Production plan of the photo studio. Promotion and advertising of photo studio services. Location and decor

  • The relevance of the business idea
  • What do you need to buy?
  • Payback and profitability
  • Paperwork

Photo studio - business of the past or profitable commercial activity. Calculations and marketing research show that it profitable investment funds. Ready business organization template help to avoid annoying mistakes and lay in your business an impressive potential for development. Next, we will consider a ready-made business plan for a photo studio with calculations for 2019.

The relevance of the business idea

Before starting to outline the business plan for opening a photography studio, it is necessary to give arguments for such an investment:

  • This business niche Russian market is practically empty, so there is no serious competition, which is an excellent prerequisite for successfully implementing a business plan - to achieve a quick payback and high profitability.
  • Studies show that interest in photography is growing, and active development business requires high-quality, large-scale images. Therefore, a photo studio, even without much effort, can quickly unwind with professional fulfillment of orders.
  • The development of technologies makes it possible to make business compact and multifaceted - to work in several thematic areas. Calculations show that a hyped studio with a professional staff can become a goose that lays golden eggs.
  • High competition in the production of equipment for a photo studio causes big choice models and contributes to the democratization of pricing policy. Simply put, the market has plenty to choose from.

Here it can be argued that modern technical capabilities make any business plan for organizing a photo studio untenable and useless, because today every person can organize a workshop for the production of high-quality photographs and images at home.

But at the same time, it is worth considering that such a photo studio will require the user to have the skills to work with specialized software. In this case, contacting specialists will be an effective and quick solution to the issue, which will save time and allow you to easily get the desired result - a ready-made picture, banner, poster, clipart.

What do you need to buy?

Starting to implement a business plan should be with the search for a suitable non-residential premises. The photo studio should be located in a place where the ceiling height is at least 3 meters. This is required to install lighting fixtures, without which high-quality photography is impossible.

The total area of ​​the photo studio should be at least 50-60 m2. The cost of renting such a room in 2019 will average from 24,000 to 90,000 rubles per month. It all depends on the region, locality, city and geographical location, rented premises.

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Also, to open you will need:

  1. Scenery. You can make them yourself or buy a ready-made kit for a photo studio. Self-manufacturing will save a significant amount, given that the cost of one set of scenery varies between 7300-8500 rubles.
  2. Professional camera and a set of equipment for it. For everything, you will have to pay from 40,000 to 160,000 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and the set of functions. For a beginner, in order to implement a business plan, a model averaged in terms of capabilities and cost is enough. You can buy a ready-made set of equipment, but it is better to purchase a camera and accessories for it separately, based on individual preferences and needs.
  3. Lighting equipment. This is at least 4 sets, which include: softboxes, honeycomb nozzles, exposure meters, curtains, stands. One such ready-made kit costs from 45,000 to 75,000 rubles.
  4. Office equipment - computer, professional printers. To expand the possibilities, it is better to buy several multi-format models. This will allow you to collaborate with advertising agencies by creating and printing large-scale images. A set of such equipment will cost 500,000 rubles.
  5. Furniture, household appliances necessary for organizing the work process - 100,000 rubles.

Calculations show that for photo studio opening you will need from 1,000,000 to 1,300,000 rubles.

Attention! A separate item of the business plan is personnel. These must be qualified professionals. But such workers need to pay high wages, which not all newcomers can handle. The best solution here would be independent work. In this case, with the right approach, the photo studio will quickly turn into a promoted author's brand. Find out about how to conduct a job interview, you can from our article!

Payback and profitability

To be successful, the advertising campaign must be launched before the opening of the photo studio. FROM least cost it can be done online. At the same time, the bet should be made on corporate clients - advertising agencies, companies, firms, as well as on the creation of a permanent client base.

If the business plan is implemented correctly, then the photo studio will pay off in a year. After that, the optimal profitability will average 200,000 rubles - this is a net monthly income. The profitability indicator in this case will be 80%, which is quite a decent figure. But these are average calculations, in fact, diligent professional work can recoup costs much earlier and bring to a higher than indicated level of profit. This is possible provided that the business is organized by a truly enthusiastic person. An example of how a huge business grew from a small business is the Cross-Studio photo studio. Today it is a world famous brand that brings in huge profits.

