Pasting bamboo wallpaper. How to paste bamboo wallpaper - expert advice. How to prepare walls for gluing bamboo wallpaper

How to glue bamboo wallpaper? It’s worth thinking about this even before purchasing an expensive but very beautiful finishing material. The fact is that high-quality trellises from this evergreen plant are made by hand. They are not painted, but only the chips are selected according to color. Therefore, it is almost impossible to replace a damaged roll: the color shades will not match.

Varieties of bamboo wallpaper.

Where is bamboo wallpaper appropriate?

Reed trellises are a highly environmentally friendly material. Except undoubted benefit Of this quality and beauty, they have several more attractive features: the crushed stems repel dust, do not fade, and, on the contrary, acquire an increasingly refined hue over the years.

An example of calculating wallpaper for a room.

A room completely covered with bamboo wallpaper will not only look great, but also create a very healthy climate. However, natural material from crushed plants is very expensive, so most often they decorate only parts of the walls with it, creating interior details in an Oriental or African style. This could be an arch separating one room from another, a niche above the bed (Fig. 1) or an imitation of a panel on the wall (Fig. 2). Since this natural material is easy to clean with a regular sponge, it can be used to decorate the walls of the kitchen or dining room.

Bamboo wallpaper only passes antiseptic treatment. No paints, glue or other chemicals are used to create them. Even the rice paper on which the chips are applied is prepared according to special technology. This naturally applies to products self made. But even mass-produced bamboo wallpaper is more environmentally friendly than, for example, vinyl or non-woven wallpaper. That is why they would be appropriate in a bedroom, nursery or playroom.

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How to prepare walls for stickers

Wallpaper made of bamboo is a dense, poorly bending material, quite heavy in weight. That is why, before thinking about how to glue bamboo wallpaper, you need to prepare the surface especially carefully. It is important to pay attention to the glue: ordinary wallpaper will not hold heavy material on the wall.

Wallpaper marking scheme.

They begin work by preparing the room and carefully inspecting the area that will be covered with wallpaper. What should you pay attention to?

  1. The surface must be perfectly flat.
  2. It cannot contain plaster, paint, or other materials that can peel off. They should be removed, and the base should be treated with a special primer to prevent peeling and the appearance of dust.
  3. It is believed that bamboo wallpaper can be glued to stone, brick, wood and concrete without pre-treating the wall with putty. This method is acceptable, but the primer will increase adhesion, therefore, the trellises will hold more securely.
  4. The corners should be well aligned horizontally and vertically. This is important: bamboo wallpaper bends very poorly, so there is a chance that it will not fit tightly into a corner if it is not perfectly shaped.
  5. If all these conditions are met, then the gluing process itself will not be difficult.

A few words about glue. What glue should I use to glue trellises? To do this, you need a special vinyl composition, or better yet, liquid nails. The fine-grained filler included in their composition allows them to withstand heavy weight and create an elastic adhesive layer.

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How to glue bamboo wallpaper: work order

To begin with, the rolls are rolled out in the room where they will be glued and left for several hours. During this time, the material adapts to the climate and becomes more pliable.

Scheme for gluing wallpaper to walls.

During this time, you can prepare tools for cutting wallpaper. They are easy to cut lengthwise with a regular knife, but with cross section Only metal scissors will do the job.

You can prepare the glue. Usually the packaging indicates its consumption and method of dilution.

When the trellises straighten, they need to be cut. This can be done by applying the material to the wall and using a pencil to mark the desired length and width of the panels. Correctly gluing bamboo wallpaper means cutting it correctly and accurately fixing it on the wall.

When the cut parts are ready, glue is applied to both the panel and the place on the wall where it will be attached. A wide, soft brush works well for these purposes. Leave it like this for 5-10 minutes (the exact time can be found on the glue package). After this, the trellis is placed in the desired place, aligned according to the pre-applied markings and with a soft spatula on top, excess glue is removed using “street” movements. Drops that appear at the edges are immediately removed. A plumb line will help you monitor the verticality of the trellises. In order for the strips glued to the wall to hold tightly, firmly, but not warp, you should not press them too tightly against the wall.

Those who do the sticking themselves are faced with the question of how to glue bamboo wallpaper: end-to-end or overlapping? Since the material is very dense, this can only be done end-to-end. Yes, the seams between the stripes will be noticeable. They can be decorated wooden slats, strips of metal, etc.

It is important to remember: even corners are glued end to end.

Once the trellis has taken its place, you can move on to the next one.

