Bone peach. Rules and features of growing peach from the stone in the country. Growing peach trees

Gardeners are very inquisitive people. Not more than a hundred years ago middle lane Russia grew a few orchards with apples and cherries of folk selection. Most modern varieties appeared within a single generation.

The technology of growing cherries and apricots has already been mastered, winter-hardy varieties these trees. Gardeners did not calm down on this. Growing a peach from a stone at home, getting fruits in the conditions of central Russia is the dream of many gardeners. How to do it right and what you can count on, this is our story.

Reproduction with bones

AT recent times growing passion for growing southern exotic trees at home. The beginning was laid by Pavlovian lemons, which successfully bore fruit on the northern windowsills.

Over time, tangerines, grapefruits, and oranges joined the lemons. Then it was the turn of coffee, feijoa, papaya and pineapple. Peaches grow much closer to the middle lane than these exotics, which do well in the house. Why not try to breed a peach at home.

Important! Of course, there are no special varieties of indoor peaches.

Although this is a low plant, it is still a tree. Therefore, it will not be possible to grow it in a pot. However, growing peaches through seedlings grown from seeds planted in pots is a very promising occupation.

Rules for choosing the right planting material

For successful breeding plants, you need to know which bones to choose. Fruits bought in the store are not suitable for this event:

  • the fruits were brought from very warm countries (Turkey, China, Italy) and the trees from them will not be able to acclimatize in Russia;
  • fruits are harvested at the stage of technical ripeness for long-term transportation, the nucleoli in them are not mature;
  • fruits are processed chemicals to extend the storage time, because of them the bones become brittle and often crack.

You can grow a peach from any fruit. But in the garden, the seedling will die due to the local climate unsuitable for it.

Important! For breeding peach bone buy fruits grown in Russia. And the closer they grow peaches to the place of future landing, the better.

Growing a fruit-bearing peach from a seed at home is a time-consuming, but very interesting process. Such trees are best adapted to local conditions.

If you manage to get winter-hardy peach pits early varieties then success is guaranteed. Such varieties growing in the southern regions of Russia without shelter, and in the Moscow region with shelter, include:

  1. Kyiv early - a low tree of 3 meters in height. Distinctive feature varieties - quick recovery from frost damage. Fruits weighing 80-90 g ripen in early August, have greenish-white flesh.
  2. Pushkin early - the tree grows up to 6 m in height. Fruits weighing 100–120 g ripen at the end of August and have greenish-creamy flesh.
  3. Redhaven - an old American variety reaches a height of 5 m. At the end of August, they ripen large fruits weighing 140-160 g with an orange-yellow core and pink streaks in the center.

Seeds of these varieties are best suited for growing in the central regions of Russia. Reproduction by seeds does not repeat the varietal characteristics of the parent plant, but the seedlings are the most adapted to local climatic conditions.


How to grow a peach from a seed at home is not an easy question. The stone germinates reluctantly, only 25% of the planted seeds will give seedlings. To still get seedlings, you must follow certain rules:

  • completely clear the seed from the pulp of the fruit;
  • soak for 10 days before planting. In the last two days, it is advisable to add a growth stimulator to the water.

The nucleolus will germinate only after overwintering, so the pot with plantings should be buried in the garden. Best time for landing - the end of October or the beginning of November. If this is not possible, you can put the pot in a cold cellar or in the refrigerator. In this case, you need to check the moisture content of the soil.

Important! The peach is undemanding to the soil, any prepared land is suitable.

Naturally, it should be loose. The seed is planted at a depth of 6-8 cm.

After 3-4 months, sprouts appear from the seeds. It is important that the air temperature does not change abruptly. You can not take out the seedlings from the refrigerator and put them on sunny window. Tender sprouts will quickly die from such drastic changes. Seedlings are kept in a cold place, gradually accustoming to heat.

Such difficulties do not arise if the seedlings grow in the garden. Tempering takes place naturally.

