Workspace around the window in the nursery. Table by the window in the interior of a children's room. Advantages and disadvantages of such designs

In an effort to streamline your life, fit the maximum possible number of things and furniture into small area, owners of houses and apartments sometimes resort to such an option as a closet around the window. Let's take a look with RMNT at what this furniture arrangement might look like.

The advantages of installing a cabinet or shelves around a window are obvious:

  • Space is saved, because usually this wall is around window opening just empty;
  • The room gets original look;
  • This is very practical - under the window between the columns of cabinets you can place a computer or desk, making maximum use of usable space;
  • Tall and narrow column cabinets will visually raise a low ceiling;
  • The portal site gave you ideas for using a window sill in the interior. Between the cabinets, the window sill can also serve additional functions;
  • This arrangement of furniture can be used in any room of the house - in the kitchen, bedroom, nursery, living room, office.

What can be placed around the window? Anything:

  • In the nursery, these can be cabinets and shelves for books, toys, school supplies;
  • The bedroom has shelves for cute little things and spacious wardrobes for clothes;
  • In the kitchen there are shelves and cabinets with doors for food supplies, dishes, household appliances and all kinds of utensils;
  • In the living room and office there are bookcases and shelves for useful items and souvenirs.

Designers urge you not to get carried away with the depth of the cabinets around the window. It is clear that you want to create the most spacious storage space for many items. However, this will negatively affect the natural illumination of the room, especially if the side is north. However, as you can see in the two photos above, sometimes the cabinets around the window opening can be made quite deep. But this is rather the exception than the rule.

Design experts advise making cabinets and shelves around the window light so as not to clutter the space. A good option is to paint them the same color as the walls so that they completely “dissolve” against their background. By the way, in a rectangular room where the door is opposite the window, you can use a mirrored option - cabinets around both the window and door openings.

The style of the cabinets should correspond to the entire design of the room and can be almost anything - from laconic minimalism to elaborate baroque carvings.

There is only one downside to this arrangement of cabinets - you will have to make custom-made furniture, strictly according to your dimensions. It can be cabinet-mounted or built-in, but custom sizes and the wishes of the owners will raise the price.


Just 50 years ago, parents did not even think about placing a schoolchild’s desk near a window. Folding desks were placed wherever there was space, but today work area You can organize it for a child even in a one-room apartment.

The location near the window performs several functions at once:

  1. Saves space in the room, especially if the table is corner or.
  2. The walls near the window can be used to place shelves rather than flowerpots.
  3. Protects baby's vision: sunlight prevents vision problems.

Cabinets are rarely installed near the window - they block the light. The sleeping area also has no place near the window, if from the window it's cold air. But it's a great area to place a desk (or two).

We offer you a selection of photos that will help you choose and ergonomically place a desk for a schoolchild.

An unusual model that combines two learning spaces and a storage system. You can install a computer near the wall, and make the area near the window a study area.

Room in British style with a school desk located near the window.

The function of the working area is performed by wide window sill- this technique allows you to save both space and money.

A small desk with a simple design takes up very little space. The downside is the lack of a storage system.

A long corner model that can combine a study area, an area for working with a computer, and a storage system for textbooks and notebooks. On the window there is translucent tulle with tiebacks, which will not distract the child and interfere with learning.

Desk for two children

In our country, one room is often shared by two or even three children, each of whom needs. In this case, each child should have his own corner where he can store textbooks, do homework, or just draw. If children have shared drawers, conflicts cannot be avoided, but two separate lockers or.

When organizing such places ideal solution The location of the schoolchildren's study area near the window will be. Modern furniture manufacturers offer a lot of solutions that allow you to install not only a table, but also cabinets for it. The area above the workspace is reserved for lamps, wall shelves.

In this pencil-shaped room there are three workplaces at once: two near the window and one near the wall. Each of the children has their own corner.

Table shape

When choosing, first of all you need to rely on the shape of the room in which the child will live. There may be several solutions:

  1. A long table, the surface of which stretches along the entire window sill from wall to wall.
  2. Corner model suitable for non- large rooms irregular shape.
  3. An oval table is the prerogative of large rooms where there is no need to save space.

They help free up space in the room for a closet, bed or equipment. But if, then it is recommended to place a loft bed in the room, and a work area under it.

If you choose a two-tier design for a girl’s room, pay attention to the fact that they will help make the nursery’s interior bright and unusual.

In a child's room with a work area near the window, it is better to use short curtains. In the photo above - roller blinds"day Night". They can be adjusted according to the height and degree of illumination of the room.

And in this room there are Roman blinds - also an excellent option that will not interfere with the task.

A cabinet with storage drawers can serve as a chair. For the comfort of the child, it can be equipped with a seat cushion.


