Management of labor mobility of personnel. Motivation system used in Russian business structures

What is staff motivation and adaptation? How is the employee motivation system developed? What are the features of content and process theories of motivation?

Have you ever run a small business? If so, then you probably know that from time to time there is an urgent need to improve production efficiency.

If you work as a full-time employee, then you should be very familiar with the situation when management takes incomprehensible and often illogical actions in order to motivate employees.

How to achieve the maximum effect from activities aimed at improving productivity? How to motivate the team so that it is effective and beneficial?

With this publication, we open a series of articles on staff motivation. In the first article, I, Anna Medvedeva, a regular contributor to the HeatherBober business magazine, will review the basic concepts and principles of this diverse and interesting process.

The information will be of interest to both managers and ordinary employees.

1. What is staff motivation and why is it needed?

In Russia, as, indeed, throughout the world, the issue of staff motivation is more than relevant. The interest of each employee in the effectiveness of his work is the key to the success of the entire enterprise as a whole.

Let's define this concept.

Staff motivation is an internal process at the enterprise, the purpose of which is to encourage each employee to work for the result.

Staff motivation is an indispensable component personnel policy any institution. Its role in management is very tangible - with a well-organized business, motivational events significantly increase the profitability of a business, and with a mediocre one, they nullify all efforts the best specialists state.

Modern approaches to the implementation of the motivation system are based on the fact that the needs of employees are taken into account along with the applied theories (no matter how advanced they are). Only in this case is it possible to achieve maximum effect from the upcoming process.

There are different theories of employee motivation. But they have similar goals - an explanation of the employee's behavior in different circumstances and determination of decisions that will motivate him to the result.

Let's put in the table their characteristics and degree of efficiency.

Theories of staff motivation:

The concept of adaptation is closely related to motivation. What is it and why is this component of the production process needed?

Staff adaptation- this is the adaptation of a new employee to the team and to new working conditions. This process is always mutual.

Under the condition of rational application, the adaptation and motivation of personnel become mutually beneficial and complementary processes.

Task 3. Attracting new employees to the organization

Of course, here we are not talking about just recruiting staff, but about getting new highly qualified specialists into your team. This will be successful in the case when those will have a direct interest in coming to work in your team, and not in some other.

To do this, your motivation system must be not only effective, but also unique in its own way. And, importantly, - competitive, that is, more advantageous in comparison with the methods used by other companies.

Task 4. Building an effective team

Any manager working professionally will agree that it is not enough just to have specialists in the staff high level. It is also necessary to ensure that this state turns out to be a well-coordinated and effective team of like-minded people.

Therefore, the creation of such a team is one of the mandatory tasks that motivational measures are aimed at solving.

Task 5. Increasing business profitability

Ultimately, the professional motivation of staff is aimed at increasing the profitability of the business. All the previous ones are subordinated to this main task. This is what the whole process is for.

Agree, it is pointless to create a superteam of top-class specialists if the level of income of the enterprise remains at the same level or, even worse, starts to decline. But how to make this process orderly and efficient, we will consider in the following sections of our publication.

3. How to develop a personnel motivation system - step by step instructions

The object of our attention will be the development of a personnel motivation system in a large organization. In small enterprises this is easier to do, but in large institutions it is necessary to use complex systems. That is to use different principles and methods.

So, let's consider the mechanism of the motivation system.

Step 1. We inform employees about planned activities

This preparatory stage employees need to be aware of the situation at the enterprise. If the organization is small or medium in size, the announcement is made on general meeting where the entire staff is present.

In large institutions, this responsibility is assigned to the director (or manager) of personnel. You can write a letter on behalf of the CEO to lower management. This will make it easier to state the position of upcoming events.

Step 2. We study in detail our own staff of the company

To outline the structure of the enterprise, in which all categories of employees will be indicated, it is necessary to study in detail the data on the characteristics of different directions.

Groups into which the team is conditionally divided:

  • according to the age;
  • by level of education;
  • by seniority and experience;
  • by specialization, etc.

In addition, there are divisions that work for the result, and those whose work is aimed at supporting daily activities.

All these data are formed into a report, which is submitted for study to the CEO.

Step 3. We study the system of motivation of employees in competing firms

It is very useful to perceive someone else's experience. Moreover, it can be redrawn and adapted to the structure of your enterprise, eliminating unsuccessful and obviously ineffective elements.

Instruct the HR or marketing department to find out the salary and bonus system in other companies engaged in similar activities. After analyzing this data, the incentives that will be relevant for the staff of your organization are determined.

Step 4. We conduct a survey of employees

The purpose of such a survey is to determine the interests and priorities of employees. Based on these data, you will have to identify incentives and methods of motivation in the team.

