Rules for sanitary and formative pruning of thuja. When to cut thuja, in autumn or spring, and how to do it right? Do I need to cut thuja

Thuja is a coniferous tree belonging to the Cypress family. A voluptuous beauty immigrated to our backyards from eastern North America. Due to its structure and various colors, thuja is often used to decorate the landscape as a hedge. The coniferous tree is quite unpretentious, however, in order for it to have a beautiful appearance, the plant needs to be thoroughly cared for in preparation for winter during the autumn period.

The quality of the autumn care for the thuja depends on how the coniferous tree will endure the winter. To help the plant survive until spring, it is important to water and feed it on time.

Regular watering should be provided with thuja growing in a region characterized by dry autumn. Before the coming frosts, watering should be especially plentiful: the roots will be saturated with moisture for a long time, and the wet earthen lump will freeze longer, which will protect the rhizome from sub-zero temperatures. If autumn turned out to be abundant in rains, the coniferous tree is not watered.

Unlike deciduous trees, it is not recommended to feed the thuja. The thing is that any supply of concentrated fertilizers can push the tree to a new round of crown formation. The shoots that have grown on the eve of winter will die under the influence of sub-zero temperatures, thereby greatly worsening the condition of the tree.

Coniferous trees growing in a pot can be fertilized with diluted micronutrient fertilizers.

Video: preparing conifers (including thuja) for winter

Removing branches is a very important stage in the autumn care of thuja, since her well-being and beauty depend on garden manipulation. As in any business, during pruning, you need to stick to the golden mean so that the plant can recover before the onset of frost.

Depending on the variety, the thuja can have the shape of a ball, column or pyramid, so in most cases it is not necessary to form a crown of a coniferous tree. Why then cut the thuja?

  1. To improve the appearance of the tree. During pruning of an evergreen tree, dried, diseased and insect-infested branches or parts thereof are removed from the crown. If the branch is still alive, and the affected area is very small, run your hand along the branch and remove the dried needles. In some cases, instead of the affected needles, healthy ones grow on the shoot, and there is no need to remove it.

Important! Sick branches should be pruned as soon as they appear. This will help prevent infection of the entire tree.

  1. For shape correction. Cut off too long shoots that stand out noticeably from the crown. And also during trimming, the top is removed if it has dried out or has become too elongated. As a result of cutting off the top, healthy shoots will receive more useful elements, and the tree will activate the growth of side shoots, which will give the thuja even more splendor.
  2. To prevent pest attack and better breathability.

When is the best time to prune - in spring or autumn?

Coniferous tree perfectly tolerates pruning at any time of the year. Some varieties are sheared 3 times a year. Because of this, we can say that the main thing in the cultivation of the crown is not the time of pruning, but its consistency and correctness. Therefore, pruning of thuja can be carried out in the fall.

Terms of pruning thuja in the fall

There are no specific deadlines for carrying out manipulations aimed at thinning or forming a thuja. The main conditions in choosing the right day for pruning are cloudy, dry weather and temperatures above +4 C. If you do not follow this rule, the wounds will heal for a long time, and the needles around them will turn yellow.

How to cut thuja in the fall - instructions and diagram

Trimming the thuja is a very delicate matter, therefore, in order for it to be useful for the plant, the manipulation must be carried out especially carefully.

Thuja is cut as follows:

  1. Dry, diseased, sun-damaged or insect-damaged shoots are removed from the crown.
  2. Inside the bush, some of the branches are removed. The thinning significantly improves breathability. And also manipulation is a precautionary measure against the attack of pests.
  3. To promote growth in width, cut off part of the top. To achieve the formation of a tree in the form of a ball, the removal of branches protruding from the crown will help.
  4. In order to maintain the chosen shape, a part of last year's shoots is cut off from the crown. Please note that you can not cut the tree too much - it can lose its decorative beauty for a long time.
  5. If it was not possible to cut the thuja on time, the manipulation is transferred to spring or summer. For several approaches, the tree is relieved of frozen and extra branches.

The most common thuja haircut patterns: topiary, spherical, spiral.

Topiary haircut is the formation of a crown in the form of any figure or object. In special stores, metal forms of various figures are sold, which must be installed above the plant. After some time, the thuja will fill all the free space of the form. Those shoots that will bulge should be cut off.

