Wiring diagram for a warm thermostat. Connection of an electric heat-insulated floor. Video - Installing a floor heating thermostat

Laying and connecting a warm floor is not a difficult process if we are dealing with its electrical varieties.
In contrast to the rather cumbersome installation of a water floor, electrical models suitable for any space. There are practically no restrictions on their use. The arrangement of the system is correct location heating elements. Then follows the connection of the warm floor to the thermostat and to the source of electricity. Features of the installation scheme depend on the type of heating element and the configuration of the room.

Varieties of electric floors

Electric floors have a common power source, but differ in the arrangement of heating elements. To figure out how to properly connect a warm floor, you need to clarify what kind of it you plan to install.

As a heating base can be:

  • resistive heating cable(one- or two-core);
  • self-regulating cable;
  • thermal mats (thin conductor laid on a grid);
  • heating film (carbon or bimetallic);
  • carbon rods.

There is a scheme for connecting an electric underfloor heating for each of the above options.

When installing the cable floor, it is necessary to correctly calculate the laying spacing in order to avoid excessive heat generation or uneven heating of the surface.

Heating mats and film are purchased according to the manufacturer's recommendations, which are usually indicated on the packaging.

Connecting a thermostat

Before connecting a warm floor (any electrical variety) you need to determine the location of the thermostat.
This device is designed to control the system and maintain the required temperature in the room. In addition, heating elements are connected to the network by means of a thermostat. The lineup temperature controllers is quite wide - from simple mechanical devices to smart devices.

Thermostats with a built-in sensor that registers the air temperature in the room are installed at a height of at least one and a half meters from the floor surface and in places where they will be protected from heat sources (for example, direct sunlight).

Before connecting underfloor heating thermostat, you should decide which of the two existing ways you will perform this operation. You can make a fixed connection from the electrical panel or use the existing outlet.

Most models of thermostats are equipped with a diagram, which is usually depicted on the case. This greatly facilitates the procedure and allows you to carry it out yourself, without the help of a professional electrician.

After the thermostat is set, junction box we bring the phase, as well as grounding and zero. We cut a groove in the wall to accommodate two plastic tubes. One of them is designed to accommodate the power wires of the heating cable, the other is for wiring the internal sensor, which will be located under the floor covering. When all these activities are completed, you can begin the installation and connection of the electric floor heating.

We connect the cable floor

First, we level the surface, then we attach a damper line along the wall and lay the thermal insulation. The cable can also be mounted on the subfloor, provided that there is a heated room below. Before laying the cable, we stretch the power wires to the thermostat box (the connector will eventually have to be in the body of the concrete screed).

Further, the installation and connection of a warm floor is done according to the following scheme: we place a mounting tape on the surface of the subfloor or thermal insulation. It is needed in order to fix the cable. Most convenient way laying is considered so-called. snake.

Important: when laying the cable lines must not cross!

Fasteners on the mounting tape will help to position the conductor evenly. After the cable is laid out, we install the sensor by placing it in a plastic tube, which was described above. The final stage of installation is to check the quality of its implementation: using a tester, we make sure that the cable resistance corresponds to the passport value. Now everything is ready for pouring the screed.

Before connecting an electric underfloor heating, you must make sure that the screed has hardened. When cement-sand mortar becomes hard enough, connect the power wires from heating sections and sensor, as well as electrical wiring that feeds the entire system to the thermostat using screw terminals.
This stage is the most difficult, so it will be best if a professional takes care of it.

Connection of thermal mats

Understand how a warm floor made of heating mats, not difficult. Working principle in this case the same as when installing the cable system. Therefore, it makes sense to talk only about the existing differences.

A thermal mat is a thin heating cable fixed on a heat-resistant film. Since the laying step is predetermined, it remains only to determine the area on which the system will be located and its specific power.

Before connecting a warm floor, the film with the cable is placed directly on the draft concrete surface, pour a thin layer of screed or tile adhesive and cover with the selected for finishing material. The use of thermal insulation in this case is unacceptable, as it leads to overheating of the system.

Construction thickness in ready-made is only one and a half centimeters, so to place the sensor, you have to make a recess in the floor surface.

If the so-called. is not enough to connect the warm floor to the thermostat. cold ends, then a part of the cable is cut out of the mat. The coupling is placed inside the screed.