As a rule, questionnaires are used for the survey. Better anonymous. As practice shows, anonymous surveys provide more objective information. Questionnaires are simply distributed to employees and after a while they are collected back (1-2 hours to fill out is enough).

To get more detailed data, develop separate questionnaires for each department of the company.

Step 5. We inform the staff about the implemented motivation system

When the survey has been completed and the motivation system has been developed, notify the team about upcoming events. Tell us about the reward system, the estimated timeline and the main goal you want to achieve.

Firstly , such an approach will speak of the seriousness of the leadership's intentions.

Secondly , each employee will own complete information and see the benefits of his participation in the program.

Convey to employees that motivational activities are equally important for each member of the team, and for the entire institution as a whole.


In a sales company household appliances, it was decided to introduce a motivation system. However, the management did not consider it necessary to inform the staff about the goals and strategy of the company in the service market.

The result - the most important orders of the director were not clear to the employees and raised many questions. Moreover, the situation within the organization has become more complicated and the trust of employees in management has been lost.

In the publication "" read about situations when there is a need for additional motivational activities.

4. Assistance in the development of a personnel motivation system - an overview of the TOP-3 companies providing services

Develop a motivation system for large enterprise not so easy. To help managers, there are institutions that create projects that are individual for each organization.

Many companies offer solutions to the problem. We have selected the largest and most famous.

1) MAS Project

A well-defined system will help to maximize the performance of both the entire enterprise as a whole and each employee individually. With MAS Project, employees will learn how to manage their tasks, understand their own areas of responsibility, make a work plan for the day and plan their time.

Managers are offered a rational report on the implementation of tasks for planning meetings and meetings, efficient system setting individual and general tasks, calculating the remuneration of employees in relation to its effectiveness, and much more. In order for the system to be adapted to your enterprise, it is desirable to provide a description of business processes, existing system control, structure and goals of the company.

One of the largest business schools in the Russian Federation trains employees of leading companies in the Russian and even foreign markets. The training is carried out by professional business coaches and practitioners, united in a powerful and well-coordinated team.

Here you will receive not only an international diploma, but also a solid baggage of practical knowledge and skills that you will find application in any business. Personnel training and motivation is one of the main areas that business school specialists are engaged in.

The company regularly holds regional events in which you can also take part.

Moscow Business School has opened representative offices in Vietnam and many CIS countries. But the network geography of the company is not limited to this: the company is constantly developing new regions.

3) Volgasoft

The interregional consulting company has been operating since 1999. The accumulated experience allows specialists to solve even the most non-standard questions and implement techniques to improve the efficiency of any enterprise.

The company builds its work on 2 main principles:

  • consistency in problem solving;
  • achieving results at every stage of the process.

A motivation system for your company will be developed in just 5 days. The methodology used at Volgasoft eliminates pitfalls and common mistakes and suggests the most effective training methods.

The method of motivation includes solving practical problems, video materials and much more. Minimum theory - maximum practice.

5. How to manage staff motivation - 5 main steps

An organized process needs to be monitored and conclusions drawn about its expediency. Employee motivation is no exception. In addition, during the events it turns out that the program needs to be adjusted.

Therefore, the management of motivational activities is an indispensable part of the whole process.

Stage 1. Setting quality goals

This is where the whole motivation management system in the team begins.

The algorithm for this step looks like this:

  1. The first step is to define the overall goals of the enterprise.
  2. Goals are then set for each division and department.
  3. After that, personal goals for each employee are signed.

Set clear goals and avoid vague wording.

Specificity in everything is the first condition for success.

Stage 2. Assessment of the level of staff motivation

Depending on what level of the process we are talking about, content or process theories of motivation are used. In the first section of our article, we have already described them.

Assessment of the level of motivation reveals weak spots in personnel management of the enterprise, as well as the factors that influenced it.

Stage 3. Setting goals for staff motivation

Here, the general goals of the entire process are determined and local tasks are detailed for various levels of employees' work activity. As with setting quality goals, they are defined for each department and team member.

It is also important that the goals of motivation are not designated separately, but are consistent with the goals in the field of quality.

In the publication "" you will find practical advice how to prevent the loss of motivation of employees.

Stage 4. Development and application of motivation methods

The analytical part of the process has been completed - the goals of motivation and quality have been determined, the level of motivation has been assessed. Now it is necessary to do the main thing - to develop a system that will be most effective in a particular team.

The strategy should be different methods motivation, since different goals are defined at different levels of the process. In addition, methods need to be changed depending on the stages of the project.

Stage 5. Evaluation of achievement of goals

Analysis of the level of motivation periodically requires re-evaluation. What does it give? You'll get important element any process - feedback .

The final part of the material of business coach Alexander Sagalovich on how to build a personnel management system using the process approach.

In Part 1, I talked about how you can organize a business process structure for HRM. In Part 2, he shared his thoughts on how to ensure that this work is manageable and carried out according to plan. Now let's talk about the system of staff motivation. It can also be organized using a process approach.

