Do-it-yourself garden swing (45 photos): choosing a location on the site, material and type of construction. Do-it-yourself metal swing - how to make and arrange iron structures for the street Big do-it-yourself swing

Summer season– this is a time of sun, fresh air, relaxation and entertainment. Especially for children who with great joy spend the whole day outside or on playgrounds, where swings are an indispensable attribute. This simple and extremely attractive device can be built on summer cottage with your own hands. Such a simple thing brings so much happiness to a child that any effort to make it will be repaid to you a hundredfold.

Next will be options for making a swing yourself, so the article is mostly addressed to men. But, if you are a woman and you have skillful hands, then we also advise you to read everything to the end, and perhaps you will learn something new for yourself.

The simplest design of a garden swing for a summer house, known to us since childhood, is the design with the letter “P”.

To make it you need to take two wooden or metal pillar arbitrary length and diameter for bases. Their size depends on the expected load on the swing. The pillars are buried in the ground to a depth of 80-100 cm. Another option is to use two curved metal pipes, burying their ends in the ground. Next, you need to install a horizontal crossbar made of steel pipe of a similar diameter on the posts.

Strengthening support pillars.

To secure metal parts The structure will require welding or double-sided bolts of large diameter. Attached to the crossbar using rope or cables wooden seat. To do this, you can take a regular wooden board 3-5 cm thick, process it with a plane and paint it with bright paint. The swing is ready. They are suitable for both adults and children over 5 years old.

Gazebo - swing in the shape of a boat.

DIY baby swing

A simple and comfortable swing for a baby

To make a swing for a summer house suitable for a child of three or four years old, it is necessary to make a comfortable and safe seat. To make it, you will need a small square piece of plywood or a 40 cm long square board made of hardwood: birch, oak or elm. In addition, you will need five wooden pine planks or any other soft wood, with dimensions: 40 cm length, 2 cm thickness and 6.5 cm width, four copper tubes with a diameter of 2 cm and a length of 12.5 cm - one pair and 6.5 - another pair. And two strong cables of equal length.

Drill holes with a diameter of 0.6 -1 cm in each corner of the seat board and in the four slats at a distance of 4 cm from the edges. The fifth bar is attached to the front of the swing and helps the child hold on to it and not fall out. Also drill holes with a diameter of 1 cm in this bar so that the bar can move freely up and down along the cables.

Swing with a chair seat.

The length of the cables must be measured depending on the height at which you want to hang the swing. Both cables need to be threaded from one side into the short tube, side bars and backrest bars, then through the front of the side bars into the front bar and long tube and finally through the hole in the seat. Fix the ends of the ropes firmly under the seat and balance the rope. The swing is secured using ceiling hooks on a horizontal bar.

Swing - “braided web”.

Garden swings - “rocking chairs”

Very popular and easy to make wooden swing for the dacha - “rocking chairs”. To make it you will need a wooden beam with a square cross-section, a sheet of multi-layer plywood 18 mm thick, waterproof glue, self-tapping screws, colored paint or varnish. To make a swing of this type, timber is sawn into a balance shaft 2 m long and stands 80-100 cm high, and two seats of arbitrary sizes are cut out of plywood. The dimensions should be calculated on paper and a drawing made, and then transferred to a sheet of plywood and cut along the contours using a jigsaw. Use sandpaper to sand all the edges of the parts, and go over the beam with a plane.

Name components swing.

Use an electric drill to drill into the racks through holes to secure the shaft, and at its ends make external thread. Insert the shaft into the holes of the racks and secure with a threaded connection against axial displacement. To do this, screw washers and nuts onto the threads and lock threaded connections by any known method.

Assemble all the elements of the swing with self-tapping screws, soak them in antiseptic and cover them with two layers of colored paint or varnish. Check the build quality - the swing should not be flimsy or unstable. For greater comfort, you can sew on the seats and backrests soft pillows. All that remains is to dig the holders into the ground to a depth of 50-60 cm and the children's swing for the dacha is ready.

Joy and benefit for children and adults.

To give your child joy for the whole summer, all you need to do is assemble a swing for your dacha with your own hands. They are not so expensive and are very useful for children, because in addition to entertainment, they train the child’s muscular system and vestibular apparatus.

It is difficult to imagine a person who did not ride on a swing at least once as a child. Even as adults, many still love to relax and swing in the garden at the dacha, not to mention children. Many install structures bought in a store on their site, and some create country masterpieces on their own. The editors of the site bring to your attention a review from which you will learn how to create a rather popular attraction - a garden swing with your own hands: photos and drawings will be a good help in this.

Read in the article

Types of garden swings with photographs of models

Swings are divided by material of manufacture, type of construction and purpose. For example, there are designs for adults, children and the whole family. Let's consider some features of various designs depending on their purpose.

Swings for adults

Swings for adults are distinguished by their simplicity and increased structural strength. They can be stationary or portable. Swings for the dacha are made from the most different materials and must withstand a load of more than 120 kg. Designs can have a variety of shapes.

Garden swing

Attraction for children

Comfortable swing seat

An ordinary (the simplest option), an old one, can be used as a seat for a swing. car tire, or a bench with a back, sofas. Structures intended for children must be equipped with special seat belts.