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After the business plan is implemented and the photo studio is ready to start working, it is necessary to register it with the state tax authorities so that the activity is completely legal. There are 3 options for choosing a tax system:

  • The owner is individual and pays 13% of income.
  • An individual entrepreneur is issued, where the tax is paid at choice from profit or income. In the first case it is 6%, in the second - 15%.
  • Creation of an LLC. Here taxes are deducted on an individual basis. If the annual income is less than 60 million rubles, then deductions are made according to a simplified scheme.

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Choice optimal system taxation depends on the planned scale of activity. For a novice entrepreneur, the first 2 options are best suited. It does not hurt to get expert advice on this. About, how to open a sole proprietorship, we told in the corresponding article!

The procedure for registering an enterprise itself will not take more than a week, including the collection of documentation. Its list, as well as a sample application can be viewed, downloaded on the official website of the fiscal authorities.

A good photograph is comparable only to a brilliant printed work, which has not changed its content over the centuries, but at the same time every family wants to have it. It is for this reason that many aspiring entrepreneurs decide to open a photo studio, a business plan for which is created similarly to all other types.

Who is it aimed at?

This type of earnings is more suitable for entrepreneurs who have sufficient patience, who do not want to take risks in vain, who can wait for the full return of their investments. This can be explained by the fact that the demand for photography is growing steadily, but it does so quite moderately in comparison with other industries.

The profitability of the business is ensured only if there is enough start-up capital. The project can be launched only if the business plan of the photo studio is ready, and it describes in detail all the moments and nuances of this type of activity, organizational factors and financial issues. for this type of activity is quite high, about 2-4 years.

While what is planned is characterized by a very specific degree of clarity, there are a huge number of complexities that can make this business segment quite difficult to start. You should not only consider the business plan of a photo studio, an example of which will be presented below, but also important points regarding direct activity such an organization.

Consumer market

Clients can be conditionally divided into two large groups, while target needs are taken into account. legal organizations a tool in the form of a photograph is actively used to position their brand and its further development. For ordinary citizens, the need for photography arises as an aesthetically useful attribute designed to capture important life moments: anniversaries, weddings, baptisms, and so on.

A business plan for opening a photo studio should also take into account such a new trend as updating your own portfolio for girls and guys who are active on various Internet resources and in in social networks. In this case, there is an urgent need to obtain a high-quality image.

Photo studio options

The choice of the format of the project being developed affects a lot of additional factors that the entrepreneur will have to take into account to one degree or another. When compiling a business plan for a photography studio, it is necessary to determine priority, because it depends on him when the launched project will begin to please with profit. Any of the described options, with the proper approach, is capable of providing high level income.

Full-format photo studio

If you decide to open a photography studio, the business plan can be drawn up so that it will be an organization that provides a full range of services in this area. For these purposes, you will need an interior room with scenery, costumes, as well as photographic equipment of all kinds. Photo studio business plan this case must assume and additional ways earnings in the form of renting premises for short periods of time or for photo shoots; production of gift products and various souvenirs, holding master classes with practical exercises.

photo studio

This option involves the creation of only the official type of photos. The business plan of a photo studio in this case can be called the simplest, since this option is budgetary, designed for the start of activities. Success is predetermined by the location, that is, the premises should be chosen correctly.

Photo studio for children

This version of the project is aimed at parents who want to capture their kids in all their glory. To meet the corresponding demand, a stylized interior space will be required, as well as thematic scenarios with a full set required attributes. Even a ready-made business plan for a photo studio of this format is not suitable for beginners, as it is aimed at organizations with a powerful

mini studio

This is an analogue of a full-length studio, which allows you to deal with all kinds of industry areas. This option is convenient for starting, as it has a wide prospect of growth and further change of specialization.

Regardless of which photo studio format is chosen, success will be regular as a result of providing high-quality services in this area.


A novice entrepreneur will find himself in a situation where he will need to fight for clients with two types of opponents: large-format studios and private photographers. The former prefer to cooperate with large customers in the form of magazines, modeling agencies and others, so they will not be a real hindrance for a small photo studio with limited capabilities. But private photographers are focused on medium and small consumers, like the novice entrepreneur himself.

It is possible to propose an optimal strategy for an entrepreneur who intends to open successful business and has already drawn up a business plan for a photography studio. Taking into account the low concentration of existing photo studios and the insufficient saturation of this niche, one should choose a place that will be remote from the accumulation of photographers and small firms.

