Production of colored crushed stone and decorative chips. Polymer paints for crushed stone. How to paint rubble with your own hands - a step-by-step diagram. Stone staining technology What paint to paint crushed stone for flower beds

From the author: hello dear readers! Creating a beautiful space around the house is quite within the power of everyone thanks to new decorative elements, such as rubble! You heard right, nondescript material at first sight can surprise color palette and variety of design ideas.


If you took our advice and preferred acrylic paint, then for better adhesion of the coloring pigment to the material, you need to rinse the crushed stone under running water.

Important: an unwashed stone tends to quickly lose its saturated color and darken.

The crushed stone is washed on the “roar”, due to the vibration created by the machine, you can easily clean all the material from all sides.


Drying is carried out in a receiving hopper; any metal container appropriate size and volume. Top fit metal grid with a cell size of less than 10 mm. This simple device will allow us to save paint, it will drain through the cells in the grid, and it can be used the next time we paint.

If you have a drying bin with a system forced ventilation drying the material, of course, it is better to carry out the process in this device. Again, the device is expensive and narrow-minded, so there are always other ways to perform this operation.

For example, you can use the oven, but first read the technical recommendations for the paint itself. You can simply leave the crushed stone on the grid in the receiving hopper, drying on outdoors- the method, of course, is the easiest, but also the longest!

If you are planning to fill a path in the garden with gravel or make an embankment in the yard, you have a choice - use gray nondescript gravel or decorative gravel, decorated in all the colors of the rainbow. Special costs are not needed - everyone can make colored gravel with their own hands.

Do-it-yourself decorative crushed stone - a practical novelty

Decorative gravel not so long ago appeared on construction market- manufacturers of this building material are just beginning to master the technology of its coloring in industrial scale. The technology involves the use of resistant to external factors paints, non-toxic and harmless to the soil, and plants. Obtaining colored gravel contributes to the use of this material in landscape design- these are colored garden paths, and rainbow flower beds and flower beds, creating all kinds of inscriptions on the ground, backfilling around the walls of houses and cottages, framing monuments and creating a bright bottom and bank in artificial streams and ponds, decorating playgrounds and much more.

In addition to external beauty, it is also practical, and in this aspect of the issue, the Europeans, who were the first to master the coloring of crushed stone, certainly know a lot - according to their calculations, the use of such an element in the future significantly reduces maintenance costs beautiful view in parks, around monuments and in flowerbeds. Indeed, backfilling with colored gravel is an exceptionally durable way to solve various problems. Crushed stone inhibits the growth of weeds, prevents the soil from weathering, freely passes moisture and helps to retain it in the soil, and if necessary, it can be collected and used elsewhere or even used for construction purposes.

You can either purchase ready-made decorative material and paint it yourself. When buying, be sure to ask what paints were used to give the appropriate color - polymer paints can retain their color for several decades. In addition, do not hesitate to look into the bag - the material must be of the same fraction, evenly colored and without signs of premature peeling of the paint.

We make colored crushed stone with our own hands - production technology

You can make colored gravel yourself - there is nothing secret and super complicated in the technology itself. To do this, you will need a concrete mixer, a metal mesh, a container for painted gravel, a shovel and, of course, gravel and paint. Most often, crushed granite is used - it is better painted and, moreover, quite cheap.

How to make colored gravel with your own hands - a step by step diagram

Step 1: Material preparation

Producers of crushed stone for construction works of course, granite gravel is not specially prepared for painting, so in the general heap you can get the stones of the different size. Manufacturers of colored gravel use a special device called a "roar" to separate larger pieces of stone. With its help, the screening method sorts bulk materials into small and large fractions. It is unlikely that you have a “roar” lying around in your barn, but there will certainly be a metal mesh. Before you paint the rubble with your own hands, pull it at an angle of at least 60 ° and pour the gravel to the very top with a shovel to ensure a larger screening scale. The larger pieces will roll down the net, while the smaller ones will fall to the ground under the net. For painting, it is best to use pebbles about 10 mm long - it is most convenient to fill garden paths with such gravel. Smaller ones are also useful for decorating flower beds and flower beds, and you can always use large pieces for construction purposes.

Step 2: Paint the rubble

The sorted material must be poured into a concrete mixer. By the way, you can make a concrete mixer yourself if you have an unnecessary metal barrel. Paint of the color we need is poured over the rubble - you can use both polymer and acrylic paints. To achieve best color, the volume of paint must be at least a third of the volume of gravel loaded into the concrete mixer. Having started the unit, you can rest easy for the next 40-60 minutes - that is how much time is needed for uniform coloring.

