The most common tree species in Russia. The lightest tree in the world is the flu of goodness. The hardest woods

Its color is yellow or olive green, the layers are straight and sharply visible. It is processed well only in its raw form, while in the dry it is difficult to process. cutting tools; does not crack and does not warp; remarkably resistant to friction; almost insensitive to atmospheric influences; under the influence of light, the acacia changes its color somewhat and becomes very beautiful with time.

Characteristic features of Siberian forests

Forest growth is increasing in developed countries. However, afforestation worldwide takes up less than a third of the forest from which forest is regularly removed. Per last years the number of trees in the forest varies; Growing, they need more and more more space. Trees cannot grow more than 130 meters because the flow of water is interrupted. Trees are rooted with water and then transported to the top. A closed water column is formed in the conductive tissue. The height of 130 meters will be interrupted by the formation of air bubbles.

Durable, hard and at the same time elastic acacia wood is used by furniture makers. Including make a beautiful veneer for veneer MDF boards or products from low-value wood species.
Acacia wood is an excellent material for floor coverings. We compare their service life with ash or larch parquet. In addition, excellent doors are made from it, which are stronger than oak (an 80 mm thick acacia door cannot be shot from a PM pistol from a distance of 10 m.
Thoroughly dried and varnished parts retain their shape and dimensions better in dry rooms. Acacia wood is ideal for glued and screwed joints. For finishing products from it are equally well suited as paints and varnishes based on organic solvents, and water-soluble varnishes and paints, but the natural texture and color always look better.
One of the difficulties in working with acacia is due to the fact that it is initially prone to cracking, so it needs gentle drying modes, which increases the time. Another difficulty is that acacia has a multidirectional texture - the fibers in the wood are located towards each other, like mahogany - which makes processing much more difficult. But the result is worth it. Acacia wood is an exquisite material for interior decoration rooms, creating a beautiful contrasting background for dark furniture.
Birch is the most common finishing material in the northern part and partly in middle lane Russia. Its wood is the lightest, homogeneous, fine-grained, dense, hard, well cut. It sharpens, pricks, saws and plans excellently. It is convenient to use it for small crafts, since birch reacts to temperature and humidity and can warp in large products. Dries slowly and hard; does not rot quickly, especially in a dry place, but is highly susceptible to wormholes. A very beautiful veneer is cut from the smelting. The best birch tree gives in the period of 40-50 years, and then the good qualities progressively decrease. old wood easily identified by the darker color.
Beech (red beech) - in Central Europe it is the most common type of wood. But beech wood growing in the mountains is of better quality. In some conditions, especially in underwater structures, it is not much inferior in strength to oak. Beech is a champion among other common ornamental wood species, especially for being well planed, processed on lathe, bend in a steamed state (in this it is second only to walnut. Resistant to splitting, but not resistant to cracking. It is an excellent ornamental material for interior decoration, it is cut very well, although dry wood crumbles and pricks in fine carving across the fibers. In everyday life it goes for the manufacture of drawing rulers and squares, shoe lasts, parquet, furniture (especially cribs and playpens. These objects, which have served their time, can be used for carving. Beech is not suitable for house carving, as it is extremely hygroscopic and warps when wet, susceptible to To prevent the attack of worms, finished beech products are smoked or steamed.To make the tree less warped, it is cut down in the middle of summer, and then, after a year, sawn into boards, which are placed in water and kept in it for several months.
The color of the wood is reddish-brown with many large and darker spangles; in old age it darkens and turns into brown, and therefore is not used at all for elegant products. Steam-treated beech bends easily. This feature is used in furniture industry in the manufacture of Viennese chairs - the famous bent Viennese furniture, for which there is no more suitable tree. But even in this case, the beech is etched and stained in order to change the nondescript natural wood. When steamed, the beech easily bends, and after drying it retains its shape for a long time. The rawer the tree, the easier it is to process; it is very poorly polished, but it takes color well and imitates walnut especially well.
White beech or hornbeam, has a whitish-gray wood, very hard and strong, with lighter sheen on a smoothly finished surface. Annual layers in cross section have an irregular wavy shape. Sapwood is as hard as seasoned wood. While the wood is damp, it warps a lot; but after thorough drying almost completely does not change its shape from atmospheric influences; as it dries, the hardness of the hornbeam increases so much that the processing of hornbeam wood requires the sharpest tools. With cutting tools, the hornbeam is almost equally processed both along the fiber and from the end.