In a similar way, a crown is formed in the form of a ball or spiral: all excess shoots are gradually removed until the tree takes on the desired shape.

According to experienced gardeners, crown formation is best done a year after thinning. During this time, the tree will fully recover and will easily endure large-scale formative pruning.

Video: how to cut thuja autumn, spring or summer

Care after pruning, top dressing

For a week after sanitary or formative pruning, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the thuja, since after active intervention the plant weakens and is highly susceptible to diseases and attack by false scale insects and aphids. In the event of a problem, the thuja is sprayed with special preparations.

Immediately after the end of the cultivation of the crown, the thuja is abundantly watered and fed. Complex mixtures for conifers, diluted manure, green manure are used as fertilizers.

By nature, thuja is endowed with high frost resistance and the ability to endure the coldest winds. Recently, however, breeders have bred ornamental varieties that do not have such characteristics. Also, young trees that are not yet strong enough need shelter for the winter.

Video: how to cover thuja seedlings for the winter

How to cover the thuja for the winter?

During the preparation of the thuja for winter, care must be taken not only to cover the roots, but also to protect the evergreen crown, which during the winter cold can suffer from cold winds, a lot of snow and bright sun at the end of winter.

Thuja shelter for the winter is carried out as follows:

  • First of all, warm the soil around the perimeter of the root system. To do this, lay the mulching material in a layer of 10 to 30 cm. A more accurate thickness of the mulch is determined based on the weather conditions of the region where the overseas beauty grows. The best covering material for arborvitae is peat, rotted manure, straw, compost, soil from under coniferous trees, dry leaves.
  • Small trees are covered with 5-liter plastic bottles: the bottom is cut off at the container, and then the resulting cap is placed on top of a young coniferous tree.
  • The crown of adult trees is wrapped with thick paper, lutrasil or agrotherm, which are fixed with a rope or wire.
  • To prevent branches from bending and breaking under the weight of accumulated snow, the shelter is regularly cleaned from precipitation.
  • Under the influence of bright sunlight, the bark of trees becomes covered with severe burns. To prevent such damage, in the second or third decade of February, shields are installed on the sunny side.
  • Shelter is gradually removed only after the established spring heat.

The level of decorativeness in the next season completely depends on how well the preparatory work of the thuja for the winter was carried out.

Video: how to cover a thuja for the winter

How to keep thuja in a pot?

Conifers up to two years old are often grown in pots or containers. Before the onset of winter, the plant is fed, and then transferred to an unheated room, where the temperature ranges from +4 to +10 C. Pre-wrapped with paper, the thuja will winter well in a bright pantry or on a balcony.

What are the features of preparing for winter in different regions

Due to different climatic conditions, the rules for sheltering thuja are slightly different from each other.

In the middle lane

In the Moscow region, thujas are covered according to the usual scheme: first, a 15 cm layer of mulch is spread, and then the crown is wrapped with material.

In the Volga region

The trees growing in this region are prepared for winter in the same way as in the middle lane. The main difference is that the thickness of the mulching layer increases by 5 cm.

In the Urals and Siberia

Already from the beginning of winter, a lot of snow falls in the northern regions, the severity of which can harm young and thinly branched trees. Therefore, it is very important to build a wire frame in the shape of a cone before sheltering the thuja. This design will allow the snow to slide down easily and protect the branches from the remaining precipitation.

Typical mistakes of leaving in the fall and preparing for winter

Due to ignorance of the technology of growing an evergreen tree, novice gardeners make unacceptable mistakes when preparing arborvitae for winter, namely:

  • The crown is not covered for the winter.
  • Feed with fertilizer for deciduous trees.
  • Do not install sun screens.
  • The crown is cut on a sunny day, which causes the needles to turn brown near the cut.

Autumn care for thuja will not cause difficulties for the owner of this evergreen, the most distant from gardening. So that after wintering the coniferous tree does not lose its decorative effect, it must be watered abundantly, cut off, and also cover the soil around the trunk.

Thuja is a genus of perennials belonging to the cypress family. It is very popular among landscape designers, because it has a decorative crown shape, does not impose high requirements on the conditions of its growth, and also has a large variety of varieties. Thuja is planted both in separate groups and as part of hedges.