You can grow a seedling from a seed in a room. Before planting, the seeds should lie in the refrigerator for 6-8 days. The pot is covered with glass or a plastic bag. If condensation occurs, ventilate it.

Germination begins with the development and growth of the root. Therefore, seedlings from peach pits will have to wait several months. After germination, the polyethylene cover can be removed.

The disadvantage of this method of obtaining germinated seeds is that the grown plants will be less adapted to an unsuitable climate due to the lack of hardening.

Experienced gardeners use a different method of growing seedlings:

  • the bones are soaked for two weeks;
  • open them, opening the shell;
  • the nucleoli are again soaked for two days;
  • swollen nucleoli are sown to a depth of 3–4 cm.

With this method, faster and more friendly shoots are achieved from planted nucleoli.

How to germinate a peach seed, what method to use, lovers of garden exotics decide based on their capabilities and conditions.

Care of seedlings at home

During the summer, a young peach tree from a stone on a windowsill can grow in height more than a meter. The main thing is to create for him good conditions for development:

  • sufficient illumination;
  • timely watering;
  • abundant top dressing;
  • correct temperature;
  • effective pruning.

Important! Peach is a plant with a pronounced dormant period. AT winter months He does not need lighting and top dressing.

It is only required to monitor the moderate moisture content of the soil in the pot and keep the sleeping tree in a cool room at a temperature of + 2-4 ° C. Only when the buds swell, the plant needs to provide intensive care.

The southern plant needs good lighting. If the seedlings in the house appeared before April, they will need additional illumination. LED lamps consume little electricity and emit a spectrum of light suitable for plants.

At a young age, the tree is very moisture-loving. Watering is carried out as the soil dries with warm water.

For fertilizer use a complex mineral fertilizer with trace elements such as Agricola, as the plant is demanding on the presence of trace elements such as copper. Seedlings need fertilizing only from the second year of life.

Foliar feeding is preferred. For this, an effective solution is prepared, which contains all the main elements of top dressing and trace elements. Take and mix:

  • 5 g of soda ash;
  • 1 g of boric acid;
  • 2 g of copper sulfate;
  • a drop of iodine;
  • potassium permanganate crystal;
  • liter of water.

Spraying is repeated twice a month. Top dressing is done 2 times a month until September. In September, the tree begins to prepare for the winter season.

Important! The temperature of keeping young seedlings in spring should correspond to + 10-15 ° C, after flowering and before harvesting fruits + 18-25 ° C.

Starting from the second year of life, young seedlings begin to form with pruning. Caring for them is impossible without creating the correct goblet crown and adjusting the height of the tree. Flowering takes place on the side branches, so vigorous shoots are pruned annually.

Is it possible to grow peach at home? Only if there is a greenhouse, winter Garden or insulated loggia. In the room suitable conditions impossible to create. Therefore, at the age of one year they are planted in the garden.

Transplant to the ground

In the first year, the young seedling grows to 1–1.5 m in height. In September, seedlings of grown trees are planted in the garden.

How to plant a peach so that it grows actively in the garden? The place should be well lit by the sun, closed from strong winds. The distance between peach trees is 3-4 meters. The same amount should be up to trees and buildings growing nearby.

A landing hole is dug in advance with a diameter of 1 m and the same depth. A bucket of humus or manure, several buckets of water are brought in for planting. Seedlings are planted on a mound of fertile land, fall asleep and rammed. Water again after planting.

A young tree is tied to a peg driven in next to it, the trunk circle is mulched with organic matter.

Important! Not all varieties are self-pollinating plants, so you need to plant at least 3-4 plants nearby.

In the first years of life, a peach grown from seedlings must be especially carefully prepared for winter: cover the near-stem circle with a thick layer of mulch, tie the stem building insulation, wrap with burlap.

The tree can suffer from fungal diseases and other infections:

  • scab
  • leaf curl;
  • fruit rot;
  • clasteropsoriasis;
  • moniliosis.

In addition, he may suffer from garden pests: aphids, scale insects, spider mite and fruit moths.