Furniture that is too bright and exposed to direct sunlight reduces your ability to concentrate. Therefore, it is better for a child to purchase furniture in neutral shades:

  • peach;
  • cream;
  • light brown;
  • white;
  • tea rose shade;
  • mint;
  • models made of natural wood.

Let's sum it up

If you are choosing a table that you will install next to a window in the future, then pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. Choose models that are height adjustable, which will save you from having to buy new table in 1-2 years.
  2. For a child under 10 years old, it is better to purchase two tables, one of which will be used for classes, and the second for working at the computer.
  3. If the surface has a slight slope, it will be much easier for the student to complete his homework.
  4. Choose multifunctional models. The learning process will be easier and more enjoyable if the necessary books and notebooks are always within reach of the child’s outstretched arm when he performs homework, sitting at the table.
  5. If your workplace is near a window, do not use long curtains. The best option for a child’s room, depending on the interior style, would be Roman, roller or Austrian curtains.
  6. Direction plays an important role. If the child is right-handed, the lighting should be on the left side, and if the child is left-handed, vice versa.
  7. Select the model of the chair together with the table so as not to provoke the development of scoliosis in the child. In addition, an uncomfortable or too low chair can cause blurred vision.

We hope that our tips will help you create beautiful interior children's room and successfully position the student's work area near the window.

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Modern design solutions surprise with their practicality and originality. They save space, add functionality to simple things and look impressive and unusual. A closet around a window - such a design in the recent past would have been considered bad manners or a rather strange step. Today, such re-registration is sometimes even a necessary solution.

In our age of abundance and consumption, every family from time to time accumulates a bunch of things that we do not use. It’s a shame to throw it away, it’s inconvenient to give it as a gift, so they lie there, waiting in the wings. It is in this case that a wall with a window, miraculously transformed into a closet, will be an indispensable salvation in the interior. It will relieve space, create comfort, coziness and order.. The unusual nature of this decision will be confirmed by the enthusiastic surprise of your family and those who come to visit.


Shortage of square meters is a common problem small apartments, so sometimes you have to be cunning, in in a good way this word. Sometimes narrow room difficult to draw out visually, but today there is a simple and very convenient solution this question. A wardrobe around a window is suitable for a bedroom, a children's room and even a living room.

This design is ideal for those who do not like curtains, which, by the way, adds natural sunlight to the room.

The space under the window can also be used usefully - make a cozy podium or work desk. If we talk about difficulties, then when creating such an interior you only need to make sure that heat from the radiator passes freely into the room. Perhaps this is the only disadvantage, which is very easily solved nowadays, but in general, a window cabinet has many more advantages.

Of course, first of all, the closet must be harmonious fit in general style your home or room. It is better to choose a light color for the furniture - this will make the room brighter and more comfortable. If we talk about functionality, then it can be either a dressing room, a bookcase, or just a cabinet for small household items. The design itself can be shelves, racks or doors with glass elements, or all together. Such a solution with different elements can turn a window into a real gem of your home.

In the children's room

A properly equipped children's room will allow the child to develop harmoniously and spend his leisure time profitably. It is very important for kids to have free space for games, so decorating the area around the window with a closet will be an interesting and ergonomic solution. As a rule, for children's rooms it would be ideal to determine the place under the window. working space. This design can be presented in a variety of colors.

This setting perfectly saves space, creates comfort and allows you to practically place all your children's things.

Library cabinet

For those who like to spend their leisure time with a book, the frame around the window is ideal option. This design can be placed both in the living room and in the bedroom. A home library will not take up much space, and your favorite books will always be at hand. Dilute the shelves with books with photo frames and souvenirs, which will make your closet even more interesting and attractive. Another one interesting idea– combine a bookcase with a wardrobe.

In the bedroom

We spend a lot of time in the bedroom, so everyone wants the atmosphere in it to be cozy. A closet around the window in the bedroom will help you make better use of the space for sleeping and relaxing. IN in this case the space by the window can be used as a dressing room or other closet. If the dimensions of the window allow, then the space along the window can be used for small sofa or as a minizone for computer desk. IN window opening can be done interesting design, which will match the style of the entire room.

In the living room

The living room is the most main room in the house, because celebrations and simply receiving guests take place here. Framing a window or two windows with a cabinet is an unusual and spectacular idea, which will be appreciated. In the hall, shelves with books, accessories and other favorite things that will warm your soul will look organic. Against the background of such a wall, sofas, armchairs and other pieces of furniture look very impressive.

The remaining space freed up by this principle can be used as functionally as possible.

In the kitchen

The kitchen is an important place for any home, where you want to use everything profitably and comfortably. But there are also ones for the kitchen original solutions decorating the area near the window with shelves or cabinets. As a rule, such a cabinet should not be bulky and serve more of an aesthetic function. Choice the right shade will allow you to visually model the space. The window sill itself can be used as a place for a tabletop.

