The most popular vending machines. Types of vending machines

All people in their lives come across different devices, be it selling coffee or all kinds of snacks, printing photos, terminals used to pay for the services of mobile operators. These are vending machines that have both advantages and disadvantages. Find out the basic nuances and principles of running such a business.

What is vending

The word "vending" has English origin: vend means "to trade". When you hear this word, you immediately understand that we are talking about devices intended for trading. This area of ​​business inherently ensures that customers are offered different products using automatic equipment. This industry in our country is characterized good prospects for development, since the deployment of devices is not yet widespread.

Types of vending machines

Conventionally, vending machines are divided into two types:

  • vending machines for trading certain categories goods;
  • machines that provide services to the consumer.

The first category includes devices selling water (for example, coffee machines, devices for selling drinks, etc.), trading other goods (shoe covers in clinics, hospitals or museums, lenses for vision, covers for mobile phones, toys). This also includes snack machines (snack food - chocolate bars, chips, cookies).

The second type of automatic equipment provides services rather than selling final products. Such devices are not divided into subtypes. Here are services that are easy to automate: payments to mobile operators, Internet payments and utilities. In addition, banks and some other organizations have machines that organize electronic queues. Such commercial equipment is also used to pay for a parking space.

New items

The vending business does not stand still and, in addition to the types of machines already sold on the market, new ones are appearing that provide services not previously used in such a system. For example, a device appeared that was a car wash self-service. The consumer pays for the option he needs and uses this device. This innovation will significantly speed up the time spent washing a car.

New products include devices that print photographs from social network Instagram. Some of these devices make it possible not only to print existing photographs, but also to take new ones without leaving the machine. The photos look like they were taken using Polaroid equipment. This type of entertainment slot machine, which can be placed among the expected new products, will definitely appeal to young people.

Another new device will be a milk vending machine. A vending machine allows you to buy milk in the required volume, since it does the pouring itself. Interesting additional function is the possibility of booking required quantity milk through the mobile application in advance. This vending technology will be another novelty among devices for selling products.

Vending business

When running a business competently, it is important to understand that the matter will not be limited to installing a vending device and further passively waiting for profitable activities. A vending business must start with an idea. It is important to understand what type of product will be in great demand and where the number of competitors is low. Based on this, you need to decide on the choice of goods to be sold: food and drinks, other goods or the provision of services.

For clarity, it is worth citing several ideas for machines, the products of which will be unusual and which may well be in good demand. This is a device that sells books: reading is becoming popular again, and such devices will find a buyer. A vending machine for umbrellas and raincoats will be indispensable in a rainy city such as St. Petersburg. Sales apparatus sports nutrition will be in demand in fitness rooms.


Since the vending machine takes care of all the main work, there is no need to hire additional workers to carry out the activity (for example, salespeople, as in regular trading). If you have a sufficient number of ideas regarding the types of products sold, then opening such a business is perfect solution. Today on Russian market this business is not so developed, so non-standard solution practically eliminates the presence of competitors; there are also no problems in placing vending devices.


Buying vending machines is expensive. If you purchase a high-quality machine with a wide range of functions, the price of such equipment will be high. It is worth taking into account the complexity of maintaining the device. It is necessary to constantly monitor replenishment, operation, and promptly eliminate breakdowns. When choosing such a business, you will have to understand the operating principles of the machine yourself or hire a specialist to service the commercial equipment. Another disadvantage is the lack of demand. The device may turn out to be unnecessary for the buyer, even due to excessive complexity.

Where to begin

After weighing the pros and cons, and having a rough idea of ​​the future product to be sold, the aspiring entrepreneur decides to start his own business. First to create the right decision will conduct a competitor analysis. The vending business is a business that has not yet been developed in Russia, however, in some industries there is already a certain number of companies. Most of them are in the areas of selling food (snacks) and preparing drinks (coffee).

The next step is to flesh out your ideas and choose the segment that will be attractive to you. In this industry, it is necessary to study the possible future demand of buyers and their willingness to purchase the goods provided. If these forecasts and analyzes showed positive preliminary calculations, it is wise to begin concrete development of a business idea.

The success of a business often depends on the thoroughness of the business plan. Therefore, a lot of effort is spent on detailed writing. The business plan must necessarily contain all the initial information about the subject of the business, for example, the type of activity, organizational and legal form, the number of equipment purchased, a list of products that are planned to be sold.

Basic rules for drawing up a business plan:

  • describe information about the company being created (organizational and legal form, legal address);
  • conduct a market analysis (competitors, planned demand, consumer preferences);
  • draw up a clear financial plan(describe the costs in particular detail: initial investments, monthly costs, predict estimated revenue);
  • calculate efficiency (profitability, payback period);
  • write a project summary that should be so concise that you would want to invest money in your business.