To prevent all these troubles, you need to know how to properly do prevention for a peach. In spring and autumn, a tree is regularly formed, carrying out sanitary and rejuvenating pruning. Do preventive treatment with fungicides.

Peach is a fast-growing plant. Perhaps already 2-3 years after planting in the garden, it can bear the first fruits.


Is it possible to plant peach garden in central Russia? How to grow a fruiting peach from a seed? Everyone can plant a bone, but not everyone can grow a tree. Only a patient and attentive gardener can grow a peach grove in central Russia.

Everyone at least once wanted to try to grow fruit tree at home. Reaping fruit from your own peach tree is a particularly tempting idea that requires the knowledge below on how to grow a peach from the pit at home. In fact, this is a very difficult task, but the result will pay off in full.

Selection and preparation of seeds

Quality seeds are the first step towards the goal. Peaches from Spain and Turkey taste amazing, but their seedlings will not grow in our climatic conditions. Therefore, you need to choose seeds that are adapted to our climate.

It is worth taking seedlings from your own trees, and not grafted ones, so the fetus will inherit the characteristics of the mother. Seeds should be selected in the fall and always from ripe fruits, on which there are no signs of damage and decay.

Preparatory actions

In order to grow a peach from a stone, you need to remove the edible part from the fruit and wash the stone under warm water. Then it should be dried and removed away from moisture.

Growing methods

Experienced growers have in their arsenal 3 ways to grow peach at home:

  • Cold method - weather conditions are simulated, which allows the seeds to naturally prepare for germination.
  • Extracting the seeds is the fastest way, in which you need to crush the stone and extract its contents. Seeds germinate much faster.
  • Warm way - the bones take root in pots of earth, where they grow with room temperature.

How to grow a peach from an ordinary seed? There is nothing difficult in this. The stone of the variety you like can be buried in the ground in the fall. Peach can be planted in this way in spring and summer. The more seeds are planted, the more likely it is that some seed will grow into a tree. You can pre-grow a seedling in a container, and then transfer it to the garden.

Peach is considered southern, exotic plant, although this crop can be grown anywhere in Central Russia. For each region, their own varieties have been bred, which will stably bear fruit, despite the cold winters. True, varietal trees reproduce vegetatively. However, you can plant a bone in your country house. A peach will definitely grow out of it.

Advantages of growing a tree from a stone:

Cons and difficulties encountered with this method of landing:

  • not always parental traits are transmitted to the seedling;
  • long growing period, late fruiting;
  • high probability of death of young seedlings;
  • the need for special care.

Experienced gardeners advise, when choosing planting material, to give preference to zoned varieties. True, there were cases when a peach that you just liked from an unfamiliar tree took root perfectly and bore fruit well.

Growing from seed at home

The peach is considered thermophilic plant. Too cold winters are fatal for him. A fruiting tree can be obtained from a stone obtained from a local peach variety. The germination rate of this crop is low - only 25 percent. For planting, you need to take at least 5 seeds. After all, in the process of growing, some seedlings will die.

No matter how tasty the fruits brought from Spain or Turkey may seem, when choosing material for planting, it is better to give preference to peaches bought from summer residents on the market at the end of summer. After all, a lot of hybrids go on sale. A tree grown from the seed of such fruits will not receive parental qualities.

In addition, peaches arrive in supermarkets during the period of biological maturity, that is, green. Immature planting material will not give good seedlings.

winter hardiness

For planting in Central Russia, it is better not to take fruits grown in the south. Such peaches have low winter hardiness. Even if the seed sprouts, the seedlings will soon die, unable to withstand the low winter temperatures. In August, you can walk around the local market and buy peaches from a summer resident who grew them on his own. suburban area on one's own. Good winter hardiness in such varieties: Early Kyiv, Schlicht Seedling.

self pollination

Before you start planting, you need to ask on which tree the peach grew. It is best to take a bone from an ungrafted and self-pollinating plant. After all, if the tree was grafted, it will not be possible to get exactly the same peaches as on the mother culture. If the tree is not self-fertile, then several varieties must be planted to pollinate the plant, otherwise the yield may be very low. High-yielding peaches: White nectarine, Kremlin, Redhaven, Myra, Krasnodar nectarine, Nobles.

early ripeness

When choosing a variety for planting in your country house, it is better to take peaches early term maturation. The fruits on such trees begin to ripen in the second half of July and early August. Popular early ripe varieties: Early Mignon, Winner, Early Riversa.

