Assortment of a profile rectangular pipe. Assortment of profile pipes. Detailed description of the assortment

All products are characterized by certain parameters. This also applies to water pipes. In addition, such a type of this product as profile pipes also has its own differences, its own classification, its own specifications, that is, dimensions, cross-sectional area, load capacity, material of manufacture, and so on.

Naturally, profile pipes are regulated by GOSTs during their production, so any deviation from their requirements is considered a marriage.

Some classification

A profile pipe is any other type of pipe other than a standard round pipe. The big advantage of such varieties is that the cross-sectional area, having equal dimensions with round products, will be larger.
Such pipes have excellent technical characteristics, especially when it comes to their strength.
They are used in many areas of life: heavy and light industry, agricultural engineering, furniture production and many other industries.
The classification of these materials can be built on the basis of many features, such as, for example, sizes, shapes, production methods, and so on. Let's look at this issue a little closer.
The following types are distinguished by form:

  • Square;
  • oval;
  • Flat-oval, that is, those in which two sides are straight, and the other two are made in the form of arcs, that is, rounded;
  • Rectangular.

General GOST for the manufacture of profile products has the designation 13663-86. Depending on the form, they are manufactured according to the following standards:
  • For square, GOST 8639-82 is applicable;
  • For rectangular, GOST 8645-68 is applicable;
  • For a flat-oval shape, GOST 8644-68 is applicable;
  • For oval, GOST 8642-68 is applicable.

Note! All such products are made of steel various kinds. I must say that each type of steel also has its own GOST.

If we talk about the production method, then the profile pipe will have two types:

  • Electrowelded;
  • Seamless.

Electrowelded can have several of its types:

  • thin-walled;
  • thick-walled;
  • Having a galvanized surface and not galvanized;
  • Straight line and many others.

Seamless has the following types:
  • Seamless;
  • Hot rolled;
  • Galvanized and non-galvanized.

Cold rolled and hot rolled steel

Here, too, a small caveat should be made. We will talk about those types of steel that are used for the manufacture of these products, but it’s worth understanding the difference between cold-rolled and hot-rolled products.
On the initial stage produce sheets by hot rolling. A large original sheet is cut into smaller pieces or into strips. Cold-rolled steel is first processed, that is, the pickling process takes place first. Only then does the cold rolling process start. For this reason, in the absolute majority, cold-rolled steel, or rather a sheet of it, cannot be thicker than 4-5 mm. The area, like other parameters, can take on a wide variety of values, but the thickness has an upper limit. However, the surface of such steel products is much better.
Such sheets have a constant thickness, whatever their area. In addition, they do not have scale. It must be said that the technical characteristics are much higher, since all steel materials undergo a hardening procedure before cold rolling. Accordingly, the load on products made from such material may be higher.

Seamless and electrowelded

If we have dealt with hot and cold rolling, now it remains only to figure out what seamless products are and what electrowelded products are.

Electrowelded products are obtained by molding and subsequent electric welding. They have seams that can be straight or spiral, hence the name - straight-seam and spiral-seam. These products can be made either from a sheet of low-alloy carbon type steel, or from a billet - strips.
A metal blank (sheet) is welded with its edges along one line. This is how straight-line products are obtained. The spiral variety is obtained by winding the steel tape in a spiral.
Profile pipes of such a plan can be used to create gas pipelines. In this case, the maximum load is 16 MPa.
All such types have their own GOST manufacturing.
All products can be thick-walled or thin-walled. In this matter, the production process has no effect.
Seamless products are obtained by rolling an ingot of steel. During this process, a hole is formed in the center, which is later calibrated in its shape and size.
I must say that seamless products can be manufactured in several ways at once, for example, forging or rolling.
As in the first case, a seamless pipe can be thin-walled or thick-walled. The most important advantage that all seamless products have is their incredible strength, which is achieved due to the absence of a seam - the very weak point. Basically, seamless products are used where it is necessary to constantly deal with high loads, both internal and external. The seamless pipe has gained great popularity in the oil industry, as well as in the field of transportation of highly aggressive media.