Three people can make the gluing process continuous. While two people are fixing the wallpaper in place, the third one is applying glue to the next piece. If one or two people work, then it is better to adhere to a different algorithm.

  1. Lubricate the workpiece with glue and leave for impregnation.
  2. Apply glue to the area to be treated.
  3. Apply glue to the second piece.
  4. Paste the first strip on the wall.

It is inconvenient to do such work alone, but it is quite possible.

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A few little tricks

Characteristics of dry wallpaper glue.

When thinking about how to properly glue bamboo wallpaper, you need to take into account several points on which the quality of the final result depends.

  1. Panels (and rolls) must not be wrinkled or bent. The chips that make up the decorative layer can “break”, which will ruin marketable condition wallpaper
  2. Trellis coated with glue must not be moved along the wall.
  3. Residues or excess glue are recommended to be removed immediately soft cloth. After finishing work, to get rid of dust and possible contamination The wallpaper should be vacuumed and wiped with a damp sponge.
  4. When cleaning walls from plaster before gluing, when removing dust from pasted trellises, do not use a stiff brush.
  5. When working indoors, you need to close the windows: a draft can create a temperature difference that can cause the strips to warp.

These little tricks will help you get the job done efficiently.

Some designers suggest covering already pasted strips with a layer of varnish and applying a pattern in the form of a patina. It's undoubtedly beautiful. However, it is worth considering: does it make sense to cover it environmentally? pure material chemical compounds?

If all the subtleties are taken into account when gluing, an oriental or African interior will delight the owners of the apartment for many years. The service life of bamboo wallpaper is many times longer than the service life of all other finishing materials.

Similar materials

Bamboo is an excellent finishing material. It is particularly beautiful and can be used in different conditions. In addition, bamboo itself is a design element. A room in which bamboo wallpaper is hung will always have an emphasized natural style.

Advantages and disadvantages of bamboo wallpaper

The wallpaper is a series of bamboo strips that are dried using a special technology. One side of the planks is glued to a fabric base.

The height of the slats is specific sizes: 4, 7, 12, 17 or 25 mm. The width of the canvas can be 90, 200 or 250 cm.

Planks are not covered paint and varnish materials. The beauty of the planks lies in their naturalness. The color of bamboo depends on its variety, depending on which it can be beige, red, white, pistachio or honey.

This finishing material has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include qualities such as:

  • sound and heat insulation
  • moisture resistance
  • durability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • original shape (makes it possible to hide damage);
  • compatibility with other finishing materials and decorative elements;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • designed for use in a wide variety of conditions.

Along with this, there are a number of minor drawbacks that lie in the specifics of wallpaper installation. The material will have to be cut into pieces with a hacksaw or jigsaw. Also, it causes some difficulties in choosing a pattern or color when joining wallpaper. Pasting requires the use of a special adhesive composition.

Glue selection

There are several prerequisites when choosing glue for bamboo. Considering that bamboo fabric has a high degree of rigidity, the adhesive composition must have high adhesive characteristics. It is not recommended to apply glue that contains a water-containing component to wallpaper. For example, PVA glue, which can be classified as a water emulsion. It can hold the material well on initial stage operation, but long-term fixation is questionable.

When covering a room with bamboo, you need to use a special adhesive composition, which is based on vinyl or polychlorpropylene. How Alternative option, you can use liquid nails or Pufas K12 type glue as glue. All these brands and types of glue have a sharp bad smell. Considering that the room in which bamboo is applied must be closed, it is recommended to carry out work in a respirator.

The cost of the special adhesive composition is slightly higher, but its durability is guaranteed.

Preparatory work and selection of tools

Before you start wallpapering, you need to prepare all the surfaces on which they will be applied. This can be a wall, ceiling or separately selected areas. Bamboo wallpaper can be used to cover brick or concrete surface. It is not recommended to glue on surfaces that have not been cleaned of chalk plaster, paint, or old wallpaper. There is no need to make the wall perfectly flat. Minor defects will be hidden by wallpaper.

If the defect in a wall or other surface is significant, it can be leveled with plaster and treated with a primer that has a penetrating effect. Before pasting begins, the area on which you plan to apply bamboo covering, must be cleaned of dust and dirt.

It is recommended to cover the floor and pieces of furniture in the room with plastic wrap.

To perform high-quality wallpaper installation work, you need a set of tools and materials:

  • special glue or adhesive composition;
  • metal hacksaw, jigsaw or scissors;
  • relief spatula for applying adhesive composition;
  • rubber roller for rolling;
  • a set of clothes with long sleeves and a respirator.

