Decorating a bedroom in an apartment: photos, decor, wall decoration. Bedroom design Interior solutions for the bedroom

From the picture presented above, you can determine the components of simple and regular sizes. On the ceiling suspended ceiling with lighting, wall coverings in the same colors (the walls are painted or covered with wallpaper), a small decorative panel on the wall next to the bed and, in fact, the bed itself with a bedside table and lamp. The a budget option It's a job that anyone with some skill and experience in home renovation can handle, both financially and professionally.

If design options for the bedroom do not come naturally, then you can try to transform the head of the bed. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to “reinvent the wheel” - you can really do everything literally simply and tastefully.

Designing a bedroom in the same style can also be inexpensive. Moreover, such an option with a number of irregular lines can turn ugly irregular shapes rooms are an advantage.

Photo 7 – Art Nouveau style

Photo 8 – Minimalistic style

Design can be created different ways; this one, for example, is created by transitioning both color and textures without using anything special.

Photo 9 – Interspersed bright color into the interior

Iron bed with luxurious bedding and white furniture they can give a unique contrast to it.

Photo 10 – Living room-bedroom and kitchen

An attic bedroom style can also be easily found - you just need to take care of the cozy elements, given the smaller ceiling space.

Photo 11 – Bedroom in english style

Photo 12 – Provence style

A large carpet on the wall, photo wallpaper, a glass panel or a stained glass window at the headboard can be a starting point when looking for an original solution.

Photo 13 – Bedroom in Art Nouveau style

Photo 14 – Bright bedroom

It's easy to see how to style a room using standard furniture furniture and pillows, while remaining within the same color scheme. Ready furniture sets for the bedroom can be successfully combined with wallpaper and inexpensive reproductions that can set the tone for the entire ensemble.

Photo 15 – Stylish bedroom

Externally cheap look antique furniture, parquet flooring, a bedside rug and a lamp from the last century can “cheer up” any dull landscape in the apartment.

Photo 16 – Bedroom in dark colors

The combination of the simple and the impossible can replace any furniture if it is acceptable to the occupants. IN in this case simplicity is the decor itself.

Photo 17 – Decorating the bedroom with flowers

The French style of artistic simplicity is quite easy to create where you don’t have to invent anything, but just collect everything in one place and create basic living conditions.

Photo 18 – Mixing wallpaper in the bedroom

Another option initially empty room, where a round bed was placed, served as an impetus for the original design solution bedroom decoration.

Photo 19 – Combined bedroom-living room and kitchen

The exact opposite of the previous option - squares. Different square shapes in the same style help create the style of the bedroom. When a bedroom has no windows, one of the main tasks is to add light to all corners of the room, for which the use of light colors in combination with effective lighting is suitable.

Photo 20 – Bedroom in blue tones

Sometimes the designer’s work may not be visible, but the result should be obvious: in the design of a small bedroom in the photo above, you can see an unobtrusive proposal of details, the design of which does not seem to fit with everything else, but brings something to it anyway.

Photo 21 – Stylish accents in the bedroom

Make the light even lighter, and highlight the dark to hide the details of dark objects and shift the observer’s attention to the light side of the design. This solution allows you to combine almost incompatible things due to lighting.

Photo 22 – Combination light walls And dark furniture

Photo 23 – Bright photo wallpaper in bedroom decor

If the attic allows it, then you can sleep on the floor - why not a change of scenery? And a radical approach based on a simple, pragmatic solution. Photo 25 – Country style

You can’t find a single person who would say: I want a bright, aggressive bedroom with a rich color scheme.

And that’s right, for the reason that this room should be as calming, peaceful and relaxing as possible.

It is the interior of the bedroom in the apartment that contributes good sleep, and therefore a quality life.

Concept, measure and color!

When creating a corner of privacy, you need to seriously think about the design of the bedroom in the apartment.

This is a personal space that should not always be occupied. Which allows, under the heading of secret, to create there an atmosphere of complete intrigue different from the main theme.