Tui forms

On the territory of the Russian Federation, western thuja is most often found. She has several basic forms:

  1. Pyramidal (grade Smaragd).
  2. Columnar (varieties Columna, Yellow Ribon, Fastigiata, Brabant).
  3. Spherical (Globozoom, Woodwardy, Hozeri, Danica).

Requirements for pruning individual varieties of arborvitae

Whether it is worth trimming a single thuja plant should be judged based on how organically it fits into a specific design plan. Sometimes it happens that individual individuals initially have an ideal crown shape, then you should not waste time on correcting it. However, most often you have to take garden shears and correct the shape of the crown of the plant. And now more about pruning individual plant varieties.

Tuya Smaragd

This variety is most commonly found on the land plots of Russians. It owes its popularity, including to its original regular pyramidal shape. Thuya Smaragd acquires a fairly correct and beautiful appearance on its own, even without intervention in the gardener's process. However, sometimes it has to be cut in order to give the crown more correct proportions.

Often thuja Smaragd is used to create original living garden figures:

  1. Spirals.
  2. Chess pieces.
  3. Balls on legs and much more.

This type of plant easily tolerates the removal of branches. Well, if a decision is made to use thuja Smaragd for growing hedges, then cutting it is simply necessary. Otherwise, neither an even nor a dense plant mass will come out. When forming a hedge, it is necessary to start cutting the plant in accordance with the intended appearance, immediately after it is planted in the ground. You do not need to wait until the thuja grows in width and height to the specified conditions, and then take up the pruner.

The plant is trimmed annually, with a gradual increase in size.

Varieties Fastigiata and Columna

Pruning of these plants is carried out according to the same principles as for the Smaragd variety. That is, if the plant begins to deviate in its development from the intended appearance, you should immediately proceed to its shaping or decorative pruning.

Variety Brabant

Unlike the previous ones, this variety needs to be trimmed. Without carrying out this work, the plant grows sprawling, loose, not beautiful enough. Therefore, immediately after the thuja Brabant lands in a permanent place, it must be cut in accordance with the intended shape. Further, every year its crown is corrected. Only by adhering to such tactics can one achieve a well-stuffed plant.

As for the use of thuja Brabant for the formation of hedges, in this case, its pruning is carried out exactly according to the same rules that apply to the Smaragd variety.

Varieties Danica, Hozeri, Woodwardy

These plants belong to the thuja spherical. They usually do not need pruning. The only case when their crowns should be actively formed is planting these varieties as part of low-growing, living, curb hedges. At the same time, they will have to be trimmed regularly until a uniform border is obtained.

Thuja Woodwardy should be pruned every two to three years, in order to get a more stuffed, dense ball.

Tui plants should be cut not only to form a crown, but also to remove damaged and dried branches. And it should be done in strict accordance with the instructions:

After completing all the work on clearing and shaping the thuja crown, her condition needs to be monitored. for some time, in order to quickly take all necessary measures for their destruction if a disease or pests are detected.

thuja- unpretentious, fast-growing coniferous plant of the cypress family, very popular with gardeners. Cypress, spruce, larch are other popular decorative conifers. Thuja will decorate any site or cottage, if you follow the recommendations on how and when to cut it.

Why cut thuja?

As an element of landscape design, it acts as a single planting with a clearly defined crown shape: spherical, cone-shaped, or when forming hedges, protective windscreens.

The plant has several varieties with different shades of needles and the possibility of crown formation. The decorative purpose of the thuja determines the need for regular pruning.

The goals of the thuja haircut:

  • sanitary: removal of dry, dead and diseased branches;
  • thinning the crown to create comfortable conditions for the plant:
  • decorative: emphasizing the natural shape of a tree or artificially giving the necessary configuration.

In low-growing species, a good bush shape is maintained with minimal pruning. An old thuja in the form of a ball or column can eventually split into several trunks and begin to disintegrate. Taking into account the state of the tree, unnecessary trunks are removed.

Can all thuja be cut off?

Thuja tolerates a haircut well, subject to certain rules. Whether a particular plant needs to be trimmed depends on whether the shape of the crown matches the gardener's or landscape designer's intent.