A day before the start of work, it is necessary to unroll the bamboo in the room where it is planned to be installed. They must go through an acclimatization process; the bamboo must either dry out or absorb the necessary moisture.

How to cut bamboo fabric

Cutting bamboo sheet lengthwise is very simple. Construction knife it is necessary to insert between the slats and, having chosen the required height, cut the fabric base.

Cutting wallpaper crosswise is a little more difficult. To do this you will need a hacksaw, scissors or a jigsaw. In any case, the blade in a hacksaw or jigsaw should have fine teeth. Then the bamboo will be cut neatly. Large teeth will simply tear the material. It is best to use a jigsaw. You can use scissors to trim the edges of the bamboo. In the video below you can see how to cut the canvas.

Application of adhesive composition

Prepare glue or adhesive composition. Lay the bamboo sheet so that the fabric base is on top and coat it with glue. After this, you need to use a relief spatula to apply a thin layer of glue on the wall and on the part of the wallpaper that you plan to glue. It is important to pay Special attention edges, since they are glued end to end and should not peel off.

Let the glue soak in for 5-7 minutes. You need to know that if the glue has not been absorbed for enough time, there is a risk of bubbles, deformation of the wallpaper, or displacement of the joint.

Pasting bamboo wallpaper

Once the adhesive has been applied to the bamboo and wall surface, press the bamboo firmly onto the area to be glued. After this, tap the wallpaper over the entire surface and remove. Let the wallpaper rest for a few minutes. During this time the glue will be absorbed. This process will prevent subsequent separation of the wallpaper at the joints.

After the bamboo has rested, place it back on the surface to be glued and smooth it with a roller from top to bottom. If excess glue appears, it must be removed.

All subsequent strips are glued in the same way.

The degree of adhesion can be checked after a couple of hours. To do this, it is necessary to identify suspicious areas, tap them and, if necessary, level them with a roller. If a void is identified, it must be filled adhesive composition. To do this, draw into a syringe required amount glue, pump it into the cavity and roll it out with a roller.

The bamboo sheet can be installed in horizontal and vertical positions. How to glue bamboo wallpaper is up to the owner.

The procedure for pasting corners with bamboo wallpaper differs from pasting with ordinary wallpaper. Bamboo must be cut flush with the corner, i.e. choose required size in width.

We offer for receiving additional information watch the video.

Bamboo must be protected from direct sunlight. Solar activity will cause bamboo to lose color. Do not expose bamboo sheets to physical stress. There is no need to move the pasted strips along the wall. During maintenance, it is not recommended to touch the wallpaper with a brush. You should also not use it to remove dirt. hard materials. It is better to use soft rags or a vacuum cleaner.

It is advisable to avoid wet materials when maintaining bamboo. When exposed to moisture, bamboo will absorb moisture and become deformed.

Information on how to glue bamboo wallpaper will be useful to amateurs natural materials. Such wallpaper is made from split, freshly cut bamboo stems, and their production does not involve any substances hazardous to humans. Bamboo wallpaper looks very beautiful and exotic, and you can use it to cover both the entire wall and its separate plot. Typically, such wallpaper is used for finishing rooms made in natural style, safari or ethnic (e.g. African, Japanese, etc.). More often, such materials are used to highlight any area - niches, columns, arches, and you can also cover part of the wall with bamboo wallpaper, creating a kind of panel with your own hands.

Bamboo wallpaper also has good performance qualities - it is durable, wear-resistant, does not fade in the sun and is a good heat and sound insulating material.

Despite the fact that bamboo itself is a strong plant, bamboo wallpaper can present unpleasant surprises in terms of durability. In this regard, a special technology for making bamboo wallpaper is used.

Bamboo wallpaper is made as follows: freshly cut plant stems are crushed into chips different sizes. Since they contain about 80% moisture, it is necessary to dry them in a special way. Since during the drying process, shrinkage of the material and tension on its surface may occur, and consequently cracks may appear, bamboo chips are folded for drying under a certain regime with constant temperature and humidity. Typically the humidity level in such rooms is 45%. In this way, it is removed from the bamboo excess moisture and unsightly cracks do not form, as when drying in an open space. If cracks have already formed, then when proper drying they are decreasing. In general, bamboo tubes are kept in drying rooms for as long as necessary to adapt to the surrounding climate. Then the prepared chips are fixed on rice paper or fabric, and if the chips are small, then the wallpaper is additionally stitched with thread.