Hanging chairs

Attaching the suspension to the supporting structure

The attachment of the seat to the support can be rigid or flexible. The first option uses a wooden beam, a metal corner or a pipe. Cables, chains and ropes are used for flexible suspension.

Swing seat with chains and ropes

The flexible suspension allows you to build a swing from scrap materials and install it very quickly. The simplest option is a board and two pieces of rope, which are attached to a thick tree branch on the site or veranda. Using chains, ropes and cables, you can attach the seat to both stationary and mobile support structures. It is not recommended to use flexible harnesses for riding small children, since such structures are not stable and unsafe twisting of cables, chains or ropes is possible. To set up a swing, it is better to use chains or metal cables, since hemp ropes can stretch and sag, which will affect the reliability of the structure.

Rigid suspensions made of metal and wood

Using wooden beams, metal angles or pipes to hang seats from the supporting structure has its advantages. This option is more reliable and allows you to withstand more weight. A rigid suspension is best suited for children's swings.

How to make a swing “nest” with your own hands

"Nest" is suspended structure with round wicker seat. This swing model is also called a “basket” or “spider web”. The nest swing can accommodate 2-3 children or one adult. However, strong ropes must be used to suspend this attraction.

To create such an attraction you will need following materials:

  • climbing safety rope, hemp or synthetic cord with Ø 5-6 mm for seat arrangement;
  • durable fabric and felt for exterior finishing seats;
  • steel water pipe for the installation of a supporting structure;
  • gymnastic hoop Ø 900 mm for making a seat frame.

Playgarden Hanging swing “Nest”

Diagram and step-by-step instructions for creating a do-it-yourself outdoor swing for a summer house

The creation of a “nest” type swing begins with the manufacture of a wicker or textile seat. If the attraction is intended only for children, then gymnastic hoops will be needed. The structure, designed for adults, is made of a steel pipe with a diameter of 16 mm and a length of 1,500 mm, which is formed into a circle on a pipe bending device. The joint is welded. Cables are attached to the frame, and the hoop is braided using the dream catcher or macrame technique. The seat cords are pulled tight to prevent sagging. The hoop is finished with foam rubber and textiles or tarpaulin.

When the seat is ready, you can begin to create the support structure. To do this, you can use a profile pipe or a thick wooden beam. The support for hanging the seat is made as follows.

  1. We assemble two side A-shaped structures.
  2. If the swing is stationary, then the sides are dug into the ground. The distance between the supports must be equal to the height of the structure.
  3. The sides are connected at the top steel pipe, to which the seat will be attached.
  4. Cables, ropes or suspension chains are attached to the crossbar. To prevent abrasion of the cables from contact with the pipe, a polyester gasket is placed under them.
  5. The seat is attached to cables, ropes or chains using four carabiners.

After the structure is ready, it needs to be tested for strength. To do this, it is necessary to place a load with a total weight of about 120-150 kg on the seat. This will allow you to check the tension of the cables, the braid of the hoop, and also adjust the optimal distance between the seat and the ground.

How to make a metal swing with your own hands at the dacha

Metal swing for dachas they are stationary, with a rigid structure, and collapsible. The first option is preferable because it provides greater stability, safety and reliability. However, in this case, welding skills are required. The collapsible design is less reliable, since loosening of the joints may occur during operation.

Drawings of a DIY metal garden swing

We present one of the solutions for constructing a garden swing.

We invite you to watch a video on how to make a metal swing with your own hands.

How to make a swing from a profile pipe with your own hands

Profile pipe – best option for the manufacture of metal swings, especially collapsible portable structures. This is due to the fact that in this case you can do without welded joints. The swing can be easily assembled using nuts. As we have already said, a bolted connection is less reliable than a welded one due to loosening during operation, but this problem can be solved by regularly checking the fastening points and, if necessary, eliminating the resulting play.

Let's consider the option of creating a metal swing for a summer house from profile pipe using welding.

Drawings for making a country swing with your own hands

Detailed manufacturing instructions

To make a metal swing from a profile pipe, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • electric drill;
  • square and tape measure;
  • "Bulgarian";
  • metal brush;
  • paint brush or roller;
  • 40 × 40 × 2,000 mm – 5 pcs.;
  • pipe 20 × 20 × 1000 mm – 2 pcs.;
  • profile 20 × 40 × 1,000 mm – 3 pcs.;
  • board 20 × 90 × 1,500 mm – 7 pcs.
Illustration Description of action

To begin with, take two pipes and at an angle of 45°. We check the angles: internal - 45°, and external turn - 90°

We take a piece of pipe for the crossbar, measure 700 mm from the bottom edge and mark the corners. We cut off the excess with a grinder and a cutting wheel. Using welding, we connect together all the parts of the A-shaped sidewall. The distance between the lower ends of the side pillar should be approximately 1,600 mm

We make the second side of the swing in the same way.