For some varieties of thuja, it is enough to trim the crown minimally, because they have a natural beautiful look. Thuja Brabant is pruned regularly, because this variety has a sprawling, loose crown. Shearing is carried out the next year after planting.

Cutting time - when to prune?

Trim thuja begins in the spring, after the end of frost, it can be carried out throughout the summer and autumn. The beginning of pruning is determined by the climatic features of the area, in the southern regions, at the end of February, you can start the procedure.

Cutting in wet rainy weather is undesirable, because at this time the content of pathogens is increased in the air, and the tree after pruning has open wounds, and is especially prone to disease.

Pruning thuja in spring and summer

After the last winter, sanitary pruning is mandatory, removal of branches that have died during the winter, damaged by snow. If the tree was wrapped in cloth for the winter, it is necessary to give it time to straighten it. A crown that is too dense is thinned out so that the tree feels better in the heat. Forming cutting of branches is carried out after the spring active growth of thuja.

The best time for pruning is the end of May-beginning of June. During this period, young shoots appear, buds open.

Pruning thuja in autumn

The second optimal period for circumcision is at the end of August. when the tree begins to prepare for winter. Before cutting the thuja in late summer and early autumn (September), you should pay attention to the condition of the plant: how it endured the summer, how good the green mass is at the bottom of the tree, near the ground. A fast-growing western thuja should give an increase of 30 cm over the summer.

Excessively long branches harm the plant in winter, because too much snow will stick to them.

The purpose of the autumn pruning of thuja is to prepare the plant for winter. At the end of August, thuja is cut not only for decorative purposes, but also for protection from snowfalls.

Tui haircut basic rules

Properly carried out haircut will add splendor to the crown of the thuja, add decorativeness to the plant.

Haircut rules are very simple, it is not difficult to follow them:

  1. Normal annual growth is 20 cm. You can not cut the branches too short, the cutting rate is a two-year or three-year increase, depending on the type of arborvitae.
  2. Branches should be pruned little by little, but regularly. If the branches are pruned too much, this is stressful for the plant, which can cause poor growth.
  3. During pruning, especially in spring, diseased and dried branches are certainly removed, the crown is thinned out.
  4. Haircut is carried out without haste, since the plant will take a long time to recover from improper pruning, it will not be a decoration of the garden.
  5. It is required to coordinate the pruning of the thuja with the weather forecast, there should be no rain in the days closest to the procedure.

Video: how to properly cut and shape the thuja crown

How to cut and shape the thuja with your own hands?

When planting new plants, you should immediately cut off the branches sticking out in different directions. The following year, they begin to give the plant the desired shape, not forgetting to remove dry and diseased branches.

When cutting, follow the rules:

  1. Mowing should be carried out in small areas at the same time.
  2. During work, it is necessary to move away from the plant at a certain distance as often as possible and evaluate the result.
  3. Branches need to be cut, leaving no stumps.
  4. It is impossible to allow the formation of holes in the crown that do not grow for a long time, disfiguring the tree.

It is better for inexperienced gardeners to start with the formation of crowns of those varieties of arborvitae that have a natural, regular look and do not require significant skills in cutting. For example, thuja Smaragd has the shape of a pyramid, it is slightly adjusted.

If the thuja has not been pruned for many years, a radical pruning will be required. It should be carried out carefully - the thuja does not tolerate this kind of pruning and may die.

Haircut tools

What tool is needed for cutting thuja?

To cut the thuja to a non-professional gardener with high quality it is enough to have the following tools and devices:

With a small number of plants, simple tools are enough, the main thing is that they are sharp, well-sharpened. Professional gardeners who have to cut large areas of trees use electric tools and special machines, for example, for cutting arborvitae.

Pruning planning

Trimming and shearing differ in their end goals. It is necessary to trim the thuja mainly for recreational purposes. If you cut the branches, this will give the crown the necessary shape. Any kind of work should be planned.

The trimming and cutting plan involves the following steps:

  • crown research;
  • draft removal of branches;
  • adjustment.

The thuja pruning diagrams clearly show how to cut the thuja in order to form a crown. Then directly curly cut the branches. The last stage, extended in time, is a haircut in order to maintain shape.

Mandatory pruning

Unlike pruning for decorative purposes, which is carried out at the request of the gardener, pruning diseased and dried branches is necessary - this is an obligatory stage of caring for the plant.

