in air and water permeability, nutritional properties, and substrates.

Advice: for transplantation healthy flower use the transshipment method.

Capacity flower pot in this case, it must correspond to the volume of the root system. When replanting later, it is increased by one size (a space the size of a finger remains between the old lump of soil and the edge of the pot).

Why do the tips of anthurium leaves dry out?

During the hot summer months or winter When heating is on in residential areas, the tips of the leaves of the flower may dry out. The reason is dry air. A culture that thrives ideally in greenhouse conditions requires high humidity (85-95%) for the health of its leaf blades.

Perhaps the appearance of dry leaf tips was due to insufficient oxygen reaching the anthurium roots. Or the drying of the leaf along the edges provoked a disease - anthractic disease.

What to do if the anthurium turns yellow?

A healthy plant has all the foliage smooth, with a characteristic bright green color, without yellowness or spots. In addition, the leaves renew themselves quickly, and those that appear again easily unfold without any damage.

But, if a problem nevertheless arises when the leaves of the anthurium turn yellow, what to do to benefit the flower - the advice of experienced flower growers will help.

If the anthurium turns yellow for one of the reasons, given below, you should do this:

What to do if anthurium has spots on its leaves?

The appearance of yellow spots on glossy, dense leaves, a flower signals uncomfortable conditions for it or the development of some disease:

Anthurium, without a doubt, is a plant that is demanding in terms of growing conditions. And if most of its leaves have turned yellow, gone, the gardener needs to know how to save anthurium.

Flower resuscitation measures:

As soon as the anthurium grows new roots, it is planted in a special substrate for orchids. Later, the strengthened flower is transferred to a pot with soil.

In cases where the roots of the crop have completely rotted, the stem is placed in water with activated carbon. Perhaps your flower has not yet lost vital energy. Then he can be saved.


Observing simple rules care, which consist of maintaining the temperature, humidity, good lighting, and periodic feeding necessary for the growth and flowering of anthurium nitrogen fertilizers, daily spraying procedures, you are guaranteed to preserve the health and beauty of your favorite plant.

The tropical plant anthurium, amazing in its shape and colors, has gained the love of home gardeners for a long time. Undoubtedly, the most attractive of this flower are the flowers - because they have many colors and varieties.

However, anthurium leaves are no less attractive; juicy green and large, they harmoniously complement general form this exotic flower. Moreover, there are decorative deciduous varieties in which leaves are the main decorative element. Here nature has not skimped on the variety of shapes and shades of green. Unfortunately, it is the leaves that react most sharply to any deviations in the recommended care of anthurium. For what reasons did the green pet overcome illness? Why do anthurium leaves turn yellow? How to cope with such ailments?

Unpleasant yellowness

If the leaves of a flower turn yellow, the sources can be varied. What to do in each specific case?

  • Lighting problems. IN summer period yellowed leaves indicate sunburn. The plant must be placed in partial shade. IN winter period the reason is lack of lighting. It is recommended to place it closer to the window.
  • Unsuitable water. Water for irrigation should be settled, or better filtered, to avoid excess oxides of heavy metals and chlorine.
  • Excessive watering. When water stagnates in the pan, the roots rot, disappear and cause the leaves to turn yellow. Flowers are dying. It is necessary to adjust the watering regime.
  • Small grounding. It is recommended to transplant the flower into a pot with big amount soil.
  • Damage from insects. Mealybugs or aphids suck valuable juices from the plant, the leaves turn yellow. In this situation, you need to treat the anthurium leaves with soapy water, and then spray them with special preparations. Among home remedies, tobacco and garlic infusions, alcohol solution or calendula tincture will be effective:
    1. garlic infusion: 30 grams of crushed garlic, pour 1 liter of water, leave for about five hours, strain;
    2. tobacco infusion: 80 g of tobacco dust with the addition of 4 g. soaps are diluted with 1 liter of water and used after 2-3 days;
    3. alcohol solution: Dissolve 1 tablespoon of alcohol, 1 teaspoon of grated soap in 1 liter of water;

Spray damaged leaves with any of these products; after a day, rinse the treated surfaces with a soaked cotton swab. The procedure is repeated three times after 3-4 days.

In case of serious symptoms of the disease, treatment with Fitoverm, Aktara, Confidant, Tanrek is necessary.

Drying leaves

If the anthurium leaves dry out entirely and even curl, then there are two possible main causes of this disease - a draft or excessively dry atmospheric conditions. For treatment, it is necessary to get rid of drafts accordingly and introduce regular spraying of plants, avoiding contact with flowers.

If only the tips of the anthurium leaves dry, then it may also be due to dry air. However, most often dry tips indicate that the flower does not have enough oxygen reaching the root system. It is necessary to transplant the anthurium after introducing large fractions into the substrate - cones, charcoal, expanded clay.

Unexpected blackness

When the leaves of an anthurium plant turn black, their owners panic. In fact, flowers are not difficult to save. The causes of this disease are an excess of calcium salts in the soil mixture. What to do? Just choose the right soil for replanting, and then try not to overdo it with artificial fertilizing.

Appearance of spots

What should gardeners do when small or large spots suddenly appear on anthurium leaves? First of all, understand the causes of the disease, of which there are several. After this, start treatment.

  • Small pinpoint brown or black spots appear when the room temperature is low. The problem is solved by adjusting the temperature mode.
  • Single small spots with burnt holes in the leaf plate can be formed by stagnant drops of water penetrated by the sun's rays. You need to get rid of any moisture that gets on the leaves.
  • Larger brown spots are typical in cases of errors with plant feeding. It is necessary to achieve a balance in the fertilizer.
  • Sometimes spots can be caused by the same mealybug or scale insect. In the second case, the leaves are also sticky. Small pests can cause great harm to the plant. If no help is provided, they dry out and die. Treatment consists of the use of the chemicals described above. You can also use a solution of laundry soap and kerosene.
  • Brown or yellow spots, which gradually dry until a hole forms, indicate fungal infection. This is anthracnose. Experts consider anthracnose to be a very common disease of anthurium.
  • Another fungal disease, septoria, is no less dangerous than anthracnose. Septoria has slightly different symptoms - brownish-brown spots with a yellowish rim. As a result, the leaves also dry to a hole.

Anthracnose and septoria are usually combined according to development conditions and treatment methods. Both of these diseases are infectious. They are carried by drops of water falling on healthy “neighbors”. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful when watering, and also to avoid high humidity in the room, at which drops form excess moisture. You can save flowers by treating them copper sulfate or fungicides after removing all affected leaves.

Timely preventive measures can protect your flowers from minor and major troubles. Compliance with maintenance conditions and systematic treatment of leaves with soapy water is the key to successful cultivation of anthurium at home.