Required costs. Business plan

It should be understood that there is no maximum bar for this area, therefore, an average photo workshop is used for the calculation, which is capable of conducting high-quality and diverse activities in this area. A ready-made business plan for a photo studio with calculations will contain the entire list of expenses that are expected to open it. The list of variables, that is, one-time expenses, must include the following:

Legal registration of all documentation that may be required - 40-60 thousand rubles, depending on the region;

Costs associated with the repair and subsequent design of the premises - 250-300 thousand rubles, depending on the initial indicators;

The purchase of a set of working equipment may require an amount of 200-600 thousand rubles, depending on the chosen direction and format of activity;

Purchase of office furniture - 150-300 thousand rubles;

Other expenses and accessories - from 100 thousand rubles.

It turns out that the amount of variable costs is 740-1360 thousand rubles.

There is also a list of costs that are fixed. Among them are the following:

Racks, holders, tripods;

Camera and set of lenses;

Decorative background with fasteners;


Synchronizers designed to ensure the normal operation of flashes;

Dressing room equipment;

Computer with good performance;

Auxiliary attributes not originally included in the photo studio business plan (sample). Example: background, etc.


The staff at first usually includes such specialists:

- Photographers can be both young professionals with a high-quality portfolio, and experienced reputable masters. The first option will provide certain savings on wages, and the second guarantees a flow of regular customers. The ratio of experienced and novice masters is ideal one to one, in this case you will get a successful photo studio. A business plan, calculations and an indication of all costs must be contained in a single document.

- Administrator in a photo studio it should be mandatory, and for uninterrupted work they will need at least two. A good administrator is not only professional level solves any issues, but also warns probable problems in a timely manner.

- Technical staff should be in any photo studio, the number depends on its size. Employees should have a shift schedule with the possibility of substitution if necessary.

- Content Marketer assumes obligations related to the creation of the image of the studio on the Internet and its promotion. On the this moment this sector contains the vast majority of potential customers, so it is imperative to keep it in mind. If you intend to open a photography studio, the business plan must contain this item.

Opening dates

This moment completely depends on the chosen business format and the availability of investment funds. Depending on the situation, the period can be from 1-3 months to 6-8. If we are talking about entrepreneurial maximalism in conditions of a significant shortage of funds, then the period will be from 9 months. The main time wasters are the search for financial institutions, investors or partners who could provide the required amount of funds.

Marketing plan

The business plan for opening a photo studio initially assumes that this is a very costly idea, which requires a lot of funds to implement, and it is impossible to count on a quick payback without a good client influx from the first months of work. Therefore, the organization of advertising is carried out in three directions: among regular customers, through traditional means of presenting information, through Internet promotion.

In order for visitors to start talking about the photo studio, you need to choose individual approach to everyone non-standard options implementation of wishes, as well as to provide services at a high professional level. Only in this case, the creation of a photo studio, for which a business plan is being developed, will be appropriate. The use of the traditional form of information submission requires the involvement of advertising agency with a proven reputation, able to notify everyone about a new photo workshop in the shortest possible time. Promotion on the Internet requires constant support, taking into account consumer trends and directions.

Even if a business plan is being created, one should not ignore such important service positioning tools as discounts, bonuses, promotions, prizes, and so on. This approach has already been tested and works.

Planned revenue and payback

It is influenced by many factors, among which the following stand out: location, professional services, the right advertising campaign. With the correct and systematic organization of activities, you can count on an average annual income of 600-800 thousand rubles. Such indicators provide a full payback period of not more than 4 years. A novice entrepreneur should understand that in the photo business, numbers are relative indicators that have endless possibilities for growth. From the first days, you can not try to create an expensive project, as there are nuances and circumstances that will correct it in any case. It is better to organize a moderate start with an emphasis on the high quality of the services provided.


For new studio income depends on the level of workload and the quality of the services provided. And here it does not matter whether there is a ready-made business plan for a photo studio with calculations or not, it is necessary to approach this issue with all responsibility and understanding of the current market situation. Downloading for an organization that has just started its work can only be achieved in terms of the right advertising. With its incomplete organization or the wrong approach, the new photo workshop will have every reason to close in the first half of the year.

High-quality and high-quality photographs are becoming more and more in demand, so the business idea of ​​​​opening a photo studio is gaining popularity. Nevertheless, work in this area is painstaking daily work; you won’t be able to earn fast and much here (unless you are engaged in wedding photography). Solid investments will be required, the main part will be spent on the purchase of equipment. Estimated payback period is 1 year. In the article, we will consider a business plan for a photo studio from scratch with calculations.

