How to choose an interior style for a future apartment. How to choose the style of the interior of the apartment How to choose the style of the interior of the apartment

I conditionally divide architects and designers into several categories based on their communication with the customer.

The first category is people who follow the client's lead, guided by the rule "any whim for your money." There are two options here: either these are people who really need money and they omnivorously take everything just to earn some money, or this is the second subtype - not so much thinking about the client as about stuffing their own pocket.

The first one is an excellent professional who has found his own style and has an excellent vision of the object. He has the right to consider his professionalism so high, and himself literate, that, following the lead of the client, he can destroy the whole concept and, moreover, fail to fulfill his plan. Or, in another case, such designers have “grown up” so much that they take only the work in which they can fully realize their ideas according to the principle “only this way and nothing else”. Often such maestros turn out to be right and have enough great experience work.

The second subtype is scandalous types, most often fashion designers. Their confidence sometimes borders on arrogance, being "in the image" they "follow the brand." These guys can throw tantrums, scream, be offended and make scandals. It is difficult to work with them, but they sometimes have a delicate taste and understanding. current trends. The result can exceed expectations, or it can spoil the mood and distrust these people forever. Both of them know what they want and see the result. You need to contact them only if you are ready to fully trust and observe the process from the outside, laying out the next portion of the money.

When you choose a professional in this field, look at the portfolio. Modern technologies allow visualization of interiors good quality that it is indistinguishable from reality. It is very important to have completed works. It is necessary that a person not only be able to come up with something, but also clearly know how to implement it. Ask to draw a constructive knot and draw a conclusion about the understanding of the topic, even if you yourself do not understand anything about it. A professional will tell you everything very patiently and intelligibly. It is not at all necessary that you will like the portfolio in terms of style, look more at the design approach.

What style of interior to choose for future apartment or at home? At first glance, everything is quite simple - you just need to find out what preferences the owners have. Yes, of course, stylistic wishes play an important role. But in order for the interior to be relevant, emotionally comfortable and easy to use, it is worth paying attention to a number of factors.

Recently in Interior Design & Decor Online Magazine 4living published an article by the co-leader and lead designer of our studio Geometrium Alexey Ivanov. In his article, Alexey spoke about the main criteria for choosing the style of the future interior.

In this article, we will tell you about what you should pay attention to when choosing the interior in which you will continue to live.

Think about what you like?

Visualization is the first step towards your ideal interior. Before we recommend that you explore interior sites and online interior design publications to the maximum, see what trends are in fashion now, how they differ from each other, how characteristic features possess.

Those photos of interiors that you like are saved in some separate folder on your computer or other device. You may like a photo of the whole room or some individual details, such as a bedside table, some kind of sofa or bar counter, color combinations, etc.

We recommend that you watch not just beautiful interiors around the world, but choose some rooms that are similar to yours in size, windows, etc. It makes sense to see the beautiful interiors of huge country houses - it's beautiful, interesting, inspiring, but you need to understand that if you are now planning repairs in a city three-room apartment, then it is better to look at interiors that are more similar in theme, and vice versa.

After collecting such information, open the folder with saved interiors: we are sure that you will quickly see which style you gravitate towards more.

Having picked up a sufficient amount of such a material plan in advance, it will be easier for you to tell the designer how you see your future apartment or house, what kind of atmosphere you would like to achieve in it.

What budget do you plan to invest in a new interior?

The next step is budget planning. To resolve this issue, it will be easiest for you to seek advice from the designer.

The fact is that new design and repair is not only Nice picture and the furniture that you like is also the processing of walls, installation work, preparation of floors and ceilings, electrical wiring, etc. In order to calculate all this correctly, you need to contact a specialist who can tell you exactly how much and what materials you will need, how much it will cost approximately and how long it will take.

As a rule, the most expensive are classic styles, and one of the cheapest is Scandinavian style in the interior.

But, and here it all depends on the selected materials, brands of furniture, etc. Therefore, the same style in different configurations can cost differently.

So, for example, the situation is with modern styles, which our design studio specializes in: we always consider and offer customers several options for estimates so that you can choose the option that is more acceptable and convenient for you.

Interior for an apartment where several people live

If you do not live alone, then before choosing a style, it is better to have a general conversation and choose the option that everyone will like. Of course, sometimes you can combine everything that you like in one style. different people it can be difficult, but here, too, viewing visualizations of various interiors together can help.