The easiest way to start is with coffee machines. These devices bring profit the fastest and do not pay for themselves for long. Therefore, using their example, it is worth looking at how the payback of your vending project is calculated. Initial investments: buy a vending machine for making coffee – 100,000 rubles, transportation of the device – 3,000 rubles, rent of a trading platform for the first month – 4,000 rubles. Total initial investment is 107,000 rubles.

76% of young professionals dream of starting their own business in Russia. Beginning entrepreneurs are hampered by the lack of experience, start-up capital and clear ideas about what is in demand in the market for services and products. Business on vending machines does not require large investments and is suitable for both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs.

What is vending

This line of business activity is aimed at selling in-demand services and goods through vending machines. Vending business allows you to organize trade without sellers. They are being replaced by self-service machines. Chocolates, coffee, chewing gum, cigarettes, medications, contraception and even hot food can be sold through vending machines.

Development of vending in Russia

Snack and coffee vending machines have become most popular in the country. They are installed in shopping centers, universities, hospitals and others. in public places. The development of vending in Russia is relevant: compared to other countries, it is at the stage active growth. If in Japan and America it is approximately 70% retail accounts for the vending business, then in the domestic market this figure is only 30%.

Vending trade

Activities related to the sale of any product are considered more profitable. They are free of production problems and do not require thorough compliance with the regulatory framework. Vending trade refers to such types of activities. Sale of any goods through automated systems occurs without the involvement of staff.

The main advantages of this type of trading include:

  • minimum requirements to the shopping area;
  • no need to maintain a large staff of employees;
  • trading is carried out around the clock;
  • there is no need to rent warehouses and production premises;
  • short payback periods;
  • There is no need to observe cash discipline.

The vending business also has some disadvantages:

  1. Vending machines can break down, causing you to lose a significant share of your profits.
  2. If you install equipment on the street or far from cameras, it will suffer from vandals.
  3. Government services will carry out official inspections to determine whether your products meet the standards.
  4. The main disadvantage is that the revenue depends on the location where the machine is installed.

How to start a vending business from scratch

Any entrepreneurial activity requires investment. When thinking about starting a vending business from scratch, determine in advance how much of your money you are willing to invest on the purchase of equipment and consumables. Study the features of vending machines in your city: where they can be placed, what products are in demand, what goods are in short supply. Nuances:

Installing vending machines with hot food and medicine is important if you live in a large city.

  1. In 90% of cases, children will pay attention to devices that offer chewing gum and toys.
  2. Vending machines with chips, chocolates, and carbonated drinks are equally popular in large and medium-sized cities.
  3. In small towns, installations with coffee drinks are popular.
  4. If the business does not work out, then the device can be sold.

Business plan for a vending business

It is better for beginners to start by selling coffee drinks to office employees, students and visitors to shopping centers. The demand for these products does not depend on the season or time of year, which makes the installation of such devices cost-effective. A business plan for a vending business must include an analysis of the market and the work of competitors. Without familiarizing yourself with the experience of other owners, it will be difficult to organize your own activities. Also in the business plan you need to consider:

  • locations for installing machines;
  • service personnel (technician inspecting and setting up the device, replenishing ingredients and Consumables operator);
  • Features of drawing up a lease agreement with the owners retail outlets;
  • expenses for the purchase and installation of machines;
  • business registration costs;
  • list of permits.

Vending - taxes

Vending - ideas

Occupying a new profitable niche in business is the dream of every beginner, but not all devices will be well received by the Russian audience. Any vending ideas must be immediately assessed in terms of implementation and future prospects. One of the hits in the West are machines selling heated food. They can be installed in office buildings, in the territory educational institutions, in places where there are no canteens. Machines that replace washing machines, will bring profit in hostels and train stations.

Vending machines

Modern devices for automated trading - energy-dependent and mechanical. When choosing them, you need to pay attention to the build quality of the mechanisms. Be sure to check business devices for anti-vandal protection. Even if you install equipment in a large shopping center, you cannot be sure that no one will try to open it. For such cases, protection is installed on devices.

Types of vending machines

Studying manufacturers' catalogs on websites, you can come across vending machines that differ not only in size, technical equipment, but also in design. These characteristics serve as their classifiers. Products are divided according to installation methods, operating principles, and features of the products offered. In the trading industry, it is customary to distinguish the following types of vending machines:

  • devices intended for the sale of food products;
  • selling various services;
  • selling non-food products;
  • entertainment devices.