Consider detailed business plan, which will allow us to evaluate our capabilities, estimated costs and expected profit.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a photo studio

In the table below, we consider the advantages and disadvantages of a business. Main the target audience photo studios are people with an active lifestyle who want to live brightly and beautifully.

Opening a photo studio: registration with the tax office

In order to open a photo studio, you first need to register with the tax office at the place of residence. In our opinion, the most optimal shape there will be IP registration, since this legal form involves a minimum amount of documentary reporting to the tax authorities. Previously, in order to provide services to the population, it was necessary to be only on UTII, from 01/01/2013 the choice of the tax regime became voluntary. Consider the advantages of registering individual entrepreneurs and LLCs in the table below.

Form of business organization Benefits of using Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) This form of business organization is used to create a wedding agency or agency network with up to 50 people.
  • receipt of payment of the state duty (800 rubles);
  • certified application by a notary in the form No. P21001;
  • application for the transfer of UTII or USN (otherwise it will be OSNO by default). Notice in Form 26.2-1;
  • copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) This form of business organization is used for a wedding agency if you plan to hire employees, scale the company and attract external funding(credits).
  • application in the form No. Р11001;
  • charter of LLC;
  • a decision to open an LLC or a protocol if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of the state duty (4000 rubles);
  • copies of the founders' passports certified by a notary;
  • application for the transition to UTII or USN. Notice in Form 26.2-1.

By law, the authorized capital of an LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

If services are provided to the public, then in the financial statements you can use a strict reporting form (BSO) instead of a cash register (KKM). When selling goods, BSO cannot be used / article 2, paragraph 2 of Federal Law No. 54-FZ of 05/22/2003

OKVED codes when registering a photo studio:

74.81 - Activities in the field of photography (main activity).
22.15 - Other types of publishing activities.
22.22 - Printing activities not included in other groups.

Mobile photo studios. Practicum Strobius

Photo Studio Business Plan: Market Analysis

The demand for photo services is gradually growing. The niche was partly occupied by large players, but there is a place for a new studio.

Potential clients (target audience)

  • companies in need of brand advertising;
  • ordinary people.


The main competitors are private photographers. Professional studios usually specialize in model and magazine shoots, private photo shoots are rare. There are about 400 photo studios in Moscow, and even fewer in other cities. Coverage is small, given the territory of the capital.

To obtain a territorial advantage in attracting customers, we choose a place with a minimum concentration of competitors.

Photo studio services

The photo studio business plan assumes that private photo shoots bring the main income. Additional services of a photo studio can be:

  • master classes in various areas of filming;
  • artistic processing of photographs;
  • creation of souvenirs (magnets, cups, photo books, etc.) based on photographs;
  • print pictures;
  • creating images for shooting (performed by stylists and makeup artists).

With a lack of orders, we use the rental of premises for profit. Often studios are rented out overnight. Room rental with quality equipment costs more.

Large studios have a large selection of equipment and scenery for photo shoots, so it is difficult to compete with them. This requires a unique trade offer(USP) for your business. For example, focus on water photo shoots, or honeymoon photo shoots, or maybe b/w photography.

Initial equipment and advertising costs

We find a suitable room with a minimum area of ​​100 m². We spend redecorating if necessary. We buy a "starter kit" of equipment:

  • three softboxes of 500 J;
  • reflectors;
  • reflector;
  • several racks;
  • color filters;
  • air conditioner.

As services expand, we purchase additional equipment. We choose reliable and wear-resistant equipment, especially if you plan to rent it out. We prefer expensive equipment of well-known brands.

You will need a computer to process pictures. good monitor. The best option- Apple iMac (high-quality screen matrix), but a regular designer monitor will do.

We conduct an advertising campaign in social networks and the Internet (the best solution is to use Yandex.Direct). For search effective way advertising we study the methods used by competitors. Estimated advertising cost is $10,000. In the future, advertising costs will be reduced.

Let's estimate the total amount of expenses for launching a photo studio (the costs are presented rather conditionally):

  • premises (monthly rent) - $ 1500-2000;
  • cosmetic repairs - $ 2000;
  • computer with monitor software — 5000$;
  • the minimum set of equipment is $ 5,000-15,000 (as you can see, this is one of the largest costs);
  • air conditioning - $ 500;
  • advertising — $10,000 + $1,000/month.

Total - $ 24,000 excluding hiring staff. At the initial stage, you can not hire employees, otherwise the costs will increase.

