Existing models of chests of drawers for the bedroom, recommendations for choosing. Dressers in the bedroom Narrow dressers for the bedroom

Dressers in the bedroom are used as component furniture set. From the old "grandmother's chest", which contains additional details, has become an elegant modern chest of drawers. Behind Lately its form has been significantly improved, transformed. Designers have added graceful lines to this element of furniture, convenient drawers have appeared. Minimalist lovers can choose any model for the bedroom. There will be no problems with the purchase, since they are presented on the market in in large numbers such products for modern bedroom. You can choose separate chests of drawers in the bedroom, or buy a ready-made set of furniture.

Attention ! When selecting given element furniture in the bedroom consider color scheme created interior, otherwise your chest of drawers will become a "white spot" in the room.

Determine the location

It would be wrong to say that the chest of drawers is necessary element furniture in a modern bedroom.

Advice ! If the bedroom is small, discard this element.

When determining the place in the bedroom, keep in mind that it has drawers. There should be enough space in the bedroom to open them freely. In the photo - a sample model for the bedroom.

If you dream of an analogue of the "grandmother's chest", first decide on the dimensions: length, width, depth that it should have. Then you can go to the store for new furniture armed with a tape measure.

Advice ! When measuring, consider the thickness of the back wall. A chest of drawers in a modern bedroom, designed for small things, can be shallow.

Its cost will directly depend on what dimensions it will have, what material it is made of, what additional decorative elements it has. cheap furniture It is made from low quality materials, so this item is unlikely to decorate your bedroom.

The video shows the options that can be used in the design of the bedroom

Choosing material for the manufacture of furniture in the bedroom

For classic interior suitable wooden an option made of solid natural wood: maple, cherry, oak.

For a modern laconic style and strict high-tech, designs with simple and even lines, complemented by aluminum or plastic fittings, are suitable.

If, according to your idea, a chest of drawers in the bedroom should become the main element of the interior, you can choose a model that combines several materials: metal, genuine leather, stone, glass.

An important component of this piece of furniture is fittings: drawer handles, doors. All these details must be not only beautiful, but also durable, have a long service life. Do not forget that the fittings must "fit" into overall design premises.

Dressing table alternative

Increasingly, instead of a dressing table, in the bedroom you can see a chest of drawers. It has a large capacity, you can "fit" in it a lot of useful little things and things. For a small bedroom, every centimeter is important, so a chest of drawers with a mirror is a real find. For a bedroom designed for two, one such item with 2-3 drawers will be enough. Everyone will have the opportunity to place personal belongings, taking into account their taste preferences, guided by common sense. In the photo - a sample with a mirror for a modern bedroom.

In such a product with a mirror, the hostess of the bedroom will be able to lay out her jewelry, cosmetics, arrange frames with relatives and close people on the chest of drawers.

Advice ! Candlesticks will gracefully look on such furniture, which will fill the room with additional light, create comfort and coziness in it.

Product package

The standard version includes three to five drawers. With more of them, the chest of drawers turns into a closet, it will be out of place in the interior of a small bedroom.

You can install a chest of drawers by the bed (side) or opposite it, depending on the location of the mirror. The color of the chest of drawers purchased for the bedroom should repeat the color scheme of the rest of the furniture elements.

The instructions, which are always attached by the manufacturer to the chest of drawers, contain similar information about the stages of its assembly, the number of components. At quality boxes there is a special mechanism - closer.

Advantages and disadvantages

Large chests of drawers can also be used as cabinets for video and audio equipment, TV. Among the minuses is the bulkiness of such structures.

Narrow chests of drawers of various colors and shapes have an original appearance, suitable for small rooms recreation.

For those who prefer stylish bedroom sets, strict lines, discreet forms of chests of drawers offered by Italian furniture makers. Extravagant details to complement chests of drawers, such as handles unusual shape, emphasize the taste of the owner and the individuality of the design created in the bedroom.

The long chest of drawers can be placed in small apartment while freeing up part of the room. If desired, you can find a model decorated with Swarovski crystals or genuine leather.

Not all property owners have financial opportunity to purchase expensive designer chests of drawers, they are trying to find a way to restore an old piece of furniture.