Some Specifications

The main ones include:

  • Profile form. There are rectangular, square and so on;
  • Dimensions, that is, height and width. Here it must be said that this indicator has its own GOST, however, manufacturers today produce profile pipes with any width and length;
  • Wall thickness. According to this parameter, it is divided into two types - thin-walled and thick-walled. This is an important parameter, since it determines the scope of application. The wall thickness is regulated according to GOST, but there are exceptions;
  • Weight. It's not just the convenience of transportation and operation. Weight determines the quality of the product. Knowing the dimensions and mass, you can easily find out how thick its walls are, if this cannot be done by direct measurement.

What does the industry offer?

Today, the assortment offered by manufacturers is very wide. For example, consider products according to GOSTs 30245-94, 8645-68, 8639-82, that is, electric-welded pipes with different section shapes.
Assortment of square products (this includes both seamless and electric welded products):

  • External parameters from 10 to 10 to 120 to 120. At the same time, both thick-walled and thin-walled ones are produced, the wall thickness is from 1 to 8 mm - this is for cold-formed materials;
  • External parameters from 60 to 60 to 180 to 180. Wall thickness from 4 to 14 - this is for hot-rolled products;
  • External parameters from 10 to 10 to 100 to 100. At the same time, both thick-walled and thin-walled ones are produced, wall thickness from 1 to 5 - this is for electric-welded materials.

Here all values ​​are in mm.
Rectangular pipe (this includes both seamless pipe and electric-welded pipe) has the following assortment:
  • Sizes from 10 by 15 mm with a thickness of 1 to 180 by 150 with a thickness of 12 mm;
  • Groups A and B. The first includes products made of steel grades St2 (4kp / ps), and the second - St.2 (4 kp / ps), as well as 08 kp and 10-35.

Range of steel products (both thin-walled and thick-walled, GOST 30245-2003):

  • For square shape- from 4 by 4 cm with a thickness of 2 mm to 30 by 30 with a thickness of 14 mm;
  • Rectangular has such dimensions - from 5 by 2.5 cm to 40 by 20 cm, and the wall thickness is from 2 to 14 mm, respectively.

As you can see, there are plenty to choose from. And this is only part of the whole range of sizes, shapes and materials.

Wall thickness and other dimensions

In this article, we have mentioned many times such a concept as thin-walled or thick-walled. The whole point is in what: for different sizes the same thickness can be either small or large. Hence the names.
Naturally, thick-walled products will also cost more, since more material has been spent on their production.
The wall thickness can range from 1 to 14 mm.
I must say that depending on the type, the sizes also change:

  • Cold rolled - wall thickness from 1 to 8, dimensions from 1 to 12 cm;
  • Hot rolled - wall thickness from 4 to 14 mm, dimensions from 6 to 18 cm;
  • Electric welding - wall thickness from 1 to 5 mm, dimensions from 1 to 10 cm.

Most of the existing sizes are shown in the table below:

The length of the material also has some dependence on the method of production. This indicator ranges from one and a half meters to 12.5.
There is also a classification by length:
  • Measured length;
  • Unmeasured length;
  • Multiple measured.

For materials with a measured or multiple measured length, it is customary to add a margin of 5 mm. For this reason, the finished product at the exit may turn out to be 10 cm longer than the prescribed one.

In our time, the steel profile pipe has become widespread. supporting parts, make frames of stops for public transport, railings, benches and more. The most demanded field of application of steel corrugated pipes is reflected in the field of construction during the installation of metal structures and the construction of buildings.

A wide choice of types of professional pipes made of steel makes it possible to manufacture suitable design for the required tasks.

The steel corrugated pipe has a cross section with 4 stiffeners. Despite the fact that such a product does not weigh much, it can withstand very large loads.

Their application

The use of shaped steel pipes is wide-ranging. Undoubtedly, the most basic area of ​​​​use of profile pipe materials is construction. In modern building structures, this type of pipe assortment is used everywhere.

Their use has the following advantages:

  1. Metal is saved by almost a quarter when compared with the construction of a metal building using an I-beam.
  2. Easy Installation and the small time spent on the construction of the frame and structure.
  3. Such metal structure more resistant to the formation of corrosion manifestations, when compared with other pipe rolling options. And cold-formed professional pipes successfully replace the two-tee beam, corners and channel.