If you still can’t agree, then again, we recommend that you contact the designer, tell him about which options you have a choice between, which elements of this or that style cause you disputes. Most likely, a real specialist will be able to offer you some interesting middle option, which will suit both disputing parties.

It is very important that every member of your family likes the interior, because, among other things, the atmosphere of your home is formed from this.

Geometrium: interior design for the project

How to choose an interior for another person?

If you decide to make repairs not for yourself, but for one of your relatives or friends, then also try to first find out what they like and what kind of interior they dream of for themselves. You can also do this with visualizations. various styles interior on the Internet or special magazines.

Which interior is better to choose for business?

When designing an interior for a cafe, restaurant, rental apartment, hotel, etc. first of all, you need to think about who your target audience is, what these people like, what they expect to see when they come to you.

In our practice, we quite often encounter one serious mistake in this matter, when a customer makes an interior, for example, for a cafe or restaurant, based only on his taste preferences, without first finding out what his future visitors like.

In the future, due to such indiscretion, the restaurant may seem unprofitable and bring less income than it would have done if the preference study target audience was carried out, and the interior design would have been developed based on it.

Geometrium: interior design for the project

The connection between building architecture and your interior

Good design is harmony, it is beauty inside and out. It probably doesn't make much sense to do heavy Greek bas-reliefs or use the rococo style while living in a modern apartment complex. Most likely, such an interior may seem vulgar.

In the same way, living in a palazzo in Venice, we expect to see a certain style in the interior, and we will be very surprised if stained glass windows are suddenly replaced with standard double-glazed windows.

Geometrium: interior design for the project

This does not mean that if your apartment is located in an old fund, then only baroque or classical styles will suit you. Of course, you can play on the contrast and, preserving the atmosphere of the old house, create an interior there in modern style.

And in the same way, those of you who live in modern residential complexes, but are great connoisseurs of the classical style, can make interiors for themselves in it. It is possible and even necessary to play on contrasts, it can turn out to be very interesting and beautiful if professionals act and harmony and beauty are observed in everything.

Aleksey Ivanov

architect-designer and co-director of the workshop GEOMETRIUM

It's always nice to come home. From vacation, from business trips and just at the end of the working day. It is doubly pleasant when it is cozy in your apartment, and from the first seconds you feel that you are comfortable and calm within these walls. I WANT to tell you how to choose the right interior for an apartment.

Equipping your personal space, giving comfort or home is a very important and responsible occupation. IN Lately All more people trust its designers, who skillfully cope with it. Psychological tests and questionnaires, maps of colors, textures and textures, bright presentations and projects, photographs and catalogs, which will not be offered to please you.

Choosing the interior for your home Focus on your feelings and objectively assess your capabilities. Do not forget that frequent changes in the interior and design of an apartment, and even more so a house, require impressive financial costs, so it is advisable to select everything carefully and thoroughly at once.

An indicator of your taste will be if the design of the apartment is sustained in one artistic direction, and all its elements, including the most small parts and accessories will be combined smoothly and harmoniously. One of the most important rules is not to rush. If you are working with a designer, do not rush to agree to the very first option, try on each project according to your taste preferences and desires. If you trust yourself - also be careful, never choose paints, wallpapers, furniture, etc. in a bad mood. Do not forget, the mood will change more than once, and you will live in these for a very long time. Do not try to do everything according to the latest squeak or fashion breath. She is capricious and changeable, and not everything that is fashionable may please you and your family.

Customize your interior according to your lifestyle. If you live alone, spend little time in 4 walls, preferring to communicate with friends and an active lifestyle, then a minimalist style will suit you.

At the same time, it will be inappropriate if you have big family, there are small children and animals. You will have to take into account the interests of everyone as much as possible, thinking through the interior. Do you want refuse dangerous glass furniture , fragile and expensive accessories, light shades in the colors of wallpaper and furniture upholstery.

Consider the features of your character and temperament. For example, for people who are conservative and practical, an interior in a classic style is suitable. It contains elements of ancient architecture, it is solid and solid.

By the way, the definition of "classic" regarding interior design, you can hear most often, as they mainly use its elements in combination with other styles, creating new interesting stylistic decisions and options.

Style modern with its smooth, graceful lines will suit refined natures and people of creative professions. Styles will also help to reveal your bright and extraordinary personality. , kitsch, eclectic, pop art, neo-classical and gothic styles.