Thanks to these qualities, the hornbeam is used in carpentry - machine and model business.
In the carpentry and furniture business, the hornbeam has no use, since it is ugly in appearance and too heavy, and it is also very poorly polished. The hornbeam takes color perfectly, and therefore it is sometimes used to fake under ebony. This is most often done by turners, since the hornbeam sharpens very easily and well.
Cherry - in Russia it is common in the south and in the middle lane. The wood is dense, strong and elastic, but it is well processed and cut in all directions. By structure mature tree elegant and decorative amazing. Dry Cherry tree strong and hard, easily pricked and planed. As a finishing material, cherry is one of the most valuable and decorative species, and since the early Middle Ages (according to interior items that have come down to us) it has been used to decorate works of art and architecture. Musical instruments, stairs were made and are still being made from it, the famous Turkish chibouks are made from some varieties of cherries, growths and root nodes are valued by turners. It is used exclusively for the manufacture of expensive furniture. Cherry furniture is distinguished by a special aristocracy, even relatively recently created items look like rare antiques. It accepts polish and paint perfectly, it is especially well painted under mahogany. In house carving, the use of cherry is limited, in particular, small size blanks. But using the decorative texture of cherry in small panels or rosettes is perhaps tempting.
Elm (elm, birch bark, elm) are varieties of the same tree species. The most common species is the common broadleaf elm, distinguished by its heavy, light wood that darkens with age. The wood of old trees is dirty - Pink colour, dotted with many veins and dashes. Despite the distinctness of annual layers, the tree is very dense and slightly porous. It does not crack at all and warps very little. Resilience and flexibility are remarkable; elm is used to make wheel hubs and rims, sleigh skids, large-sized wooden screws, as well as all kinds of products that require endurance during shocks and impacts, but do not require smooth surface and elegance of decoration. The ability of the elm to bend (yes, given its light tone) is used for making curved contours and framing in decorative panels, house carving ornaments. All trees of this family, due to viscosity and fine fiber, are pricked, planed, smoothed and polished extremely poorly. As a result, they are very rarely used in furniture business.
Hornbeam - wood is light, grayish-white, shiny, heavy and hard. It cracks a lot and warps when it dries. The extraordinary hardness of the hornbeam, resistance to abrasion and splitting from impact (in this, only white acacia is ahead of it. Due to its good staining with black dyes, high strength and hardness, hornbeam wood is used as an imitation of ebony. To avoid deformation and cracking, it requires a long and careful drying.
Pear - wood is obtained mainly from the wild, due to the thickness and height of the trunk of a forest plant, which the garden pear usually does not reach, although the latter has no worse wood. The color of young wood is yellow - white, and old - brownish. The structure of the wood is dense, without noticeable pores and annual layers. The pear is planed and cut in all directions equally well. From soaking in water, and then slow drying, the pear tree noticeably hardens and turns brown. In the modeling business, it is used to make expensive carvings, and in the manufacture of expensive furniture, it is used to fake ebony, which is much more durable than pear. The pear is excellently polished. The only downside to her being prone to wormholes is.
Oak - hard and strong wood brown - yellow color with strong noticeable annual stratifications, in the spring part of which there are many pores. A special characteristic of oak can be frequent and thick core rays. The wood of young trees is hard, flexible and greyish. brown. In older trees, the wood is yellower and more brittle. There are many varieties of oak, but we will divide them only into two groups: the first will include varieties that grow in the south and differ in appearance in that their acorns sit directly on the branches, and also in that the leaves turn yellow in autumn, but fall from the tree only in winter or even in spring, when young ones appear. This variety is called winter oak and its wood is valued more than the other group. It goes mainly for parquets and characteristic wooden furniture decorated with carvings. The best wood gives oak in the period of 80-150 years of age, taken from the black forest, i.e. from dense forests. Pure oak forests do not produce good trees, as their trunks are squat, thick and gnarled.
Another group of oaks is known under the name of spring oaks and differs mainly in that their acorns sit on long petioles, which winter oaks do not have. The wood of spring oaks is somewhat more viscous, knotty and grayer - in general, it is lower in quality than the wood of the previous group.
Planed and sawn oak is quite difficult, it is pricked easily, and the polish takes very badly because of the sponginess.
Oak is especially resistant to water, where it takes on a completely black color, which raises its value as a material for expensive furniture.