The smooth wall of the bedroom can be used as a backdrop for a chest of drawers with bright colors and additional ornaments. To create such a “masterpiece”, you will need the remnants of wallpaper with large floral motifs, as well as a couple of sheets of wrapping paper. First you need to cut the wallpaper, making 5-10 cm per allowance. To fix the wallpaper, you need transparent PVA glue. The edge of the wallpaper is gently folded inward, after gluing to the chest of drawers, the wallpaper is gently smoothed with a napkin. As soon as the glue dries, the surface is covered with a transparent acrylic varnish to increase the life of the "designer" chest of drawers. In addition to wallpaper, using the same technique, you can decorate a chest of drawers with fabric or leather, turning a standard piece of furniture into a real work of art.

Decorating a chest of drawers with your own hands

The mirror facade, or its imitation in the Art Deco style, gives an ordinary chest of drawers additional beauty and charm. To work, you need a golden or silver aluminium foil, depending on the taste preferences of the owner of the room. A black chest of drawers will require a special black paint for wood, as well as a clear varnish suitable for foil. First, the chest of drawers is painted black, after being sanded from old paint. Facades are decorated with foil to get small "creases". This effect can be obtained by moving the foil wet wipe. Then the chest of drawers is varnished, and after complete drying, handles are screwed to it. Having spent a small amount of material resources, you will become the owner of the "new" stylish chest of drawers for your bedroom.

Parameters of a chest of drawers for a bedroom

The minimum height of this piece of furniture is 850 mm. At a lower height, the chest of drawers turns into a cabinet.

Attention ! If you chose the bedroom hinged structure, its height may be less than the standard.

Average length - 50 cm, depth - 30 cm, length - up to 2 m. Small "decorative" dressers are not suitable for the bedroom, as they can hardly be called functional, they cannot accommodate personal items, bed dress. When calculating the parameters of the product, they proceed from the average height of a person. The optimal height is 130 cm.

Attention ! Chest of drawers is not desk, cabinet for TV. For such purposes, select a special chest of drawers - a secretary.

Apart from classic options, having 2-4 identical drawers, there are models that have drawers of different sizes. In the smallest, you can put jewelry, deep and high can be used to store pillows and blankets. Deep and long drawers are optimal for bed linen, as well as for storing knitwear.

In narrow and long ones, you can put scarves, ties, scarves.

Mobility and stationarity

At first this furniture installed on a plinth or legs, move similar design It was possible only in case of emergency: repair, relocation, redevelopment of the room. Modern furniture manufacturers offer options for mobile designs. Such designs, instead of classic legs, are equipped with special rollers with locks. By lifting the latch, you can move the piece of furniture to another place, when the lever is lowered, it is fixed. In addition to the main function - placing things, such a chest of drawers can be used as a mobile partition. This is true for owners of apartments - studios.

Bedroom Furniture Shape

The vast majority of the proposed models have a classic rectangular shape. This design is placed along the wall, or mounted on the wall.

Corner models

They have several modifications: l-shaped, trapezoidal, five-walled. The advantages of such options in saving space in the room, only the corner is occupied.

Radius Options

They have curvilinear contours close to an ellipse or a semicircle. Such furniture is suitable for high-tech or modern. In a round model, the sections rotate relative to each other, while they are autonomous.

Combined models

A common option is considered to be an upper movable tabletop that can move in a perpendicular, parallel form, while making the tabletop a compact and convenient chest of drawers with drawers.


Designers can turn an old "granny chest" into a modern and stylish item bedroom interior. When choosing it, it is important to take into account the recommendations of professionals. For a classic style chosen for your bedroom, it is better to choose a model with legs. Replacing the round handles with forged “bronze-like” ones, sticking figured thin molding from the sides, they will give this design an additional charm.

For the Empire or Baroque style chosen for the design of a modern bedroom, you will need a molding of a more bizarre shape that imitates gold. Handles are desirable to choose an unusual, "gilded" look. In order for the updated piece of furniture to serve you faithfully for a long time, it is necessary to treat its surface with a colored or transparent glossy varnish. Modern allows the design of boxes with mirrors, edging with an ordinary baguette. Among modern fashion trends- the use of decoupage when decorating an old product for the bedroom. Do not forget that such a design is suitable for storing things, fits into the interior of a modern bedroom, and has every chance of becoming its true decoration.