Step 3: Drying the stones

While the decorative gravel, made by yourself, takes on a new color, you can prepare a receiving container, if you have not already done so. The container is a large box with a mesh stretched around its perimeter. If it is a metal net, then it can be pulled a short distance from the bottom of the box; if you are using a regular net, pull it to the very top of the container. Thanks to this device, excess paint will flow down to the bottom of the box without hindrance, and the painted material will remain on the grid.

Remove the gravel from the mesh and spread it out in the open air to dry, laying polyethylene film. The paint remaining in the box can be reused to color a new portion.

How to paint rubble with your own hands - laying and creating patterns

Create vibrant garden paths or colorful flower beds You can also do it yourself without resorting to the help of specialists. To do this, you will need a shovel, a wheelbarrow, plastic wrap, curbs, plastic or metal strips, and ready-made decorative gravel.

How to paint rubble with your own hands - a step by step diagram

Step 1: Preparing the area for laying

In the place where the material will be filled up, it is necessary to remove about 10 cm of the top layer of soil. Pour the soil into a wheelbarrow - for sure there is a place in your garden where it can then be placed.

Step 2: Putting up the borders

If you decide to make an ordinary garden path, all you need is to set up borders. They can be used natural stone, or plastic and metal strips. Curbs should be firmly on the surface, you can even lightly dig them into the soil.

Step 3: Prepare the base

After installing the curbs, it is necessary to pour a layer of sand at least 5 cm. Level it around the perimeter and pour water over it for better shrinkage. Let the sand dry a little and proceed to the next stage of preparing the base - lay an insulating material on top of the sand. Manufacturers offer special synthetic materials with pre-drilled holes for water to flow through. You can also use a regular plastic film, in which make a sufficient number of holes in advance for the outflow of water in case of precipitation. Another layer of sand is poured onto the polyethylene, this time a smaller one - 2-3 cm.

Step 4: Prepare the stencil

If you are planning to make a path or other surface multi-colored, for convenience, prepare in advance the inner borders of strips of metal or plastic. Thanks to them, the rubble will not mix with each other, and you, in turn, will be able to form any geometric patterns. This step can be skipped if the material is the same color.

Step 5: Covering the Colored Stones

The last, final step - our decorative gravel is evenly poured onto the prepared base. You can level the surface with a conventional rake. If you are covering gravel on a lawn or in a flower bed, a small layer of 2 cm will be enough to walking paths it is advisable to pour at least 4 cm of gravel.

For the embodiment of design ideas in interior design garden plot always required products with unlimited colors. Stone decoration makes the landscape expressive, emphasizing its features. The use of painted gravel allows you to create an unusual and original decoration.

Crushed stone is inorganic bulk material of various grain sizes obtained from gravel, granite, limestone, as well as waste from the construction and metallurgical industries. Its characteristics depend on the raw material.

1. The index of frost resistance, as well as strength characteristics, may be low. Gravel with medium or low parameters is quite suitable for painting.

2. There are several forms of grains obtained by crushing a stone:

  • ordinary;
  • cuboid;
  • improved.

gravel is formed naturally, has a smooth rounded surface.

3. The natural range of shades is:

  • white-gray;
  • beige pink;
  • brown red.

Other color options in nature are extremely rare.

4. In landscape design, blue, green, red and other colors are the most popular. You can get them only by painting the rubble yourself in a concrete mixer or by hand. For this, dyes are taken, which:

  • resistant to atmospheric precipitation;
  • do not interact with soils;
  • do not affect plants;
  • safe for people.
Properties Usage
Large palette of shades, high aesthetic qualities. You can give a neat look to the site with any type of soil. The landscape of stones is suitable for any style.
Environmental Safety. Crushed stone for landscape design has a radioactivity index< 370 Бк/кг, что позволяет применять его при декорировании открытых площадок, garden paths, for the improvement of places for children's games.
Long period of operation. High resistance to temperature changes. Up to 7 years retains color intensity under the influence of moisture, UV rays.
Prevents drying of the soil and the formation of weeds. Sprinkling for decoration contributes to the growth of plantings located on them.
Simplicity and versatility. Does not require special care; can ensure the aesthetics of the territory at any time of the year; making colored gravel with your own hands is easy; the backfill is easily restored and removed; with a decrease in decorativeness, it can be used in drainage pillows.
Harmonizes with different plants as well as with any material. It is combined with concrete, metal, glass, wood. Organically looks among trees, flowers, moss.