To make bamboo wallpaper, plants of similar shades are specially selected so as not to use dyeing. There are several main colors of bamboo:

  • Greenish stems
  • Different shades of brown (from copper to golden brown)
  • Yellow stems
  • Snow white bamboo

Also, bamboo wallpaper is not varnished, but only treated with an antistatic agent to protect it from dust. Such wallpaper can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or wiped with a damp sponge.

Since bamboo wallpaper is very hard (especially if thick chips are used in it), cut or bend it in the corners as regular wallpaper it is forbidden. In this regard, corners and walls to be covered with bamboo wallpaper must be carefully leveled.

Bamboo wallpaper gluing technology

Before starting work, you need to roll out a roll of bamboo wallpaper on a flat surface and leave it in the room for a couple of hours so that the material accepts climatic conditions premises. You can glue bamboo wallpaper without pre-treatment on any walls - brick, concrete or wood. Usually, “liquid nails” or special glue for bamboo wallpaper are used for gluing. If the glue is on water based, then its use is not advisable. The glue should be applied to both the wallpaper and the wall, leaving it to dry for 10-15 minutes. Then the coated roll of wallpaper is pressed against the wall, pressed tightly and leveled with a hard rubber roller or a dry rag. Usually, after the glue dries, the bamboo slivers in the wallpaper are arranged unevenly, but this gives them a natural look. original look. If bamboo wallpaper is combined with other finishing materials, then these places are covered with special strips and moldings various shapes and sizes.

When finishing surfaces made of plasterboard, chipboard or fiberboard with bamboo wallpaper, you can use small decorative wallpaper nails.

Let's take a closer look at the process of gluing bamboo wallpaper.

  1. The tools you will need are a plastic spatula and a soft nylon brush.
  2. Next comes the stage of preparing the walls. They must be absolutely clean and dry, but when cleaning them, aggressive agents should be avoided. detergents. After washing, the walls should be thoroughly dried.
  3. As an adhesive, you can use a special vinyl-based bamboo wallpaper adhesive. It is evenly applied to the wallpaper, and a thicker layer is applied to the edges to avoid divergence of the joints. Bamboo wallpaper does not need to be rolled or folded, as folds may form that will be very difficult to straighten.
  4. Bamboo wallpaper must be impregnated with glue to prevent it from shrinking or the appearance of air bubbles. The glue must be absorbed into the material, and this usually takes 5-8 minutes. You can check the absorption time on a small strip of wallpaper. If there is excess glue left on the wallpaper, it should be removed with a damp soft cloth, but the wallpaper should not be rubbed too hard.
  5. If necessary (for example, if the wallpaper has uneven edges), you can trim the bamboo panels sharp knife, being careful. Because of its fragility, bamboo wallpaper cannot be used to wrap corners, so it is better to trim the canvas in these places and use decorative moldings.
  6. After finishing the walls, you only need to clean the bamboo wallpaper from time to time. To do this, use a vacuum cleaner, and if the dirt is significant, you can use a damp cloth and a non-aggressive detergent.

Operation of bamboo wallpaper

  • The wallpaper should not be exposed to moisture, as this may cause the joints to separate and the wallpaper to shrink after it dries.
  • You should not clean wallpaper with hard brushes.
  • When gluing bamboo wallpaper, to smooth out the joints, use a soft plastic spatula rather than a joint roller.
  • You should not move bamboo wallpaper sheets that are already pasted on the walls, as this may lead to divergence of the joints.
  • Bamboo wallpaper should not be exposed to direct sunlight, because if the wallpaper is painted, it may fade or change color.
  • Bamboo wallpaper cannot be wrinkled or bent.

Bamboo wallpaper is a set of pre-dried strips that are attached to the fabric using special glue. They can also be mounted on a base decorative seam from natural or nylon threads.

Manufacturers specifically leave natural appearance without varnishing or painting the surface, preserving the beauty of nature.


  • They do not attract dust, which is very important for people with allergies;
  • able to withstand humidity and temperature changes;
  • are durable and strong;
  • do not fade in the sun;
  • perfectly absorb noise.

How to hang bamboo wallpaper so as not to make mistakes and not spoil such an expensive finishing material? The process of gluing bamboo wallpaper is not particularly difficult and does not require special knowledge.

Compliance the right technology during work will prevent damage to the wallpaper and guarantee the stylishness and uniqueness of the interior of the room. Let's consider all the stages in order.


Reed bamboo wallpaper comes in two types.

It all depends on what trunk part goes to their production - external or internal.

The structure of the plant is clearly visible on the wallpaper from the outer part of the trunk. Bamboo fragments have texture and color heterogeneity. They have such shades color palette: pistachio, vanilla, lime, beige, reddish, honey.