Everyone knows the chest - a capacious and comfortable box with a lid, the history of which goes back to our distant ancestors, striving for their own comfort. However, it was not very convenient to get something out of a high chest with a deep bottom, so resourceful people came up with the idea of ​​​​making drawers in it.

And so the idea of ​​a modern chest of drawers was born - an almost indispensable piece of furniture. A chest of drawers is considered appropriate in the interior of almost any room - bedroom, living room, nursery, bathroom, hallway and dressing room. It is only important to choose the right piece of furniture and decorate the space next to it, or rather above it.

It is probably worth mentioning how to use dressers in the interior of any space correctly. Naturally, it is needed to store those things that are needed in a specific room. So, a chest of drawers in the interior of a bedroom most often performs the function of storing sets of bed linen, towels, clothes, etc. Also, often a small chest of drawers with shelves is used as a bedside table - usually these are console tables with drawers on high carved legs.

- in the living room

A chest of drawers in the interior of the living room is used to store tablecloths, curtains, Christmas decorations, photos, board games etc. Naturally, in the living room it also performs a decorative function, so you should pay special attention to its decoration and “fitting” into general style premises.

- in the children's room

In the children's room, a chest of drawers with shelves stores the baby's toys, his textbooks and notebooks, stationery, clothes, and when decorating a chest of drawers in the interior of a nursery, you can fantasize - draw icons on each drawer so that the child learns to order and neatness.

- in the hall

In the hallway, in a chest of drawers, you can store umbrellas, shoe care items, as well as cleaning products for the apartment. It is worth saying that in the hallway you can not pay much attention to decorating the chest of drawers, because here decorative accessories can be easily brushed off or hurt when dressing. outerwear. Here, a chest of drawers is, first of all, a functional element, and keys, watches, glasses and other constantly used little things are most often stored on a chest of drawers.

-In bathroom

A chest of drawers looks good in the interior of a spacious bathroom. There, a low chest of drawers can be used as a base for a dressing table, if hung over it large mirror. Accordingly, cosmetics and bath accessories are stored in its drawers in the bathroom.

How to choose a chest of drawers?

Another important aspect the choice of a chest of drawers is considered, or rather its material, color and size. It is important to decide here whether all furniture should be of the same series - from the same material or even a set - or it is possible to use a chest of drawers that is different from all other furniture. Of course, in traditional interiors it is appropriate when all the furniture is included, but if the furniture is dark and massive, it is better to choose a chest of drawers or some other piece of furniture from the same material, but in a lighter color. In general, than less room and the more massive and visually heavier the furniture, the lighter its color should be.

In modern interiors, in order for all the furniture to echo, they choose a two-color option, when one part of the chest of drawers is dark and the other is light. Such a chest of drawers in the bedroom interior looks good with pieces of furniture similar in color: a dark bed and a light wardrobe, two-tone bedside tables, a dark headboard against a light wall, etc.

However, choosing a light color is not always correct. For example, a light chest of drawers in the living room interior, where the rest of the furniture is bright, looks unsuccessful. If a rather specific color of cabinet furniture in the room is chosen, it is better to choose a chest of drawers from the same series or specially paint it after purchase. You can do it yourself, or you can entrust it to professionals who will select the right paint color.

Heavy and massive chests of drawers look interesting in spacious spaces with a minimum of furniture. For example, a massive and simple chest of drawers in the interior of a bedroom or living room in a minimalist style may be the only roomy piece of furniture. Moreover, the location of the chest of drawers also plays a big role in this case: if it stands in the corner and does not catch the eye, you can pay more attention to spaciousness than its decorative function. If he stands in the center and the eye constantly falls on him, it is important to think over the accessories that will be on the chest of drawers.

Those who have a real rare old chest of drawers are, of course, lucky. And others should not despair, because now they create “antique” things that look no worse than really old things, besides, they are more affordable in terms of price. By the way, the old chest of drawers does not always look stylish. in the halls or spacious rooms V classical style its use is appropriate, but in modern conditions small apartments it is better to use compact furniture modern design. You can make an “old” chest of drawers on your own using the decoupage technique, and you can also artificially age any furniture.