In most cases, gravel or granite backfill is taken for decoration. Limestone or secondary types are used much less often due to their technical qualities.

Work technology

With the advent of painted rubble, the task of ennobling the surrounding space became easier. Proposed by manufacturers finished material has a high cost. Doing the work yourself is much cheaper.

There are 2 ways to paint at home: mechanical and manual. The choice depends on how much processing is required.

  • For manufacturing, it is better to take cube-shaped gravel with a fraction of up to 10 mm.
  • In order for the coloring to be uniform, the products are divided into fractions. For sorting, a grate or sieve is used with certain size cells or "roar".
  • Depending on the applied composition, the color coating can be either matte or glossy.
  • The main requirement is adhesion. It can be good not only for natural stone, but also for crushed stone obtained from recycled materials.
  • Paint consumption is small. The proportional ratio for mechanical application is 1 liter per 100 kg of gravel.

Method Equipment Technology Nuances
Mechanical Concrete mixer; vibrating sieve for separating crushed stone into fractions (“roar”); shovel for loading and unloading stones; pallet; place for drying the finished product. The washed gravel is poured into a clean concrete mixer. A special dye of the required saturation is added. Staining, depending on the load, lasts from 20 minutes to 1 hour. Then the gravel is poured out in an even layer to dry. For high-quality staining, it is necessary to fill 1/2 - 2/3 of the volume of the container. If the device is completely filled, the color will not be uniform.

The dye is added in a ratio of 3:7 in relation to the total volume of the load.

Mixing in a concrete mixer lasts until the grains are covered with a uniform film.

When drying under a sieve it is necessary to establish the pallet for collecting surpluses.

Manual Storage tank; sieve; pallet; shovel. 1 option. The stone is poured into a container with paint, thoroughly mixed, laid out on a sieve, dried.

Option 2. A large sieve with a reservoir is built on the frame; crushed stone is dipped into the composition, laid out to dry.

3 option. The gravel is painted by spraying with an aerosol, then dried.

There is a possibility of uneven or weak staining.

The bottom will have a mesh pattern, in order to avoid constant shaking, turning over during drying.

Before starting work, the gravel must be washed, dried, slightly heated with a burner. This will improve adhesion, allow you to create the desired shade, in addition, an unwashed stone will darken.

Crushed decorative color is a relatively new product on the construction market. However, in Europe it is already long time used to decorate flower beds, lawns, as well as in landscape design.

Decorative crushed stone is obtained by crushing waste generated during the production of facing slabs, as well as waste generated during the extraction of blocks and architectural and construction products from an array of rocks.

Benefits of decorative gravel

  1. It is an economical building material.
  2. Prevents the growth of weeds.
  3. Sprinkling them with flower beds and beds retains moisture.
  4. Easily removed from the soil.
  5. Protects soil from weathering.
  6. Safe.
  7. Has a long service life.
  8. Eco-friendly.
  9. Has a wide range of colors.

Scope of decorative gravel

  • Framing of monuments.
  • Landscaping.
  • Aquarium design.
  • Creation of banks and bottom near streams and ponds.
  • Decoration of houses.
  • Creation of inscriptions on lawns and the earth.
  • Decoration of garden paths, etc.

Manufacturing technology of decorative gravel

The production of this building material should be carried out exclusively using high-quality components - this will provide it with rich and bright colors as well as long shelf life. So, decorative granite crushed stone is taken as the basis for manufacturing.

How to make decorative gravel

Process of creation decorative gravel practically does not differ in any way from the production process of its colleague - building rubble, except that after the main operations, the first one is painted.

Thus, in order for the crushed stone to acquire color durability, modern equipment is used.

Before you start painting the material, it is divided into fractions in special devices, from which the appropriate dimensions of 4.3-6.4 mm are selected. However, one should not think that such a variety is necessarily tinted, since white crushed stone is nothing more than marble chips natural color.

The process of creating decorative colored gravel includes a number of steps:

1. Initially, the rubble itself is purchased.

2. Then small particles and debris are sorted out in order to leave an exceptionally suitable and selected material. To do this, use a special device called "roar". With the help of it, crushed stone is sifted into automatic mode, which is previously loaded there with a shovel.

3. In the event that such equipment is not available to you, then you can use a large mesh with small holes. It must be stretched and placed at an angle, after which it is necessary to fill in the building material and begin to carefully sift. When using this technology, all operations are carried out manually.

4. Next stage involves painting. For this, it is recommended to use crushed stone with a fraction of 10 mm or more. So, the previously sifted material is placed in a special device, which can be used as an ordinary concrete mixer.

