Sliding wardrobes in the hallway Commander. Sliding wardrobes to order in Yekaterinburg - official representative of KOMANDOR. Main types of furniture for the hallway

When choosing a cabinet for the hallway, it is important to combine compactness and spaciousness, especially if we are talking about relatively cramped old-style apartments. You should expect that the clothes of all family members will be stored inside, so ergonomics and proper division into zones and sections are important. Consultants of the furniture brand KOMANDOR will offer you the best solutions.

What to consider when designing

When accepting an order for the manufacture of a sliding wardrobe in the hallway in Ufa, it is necessary to complete the design. At this stage, you need to carefully consider what elements need to be added to the design of the product. We present you with some recommendations for internal structure closet

  • Department for outerwear.
    Ideally, your closet should have a two-section section: one part for daily use items, and the other for seasonal clothes.
  • Shelves and compartments for shoes.
    This is an opportunity to avoid cluttering the exit from the apartment and maintain order.
  • Shelves for hats and accessories.
    The closet should have space for hats, caps, umbrellas, scarves and other small wardrobe items.
  • Mirror doors.
    It is not simple necessary element in any hallway, but also a way to visually expand the space.

If you are planning to buy a wardrobe for the hallway, consult our managers on planning and design issues: they will help you choose best option.

Types of wardrobes for the hallway

The design itself with sliding doors can successfully fit into any space. For the hallway, the cabinet options described below are most often recommended.

  • Built-in design.
    In this case, the back wall of the cabinet is the wall. If the structure is built into a niche, all that remains is to install the doors and filling.
  • Cabinet cabinets.
    These products can be moved and transferred from the hallway to the rooms. They differ from ordinary cabinets only in the design of the doors, which do not swing open, but slide along rails on special rollers.
  • Corner designs.
    This convenient solution with limited hallway space. The depth of such a cabinet makes it as spacious as possible.
  • Diagonal corner design.
    This option is corner cupboard, the most spacious design. Thus, it fits inside required amount of things.

You can buy sliding wardrobes for the hallway of any shape and size from the KOMANDOR company. Here you can purchase a product that fits perfectly into your room thanks to measurements and a proven layout.

The Komandor company has been producing and installing sliding wardrobes for more than fifteen years. Before describing this type of furniture, it should be emphasized that not all companies meet the price-quality bar in the production of interior items. Therefore, use in production natural materials and the ability to check the quality of structures is an extremely important indicator for the client. This is what makes the company, which will be discussed later, a responsible executor of furniture orders.

This company has some of the products with which the cabinet is equipped - imported. In addition, if you follow the updates, you will notice that new models are created for each season in order to comply with design trends. This is due to the constant generation of ideas from designers.

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Features of wardrobe furniture

Distinctive feature wardrobe is availability sliding doors. As a rule, these cabinets are most often installed in the bedroom, guest room or hallway. Lightweight design saves space and can accommodate a large wardrobe volume.

main feature– this is the presence of sliding doors. The system consists of door frame(a profile made of steel or aluminum, a kind of frame), guides (another name is tracks or rails), wheels and other parts (rotation mechanisms, supports, etc.). Together they form an integral system, on which service life and ease of use depend.

This type of structure can be divided into two groups - fixed on the lower tier and suspended on the upper track. The use of decor is also different: from painted parts to fabric frames. The Komandor wardrobe can be selected individually.

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According to the installation method, sliding wardrobes can be built-in (adjacent to the wall or floor with one side) and cabinet-mounted (have single design without support). There is a variety of shapes: they can be straight, angular, or radial. Straight products are suitable for bedrooms and living rooms, while corner and radius designs look best in the hallway.


Furniture manufacturing companies currently carry out both individual orders and offer standard sliding wardrobes in the following styles:

  1. minimalism;
  2. Provence;
  3. high tech;
  4. Japanese direction;
  5. art movements;
  6. classics.

Learn more about each style.