Spruce - in appearance somewhat similar to pine tree, but differs from it in greater softness, pallor of annual layers and a large number of small knots. Spruce does not differ in especially good qualities, and it owes its wide distribution to its cheapness and similarity to pine.
In products that are directly affected by atmospheric changes, spruce quickly rots. It warps a little and this is almost her only good quality. Spruce is planed, sawn and pricked easily.
Karagach (elm, elm, birch bark) - varieties of the same tree species. The most common species is the common broadleaf elm, distinguished by its heavy, light wood that darkens with age. The wood of old trees is dirty pink in color, dotted with many veins and dashes. Despite the distinctness of annual layers, the tree is very dense and slightly porous. It does not crack at all and warps very little. Resilience and flexibility are remarkable; elm is used to make wheel hubs and rims, sleigh skids, large-sized wooden screws, as well as all kinds of products that require endurance during shocks and impacts, but do not require a smooth surface and elegance of finish. The ability of the elm to bend (and taking into account its light tone) is used to make curved contours and framing in decorative panels, house carving ornaments. All trees of this family, due to viscosity and fine fiber, are pricked, planed, smoothed and polished extremely poorly. As a result, they are very rarely used in furniture business.
Chestnut (wild / horse) - gives a very beautiful, almost completely white, but, unfortunately, very soft wood. The wood of old trees loses its whiteness and turns yellow or red. Chestnut is processed very easily, but soon rots and loses strength. It also paints well and at the same time it lasts longer from damage. Due to the above reasons, he plays a role only in haberdashery and artistic - amateur works.
An edible chestnut gives a tree that is completely opposite in properties to a wild chestnut. It is hard, brown (similar in color to oak), very durable, not warping or cracking. Polishing takes very well. His appearance is not particularly attractive, and therefore is rarely found on sale.
Cedar - a kind of pine (Siberian pine. The tree is soft, prickly, pinkish-brown in color, with a pleasant smell. Since ancient times, it has been used to make furniture, in construction, as well as pens and pencils - sometimes called pencil - does not warp and is not at all susceptible to wormhole.
Maple - gives a whitish wood with many small sparkles, giving the tree a silky look. The tree is dense, dense, of medium hardness and almost never cross-layered, as a result of which it is pricked and planed perfectly. In that case, if we add to what has been said that maple warps a little and resists moisture well, it will become clear why it is so highly valued by carpenters. Expensive models of carved ornaments are prepared from it. Maple takes polish very well; painted in different colors is also good, because it is used to fake acacia and boxwood, to which it is close in its structure (but not in density.
Mahogany (mahogany, amaranth) is the most common and well-known of all tropical trees, under the name of which the most diverse and heterogeneous breeds are sold, having a common color and partly appearance textures. It is easy to process, and although redwood is quite soft, it still belongs to the category of the most desirable joinery materials. The reason for this is not so much in its beauty, but in the persistent resistance to atmospheric influences and the perfect immutability of form. Therefore, it goes to the manufacture of expensive furniture, grand pianos and pianos.
In Russia, there is not even half of all varieties and varieties of mahogany, so it is pointless to present the details of its merchandising. Most often we have a bad yellow-orange variety, known as a sugar, or chest, tree. Its smell is weak and rather pleasant for humans, disastrous for insects. Therefore, the best chests and wardrobes are made from sugar wood. This tree is called sugar because American sugar was transported in boxes from it, and these boxes were then sold as carpentry material.
Linden - gives light, white wood with barely noticeable annual layers. Works well, especially with cutting tools. It warps very little, is not afraid of dampness, but, unfortunately, is prone to a wormhole. The best tree gives the southern linden; from it are prepared mainly foundry models and all miscellaneous products under gilding.
Little is used in turning, except for handicrafts and children's toys. From linden, characteristic furniture under white colored polish is good. Linden is painted very poorly, as it is distinguished by remarkable impermeability. Honey, for example, flows through the walls of any wooden vessel - one linden does not let it through.
Larch - belongs to the category of the most best trees both in construction and carpentry. The wood is reddish in color and is remarkably durable. It is much more stable than oak and is equally hardy both in water and in air. The reason for this is to be found in in large numbers resin. Larch is processed very smoothly and well; almost does not warp and is not subject to a wormhole.
Juniper - grows everywhere in the middle lane, but is very rarely tree-like, and its ordinary shrub never produces thick pieces of wood suitable for larger products. Young plants produce almost white, and old ones whitish-yellow, not too hard, very thin-layered, dense and flexible with wavy growth rings and very hardy. To rare properties juniper wood is attributed to its pleasant sandarach smell, .