Consider the main technical characteristics of a profile steel pipe:

  • Profile view. Its main types are square, rectangular and oval. This criterion determines the division of the pipe profile in the general assortment.
  • geometric dimensions. For rectangular views, these are the width and height. As well as the length of each segment.
  • Wall thickness. Quite a significant detail, because it is it that determines the scope of further use.
  • Weight. An equally significant assessment that determines the quality level of goods. Through weight and geometric dimensions, you can find out the wall thickness. This becomes very useful in situations where the ability to access measurements is not available.

Describing steel professional pipes, it should be noted that their range is determined by GOST 8639-82. In this document, three main types of profile are distinguished:

  • Cold-formed.
  • Hot rolled.
  • Electrowelded.

The first two are seamless, and the third is produced from sheet material using welded technologies.

It should be noted that any characteristic of a pipe is dependent on a number of its other indicators. For these reasons, we can conclude that the presence of a table of the corresponding calculated values ​​​​of GOST makes it easy to find out how high level quality from one manufacturer or another.

The weight

Table No. 1 of the weight of steel pipes.

No. p / p Options.

Profile square pipes

Length Weight meter / rm.
1 15x15x1.0 0, 478
2 15x15x1.2 0,500
3 15x15x1.5 0,600
4 20x20x1.2 0,680
5 20x20x1.5 0,840
6 20x20x2 1,09
7 25x25x1.2 0,870
8 25x25x1.5 1,06
9 25x25x2 1,38
10 30x30x1.5 1,30
11 30x30x1.5 1,60
12 40x40x1.5 1,79
13 40x40x2 2,30
14 40x40x2.5 3,33
15 40x40x3 4,20
16 40x40x4 3,60
17 50x50x2.5 3,65
18 60x60x2 3,58
19 80x80x3 12 m 7,12
20 100x100x3 12 m 9,01

The weight of the pipe will depend on its length and wall thickness. This point must be taken into account when choosing them.

types and types of profile pipes and their technical characteristics are presented. Watching this video will help you decide on the choice of professional pipes for your situation.
Weight must be taken into account for the construction of massive metal structures, if this is your case, then use our tables.

Table No. 2 of the weight of steel profile pipes.

No. p / p Options

Profile rectangular

Length Weight meter / rm.
1 20x10x1.2 0, 500
2 25x10x1.5 0,600
3 28x25x1.2 0,930
4 30x15x1.5 0,950
5 40x20x1.5 1,30
6 50x25x2 1,66
7 60x30x2 2,64
8 80x40x2 3,50
9 100x50x3 12 m 6,50
10 100x50x4 12 m 8,69
11 120x60x3 12 m 11,40
12 120x60x4 12 m 10,55
13 140x60x2 12 m 11,80
14 140x60x5 12 m 14,58
15 150x100x5 12 m 18,4
16 160x80x5 12 m 17.69
17 160x120x5 12 m 20,80
18 180x100x6 12 m 24.69
19 200x120x5 12 m 23.98
20 230x160x6 12 m 46,11

Assortment of these products

In addition to these parameters, classification can be made according to the following points:

  1. Steel marking.
  2. Absence/presence of finishing heat treatment.

The length parameters in this situation are determined by GOST 13663-86. This standard determines that steel pipes of various shapes are produced in standard measured segments, their length is from 1 to 12 meters.

The size of the section for professional pipes is determined by GOST 8642-68, respectively, these products were divided into 36 different types sizes with a cross section within 0.6 by 0.3 cm, and 0.9 by 3.2 cm.

By type of profile they are divided into:

  • Options in oval steel.
  • Products with a rectangular section.
  • With a square section.


Depending on the scope of application, these pipes are classified into:

  • Profile pipes for furniture. The construction of them, as a rule, does not carry large loads.
  • Flat - oval types. Their other name is a profile for an arch. It differs in more complex manufacturing.
  • Options general purpose. They are made from hot-rolled 1.5 mm strip. Such products are not subject to high demands to surface quality.
  • Construction. For their production, they take hot-rolled and low-alloy steel, which is characterized by increased strength indicators.

Square profile

Steel square profile pipe is widely used in the construction field.

It is the shape of the square in this situation that is the main advantage. It provides high stability and speed installation work.

These materials act as a reinforcing element in the construction of structures of supports and frames. They can be found not only in construction. No less often they are involved in the engineering industry.

Square pipes are divided into the following types:

  1. seamless cold-formed or cold-rolled.
  2. seamless hot deformation or hot rolled.
  3. profile products obtained from sheet material and by means of welded technologies.