The classification of motivation methods that I will talk about is somewhat different from the classical one and may seem simplistic. This is done to show how motivational activities can be separated into separate processes and procedures. In reality, each company can adapt them to the specifics of their own work.

First I will talk about individual elements motivation management. Then - I will give recommendations on building the system.

Management of material motivation

I'll tell you about the most common type of material motivation - wages. It can consist of two parts: constant and variable. I note that if the company uses other types of material incentives, such as annual bonuses, then they are managed in the same manner.

Permanent Part Management wages . It has two processes:

  • management of the system for calculating the fixed part of wages (revision of the current system by which the fixed part of wages is determined for all categories of employees);
  • direct calculation of the permanent part for each employee.

Regulating the first process is desirable (especially for fairly large companies), but not necessary. Work on the periodic calculation of the constant part of the wages of specific employees must be carried out, and it is for all employees.

Let me explain the difference. During the process of managing the permanent part, it is necessary to determine the maximum and minimum salary for each category of employees, as well as to identify the principles by which employees are assigned a salary within the established “fork”.

As part of the second process, it is established that a specific employee, for example, an economist of category I, who has worked in the company for more than 3 years and received the maximum rating during certification, will receive the highest possible salary for an economist. And an engineer with category III and a severe reprimand for violating labor discipline, is the minimum wage.

Management of the variable part of the salary

I propose to single out 3 approaches to the definition of the variable part:

There is no variable part of the salary. Management of material motivation is carried out through a constant part of wages. To do this, it must be periodically reviewed, for example, once a year based on the results of certification.

This method is not very popular with us. Although for companies with an "academic" corporate culture, with low staff turnover, formed by the assessment system and an adequate certification process, it can be effective. The main condition for its effectiveness is a permanent system for assessing employees and a well-developed certification process. This means that the manager must constantly evaluate the performance of the employee. For this he:

  • studies the indicators of the processes in which the employee participates;
  • observes his activities and behavior (including in the team);
  • evaluates the performance of assigned tasks.

The results of assessments and observations are periodically discussed by the manager with the employee in order to correct behavior, provide assistance and counseling.

It is important to record the results of the assessment periodically, for example, to enter them once a month into the Personnel Database.

Such an evaluation system is important not only for the management of the permanent part salary, but in general for staff motivation and training, career management, etc.

Let's talk about personnel certification (in practice, you can use a different name that does not have a negative connotation. For example, a final interview based on the results of work for the year). This process consists in collecting and analyzing information for a comprehensive assessment (surveys of employees, managers, subordinates and clients, interviews with an employee, professional and socio-psychological tests, etc.). Certification helps to determine:

During the appraisal, it is better not to determine whether the employee corresponds to the position held and the place in the company. Such an approach can distort the results, as employees will demonstrate socially expected behavior, change their opinion of colleagues in one direction or another. This will cause a negative attitude in the company towards the certification process.

Most often, whether the employee corresponds to the place and position is known even without the certification process.

The variable part is determined at the discretion of the head.

This approach requires:

  • development of uniform basic principles (rules) of bonuses;
  • implementation of the current system of periodic evaluation;
  • unbiased approach, professionalism of managers.

This approach is also rarely popular in commercial structures due to subjectivity. But it also has its advantages. Basically, arising from the shortcomings of the method of calculation by indicators, which we will consider below.

I note that the concept of "at the discretion of the head" does not imply the implementation of the principle "I will give you, but I will not give you." We are talking about the calculation of the variable part according to established rules, based on various qualitative and quantitative data. It's just that this calculation is performed in a more free form, using subjective assessments, and not with the help of a rigidly fixed formula.

The variable part is determined by the values ​​of certain indicators. A very common and popular method of managing the variable part of wages, which has proven itself in many ways. I will not dwell on the development of such a system of remuneration. I will note some mistakes that lead to the ineffectiveness of such a motivation tool:

1. The main attention is paid to planned indicators, the target values ​​of which “go down” from above, are unattainable, or are set by the manager unfairly (at least in the opinion of employees). Accordingly, an employee, seeing the unattainability of fulfilling the plan by 100%, may not try to fulfill it even by 50%.

2. For the calculation, indicators are used, the values ​​of which cannot be influenced by employees. For example, a customer service specialist is evaluated by the number of incoming calls processed. But the employee practically cannot influence this number. And although such an indicator may be important for analysis, its use for motivation is very limited.

There are indicators that employees can influence partially or indirectly, but they are important in terms of the product for the client. For example, if it is determined that no more than 3 hours should elapse from the moment an order is received from a customer until the product is delivered to his door, then the driver cannot influence the entire total time. But he is able to make his work as useful as possible for the result.