We decorate the chest of drawers correctly

In order for a chest of drawers to look beautiful in the interior of a living room or bedroom, it is important to properly arrange the space above it, since it is still usually a low object, and a chest of drawers. In the bedroom, a mirror is usually placed above the chest of drawers, and in the living room - a picture, photograph or panel, but even here it is not so simple.

Decorative elements can be arranged symmetrically or asymmetrically. For example, if you hang a picture or a mirror on the wall right along the axis of symmetry of the dresser, then on both sides of it you can put the same tall lamps (as in the photo above) or candlesticks, vases or caskets. And here it is important that the height decorative elements was the same or slightly more than half the height of the picture or mirror. If the picture or panel is shifted to one of the sides of the chest of drawers, then on the dresser shelf you can put low vases, figurines or other decorative accessories only on one side opposite to the one where the picture is located, or on one side you can put a tall object, and on the other somewhat low.

It is worth noting that the picture or panel itself should be proportionate to the chest of drawers. It is believed that objects located above should be slightly narrower than those below, so you should not choose paintings or photographs that are too large. The same principle goes with the TV above the chest of drawers. Of course, the TV is never perceived as an addition to something, it is an independent accessory, so it can be of any size, but it is still better to have wider things at the bottom. In this case, the room acquires a certain harmony and sophistication. You can pick up a TV that is equal to the width of the dresser, but you need to pay attention to the fact that the TV does not protrude beyond the borders of the dresser on any side.

It is important not to overload the chest of drawers with accessories, especially if the chest of drawers and the wall on which it stands are in contrast to each other. So, on a black glossy chest of drawers against a white wall, you can put a small plate and tall vase or a lamp so that there is dynamics in the interior. Moreover, to create a dynamic interior, it is better that high and low accessories differ greatly in height. Also in such rooms with light walls and black furniture, you can decorate a chest of drawers with accessories of the same color - golden or silver - it will look very stylish. If the wall and chest of drawers the same color, for example, white, it is better to use colored glass accessories.

The choice of furniture is always a responsible matter. It should be not only stylish and modern, but also functional, easy to use.

In this article we will talk about a chest of drawers in the bedroom. The choice should be balanced and confident, you should not rush to the first chest of drawers you like, it may not suit you at all.

Under the style of your bedroom, in size, in functionality, there can be many factors.

Let's see what a chest of drawers is for and what role it should play in your bedroom.

Choice Basics

Furniture is the basis of every home, without it the room will be a real house. Therefore, this issue needs to be taken seriously.

You can preview the photo of the chest of drawers in the bedroom, in the catalog, to come and buy. But these are not all recommendations for buying a chest of drawers:

Large selection of chests of drawers made in different interpretations will turn your head. If you yourself are lost, you can always ask consultants for advice, explaining what chest of drawers you want to see in your bedroom.

Always compare. Look at several models of chests of drawers in the interior of the bedroom, and compare them. In terms of quality, cost, functionality and capacity.

Listen to the opinion from the outside. Maybe you didn’t notice something because of the dazzling beauty of the chest of drawers. Opinion from the side will always sensibly assess the situation.

Pay attention to size and cost. The size of the chest of drawers should come from the area of ​​​​the room, and the price depends on the quality of the furniture. The more expensive the better material from which the dresser is made.

The role of the dresser

Before buying furniture for a chest of drawers in the bedroom, initially choose a place where it will be located. Take measurements with a regular tape measure. In order to avoid unpleasant incidents in the future.

Example: if you plan to use only for bedding, a chest of drawers can be standard. If as a table, then you should pay attention to the chest of drawers with a mirror in the bedroom.

You can use the chest of drawers as a stand for a TV or other equipment. Here then pay attention to the characteristics.

Types of chests of drawers

Today there are a lot of them. Totally different shapes and styles. Rely on your preferences. Here are some types of chests of drawers:

The first is a narrow chest of drawers. Of course, you can’t use it as a stand for large equipment, but it perfectly accommodates all the bedding.