The assortment of such goods consists of products with a wall thickness of 0.1 to 1.4 cm, and a length of six to twelve meters. Masters call this type of product a guarantee of compliance with the financial costs of construction with their minimization.

Rectangular profile

A profile rectangular pipe is a type of pipe materials rectangular shape. This is a kind of subspecies of square options. It is also a hollow profile made of metal with various volume sizes and wall thicknesses.

They are used in the assembly of structures and building elements on which the bearing role lies. They are taken for furniture frames, scaffolding for construction, children's areas and much more.

Features of the forms and low weight of products significantly reduce the weight main structure, but the resistance to the influence of high load effects in this situation increases. Often they are used as a protection channel for wiring a network of cables.

The main differences are determined by GOST 8645-78. According to these standards, there are such rectangular pipes:

  • with unmeasured length;
  • with measured length;
  • assortment with a short measured length.

Depending on the type, the length of seamless or welded materials varies from 11.5 to 12.5 meters:

  • Seamless professional pipes of random and measured length, made by hot-rolled method - from 4 to 12.5 m.
  • Seamless pipes of random length, made by cold drawn method - from 1.5 to 12.5 m. And measured - from 4.5 to 11 meters.
  • Pipes of random length, made by the electric welding method - from 1.5 to 9 m, measured length - from 5 to 9 m.

When working with such profile products, allowances of 0.5 cm are made for each part. The maximum excess of the length level as a whole is 10 cm.

Electrowelded profile

Steel electrowelded profile pipe is produced by different technological methods. The first of these is the formation of a profile from a flat billet. In this case, simple equipment is used, which is characterized by low energy costs. However, the resulting product has some disadvantages:

  1. uneven distribution of stresses in the transverse arrangement of the section.
  2. significant thinning of the profile blank in the corners.

Change negative stats in this case allow Hi-tech, which assume a uniform distribution of stress at the initial stage. This forms a round billet with the desired volume.

Secondary processing in this case involves the formation of a section of the required dimensions and shape by means of the pressure of special rolls.

Steel galvanized profile

Galvanized profile pipe is a special type of rolled metal. The galvanized profile has increased anti-corrosion characteristics, which prolongs its service life.


The advantageous difference between a galvanized product is:

  • The speed of installation work and their convenience.
  • Increased strength.
  • Breakage resistance.
  • Reducing the total weight of the structure without losing its strength capabilities.
  • Logistic convenience.

Their areas are very different, and the main ones among them are:

  • Construction of various scales.
  • Engineering.
  • Construction of prefabricated structures.

On the this moment this type of rolled metal can be found in billboards, fences, commercial premises. And everywhere these steel pipes fully meet all regulatory requirements.

Manufacturing features

The production of profile pipes is more difficult and more more expensive than the production of round pipes.

Technological methods production of professional pipes is:

  • pressing round blanks produced at rolling mills. This option is expensive, therefore, the second type is more popular.
  • Welded connection of tape profiles.

The first method is remarkable in that it makes it possible to maintain the strength characteristics of steel pipes by one hundred percent. The fact is that its connections are seamless. The sequence of production by this method is as follows:

  • First, a conventional hot-rolled billet with a round shape is produced.
  • Through the press, it turns into an oval, takes the form of a square or rectangle.
  • Calibration of heated blanks is performed on the rollers of rolling equipment, so the products acquire the required dimensions.

Professional pipes, for the manufacture of which welding was used, are not very different from seamless counterparts, but at the same time they lose up to 5 percent of their strength. The release sequence in this case is as follows:

  1. Steel sheets are cut into strips.
  2. After that, such strips are folded into a tape.
  3. It is fed into the rollers of molding machines that perform deformation flat sheets in vocational training.
  4. The fastening seam is welded in special chambers, filled with an inert medium.


The main advantage of a professional pipe is its low cost and high strength. It will not be difficult to buy this steel product. Managers of any company will provide all the information about their cost and characteristics.

Steel profile pipe is successfully used in the construction of commercial premises, warehouses, sports facilities, buildings for housing and production. These products are used as supports, columns, and different elements all kinds of structures.

Their high strength makes them very popular for the creation of metal structures that stand out for their particular complexity. On the construction market These products deservedly enjoy high popularity.


