Golden living room - elegant design and combination rules (80 photos). Golden living room - elegant design and combination rules (80 photos) Golden sofa in the interior

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Ah, this luxurious gold color in the interior of 2016: all gold glitters!

Gold is a popular interior color that has been used to decorate homes for centuries. Today, golden accents in design are not only an elite classic solution but also the chic of modern styles. It is only important not to overdo it with the amount of this color in the design and find out what the golden color in the interior is best combined with.

This is what we'll do!

Golden shade in detail

The golden tone is multifaceted and rich, it can be used both in accessories and decoration, and in a completely different styles. However, the interior in gold tones requires, above all, moderation..

But that's not all, it is important to choose the right color combinations, arrange suitable lighting. It seems to me that this tone is best for those who want to add coziness to the room, and, of course, luxury!

The right light is the key to the success of a room made in golden

wall decoration

Gold-colored wallpapers often have a pattern and a different main color so as not to make the room too cramped. Geometric patterns, floral patterns, stripes and other patterns, combined with a lighter base shade, will make the room feel more spacious.

Gold wallpaper in the interior is not the only suitable solution for wall decoration in this color. Suitable and gypsum boards coated, and tile, and finish "under the stone."

In popular styles in 2016, for example, in minimalism, modern or hi-tech, I advise you to use wallpaper with stripes. Frequent and narrow stripes of gold on the wallpaper will fit perfectly into.

It is necessary to select the optimal amount of "gold" in the room, based not only on the style, but also on the area of ​​​​the room, additional colors, accessories. It is believed that golden in the overall palette of the room should be no more than 1/4.


Golden furniture looks appropriate not only in the living room, but also in the bedroom, hallway and even the bathroom. Moreover, at correct selection shades, chairs, sofas, and other items will fit into both retro or classic styles (neoclassic, rococo, baroque) and modern interiors (shabby chic, provence, Scandinavian minimalism).


Lamps in themselves dilute the room due to the lighting produced. Therefore, golden solutions will fit perfectly into rooms with prevailing light colors as well as in darker interiors.

Luxurious golden chandeliers are typical for classic design solutions and baroque style, while compact modern lamps whimsical or strict geometric shapes suitable for hi-tech, and for fusion, and for modern. Against the background of other stages of repair, the price of the lamp is not high, but it is he who can bring new color accents into the interior.

Other accessories

Small accessories in the right color are best suited to any style, as they add a luxurious touch without drawing too much attention to themselves.

I like to “play with colors” in rooms with the help of small but noticeable things, since in this case you can transform the design with your own hands without finishing or repairing.

What accessories can be made gold:

  1. Picture frames and mirrors.
  2. Upholstery of sofas and armchairs (or sewing on them).
  3. Candlesticks and candelabra.
  4. Backs and legs of furniture, handles of chests of drawers, drawers, doors.
  5. Curtains and textiles.

Color compatibility

Gold in the interior always looks advantageous with warm shades - brown, chocolate, red and its tones (burgundy, purple). More modern styles such as hi-tech, fusion and modern use brighter golden accents.

And you can combine them more boldly - with silver, yellow and orange, green and turquoise, coral and pink. The combination with black also looks catchy and aristocratic.

Popular simple instruction combinations of gold with other shades - use a classic base. That is, a shade that occupies at least 40-50% in the interior. It can be white, beige and their shades, which will set off the extravagance of gold.

How to combine gold in the interior:

  1. Red and its shades (purple, burgundy, marsala). Red is the color of luxury, so it looks great paired with rich gold. I recommend choosing not "poisonous", but muted shades of red. To avoid the gloom of the room, you can enter white and beige into the palette.

  1. Shades of brown. Gold goes well with both light shades (beige, cream) and dark shades (coffee, chocolate) in the interior. At the same time, it is difficult to overdo it with the amount of golden, shades of brown complement and dilute it, creating an aura of warmth, luxury and chic.

  1. Green and its shades (mint, turquoise). Cold turquoise can be safely combined with gold. I recommend adding white or cream colors to the palette, or using not only bright, but also calmer golden hues.