Expected profit

Monthly, in addition to renting the premises, you will have to pay utilities(mainly electricity) - $ 500-700. We are not currently hiring employees. The cost of consumables, taking into account possible breakdowns of equipment - $ 400, monthly advertising - $ 1000.

Total monthly costs - $ 3400.

Let's calculate the monthly earnings of a photo studio. The minimum profit per hour is $30. The first months we work 2-3 hours a day, after a year - 12 hours a day. That is, after 12 months, the monthly net profit will be $ 7,000.

Promotion and advertising

The best method of advertising according to most photographers is satisfied customers. They bring acquaintances and friends in 80% of cases. Therefore, the improvement of the quality of services should always be. Attract customers using search engines and social networks (for starters, Yandex.Direct with a one-pager will work well).

Evaluation of the attractiveness of a business by a magazine website

Business Profitability
(4.0 out of 5)

Business Attractiveness


Project payback
(4.0 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business
(4.0 out of 5)
Opening a photo studio is a cost-effective and fast-payback business. You can avoid high personnel costs if you yourself are the only employee of the company. The most significant line of expenses is the purchase of equipment for filming and the rental of premises. Key business success factor is advertising and promotion of your business, on which you need to focus 80% of your time, since it will determine the survival of your business. For beginners entrepreneurs the best option there will be a franchise business opening, a packaged business solution, in which all the main indicators of the business model are already collected.

The times when the clients of photo studios were only models who wanted to replenish the portfolio are long gone. Today, such institutions arouse increased interest among the general public. To be convinced of this, it is enough to study several profiles on social networks - amateur photographs are increasingly replacing professional work.

Today, not only a professional photographer can open a photo salon, but also an entrepreneur for profit. This business requires a fairly large investment, but with the right marketing strategy, it will quickly pay off.

Choosing the direction of development

The average studio profits from three areas of work:

  • studio photography (for portfolio, for advertising companies);
  • reportage shooting (outside the studio);
  • lease of equipment or premises.

Stages of building a business

To open a photo studio you need ( step-by-step instruction):

  1. choose a room;
  2. conclude a long-term lease agreement;
  3. choose the legal form and register a business;
  4. think over the design, make repairs;
  5. buy equipment;
  6. hire staff;
  7. run an advertising campaign.

Video - Studio photography. First steps:

Concept development

People turn to professional photographers for different reasons- someone wants to capture valuable moments of their lives, someone wants to make a family portrait. There may be many requirements, but the main task is to move them to cozy environment and show the result they expect. To do this, you need to think through every little thing - from the design of the room and furnishings to paraphernalia and lighting.

According to experts, on modern market rather tough competition is formed, while demand is growing in the following areas:

  • photo of an advertising nature for booklets, magazines, catalogs, posters and more;
  • Photos of the documents;
  • works for exhibitions and competitions (perhaps they will not bring income and new clients, but they will make the studio more famous);
  • shooting of various events, celebrations - weddings, anniversaries, graduations, corporate parties;
  • thematic shooting in the studio - Love Story, children's and family photo shoots, pictures for expectant mothers and other creative ideas;
  • subject frames - pictures of objects, united by a common concept (pictures of an advertising nature).

In addition, you can provide a number additional services- makeup, henna painting, photo printing and more.
Video - Creating an interior photo studio:

Financial calculations:

The cost of opening a photo studio from scratch at a professional level is 800-1200 thousand rubles. To provide truly high-quality services from specialists in this field, investments in the design of the premises, advertising, and equipment are necessary.

Photo studio business plan with calculations:

  • conducting repair work, development of the design of the premises - 200 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - 750 thousand rubles;
  • advertising, website creation - 80 thousand rubles;
  • business registration and other expenses - 60 thousand rubles.

In total - 1090 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses will leave:

  • rent - 50 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary (photographer + administrator) - 70 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - 20 thousand rubles;
  • purchase Supplies- 10 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses (payment of taxes, utility bills, etc.) - 30 thousand rubles.

You need to pay about 180 thousand rubles per month.

Calculate the approximate payback period of the project:

  • average check - 3500 rubles;
  • orders per day - 4 hours (photographer's workload is 50%);
  • daily revenue - 14,000 rubles;
  • monthly income (with one day off per week, 24 working days) - 336,000 rubles;
  • profit - 156,000 rubles. (336000 - 180000).

