DIY fresco on the wall in the apartment. DIY fresco - master class. Master class on learning various drawing techniques

This type of art gained particular popularity during the Renaissance, when it was fashionable to decorate the walls of palaces using a special technique of painting on wet plaster. Decorating the walls with frescoes was quite expensive; the work was entrusted only to talented artists who had a refined technique of painting - after all, it can only be done on wet plaster. Nowadays, manufacturing technologies have been somewhat modernized; apartment owners often make frescoes on the wall with their own hands.

Where to place

Over many centuries, interest in frescoes has not disappeared; they greatly enliven the room, bring a special mood to the interior, make it unusual and original.

Most often, frescoes are used to create interiors in a classical style.

Looking at the frescoes in the photo, you can see that they have a very diverse theme, therefore, they can be placed in any room: bedroom or living room, in the corridor, in the kitchen, in the bathroom.

Frescoes on canvas

One of the most popular types frescoes today are frescoes on canvas. In their manufacture it is customary to use only natural materials: sand, lime, glue made from plant materials, or extracted from animal remains. The technology for making such frescoes is quite complex, requiring special knowledge, experience and skills; usually such frescoes are ordered by craftsmen, their cost can reach $1000 per square meter.

The production of a fresco begins with the preparation of the canvas, which is the plaster base. The selected design is applied to it, which is then aged using special techniques. Can also be purchased ready-made frescoes on canvas by Italian and Spanish artists. They are sold in roll form or framed. The work will consist of gluing the fresco onto the wall surface using glue intended for heavy wallpaper. The disadvantages of such decoration include the difficulty of caring for it. When cleaning the product from dust, do not use detergents or cleaning agents - they will damage the wax that covers the surface.

How to make a fresco with your own hands

Of course, not each of us is ready to pay for a fragment wall painting such an amount, in addition, sometimes the decoration process itself is of great interest own home. Considering that not every one of us is given the talent of a painter, we should consider the technology for making a fresco for an apartment, which will allow anyone to create a beautiful work of art. To begin with, let’s choose a suitable plot, purchase acrylic paints or gouache, paint brushes, craquelure varnishes.

Preparing the wall surface will consist of giving it ideal evenness and smoothness: you may need to apply a leveling layer of plaster. Having decided on the dimensions of the future fresco, you should transfer the selected image onto a sheet of paper, enlarging it to the desired size.

You should also consider a method by which you can transfer the drawing to the wall without much difficulty. It is possible, for example, to use carbon paper. The line obtained by tracing the contours can be slightly scratched so that it becomes easily distinguishable.

The edges limiting the drawing should be carefully pasted over masking tape. To continue work, you will need to thoroughly moisten the surface of the plaster in the area where the drawing will be done. The paint color for the base is chosen in accordance with the subject. After applying a layer of paint, you will have to wait for it to dry completely, which may take a couple of days.

Then you can start applying paints different shades. If you don’t have a palette, you can mix paints on a regular flat plate. After the paints have dried, you can apply crackle varnish. The work should be done carefully, with a brush, in small strokes - otherwise the contours of the image may become blurred. After the varnish has dried, it is covered with another decorative layer of crackle varnish, which can create an aging effect - a network of small cracks forms on its surface as it dries. Such frescoes in the interior look very natural and attractive and give the room a special charm.

A very simple way to create frescoes yourself

There is a way to create frescoes that is even simpler than painting a plastered surface. It consists of gluing fragments beautiful drawings from paper napkins. As in the previous version, the surface of the plaster is moistened with water and a layer of base paint is applied to it. After letting the paint dry for 10-12 minutes, the prepared fragments of the drawing are applied to it. Its borders should be uneven, so the transition line from the image will look more natural.

For reliable fastening to the wall, the surface of the pattern fragment is impregnated with PVA glue; this should be done very carefully so as not to damage the pattern. Fresco in finished form may contain several well-arranged fragments of a picture. To add texture to the surface, a decorative layer is applied between the fragments of the pattern with a sponge soaked in a liquid putty solution. After drying, the background paint is reapplied to the future fresco; after a day you can open it with crackle varnish.

Fresco wallpaper

Enough interesting option receiving frescoes are frescoes-wallpaper, so-called. afresco. They are very beautiful, they are a layer applied to a non-woven base. textured plaster. To create such wallpapers, original, hand-created sketches are used.