  1. Black. Dark tones in combination with gold look at least extraordinary. IN modern interiors this combination is popular, both with an abundant addition of white, and with minimal inclusions of it. In the second case, the interior is quite dark, but elegant.


Gold always looks spectacular and luxurious. It seems to me that at the design stage it is not very easy to work with him, but then, with successful planning and combination, enjoying the interior with golden notes is a pleasure!

Do you like gold in the interior? How was it incorporated into the design? Share your ideas in the comments, I can't wait to see what ideas you like to implement this shade in design! And even more interesting solutions can be found in the video in this article.

June 26, 2016

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Since the days of Baroque and Rococo, shades of gold have been considered expensive and aristocratic.

A gold-colored living room was a sign of real luxury, which only aristocrats and kings could afford.

Now a living room in a golden interior, like any other room in this color, will look very ridiculous and stupid, if you do not adhere to a sense of proportion and style.

There are 3 main rules for creating an interior in gold tones

In order for the golden living room not to look too pretentious and tasteless, you should follow a few simple rules.

Feel the measure

Gold color belongs to light and warm tones, so it will help to visually enlarge the space and make it lighter.

But if there is too much gold color, then excessive pomposity will look too pretentious. The ideal proportion for using a given color is one part to three.

Feel the style

A living room in gold tones will help create accessories of the appropriate color. For example, picture frames, lighting fixtures.

Also, gold looks good on furniture. It is better to give preference to muted and aged shades.

An example of such furniture can be a sofa with gilded legs or chairs with gold upholstery.

Uniform style

With a competent approach, the golden color can be entered into almost any design, from classic to minimalism.

The atmosphere of romance can be created with the help of muted and specially aged gold tones.

In order to create a golden living room interior in a minimalist style, it is enough to combine this color with trendy materials and monochrome colors. Golden figurines and appropriate textiles will help to recreate the baroque.

How to combine gold with other colors?

Since gold belongs to the light range of shades, it can be combined with almost any color. But you should always remember about the sense of style and proportion.

If the room is made in peach, beige color, then several details can be emphasized with gold.

Gold will go well with chocolate and terracotta tones. Golden color will give a special shine and light to a room that is filled with beautiful wooden furniture and brown covers.

Interestingly, the golden tone will look in combination with black. But in this case, the black tint should prevail.

Great solution there will be black floors, light walls, black set with golden elements. As for other shades, they must be used as carefully as possible.

How to use the golden color in different rooms?

Gold in every room will look different.

golden bedroom

Oriental style, art deco with gold elements will be especially appropriate in the bedroom. Oriental design is characterized by the presence of an abundance different kind bedspreads, figurines, dishes with gilding.

If we are talking about baroque, then in the interior you can use stucco molding, lamps of golden hues.

Also in the interior you can use gold wallpaper, but you need to be as careful as possible with them.

Living room

Living room in gold color will look elegant and aristocratic. In addition, a living room with golden wallpaper will be the highlight of any house or apartment.

Furniture is best to choose discreet, black or Brown so that it does not distract, and does not make the interior overloaded.

In addition, it is very important to remember the golden ratio, that is, asymmetric details will look most harmonious in the interior.

In addition, for a more subdued interior, you can use gold curtains. In order to make sure that this design is suitable for your room, you can see a photo of the golden living room.

So, you will have a holistic view of the use of gold in the interior.

Bathroom in golden decor

A bathroom in this style will look very aristocratic. But this color scheme is suitable only for a spacious and bright room.

But gold can visually reduce a small bathroom.

Gold tones can be used both in accessories and plumbing details. But you should always remember the sense of proportion.

The golden color will help you create a cozy and original interior, but gold should be in moderation.

Golden living room design photo

In the coming year, the use of golden and copper colors is especially popular, and this also applies to the decoration of the room.

In this article, we will look at the main ways to decorate a living room in gold tones and pay special attention to individual details and elements.

How to introduce gold into the living room, and what does it combine with?