Since the thermal mat is a type of heating cable, the installation of both systems is very similar. The difference is that in the case of heating mats this job is easier and faster. The lack of thermal insulation and a thin layer of screed makes it profitable to connect a warm floor, the price for it will be lower due to savings on materials and the amount of work. Also a plus is the ability to install the system in rooms that have restrictions on raising the floor height.

Film floor connection

One of the relatively new varieties of underfloor heating are models made from heating film. To understand how to connect a warm film floor, you need to understand the features of its device. The system consists of heating elements (carbon or bimetallic) sealed in a thin layer of heat-resistant material. Along the edges of the heating film are copper conductors that are connected to the network.

A film underfloor heating is connected in the same way as the installation of thermal mats. The difference lies in the use of a special substrate, which is laid out over the entire insulated surface. For the substrate, a material covered with a foil film is used. It has the ability to reflect infrared radiation and direct it to a heated room.

For laying the sensors, a plastic tube is used, which is placed in a recess made in the floor. It is also possible to fix the device on the surface of the film.

The film, unlike mats, can be cut entirely. This is done along the lines specified by the manufacturer. They pass over the surface at intervals of 20 - 30 centimeters. The conductive strips are insulated from only one end, and the other remains open, since the connection to the power wires will be made here.

Sheets of film are laid out and connected to each other in a parallel way. At the end, one wire from the pair is connected to the adjacent sheet, and through the other, the infrared floor heating is connected to the thermostat.

The versatility of the film underfloor heating is that it is compatible with almost any coating. Especially good choice is a laminate. Worst of all is carpet because of the high probability of damage to the film when pressure is applied to the floor surface.

The floor heating system allows you to maintain a comfortable microclimate in the room, giving the owner the opportunity self-determination required temperature. To control the intensity of heating of this kind, systems are equipped with a device known as a thermostat.

If desired, the installation of the said device can be handled on your own. The contractor must initially tune in to the seriousness and responsibility of the upcoming event, not forgetting, at the same time, the safety provisions.

In addition to the temperature controller itself, the system includes a special temperature sensor. The installation of the second device is carried out using a corrugated plastic tube. This product is located in the floor screed.

Modern thermostats are programmable, which is very convenient. For example, the owner can set up the device in such a way that, in the absence of owners, the warm floor will operate in energy saving mode, and some time before people arrive home, it will switch to full heating mode, providing the desired temperature in the served room.

Regulators with a programming function are somewhat more expensive compared to their "brothers" without such an opportunity, however, due to savings on the consumption of a heat source, the difference in price is compensated on average for 1-3 seasons.

Preparation for work

Before proceeding with the installation of the temperature controller, carefully read the instructions supplied by the manufacturer. The section devoted directly to the installation of the device deserves special attention, because. procedure for this activity different models is different.

Thermoregulator TI-200. Instruction

Thermostat UTH-150 Euro type. Passport and installation instructions

Remove front panel regulator by carefully removing the control wheel. To do this, gently pry the element with a screwdriver, and then unscrew the fixing screw. If the model of the regulator you have chosen is equipped with latches, simply press them with a screwdriver and the panel will be removed.

Important! If the cover is not removable, do not try to solve the problem by providing mechanical impact. So you risk breaking the fasteners. As a result, you will have to buy a new regulator. It is better to carefully read the manufacturer's manual and disassemble the device in accordance with the sequence given.

Prepare the following fixtures for mounting the instrument:

  • corrugated tube. In most situations, this product is present at the factory. If specifically in your case, the manufacturer did not complete its product with a corrugated mounting pipe, buy it separately. A tube with a 16 mm diameter is optimally suited. To determine the required length, measure the space between the heating controller and temperature sensor;
  • screwdriver
  • fixing screws;
  • mounting box;
  • level;
  • indicator screwdriver. Designed to determine the voltage in the network. Can be replaced by another device with similar functions.

The nuances of installing different types of thermostats

When studying the instructions for the selected thermostat, pay attention to the indicator of the service area declared by the manufacturer. If you plan to install the device in large room, it would be advisable to divide the space into several areas and install its own temperature controller for each of them. Otherwise, the device may simply not withstand the applied load and there will be no point in using it.

Regulators may have different design and functionality. Depending on this, the installation order of the device will vary slightly. Information about this is given in the table.