Sometimes the result will also depend on the joint activities of workers during the process - how much they "push" each other or whether they act on the principle "I did my task, the rest does not concern me." The use of such indicators can be very important for the company, although it may meet with resistance from the staff.

3. Using too complex a system: based on many indicators that require special calculations. At the same time, employees do not have the opportunity to check both current and total values, on the basis of which the variable part of their remuneration is calculated. In this case, receiving a pay slip turns into a lottery.

4. Use for the calculation of indicators that reflect one of the parties of the process, but do not affect all the others. For example, lead time or cost of work. This allows workers to manipulate values ​​to the detriment of the final result. They can do the work as quickly as possible, but to the detriment of quality, cost, with violations of labor protection requirements, etc.

Management of non-material motivation

It is based primarily on the recognition of the merits of the employee, the possibility of his self-realization - professional and social, the development of interest in work.

Most of these factors are formed not within the framework of a separate process of non-material motivation, but in the course of operational management (through the cycle of task management, current performance assessment, conflict resolution, etc.). Also, non-material motivation is formed within the framework of various other processes: career management, project and development management, proposal and idea management, etc. Non-material motivation also depends on the process of managing material motivation: accrual of an additional bonus, salary increase. These are obvious ways of recognizing an employee's accomplishments.

If we recall the main scheme of the personnel management system (Part 1, General scheme of HRM), the strategic component mentioned there (Company strategy, Strategic goals in the field of HRM) helps to determine basic principles. On their basis, in the course of various processes and procedures, non-material motivation is realized.

For example, the principles of project work allow employees to be independent in solving interesting problems. And the rules for rewarding the successful implementation of projects are good example recognition of the success of the staff.

As part of a separate process of managing non-material motivation, it is advisable to:

1. Develop proposals for changing the basic strategic principles.

2. Develop and implement some individual activities, the purpose of which is additional encouragement, involvement of employees, providing opportunities for implementation, etc. (competitions of ideas and rational proposals, competitions for the best employee, sports and cultural events, etc.).

Let's talk a little about the social package and labor organization.

Most often, it turns out that the benefits that our companies classify as part of the social package are either required by law (vacation, paid sick leave, allowances for harmful working conditions, personal protective equipment, etc.), or necessary for work: equipped workplace, payment for mobile communications, a car for some categories of personnel.

From the point of view of the motivation management process, benefits and preferences that are provided in excess of what is necessary are interesting: an expensive car, medical insurance, subscriptions to a sports club, etc. Since they have both tangible and intangible (recognition, status, comfort) components.

For a small company, the management of the social package can be combined with another motivational process. For example, with the business process of managing non-material motivation.

For large companies complex system benefits and preferences, it is better to separate the management of the social package into a separate process.

Business processes for managing staff motivation

We dismantled various elements motivation management, now consider the implementation of the motivation management system, using the tools and methods of the process approach.

An example of the structure of personnel motivation management processes

A few important points:

1. All processes are divided into two categories: management and planning processes and implementation processes.

2. As part of the business processes of management and planning, various systems (rules) for calculating wages, action plans, rules for granting benefits and preferences are developed and revised. For this, various external and internal information is used (including data from the analysis of the current motivation system). It is based on the principles, strategy and goals of personnel management.

3. As part of the business process of motivational activities, regulatory documents are used. They are developed on the basis of data on the assessment of personnel performance, certification results, various indicators, etc. As a result, specific calculations are made and motivational measures are implemented;

The division into control processes and implementation processes is made according to a number of differences:

  • by time and frequency of execution (implementation processes are performed more often);
  • by clients of business processes (clients of management processes are implementation processes, not company employees);
  • by owners and performers (the main owners of the motivation implementation processes are line managers).

In some cases, the scheme can be simplified, for example, by combining all control processes into one.

On it, I displayed only the main inputs and outputs, although these processes also have additional ones - for example, employee familiarization sheets, reporting materials, etc.

To start motivation processes, it is important:

1. Decide on the structure of motivation processes, based on the scale and specifics of the company's activities. That is, it is necessary to decide how many and which processes will be regulated and then implemented.

2. Regulate the frequency of processes, cases of early implementation of processes, the timing of the cycles of processes. For example, the development of a calculation system - once a year, the duration of the process execution cycle - two weeks. Calculation of the constant part - four times a year, etc.

3. Decide which methods and methods will be used to calculate the wages of employees (fixed and variable parts).

4. Prescribe the sequence of processes. Do not forget to include in them operations of selective control / coordination of current calculations with a higher manager or head of the personnel department. This is especially important when calculating variable wages at the discretion of the manager - he must be able to give an explanation for the calculation for each employee.