Simply put, the design of a bedroom in an apartment may differ from the general one. Which will not only benefit the body (it will signal that it’s time to sleep), but will also diversify the apartment.

Rule: You should adhere to measures when decorating a bedroom in terms of items, colors and size of furniture if the bedroom is small!

If the bedroom is no different large area, it can be visually enlarged using:

  • bright hues,
  • mirrors,
  • small-sized furniture,
  • small size accessories,
  • silk textiles.

Particular attention should be paid to color scheme bedrooms in a small apartment:

  • Warm shades of white will add romanticism.
  • Blue and light green will bring coolness.
  • Yellow, orange or gold will charge you with energy.
  • Pink, as an alternative to red, will add coziness.

"Clothes" for the bedroom!

A beautiful bedroom in an apartment is undoubtedly a trump card, which is often known only to the owners of the house.

Some I turn it into duets: bedroom and office, bedroom and dressing room, bedroom-living room, bedroom and fitness room.

Today, do this harmoniously, without disturbing general concept premises, very simple. Furniture sets designed to delight, rather than burden you with searching for compatible items, help bring such ideas to life.

This set consists of a bed, a chest of drawers, bedside tables and the item that is needed according to the concept of the duet: a desktop, a cabinet, etc.

However, you can’t get by with just a set: one more important point– lighting.

The times of one chandelier on the ceiling have sunk into oblivion, they have been replaced ceiling lamps, sconces and floor lamps.

It is much more convenient to distribute the light around the entire perimeter and use only what is necessary - locally.

This method has undeniable advantages: energy savings, visual increase in space and twilight for a romantic situation.

Apartment bedroom styles!

A bedroom in an apartment is a “demanding” room that requires a lot of effort when choosing the right style.

More precisely, the renovation of a bedroom in an apartment must absolutely justify the requirements set by us. To avoid mistakes, let's take a closer look:

Classic style is characterized by light color scheme and laconic furniture, without small accessories;

A country bedroom is like an exhibition of wood and stone, decorated with patchwork textiles, wicker furniture and ornamental paintings;

Ethnic style can “transfer” an African hut, an oriental tent or a Provence terrace;

High-tech high-tech - distinguished by strict lines, black and white, slightly diluted with metallic, blue, yellow or red;

Forged metal, antique accessories and textiles - vintage style details;

Biedermeier is the style of talented people who can create interior items with their own hands;

Minimalism and eco style are the favorite trends of metropolitan residents who choose only functional furniture and environmentally friendly items.

Often, psychologists advise decorating bedrooms based on your psychotype.

For the melancholic good choice will become Baroque or Biedermeier due to the presence small parts and rich colors: red, orange or gold.

A phlegmatic person will appreciate the eco style – synonymous with connecting with nature. The sanguine person wins in this list: he has the opportunity to choose absolutely any interior style.

His energy, moderate activity and perception of reality give this right.

Photo of interior design of a bedroom in an apartment

The bedroom is not only a personal room, but also an intimate area where you can relax physically and mentally. Therefore, the emotional mood that the environment creates is very important. The bedroom should not only be convenient to use, but also bring spiritual comfort.

Bedroom arrangement

In the apartment, one of the main rooms is the bedroom. You should pay a lot of attention to the arrangement of the interior so that you can spend time there pleasantly.

It all starts with planning, which includes thinking over the main style. Depending on it, all details will be selected, from furniture to decor.

There are a large number of directions, but some of them are more suitable for decorating a bedroom than others:

  • Country style adheres to naturalness and is imbued with natural motifs, which affected the choice of decoration, furniture and even colors. The main material of the direction is wood or anything that imitates its external data. The colors are natural, and you should choose muted shades.

  • Provence style is one of the most airy and simply elegant. The decor in it is designed in white and beige tones, and among the accents there is always a bluish or lavender color. For furniture they choose vintage cabinets or modern ones, but made in an antique style, large beds with forged backs. The textiles used are mainly chintz and satin.