We install the sidewalls, and on them we place the upper crossbar, on which the swing seat will be attached. We check the angles between the vertical posts and the crossbar: they should be exactly 90°

Additionally, we strengthen the structure with two sections of profile pipe, which we use to connect the sidewalls. It is necessary to weld two “ears” to the upper cross member for attaching the seat hangers

Now let's start making the swing seat itself. To do this, you need to take three sections of profile pipe with a cross-section of 20 × 40 mm and attach them together by welding. Step back 100 mm from the edge and place the first mark. Next, apply marks at a distance of about 120 mm from each other

Using a grinder, make V-shaped cuts at the marks. The outermost cuts should be made from the reverse side. After all the pipes have been cut, you need to bend the structure to the desired shape

All joints in each pipe must be boiled, and the excess must be cut off

Separate the pipes, weld and clean all the seams using a grinder and paint

We attach the pipes to the cut boards. To do this, drill holes Ø 4 mm in them. We fix the boards using self-tapping screws

It turns out this is the seat

We attach “ears” for suspension to the upper part of the backrest to the side pipes

We drill the edge of the pipe on the seat and install bolts for fastening to the chain

Attach the suspension chains to the seat

We hang the sofa on the top crossbar using carabiners

How to make a swing from wood with your own hands

Making a wooden swing for a summer house with your own hands is the best option, since you don’t need to deal with welding: not everyone has one, and not everyone knows how to use it. With a tree the situation is completely different. A wooden swing can be made by almost anyone who knows how to handle and

Today a large number of people have country houses or dachas - places where you can calmly take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and relax. Today we will tell you how to make a garden swing from metal with your own hands for your summer cottage.

This material is divided into 3 parts.

  • In the first part: the use of metal to build swings, and why country house builders prefer it. We will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of such structures, calculate the mass of planned attractions, and also talk about the types of fastening for stationary and suspended swings.
  • In the second part: we will tell you how to make an outdoor metal swing for a summer house in the form of a bench or sofa with your own hands, and we will also give recommendations for installing single structures. You will also learn how to properly make a swing seat from a profile pipe with your own hands, as well as a frame.
  • In the third part: a little about decorating and caring for an iron swing, as well as features of the choice in the store.

Advantages and disadvantages of profile pipe

If you look in detail at the advantages of a profile pipe, you will get the following list.

  • The shape of the pipe is optimized for fast production, which means it is very simple and easy to work with.
  • Very economical material, especially when compared with reinforced structures.
  • The stiffening ribs that are located on the structure greatly increase the upper limit of permissible loads.
  • The material has excellent resistance mechanical damage- it is difficult to deform with an impact.

However, along with the advantages, swings made from profile pipes also have their disadvantages:

  • Most of the operations that can be done with a pipe do not require complex equipment. Except for one thing - bending. It is very difficult to bend, and all because of those same stiffening ribs. For this you will need a special machine.
  • Carbon steel rusts easily and is susceptible to the destructive effects of moisture. This disadvantage can be eliminated using the galvanizing procedure, but it also greatly increases the price of the final structure.

Calculation of a profile pipe to determine the mass of a swing

When calculating the size of a metal swing, you should calculate its mass. This will help you decide in the future whether a foundation is needed and what loads the swing will withstand.

  • When using a square profile pipe measuring 20x20 with a thickness of 1 mm, the weight of one meter of pipe will be ~600 g (it all depends on the grade of steel).
  • A 30x30 pipe with a thickness of 1 mm has a weight of 900 g.
  • A 40x40 profile pipe with a wall thickness of 2 mm per 1 meter of length will weigh ~ 2300 g.

Using the data provided, it is easy to calculate the approximate weight of both the pipes and the frame of the future garden swing made from a profile pipe. We can do this as follows.

For example, the design uses 8.5 meters of pipe measuring 30x30x1mm and 3 meters of pipe measuring 50x50x2mm. Let's calculate the structural mass:

  1. 8.5*900=7650 g ( total weight pipes 30x30x1mm);
  2. Since a 40x40x2mm pipe weighs 2300 g, a 50x50x2 pipe weighs, respectively, 2300 + 2300 * 0.25 = 2875 g.
  3. 3*2875=8625 g (total weight of the pipe 50x50x2mm).

Purpose of a profile pipe for a swing

In order to answer this question correctly, it is necessary to explain what types of pipes are used for what parts of the swing.

  1. Round (oval) pipes. Suitable for curved structures (eg seats, armrests, arches).
  2. Square and rectangular pipes. They have good strength and are suitable for parts that are placed on the surface (vertical posts, spacers).
  3. Flat pipes – suitable for auxiliary elements (horizontal struts).

Types of swing mounting and classification

Before choosing a scheme according to which we will assemble a metal swing with our own hands, we need to decide on the methods of attaching them to the supporting structure.

There are two main types of mounting for hanging swings:

  • on eye nuts;
  • to nodes.

In the first case you do the following:

  1. Make through holes in the horizontal beam using a drill (~5 mm);
  2. Insert long bolts with washers, tighten the eye nuts;
  3. Attach carabiners and chains or ropes to them.

In the second case, the sequence is:

  1. Throw the ropes over the crossbar;
  2. Making a sea knot;
  3. Attach the other ends of the rope to the seat.

Hanging metal swing

A homemade metal swing for a summer house is often enough small size. These are usually small seats for one person, mostly for children. They don't need a permanent base; all you need to hang them in your yard is a tree with thick enough branches or supporting structure.

Hanging swings are most often hung on a chain or strong ropes - depending on desire and styling. At the same time, you can secure them without damaging the branch itself: wrap a chain or rope with a sliding knot, which will provide a fairly strong grip. The main thing here is to correctly calculate the thickness of the suspension itself.

An example of chain mounting.