Wallpaper made from the inner surface of the trunk differs smoothness, as they are polished during the manufacturing process. They do not have a rich color and, if desired, can be painted or varnished.

Preparing walls before pasting

The advantage of this type of wallpaper over others is that they do not require any careful preparation of the walls.

Main condition - Smooth surface , preferably treated with anti-mold agents.

If there is an old coating, it must be removed. If necessary, apply plaster or putty. Surface primer is recommended.

Selection and preparation of adhesive composition

The glue is applied to the surface from the inside out, the edges are coated especially carefully. Avoid rolling or folding the wallpaper to avoid the formation of wrinkles, which are difficult to smooth out.

The choice of glue used for fixing wallpaper is not very large:

  • « liquid Nails" Are the best option, as practice has shown. With the help of this glue, wallpaper adheres well to walls made of brick, concrete, and plastered surfaces;
  • special vinyl glue for bamboo wallpaper. It must be thoroughly cleaned and thoroughly mixed;
  • can be used for fastening wallpaper on surfaces made of plasterboard, fiberboard, or chipboard stapler or decorative carnations for wallpaper. In this case there is no need to apply glue.

Step-by-step process of pasting walls

Note that before gluing, you need to let the wallpaper rolls sit in the room for about two days. During this time, they will acquire the moisture that is present in it, or, on the contrary, they will release the excess.

Cut out the wallpaper

Bamboo wallpaper is very easy to cut lengthwise with a sharp knife. Swipe it, trying to cut through the fabric base.

The difficulty is cutting the wallpaper crosswise. Either a hacksaw or a jigsaw can help with this.

To ensure that the wallpaper does not tear, but is cut evenly, the teeth must be small.

Pasting process

  1. Focusing on the surface, make the desired pattern of a piece of wallpaper.
  2. Glue is applied to the back surface. It is not applied continuously, but in stripes - only on thick fabric. On some types of wallpaper, the manufacturer requires that the glue be applied completely, which means you need to do as stated in the instructions.
  3. Applying the cut-out fabric coated with glue to the desired location, press, smooth, and remove it. Let sit for 10-20 minutes.
  4. Glue the prepared piece to the desired location, removing excess glue with a damp cloth, trying to rub as little as possible.
  5. Carefully go over the joints with either a roller or a plastic spatula to ensure a tight fit of the edges of the wallpaper.

Important! Do not move the wallpaper after you have glued it in place to prevent gaps from appearing between the joints.

To ensure that bamboo wallpaper is securely fastened, it is permissible to additionally secure it to the surface using decorative nails.


Rules of care quite simple:

  • Wipe them periodically with a soft, damp cloth.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner to collect dust that accumulates between the wallpaper strips.
  • Apply special remedy for the care of wood surfaces, if necessary.
  • Do not allow brushes with stiff bristles to touch the wallpaper.
  • Avoid getting water on the wallpaper to prevent it from shrinking and causing cracks between the joints.

Nuances when gluing that need to be taken into account!

Below are a few useful tips, compliance with which will help prevent possible mistakes when gluing bamboo wallpaper on the walls, it will make the work easier and allow you to create that very “bamboo paradise” that was originally conceived when renovating the room:

  • carefully make calculations when cutting out a piece of wallpaper, since it will be almost impossible to correct the situation;
  • so that when cutting wallpaper the edge is smooth and neat, stick it on the cut line masking tape- both externally and internally inner side. Then cut the wallpaper;
  • The wallpaper should be attached end-to-end to the wall surface;
  • It is prohibited to use water-based glue for wallpapering;
  • do not glue wallpaper onto a surface treated with chalk-based plaster;
  • do not glue wallpaper onto surfaces with old paint, which peels off;
  • Avoid wallpapering outside corners. Cut a piece of wallpaper at the edge of the corner using some special decorating device or molding;
  • Any glue that gets on the front side must be removed immediately with a dry cloth.

We invite you to watch a video with instructions on how to properly glue bamboo wallpaper:

Note that wood bamboo sheets can be used to cover not only walls. They can be used to decorate ceiling and other elements of the interior of the room, including furniture. They make it possible to delimit space into zones.

With the help of this wallpaper you can emphasize almost any interior style. Remains of wood panels can also be used for decoration. It all depends on the richness of your imagination and creative abilities.

By following the technology and nuances when gluing bamboo wallpaper, you will see that this process is simple, but requires care. Wallpaper made of bamboo will harmoniously fit into the interior, will please the eye and give off its positive natural energy to others.