As a rule, the use of such a color scheme can significantly increase the value of all interior solutions and ideas, and it is important to be able to correctly emphasize individual details and elements.

In any case, the creation of a golden living room should ensure the presence of taste and moderation in everything, since such a color does not tolerate an overabundance in space.

It is important to note that such a color scheme has its own specific shades. It is better if you pick up details of the same shade, otherwise the interior will turn out to be relatively sloppy.

It should be borne in mind that the tonality should correspond to natural materials.

Take note that the shine from the sun goes well with black and gray colors, while it is distinguished by a certain expressiveness and elegance.

Do not overdo it with the use of gold in the living room.

You can use a combination of gold with beige or brown, but it is considered predictable.

You should not use these or other combinations if you are not sure about a certain color scheme.

Living room in gold and black

Such a combination implies the use of dark color in the form of pieces of furniture presented in the photo of the golden living room, and it is worth limiting yourself to these elements.

You can decorate one of the main walls with special three-dimensional panels and paint it in the black color you like.

IN this case it is worth thinking about the right amount of light in a golden living room. This is necessary in order to be able to easily emphasize the presence of all the existing irregularities and give it a certain unusualness and mystery.

After completing the main creation process dark wall you can go to its design with gold elements. As additions, sconces or unusual types of decor can be used.

Since this kind of panels have a wide variety of color varieties, you can, if desired, create a living room with gold wallpaper and decorate it with black elements.

Upholstered furniture in the living room in a golden interior

When creating such a living room interior in gold color, you should think about purchasing a leather sofa.

As a rule, it fits perfectly into classic interior. Since there are currently a huge number of varieties of such furniture, choosing a model for your individual taste will not be difficult.

If necessary, you can purchase an armchair made of the same material, for example, with an additional carved border. Concerning wall decoration, then you can use a special ceramic tiles with a special shape with gold splashes or elements.

You can resort to creating a white living room, which has a certain solemnity and elegance.

Gold accessories add elegance

Gold color in most cases is used as additional elements and accessories, which once again can emphasize your attitude to fashionable ways. interior decoration premises.

Most suitable material metal is considered for gilding. So, when choosing lighting, you can use traditional lamps or a chandelier.

Because fashion trends have unique opportunity exist for a long period of time, care should be taken to ensure that all elements of the living room in a golden interior consist of quality materials.

Cabinets and shelving in black and gold

A special role in creating the golden interior of the living room is given to bookcases. A great solution would be to use the black version in the art deco style.

Leather-bound books or various albums and encyclopedias in rich design will look elegant enough.

At all home version libraries are considered great place to enable gold additions.

You can purchase a stand made of gilding, as this will emphasize the peculiarities of the owners' ideas. We also note that the use of gold color in the interior can optically increase the available space due to the reflection of light.

It is important to note that the combination of gold and black colors can fit perfectly into any style decision and once again emphasize the individuality of the owners.

Photo of the living room in gold tones

We did a little research and found that the golden sofa in the interior is not popular. We decided to look into the reasons and consider various options, which will help to better furnish the interior, using upholstered furniture of this noble color.


Golden color, for many is associated with wealth and divinity, and most importantly with noble metal - gold. In many world religions, it symbolizes the sun.

The peoples of all generations treated it with respect, it was used to decorate castles and palaces, royal chambers.

Until now, this metal has not lost its popularity. Modern designers use it to decorate some of the richest interiors.

The most important rule to remember when using the described tone is not to overdo it and keep a sense of proportion!
In order to better and more effectively place a golden sofa in the interior, you need to use some rules:
the color scheme should be repeated in other interior items. It is imperative to take into account the nobility of color and not “oversaturate” the situation with it. Items - companions of the golden sofa, should not be massive. It is easier if the color is repeated in textiles: curtains, carpet trim or chair seats. A sure way to maintain the look of the overall picture is to use the shade on the legs of chairs or cabinets, picture frames or candlesticks. Golden door and furniture handles the right way creating a unified environment.