A wardrobe in a minimalist style must meet the following parameters: natural materials, denial of classical forms towards strict geometry, neutrality of color and small form. As a rule, such furniture has white, gray and dark shades. IN overall design there are no details, volumes and bright colors.

Minimalism is used for visual expansion rooms and saving space.


Provencal style has its own characteristics: a large number of decorative plants (both dry and live), pastel palette general design and the use of only natural materials.

If simplicity, some archaism and “rustic” forms in the design of the room are closer to you, then the Commander wardrobe in provencal style will suit you perfectly. Having some roughness of form, this design, nevertheless, is designed to bring comfort, warmth and a dose of romance into the common space. Furniture also allows you to visually enlarge the space due to pastel shades.

Modern direction

High-tech style can be defined by the following components: rigid geometry, the presence of metal and glass inserts, contrasting colors and glossy surfaces.

The main functions of these structures are practical use. A large number of additional mechanisms are used, and mirrors are often built into the furniture itself.

For these cabinets from Commander, acrylic, plastic and steel parts are used. Natural ingredients are almost never found in this style, and, as a rule, new items most often appear in the high-tech style.


The cultural style of another country is a combination of minimalism and traditional Japanese style painting. Laconicism and simplicity of form are the main definitions of this type of wardrobes. It should also be highlighted that Japanese style This is the smoothness of lines and color contrasts. An interior with a wardrobe in this style creates an atmosphere of mystery, evokes thoughts of the East and visually increases the total area of ​​the space.

Art direction

Sliding wardrobes in art style are a solution for lovers designer new products. This direction can include signs of modernity, cubism, and ethnicity. The streamlined shapes of the furniture are combined with straight lines and elements of luxury (usually gilding or ivory).


IN classic style sliding wardrobes contain smooth lines, natural materials or their imitation, as well as the presence of stained glass windows.

Classic version A wardrobe is one of the most popular options for almost any room. Most often, in the production of these cabinets, Komandor specialists use oak or beech, as well as for inserting glass facade warm shades. The room becomes wider and airier thanks to this furniture design.

Commander Plus

Company "Commander-plus" - domestic analogue Komandor, which deals with design, delivery, measurements and installation of sliding wardrobes.

The company focuses on innovations in design, using the “flight of engineering thought”. For example, there is “soft touch” technology that responds to touches. This option should make it easier to use and save time. There are also updates to the design in the form of mirror glass - new system alternately either reflects or decorates the surrounding space. And these are not all the achievements that the company represents.

A group of specialists gives you the opportunity to think through your own wardrobe design. The cost is calculated based on several indicators: material future design, size and type. Built-in wardrobes belong to the category budget options, however, they are not inferior in quality and design capabilities.

The convenience and popularity of the built-in system is quite simple to explain: the rational use of space in modern apartments plays an important role, and these buildings are designed to save budget and expand space.

Sliding wardrobes located in a niche, with the absence of a back wall, sidewall, bottom or upper fixed part, are gaining popularity. Commander-plus deals with individual orders and has the ability to low prices offer options for personal products for an apartment or office.

Currently, finding a high-quality and inexpensive wardrobe can take a lot of time. It is not so easy to find similar pieces of furniture at an affordable price. The Komandor company, which produces reliable and functional models made of high quality and durable materials.

Features and Benefits

The American company Komandor has become famous thanks to its own technologies for the production of high-quality and durable sliding wardrobes. Every detail is thought out in them, from roller mechanisms to rigid profiles.

Today on the market you can find a large number of Chinese-made counterfeits masquerading as branded products from an American company. They are not only low quality, but also harmful to health, since chipboard with high content formaldehyde resins.

In the production of original facade parts from Komandor, laminated chipboards of class E1 are used. Such materials are characterized by a reduced content of harmful formaldehyde resins. They are covered with a special cellulose film impregnated with melamine resin.