  • Baroque and classic are the most elegant and luxurious trends. They require massive furniture and decor, for example, columns, large wrought-iron beds with canopies, real statues, and intricate chandeliers. These features make these styles suitable only for large bedrooms. Baroque is brighter, since, in addition to light colors, it contains red and purple accents. In the classics, the range is more saturated thanks to dark burgundy, dark blue and gold.

  • Minimalism and hi-tech - modern styles, which look laconic, but at the same time beautiful. The design is consistent monochrome tones, which is occasionally diluted with yellow, red, blue. A high-tech bedroom is more elegant, as it allows the use of lacquered, glossy, glass surfaces, as well as fancy decor and appliances. A room in the minimalist style is as spacious as possible, and is furnished only with the items necessary for life.

  • Art Deco and ethnic styles require a large number of elements and decor. However, each item must fit with the other and present a cohesive concept. The ethnic direction is most often bright, because it uses national features both in the setting and in the color scheme. The most popular are Japanese, African, Egyptian, Arabic, Indian species. Art Deco is more sophisticated and a little pretentious thanks to intricate patterns, expensive materials, textiles and decor.

Having chosen a style, you should start furnishing. The set of required items for the bedroom is small. The central place is occupied by the bed, the quality of which will determine how rested a person feels.

If the bed is double, then it is better to leave free place on both sides so as not to create inconvenience. A single bed can be placed along the wall. IN large bedroom the bed can be placed in the center or diagonally. If the bed is pushed up against the wall, it is better if it has a high headboard so that you can sit half-sitting comfortably.

Beds are divided into high (up to 80 cm), medium (about 50 cm) and low, at floor level. Except usual options, in the bedroom you can install something non-standard, for example, hanging model or make an “attic”, a height on which it is enough to place a mattress. In the bedroom for children and teenagers, a two-tier or three-tier model will be relevant. IN small room it can be combined with a workplace.

For greater convenience, it wouldn’t hurt to add a bedside table or table. To store clothes, bedding and things you need a closet or chest of drawers. A dressing table, desk, chairs or ottomans are completely optional, but can solve many problems in the small apartment. These items must be in the same style.

To save space, you can use multifunctional transformable furniture. For example, armchairs and poufs have drawers for things. The cabinet on wheels can be moved from corner to corner and used as a stand or table. A dressing table with a folding mirror can serve as a workspace.

The mood in the interior is created by the color scheme and decor. Light and natural tones bring a feeling of freshness, yellow and orange warm, and red, on the contrary, is too invigorating. Flowers and plants add coziness to the room, and not only live ones in vases. Drawings on the walls, furniture or textiles will help the room sparkle with colors. Textiles can complement a style or become an accent item. In some areas, only cotton and linen are appropriate, while in others, silk and velvet are appropriate. Curtains in the bedroom are necessary not only to create coziness, but also to hide from the sun in the morning.

Do not forget about other decorative items, including vases, frames, paintings and posters, figurines, pillows. They should be harmoniously combined not only with each other, but also with the style and furniture.

DIY decor

DIY decor can be an interesting and significant addition to the interior. Many ideas do not require special skills, just a little time:

  • In the room the eye always falls on the walls, which is why you should be careful about their finishing. The most popular method is wallpapering. You can do this yourself, without hiring professionals. To make the bedroom more interesting, it is enough to use wallpaper with prints on one of the walls or a specific area, for example, near the bed. The pattern should be in harmony with the color of the furniture or decor.

  • Another option is drawing. The idea can be realized using stencils made from tracing paper and self-adhesive paper. A suitable design and pattern can be taken literally from anywhere, for example, from a magazine or book.

  • Accent wall can be decorated with soft panels. To make them you will need plywood, foam rubber and leather or any other upholstery fabric. The more foam rubber, the softer the wall will be. You can glue the panels using liquid nails.

  • Another option for the wall is a row small mirrors in frame. You can choose different shapes and sizes, and to make them look harmonious, paint the frames the same color or cover them with wallpaper or paint them. You can also do mirror wall, attaching the plates liquid nails. However, this design is too aggressive and can spoil the proportions of the room.