Table. Differences in the main parameters of thermostats

Thermostat designOn sale are built-in and overhead devices. Installation of a built-in regulator implies the need to create a technological hole in the selected wall. In the case of an overhead device, you do not have to make a hole.
Control FeaturesManufacturers offer devices with remote and built-in temperature sensors. Combined models equipped with both types of sensors are also available.
FunctionalityIt was previously noted that the controller may have programming functions or be without them. Experts recommend using customizable devices whenever possible, because. they provide more comfortable, economical and overall effective conditions use of underfloor heating.

Useful information about electrical wires

Several wires are introduced into the box, the insulation of which has a different color. In accordance with generally accepted provisions, the wire goes to zero blue color, the phase is connected to a wire in black insulation, and grounding is provided by a wire in a yellow-green sheath.

You can find the phase using a special network indicator. Also in preparation, you must measure the voltage level created between zero and phase. The normal value is 220 V.

You must cut the wires of the main heating cable as well as the power supply. This can be done using sharp knife or special nippers. The cables must be cut so that they protrude from the junction box by about 5 cm. The wires must be stripped. If a device is being installed with a screwless connection, information about the recommended length of this stripping will be given on the body of the device. Make sure that the stripped ends of the cables do not touch. To connect the ground wire to the braid of the heating cable, use soldering or a terminal.

Next, you need to connect the power wire to the thermostat to be installed. The system connection diagram is given in the manufacturer's manual or on the device case. For different devices it will be different, so check this moment on an individual basis.

Lead the phase wire to the corresponding contact of the device to be installed. You can find out the contact you need by marking it with the Latin letter L. Connect the zero cable to the terminal marked with the letter N. Be careful: there are systems on sale in which the main heating cable of the system being equipped is connected to the N-terminal. Check this information in the manufacturer's manual before starting work.

Connect the temperature sensor to the sensor terminals. As noted, this sensor is located in corrugated pipe. If it is not initially inserted into the tube, you need to do it yourself.

Key safety points

Any electric installation work must be carried out in strict accordance with safety regulations. Neglect of these provisions threatens the most adverse consequences. The key recommendations are:

  • before starting work, de-energize the entire apartment / house or directly the line allocated for connecting the thermostat, if such a possibility exists;
  • do not plug the disassembled device into the mains;
  • do not use the regulator at temperatures above +40 and below -5;
  • do not allow the thermostat to become dusty;
  • Do not use a variety of solvents to clean the device. The use of benzene for these purposes is also unacceptable;
  • do not repair the regulator without having the appropriate skills;
  • do not exceed the values ​​of power and current above those specified in the manufacturer's instructions.

Step-by-step instructions for installing the regulator

The event under consideration consists of several main technological stages. Follow the given sequence, and everything will definitely work out.

First stage. Armed with a hammer drill, drill or other suitable tool, prepare a hole in the wall for the connected device. Its size should allow you to install the box. At the same stage, arrange channels for laying cables and arranging the sensor. Place the installation box in the previously prepared mounting hole.

Scheme of laying wires in the corrugation

Third stage. Install a temperature controller. Your task is to simply fix the device in the box.

Fourth stage. Connect the main nodes of the system. At this stage, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions, because. the sequence of actions is somewhat different for different device models.

Fifth stage. Install the front panel. Use the supplied mounting screws to secure. Check the evenness of the installation of the regulator using a level. Then close the thermostat cover and turn on the power. If everything is in order, you will understand this by the underfloor heating indicator lit up or the controller screen turning on. You can start setting up your device.

Important! Experts recommend taking the underfloor heating system into permanent operation at least 3-4 weeks after pouring the screed and laying the tiles, if it was chosen as the finishing decorative coating. Under the influence of heat, the filling can simply crack.

The performer is only allowed to measure the resistance created between the heating conductors, using a tool specially designed for this. The measurements obtained are compared with optimal values given in the manufacturer's manual. If everything is in order, it remains only to wait for the screed to dry completely and gain strength, after which the system, equipped with a thermostat and an associated sensor, can be put into full operation.

Successful work!

Video - Installing a floor heating thermostat

An important role in the construction and design of a warm floor is played by a thermostat - a control unit that processes information from temperature sensors. Depending on the selected operating mode, it turns on or off the heating mode.