Choice of method

The seed selected for planting should be from a mature, soft, sweet fruit. There should be no rot or insect marks on the peach. The bone must be freed from the pulp and washed thoroughly in warm water then dry well. It's only preparatory stage, then you need to choose a landing method.


Traditionally ripened at the end of summer, the fruits fall to the ground, decompose, and the remaining seeds are hardened by low winter temperatures, swell in the spring during the melting of snow and germinate closer to summer. You can just take a bone and bury it in the garden in the fall. It is desirable to designate the landing site somehow.

The bone can undergo stratification in a cold room. To do this, it must be placed in a pot with wet sand. The bone can be prepared for planting if you put it in the refrigerator for several months on a shelf with vegetables. You can wrap it in a damp cloth and put it in a plastic bag.

In the process of preparing planting material, it is important to ensure not only low temperature to activate the seed germ, but also moisture to swell the seed.

How to plant a bone in a cold way:

  1. Fill a small pot with wet coarse sand or peat.
  2. Plant the stone at a depth of 5 centimeters.
  3. Put the pot in cold cellar. You can put the container in the refrigerator, but first you need to wrap it with a perforated plastic bag.
  4. In the cold, the pot should be 3-4 months. Periodically, the earth needs to be moistened.
  5. When the bone hatches, it must be transplanted into a container with fertile soil. It is better to put the container on the windowsill and regularly ventilate the room.
  6. The emerging sprout needs to be provided with a temperature of 17-20 degrees Celsius. Seedlings must be watered regularly and the soil should not dry out.

Seed extraction

You can speed up the process of seed germination by removing it from the shell. The bone is washed and dried first. The extracted seed should be in humid environment. It doesn't have to be submerged in water. Better - put on wet wipe on a saucer. The main thing is that the seed should be able to breathe and not become moldy.

Water or a napkin should be changed daily. When sprouts appear, the seeds are planted in pots with earth. During the germination of seedlings, containers should be kept in a warm room.


You can germinate the bone in a warm room. First, you need to wash it, dry it and put it in a glass of water for several days. The fluid must be changed regularly. Before planting, the bone must be pricked on one side. A seed planted in this way will germinate without stratification. Truth, experienced gardeners it is recommended to put the bone in the refrigerator for at least 2 weeks before soaking.

Seedling aftercare

Seedlings that have appeared should be regularly looked after so that they do not die. It is better to put the container with the plant on the windowsill in a warm room.

The soil

To grow a seedling, you need to prepare the soil. You can buy ready-made in the store, based on peat and fertile land. Acidity should be neutral. You can independently mix garden soil with peat and sand in equal proportions, add a little humus and wood ash. The soil must be poured over with boiling water or disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.


According to the cultivation technology, daylight hours for a peach seedling should be 10 hours. In the autumn-winter period, you need to turn on LED phytolamps in the evening.


You need to water the seedling regularly, as the soil dries. It is not recommended to fill the plant with water too much, otherwise it will hurt and begin to rot.

Temperature regime

Usually a hatched bone is planted in a pot with fertile soil. in early spring when it's still cold outside. To a young sprout for normal growth, 17-20 degrees of heat is needed, that is, the plant must be at room temperature before transplanting into open ground.

top dressing

A seedling growing in a container does not need any top dressing. The plant should have enough nutrients available in the soil mixture. Additional fertilization in early period can burn tender root system sprout.


If the growing seedling becomes crowded in a pot, you can transplant it into a larger container. The new container should have holes for water to escape, and a little expanded clay can be put on the bottom before laying the soil mixture.