5. Appoint owners and participants of business processes.

6. Determine the standards and format of inputs and outputs, channels and order of data transfer.

7. Regulate process indicators, for example, compliance with regulations and indicators of the effectiveness of the motivation system. They can be based on the achievement of predictive values ​​of indicators of the main processes. Thus, a change in the motivation system aimed at improving the quality of service should lead to a certain change in the indicators “Number of customer complaints”, “Number of repeated customer requests”, “Number of lost regular customers”, etc.

The system of remuneration must correspond to the goals and strategy of the enterprise. There is no single ideal approach to motivation or any unified system calculations of the variable part of wages. But the positive effect of using process technology is that, having a set of indicators for a wide variety of processes and their target values, managers can compare performance various schemes motivation.

However, let's be realistic - no system of indicators will fully and absolutely reflect the real situation. Therefore, in addition to the analysis of numbers, a lively and open dialogue with employees is no less important. Don't be afraid to ask them what they think about the current motivation system. This does not mean that you need to immediately begin to change it to please individual people. But it will not be superfluous to get as much information as possible about how fair the reward system seems to employees, whether it is adequate in their opinion, etc.

There is no single answer to what exactly motivates the staff the best. Too many factors influence it. And even more so, you should not expect that the same system will “work” equally for all employees. Modern psychology offers a sufficient number of tests to identify the most motivating factors for a particular person. Such technologies can be a good clue when developing and using motivation systems.

Eliminate demotivating factors: poor organization of work, a constant feeling of insecurity, depressive and negative attitudes from management, etc.

There are also individual demotivating factors that are also important to track. For example, status may be important for a certain worker. It can be provided by simply changing the job title. Another wants to gain autonomy, which can be provided by entrusting an employee with an interesting project.

I repeat once again: the remuneration system should be transparent and understandable for the staff. Good result provide systems that take into account both individual and collective results of labor.

Involve staff in making changes. This will not only increase their effectiveness, but in itself is a motivator. Do not forget that staff motivation is carried out not only, and sometimes not so much within the framework of individual processes, but within the framework of daily operational personnel management.

Alexander Sagalovich

Consultant, business coach.

Experience in various positions in manufacturing, logistics and trading companies.

Since 2003, he has been teaching and coaching. Since 2008, he has been engaged in consulting activities in the field of business process management.

Specialization: business process management systems, warehouse logistics, business process automation, personnel management.

An employer seeking to ensure the long-term growth of his business understands that “investing in people” is no less important than updating the material base of production, since the professionalism of employees and their ability to develop are competitive advantages companies. High percent employee turnover affects the success of the organization as sharply as financial losses ...

Dismissal from industrial enterprise people of working specialties, entails an increase in costs: these are both direct losses of profit from non-produced products, and indirect ones, including the costs of finding, selecting and hiring new people, their adaptation, training ...

The experience of colleagues and their own observations show that errors in all levels of personnel management, from hiring to dismissal, lead to high staff turnover. So, for example, when interviewing 500 resigning employees of an industrial company, the following reasons for their departure were revealed:

    dissatisfied with wages - 54.2% (problem in the field of staff incentives);

    the professional and qualification characteristics of those leaving do not meet the requirements of the workplace (which means that the problem arose even at the stage of selection) - 14.5%;

    dissatisfied with relationships with colleagues and administration (problem area - adaptation of newcomers, formation corporate culture) - 8,2%;

    do not see opportunities for advanced training, professional advancement (problems are related to training and career management of personnel) - 7.7%.

If, in an effort to reduce the percentage of staff layoffs for own will, the leadership will work only in one of the directions, this will not bring a tangible effect. The company needs to build integrated system human resource management (HRM), a model that will help balance the needs of production and people. With this approach, staff turnover becomes the most regulated process.

A similar model of HRM was built in the Volgograd open joint-stock company "Kaustik". Having adapted similar models described in the literature to the needs of our production, we have introduced a system of integrated continuous work with personnel. It describes in detail such business processes as planning the number of employees, selection and placement of personnel, personnel assessment and development, motivation and formation of corporate culture ( rice. one). Human resource management activities are carried out by top managers ( CEO, directors for areas), mid-level and lower-level managers (heads of structural divisions), managers of the personnel assessment and development center ( Further- TSOiRP).

Rice. 1. HRM model

Top managers set the direction for this work: they formulate and convey to subordinates the company's strategy, set goals and show ways to achieve them in the medium term. Directly manage people in accordance with the developed strategy, managers of middle and lower levels. The main subjects in the activities of HRM are the HR managers of the COiRP, focused on achieving the goals of HRM by improving business processes, creating and implementing new organizational processes aimed at streamlining work with personnel.

One of the main elements of our HRM model is controlling(this term refers to the expertise of the human resource management system to improve efficiency). The examination is carried out annually at the end of the year to assess the compliance of human potential with the goals and development strategy of the company, to develop general principles HRM policy, as well as evaluate the effectiveness of business processes in the field of HRM. The data obtained in the course of controlling is taken into account in personnel planning.