Uncircumcised diseased branches will cause damage to the entire plant.

Most of the work is done in the spring, summer and autumn trim for sanitary purposes as needed. If the crown has become too thick, it must be thinned out for unhindered airflow, sufficient sunlight for all areas of the thuja.

Plants in a hedge should be the same in height, with excessively tall specimens the crown is cut off.

The crown of the tree will grow in width if the top of the central trunk is cut off.

Which appear on the thuja can be cut off. They are used in folk medicine, because they have many useful properties. If the cones are dried, they will open and you can collect seeds for plant propagation.

Formation of a beautiful crown

The crown is formed only in a healthy adult plant after mandatory pruning.

The following factors must be taken into account:

  • when choosing a form, take into account the natural shape of the crown;
  • cut not too plentifully;
  • you need to adjust the form regularly;
  • branches without needles are removed;
  • the tool must be clean and well sharpened;
  • to create a neat crown, use auxiliary tools: twine, templates, slats, paint, etc .;
  • prevent holes in the crown.

Haircut globular thuja

The crown of many varieties of thuja itself forms a ball; it is required to cut too long and diseased branches. Round-shaped thujas are used to create other shapes, because they tolerate a haircut perfectly.

Topiary haircut

Curly haircut involves the formation of various shapes and forms from the natural crown of plants. Topiary haircut has been used for many centuries, a feature of the modern topiary is the use of a frame when creating green sculptures.

Thuja is perfect for this type of garden art, because it tolerates a haircut well, its crown is plastic and very decorative.

Frame for topiary haircut

pyramid shape

Thuja western variety Smaragd is best suited for creating a pyramid, since it has a natural conical shape. A frame is created around the thuja from the rails, the number of which corresponds to the number of ribs of the pyramid. Reiki are connected at the top of the pyramid. Shearing is carried out on all faces at once, otherwise it is difficult to achieve the same result on opposite sides.

Spiral haircut

This type of decorative haircut is very popular with landscape designers and ordinary gardeners. A spectacular spiral is obtained from a plant with a straight trunk, if the thuja has several trunks, they must be connected.

The spiral shape can be outlined with a rope or ribbon to make the cutting line more visible. Spray paint is used for basting. At the first stage of cutting, you do not need to go too deep into the plant, leaving the branches to adjust the shape. Shearing is carried out with scissors, which are held parallel to the direction of the coil.

Video: thuja spiral pruning

Cone haircut

The easiest way is to give the crown of the thuja a cone shape, beginners should try their hand at this particular type of haircut. To make the cone beautiful and not have distortions, a frame of three wooden slats is used. They are made a little higher than the tree.

Reiki are installed in the form of a hut, fastened at the top with twine or wire. Then the branches are cut sequentially between the slats. At the end of the haircut, the bottom of the tree is adjusted.

egg shape

The shape of the crown in the form of an egg is also one of the simplest haircuts., since many varieties of thuja initially have a spherical or ovoid crown. For example, the crown of the thuja of the western Wagneri variety is enough to slightly correct it, because it has an ovoid shape. Tuya Smaragd can be shaped like an egg by cutting off the top of the plant.

Haircut paws

From the thuja you can form a bonsai. All lateral branches should be removed, leaving legs at the ends. In addition to cutting, you will need to bend the branches down, securing them with twine or with a load.

Horizontal crown formation

Thuja will grow horizontally if you use special methods:

  1. Above the plant, which is not yet tall, a wire is stretched to prevent the branches from growing upwards.
  2. In autumn, the wire is removed, and the vertically stretched branches are trimmed.
  3. You can hang various heavy objects from the branches or tie them to pipes laid along the landings.

Features of cutting some varieties

Different types of thuja have their own characteristics, which are taken into account when cutting. Western thuja is popular in Russian ornamental gardening.

Western thuja varieties differ in crown shape:

  • variety Smaragd has the shape of a pyramid;
  • variety Columna differs in the columnar shape of the crown;
  • variety Danica forms a crown in the form of a ball.

Varieties Smaragd and Columna do not need a constant haircut, their crown can be slightly corrected, because it looks great in its natural form. You need to regularly cut the thuja of the Brabant variety, otherwise it takes on a shapeless, sloppy appearance due to an overly loose and sprawling crown.