At an early stage, the plant does not need to be cut. It should grow a little and form a stem as thick as a felt-tip pen. The first pruning can be done when transplanting into open ground.

Transplanting a tree in open ground

The grown seedling needs to be transplanted into the garden. Growing it in a container makes sense only for the owners of a winter garden.

Plant transplantation to a permanent place in the garden is carried out in spring or autumn. A seedling that has grown in the spring can be taken out into the street when the air warms up to 15 degrees Celsius. Too sharp a temperature jump can harm small plant. You can put a container with a seedling on the terrace for the summer, and plant it in the garden in the fall, in mid-September.

Site selection and preparation

For planting, you need to choose a place in the country that is well lit and protected from drafts and chilly winds. Peach does not like too moist soil, therefore, when choosing a site, you need to look to see if water accumulates in it after rain.

To plant a seedling, you need to dig a hole measuring 50x60 centimeters. The selected soil must be mixed with 5 kilograms of humus, peat, sand, add 100 grams of superphosphate and potassium sulfate, 300 grams of wood ash and a little lime.

Landing pattern

One third of the fertilized soil must be backfilled into the pit, and then a seedling should be planted on the mound from above by transshipment, together with an earthen clod. The remaining earth should be covered with free areas on the sides. In the process of transplanting, it is impossible to deepen the root neck, the soil level should not change.

There should be 3 meters of free space to the neighboring plant. After planting, the near-stem circle should be poured abundantly with water.

Further care

A seedling transplanted to a new place must be regularly looked after. The plant must not be left unattended, otherwise it will die.

Preparing for winter

Before the onset of frost, a thick layer of earth should be added to the trunk, and covered with dry leaves or grass on top. In winter, you need to bury snow to the plant, it will help protect it from the cold.


The first pruning can be done the next season after planting. The plant needs to cut the central trunk by 10 centimeters. In the following years, a forming crown is carried out and sanitary pruning. You need to cut the branches in early spring - before the awakening of the kidneys, or in the fall - after leaf fall.


The plant is watered only in drought. A bucket of water is poured under the root of a young seedling once a week. For an adult plant, you need to take 2-4 buckets. In rainy weather, watering is not carried out.

top dressing

In the first 3 years, the plant is not fed, it should have enough fertilizers applied when planting in the soil. For season 4-5, before fruiting in spring, the soil can be watered with slurry or a solution of urea. Before flowering, the peach is fed with potassium sulfate and superphosphate. Foliage can be irrigated with a weak solution of boron. For the winter, the trunk circle is mulched with humus.

Protection from pests and diseases

Peach can get sick on characteristic diseases stone fruits: moniliosis, powdery mildew, leaf curl, cytosporosis, clasterosporosis. Feeding, pruning, cleaning the near-trunk circle from weeds and fallen leaves and prevention will help protect the plant from infections. To prevent diseases in the spring, the stem is whitened with Bordeaux mixture or lime, and in the summer, before and after flowering, the foliage is sprayed with fungicides (Hom, Horus, Skor).

In spring and summer, the peach is attacked by hordes of insects (aphids, weevils, mites, caterpillars). For protection, such insecticides are used: Confidor, Fitoverm, Fufanon. The preparations are diluted with water and the tree and foliage are treated with a solution. At least 3 sprays are needed per season.

Peach is southern fruit crop. All its varieties are zoned only in the North Caucasus region. Nevertheless, it can be grown in regions north and east of Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don and Stavropol and receive good harvests. It is advisable to create a school of peach seedlings different ages. If for some reason the tree disappears, a replacement is already ready for it. Peach from the stone fully conveys the qualities of the variety, regardless of whether it is a grafted tree or a parent tree.

What kind of peach to choose for planting with a stone

If there is already a peach tree in the country, be sure to leave a few fruits for sowing. In the northern and northeastern regions, peach trees are short-lived and rarely more than 10 years old. They suffer from frosty winters, recurrent frosts, frost holes, in the spring and summer period they are strongly affected by diseases and pests. The same should be done with fruits bought at the local market.