Style high tech representing the advantage high technology and the uniqueness of the materials from which objects for such an interior are mainly made is suitable for practical people who choose functionality and strict contours rather than smooth lines and the spirit of history.

Family and calm people, as well as those who love everything natural and natural, will give preference to interior design in country style or in eco style .

Regarding color palette in the interior , many designers reasonably advise choosing calmer and softer basic shades throughout the apartment, but accessories or accessories can be bright and catchy. individual elements so that saturated colors do not put pressure on you emotionally. In addition, psychologists noted that sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic people are more comfortable in bright interiors, sustained in a modern style, but for choleric people it is better to equip their personal space in smooth and calm cool shades, as well as straight and clear lines.

A very important factor is location and age of the house itself where your apartment is located. Modern design with fashionable and bold nuances is sometimes out of place in old houses with high ceilings, monumental stucco and patterned stairs.

Important tips from designers - if the windows of your apartment face south, do not use bright colors, they will cut the eyes, irritate and cause aggression. For an apartment with several small rooms stylish design decision will arrange it in Japanese style, but spacious and bright rooms will look best in a classic style.

The main thing in choosing an interior is to listen to yourself and your feelings, thinking through everything to the smallest detail. Yes, you will spend a lot of time, money, effort, you will be terribly tired and, perhaps, it will seem to you that it is not worth it. However, as soon as all the difficulties are behind you, and comfort reigns in your house, you will understand that everything was not in vain. Your apartment is the place where it is pleasant to return to you and all your relatives and friends, friends and acquaintances.

Have you noticed that in some, even the most refined and comfortable environment, you feel uncomfortable? And on the contrary, your own apartment, where everything seems to be built on simplicity, lack of luxury and unnecessary details, seems so dear to you. And when you start repairs, you are always afraid to break something. For this reason, many even delay this unpleasant occupation for them. And this is not only a matter of habit and the spirit of conservatism. It's just that each of us likes a certain style of interior..

Choice successful interior is the key to a successful renovation.

How to choose the interior of your apartment

To make the repair work, you just need to choose the style of the interior in which yours is good and comfortable.. And here a professional designer may be powerless, since he is unlikely to feel psychological type your personality.

What to do? Become a designer yourself.

Design History at a Glance

To begin with, we will study what styles exist in design.

In fact, there are a lot of them:

  • They appeared on the crest of a new wave and disappeared
  • Some remained forever, changing from time to time:
    • classicism was replaced by neoclassicism
    • modern - postmodern
    • decor - art deco, etc.
  • Over time, some settled fashion styles suddenly changed to their complete opposite

This meant that humanity does not accept monotony and all the time yearns for something new, rushing:

Interior design of apartments today

Our time is surprising in that today in the interior they get along together:

  • bionics and constructivism
  • vintage and avant-garde
  • art deco and hi-tech

Moreover, this is not a chaotic pile of objects of different styles - one style can be inside another:

  • The walls, floors and ceilings of the apartment can be made in one style, and the furniture in another
  • Some of the objects on which a kind of accent is put, as it were, are in the third:
    for example, objects of art, painting, decorative panels, objects of ethnic art and own creativity
    Sometimes you can focus on yourself unusual chandelier made by yourself.

However modern principles in design - this is the desire for expediency and unity of style.

Expediency - a principle that puts the functionality of a thing and its manufacturability (ease of manufacture) in the first place

Under the concept of the functionality of the interior of the apartment is understood

  • Fulfillment by all interior items of their direct functions (it should be comfortable to lie on the sofa, sit on a chair, etc.)
  • The item must be really necessary, aesthetic and fit into the interior.
  • The interior should carry a certain idea and semantic load.

For example, the designer is given the following goals:

  • Create an atmosphere in the apartment in the style of bionics (as close as possible to nature)
  • Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of antiquity (vintage style)
  • Create the feeling that you are in a factory floor (loft style)

Slowly getting closer to the unity of style.

The unity of style is an organic combination of all interior objects, as a result of which it begins to look like a single whole. Each item in the apartment should be part of the composition, not contradicting it and not coming into conflict with it.

When they say that this thing seemed to be here forever, they mean good choice interior units and its layout within the same space within the unity of style.

A bit of terminology (modern styles)

  • Eclecticism :
    It is considered one of the interior styles, although in fact it is a deliberate mixture of two or three styles in one interior.
  • Art Deco
    Art Deco style is distinguished by sophistication, lightness and conciseness.