Style matching

In order to better place upholstered furniture of noble color in the interior, it is necessary to adhere to one style: art deco, Arabic or any other. East style, rococo or baroque. No need to try to combine the “incompatible” - this color does not forgive mistakes!

color combination

A successful combination of shades can create a cozy and unusual atmosphere in the room. The described shade refers to warm tones, which is why it will be most convenient to feel in white, beige, peach or pink room. In this case, abundant support with gilding is not even required, one or two items are enough.
The ideal option is a combination of a golden sofa with a chocolate or terracotta interior. It looks especially good in the presence of natural cabinet furniture made of wood, brown curtains. But note that the dark environment must be diluted with light colors. It's great if it's yellow, beige or white.
Very often, modern designers use a method in which two colors dominate: black and gold . Don't be afraid to use black. In this color, there can be black cabinet furniture with gilded handles, a black floor or black thick curtains with a rich gold pattern. Please note that you need to use this method with caution, it is best and most convenient to consult with professionals.

When purchasing a sofa, some choose it according to the color of the upholstery, guided by emotions, the second is the design, the third want the thing to be practical and durable. It is not chosen for one year, it is the main piece of furniture for a living room or bedroom, it must combine all of the listed qualities.

IN a wide range numerous furniture stores, everyone will certainly find the desired design, suitable for the general stylistic decision housing, you just need to choose the right color for the existing interior - it should not be dissonant with common idea premises.

In order to successfully combine the sofa in the interior in color with the rest of the furniture, you need to know the principles of combining shades, and what colors are appropriate in one or another design solution space.

Color selection rules

Firstly, upholstery should be organic to everything else - fully fit into the design.

Secondly, the coloring should correspond to the area of ​​the room: this thing is bulky, the wrong upholstery tone can visually reduce the room.

Thirdly, practicality is not in the last place - light sofa is unlikely to be appropriate where there are small children and pets - a child can spill juice, drop an unfolded thawed chocolate candy, cats and dogs often have dirty paws, it is more difficult to clean stains from light-colored furniture than from bright or dark ones, any mote will be immediately noticeable.

Color also affects psychological comfort, it is better to choose something that will not get bored in a couple of months, something that will not irritate the eye.

So, upholstered with white material look beautiful, but it is troublesome to care for them, and too bright upholstery, geometric patterns or large images can simply become boring after a while. In addition, a thing that you like in a friend's house may be completely inappropriate in your own.

The psychological impact of color

Since the sofa is almost the most dimensional piece of furniture in the room, there will be a lot of its colors, whatever it may be. Even in ancient times, philosophers noted that colors affect not only a person’s mood, his psychological state, but also physical well-being, so the upholstery should be selected taking into account the nature of the household and their preferences.

For example, a black one with white polka dots will not suit a restless, explosive person at all, and a person prone to melancholy on gray pillows will not rest, but be sad. Before you choose an acceptable model and finally decide on the color of the sofa, it is better to familiarize yourself with how different colors affect psychologically.

Considering a selection of photos of sofas different colors in interiors with various designs, you can understand which upholstery will be closest, good for the eye, organic in your own living room or bedroom.

Gray will evoke a sense of calm, pacify, but can lead to apathy.

White furniture will bring freshness, dynamism to the atmosphere, make the atmosphere light room, but if a person is lonely, white - can increase the feeling of inner emptiness.

In shades of green - it will look lively, cheerful and, at the same time, cozy, contribute to a positive mood, relieve excessive excitement, cause a feeling of clarity - green helps to tune in to making decisions.

And in the kitchen, a green sofa can turn out to be very useful at all - green tones reduce appetite, green - the color of nature - encourages you to eat everything natural, healthy - vegetables, herbs, fruits.

A black sofa looks respectable, but if there is a lot of black palette, subconsciously the furniture can cause a feeling of fear and depression. In addition, if the upholstery is leather, it is able to make the atmosphere not at home official.

The beige sofa is a classic, often chosen for its versatility. Psychologically, it suits self-sufficient people, but it can turn out to be somewhat boring, especially if the room is not designed in any way. interesting style, and looks ordinary, but the rich beige color palette evokes a feeling of warmth and tenderness, soothes, pacifies.