Ask the seller about the name of the variety. Old varieties are well known in our country: Golden Jubilee (medium ripening), Memory Simirenko (early), Fluffy early, Stavropol pink, Redhaven, Favorit Morettini. AT last years many new varieties have been introduced into the state register, including several magnificent varieties from the Crimea: very late - Crimean Autumn, Velvet Season, very early - Pomegranate, Worthy, Crimean masterpiece, Refreshing.

All varieties when grown in regions with harsh winters need additional shelter of the root system with the help of leaves, needles, spruce branches, dense nonwovens in one or more layers. Aboveground part preferably wrapped with spunbond. AT spring period trees need to be opened in time, carrying out this work very carefully to avoid breaking the swelling buds. Peaches that are already in bloom often lose their yield due to flashback frosts in the atmosphere. You can fight this phenomenon if you kindle small fires in the garden in the early morning. The rising smoke will warm the ground air and protect the garden from frost.

Remember that protecting the garden from frost with a fire must be carried out in compliance with fire safety measures!

Germination of planting material of all varieties does not exceed 25%. Therefore, for sowing it is worth stocking up large quantity bones. Imported peaches and nectarines brought from far abroad are suitable for sowing only for experimental purposes. They are unlikely to sprout due to the fact that the fruits were picked unripe, the seedlings will still die in our climate.

Despite the hard shell of the stone, it opens quite easily in a moist substrate, and after a few months it is impossible to find traces of it in the soil.

Preparing peach pits for sowing

Do not rush to eat the fruit whose seed you want to plant. Let him mature well. The flesh should become very soft, cracks may appear on the skin. If the fruits are rotten, this will in no way affect the quality of the seeds - feel free to take them for planting, they will not be difficult to germinate. It is necessary to remove the bone from the pulp, rinse and dry in the air. If sowing is planned for the same summer, seeds wrapped in a plastic bag should be placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 7-10 days and a short stratification should be carried out. Lower positive temperatures activate the vital processes in the seeds, they will show a much higher germination.

If winter is coming, it is advisable to plan planting seeds at home at the end of the cold period, but for now, lay the seeds for a long stratification. To carry it out, peach pits are placed in a container with wet sand to a depth of 3-4 cm. The container, covered with a film or glass on top, is removed to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and kept for 2-3 months, preventing the sand from drying out.

If the peach was on the table at the beginning of summer, you can try to get a seedling by autumn. You should carefully open the dense shell of the seeds, remove the seeds and soak them for 2-3 days in warm water, which must be changed every 3-4 hours, followed by sowing the seeds.

Planting seeds

There are two ways to sow peach seeds:

  1. 1. In open ground in the country.
  2. 2. In a pot at home.

Let's take a closer look at each method.

Sowing in open ground

If sowing was carried out in late June or early July, then sprouts will appear at the end of summer. It is important that they have time to prepare for the winter. A protective bark should form on the shoots light brown, otherwise young plants will not tolerate severe winter conditions regardless of the type of cover. To prepare seedlings for cold weather, they are limited in growth: pinch the tops, stop watering and feeding.

If sowing was carried out in August-September, then the seedlings will sprout the next year. This one is over late deadline sowing is preferable, as the seeds will undergo natural stratification in the ground. The percentage of germinating seeds in this case will be lower.

For sowing, choose a heated sunny place with fertile, well-drained soil. Compost is added to the garden bed, full mineral fertilizer at the rate of 1/3 cup of the fertilizer mixture per 1 square meter. The earth is dug up on a shovel bayonet, mixing all the ingredients well. Bones are planted at a distance of at least 15 cm from each other in one or two rows to a depth of 6-7 cm, and a school of peach seedlings is created.

Sowing in a pot at home

This method of growing peach seedlings is the most preferable because it allows you to create optimal conditions for the growth and development of a young tree. Landing in open ground is carried out in the spring next year. Then in the third year the peach will bear fruit. For planting seeds, you should take pots with a volume of 1.5-2 liters. At the bottom, one or more drainage holes are required to drain excess water flowing down during irrigation.