The mandatory installation of a thermostat depends on the modification of your underfloor heating. If heating is carried out by electricity, then the thermostat is an indispensable element of the design, but it can not be installed in a warm water field. However, to save the coolant and regulate the heating of the room with several heat sources, the thermostat can also be installed in systems with a warm water floor.

What are thermostats?

Depending on the internal electronic filling, thermostats can be divided into complex ones with programmable control and simple ones, in which only one parameter is set - temperature. In complex devices there is an electronic unit and a display, in simple installation the desired temperature is produced mechanically.

You can also divide thermostats into types according to the way they are installed. Like the usual wall switches they can be built-in and recessed into walls and overhead.

Temperature sensors

In order for the temperature controller to perform its work efficiently, information collected by temperature sensors must be supplied to it. The sensor consists of two wires connected by a thermocouple, which changes resistance depending on the degree of heating.

Temperature sensors can take information both directly from the heating element and measure the air temperature in the room. As a rule, air temperature sensors are mounted directly in the thermostat housing and do not require separate installation. There are thermostats that receive information simultaneously from two types of temperature sensors.

It is best to measure the temperature of the floor heating element itself or the floor itself in rooms with additional heat sources, such as kitchens and bathrooms.

Connecting an electric underfloor heating to a thermostat

Heating electrical elements underfloor heating systems are made of IR film or heating cable. The installation of such systems is quite simple - they fit either into the thickness of the screed, or on the screed directly under the finish flooring.

The thermostat is connected to such floors as follows:

Then test the thermostat:

  1. Install minimum value temperature on the controller
  2. Feed him
  3. Turn on the heating switch
  4. Smoothly change the value temperature regime, a slight click should be heard when the heating elements are turned on.
  5. Visually check floor heating.

Connecting a warm water floor to a thermostat

In water heating systems, the thermostat controls a special servo drive that regulates the flow of coolant in the system. So intended for electric floors, they can be programmable and mechanical. Temperature sensors in such systems, as a rule, measure air heating, since the heat transfer fluid gives off heat to the atmosphere with some delay.

This is how the simplest mechanical thermostat looks like for a water-heated floor system.

  1. When creating a warm water floor, the temperature sensor is usually installed at a height of about a meter, you can place it in close proximity to the thermostat. Please note that there are no additional heat sources near the sensor.
  2. After installing the sensor, run the wires from it to the thermostat. There are sensors with information transmission over a radio channel - in this case, it is necessary to achieve a stable signal transmission.
  3. After starting the system, place an ordinary thermometer next to the temperature sensor and set it on the thermostat certain temperature heating. Within a few hours, the system should maintain the temperature in a stable state.

Remember that the installation of electrical circuits in the house must be carried out with the protective circuit breaker turned off.

In order to learn more about the procedure for connecting a warm floor to a thermostat, watch the video tutorial presented on our website.

Video instruction - do-it-yourself thermostat installation

The device of the underfloor heating system consists in the installation of heating elements under the floor covering and their further connection to a power source. This does not happen directly, but through a thermostat - a device that serves to adjust the temperature regime. Connecting a warm floor to a thermostat (thermostat) and electricity is a simple operation, so it can be done without the involvement of professional electricians. Moreover, caring manufacturers usually depict the wiring diagram for mounting on the cases of their thermostats. However, if you are a person who is completely ignorant of the wilds of electricity, some of the nuances may not be clear to you. We will try to take into account possible controversial nuances and describe the process of connecting the thermostat to the underfloor heating system in as much detail as possible - for dummies.

How does a thermostat work?

The thermostat is used to maintain a stable temperature in the "warm" system, as well as to turn on and off the heating mats (films). The device "reads" the temperature sensor readings and automatically turns off the power supply as soon as the floor heats up to the required limit. At the same time, he remains in working mode and continues to control the situation. If the sensor notifies of deviations in the temperature regime, the thermostat will again turn on electricity to the system and the floor will begin to heat up.

The most popular and reliable thermostats are mechanical and conventional electronic ones. More complex - electronic programmable. Despite the significant difference in their "stuffing", the principle of connecting thermostats is very similar.