Construction, automotive and other industries need not only round pipes, but also rectangular steel pipes, as well as rectangular steel pipes. These profile products withstand loads greater than conventional ones. round elements, and this is the safety and long-term operation of the building structure.

A profile rectangular pipe has also proven itself in the production of consumer goods - in the manufacture of furniture and other frame products, in the construction of fences and fences, greenhouses and pavilions. The required standard sizes of pipes of standard rectangular and square section according to GOST 8645-68 are as follows:

Cross section of square pipes:

  1. Cross section: 10 x 10 mm / 180 x 180 mm;
  2. Wall thickness: 0.8/14.0 mm;
  3. Single weight running meter: 0.22 kg / 70.3 kg;
  4. Standardization according to: GOST 8639-82;

Rectangular products:

  1. Cross section: 15 x 10 mm to 180 x 150 mm;
  2. Wall thickness: 0.8mm/12.0mm;
  3. Weight of one linear meter: 0.348 kg / 55.71 kg;
  4. Standardization according to: GOST 8645-68;
  5. Technical requirements according to: GOST 13663-86.

Production of rectangular profile products

The metallurgical industry has mastered the production of such metal products:

  1. Rectangular steel pipes intended for construction load-bearing structures. iron pipes rectangular sections look more aesthetically pleasing, although, according to the strength criteria, I-beams would be preferable;
  2. For lightweight constructions with low weight, working in conditions of importance of design and appearance, produce seamless rectangular stainless steel pipes, the surface of which is pre-ground and polished;

Pipe metal products in the form of a rectangle or square are used only for the construction of any metal structures: they are used very rarely for laying pipelines for the following reasons:

  1. Any steel rectangular pipe has a smaller internal volume than the product round shape, which means that in 1 linear meter of such a product, less liquid or gas passes in 1 hour than in a conventional circular section line. Thus, the productivity of pumping the working medium through steel pipes of square or rectangular section is much lower;
  2. Rectangular metal pipe bears tensile, twisting and bending loads well, but internal loads she handles much worse. That is, at high internal pressure of the working medium steel pipe square or rectangular profile may crack or even break;
  3. Round pipes weigh less than rectangular products, which means that total weight there will be more square highway;

The standardized dimensions of the profile pipe affect the scope of their application:

  1. The dimensions of the profile pipe 60 x 30 mm mean that these are products with low metal consumption, and they can be used to save construction;
  2. Dimensions of profiled square or rectangular metal pipes 15 x 15 mm, 40 x 60 mm, 60 x 60 and 100 x 100 mm are used when assembling structures of various dimensions and complexity;
  3. Dimensions of profile pipes 25 x 25 mm also weigh little, due to their small dimensions they have high strength and a degree of tightness, they are simply and quickly assembled into any form of metal structures.

Additional applications for steel square and welded rectangular pipes:

  1. The dimensions of the professional pipe 25 x 250 mm are used narrowly - in mechanical engineering in the manufacture of frames and frames;
  2. A profile pipe with a section of 60 x 30 mm is used in the assembly of advertising boards, frames and panel structures of varying complexity and configuration;
  3. Pipe-rolled professional products of other sections (for example, 40 x 40 mm or another size range, etc.) are used to assemble almost any building structures, even such as chimneys or ventilation ducts, internal and external, as well as during the installation of capital or lightweight construction objects: warehouses, hangars, sheds.

The standard assortment of rectangular and square products is so in demand in construction that it is difficult to imagine the construction of even a small object without them - these are ideal welded or seamless products in the construction of metal structures of any complexity, the area and height of which does not matter due to the high load capacity of this type of rolled metal.

Reference table of dimensions and description of other parameters of rectangular, oval and square tubular products:

Advantages and features of rectangular metal structures and elements for them:

  1. Specific weight of rectangular elements different diameter is always less than this parameter of a solid rectangular rod with the same cross section. With the largest geometric dimensions of rectangular pipes of 230 x 100 mm, such elements weigh only 37-38 kg, despite the fact that the mass of a solid beam with the same dimensions will be about 1000 kg. Therefore, even the largest thickness of such profile elements does not detract from their advantages over solid channels, I-beams or beams;
  2. It is much easier and faster to cut or weld pipes compared to solid elements. In addition, the rectangular steel pipe, the range of which is reflected in a small table, is easily deformed into a curved product using a conventional pipe bender, while a hydraulic forging press is needed to bend an all-metal product;
  3. The cost of rectangular and square pipes without a seam is less.