  • IN Lately A popular solution is ordinary photo frames on the wall. The main thing is to use only empty frames, without photographs or drawings. Playing with sizes and colors can create an intriguing composition.

  • The furniture can also be decorated by yourself, for example, use stencils to draw intricate patterns on the cabinet or cover the shelves with a special film of any color. You can even gild an item using gold leaf, varnish and a soft brush. Craftsmen can try making relief stucco on the walls or headboard of the bed. This will require gypsum mortar and lime paste, a mixture of which is poured into stencils or molds.

  • beautiful and functional decor Can become sewn chair covers. They can be used as a bedside table. Pockets on the cases will allow you to store small but necessary things, for example, a phone, cables from chargers.

  • Problem with lack of storage space can be solved in another way - by making niches in the wall from plasterboard. These recesses store books, frames, or even pillows and linens. You can hang cabinets above the bed, the main thing is not to do it too low. To give the furniture more pleasant appearance, it can be upholstered with fabric to match the color of the bedspread.

  • You can even make a canopy canopy yourself. To do this, you need to purchase and attach to the wall a wooden, plastic or metal carcass. Tulle, organza, velvet, tapestry are suitable as a cape, and you can attach it using curtains. It is important to thoroughly check the strength of the entire structure before going to sleep under it.

Mistakes in interior design

Let's highlight the most common ones:

  • A large chandelier is most often inappropriate, especially in an apartment of average and small size. In the bedroom, the central lamp is not the main source of light; sconces, floor lamps and table lamps are much more important, as they illuminate the required area.
  • Often the bedroom is combined with a work area and a library. Bookshelves They should not be placed next to the bed, as dust actively accumulates on them.
  • Wardrobe with mirror doors or a large floor mirror are a great option for a room, as they can visually enlarge the space and improve natural light. However, you should not place a bed next to such an active object, since the constant sight of a moving reflection will begin to cause anxiety.

  • Even the minimalist style requires variety. Bare walls and asceticism do not create the necessary comfortable atmosphere. But there is absolutely no need to clutter the room. It is enough to place accents, for example, make one wall textured or hang a painting/photos.
  • It is not recommended to go into a completely dark environment. The brighter the bedroom, the more spacious and comfortable it looks. Rich shades should be added as accents or more subdued shades should be used.
  • You should not hang massive shelves directly above the bed, as this may cause anxiety. It is better to occupy the bedside space as much as possible, and limit it to a neat shelf or niche above it.
  • To avoid overloading the interior Mirror finishes should not be used in excessive quantities. Also, you should not be overzealous with ruffles, openwork, and flounces in textiles. You shouldn’t oversaturate the design, but you also don’t need to make it completely flat and monochromatic. Just add a few color accents and play with different textures.

There are many styles, but even among them there are more modern and not boring ones. Thus, within the boundaries of the ethnic direction, you can create a safari bedroom with wicker furniture made of rattan palm, artificial animal skins, colorful paintings and textile patterns. Marine design, which embodies the theme of water, beaches and the romance of travel, allows you to make a room in a cabin style. To do this, you need to select a dark wood trim, and also use decor in the form of an anchor, globe, steering wheel.

Organizing a bedroom space is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, therefore, when arranging the interior, many make mistakes that in the future affect not only the image of the room, but also your personal comfort.

Let's look at the most common mistakes made when decorating a bedroom and find out how they can be avoided.

1. The chandelier is too large

Unless you own studio apartment, and the bedroom in it also serves as a living room and kitchen - installing a large lamp under the ceiling may be unnecessary.

Intense flood light is most often not justified in a bedroom interior; moreover, it makes the room look like a reception hall, but not a relaxation room.


In the bedroom, the main light is not overhead light at all, but additional light, in the form of floor lamps, sconces and table lamps. It is these devices that should illuminate the room, but it is better to hang a neat lamp under the ceiling - a pendant, or a chandelier ceiling type for two or three medium-power lamps.