  1. Drill a large through hole along the width of the seat, 7-9 mm thick (along the red line in the picture);
  2. Pull the chain through the drilled hole;
  3. Screw in steel bolts along the edges of the seat to secure the chain.

Stationary metal swing

Do-it-yourself stationary garden swing from a profile pipe is a more complex option, but no less popular. Great if you need to install seats for two or three people.

For a stationary swing, in addition to the seat itself, it is necessary to make a frame from a profile pipe. This is the load-bearing element of the entire structure; the heaviest loads will fall on it, so it must be done with all the attention. Attachment to a stationary frame has several varieties.

Where to install a metal swing on the site

Before welding a swing or buying them in a store, you need to choose a place on the site, we recommend adhering to the following rules:

  1. The swing should be located on open place near the house. Perfect option– 10-20 meters so you can watch your children play;
  2. There should be no communications above the iron swing (water, power lines and other wires);
  3. There should be no roads nearby (it is best to put a fence around it).

Having decided on the location, you need to prepare a design drawing of your design. We recommend indicating all dimensions in advance - this way you will save a lot of time and resources on modifications and alterations.

Swing in the form of a bench or sofa with a metal frame

This type of swing is common among manufacturers - today on the market you will find a large number of ready-made models of this type. They are distinguished by practicality and relative cheapness. Such a swing is suitable for gathering together in the evening after a hard day or on weekends with children and loved ones.

Before you buy materials and start self-production iron swing, check out the design features:

  • this type of metal swing for a summer house can be either portable or stationary;
  • foundation portable design not required - the support is a square at the base. If you decide to make a stationary swing, we recommend keeping in mind a columnar foundation;
  • Such structures are often accompanied by a canopy - this can be either a polycarbonate roof or a stretched awning.

Materials and tools

To make a swing from a profile pipe with your own hands, you will need a whole list of tools and materials:

  • Round profile pipe for the frame with a diameter of 20 mm, 14170 mm (take a meter or two more with a margin);
  • 4 steel corners;
  • 2 steel arcs, each 250 mm long and with a diameter of 15 mm;
  • 2 wooden panels;
  • cable, chain or any other suspension that can withstand a load of up to 250-300 kilograms;
  • welding machine;
  • pliers;
  • hammer;
  • vice;
  • grinder or hacksaw;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • special anti-corrosion paint for metal;
  • eye screws 5x80mm, 4 pieces.
  • rigging shackle M5, 6 pieces;
  • bolt M6x30, 4 pieces;
  • nut M6, 4 pieces;
  • spring washer M6, 4 pieces.

Step-by-step instruction

Cutting parts from profile pipes for iron outdoor swings. For the side posts you will need 2500 mm pieces, 4 pieces. The crossbar will require a piece of pipe 2100 mm long.

We cut the edge of the pipe at 30 degrees at the end, and then use a welding machine to weld them into an isosceles triangle.

We measure 2000 mm from the top of the posts and weld a horizontal crossbar 1035 mm long to strengthen the frame. See the drawing of a metal garden swing that we made for you with our own hands.

We weld the horizontal crossbar at the ends of the vertical posts. Afterwards the seat will be attached to it. The distance between the A-posts is 2000 mm, the crossbar protrudes 50 mm on each side.

Let's create a swing bench from a profile pipe with our own hands. We take several bars 30x30x6000 mm and shorten them. You should get 24 pieces of 1500 mm pieces. We clean them using sandpaper or a machine. Or you can take a 100x100 timber and adjust it to required dimensions. It is not necessary to cut 30x30, you can use 20x50 and 30x70, etc.

We apply paintwork to the surface to prevent wood rotting.

We make a frame from a pipe 15 mm in diameter. We weld the sections together and attach the bars with bolts. The distance between them is 20-25mm. We weld eye nuts along the edges to secure the chain (two on one side, two on the other). You can also experiment with the distance between the bars (it all depends on their size). More details on the drawing of a swing made from a profile pipe.

We attach the seat to the vertical posts of the metal swing frame. We drill through holes in the crossbar for bolts with eye nuts. We thread them through and twist them. We connect the carabiners with all the eye nuts and attach the chain.

We dig 4 holes 450mm deep. To do this, we use a hand-held iron drill.

Mixing concrete. Add cement, sand and water to the container in proportions 1:2:3. It is best to use cement labeled M400.

We fill the bottom with a 100mm sand cushion, then install the racks in the holes. We throw in several large stones to stabilize the structure, and then fill everything with concrete. We wait for 3-4 days until everything dries. The design is ready

Single swing made of metal

You can weld a single swing from pipes with your own hands, both stationary and portable - it all depends on who will use it and how much free space you have on the site.

Stationary swings have the greatest stability of all the listed options: children will not be able to turn them over even during the most active play. However, because of this, they have a disadvantage - low mobility: they cannot be removed during bad weather. Portable ones, of course, are not so stable, but they are also much more convenient than stationary ones.

Main stages of installation

To weld the frame of a swing from a profile, you need to take a pipe and cut it into two equal parts, each 3100 mm. Cut the edges of the vertical posts at an angle of 45 degrees. After this, you need to form the letter P - weld the third to the ends of these two segments. Its edges should also be cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

The second step is to form a metal swing structure with your own hands on bearings. You need two sections 5 centimeters long from a pipe with a diameter of 90 millimeters. The bearings are inserted into them and then scalded to secure them. On the other hand, for additional fixation, a small piece of metal is welded to cover the pipe. A piece of pipe with a diameter of 27 millimeters will be inserted into the bearings.