Can serve as a stand for decorative items. Great option For small room. By placing it along the wall, you will not take up much space in the room.

Another view of the corner chest of drawers in the bedroom. It will perfectly occupy a free corner, also saving space in the bedroom. It may vary in size. Rely on your preferences.

As for the big ones, long chests of drawers to the bedroom, then here you should be the numbered owner large bedroom. Such a chest of drawers will replace your closet, due to its spaciousness.

It has a lot of built-in shelves and a niche.

In order not to buy extra furniture, pay attention to the dresser table in the bedroom. Do not litter the bedroom with any necessary furniture, this option will save not only space, but also finances.

Dresser style

We buy furniture when the room is ready, in our case the bedroom. It has already been made in a certain style: classic, hi-tech, loft, vintage, etc.

Therefore, the chest of drawers should also match this style. Color, shape, all this must be taken into account.

You can create one concept, or focus on furniture. Here for example: in dark room place a white chest of drawers in the bedroom. Play with contrast.

Or vice versa Light room can be supplemented with a dark spot in the form of a chest of drawers.

In general, there are many concepts, show your imagination, or follow the example of designers who will provide you with a finished project.

Photo of dressers in the bedroom

It is necessary to understand everything well, so that when you see a good chest of drawers in the store, not to succumb to the first emotional impulse.

It has been so customary in our world since ancient times that not a single dwelling is complete without pieces of furniture in the bedroom.

That is why, in order to make the right choice, it is better to use the uncomplicated recommendations of specialists.

There is no need to save time, because if you have already begun to choose a chest of drawers for purchase, then it is better not to rush.

Do not give preference to one model. It is better to take a closer look at at least 5 chests of drawers and carefully see which one is suitable for bedroom design.

If you liked too expensive chest of drawers, then you need to carefully weigh everything. Unsuccessful pillows - you can still get used to it, but if the furniture is not suitable, this is already an extra waste of your own budget.

Functionality of dressers in bedrooms

These pieces of furniture are different and can perform more than one function.

  • The role of such a chest of drawers is to store things of living people and at the same time be a bedside table near the bed.
  • A chest of drawers with a mirror in the bedroom will help to perform the function of a dressing table.
  • In a nursery, a chest of drawers can play a major role if your child is still a toddler and is used as a changing table. And in later life, the chest of drawers will teach the child to order, because this will be his first closet where you can store personal items.
  • The chest of drawers copes with various tasks and sometimes it serves as a place for a tape recorder or a laptop.

A Brief History of Bedroom Furniture

Since the distant past, instead of a chest of drawers and a wardrobe, people used chests. He could perform different tasks: they kept things inside, they could still sit or lie on it.

The first chest of drawers appeared in Italy, only there furniture was made similar to modern. And due to the fact that people rest in the bedrooms, everything here should be made of natural materials.

Dressers for bedrooms of different designs

Classic style

For such bedrooms, dressers are chosen that are large in size so that you can put anything on it.

The legs of such furniture are usually figured, the handles are cast. Be sure to match the chest of drawers with the design of other pieces of furniture.

Perform classic chests of drawers from a material that imitates valuable wood species. A white chest of drawers in the bedroom will help make the room natural and cozy.

Provence style, vintage

The dresser model for these designs should be light and casual. Thin and neat legs, rounded corners, a wavy tabletop and this is not the only characteristic of Provence or vintage style bedroom furniture.

A narrow chest of drawers in the bedroom will fit well into this design. But there is one condition, they are decorated with hand-painted or simply gilded.

Modern loft style

The design provides for the distribution of the room to functional areas, but not partitions, namely furniture.

Therefore, a corner chest of drawers in the bedroom will cope with such a task. Unusual furniture with rough wooden boxes and blackened metal inserts.

How to arrange a chest of drawers

A chest of drawers is a storage for things, so it should be well lit. And, of course, have access to drawers. Install the chest of drawers in places where the light hits the best way.

If the furniture is in the role of a dressing table and has a mirror, then lamps in the form of a sconce are hung on the sides. Or you can just put a regular lamp for additional lighting.

Photo chest of drawers in the bedroom