2. Library near the lodge

A passion for reading will always distinguish you as an intelligent, culturally developed and well-read person. And your own library is a current trend at all times. And yet, it is not recommended to place a large number of printed publications in the bedroom, especially in the bedside area.

Due to the dust that constantly settles on books, a sleeping person may have difficulty breathing and develop allergic reactions.



If possible, minimize the number of books in the bedroom; however, they should be placed away from the bed, for example, on a rack or shelves against the opposite wall.


3. Mirror along the bed

One of the obvious mistakes in bedroom design is a mirror installed in close proximity to the bed. Your reflection, at first, will amuse and interest, but soon you will feel that it instills anxiety and prevents you from falling asleep peacefully.

Such mirrors include those installed in wardrobes, the structures of which are placed parallel along the bed, or large floor mirrors installed opposite.


The mirror in the bedroom interior should be positioned in such a way that you, lying on the bed, cannot see your reflection in it. For example, place a floor mirror against the wall at the foot of the bed, place two identical ones above the bedside tables, or use a mobile mirror in a frame on wheels that can be turned in any direction.


4. Empty walls

Even though the bedroom is a room for relaxation, it would be a mistake to make it a space intended solely for sleeping. An ascetic environment, undecorated walls, boring furniture and bed linen - all this does not improve the mood at all, but on the contrary, creates a gloomy mood.


The walls in the bedroom are a blank slate that you can transform into something original, beautiful and unique to your own taste. Even just painting one wall a contrasting color and decorating the other with a few photos from the internet, printed and framed, can really transform the atmosphere of the room as a whole.


5. Too dark interior

You should not be deluded by the beauty of the thick dark tones of interior paint, because the rich color of the walls may not take root in the bedroom. It has long been known that it is better not to use dark blue, burgundy, blueberry, chocolate and black for the bedroom. large quantities, since such an environment will have a noticeable impact and interfere with a vigorous awakening in the morning.


If you like a rich palette, try choosing derived shades that are several tones lighter, for example, instead of black or graphite, choose taupe or gray for the walls, and blue can be replaced with cornflower blue or azure.

Don't forget to combine dark tones with big amount white, cream, complemented with shimmering accessories and bright decor.


6. Massive structure above the headboard

When planning a system for storing things in the bedroom, it is important to correctly distribute the load, including the visual one. For example, if you install part of the wardrobe cabinets above the bed, it will be uneasy for a person to fall asleep or just lie down under them.


If the room does not have a better area for installing a storage system, you should still leave the area above the head of the bed free. It is better to install the main part of the cabinets on the sides of the bed, and one or two light shelves can be hung above it, but nothing more.


7. Incorrect bed position

The center of the composition in any bedroom is the bed, around which the rest of the furnishings are installed. But it happens that so little attention is paid to the sleeping area that they do not take care of its proper organization at all, caring, first of all, about the wardrobe, curtain textiles or wall decoration.

In particular, experts in the field of planning call it a mistake to place the bed incorrectly: at the entrance to the bedroom, with the headboard towards the window, in the corner, etc.


Regardless of the size and shape of the room in plan, you can find the optimal area for placing the bed in it, ideally this is a wall perpendicular to the window, or a partition between the windows.

Also, it is better to install sleeping area as far as possible from the door, so that lying on the bed you feel comfortable, and sounds from outside do not interfere with your full rest.


8. Cold floor

In pursuit of the beauty of the floor, we often neglect some of its characteristics, such as practicality and durability. In addition, installing a floor made of tiles, cheap laminated boards, or self-leveling mixture is contraindicated for the bedroom.

Unless such materials are equipped with a “warm floor” system, other types of coatings should be used.


The ideal option, practical, durable, aesthetic and warm, is, of course, a covering made of natural wood. But due to its high cost, not many people can use it. As an alternative, it is recommended to lay on the floor parquet board, cork, or soft and warm carpet.