Varieties of rectangular pipes

The range of sizes, taking into account the length and wall thickness of shaped rectangular pipes, is so extensive that when choosing a product for certain operating conditions, it is recommended to take into account the manufacturing technology of products, which determines the scope of products.

The assortment is the basis for the classification of profile elements. Given the technology for manufacturing pipes, the range of these profile elements in the construction market is divided into the following categories:

  1. Hot-formed seamless products, which are produced using hot-rolled technology;
  2. Cold-formed seamless products, which are produced using cold-rolled technology;
  3. Welded elements that are obtained by electric welding.

The remaining technologies for rolling and other methods for manufacturing metal shaped pipes are not efficient enough and pay off.

GOST and assortment of pipes made of black steel and stainless steel

The standards used in modern industry regarding the production and assortment of profile and other metal products were approved in the last century, but are still used, since their requirements have not lost their relevance: these are GOST 8639-82, GOST 13663-86, GOST 8645 -68 and GOST 13663-86. And, although the requirements for cold and hot rolled products provide sufficient strength and service life of products, elements of rolled products are less in demand than welded ones, due to the fact that by welding it is easier to change the direction of the line and the bending of individual sections of the structure. Therefore, when choosing the required range of profile products, it is recommended that you first familiarize yourself with the geometric dimensions and the manufacturing technology of certain profile parts.

The manufacturing technologies of any stainless steel profile elements are fundamentally no different from the production methods of pipes made of black steel, which is more susceptible to metal corrosion, except for a separate point - the cost. Due to the high cost of production, stainless profile parts are practically not in demand in the construction of large and heavy objects with high bearing loads, and therefore the strength requirements for stainless steel rectangular pipes are underestimated compared to the same requirements for ordinary steel.

Therefore, most often, rectangular stainless profiled products are made by welding using HF technology, which is based on the effect of induction currents on metals, and is a relatively cheap technology.

For the assortment of stainless rectangular or square pipes, there are no separate standards and regulations, therefore, in their manufacture, GOST is used for parts made of black (corrosion-resistant) steel, and standards for raw materials:

  1. GOST 11068-81 is used for the production of stainless profile products by electric welding;
  2. For the manufacture of elements of hot-formed seamless products, GOST 9940-81 is used;
  3. For the manufacture of elements of cold-formed seamless products, GOST 9941-81 is used.

available construction organizations there is a special table for the assortment of tubular products of rectangular and square size from steel, but since stainless steel has a higher density than black corrosion-resistant steel, its specific gravity for 1 linear meter will be slightly higher, and for each product range, manufacturing companies have their own range of products of their own production.

When ordering and buying profile products made not by a large company, but by a semi-artisanal method and by an unknown manufacturer, be responsibly aware that it is dangerous to use such products for the construction of any supporting structures of large sizes and weight. The danger lies in the fact that such products are rarely processed in a thermal chamber after rolling, and the products contain internal stresses that affect the strength of the product, especially under severe operating conditions.

Where are rectangular tubular elements used?

A wide range of sizes of profile elements of square and rectangular section - this is the possibility of their use in almost all industries National economy including private construction.

In addition, the assortment allows the production of the following components, elements and structural parts:

  1. Large-sized frames of load-bearing structures with a large wall thickness of the profile, for example, 196 x 170 mm. Such products ideally provide strength and resistance to any type of object loads: hangars, warehouses, shopping centers, hypermarkets, sports complexes, skeletons of high-rise buildings, etc.;
  2. Decorative fences and security fences. Such structures are most often made of profile stainless steel, have small size and assembly structure. Stainless steel is better suited for decorations than black steel railings that rust over time;
  3. Furniture and its components: metal chairs and tables for public offices, student desks, furniture for medical institutions, public organizations and social institutions;
  4. Frames for winter garden, small greenhouses and greenhouses. On a lightweight steel profile frame, you can quickly stretch the film or glaze.

Profile hardware- an indispensable unit of any construction object and general-purpose metal structures. These profiles are widely used in individual construction, in compliance with the low loading of thin-walled frames.