How to position?

Most often, the idea of ​​making a cabinet around a window arises at the renovation stage. From many options, the decision is made as to whether it will be a cabinet built into the wall or a cabinet. A design is created and the necessary measurements for the product are taken. Particular attention should be paid to the rules for operating heating and free ventilation received from the window. Thus, an ordinary wall turns into a cozy and organized corner.

The style of your future closet will tell you general interior your apartment or your character. Please note that you should not choose bulky products for the bedroom., since the spirit of peace should prevail here. Children's rooms love different colors, so the brighter the room, the more interesting it will be for the child. The living room allows you to, as they say, “go wild”, so you can embody your wildest ideas in it. The kitchen loves order and functionality, so it’s worth adhering to this principle.

Important nuances

Perhaps the selection below design decorations the area around the window will inspire you and tell you in which direction you should move. Depending on what room you are going to implement this idea in, You should consider a few nuances:

  • A cabinet around the window matching the color of the walls will be a very extraordinary solution, which will add not only spectacularity to your room, but also a certain mystery;
  • Refined column cabinets on the sides of the window will make the ceilings visually higher and look like architectural decorations;
  • If the cabinets around the window are complemented by the same shelves in the room, then it looks like a unique ensemble in one style decision;
  • A built-in sofa or table, coupled with a closet around the window, can create an amazing office or reading nook;
  • You should not get carried away with the depth of the cabinet, since a large capacity greatly steals precious meters;

  • If square meters allow, then you can make a cabinet in the form of a shortened letter “P”, where the protrusions extend onto the adjacent walls;
  • The interior looks very interesting, in which the window around the cabinet is combined with built-in furniture;
  • Pay attention to the principle of mirroring. If the window in the room is opposite the door, then the wall around the door can also be decorated with the same cabinet or shelves;
  • If you are hesitant to get a standard cabinet, then perhaps a mini cabinet or shelves will suit you. It will be possible to place souvenirs and photo frames.

A window can do more than just let sunlight into your home. It can be a useful and very interesting decorative object. Today, in the age of advanced technology, you can afford the most daring ideas in the design of your living space.

A desk is an integral part of a children's room. It is necessary as an attribute of personal space and a place for doing homework. It is best to place it near a window, because it is a source of natural light. This location is also a good option if you want to make the most of usable area rooms.

Location Features

Choosing a location for desk- one of the important points in planning a children's room. Some parents prefer to place such furniture against the wall. This option is convenient because you can place it above the work surface. a large number of hanging shelves for books and stationery. This solution will ensure that the table itself is unloaded, but this arrangement significantly reduces the free space of the room.

For a small bedroom the most a good decision There will be a location near the window. With this table you can replace the window sill and significantly increase the usable space. In the children's room there will be more space for games and relaxation.

Important points

Modern manufacturers of children's furniture offer various options tables for both one and two children, since each needs their own place where school supplies and other personal belongings will be. Remember that in addition to textbooks and notebooks, the child needs space for a briefcase. Good decision there will be special hooks or shelves under the table.

When placing your child’s workplace near a window, be sure to check all window fittings for serviceability:

  • there should be no blowing from the windows;
  • ventilation is required;
  • mechanisms must prevent accidental opening of windows.

The next point is batteries. Most often they are located in this part of the room. Take into account their location when installing furniture, try not to block heating areas, this will determine the temperature in the room during the cold season. If there are no other installation options, then use special protective partitions under the table so that the heating of the apartment does not interfere with the student going about his business.

If the bedroom is small, then you should not buy a table with shelves and drawers. This modification will visually load up the space near the window. Products with thin metal legs or two flat ones will help lighten the load. wooden supports around the edges. This design simplifies cleaning under the furniture and leaves the right to choose a place to sit, which tables with side tables do not have.

For two children

When two children occupy one common room, necessary Special attention give space for studying. Both children should have the same space, number of shelves, lighting fixtures and enough space on the table to accommodate everything necessary supplies and do your homework at the same time.

Make sure that there is still room in the nursery for games and relaxation, as harmonious development personality is necessary comfortable stay and communication with friends. Choose furniture based on the personal needs of each child and taking into account the size of the room.

Installation options

Solid tabletop along the window. With this arrangement, children will sit as if at a school desk. It is worth taking care to separate the personal space of each child, especially if this furniture will be used for a boy and a girl at the same time. Often in such cases they use a cabinet between workstations, a table shelf for books or a transparent partition.

When choosing this option, pay special attention to the material of the countertop. It must be thick and strong enough, since this table experiences double load. Check with the manufacturer what materials are used in the production of the furniture you have chosen and whether they can withstand increased load. Also, the surface should be easy to maintain and easy to clean.