The purchased canvas is completely ready for gluing to the wall; the glue used is the same as for heavy wallpaper. There are two types of afresco wallpaper with craquelue cracks or with a smooth surface.

Which plot to choose

Considering the fact that a fresco on the wall plays a semantic role in the interior, and sometimes color accent, the choice of plot should be approached with special attention. For example, in the living room, scenes depicting a city street, a rural landscape, a blooming or autumn garden would be appropriate.

A fresco in the kitchen may have something in common with the theme of the room; images of fruits, vases, dishes, and a beautiful landscape would be appropriate here.

For the bedroom, which is intended for rest and relaxation most suitable options there will be images of flowers, pictures of nature, angels - in this room everything should insist on peace or create a romantic atmosphere.

If the overall design style of the apartment suggests something more modern, then you can resort to using abstract images; they are appropriate in all rooms. In general, the choice of topic should depend on general style home and on your personal preferences.

Decorating walls with frescoes was carried out many centuries ago, when such technology first emerged. At that time, such decorations could be found in public buildings culture and art, and also in the palaces of wealthy people. IN modern world this technology has not been forgotten, but has become more multifaceted and accessible to everyone.

Fresco on the wall in a modern interior

During repairs or construction work You always want to get a great result and decorate your premises in an original way. One of the options for achieving this goal is to decorate the walls with frescoes. various types. The choice is made according to many criteria, but a professionally manufactured option will always be a good solution.


Frescoes on the wall make it possible to design original compositions that create comfort and a certain atmosphere in the room. This artistic technique has a centuries-old history and has not lost its relevance to this day. Today they have become accessible and diverse.

According to the technological component, the frescoes on the walls in the interior of the premises are fresh plaster, treated with special colored pigments. Application is carried out using a brush, and the entire operation is carried out at an accelerated pace so that the surface does not have time to completely harden. A professionally executed fresco should completely merge with the rest of the wall surface and become homogeneous with it. As a rule, professionals are involved in such work, but simple options can actually be made with your own hands.

Types of decorative frescoes for decorating walls and ceilings

Decorative frescoes for decorating walls and ceilings can be of various types, which are determined depending on the method of applying the design and the selected material.

Art painting on canvas

A fresco on canvas is considered exclusive because it is made by hand, and the work process itself is complex and lengthy. The master applies the image onto a specialized type of plaster. After which the work is artificially aged, then transferred to canvas and treated with a protective compound.

After this, the finished canvas using an ordinary wallpaper glue sticks to the wall. It is recommended to place such decoration variations only in residential premises where there is no high humidity. Many types of frescoes, depending on the materials used, are afraid of moisture and are easily susceptible to its destructive effects.

The main feature of this technology is that the process uses materials of purely natural origin.


As a rule, large wall frescoes can be further decorated and varied using a 3D effect. Images in in this case, seem voluminous to the observer and possibly cause the effect of presence. The motives for such images can be different, but more often it is a demonstration of some area, for example, a city view or a landscape with a view from a window.


Images on self-adhesive film are an interesting type of artistic elements for the interior. The surface of such a product is created by applying a specialized paste with small particles of sand directly onto a synthetic base. The drawing itself is transferred using a digital printer. Such products can be glued to any materials and surfaces.

Making a masterpiece

Production of frescoes is possible from various materials, differing in strength, structure and performance characteristics.


Wood frescoes usually depict the texture of wood or its external view. It is noteworthy that such images are combined with many interiors.

Vinyl paintings

Vinyl paintings are another modern and popular variation. Can have various sizes and styles.


With skillful hands, ordinary plaster can be turned into amazing relief frescoes. This usually requires many hours self made and careful care and maintenance of indoor conditions. It is very aesthetic and nice option, which not everyone dares to use in their interior.

Stylistic decision: variations of images - flowers or landscape

It should be understood that bright colors, which usually feature images of landscapes and flowers, are not suitable for every room. The greatest application is similar stylistic decisions found in the living room and kitchen. In rooms intended for rest and sleep, the use of such variations would not be appropriate.

Application of frescoes indoors: interior design

Correctly selected frescoes can radically change the interior of a room. With their help, you can achieve various effects and design solutions, and noteworthy is the fact that frescoes find their application in almost any room of the apartment.

Living room

If desired, you can choose a thematic image to suit any living room interior style. For this room, classical and baroque styles are often used, which are harmoniously combined with reproductions of works by the great masters of the Renaissance.