Vending machines - new items

Non-standard things attract attention at first potential buyers. Before opening your own business, you can study the latest vending products and choose the most profitable ones among them. Companies offer vending machines for martinis, pizza, and baked bread. Among the new products, devices selling perfumes, fresh milk, and fresh fruit are considered promising for the domestic market.

Which vending machines are the most profitable?

Increasing finances is the goal of any business. The best vending machines facilitate this, because... have high-quality technical equipment and demonstrate all the advantages of the product. The amount of profit is influenced by the location of the equipment and the demand for the products offered. Coffee, chocolate, chips, chewing gum, carbonated drinks, hot dogs, hamburgers and cheeseburgers are products that everyone buys. From their implementation you will receive a stable income.

Payback of a vending machine

Installing commercial equipment will not require a businessman to spend a lot of money. Each vending machine pays off the full cost within 1 year. After this time, you will be able to purchase another machine, gradually expanding your distribution network. The payback period is affected by the location of the trading device. According to statistics, the largest profits come from equipment installed in cinemas, shopping centers and amusement parks. According to reviews, the least profit comes from equipment installed near stores and shopping centers.

How much does a vending machine cost?

Boutique Supervend is one of the leading suppliers of automated trading equipment. The average price of a new coffee machine in his network is 120,000 rubles. Considering how much a vending machine costs, it is best to buy it in an online store with delivery to the installation site. The cost of new snack vending machines is 200,000 rubles.

The price of used equipment is 30-50% cheaper, but the future entrepreneur needs to take into account that the difference in cost will have to be invested differently: there will definitely be repair costs. The sale of vending machines is organized by companies along with ingredients and spare parts for them. In addition to equipment, a businessman will need to purchase payment systems for machines. Their average price is 15,000 rubles.

Video: what is a vending business

The vending business, which involves the sale of goods or services without a seller, has a very rich and interesting story. The first patent was a machine aimed at selling regular chewing gum in the United States in 1886. The novelty quickly won the hearts of consumers, and the vending business market was rapidly gaining momentum. The machine itself also changed.

At first, glass and wood were used as materials, and a little later metal. What struck the imagination was not so much the content as the mechanism itself and appearance new items Then the modification occurred in the products. In the mid-20th century, they came up with the idea of ​​adding capsule toys to vending machines, which immediately gained popularity among children. The child, torn by curiosity, gladly invested his parents’ money, wondering what he would get next time. Toys began to be collected and exchanged, thus replenishing the capital of machine owners.

Currently, the vending business is most popular in the USA, Europe (especially Germany) and Japan. According to some US data, one machine brings in about $80 in profit per hour. The variety of assortment and services is growing and amazes with its abundance. Let's look at some of the most unusual vending machines in the history of vending.

1. A vending machine selling live crabs was installed for the first time in one of the Chinese cities. Chilled arthropods are stored in special vacuum packaging, remaining in a sleepy state. Then, under the influence of heat, they “come to life” before the eyes of their new owners. Despite the dubiousness of such a product, crabs have gained wide popularity among consumers. In Japan, they even modified this idea: for a certain amount they offer to catch a live crayfish in a limited number of attempts and time.

2. The live rhinoceros beetle vending machine is alternative option sales of animals in the vending business established in Japan. Why there? The thing is that these beetles are pets along with our hamsters, parrots, cats and dogs. They not only keep and breed these insects, but also play with them and even take them for walks. Interestingly, female beetles are several times cheaper than male ones. This is due to the absence of a large horn, which is so prized by Japanese owners. Therefore, it is not surprising that such machines bring very good profits.

3. A gold vending machine was first installed in the financial capital of Europe - Frankfurt. The first bars weighed only 1.5 and 10 grams. The captivating prize in the form of gold began to attract so many consumers that the machines quickly spread throughout Europe, even reaching Japan. Now the weight of ingots varies within much wider limits, and the machine itself offers not only the issuance of metal, but also the exchange of gold for cash.

4. The relaxing shoe vending machine is aimed primarily at party girls in nightclubs, where spectacular high-heeled shoes are a must. Rollasoles has decided to take care of the beautiful feet of its dance lovers by releasing comfortable, relaxing ballet flats that can be purchased for £5 when leaving a nightclub. Thus, women can now return home in very comfortable conditions, relieving themselves of tension and pain in their legs.

5. A machine that rents out bicycles greatly simplifies the life of all cycling enthusiasts who do not have an “iron horse” at hand. All bicycles are equipped with sensors that guarantee the return of goods. It is important that after leaving one city, the vehicle can be returned to another, where such a machine is installed. Such comfortable conditions operation and favorable price for renting a bicycle (2.85 euros up to 20 hours) made this business very common and popular all over the world.