Two plates are welded to a 27 mm pipe - this will be fasteners for carabiners. The bearing structure itself is fixed to the crossbar using two pieces of metal. They are welded to the sides of the pipe into which they are inserted into the bearings. It is important that before assembling this part, apply grease to the bearing and periodically moisten it with water. If this is not done, the material will heat up from welding, the steel will begin to expand and the structure will be damaged.

After assembling the frame is completed, you need to dig two holes under it, insert the ends of the pipe there and carefully concrete everything. After the concrete has dried, you need to weld stabilizing slopes from the remains of the pipes.

The frame under the seat of a garden metal swing is welded from a prepared profile pipe. We use a welding machine. We attach eye nuts to the edges (marked with green dots).

We attach the carabiners to the eye nuts and connect everything with a steel chain.

How to make metal swing seats

Such double swings made from a profile pipe can often be found on playgrounds. First, a few words about the advantages and disadvantages.

Large metal outdoor swing


  • Strength is the most important advantage of such a swing. Stiffening ribs greatly increase the bending resistance of the structure;
  • profitability - profile pipes are easy to manufacture, which helps to significantly reduce the cost of all materials;
  • durability.


  • careful care - if you do not galvanize the profile pipes and do not coat them protective compounds, then after a while rust will appear;
  • the difficulty of bending pipes - this may require additional equipment.

We have already repeatedly told you how to weld a frame for a metal swing with your own hands at the dacha, prepare the foundation and hang the seats, so now we will tell you which seat is suitable for such a design and its dimensions.

The following parts are required: 3x1600m; 3x880mm; 2x200mm; 5x500mm. More details in the drawing.

A long section of 1600 mm is installed, 3 short sections of 500 mm each are welded to it - the letter W is obtained. Another long section is welded from the free ends. The back is formed in exactly the same way. Everything is secured with corners along the edges of each part of the structure and welded together at an angle of 90 degrees. Two pieces of board are attached to the structure using bolts.

To make the backrest more comfortable for sitting, you need to set it at an angle of 115 degrees. To do this, you need to make the appropriate section at the ends of the 880 mm sections for the backrest.

How to make a frame for a garden swing - video

For self-creation We recommend that you follow the algorithm of actions as in the video below.

Decorating and caring for a metal swing

In order for the pipe swings you made with your own hands to last as long as possible, we recommend decorating them first and then tinting them with special metal paint every six months or a year.

Here's what else you can coat metal with:

  • rust solvent;
  • enamel paint for metal;
  • primer for surface treatment;
  • paint with the addition of metal powder (yellow).

After the construction is completed, you can decorate the structure:

  1. Sew seat covers. A thick fabric that is not afraid of contact with moisture is suitable for them.
  2. Describe side racks patterns or designs. To do this, you will need a stencil with patterns or figures, metal paint and a brush (or sponge). Place the stencil on the walls. Take a sponge and wet it with paint. Blot the stencil and remove it. Repeat the procedure several times.
  3. Decorate the area next to a homemade iron swing for the outdoors. Plant flowers, build a small decorative fence, arrange the sculptures.

How to choose a metal swing

When purchasing a metal swing for a summer house in a store, you should pay attention to:

  • size and dimensions. As a rule, swings have a width of 2-2.5, which is universal and allows you to easily install it on any type of site. If you need unique dimensions, it is best to make it to order.
  • Material of manufacture. Decide in advance what kind of material you want to see. Classic version- made of metal and wood, but there are also modern materials, for example high-strength plastic, steel rods.
  • Price. This is an important factor, since on the market you can find absolutely any model for different budgets.

We suggest considering several models of single and double metal swings that are now popular on the market:

ModelPriceManufacturerMain advantages and features
RUB 8,990China1.9x1.13x1.8mup to 300 kg● double swing;

● soft seat;

● fabric canopy.

RUB 3,710Russia1.37×1.42×1.8mup to 90 kg● single swing;

● the bases of the product are installed in concrete;

● wooden seat with chain fastening.

RUR 6,890Russia3x1.2mup to 100 kg● double swing;

● wooden seat;

● fastening – steel chain;

● without foundation

RUB 12,990Russia2.9x1.55x2mup to 250kg in total● double swing;

● seat material – plastic;

● suitable for children 3-10 years old;

● material of manufacture – steel

In conclusion, I would like to say that regardless of whether you want to assemble a metal swing yourself or purchase ready product, you need to look first of all at their quality and ease of use, and choose only the best. We hope that now you know how to do this. Good luck!

One of children's favorite pastimes is swinging on a swing. In the city there are swings in almost every yard. However, in the summer, children often go to their grandparents in the village or are taken with them to the dacha. To diversify your child’s holiday, you can make a children’s swing for your dacha with your own hands. You will find instructions, photos and diagrams in this article.

The swing can have different design: from the simplest bungee to a large swing on which you can even lie. Next we will describe swing designs that you can make yourself, in order of increasing complexity.