For the hallway, black and white shades, discreet, laconic styles and unobtrusive images are often used. Among the motifs there are often urban scenes, as well as high-tech and modern styles.


As a rule, people strive to create a cozy or even romantic atmosphere in the bedroom. This can be facilitated by choosing a fresco depicting lovers, a peaceful landscape or a picturesque paradise.

When choosing a design, you should avoid bright colors and give preference to pastel shades.


Drawings of various styles are used to decorate the hall:

  • modern;
  • animals;
  • flowers;
  • classic stories.


For the kitchen, images covering the entire wall, as well as fresco paintings, are equally suitable. Among popular topics can be distinguished: floral motifs, still lifes, urban and rural landscapes. If necessary, with the help of 3D drawings and panoramic products, it is possible to visually expand a small room.

How to make it yourself

The DIY manufacturing process will be as follows:

  • Leveling the wall and applying a layer of plaster.
  • A layer of primer is applied on top of the plaster.
  • After the wall has completely dried, the drawing is projected onto the wall using a stylus.
  • The resulting sketch is painted with paints.
  • IN final stage It is recommended to open the surface with varnish or wax.

How to stick ready-made frescoes on walls and ceilings

After choosing a fresco, you can proceed to the next gluing process:

  1. The surface is prepared and primed.
  2. The fresco is measured and markings are made on the wall.
  3. The prepared glue is applied to the surface and back of the fresco.
  4. The fresco is applied over the applied markings and leveled with a roller.

There should be no drafts in the room during work.


The surface of the fresco should be cleaned regularly as it becomes dirty. If possible, it is recommended to cover the surface with wax or varnish. If the fresco is not afraid of moisture, then wiping off dust with a soap solution is allowed; in other situations, a soft brush is used. Also, depending on the materials used in the fresco and the technology of creation, one should not forget to maintain optimal conditions indoors, temperature, humidity and others.

Fresco on the wall in modern interior- This is not only a way to decorate a room in an original way, but also an opportunity to give it individuality. By price range are presented various offers, which are able to satisfy the needs of most customers.

Useful video

The fresco represents ancient art, which is distinguished by its unusualness and beauty. A fresco means a painting that is applied to the plastered surface of walls using a stencil or by hand. Over other technologies for wall decoration, fresco has many advantages. For example, you will be able to create pictures that are inherent in your imagination, and they are unique. Every person can imagine various figures, paintings and landscapes. Therefore, a do-it-yourself fresco is an opportunity to reveal yourself as a creative person. In this article we invite you to take a closer look at this finish.

First of all, you should decide how you will apply the fresco to the wall. If you have even a relatively slight inclination towards drawing, then you can draw a fresco by hand. In this case, you will independently determine the level of complexity of certain parts. There is also the opportunity to copy the plot you saw, but at the same time add a few of your own touches.

Even if your drawing is far from ideal, it will be unique in any case.

It's a completely different matter if you have absolutely no experience in the visual arts. In this case, apply to the stencil digital mural. Next, transfer the image onto the plastered wall along it. Finally, you can give the necessary contours to individual parts by hand.

You can apply an image of any complexity to the plaster, from a simple drawing to a photograph of a person. However, such pleasure is not always worth it big money. Rather, this will require more creativity on your part.

The work of painting a fresco is carried out in several successive stages. Everyone should be taken seriously, otherwise you will not achieve the desired result. And the key factor is wall preparation. This involves completely removing the old coating. Even if the plaster begins to crumble in some areas, do not spare it; you should remove all parts of the finish that do not adhere well to the surface. Afterwards, all defects will need to be repaired.

On next stage Before preparation, it is necessary to remove all dust from the walls. In this case, you can use a primer deep penetration. Thanks to it, the wall surface will have much better adhesion. When the primer is completely absorbed, you can move on to the next step.

Now it's time to fix all possible defects from the walls. If you have removed parts of the plaster, then use cement mortar and smooth out any unevenness with it. Make sure that there are no sharp transitions between the new areas of plaster and the old coating. The surface of the wall must be flat. To do this, you can slightly moisten a flat plank and lightly sand the newly plastered areas with it.

When the plaster dries you will need to prime everything again. When the primer has dried, you can apply a layer of putty. The surface will need to be sanded and then re-primed. In this case, the wall surface will be completely prepared for applying the fresco.