Furniture covered with brown fabric will suit a conservative person who does not like to stand out, an adherent of the classical style both in behavior and clothing, and at home. But brown has a rich range of warm shades, so even with such a seemingly ordinary color, the interior can be beaten very beautifully. It is functional - not easily soiled, its light shades create an atmosphere of comfort and balance. In general, a living room with a brown sofa will look warm and welcoming.

With red upholstery - will look good in a living room decorated in modern style, and a red sofa in the kitchen will provide a positive breakfast on weekdays. Red will fill everything around with energy, but will not suit easily excitable people prone to irritability and aggression.

A pink sofa will create a romantic mood, especially in a girl's bedroom, there are many shades of pink, but they should not be cloying, otherwise everything will look trite and tasteless.

Orange - suitable for those who love communication and action, but orange can be an incentive for excessive activity, it should not be chosen by those who quickly get tired.

A sofa with lemon upholstery and all shades of yellow will be good both in the living room and in the office: yellow contributes to the activity of the mind, brings joy to the atmosphere of the room and causes a thirst for life, but an excess of yellow may well provoke overexcitation, and dark yellow shades may begin to oppress after a while.

Blue sofa cushions good at stylish room, this is the color of calm, wise people, but dark blue tones can cause apathy. When choosing upholstered furniture covered with blue material, you should give preference to bright or light shades. For example, blue promotes pleasant relaxation, while azure acts as a calming one.

Furniture, upholstered in purple and lilac fabric, will suit creative people, these colors awaken inspiration, but an overly impressionable person can fall under the negative influence of these tones - they contribute to the aggravation of mental disorders. A person prone to depression is better to choose others.

Different colors in the interior

The color of the furniture plays a significant role in the design decision of the room. If this ordinary room, not sustained in a certain style, but simply furnished to your taste, then upholstered furniture can be beaten with curtain textiles, carpet, decorative ornaments the same tone. But if it has a special decoration, then a sofa that is incorrectly selected in color, being an overall object and focusing on itself, can ruin everything.

In a room in the styles of constructivism and techno, an angular model of deep blue or dark red tones will organically look. But in classical and baroque, these tones are out of place.

Snow-white and black upholstery to a place in a room decorated in minimalism or gothic: here the main background (walls, floor, blinds) is dominated by a gray palette - such pillows will complement, enliven the room, give it a complete look.

In the classical, Empire and Renaissance styles - upholstery fabric in a palette of warm brown, azure, milky white, snow-white, iridescent golden materials would be ideal.

The tones of nature will fit into the cozy country - a beige palette, matte yellow, pinkish, light brown, green tones, white.

Art Deco suggests upholstery fabric red tones, shades of blue, it can be black, yellow or beige.

Modern is a palette of light gray, white, beige, a play of golden materials.

In hi-tech, any “acid” colors are appropriate and necessary; also, an angular model with strict, straight outlines will be harmonious - with red, white or black pillows and armrests.

IN small room it is worth looking after neutral shades - bright colors and a large print will visually clutter it up.

There are several major successful color solutions– design can be monochrome, contrast and multicolor.

Monochrome assumes exposure of all elements of decor and furniture with a variation of shades, but in the same range: for example, beige upholstered furniture and slides, tables, chairs from natural wood- with light brown curtains, or blue seats and backs of the sofa, armchairs and chairs with a blue glass chandelier.

Contrasting - contrasting upholstery is selected for the main background of the room: for example, if the walls, curtains and floor are bright, then black will do, or the main yellow or white background- green.

Multicolor is the most daring and interesting, but the room will be joyful and boring: incongruous, at first glance - white wallpaper, purple curtains, floor vases with yellow and light green ornaments - and a sofa with pillows covered with red fabric.

For a competent approach to the choice, you can use the color wheel (they are in every furniture store) - the colors must be taken opposite in spectrum, and the interior will turn out to be successful.

The right sofa is a coziness, comfort and constant pleasure from staying at home.

Photos of the main colors of sofas