The first business process that stands out in the HRM model is planning. Its main task is to provide the company with the necessary human resources. The workforce planning business process includes the following five steps ( rice. 2):

    Quantitative and qualitative calculation of the company's strategic and tactical needs for employees. It is based on the company's strategic development program and business plan for the year. The result of the calculation are plan for the number and dynamics of the qualification structure, the planned need for additional staff and employee release plan.

    Analysis of opportunities to meet the needs of the company in employees. The result is forecast for meeting the company's need for personnel through internal sources and the external labor market.

    Definition the need to attract, train and release employees, as well as in personnel reserve. It is carried out by comparing the need for personnel in future periods with the forecast to meet the need for people.

    Development of organizational measures to achieve (maintain) quantitative and qualitative correspondence between the need for personnel in future periods and its availability. These organizational measures are included as an integral part of the HRM Strategic Program and the Comprehensive HRM Plan for the planned year (this normative document, in which organizational activities are grouped into five sections on business processes; it indicates the deadlines, responsible persons, costs).

    Consideration and approval of organizational measures at a meeting of the company's board.

Rice. 2. Scheme of the business process "personnel planning"

Thus, the result of the personnel planning business process is a newly developed (or adjusted) HRM Strategic Program and Comprehensive HRM plan for the current year, which are guided by top managers, middle and lower managers, as well as HR managers of the COiRP.

The next business process in the HRM model is selection and placement of personnel; it ensures the rational selection and distribution of employees by structural units and individual jobs. This business process is carried out in two directions: providing planned and current staffing needs ( rice. 3).

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Rice. 3. Scheme of the business process "recruitment and placement of personnel"

In order to timely satisfy planned requirement in personnel, the business process includes the following steps:

    Build profiles of planned / additionally introduced positions (they contain requirements for the professional and personal qualities of candidates).

    Form a database of candidates (depending on the adopted personnel policy, it can be focused on internal or external sources).

    Evaluate applicants in terms of their compliance with the formal requirements of additionally planned positions (sex, age, education, qualifications, work experience). If there are not enough applicants, it is necessary to consider ways to attract staff and continue building the base.

    Compose staffing for scheduled jobs. For each vacancy, applicants are selected from the database that meet the formal requirements of the positions.

    Assess the degree of compliance of the personal qualities of potential employees, selected according to formal data, with the requirements of the vacant position. The assessment is carried out using tests (according to the list of psychodiagnostic methods used in the selection of personnel). As a result, a list of candidates is formed that meets the formal and personal requirements of vacant positions.

    Conduct interviews with selected candidates to confirm their qualifications. During the interview, the heads of structural units and chief specialists determine the level of professional knowledge and skills of candidates, which is reflected in the appropriate form (the knowledge and skills to be tested, assessments, as well as the rationale for assessments are recorded).

    Compile profiles of selected candidates for vacancies. Correlating this data with vacancy profiles helps managers make hiring decisions.

    Decide whether to hire or relocate selected candidates; this is the competence of the director of personnel management and heads of structural divisions. Employment relations are formalized with employees whose candidacies are approved for positions. Information about the rest is stored in the database.

Current need in employees is determined on the basis of applications for selection from the heads of structural divisions. Then the requirements for the declared vacant position are clarified, and applicants are recruited. Further work with candidates continues in accordance with the steps 5-8 described above.

To determine the effectiveness of the work of employees and the consistent accumulation of information necessary for the adoption management decisions, in the HRM model, a business process is distinguished personel assessment. Evaluation activities are formed for the year - in accordance with the policy in the field of HRM, while taking into account the data obtained as a result of the analysis of evaluation procedures for the previous year ( rice. four). The developed activities for personnel assessment are integral part a comprehensive HRM plan for the planned year.

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Rice. 4. Scheme of the business process "personnel assessment"

The next HRM business process is staff development, it is carried out in three directions:

    Help the newcomer to adapt and accept the norms of corporate culture.

    Career management of employees with managerial potential.

    Professional development (training) of personnel.

1. Step-by-step help for a beginner in adaptation is presented on figure 5.

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Rice. 5. Scheme of the business process "staff adaptation"

Adaptability Prediction of a newly hired employee is done at the stage of selection in order to identify in advance possible difficulties in adapting a person to the working environment and the team. When compiling it, a diagnostic technique developed by the staff of the PIRP is used. With its help, we determine what type a person belongs to:

    actively adapting to changes in the environment and striving to change it in accordance with his vision, capable of transformation;

    passively adapting to environmental changes.

The information received is confidential, it is used only for the development and implementation of a program to help a newly hired employee.