The method of completing the work depends entirely on your abilities, whether you draw everything by hand or using a stencil. But regardless of this, you will need to acquire the following tool:

  • Acrylic paints.
  • Brush with artificial bristles.
  • Brush with natural bristles.
  • Soft, clean cloth.
  • Clear nail polish.
  • Wide stylus.
  • Sharp pencil.
  • Washcloth.

Depending on the design you choose, choose a brush of the desired thickness.

Let's look at the features of applying a fresco using two different methods.

Drawing should begin from top to bottom. In this case, you will not get dirty with paint and spoil the drawing. First of all, draw the large elements, and then the small ones. In some cases, engage small details It’s better after the main part of the drawing has dried.

Some people decide to create a cracked effect by applying craquelure paint. To give the design an antique look, use silver or gold-plated powder. Remember, craquelure is applied to completely dry paint, and powder is applied to slightly hardened paint.

When the surface is dry, you can use a washcloth to remove any excess. Finally, all you have to do is varnish the entire surface. There is often a need to apply several layers of varnish. Everything will depend on the desired effect.

The principles of applying paint and varnish remain unchanged compared to the previous method. Therefore, there is not too much difference in this work. The key difference is the stencil application.

To apply a fresco using this method, you need to paint over the sketch with a wide stylus. Next, attach the sketch with the painted side to the wall and trace the contours with a pencil. In this case, you can accidentally scratch the sketch during the process. It's not scary. This can give some individuality to a particular drawing.

This work is best done by two people, one holding the stencil and the other tracing the outline.

You can learn how to apply a fresco using a stencil from the video:

There are stencils that are made of thin paper. She gets covered special glue on the reverse side and applied to the wall. When the paper has dried, the design you have in mind is applied to it. Another option for applying a fresco is even simpler. A special canvas with a pattern is glued to the wall, like wallpaper. It is glued with non-woven glue. When the canvas is dry, all that remains is to level it and coat the surface with varnish.

You can learn how to simply apply a fresco through a thin paper stencil from the following video:

So, we suggest you follow step by step how to do this work yourself:

  1. At the first stage, the wall is prepared, which includes removing the old coating and applying a new one.
  2. Before directly applying the drawing, the wall should be primed.
  3. Next you need to make markings. For example, let's take a fresco consisting of three compositions. Therefore, using a level, draw 3 rectangles. In this case, 1 rectangle is equal to the size of the picture, 2 to the mat, and 3 to the baguette.
  4. When the marking is completed, the contours of the drawing must be pasted over masking tape. Next, apply the plaster in a thin layer.
  5. At the next stage, prepare the rice paper on which the image is printed. To make the image look textured and natural, tear off its ends.
  6. When the putty has dried, you can glue the rice paper, smoothing it with a rubber roller. It should be smoothed from the middle to the side. The drawing itself is glued using PVA mixed with water.
  7. The drawing and its individual elements are glued in the required sequence.
  8. Now you putty the small frame of the passe-partout. Next, tint the frame in the desired color. To prevent the paint consistency from being too thick, add a little water to it and stir until smooth.
  9. It is necessary to paint the mat so that transitions are not visible. And if you want to do smooth transitions from one color to another, the brush should be thoroughly washed before applying another color.
  10. Without waiting for complete drying, sand all the resulting textures of the fresco.
  11. Now you can leave the drawing to dry completely.
  12. Once everything is dry, take some grit sandpaper and sand the surface to make it smooth. After this, wipe the fresco with a damp cloth. You should act carefully, as you can very easily damage the drawing.

At the end of all the work, the surface of the wall remains to be painted with liquid acrylic with a wide brush, and a matte varnish is applied to the drawing in two layers. You decorate the entire resulting composition with a baguette.

This is the sequence in which the fresco is completed. This technology will allow you to create a unique look for the entire interior.


When visiting ancient castles, we admire the skillful paintings on the plastered walls; maybe you can create a classic fresco at home with your own hands, a master class opens for this ample opportunities, and you don’t have to be an artist at all.

Making frescoes in the past and today

Once upon a time, even before the invention of wallpaper, walls were decorated in two ways - with carved wooden panels or ordinary plaster. However, white or grayish surfaces looked very dull, which prompted homeowners to decorate them. Since ancient times, artists have covered the walls of temples and palaces with beautiful paintings, even in the Egyptian pyramids it is present, so it was easy to use such talents for private needs. There are several techniques for coating plaster with paint, in addition to those that were lost in the distant past and have not been restored to this day. The two most well-known methods are wet plaster and dry..