Tuya Smaragd

Thuja Columna

Tuya Danica

How to cut a thuja in a hedge?

The choice of thuja varieties for hedges depends on the required height, density and shape of the crown, the color of the needles. Western thuja is best suited: varieties Brabant, Smaragd and Fastigiana.

When making a fence, you should not wait until the tree reaches the required height, you should cut it from the first years, and gradually form a green wall. The top of the hedge is made narrower than the bottom.

For an even hedge and the same size of plants, special devices are used:

  • templates;
  • vertical racks;
  • grid with large cells;
  • leg-split.

Video: cutting a hedge from a thuja

Care after pruning

After pruning is completed, the tree requires special attention and additional care. A few simple procedures will help the thuja quickly get stronger.

One of the most unpretentious and spectacular plants for landscape design is thuja. The description of the main characteristics, as well as the rules for caring for the plant given in the article, will allow gardeners to enjoy this shrub for a whole year without spending much effort.

Thuja is an evergreen perennial shrub from the cypress family. It is perfect for building a living and landscaping site. Care is not distinguished by complex elements or manipulations, but this must be done systematically. The most famous and popular varieties of thuja include:

  • Aurea;
  • Albospicata;
  • Wagnery;
  • Globoza;
  • Globoza nana;
  • Danica.

Landing Description

Thuja is planted with seedlings or seeds. The best period for planting is Basic care after that it consists in systematic watering and protection from direct sunlight and wind.

Thuja can also be grown in an apartment or house. For normal development, the plant needs diffused sunlight, abundant watering in summer and moderate in winter. From spring to autumn, the plant must be fed with specialized fertilizers.

How to prepare needles for winter

Thuja after winter may become covered with spots of a brownish-brown hue. This effect is manifested due to sunburn. In winter, the sun and wind dry up the plant, and the frozen ground does not provide the required amount of moisture. In order to avoid such consequences, it is necessary to start care in the fall. Thuja must be protected from direct sunlight. This must be done with the help of flax, chintz, matting or a special industrial material. Just wrap the plant well with a cloth.

Caring for the thuja in the spring will greatly facilitate the proper preparation of the thuja for the winter. Make sure that the plant is not covered with snow. Snow during the thaw period can provoke the undergrowth of the bush, and as a result, spots will appear.

Also, under the weight of snow, the crown can “break” and the needles will lose their shape. It is better to fix the crown with a rope.

Thuja care in the spring

1. Haircut. Thuja care in the spring involves the removal of dry shoots. If the bush was wrapped up for the winter, then in the spring it is necessary to remove the protective material and give the crown time to take its natural position. After that, you can start cutting.

2. Top dressing. In spring, the plant definitely needs additional feeding, for example, it can be liquid organic fertilizers, compost or mineral supplements.

In the first year after planting, the plant does not need additional fertilizer.

How to properly trim the thuja in the spring

In order to cut the thuja, you will need a garden pruner.

To properly carry out this procedure, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Carry out the procedure only in dry weather.
  2. Tui pruning in spring is carried out in early April or in summer, at the end of June.
  3. After removing dry branches, thin out thickened crowns. By pruning healthy branches, you provide better air circulation and thereby reduce the possibility of pest infestation.
  4. In order for the thuja to grow not up, but in width, it is necessary to cut the upper part. To form a spherical bush, if the variety allows it, it is necessary to cut branches that differ in length from the main array of shoots.
  5. Part of the annual growth must be regularly removed during decorative shearing. Such pruning of thuja in the spring is done in order to maintain the chosen shape of the needles. However, if you overdo it with pruning, areas without greenery may appear in the crown, which will lead to the loss of a decorative look.
  6. If the plant grows very quickly and requires frequent shearing, then it is necessary to reduce the amount of fertilizer applied to the soil.
  7. If the pruning of the thuja in the spring was not done in a timely manner, then in the summer it is imperative to remove the dried branches and thin out the crown.
  8. Thuja, which grow in shady places, often do not need thinning of the crown. These plants cannot boast of lush greenery.

Growing this plant will bring a lot of pleasure to gardeners, as it can be used to create a unique landscape design.