The kit for the thermostat includes a temperature sensor, mounting box, terminals, installation and operating instructions

Installation and connection of the thermostat

The thermostat is usually mounted into the wall like a normal switch. For it, a place is chosen near the existing electrical wiring, for example, near the outlet. First, a recess is made in the wall, a thermostat mounting box is installed there, wires (phase and zero) of the mains and a temperature sensor are connected to it. The next step is to connect the thermostat.

On the side of the thermostat are "nests". The wires of the network (220V), the sensor and the heating cable are brought here.

It is useful to know that the wires that are connected when installing the thermostat are color-coded:

  • white (black, brown) wire - L phase;
  • blue wire - N zero;
  • yellow-green wire - ground.

Connecting a warm floor to electricity is performed in the following order:

  1. To "nests" 1 and 2 connect network wires with a voltage of 220V. Polarity is strictly observed: wire L (phase) is connected to pin 1, wire N (zero) is connected to pin 2.
  2. A heating cable for underfloor heating is connected to contacts 3 and 4 according to the principle: 3 contact - wire N (zero), 4 contact - wire L (phase).
  3. The wires of the temperature sensor (usually built into the floor, that is, determining the temperature in the thickness of the floor) are connected to "sockets" 6 and 7. The principles of polarity do not need to be observed here.
  4. Check the thermostat is working. To do this, turn on the -220V power supply, set the minimum temperature on the device and turn on the system of heating elements (by turning the knob or pressing the button). After that, they change the heating mode to the maximum, that is, they “program” the thermostat to the most high temperature which is possible for him. Correct work the device will announce itself with a click, which will indicate the closure of the heating circuit.

Connection schemes may vary slightly, depending on the types and models of thermostats. Therefore, so that the user does not make a mistake, as a rule, all contacts are written on the device case.

When connecting the thermostat, follow the connection diagram shown on the device case.

Small differences in connection dictate the features of underfloor heating cables. According to their structure and number of cores, they are divided into single-core and double-core. Accordingly, there are some nuances in their connection schemes.

Connecting a two-wire cable to the thermostat

A two-core heating cable has two current-carrying conductors under a protective sheath. This type of cable is more convenient than a single-core design, since it is connected to the thermostat only from one end. Consider a typical connection scheme:

Diagram for connecting a two-core cable to a thermostat

We see that 3 wires are adjacent in one two-core cable: 2 of them are current-carrying (brown and blue), 1 is grounding (yellow-green). A brown wire (phase) is connected to pin 3, blue (zero) to pin 4, and green (ground) to pin 5.

The kit for the thermostat, the diagram of which we have just reviewed, does not include a ground terminal. With a ground terminal, installation is greatly simplified.

Two light green wires through the PE terminal are connected to the ground loop

Connecting a single-core cable

In a single-core cable, there is only one current-carrying conductor, usually it white color. The second wire - green - is the grounding of the PE screen. The connection scheme can be like this:

Wiring diagram single core cable to the thermostat

White wires are connected to thermostat contacts 3 and 4 (both ends of a single-core cable), contact 5 is connected to a green ground wire.

Video example of installation work

As you can see, connecting a thermostat is one of the easiest steps in building a warm floor. You don't need seven spans in your forehead to deal with the simplest circuit, drawn on the body of the device, and follow all recommendations of the manufacturer. The only difficulty may be to ensure personal safety when working with electricity. Follow the installation instructions and remember that the connection of the thermostat must be carried out with the machine (circuit breaker) switched off.

Installation and commissioning of hidden heating systems is a fairly simple process, if we are not talking about water structures. Electrical circuits heating systems are suitable for rooms of any configuration and purpose, and unlike more complex water systems, there are practically no restrictions on their use.

Installation and arrangement of such a heating element consists in laying the coolant itself and connecting it to a power source. Is not hard work, which does not require special knowledge and tremendous experience, but if the installation of the source itself does not cause many problems, then not everyone knows how to connect a warm floor to a thermostat.

Types of electrical systems

This hidden heating option is the most common among people who want to create comfortable living conditions in their home. temperature conditions. Despite the fact that electric floors operate from the same power source, they differ in the heating element. To find out how to connect a warm floor to a thermostat, you need to clarify what type of heating system you are dealing with.

So, among the whole variety of heat sources, the most common can be distinguished:

  • cable with the property of self-regulation of the thermal regime;
  • resistive one- or two-core heating cable;
  • thermomats - thin, roll material, in which the heat source is sealed in several layers of a special fabric;
  • a film based on carbon, bimetallic heat-transfer fibers, as well as carbon rods.