Products from the American company contain patented rollers, which are guaranteed for 30 years. These parts are wear-resistant and durable. Roller mechanisms and doors in wardrobes do not have to be constantly repaired or adjusted.

Available in quality furniture and special designs of hooks. They provide a secure hold door leaf in the rails and prevent it from falling out even during sudden openings and closings.

Such products are equipped with reliable and durable steel profiles. They act like springs, but have required level rigidity.

Aluminum profiles in wardrobes from Komandor they are very thick. They are more rigid, but also cost more. IN similar designs horizontal and vertical profiles are connected to each other using additional fasteners. This property provides excellent rigidity

Products from a leading company in Russian market distinguished by its beautiful and harmonious design. Thanks to the rich assortment, you can choose the right piece for any style and interior, from classic to avant-garde.

High-quality sliding wardrobes from Komandor you can choose for every taste and budget.


Let's take a closer look at the models of sliding wardrobes produced under the name of the well-known company Komandor.

High quality cabinets

Externally, these options are very similar to classic wardrobes. Effective profiles with coatings imitating wood give a noticeable resemblance to them. The façade details contain fillings made of chipboards. These types of wardrobes are very popular due to their mobility. They can be moved to another place at any time if necessary.

A distinctive feature of cabinet models from Komandor is the presence of both sliding and hinged doors.

Internal filling Such pieces of furniture are represented by comfortable and spacious drawers, shelves, rods and hangers.

Such models of wardrobes look best in spacious rooms. If your home has a modest area, then you should turn to more compact built-in wardrobes.


The well-known brand has a wide variety of built-in wardrobes in its arsenal. Similar products are different small in size, so they can be installed not only in the bedroom or living room, but also in a narrow hallway.

Built-in wardrobes from Komandor are most often installed in niches, thereby filling seemingly useless spaces.

With the help of such sliding wardrobes you can hide many of the imperfections of the walls. These may be defects in finishing, layout, etc.

Built-in options are inexpensive Komandor cabinets, which are missing some details. For example, this could be the back and side walls.

If you decide to add such a piece of furniture to your interior, then you should take into account the features of its design. Similar models are installed using the floor, walls and ceiling. These room layout elements play the role of the side, bottom and rear walls of the built-in wardrobe.

Famous brand offers high quality and very durable options built-in wardrobes with rigid profiles and reliable structures. All you need to do is take all the measurements correctly so that the product fits in its place as correctly and neatly as possible.

The main disadvantage of such systems is their static nature. A built-in wardrobe cannot be easily moved from place to place.

The company offers consumers custom-made furniture. You can order for yourself perfect option, which will externally and internally meet your requirements. Such products will cost a little more, but you will get the perfect wardrobe.


Komandor produces sliding wardrobes with an unsurpassed appearance. Suitable option can be matched to any setting and interior style. This can be either a large glass cabinet of a cabinet design or a luxurious built-in model, the surface of which imitates natural oak.

Fashionable sliding wardrobes equipped with decorative glass Lacobel. Such inserts may have different colors and glossy surface.

Often found in one product decorative glass several colors at once. For example, sliding wardrobes with doors that combine dark brown, coffee, chocolate and beige colors have a harmonious and neutral design.

Such shades fit into many interiors and do not stand out from general ensembles.

To visually expand the space, you should turn to beautiful cabinets with mirrored doors. Komandor produces similar options in a wide range. Models that have more than 2-3 doors look especially attractive and expensive. Such products are most often placed in bedrooms.

Having crossed the threshold of any house, the first thing that greets us is the hallway. The hosts themselves are judged by the place our guests see. This means that the furniture in the hallway should make the right impression and not discourage guests from moving on. This can be easily achieved if a beautiful, functional and tasteful custom hallway is installed in your home.

Sometimes many questions arise regarding the size of furniture, their compactness, ease of use and, of course, appearance. Fortunately, custom-made furniture has huge advantage- the ability to create it according to individual requirements.