9. Monotonous design

Several years ago, the use of a single fabric for sewing curtains, bedspreads and upholstery became fashionable. upholstered furniture for the bedroom. Today, design using the same type of textures is considered bad manners, and the interior of the bedroom is tasteless and insipid.


Don’t be afraid to mix materials, shades and textures of fabrics and accessories. Just remember that combining them in one interior looks the most stylish and expensive. natural materials: velvet and silk, wool and cotton, knitted and jacquard products. In addition, decorative items in the color of precious metals will add a unique charm to the design of the bedroom.


10. Lack of proper storage system

For bedrooms small size it's easy to choose nice closet, which would not only accommodate your entire wardrobe, but also would not take up extra space, concealing usable area rooms.

But besides a poorly organized wardrobe area, there can only be its absence, which at the same time affects the cleanliness and functionality of the bedroom.


A simple design consisting of shelves with brackets, rods and drawers that slide out on guides will help organize the space of a small bedroom. We recommend, however, that you focus on hanging sections that will ensure the excellent appearance of your clothes.


The bedroom is an important room in every apartment, it is where a person spends the most pleasant moments your life, so you need to make it comfortable and enjoyable. If you decorating a bedroom in an apartment, then prepare carefully: think about the furniture you need and the location in the room; the colors you will use in the interior; details and general style in which the room is made.

The walls occupy as a percentage most rooms, so the design will affect the entire interior as a whole. Painting occupies a leading place among materials due to its price and properties. It’s cheap and practical, because it’s easy to paint; if you choose water-based paint, it lasts a long time, doesn’t fade, and dries quickly. This option is especially suitable for small rooms. The next and more expensive option is wallpaper. They come in different types:

Advice! Wallpaper can visually change a room better side. If the room is too low, then you should choose wallpaper with vertical stripes, narrow room Alternating dark or light wallpaper will help.

Interior design of a bedroom in an apartment


Minimalism and most interior styles are characterized by a single-level white ceiling. This is a classic that will not go out of style. If you want to attract extra attention to a separate part of the bedroom, then you can resort to plasterboard structures. Two-tier ceilings can be transformed into an independent room decoration if you place spotlights around the entire perimeter. Stretch ceiling have their advantages: they will help you create your own special, individual interior, since the design variations of such ceilings are endless. Also, stretch ceilings with a mirror surface effect allow you to visually expand the room, even a tiny bedroom can become larger.

Windows are important element every room, the bedroom was no exception. If you have big windows, then it’s worth adding a little intimacy to your bedroom; curtains made of dense material, for example, organza, will help you with this. For small rooms, light tulle in combination with light curtains is suitable. A play of contrasts is possible, this will add piquancy to your bedroom. Remember that the color of the textiles should be in harmony with the color scheme of the room, but should not completely merge with the walls, for example.

Advice! If you choose tulle up to the window sill, you can organize a work area near the window or a place for your toilet.

Windows are an important element of every room, the bedroom is no exception.

If the size of the room allows you, then you should furnish the room with a dressing table, a bookcase, perhaps an exercise machine, a coffee table with armchairs. However, if the room is limited in size, then it is better to immediately provide small tricks that will visually expand the space. For example, in a small bedroom it is not recommended to use bright and rich colors; they “take away” the space. Stretch ceilings and mirrors can visually increase the size of your room.

Think about what furniture you will need in the bedroom: of course, a bed, a closet, and then at your own discretion. Planning a bedroom in a small apartment is a special art. Everything needs to be divided into zones: relaxation area, work area, reading area, area for storing things. Zoning, of course, is conditional; as a rule, this is done using color. The bedside area will be illuminated with small lamps or sconces, if this work zone, then it is worth increasing the lighting level.

The sitting area is the main part of the bedroom, so Special attention needs to be given specifically to her. For small apartments, you can choose a bed with drawers for bedding or out-of-season clothes. This saves space and allows you to avoid overloading the already miniature room. If you are not limited square meters, then you can experiment, choose unusual bed with an interesting headboard. You can even find a tent bed, it depends on your courage. The storage area may vary. A sliding wardrobe with mirrored doors is a practical and convenient solution for your bedroom.