Garden swings are very popular in the country

The simplest swing, familiar to most people, is the bungee. It is a strong stick tied to a tree with a rope (rope, chain). Making a bungee is extremely simple: select a strong stick about half a meter long (you can saw off part of the handle for a shovel, rake, etc.), tie a rope to its middle, the other end of which is attached to a thick tree branch. It is best to use so-called scaffold knots - they tighten themselves and hold the load well. A child can make such a swing on his own. The bungee can be improved by taking a strong board instead of a stick, drilling it in the center and passing a rope through the hole, then securing it with a knot.

The simplest bungee can be made from a rope and a stick

Another projectile differs slightly from the bungee - the trapezoid. A trapezoid is the same stick, but the rope is tied to it not in the middle, but at both edges. The rope can be solid, but you can use two of the same length. If one solid rope is used, it can be secured to the branch with a regular loop (photo 1).

Helpful advice. It is better to choose a stick with a significant margin of safety. Firstly, increased strength guarantees the safety of the swing, and secondly, then you can cut small grooves on the stick at the places where the ropes are attached so that they do not slip off - this also increases safety.

The cable rope can be fixed between two supports

The simplest swing

The simplest swing can also be hung on a thick branch, but it is better to make a crossbar with supports for this. The design of the supports will be described at the end of this article.

Simple rocker with soft seat

The seat is a square or rectangular board suspended at the four corners. You can use plywood. Not far from the corners, four holes are drilled in the seat, into which a rope or eyelet is passed (the eyelet has a ring instead of a head); if the eye is not used, then the rope can be passed through the hole and tied with a knot (its thickness should be equal to the diameter of the hole), thus securing the board to it. If an eyelet is used, then instead of a rope, a chain can be taken, which is attached to the eyelet with a carabiner.

Can be attached to the seat metal corners back made of the same plywood. Another version of the back (suitable for small children) is shown in photo 2. Tubes made of wood up to 30-40 cm long (of the same length!) are put on the ropes, after which a stick-crossbar with drilled holes around the edges. This design, despite its simplicity of manufacture, is quite convenient, safe and will serve for a long time.

Note. Instead of putting on wooden tubes (not everyone can make them!) you can tie knots in ropes at an equal distance from the seat. Then the crossbars will be held in place by knots rather than tubes. It doesn’t look as aesthetically pleasing, but it’s easier to make.

Helpful advice. In the manufacture of any wooden parts swings need to be cleaned with sandpaper or a file - this will protect your children from splinters and give the product a more aesthetic appearance. In order for the swing to serve for a long time, it must be coated with varnish or paint to protect it from moisture.

Swings made of wooden pallets (pallet)

A chain or rope is also attached to wooden pallets at four corners. The advantage of pallets is their large size and strength: on wide pallets it is convenient to swing while standing, or you can put a mattress and swing while lying down. Pallets can be connected to form large structures.

Seat swing out wooden pallets(pallet)

Tire swing

Car tires are quite durable, but cut well. The most primitive use of a tire is similar to a bungee swing: the tire is tied in a vertical position to a branch with a rope, and you can sit in such a swing. But such a seat is not very comfortable, and its appearance is not aesthetically pleasing. This is not yet a reason to refuse to use tires.

A swing made from a tire tied horizontally to three or four chains looks much better. Four or three holes are drilled in the tire at equal distances from each other, and an eyelet is inserted into each of them and secured with a nut. It is useful to place wide washers between the eye and the seat (and between the nut and the seat). The ropes (or chains) are brought together to rest at one point on a steel ring.

A strip cut from a tire is used instead of a board, as described above. In this case, “ears” are attached to the edges of the tire strip, which hold a rope or hook a carabiner to a chain.

Tires can be used to make various shapes for swings.

Fabric swing on a metal frame

The swing seat can be made of a metal frame with durable fabric stretched over it (for example, a tarpaulin). Instead of fabric, you can use rope weaving. An example is a hoop swing.

A hoop swing resembles a hammock: a wide and strong hoop is tied to three or four ropes, from which thin ropes go to the center, woven using the macrame technique into a kind of web. The weaving pattern can be different, the main idea is that the weaving can support the weight of your child. The hoop is usually wrapped in foam rubber and fabric, or braided with twine, so as not to injure the child in the event of a possible blow and for greater comfort. Instead of macrame, you can stretch a tarp over the hoop, as noted above.

Supports for swings. Attaching the swing to the supports

Supports (goats) are made of three bars, logs, boards or metal and have the shape of the letter A: their lower ends are placed in specially dug holes and buried or concreted. It is better to make a crossbar even for a children's swing from metal pipe. If there is no pipe, a beam is placed on the trestles - thick timber or rounded log. The structure must be strong and not wobble. Steel supports are assembled using welding, and wooden ones are connected with screws, anchors, self-tapping screws and metal corners.

If the seat is suspended from a metal crossbar, it is good to use rings - plastic, metal or wood. The latter can be carved from wood yourself. If you tie a rope to a tube without rings, the rope may fray. Then it is necessary to regularly check its strength. If there are rings, then it is better to lubricate the contact points between the rings and the crossbar.

If the swing is suspended from a log or beam, then rings are not needed: the rope will not slide along the tree due to strong friction. Both ropes and chains can also be attached to eyelets (or hooks) firmly screwed into a beam or log. Wooden structural elements must be varnished or painted to protect them from moisture.