See more information about children's furniture

Today, the hardness of a tree is determined using several methods. There are density ratings for all trees. Based on the hardness, they determine where and what kind of wood to use.

The hardest woods

According to the obtained hardness data, a list of the hardest trees has been compiled. It included white acacia. This tree is in large quantities grows in Europe, anywhere from North America.

Brazilian cherry, scientifically called jatoba, is second in hardness. It should be noted that this tree has nothing in common with plants of the genus "cherry". AT South America sucupira grows. Its wood is not only practical, but also decorative, as it has interspersed light veins that contrast with the reddish-brown wood. It is known that fungi and pests of sucupire are not terrible. Despite the fact that wood is difficult to process, it is well polished.

Most tall trees on the planet, sparkles growing in California; They are called Hyperion, Helios and Ikarus. Their location is considered one of best secrets U.S.A. If the fruit ripens, it begins to emit a characteristic odor. Others, still immature, feel and accelerate their own maturation. Every person on Earth has about 420 trees. 5 billion new trees grow every year, but in turn we cut and destroy 15 billion a year. Scientists also say that since the beginning of civilization, the number of trees has fallen by 46 percent.

There is such wood from the category of hard ones, like African turbidity. It is unusual that in structure it is similar to teak, and in color it resembles walnut. AT Central America there is an amaranth tree, which has a dense but flexible wood that has a red-violet hue and a large expressive structure. Amaranth is difficult to process and varnish, however, single accessories and expensive furniture are made from its wood.

The oldest tree that grows today in the world is 9 thousand. 550 years. This is a spruce in the Swedish region of Dalarna. Researchers from Umeå University in the southernmost part of Lapland in Dalarna found about 20 pylons of more than 8,000 people. of the year. Their age was determined by analyzing carbon isotopes.

Earth's forests produce 26.6 billion tons of oxygen per year - half of the annual supply for all of humanity. Hardwood or hardwood has a very long history, older than any of us, we could say that we learned from him where and how we can use it so that we bring a warm, safe and healthy atmosphere into our homes, Wood has been and has been for thousands of years , being a determining factor in human life, and, probably, its evolution would be completely different without this natural resource.

Merbay is another type of hardwood. It is easy to process, easy to polish and resistant to moisture. These properties make it ideal for the production of parquet, bathroom decoration. The well-known Canadian maple growing in North America, otherwise called sugar maple. it solid wood is the symbol of Canada.