Of course, the technology of making a fresco has always been an expensive process, especially if a famous master took on the task. Such wall decoration was present only in rich houses, and even a wealthy person could not always afford more than one or two paintings. Today, frescoes in the interior are far from uncommon; anyone can create them with their own hands, of course, if we are not talking about a complex image that only a trained artist can do. Without having great talent, but having a few templates available, you can easily decorate the walls with a simple design. There are, however, ways in which plastered surfaces can be decorated with small, but full-fledged paintings.

The first option is to use paper napkins with a pattern that can repeat reproductions of ancient paintings by famous artists. Thus, you will have unique miniatures on your walls. Making frescoes of this kind is extremely simple. A niche or other area should be covered with background paint, then, when it dries slightly (but not completely), apply the entire napkin or the cut out part with the design. Dip a brush into PVA and cover the paper along with the image with glue from the center to the edges, but this should be done carefully, with soft smoothing movements. When everything that was applied to the wall has dried, we cover the areas between the drawings with another layer of background paint.

Another way to glue frescoes on a wall with your own hands involves using special films with a printed image. They are called Shockline PS Fresco. The principle of operation is very similar to applying children's decals. As long as the plaster is wet, it will easily accept paint applied to the film. Then, as the finishing layer hardens, the pigment will dry and be absorbed into the wall covering. The film can be removed, and what will remain is a finished fresco, the creation of which requires a minimum of effort, but in this way you can transfer both a reproduction of a painting, or an engraving, and a photograph. Alternative this method– ready-made frescoes on a flexible or solid base.

DIY fresco: master class for beginners

Today, in any store selling wallpaper and related products, you can find ready-made frescoes painted on a flexible, thin layer of plaster, which is applied to a special dense base. The texture of the image resembles . The master class describes in great detail how to make a wall fresco with your own hands. After applying such an image to the wall, it is difficult to distinguish it from a painting made using an ancient technique directly on the finishing layer of plaster.

Do-it-yourself fresco - step-by-step diagram

Step 1: Determining where to stick

The base on which the canvas will be placed must be perfectly flat, without protrusions or depressions. A slight surface roughness is allowed for better adhesion to the glue. The area allocated for the fresco must correspond to the size of the canvas, which can exceed the allocated space only slightly, just as much as trimming the edges is permissible.

Step 2: Marking

Very rarely, the image applied to the wall is large; more often, making a fresco with your own hands is carried out on small space, although it can be covered finished painting the entire ceiling, or all the walls from top to bottom. In any case, if the plane is not completely covered, you need to measure an equal distance from the ceiling to the two upper corners of the canvas so that there is no distortion when gluing. To be sure, a line is drawn between the marks.

Step 3: Preparing the Canvas

Carefully unroll the roll with the fresco, placing it face up, and leave it there for a day so that the edges straighten under their own weight. Then carefully turn the canvas face down and, before applying the fresco to the wall, apply the pre-mixed adhesive composition, then leave for about five minutes to saturate the base.

Step 4: Finishing

Before gluing the fresco to the wall, required area Apply glue to the walls using a brush or roller, without missing a single centimeter of the surface.

Then we carefully take the canvas, without bending or wringing the edges, and apply it to the plane according to the markings, or guided by the ceiling border if the wall is completely covered. Smooth the fabric with a roller, soft brush or rubber spatula, starting from the top edge and gradually moving towards the floor.

It should be remembered that after impregnating the canvas with glue, the fresco is quite easily torn and deformed, so you need to work together and transfer the canvas from the floor to the wall quickly, but with extreme caution.

Step 5: Finishing the Edges

If the image was pasted in a niche or between decorative half-columns, and its edges move onto adjacent planes, carefully use a wide metal spatula to mark the cut line along the corner, after which construction knife or use another sharp object to cut off the edge.

Excess glue is wiped off with a clean dry rag so as not to stain the front surface of the fresco. After this, the work can be considered completed.

Modern production of frescoes - choose the option to your taste

Not everyone can paint on walls; many people end up with colored spots instead of beautiful landscapes, suggestive of abstract art. This is why many people refuse to decorate rooms like this, due to the fact that the work of a professional is usually rated very highly. However, today many companies have put frescoes on the wall on stream; their production is similar to printing services.