5. Then color is poured into the equipment. For coloring the stone, it is desirable to take acrylic paint, with a volume of at least 20-30% of the volume of crushed stone.

7. Upon completion of the work, the crushed stone is moved to the receiving hopper, which is a box with a grid. The latter should be pulled a few centimeters higher from the bottom metal device. The cells in the grid should correspond to 10 mm. Such equipment will reduce paint consumption, since excess acrylic will drain through it to the bottom of the box, from where it can then be reused.

8. The finished product must be thoroughly dried, leaving it in the open air.

Laying decorative gravel

In order to lay colored decorative gravel, a lot of skills and abilities are not required. Everything is pretty simple:

  • relief is initially prepared (garbage, weeds and rhizomes are removed);
  • then the soil is isolated with the help of roofing material, geotextile or polyethylene film. In addition, it is fashionable to fill in the desired quadrature concrete screed up to 5 cm thick;
  • further drainage is created in the lowest place of the relief;
  • a barrier is installed around the perimeter;
  • at the end, crushed stone is lined, which is evenly distributed throughout the territory.
  • in the event that you used roofing material or plastic film to isolate the soil, then sand 3-5 cm thick must be poured under the crushed stone layer.
  • if you are engaged in the design of a garden plot, then designers recommend using decorative colored gravel with a fraction of 4-10 mm;
  • can be used as a border wild stone, ordinary sidewalk curbs, as well as special plastic or metal strips.

Thus, modern polymer paints for decorative gravel are characterized by increased resistance to external and mechanical influences, which allows you to keep an attractive appearance decorated landscape. At the same time, this building material can withstand heavy loads - you can safely walk and dance on it.

Painted rubble in different colors, will be an excellent decoration for the garden in the form of paths and various other decorative elements. Today, buying colored gravel is absolutely not a problem, but why pay for something that you can do yourself?

It is quite simple to paint rubble at home, and almost any coloring compounds are suitable for this work: enamels, water-dispersed paints, acrylics, etc. How to paint rubble at home with your own hands will be described in this site review.

The demand for colored gravel today is very high. This material with great success it is used in decorating plots, in landscape design and not only. Painted gravel has also received considerable distribution in the design of aquariums. True, not any coloring matter can be used for these purposes.

So, before you paint the gravel, you should decide on the most optimal coloring matter for these purposes. How inopportunely they fit here. They can be skillfully replaced with PVA glue with dye. But why experiment when you can use a completely ready-made coloring composition for painting rubble.

The most important requirement for paint in this case, this is so that it does not fade in the sun and does not let moisture through. As mentioned above, the most successful of all for staining gravel is acrylic paint.

However, the coloring matter is far from all that is needed in order to paint the rubble with your own hands. To complete this procedure, you will also need essential tool, namely:

  1. Concrete mixer or vibrating sieve;
  2. Sieve for drying material;
  3. Empty containers.

Before painting the crushed stone, it must be sieved to separate the smaller and unacceptable stone for further use. As a rule, the size of crushed stone varies from 3-30 mm, and everything less is eliminated manually using such a simple device as a sieve.

After the crushed stone is sifted, it will need to be thoroughly rinsed with running water. This is done so that the acrylic paint lies as well as possible on the material and does not fall off from it subsequently.

The easiest way to wash gravel at home is to pour it on the same sieve, putting the latter on wooden pallet. It is better to rinse with running water from a hose, periodically mixing the crushed stone with a shovel or any other tool convenient for this purpose.

After washing the material, you need to give time for it to dry completely. Under no circumstances should paint be applied to wet material!

So, after the crushed stone is sifted to the desired fraction and thoroughly washed, you can start painting it. Here, as inopportunely, a concrete mixer will come to the rescue, of course, clean inside, without dust, let alone cement mortar adhering to the walls.

The process of painting rubble in a concrete mixer is as follows:

  1. First, crushed stone is poured into the concrete mixer, approximately 2/3 of its volume;
  2. Then 30% is poured directly into the same place (into the concrete mixer). acrylic paint from the total volume of poured rubble;
  3. After that, the concrete mixer is launched into operation for about an hour. After the crushed stone becomes completely painted on all sides, the concrete mixer can be stopped;
  4. Well, then the crushed stone painted in this way is laid out on a sieve and dried until the paint is completely dry.

As you can see, painting gravel at home is a very simple matter. The main thing is not to make mistakes at the stage of preparing the material for this procedure. Only in this case, colored gravel will last the longest possible period of time, and the flower bed decorated by it will delight all the time.