Visual impact, texture, natural color and durability are just some of the benefits that make us wonder why this material can be used for so long in any style of fit and can satisfy even the most demanding and extravagant tastes.

This creates the pinnacle of the best wood essences in the world. The most durable wood in the world. From Spanish it would be "destroyer of the bridge." The tree is about 1 meter in diameter and 9-15 meters high. The color of this tree varies from pale brown to reddish brown. For a long time it glows, it will close a little. Harder to work due to its density and is mainly used in heavy construction.

Yarra is an Australian eucalyptus. Due to the similarity of its wood with mahogany, the tree is also called Australian mahogany. Wood is considered solid rosewood. His homeland is Brazil. It is an indispensable material for the manufacture of musical instruments and furniture for presentable objects.

It is a very strong and resistant wood even to insect attack, ideal for construction regardless of weather conditions. The wood comes from tree species, endangered and recognized as one of the most persistent essences. The tree grows in Central America and South America. It is very durable and extremely difficult to process. The color varies from olive to dark green and even black. Recommended for outdoor use, as well as for protection against insects.

This Australian wood is very dark in color and can also be used as a mahogany substitute. But it is more stable than the latter. The uniqueness of this tree is its pattern, its texture reminiscent of the skin of a snake, hence its popular name.

The hardest tree in Russia

Russia is rich in forests. Birch Schmidt - a resident of the reserve "Kedrovaya Pad", located in Primorye, is the hardest in the country. This birch is one of the representatives of the so-called iron trees. Due to the extremely hard wood, bullets bounce off it, it instantly sinks in water, has the property of self-preservation, does not rot and is stronger than cast iron. It is believed that bearings for machines can be made from this tree.

The birch got its name in honor of the botanist who discovered it by the name of Schmidt. This tree grows on the slopes of ravines at the exit of rocks, as it loves rocky soil. The birch always has an inclined state of the trunk. Usually it is comb-shaped and does not exceed eighty centimeters in girth. Iron birch reaches a height of twenty-five meters, but the crown begins only at a height of eight meters. These trees are considered long-lived. On average, the Schmidt birch lives about three hundred and fifty years.

What is hardwood made of?

Hardwoods are used in many areas, depending on the species. So from the Brazilian cherry, which is called jatoba, canes, billiard cues, furniture, parquet are made. But in shipbuilding, this wood is not used, as it deteriorates in sea water.

Acacia wood has a yellow tint. She was known even to cabinetmakers, as she does not rot and does not wear out. Acacia wood is used to make parquet, which is considered stronger than oak, and over the years it becomes more beautiful.

Marbau wood, due to its increased hardness, is used during construction. public buildings, and also make parquet from it. It is used in the design of wet rooms, as it is not afraid of water.

From durable wood ash trees used to make not only hunting tools, but also military tools, spears and clubs. Beech wood is known to bend easily when steamed. This property is indispensable in the manufacture of rounded furniture, including Viennese chairs. Beech is used to produce rifle butts, weaving shuttles and even musical instruments. In addition, plywood and containers are made from beech, beech parquet and measuring instruments are known.

The tree with the strongest wood

It is reliably known that the most durable, in other words, “iron” wood, is in trees, which are called “iron trees”. It is so strong that sometimes it exceeds iron in this indicator. Even nails and machine parts can be made from it. There are several types of trees and they grow in different parts planets. Here are some examples of these miracle trees.

The Schmidt birch, whose wood is one and a half times stronger than cast iron, grows in Primorsky Krai, another owner of iron wood grows in Brazil - this is an Amazonian tree, in Africa such a representative is called azobe. Taxus (or yew) also belongs to iron trees, it is absolutely not subject to rotting, it is also called "non-rot-tree". Azerbaijan and Iran are the birthplace of an iron tree called temir-agach, and Persian parrotia grows in the Northern Irish and Transcaucasian forests.

Trees are champions not only in strength, but also in size. According to the site, the largest tree in the world has reached a height of more than 150 meters.