Beginner Orientation Procedure in the principles of the functioning of the company and the structural unit, familiarity with its official duties is carried out in accordance with the approved programs (Introduction to the company, Introduction to the structural unit, Introduction to the position). These programs include a number of activities aimed at developing a positive attitude towards the company among new employees, a sense of belonging to the team, mastering the norms and rules adopted by us, mastering job responsibilities.

Adaptation process control a new employee involves a periodic visit by the HR manager to a newcomer at the workplace. This allows you to track the degree of adaptation of a person to working conditions, identify adverse factors that interfere with adaptation, and provide timely assistance. Control is carried out until the stage of complete adaptation of the beginner. Its final term is set in accordance with the following indicators:

    understanding of the goals and development strategy of the company, knowledge organizational structure, working conditions and remuneration, safety measures, internal labor regulations, a set of additional social benefits;

    knowledge of the basics of the company's corporate culture (history, values, symbols, etc.);

    knowledge of production technology;

    possession of professional skills and abilities;

    high indicators of labor productivity and quality of work;

    knowledge of the basic regulations of behavior in the workplace;

    high level of industrial and labor discipline;

    smooth and friendly relations with colleagues, superiors and subordinates;

    satisfaction with work, conditions and remuneration, the level of inclusion in the working group.

AT this moment we are working on the issue of providing assistance not only to new employees, but also those transferred to another structural unit.

2. Career management of employees (planning the advancement of employees) with managerial potential is presented on figure 6. To identify promising managers, an annual assessment of reservists is carried out at the end of the year (this is the target group of employees who can take leadership positions in the future). As a result of the assessment, a "gold reserve" is formed - a small group of employees purposefully selected and prepared to perform functional duties in several leadership positions. For them, "career programs" are being developed, which include a list of professional and job positions in the organization, promotion through which will allow the reservist to develop optimally. When managing the careers of reservists, the PIRP staff monitors their progress (so that there are no “career dead ends”).

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Rice. 6. Scheme of the business process "managing the career growth of employees with managerial potential"

3. Professional development (training) of the personnel is carried out in accordance with the integrated HRM plan for the year. Activities are formed taking into account the training needs identified at the planning stage ( rice. 7). Compliance is monitored throughout the year, and according to the results of training, adjustments may be made to the plans for the professional development of employees.

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Rice. 7. Scheme of the business process "professional development (training) of personnel"

We must not forget that in order to achieve and maintain the proper level of competitiveness, a company needs people who are not only may fulfill their assigned tasks, but also want do it. Therefore, in our HRM model, such a business process is distinguished as staff motivation. In order to form in people the desire to improve the results of their activities, increase professionalism, we have provided ( rice. eight):

    Diagnostics motivational factors and selection motivational core. Diagnostics is carried out annually (at the end of the year), while using methods that allow:

    identify sets of actual needs (motives) for various categories of employees;

    characterize work situations in terms of their impact on employee satisfaction;

    determine the motivational core (influence on it causes both individual employees and groups to strive to increase efficiency, achieve the necessary results group work and the company as a whole).

Organization of working sessions with the heads of structural divisions, during which the results of diagnostics are considered, as well as proposals are developed for the comprehensive motivation of personnel.

Development of motivation tools. At this stage (taking into account the results of diagnostics and the proposals of managers), the structure of the necessary components of motivation is developed, methods and tools are determined, and the cost of their implementation is calculated.

Consideration and approval of a comprehensive personnel motivation program (it is an integral part of the comprehensive HRM plan for the year) at a meeting of the board.

Implementation of the personnel motivation program.

Click image for a larger view

Rice. 8. Scheme of the business process "staff motivation"

Overall business process formation of corporate culture includes similar steps rice. 9). The difference is that at the first stage, a study of corporate culture is carried out, which includes:

    Identification of the core values ​​of the company's employees.


    positive values that exist now and will be needed in the future;

    negative values - currently existing, but interfering with the development of the company;

    necessary values - missing, but needed in the future;

    • the level of social tension in labor collectives;

      the degree of effectiveness of channels of intracorporate communication;

      efficiency of management teams and production teams.

    Click image for a larger view

    Rice. 9. Scheme of the business process "formation of corporate culture"

    The HRM model provides time frame (rice. ten), according to which controlling, diagnostics of the motivational system, corporate culture, determination of the company's need for personnel and analysis of the possibility of meeting them must be carried out before November 10 of the current year. Taking into account these data, by November 20, the Strategic Program in the field of HRM and the Comprehensive HRM Plan for the current year should be formed (or adjusted). These documents are considered and approved at the meeting of the board until November 30. In December, the costs of organizational events are included in the overall budget of the company. The planned activities are being implemented from January 1 of the next calendar year.