Canvases can be ordered in any size, up to enough to cover the entire perimeter of the room from floor to ceiling. They can replace either the living room. Depending on how well the walls were leveled, a hard or elastic wall fresco is selected; gluing the second one onto a smoothly curving surface with your own hands will be much easier than the first. However, this is much better than trying to find a creative streak within yourself and deciding how to make a fresco with your own hands.

It is much easier to transport images on a flexible base, which is made from cotton canvas - they are usually rolled up and placed in a hard tube. Small drawings are sold stretched onto frames. As for the solid base, it is not bendable at all, but this protects the painting from damage. Both options need to be kept for some time room temperature before sticking the mural on the wall.

Master class on learning various drawing techniques

The master class is designed for additional education teachers, teachers visual arts, people who are not indifferent to creativity.

Appointment of the master class:

A) teachers to study with children various techniques drawing on unusual surfaces;

B) can be used in interior design as walls and paintings of any format.

Summary of the master class “Imitation of frescoes”

Theme: "Drawing a butterfly."

Target: to introduce teachers and educators to the technique of painting on a non-traditional surface and the method of creating an imitation of a fresco.


To introduce teachers to the type of monumental painting - fresco.

To teach the peculiarities of making a fresco and painting on an unusual surface.

Develop imagination, imagination, interest in creative activities.

To cultivate an aesthetic and moral attitude towards nature through the depiction of its image in one’s own creativity.

Materials and tools: sketch of a drawing, board for a fresco (hardboard, ceiling tiles, drywall, wall - choice of surface as desired), putty (preferably ready-made), PVA glue, paints (gouache), spatula (small rubber), bag of charcoal, awl, sandpaper, art brushes, construction brush, sponge, hair dryer, breadboard knife

Progress of the master class:

This is true! Well, what is there to hide?

Children love, love to draw!

On paper, on asphalt, on the wall

And on the tram on the window...

Children really like everything unusual. I want to introduce you to the technique of painting on an unusual surface - today we will paint on putty. Drawing on plaster has long been known and comes to us from time immemorial and is called FRESCO.

Historical reference: Fresco - (from Italian fresco - fresh, raw), a type of monumental painting. Paints are applied directly to the surface of the wall, ceiling, vault. The area occupied by the fresco and its composition depend on the architectural forms of the building. Usually interiors are decorated with frescoes; on building facades where they may be exposed harmful effects moisture, they are placed much less frequently. Fresco includes several techniques: painting with water paints both on wet plaster (al fresco) and on dry plaster (a secco); painting with lime-casein and tempera paints.

Fresco was already common in Aegean art (2nd millennium BC); it achieved great growth in ancient times artistic culture, where multi-layer polished primers with the addition of marble dust were used. From the first centuries of our era, paintings close to frescoes were created among the peoples of the East (in India, Central Asia, etc.). Ancient masters completed the fresco dry using tempera. This technique was also typical for medieval frescoes, which were developed in the art of Byzantium, Ancient Rus', Georgia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Italy, France, Germany and other European countries. The art of fresco experienced a new flourishing in the work of Italian masters of the Renaissance (Giotto, Masaccio, Piero della Francesca, Raphael, Michelangelo, etc.). From the 16th century in Italy, “pure” fresco (“buon fresco”) without the use of tempera spread; upper layer The primer (intonaco) in this type of fresco was applied only to the area that the painter expected to finish before it dried. The tradition of frescoes later lived on decorative paintings XVII-XVIII centuries In the 19th century The fresco was approached by the Nazarenes in Germany, as well as individual representatives of “modernism” (F. Hodler in Switzerland and others). Many progressive artists of the 20th century work in the fresco technique. (A. Borgonzoni in Italy, D. Rivera in Mexico, etc.).

In the USSR, a significant contribution to the popularization of frescoes was made by V. A. Favorsky, L. A. Bruni, N. M. Chernyshev and others.

Rice. Michelangelo Delphic Sibyl (fresco fragment).

The process of making an imitation fresco

On a large scale, a fresco requires a very large multi-stage preparation of the surface, and the process itself also requires knowledge not only as an artist, but also as an architect, sculptor, builder, etc. There is a lot of information on the Internet about frescoes, about production, how to industrial scale, and for creative people who are simply interested in decoupage, for example.

I systematized the material and adapted it to school age. I really like giving children something unusual, because it captivates them, develops their imagination, imagination! The process of making a fresco is not complicated, even children can handle it preschool age(subject to compliance with safety regulations). Therefore, I offer you this technique and I hope that it will bring you pleasure, and you, in turn, will infect your students with this pleasure.