Instead of a wooden crossbar with eyelets, you can use steel crossbars with rings welded to them. On wooden beam the frames can be replaced with clamps on which to hang carabiners. Chains can also be attached to vertical posts using anchors with wide washers. In this case, the beam is needed only to give the structure stability and rigidity.

Baby cots can be secured with chains

The chains can be attached not individually, but connected with rings: the left chains are attached to one, the right - to the other. Rings are also hung on carabiners to the eyelets, on hooks, clamps, or welded to a metal crossbar.

Children's swings on ropes are not so reliable

Let's look at two more types of swings.

Rocking chairs

A rocking chair can replace a child's swing. The advantages of a rocking chair include safety for the rocker (there is no risk of the rope breaking) and mobility (you can bring it into the house, you can take it outside); to the disadvantages - relative difficulty manufacturing and the fact that such a chair can crush your leg standing nearby. Wooden rocking horses can be considered a type of rocking chair. The main difficulty in making a rocking chair is making rounded runners; for a children's rocking chair they can be cut out of thick plywood.

Rocking chairs are safe and suitable even for little ones

Rocking horse made of solid wood

To make runners, you need to draw their contours on a sheet of plywood and carefully cut them out with a jigsaw, then clean them with a file and sandpaper. A seat made of plywood or chipboard (plywood is stronger and lighter) is attached between the runners on metal corners. It is necessary to work very carefully so that the rocking chair does not turn out crooked.

A floor rocking chair for babies can also be made from thick cardboard

Balance swing (English: seesaw).

A balance swing is a long crossbar-board with seats at the ends. At least two people can swing on this swing. The simplest option The swing-balancer is done like this:

  1. A long (2.5 - 3 m) strong board or timber is selected, cleaned and sanded.
  2. Handles are screwed on each side about half a meter from the edge. To do this, a plank is attached to both sides of the beam, to which the crossbar is then attached (photo 5).
  3. Seats made of plywood or boards are screwed or nailed on both sides; it is advisable to attach cushions so that the seats are soft.
  4. A thick, strong pillar about a meter long is dug into the ground to a depth of half a meter (or concreted).
  5. A hinge is screwed or nailed to the middle of the beam, which is then attached to the buried post.

Another option is possible, when runners are cut out of thick plywood, as for a rocking chair, and attached to the middle of the beam. Then the swing becomes portable and can be used indoors.

Scheme for making a swing-balancer for children


When making a swing, remember: carelessness in work can result in injury. Be sure to choose strong chains and ropes, and check the stability of the structures. It is better to spend more time and money and make the swing stronger than necessary, than to become the culprit of a ruined vacation, or worse, a serious injury to your own child, due to an error in calculations.

There is another one interesting view A swing is a grasshopper swing. Grasshopper swing diagram

Do-it-yourself swing for a summer house

42 photos:

Garden swings are great fun, leisure and casual play. There is always a lot of joy and children's laughter around them. By placing them on the site, you will get another place for a pleasant pastime. This is especially true for young parents. Observing simple rules safety and design, make a children's swing with your own hands.

Children's outdoor play has an indispensable attribute - a garden swing. With some effort and creative ingenuity, adults can create a fairy-tale element of a magical garden from them. After all, childhood is a time of miracles and fantastic discoveries! It is not at all necessary to buy large play complexes or entertainment areas. You can quickly do it yourself simple design, and as a result, the child enjoys the rocking, and you enjoy the sonorous laughter of children!

Most DIY outdoor frames are made for just one child. Let's highlight the types according to the main parameters:

Body position

A do-it-yourself wooden structure, for example, can provide two positions - sitting or standing. The first option is suitable for kids before school age and, as a rule, it is additionally equipped with a backrest and a fastening between the legs at the front. Otherwise, the risk for the child to fall out increases.

Children's metal swings that you can stand on are more designed for teenagers. In this case, side fastenings are not needed. The child stands with his feet on the board and holds on to the rope ropes with his hands. In addition, wooden children's hand holders must be attached across them.

Mounting method

There are two ways to make a swing for a baby - hanging and frame. The simplest one is to hang it ready board To top point supports. It can be located either without a canopy or under it.

Homemade frames require you to first build a seat, which is then suspended on pre-installed supports. This process is more labor-intensive and time-consuming, but these garden swings are reliable and durable. And the photos confirm this.

Preparation process


For a child of any age, safety is main criterion. Make sure there are no hard vertical supports or structures nearby that you could hit. Children's hanging swing require a covering of sand or soft grass. As a last resort - from wood, if this is the floor of the veranda. Place them so that your child is in full view.

When choosing a material, consider its lightness and safety. After all, children's wooden swings, like any other, are used intensively, so there is always a risk of injury. To lower it, install the back, side and front fastenings. They are a must if you plan to ride small children under 7 years old.

For fastening, choose ropes; they will not heat up and you cannot stick your fingers in them. Regularly check the integrity of all parts, including those made from wood yourself. Lubricate children's metal swings.

A quiet place that calms you down after hard work, relieves stress and lifts your spirits - aesthetically...

Planning (installation location and drawing)

What is more important to you - a plot or a garden swing? If it’s a garden, then choose a free area, away from buildings and flower beds. It can be fenced off from the rest of the site with a low fence or border. In this case, a suitable space may well be in the depths of the garden, out of sight. Outdoor swing for children in such a place will be unsafe.