For each of these types of electric floor, its own individual wiring and connection scheme has been developed. When installing thermal cable elements, it is necessary to correctly calculate the laying step, which will eliminate excess heat generation or uneven heating floor covering.

So, we have already found out what types of electric floors are, now let's figure out how the temperature regulator works.

VIDEO: How to connect a warm floor to a thermostat

How do thermostats work

This device, as mentioned above, is used to maintain a stable temperature in the hidden heating system. Also, by means of a thermostat, a cycle of switching on / off the operation of thermal elements is carried out. How does he do it?

So, during the pouring of the screed, a sensor is laid, which will read its thermal data from the floor surface. Next, when cement base completely dry and the decorative coating will be laid, you should correctly connect the warm floor to the thermostat. As a rule, it is placed in the wall ceiling, according to the principle of the arrangement of sockets and switches. But if the latter are installed, according to the European standard, 80 cm from the floor covering, then the regulator should be easy to use. Most qualified professionals recommend placing the thermostat at eye level, which will ensure comfortable use and protect it from unnecessary actions by young children.

So, back to the principle of operation of this device. The temperature sensor, located in the screed, "transmits" data on heating to the automatic thermostat, which, when the set temperature is reached, turns off the heating system. At the same time, the device itself remains in operating mode and continues to control the situation. When the device detects deviations in the temperature of the concrete base and the one set by the program, it will again start the electricity in the system and the floor will begin to warm up again.

Today, the market in this segment offers a huge number of regulators, among which mechanical and conventional electronic models are the most popular and reliable. More complex - electronic thermostats with the function of programming the opening / closing cycle, as well as other additional features. Despite the significant difference in their “stuffing”, and, accordingly, in cost, the principle of their connection to the network is almost identical.

Connecting thermostats

Before you connect a warm floor to a thermostat, you need to decide which method you will use to connect. Being two options:

  1. Stationary supply of a source of electricity from the main meter.
  2. Using an outlet.

Many models in their configuration already have a scheme, thanks to which the procedure for commissioning the device will not cause difficulties. And if you are at least a little versed in electrics, then most likely you will be able to independently carry out this procedure without resorting to the help of specialists.

After you have installed the floor heating thermostat in the place you need, you need to bring the phase, ground and zero to the junction box. Now let's prepare a place for the output of wires from the data meter. We make a small groove in the wall ceiling, in which two plastic tubes for wires should fit - the power wire of the heat source and the connection of the internal sensor. Based on this, you must understand that the connection of the underfloor heating controller is carried out before finishing work, otherwise you will simply ruin the finished ones, beautiful walls and you will again have to deal with their improvement.

As soon as a number of these activities have been completed, you can proceed with the installation and connection of the electric underfloor heating.

How to connect the cable floor?

Before proceeding with laying the cable, it is necessary to stretch the power wires to the thermostat, while heating element and the wires passing to the regulator are connected by a special coupling, which will later be located in the screed.

The next step will be laying the cable itself. There are many schemes that help create uniform heating of the floor plane, but whichever one you choose, it is important to remember that the cable lines should never intersect.

Next comes the installation of the sensor, which is placed in a suitable size plastic pipe. And, before pouring the screed, you need to make sure that the laid heat source is working, using a special tester for this. After this device has shown resistance identical to the passport data, you can start pouring the concrete base.

Connection of a bonded warm floor to a thermostat is carried out only after the base has completely solidified.

Thermomat connection

Connecting this heating system to the thermostat is not so difficult, especially since the process is almost identical to the previous version. Therefore, it makes sense to point out only the differences.

Since in this case there is no need for concrete screed, then to place the sensor, you will need to make an additional opening in the floor surface. Once the mats and data meter are in place, they need to be fixed by applying a thin adhesive base. That's the whole difference.

VIDEO: Installation of a warm floor based on heating mats

Network connection of film construction

At the edges of the film heating cloth there are copper rods, which are connected to the network. The thermostat is connected to the film variety in the same way as the device of thermomats. The difference lies in the use of a special substrate, which is laid out over the entire insulated surface, which is a foil sheet.

VIDEO: Warm film floor connection instructions 220 watts