So: Imitation of fresco (on dry plaster)

We will need materials and tools: a sketch of a drawing, a board, putty, PVA glue, paints (gouache), a spatula, a bag of charcoal, an awl, sandpaper, art brushes, a construction brush, a sponge, a hair dryer, a breadboard knife.

And, of course, if this work is carried out with children (depending on age), you need to talk about safety precautions when using sharp and cutting tools, about the purpose of the putty (instructions for use). If you think that the use of any tool is dangerous for the child, then it is better to show or use the dangerous tool personally by the teacher.

The first stage is surface preparation - applying putty.

1. Surface preparation.

A) Apply putty to a wooden (any) surface (composition = dry putty mixture + background paint + pva + water) The consistency of thick sour cream. Any surface on which the putty is applied is suitable - we used both fiberboard and drywall. In my master class ceiling tiles are used. The putty should be applied in a very thin layer of no more than 4-5 mm and with random, frequent movements; no need to try to level the surface. The more unevenness there is, the more spectacular our fresco will look. You can use ready-made acrylic putty. Dry for 24 hours (see factory instructions for use).

B) When the putty dries, lightly sand sandpaper surface, not much, slightly along the protruding surface, where there are unevenness. Remove dust with a dry brush.

B) Cover with a thin layer of dry putty pva + water. Dilute glue with water approximately 1 part glue and 1 part water. Let the glue dry.

The second stage is the preparation and transfer of the drawing.

While the putty is drying, you can select a design and draw a life-size (according to the size of your board) sketch.

2. Preparing the drawing. Select a drawing. I chose a butterfly.

Why a butterfly?

Among the ancient Greeks, the butterfly was a symbol of the immortality of the soul, and the names of butterflies often contain the names ancient greek gods and heroes. Even the goddess Psyche was depicted as a girl with butterfly wings.

Butterflies are treated with special reverence in South-East Asia. It is believed that seeing a butterfly in your home is good luck.

In India, at weddings, lovers give each other butterflies as a sign of fidelity and love.

The expression “butterflies in the stomach” means boundless feelings for a loved one.

Thanks to butterflies, humanity received silk.

Buddhists treat butterflies with the deepest respect: after all, it was to the butterfly that Buddha addressed his sermon.

In Japan, the butterfly is the symbol of the country. According to Japanese beliefs, the butterfly symbolizes a young woman.

Christians have stages life cycle Butterflies represented life, death and resurrection, so a butterfly was sometimes depicted in the hand of the infant Christ as a symbol of the rebirth and resurrection of the soul.

Butterflies are popular subjects in modern culture. Their images are often used in advertising, decorative and design elements.

Butterflies appear as central images in a number of films.

The image of butterflies is found in the works of many artists, writers and poets from all over the world. The first artistic depictions of butterflies are known from ancient Egyptian frescoes, 3500 years old.

Question: What options for transferring a design to a product do you know?

Answer options

Draw or sketch yourself.

Symmetrical cutting of the butterfly outline.

Drawing a drawing using carbon paper.

I suggest this option for transferring a picture.

Preparation and transfer of the design to the plaster.

A) On the sketch, along the contour of the drawing, place points at equal distances with an awl.

B) Turn the picture over

B) From the inside out, lightly walk along the protruding points with sandpaper.

D - E) We apply the drawing to the plaster and go over it with a bag of charcoal (or pastel).

Coal (pastel) spills through the holes and a dotted pattern is obtained.

It is better to use pastels and not too dark shades. The children found it very dirty to work with coal. An adult can still do it if done carefully.

In practice, we use carbon paper with children.

How to prepare a pouch?

1. crush coal (pastel) into dust

2. pour coal (pastel) dust onto a piece of gauze (the gauze is rolled up in 2-3 layers)

3. tie with thread, collecting gauze in the shape of a bag.

The third stage is the painting itself. The most interesting! Here you have room for imagination!

3. Painting the picture.

A) We follow the contour of the picture in black (optional).

B) We paint the drawing (background) with color - I used watercolors.

C) We paint the drawing itself - the butterfly; I used gouache (diluted with PVA).

The paint must dry (you can dry it with a hairdryer).

You can use paints: tempera, acrylic, watercolor, gouache. If gouache, then dilute it with PVA glue.

The fourth stage - the final one - is aging the surface. This stage may not be considered with children, but I will show and tell you, and you can decide.