Do-it-yourself children's swings made from different materials may require a little restructuring. It may be necessary to empty the veranda by removing everything unnecessary, heavy and fragile from it. Or cut down an old tree that threatens to fall with rotten branches during the next heavy rainfall.

It is advisable to make the area next to the house with a canopy or under a tree with a wide crown. When children are frolicking in the yard in the summer, make sure to provide shelter over their heads from the scorching rays of the sun. It’s good if it’s a veranda or pergola, for more details about the manufacture of which, see. Children's swings for the dacha are installed taking into account the swing radius, so there should be free space nearby.

To understand how to make a children's swing at the dacha with your own hands, first sketch the design on paper. Select the required form. Below you can see typical drawings and options that describe in detail the process of creating a swing for children and teenagers.


Garden swings and accessories for them depend on the material.

As standard you will need:

  • Roulette and ruler.
  • Pencil or chalk for marks.
  • Nails, self-tapping screws, nuts, galvanized bolts, screws.
  • Garden auger, shovel.
  • Cement, sand, crushed stone.
  • Primer and paint.

Wooden children's structures will also require:

  • Saw, jigsaws.
  • Metal corners for fastening.
  • Chain or rope for hanging the seat.
  • Hammer, drill.
  • Glazing antiseptic.

When creating a swing with your own hands from metal, you need to have the following:

  • Hacksaw for metal.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Welding machine.
  • Chains, carbines.
  • Pipes, angles and strips of the required size.

For tires, you can limit yourself to fastenings and chains or use a strong rope. It is suspended from the upper support.

DIY hanging swings made of plastic can be made from similar materials. Most often they are suspended by ropes or ropes.

If the main material is fabric from which a seat for a children's swing is sewn, then you will also need wooden beams short length.

What material to choose and how to make it


It is warm, durable and can withstand frequent use. At the same time, it is light, swings well and does not hit the child too much when falling. By sanding the wooden seat, you can paint the garden swing in almost any color.

Good quality, suitable for general style landscape, a wooden swing on a summer cottage is a joy for children and for...

A children's swing made of wood with your own hands will be just the place where you can show maximum imagination, taking into account the preferences of the child himself. For example, standard design for children, build it yourself in the shape of the letter “G” using curved wooden sticks, beams, vines, giving the shape of a revived fairy-tale person.

Or use a jigsaw to make from finished log the character you need. Wooden child seats can be a simple plank attached to ropes. But the child will remember them forever, and he will enjoy spending time here. Especially if you combine such a design with a slide.

Experiment with your own wooden seat. In addition to a simple rectangular board with or without a back, you can build a seat in the form of a circle, an airplane, a flower, or a horse. A regular chair without legs will also work.


For swings, this material is used less often, because it requires long processing and expended resources. And the finished structure, although more durable and static, is heavy in weight and dangerous. It is not recommended for children to install metal swings on their own, but they are suitable for older children.

It’s good if the children’s metal swing is covered soft material, pillow or rope. This will not only soften the blow, but also prevent the hard parts from heating up excessively in the sun. To do this, you can install a canopy made of durable fabric or polycarbonate.


Just like tires, used tires provide adults with a rich field to work with their hands for their beloved child. This material is easy to process, and working with it will take you a minimum of time. Tires are cut with a hacksaw or a special knife to obtain different shapes. By securing them with bolts and hanging them on hooks, we get an economical option for the street with our own hands.

Consider the weight of the child, because such material may deteriorate faster. Children's swings made from tires are well suited for children of primary and secondary school age. And here small child It will be unsafe on them, especially in structures without a backrest and additional fastenings. In addition, in the summer the rubber heats up and can rub delicate skin and contribute to the occurrence of diaper rash.

– a very budget-friendly way to entertain children and teenagers. They can be easily moved from one place to another and stored in a utility room for the winter.

Plastic, skateboard board

The finished plastic seat in the form of a chair or a rectangular board is secured with chains or a cable. The likelihood of injury from a collision with plastic is minimal. Such children's swings for the dacha require constant attention, because with temperature changes or the weight of the child, the material can crack.

How to make a swing yourself from a skateboard? Remove the wheels from it and attach the ropes. People swing on it while standing, holding with their hands the wooden crossbars, which also serve as additional support.

Fabric, twine

Durable fabric or tarpaulin is a godsend for those who like to do everything with their own hands. Fastenings, usually wooden, are attached to the sewn pieces of fabric. Such children's hanging swings are made in the form of a hammock, a cocoon with holes, a chair or a cone.

Children's swings for the dacha are perfect for kids. They quickly fall asleep in these soft bassinets. An older child can relax there with a book or player.

DIY children's swing made from a circle and ropes. They are also suspended by ropes, and the seat is a circle without a back. Its bottom consists of ropes woven in a circle or crosswise. Weaving can take a long time, but this option is convenient, safe and versatile. The swing is attached quite close to the ground, and the likelihood of injury when falling is reduced to almost zero. And the wide surface allows you to both sit on it and lie down.

Build a children's swing for your dacha with your own hands, involving the child if possible and turning the whole process into a game. This way you will get better a good relationship with the baby, and your authority will grow in his eyes. Whatever result you get, it will remain a source of pride for both adults and children. Garden swings for children are touching memories for a long time!