Corner table. The essence of the design is that the table is located in the letter L in one of the free corners. Schoolchildren will be sideways to each other and will not observe what is happening on their neighbor’s table. This arrangement will allow you not to be distracted by small things and will take up relatively little space. Shelves for books and other accessories can be placed in the corner above the furniture. At the same time, in this position, children can easily pass various objects to each other without leaving their chairs.

Two identical tables. This modification is good because there is a passage between the desks, which naturally divides the space. It also gives you free access to the window without having to stand on the furniture. Very important point the fact that the tables are the same and each child has an equal number of drawers and shelves for their personal belongings. Special attention should be paid to lighting, since the light will fall from different directions.

Two tables in the corners. A good option, if the nursery is wide enough. Children have their backs facing the aisle and are kept at a distance. With their movements, they do not interfere with each other and everyone can do homework or creativity without distracting their neighbor. As with the option of identical tables along the window, the room has quick access to a source of fresh air.

Additional benefit is that you can use two corners for shelves, because different children different hobbies. One will have flowers, figurines, photographs, and the other may have cars, flags and others necessary for the child things.

Requirements for choosing a workplace

The desk will be the place where the child will spend a lot of time during the entire period of schooling. It should be comfortable, functional, practical. Its installation should not take up all the space in the room; it is necessary to leave enough space for games and morning exercises.

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When renovating, we rely on our own feelings, not knowing the basics of design, which is why the result so often does not live up to expectations.

website I have collected the most common mistakes that are made when decorating the interior of a living room.

Your living room only has overhead lighting.

Lighting creates atmosphere and should take into account your mood, so a living room can't get by with just a chandelier in the center of the room. Create your own lighting system ( desk lamp, sconces, floor lamps, ceiling lighting, etc.).

Missing or incorrectly sized carpet

Small carpets bring imbalance to the room, you should select a carpet correct size for your living room. A large carpet will provide a visual expansion of the space, and the interior will take on a finished look.

Your TV is out of place

The best place to place the TV is empty wall. Do not install the TV opposite or near a window; this is harmful to your eyesight and prevents you from seeing the image clearly. The distance between the TV and the sofa depends on the size of the screen: the distance should be 3–5 diagonals. Consider this when buying a new TV.

You underestimate the power of pillows

Sofa cushions create a cozy and relaxed atmosphere. When choosing pillows, consider whether the texture of the material will match the upholstery of the sofa or chair. If cushioned furniture in the living room is made of velvet or velor, then cotton or linen textiles will be inappropriate. For small-sized furniture fit neat and small products, and a massive sofa can contain several volumetric pillows.

Your sofa is against the wall

This rule works for large rooms. If you have the opportunity to place the sofa not against the wall, then be sure to do this - thereby you will visually increase the space and create comfort. Sofa near the wall in spacious room feels more like a dance class than a living room.

Dark furniture in a low room

Your living room will appear visually squat and cramped if you purchase furniture in dark shades. For a low living room, compact sofas, armchairs and neat tables, always with raised legs, are suitable. Opt for neutral light shades.

You choose furniture based on design, not personal convenience

Just because a piece of furniture looks nice doesn't mean it will suit your home. Make sure your furniture is comfortable for you and test it out. Sit in a chair or at a table that you like. Otherwise, you will rarely use these things and will have to part with them.

Furniture that has lost its relevance

There is also furniture fashion. Bulky upholstered furniture with voluminous backs and armrests has long lost its relevance. Pay attention to furniture with straight lines and a clear silhouette. You can choose a traditional sofa, but in an unexpected and modern color.

Photos are not hanging correctly

The ideal height is 153 cm from floor level to the center of the image. If you have too many photos, then great solution there will be a gallery on the wall, and not photo frames placed in all corners.

Large furniture

The most common mistake- fill the room with furniture that does not fit in size, especially sofas. This makes the room seem even smaller. If you have a large living room, then you can afford a spacious corner sofa. For small living rooms, a double sofa and a pair of armchairs would be preferable.

You neglect the functionality of the living room

If you have rectangular room, then you can adjust it using a cabinet or rack, since square shape the room is most advantageous and it is easier to maintain balance in such a room.

Several options for zoning:

  • Living room and bedroom - the bedroom will always be closer to the window, since by definition sleeping area should be away from the entrance.
  • Living room and kitchen - the placement of both areas is strictly according to your taste, although it is preferable to place the kitchen near the window so that it is convenient for the hostess and there is enough light to prepare food.
  • The living room and dining room are two full-fledged units that should have enough space and space in one room.
  • Living room and office - the office can occupy a very small corner, the main thing is to install an additional light source.

The center of the room is not indicated

The living room needs a bright accent. The center can be a fireplace, a painting, a mirror, photo wallpaper - everything that catches the eye. You can also make the relaxation area a focal point, highlighting it with contrasting colors, prints or a mixture of complex tones.