Limited space is no longer a hindrance when arranging it. Every possible free centimeter of space will be wisely used for functional area. This also applies to large sites, where the opposite problem arises - how to competently fill the free space and not overload it. As in the first option, specialists will be able to develop for you the most optimal furniture option for a specific hallway.

The main task of any functional furniture- saving things. In the hallway the task is more difficult. As a rule, all outerwear, shoes, hats, accessories and other small items are stored here. All this together requires a lot of space. Plus, you need to take into account the possibility of guests appearing whose things it would be indecent to keep in the room. Therefore, the first thing you should think about is the degree of filling of the cabinet. Each wardrobe detail should have its own place, because this is the only way to ensure its long service life. All these details can be discussed with the contractor.

The second question is the style of furniture. There is plenty of room to wander around here. Materials, design, decorations, mirrors, lighting - everything depends on the client’s wishes. You can select something from the product catalog and adjust it ready-made option or make your own sketch of the hallway, everything is possible to order.

The third, most important question is the amount you are willing to pay for the furniture. A custom-made hallway is an opportunity to save money, because in this case you can select the product within the required amount. Even for little money you can buy neat and beautiful furniture.

Our main goal is to make your home comfortable and the buyer happy. Contact us and arrange your home with pleasure and inspiration.

Artmaster. Moreover, sometimes in narrow corridor Apart from the wardrobe there is nothing else to squeeze in. IN good cabinets There is also protection against dust: special brushes on the doors.

Such furniture accommodates a lot of all kinds of things that previously created the impression of a cluttered hallway. This way you will kill several birds with one stone: the mirror will not take up extra space, the mirror surface can be quite large - covering the entire area of ​​the cabinet door, the mirror visually expands the narrow corridor. Just remember that the back side of the mirror must be covered with a special film, which, in case of damage, can prevent injury from shrapnel. Hallways. For a deep cabinet the right decision There will also be special mechanisms to be installed, with the help of which it will be possible to hang clothes in two rows.

One of the wardrobe doors can be completely mirrored. In order to get a good impression of the apartment as a whole, you need to start with the hallway. For the most rational placement of things, they have to be laid out in all kinds of cabinets and bedside tables. They are much more compact, take up less space than ordinary cabinets, but at the same time remain no less spacious. This becomes an even more pressing problem due to the fact that modern hallways, as a rule, do not have windows.

The prices for such furniture are quite high, but do not be afraid of this, because sliding wardrobes can be made from various materials and create original content, which will influence its final cost. Those apartment owners who are lucky and have a fairly large hallway should move away from standard sizes cabinet and order a deeper one. It is better to divide the wardrobe for outerwear into two parts. The hallway is the place where a person finds himself when he crosses the threshold of the house. Such a precaution will be useful, because the likelihood of damage to the mirror is maximum in the hallway.

Commander built-in wardrobes

The hallway is the place where a person finds himself when he crosses the threshold of the house. Most likely, the wardrobe for the hallway will have to be made to order. Unfortunately, the designers didn't think much about creating large hallway. In this way, it will be possible to organize the space in the best possible way and at the same time relieve the living rooms as much as possible.

One of them will be stored casual wear, and in the other one that is used very rarely. Sliding wardrobes and built-in furniture. In most apartments they resemble long narrow corridors. It is customary to store shoes in it, outerwear, umbrellas and a lot of other useful things. Catalog gallery of works Company Materials fresh ideas Articles all about furniture Contacts Moscow Hallways. SITE 1998 - 2018 custom-made sliding wardrobes from Komandor KOMKOMANDORYANDEX. This is where sliding wardrobes come to the rescue.

built-in wardrobes commander in the hallway photo

However, often hallways do not allow the placement of full-sized wardrobes. In order to get a good impression of the apartment as a whole, you need to start with the hallway. If at checkout individual order You have decided that the closet will be deep enough, so it makes sense to think about the fact that you will need to organize additional lighting inside.

This is all due to the same dimensions of the room.

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