With this mode of operation and the number of orders, recoup starting investments possible in 7 months. According to entrepreneurs, the first months of work go to the formation of a client base, the workload of the photographer does not exceed 30%. Some days go by without orders at all. But in the future, the workload level can reach up to 80%, on holidays it exceeds the norm and the photographer works overtime. Many owners of photo studios say that they managed to recoup the initial investment in a year.
Video - How to make money with a camera:

Business registration

The photo studio does not require licenses and certificates to function. But registration in government bodies required. How to start paperwork? Contact the tax office at the place of residence and register as individual entrepreneurs or limited liability companies by choosing the appropriate tax regime. After that, you need to go to Pension Fund and a number of related authorities (when registering with the tax specialist, they will be indicated). Updated OKVED code, according to which the studios work - 74.20 "Photography activities".

Requirements for the premises

The profitability of a business idea will largely depend on the size and location of the premises. Primary requirements:

  1. do not place studios in remote areas, since not every potential client is ready to spend time on the road and choose a competing organization that will be located in a more convenient place;
  2. the area should not be less than 60 m², of which 50 m² is allocated to the studio itself, the rest can be a dressing room - a dressing room or a waiting room;
  3. to accommodate professional equipment ceiling height should not be less than 3 meters;
  4. so that photographers can work not only with artificial lighting, but also natural light, you need 1-2 large windows;
  5. natural light should be in the dressing room so that the makeup artist chooses the right color scheme.

Equipment, inventory

What equipment do you need for a photo studio? Consider the standard list:

  • professional camera;
  • interchangeable lenses;
  • reflectors;
  • softboxes;
  • reflector;
  • color filters;
  • exposure meter;
  • honeycomb nozzle;
  • backgrounds for pictures;
  • studio furniture (tables, reception desk).

What are the costs for this article? The cost of equipment and inventory depends on the format of the establishment and scale. On average, such a kit costs 650-1000 thousand rubles.
Video - Mobile photo studio equipment:


To get started, you need to hire:

  • photographer
  • administrator;
  • make-up artist (as a freelance unit that will work depending on the availability of orders with an hourly rate).

The work of the photographer is the key to the success of the organization. Treat his choice with great care. Experienced players in this market recommend choosing among talented creative young photographers and among experienced craftsmen. When making a decision, start from the provided portfolio and reviews.

The administrator at the initial level, in addition to his direct duties (recording and meeting clients), must keep records, post information about the studio on the network, help the photographer (change backgrounds, install equipment) and maintain cleanliness.

The photographer's salary, which is included in financial plan, leaves 40 thousand rubles, administrator - 30 thousand rubles.


The main goal of the studio is to create a positive image. To form a client base, it is recommended to use all kinds of advertising methods. They can become:

  • website development, promotion in the network;
  • outdoor advertising;
  • advertising on the "final" product - photo books, calendars, glossy publications, photo albums, etc.;
  • availability of discounts for regular customers, the introduction of a discount program;
  • distribution of flyers and leaflets;

According to experts, the best advertisement in this industry, it is satisfied customers. They bring 80% of the studio's clients.
Video - Million dollar business: photo studio:


The photo business is affected by seasonality, entrepreneurs say. For example, a photo for documents is in demand in the warm season, when families go on vacation, and order it for a visa. Thematic pictures are relevant for the holidays. On Valentine's Day, young couples book a photo session, early autumn wedding bookings come in, and graduation times are always full.

Therefore, the segment when there are few orders should be filled with related services. You can offer printing on mugs, T-shirts, digitize pictures. Just showing your strengths the organization can get rid of the pressure of competitors.

Also, significant risks that young entrepreneurs need to consider include:

  • high customer requirements (sometimes unrealistic), which take a lot of time to finalize;
  • competition;
  • the risk of damage to expensive equipment when renting.

Video - Ideal photo business model:

Availability of franchises

If a organizational issues seem too complicated and time-consuming, you can open a franchise photography studio. There is a Cheese photo studio in Russia, which offers cooperation under the terms of franchising. The level of investment that an entrepreneur must have in this case is about 50 thousand dollars.

Also exists a large number of franchises related to photography, which allow you to organize a more mobile project in this area:

  • Fotomatik - a photo booth, a prototype of a mobile rack for receiving snapshots of an entertaining nature;
  • Photobook - production and sale of graduation albums;
  • "Fotogravipyy" - mall kiosks that offer photo engraving services.