    Art Deco is a refined, light and playful style. It combines:

    • A variety of materials (light airy tulle, soft carpets or skins and metal)
    • Straight and smooth lines
    • Graceful inlays and laconic forms
  • Classics and neoclassicism
    Classic - an interior with elements of luxury and prosperity, but no frills:
  • High tech
    Hi-tech is a favorite style of youth
    Its main condition is a taboo on pretentiousness
    • Designs are simple and original
    • Such inexpensive materials like plastic, metal, glass
    • There are elements of constructivism and cubism (straight lines, no irregular curvilinear forms)
    • Predominant metallic and silver color
  • Minimalism
    Minimalism in the interior is a minimum of objects and a lot of free space.

    Minimalism - a minimum of interior items and a maximum of free space

    • Missing decorative elements
    • Solid colors
    • Silk curtains, velor furniture upholstery

How to tie the interior to the character

Of course, such a binding is similar to divination with the help of horoscopes, moreover, human characters are polysyllabic.

But generally speaking:

What do you love?

How to decide on the choice of interior

If you haven't found an answer yet, try the following:

  1. Find things and interior objects in your apartment that you like the most and try to determine their style.
  2. Go to visit friends and acquaintances and take a closer look at their housing: maybe something will appeal to you. Not the most original advice if, moreover, you don’t want to copy someone’s interior in your own apartment, but create something of your own
  3. Flip through magazines and catalogs with the interior of apartments
  4. Go from the opposite - listen and take a closer look at yourself, and try to analyze your psychological type

If there are absolutely no ideas, and you don’t care what the interior of your apartment will be like, then don’t get too hung up:

  • Contact the designer and rely on his choice. He will show you the options for the interior of the apartments, and maybe you will like something.
  • Use the standard Sweet Home 3 D repair program, although it requires some knowledge of drawing and geometry within the school curriculum. But if you spend a little time studying it, then you will not regret it:
    • You yourself will be able to choose the interior for your apartment or house, although the choice of interior items in the catalogs of such programs may be limited
    • See how it will look visually (render).
      You can familiarize yourself with other catalogs, draw on the principle of similarity and improve the interior in your imagination.
    • Save a lot of money on professional design

Video: Even a small studio apartment can be made very cozy.

In the life of each of us there comes a moment when much of what surrounds us suddenly ceases to please, cause positive emotions when, before even getting out of bed, we feel like a load of problems and a daily routine is literally crushed to the bed and there is no strength to move. And only by an effort of will we force ourselves to rise, to make the usual morning ritual and go to work in order to return in the evening and again contemplate their dull home, which has ceased to please.

The sacramental Russian question “What to do?”, which has already become a byword, comes to mind. Of course, start the renovation! And not just repaint the floors or putty the ceiling. It is necessary to change the surrounding space, and then you will no longer feel yourself in an oppressive environment that crushes. Renovation is a step, climbing which you will change your life, take a fresh look around and feel the freshness and freedom that you lacked so much.

Take a look at your apartment through the eyes of a designer, imagine it not as a place of a dull existence, but as a territory of creativity, action, movement. Drop standard solutions expand your horizons. One has only to set a goal - and you can bring the repair to the end despite famous aphorism, which says that the repair cannot be completed.

Believe that square meters, which you own, may well be enough to express your individuality, make the interior interesting and memorable. And in order for the repair to really live up to your expectations, you need to understand a few points:

1. An apartment is a place where you can relax. Therefore, determine what colors, details, materials you associate with relaxation.

2. An apartment is a place where you recharge your batteries, accumulate strength. Therefore, it should have such an environment and objects that will give pleasure.

3. The apartment is you, which means it should reflect the individuality of your personality.

Given these rules, you will understand what you want to get as a result of the repair, how you expect to see your house.

Interior styles. Which to choose?

Have you ever thought about why an art critic, looking at a painting or other work of art, almost immediately names its author? Apparently, there is something that unmistakably points to the artist, sculptor or architect. And it's called style.

Let's formulate the definition of interior style

Style- this is an image, "a commonality of the figurative system, means of artistic expression, creative techniques, due to the unity of the ideological content," as stated in the Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary.

Style is a proportionate combination of form and content. In the absence of harmony, the created image can produce a repulsive impression.

Style is inherent not only in a direction in art, but also in an individual (remember the famous expression: “Every person is a style”), as well as in an apartment or house.