Drainage material is laid on the bottom - expanded clay, vermiculite or small pebbles. Then the entire volume is filled with a soil mixture, including sand, garden soil and peat in equal parts. 3 seeds are planted in a 2-liter pot at an equal distance from each other to a depth of 6-7 cm.

Important! The depth of peach pits must be at least 6 cm!

The soil is well moistened, the pot is covered with a film or glass to minimize the drying of the soil and cleaned in a warm place. Illumination in the period before germination does not matter. Germination of peach seeds lasts an average of 3-4 weeks. At this time, the container must be periodically ventilated and slightly moisten the soil as needed.

Peaches care - in the open field and at home

Care in open ground consists of timely weeding, loosening the soil, mulching the top layer and watering. You can water peaches in central Russia at the beginning of summer 2 times a month, in July - 1 time per week, and in August and September, watering should be stopped so that the plants have time to prepare for winter. It is advisable to keep seedlings in shkolka until 2-3 years of age, so that they get stronger. Trees should be moved to a permanent place in the spring of next year.

When growing peach seedlings at home in a pot, they create optimal conditions for light, temperature and humidity of the soil and air. Plants will need maximum light. Place the pot of peaches on the most lit window sill. The air temperature in the room should be maintained at 25-26 degrees in summer, 16-18 degrees in winter. Watering in summer is necessary frequent - 2 times a week, and rare in winter. The soil should not be allowed to dry out completely. For a month you need to water the plant 2-3 times.

Keeping peaches in a pot longer than one season is not recommended, as the soil loses its supply of nutrients, the roots of young trees grow and begin to oppress each other. In the spring of next year, seedlings must be planted in a permanent place in the country.

Planting a peach in a permanent place

For peach choose the most the best place in the garden: well heated, protected from drafts and winds, not subject to attack powdery mildew. The pit for planting should be large: 50-60 cm deep and 40-50 cm in diameter. For roots young tree you need to create a loose, fertile, well-permeable soil structure. To do this, pour into the pit:

  1. 1. A layer of expanded clay for drainage - 15-20 cm.
  2. 2. Compost or humus.
  3. 3. Complete mineral fertilizer.
  4. 4. Garden soil.

The last three ingredients are thoroughly mixed together. The seedling is placed in a prepared place, the roots are straightened and gradually covered with soil mixture, tamping the root system well. After 2/3 of the soil mixture is used up, the planting hole with the peach tree is watered by pouring at least 1 bucket of water. Then the liquid is allowed to soak in, after which the hole is covered with the remaining amount of earth from above.

What to do so that the peach bears fruit every year

To obtain an annual harvest of peaches, a number of conditions must be met:

  • No weakening of the tree by frost crackers, diseases and pests.
  • Annual formation of fruit wood.
  • Protection of ovaries from return frosts.

Measures to protect trees from the adverse factors of winter and spring were discussed above. Let us dwell in more detail on the question of how to properly form fruit wood. Initially, at the time of planting the seedling, its main shoot is shortened to a well-developed bud. During the next season, the development of side shoots is stimulated. There are two options for the formation of peach trees: as a bush, a tree.

When forming a bush, all the upper shoots are pinched, and at the bottom three processes are left in different planes, which in the future will become skeletal branches. You need to decide on the height of the stem. You can leave it high - about 30 cm, low - 10-15 cm, or start forming skeletal branches immediately from the ground. As they grow, they are shortened, stimulating the development of lateral wood, on which fruit buds will form.

A peach grown from a stone begins to bear fruit for 3-4 years.

When a peach is formed by a tree, skeletal branches begin to emerge at a trunk height of at least 60 cm. Next steps according to the formation of fruit wood are the same as in the case of bush formation.

Peach is a responsive plant. Try to grow it from the seed, and you will definitely enjoy the juicy and fragrant fruit!