Firstly, this will allow you to place a lot of things that every person has, secondly, the mirror surface will visually expand the room, and, of course, for girls a mirror is an important attribute of the bedroom.

Advice! The mirror has already become an ordinary element in the bedroom interior, but you can experiment with the finishing of the frame and shape so that your room acquires its own unique chic.

If your apartment allows it, you can make a separate dressing room or separate one of the corners of the room with a movable screen or curtain.

The relaxation area is the main part of the bedroom, so special attention should be paid to it.

Nowadays, several styles are popular in bedroom interiors:

Classic is always in fashion, so this design style is universal and practical if it is important for you not to fall out of fashion. Classic style is, first of all, functionality in all its manifestations, as well as beauty. The furniture frame contains many various finishes, artistic parquet is used in such bedrooms.

Bedrooms in a classic style are characterized by the use of expensive and rich materials, for example, marble. Decorate your bed with a chic headboard, add gilding to the furniture decor, combine dissimilar surfaces: aged, vintage.

This style is characterized by an abundance of textiles: draped curtains, lush curtains, tapestries, canopies located above the bed. All furniture and decorative elements should be arranged symmetrically. As a rule, for classic style you need space, but if you wish, you can make such a bedroom in a small apartment, if you moderate the frills.

Minimalism ideal for modern young people, because this particular style implies a complete rejection of unnecessary items, limiting itself only to those that cannot be avoided at all. That is, the bed will still remain in the room, but you will have to say goodbye to the excess of details. Minimalism represented by cold color palette, it can be gray, white or shade blue color. The furniture that will be in such a room is made without decoration. This direction is familiar with free space and simple forms.


Antique The style is quite unique, it is not suitable for every person, it is a tribute to history that looks impressive. This direction is characterized by harmony and architecture. That is, there may be sculptures, columns or statues in the room. Usually the bedrooms are in antique style light and look luxurious.

High tech– this is a new word in interior design. This style is suitable for young people, because it is quite a “flashy” option. Asymmetrical furniture, different-format cabinets, many shades and rich bright colors, decorating the room with plants.

Provence ideal for romantic girlish natures. This is the use of pastel colors, this is skillful and neat furniture. Provence is characterized by the use of wood or forged, stained glass parts; the decoration of the room contains floral prints (wallpaper, bedding, textiles). This style decision creates a special atmosphere in the room, it immediately becomes light, airy, comfortable, you can really relax there.

White bedroom

If you have decided on a style, then you should also think about the colors used in your bedroom. It is important to note that when choosing a color, you must also base it on your psychological reactions. Eg, green color brings freshness and relaxation to the room; it is recommended to use it in combination with warm tones.

Advice! Stylish combination It is considered to be a mixture of pale tones and rich ones, it is bold, but at the same time interesting.

If you want a yellow bedroom, then it is worth remembering that this color enlivens the room and warms it up. An ideal duet for yellow

it can become brown, dark blue. The color red evokes an active reaction, it invigorates a person, remember that waking up in a red room can be quite difficult. But if you feel comfortable, if this color does not make you tired, then feel free to repaint the walls.

White doesn't count ideal option for the bedroom, only if it is combined with other shades, because a white room tends to create an association with a hospital. But no one wants their bedroom to look anything but nice place. A good option will be used in bedroom decoration pastel shades. These are generalized reactions of people to a particular color, with specific choice Focus on individual sensitivity.

Green bedroom

Let us note once again that the bedroom is the main room for every person. When decorating the interior, focus on fashion trends, but consider your own preferences, because this will be your room.

If you have figured out all the main stages of design, then you just need to add that each bedroom could use individual accessories: books and photographs, flowers and candles, small souvenirs brought from vacations and travels. It is these details that will make your bedroom special and loved by you.