With the help of repair and design tools, you can transform your home in such a way that it will reflect the character, habits and temperament of a particular person, and therefore, most fully fulfill its functions.

At the same time, one should not think that style is only a privilege of rich people. No one is forbidden to make their home special, unique, especially since modern market construction and finishing materials designed for buyers with different levels of income. But where to start?

First of all, you need to choose a style. Of course, you can resort to the services of a professional. But why not try your hand at design? However, this requires some theoretical knowledge.

The main feature of the interior style

So, main feature style is the unity of its constituent constructive and decorative elements, as well as the manner, spirit, idea that permeates the work, whether it be a painting, sculpture or apartment.

Interior styles are divided into two groups:

1) historical (Gothic, Baroque, classicism, constructivism, minimalism, etc.);

2) ethnic.

Among the historical styles, there are those that are reflected not only in architecture, but also in music, interior design, costume, and poetry. They are called big. In addition to those listed, these include empire, modern, high-tech.

In the design of the 21st century, only individual components of large styles are used or, having chosen a style, they interpret it from the standpoint of modern concepts of beauty, convenience and embody it using the latest technologies and materials.

Ethnic styles are filled with elements of the life of a particular people. These include Japanese, Scandinavian, French, English, etc.

It is necessary to distinguish between such concepts as style and stylization.

If with the first we are in in general terms decided, then with regard to stylization, it should be said that this is an interpretation, our “reading” of style. This means that under the conditions modern apartment style can only be imagined as a stylization, which, depending on our knowledge, taste, sense of proportion, may or may not be successful.

I would like to warn against extremes: you should not reproduce the style in all the details and details. If, for example, you prefer one of the historical styles, this does not mean at all that the ceiling should be covered with gilding, stucco, or turn the apartment into a log hut or ranch if you choose one of the ethnic styles. Otherwise, you may not get an interior that meets the rhythm, taste and needs. modern life, but outright kitsch (bad taste).

1. Choose a style based on your lifestyle.

2. Determine optimal level applying style in a modern apartment, that is, decide whether you are changing the style in a radical way and in the end you want to get an absolute copy of the style; bring in some constructive detail inherent in the style (erect an arch, column, etc.), or just include a style accent in the interior, which can be an object or a composition of certain details.

3. Stylistic reconstruction should affect all rooms. At the same time, the entire apartment can be made in the same style or you can find your own style solution for each room.

Unfortunately, the difficulties do not end there. The task will be easier if one person lives in the apartment. What if it's a family? Ideally, everyone should have a separate room, or at least a corner in which he will feel comfortable and cozy.

This means that when starting repairs and deciding to change the design of the apartment, you need to take into account the tastes and needs of each family member. But, if you just mechanically realize all the wishes of family members, you run the risk of turning the apartment into a pile of elements of different styles, which can not only fit poorly, but will also contradict each other.

In this case, you will get not a single, optimal organized space, but chaos and embodied bad taste. Therefore, it is necessary to achieve an organic combination of elements different styles because what is good for a teenager is unlikely to suit him older sister or grandmother. And the last moment.

What should be considered when choosing a certain interior style?

When choosing one or another style, you should keep in mind what options your apartment has, since not every style will suit your home.

If you are the owner one-room apartment, then embody in the interior classic style with its solidity and solidity, requiring certain financial investments, it is unlikely to succeed.

As a result, the apartment will not look stylish, but ridiculous, as the classics do not like imitations and require genuine materials.

To help you understand which style is best for your home, let's take a different approach.

If your credo is order, solidity, traditions that cannot be abandoned, if by nature you are a conservative who hardly dares to change, then the classics will suit you best, which goes well with other styles, leading, perhaps, to unexpected, but original solutions.

If you are a mobile person, you are constantly on the move, searching, if stopping is like death for you, then your style is modern, which can emphasize your individuality.

If you divide the world into black and white and inconsistency - distinguishing feature your character, then it is quite obvious that minimalism will suit you. Including only the most necessary, minimalism nevertheless implies the possibility of other solutions, combinations, proportions. This is a style for a person prone to quick (but not hasty!) decisions.

Hi-tech - the style of young, fashionable, modern people, as it allows you to realize the most unusual fantasies.

Remember that, as a designer, you should first of all direct your failures efforts towards creating for yourself cozy environment and not an object of admiration for others.