6. The anti-stress machine is designed to help the consumer get rid of negative emotions. An unusual idea is to hand over any fragile goods (figurines, cups, plates, etc.) for subsequent destruction. And what could be better than breaking beautiful dishes in moments of anger and despair?

7. Sleep machine designed Russian company"Arch Group" is a small box, chamber, with an area of ​​3.75 square meters. meter, which contains a bed and a change of bed linen. For $15 an hour or $50 a night, you can enjoy watching TV, sitting in front of a laptop, or getting a good night's sleep, for example, before a hard trip. At the end of the time, the sound signal. It is not surprising that the most popular places for using this machine are airports and railway stations.

Thus, there is a huge variety of machines and real figures of the vending business that have not yet come to Russia, thereby leaving an excellent niche for entrepreneurs.

Vending machines for trade have been known for quite a long time. Every year the number of their species is constantly growing. At the same time, the old ones are improved, and new, more convenient options are added to them. Below are the most common types of vending machines.

Coffee machines

Coffee vending machines are the most profitable and therefore popular. They allow you to quickly recoup your investment. Their main purpose is to prepare drinks from coffee beans with the addition of soluble ingredients.

Depending on the modification, the machine can load from 200 to 700 cups. At the same time, there are options for coffee machines both for outdoor and indoor installation. As practice shows, the most profitable are models that have a bill and coin acceptor at the same time.

Types of coffee machines

Standard maintenance of a coffee vending machine involves loading cups and ingredients for preparing drinks. At the same time, it is also necessary to wipe the trays, the machine itself and take out the garbage.

Snack vending machines

Selling snacks is another one of the most profitable directions vending business. Equipment of this type is intended for the sale of chips, seeds, crackers, and chocolates. Devices of this type are quite simple, they do not require installation additional equipment, for example, cooling modules.

To install devices of this type, it is best to choose crowded places with high traffic rates: train stations, hospitals, shopping centers etc. When installing equipment outdoors, be sure to ensure there is a vandal-proof lock.

Types of snack machines

It is best to choose the most popular assortment for snack machines. They will also have to be serviced regularly. In this case, you should always check the serviceability of the bill acceptor and other components.

Grocery machines

Food products are always in demand. The advantages of this group include a large number of places for installation. There are the following types of vending machines for selling products:

  • hot dog machines;
  • selling popcorn;
  • selling ice cream.

The above list is far from complete; there are also many other types of food vending machines.

The disadvantages of this type of vending include the short shelf life of the products and the need for frequent maintenance.

Popular models of grocery vending machines

Vending machines for providing services

Vending machines can not only sell, but also provide services. The advantages of machines of this type include the absence of the need for frequent maintenance. The disadvantages are less demand. There are the following types of vending machines of this type.

Photo booths are most often found in subway passages. The process of photographing and printing takes no more than a few minutes. Depending on the model, they may have a photo correction function. Recently, their new variety of instamats also appeared. Their main purpose is direct printing of photos from Instagram.


This type of machines is installed mainly in government institutions. What distinguishes them from ordinary copiers is the presence of a bill acceptor. They have experienced the peak of their popularity. With the development of the Internet and technology, conventional paper media are increasingly being replaced by electronic ones.

Payment terminals

The second name for these machines is multi-cash machines. Payment terminals are the most common and popular look. They allow you to pay for services mobile communications, loan or transfer money to a card. Depending on their location, they are divided into outdoor and indoor. The former are almost as reliable as ATMs; they immediately report an attempted hack via SMS. Vending machines of this type are almost completely autonomous. Their operation is monitored remotely via the Internet.

Types of vending machine services

Vending machines for small piece goods

Through machines of this type, small piece goods are sold: chewing gum, toys, jumping balls or shoe covers. A special feature of this type of machine is that it does not require electricity to operate. Therefore, you can place them in any convenient place, the main thing is to agree on a lease. Mechanical machines are very profitable to install almost anywhere. The demand for them will be where the children are.

Popular models of small goods vending machines

Modern vending machines can sell almost any product. Most of entrepreneurs have long appreciated their main advantage - the absence of the need to use permanent hired workers. That is why automated trading is predicted to become widespread in the near future.

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Vending trade is a very popular type of income for owners and wonderful way save time and gain a number of significant conveniences for the buyer. After all, you just need to press the desired button and insert a certain amount into the bill acceptor, and you can get what you want.

The most popular type of vending machines are coffee machines with coffee beans (or instant), but there are many other vending machines for many types of goods, from chewing gum to souvenirs. Let's look at the most popular vending machines that can bring significant profits to their owner. In this article we will look at other profitable vending machines.

Coffee machine

Naturally, the most famous type, which we will talk about in a little more detail. This device will be appropriate in the office, store, or wherever you place it. This unit is installed even on the street, and there it is able to provide high profits to its owner.

Another advantage of this device is that it gives you the opportunity to try more than a dozen different types drinks without the intervention of a bartender or barista. Self service is very convenient thing, whatever one may say. And yes, the price in Moscow for such coffee is very low.

You can install a coffee machine in the following places:

  1. Shopping mall. In fact, it’s easiest to see coffee machines there.
  2. Waiting rooms. For example, airports, train stations and other places. The most profitable vending machines are installed there.
  3. Financial institutions. Here you can drink coffee while you stand in line to pay your rent. Very comfortably.
  4. Schools. Of course, coffee machines are rarely installed in places where children study. The point is that for small organism this drink is harmful. But no one bothers.
  5. Mail. The benefits here are the same as in financial institutions. You just need to buy the device.
  6. Cinemas and other entertainment centers.

The coffee machine itself is priced between $1,500 and $5,000. The price depends on the functionality of the model, as well as the ability to buy a used coffee machine. Additionally, you need to spend from 150 to 200 dollars on coffee refills and about the same cost on chocolate and other drinks. The total cost will be $1,800, which in principle is not that expensive.

As for payback, the machine will begin to bring you profit only after 1-2 years, which is, in principle, normal. Although it all also depends on how many people are passing nearby. In principle, many people love coffee, and therefore a direct relationship can be established between the number of people passing by and potential profit. Selling hot aromatic drinks is a very profitable idea.

Snack machine

Business with snack machines in our territory is a relatively new phenomenon. These machines are equipped with refrigerators and their main purpose is to sell packaged products. In addition, such machines can sell sweet water, chips and other small products.

Snack machines are divided into the following types:

  1. Conveyor. Such devices got their name due to the principle of supplying goods. Huge advantage The advantage is that you can load any small-packaged products into them.
  2. Spiral. Their essence lies in the fact that first the purchased products are placed in a special tray, and from there they reach the buyer. If the goods are fragile (may break), then a special elevator is designed for this purpose.
  3. Cellular. Everything is simple here - a person takes out all the products he needs from a special cell. Using this method, you can sell a huge number of goods, from fruits to cakes.
  4. Mini snacks. This type of snack machine is characterized, first of all, by: small sizes. Therefore, it is intended for dispensing tiny products that usually go well with coffee. Therefore, it is recommended to place such vending machines near coffee machines; people like to eat cookies with tea or another warm aromatic drink.

It is impossible to provide exact figures on payback, because everything depends on many factors: the location of the machine, the product sold (each has different price and demand), economic period (so, in times of crisis people are more inclined to save money and not buy small things like chips).


Many people have vision problems, and contact lenses are one of the possible options solutions to this problem. Therefore, installing lens mats (that’s what these devices are called) is quite a promising activity. The cost of such devices is about 150-200 thousand rubles. It all depends on the brand. The lens machine pays for itself within 5-8 months if you place the device in the right place. And where can you install the device?

  1. Shopping and entertainment centers.
  2. Clinics.
  3. Schools, universities.
  4. Gyms.

In general, lenses are an expensive product. Therefore special infrared sensor determines whether the item has been issued. If this does not happen, then the money is not debited from the client’s card. If it is not possible to sell lenses, the device can always be converted into another type of vending machine.

Soda vending machine

The business of selling sparkling water, despite the fact that Soviet times long gone, it is still considered a very profitable business with a high payback. The cost of a vending machine will be from 75 to 200 thousand rubles.

The price for one glass usually does not exceed 10 rubles. At this price, you will receive 15 thousand per month from one machine if you buy 50 cups. The math is simple. But if you sell sparkling water with syrup at a price of 20 rubles, then your monthly income can be 90,000 rubles, since it sells better with syrup. Well, of course, net income. That is, you need to subtract taxes, electricity and other expenses from this amount.

Ice cream machines

Another popular type of vending machines are ice cream devices. Their advantages are novelty, and hence low competition. Such devices have an interesting way of serving ice cream. The product is dispensed using a pump arm, a process that is usually very popular with children.

There are many interesting vending machines. It's better to buy them from us. Why? Because we install devices and teach you how to use them for free.

We looked at different vending machines that make a profit. But the choice is not limited to them. We have only listed the most profitable vending machines.