    Click image for a larger view

    Rice. 10. Time frame in the HRM model

    This model of HRM has been operating in OAO Caustic for three years. We have already experienced positive results: the return on employees of the enterprise has increased, the percentage of voluntary layoffs has almost halved compared to initial period implementation of the model - 6.5% versus 10.3%. The percentage of staff leaving in the first year of work has also decreased - 15% versus 36% at the beginning of 2005 (this is a very important indicator, because it is at this time that the probability that a newcomer will leave the organization is highest).

    A unified human resource management system helps us assess and predict the situation, as well as develop necessary measures, which allows you to regulate the labor mobility of personnel in accordance with the company's development strategy.

    Article provided to our portal
    the editors of the magazine

    The business process of personnel motivation is a certain set of conditions, factors and sequential actions that are used to manage the behavior and actions of personnel. How to manage the employee incentive system, we will tell in the article.

    In the material you will find answers to the questions:

    • How we manage the incentive system: a description of the process of staff motivation;
    • What is staff motivation as a business process;
    • What is necessary for the coherence of the process of motivating personnel in the company.

    Description of the personnel motivation process

    Just as nothing is perfect in nature, it is impossible to create an absolutely successful motivation system that would equally suit any organization. Of course, there are certain ways of motivation that companies individually create “for themselves” and combine based on available resources.

    The process of motivating personnel in an organization can be carried out using the most various ways and methods. The content of the methods of the motivation process includes: clarification, education, personal example, systems of encouragement and punishment of personnel.

    Staff motivation as a business process

    In order for an organization to support proper level competitiveness, it needs such personnel who not only can perform the assigned tasks, but also want to perform them. Therefore, it is necessary to turn Special attention on staff motivation as a business process. Stimulating employees to work effectively in the language of process management can be decomposed into a sequence of actions.

    Stages of the business process "staff motivation"

    Stage 1. Analysis motivational factors and definition motivational core. The diagnostic procedure is usually carried out in the organization annually (for example, at the end of the financial year).

    Stage 4. Consider and approve a set of measures for the personnel motivation process at a meeting of the board.

    Stage 5. Implementation of the program - the process of staff motivation.

    The business process diagram of staff motivation is presented below.

    What is necessary for the coherence of the process of staff motivation in the company

    If you are creating a personnel motivation system in a company from scratch or adjusting an existing one in a crisis to meet strategic objectives, it is important to take into account a few points.

    1. Specifics of your company

    When managing the process of staff motivation, pay attention to the characteristics of the company. It is important to take into account the specifics of the organization, its main product and key business processes when building an employee incentive system. Decide which processes of motivation occur smoothly without your participation, and which require regulation.

    2. The frequency of the components of the employee motivation process

    Outline the frequency and frequency of the processes: for example, how often will you review the motivation system or, more specifically, the remuneration system, whether KPI adjustments are required and how often, and so on.

    3. Consistency within the staff motivation process

    For correct management of the process of motivating employees, a sequence regulation is necessary. It is important to remember about control points - milestones at which the analysis and coordination of the selected methods, procedures, their cost with managers will take place. Understanding the structure of motivation is necessary for both line managers, and the head of the HR department, and the director of the company.

    4. Responsible for processes and rules of procedure

    For the smooth functioning of the process, there must be owners and rules for the movement of the task. Decide on the participants in the procedure, describe the procedure for transferring information, channels, entry and exit points of the process.

    5. Make the process of staff motivation measurable

    To analyze and manage the motivation of employees, it is also necessary to determine the process indicators. The personnel incentive system should also have its own KPIs, and it is important for the HR department to regulate them.


    There are neither one nor two systems of personnel motivation. But for real application in practice, you need to choose the motivation system that is most suitable for your company. Or use a motivation system synthesized from several theories.

    Motivational process

    Motivation, considered as a process, can theoretically be represented in the form of six successive stages. Naturally, such a consideration of the process is rather arbitrary, since in real life there is no such clear delineation of stages and there are no separate processes of motivation. However, to understand how the motivation process unfolds, what its logic and components are, it can be acceptable and useful (see Appendix 1).

    First stage- the emergence of needs. The need manifests itself in the form that a person begins to feel that he is missing something. It appears at a specific time and begins to “demand” a person to find an opportunity and take some steps to eliminate it. Needs can be very different. Conditionally they can be divided into three groups: physiological, psychological, social. Second stage- search for ways to eliminate the need. Once a need has arisen and creates problems for a person, he begins to look for ways to eliminate it: to satisfy, suppress, ignore. There is a need to do something, to do something. Third stage- definition of the goals of the action. A person fixes what and by what means he should do, what to achieve, what to get in order to eliminate the need. At this stage, four points are linked:

    · what should I get to eliminate the need;

    · what should I do to get what I want;

    To what extent can I achieve what I want;

    · to the extent that what I can get can eliminate the need.

    Fourth stage- implementation of the action. At this stage, a person expends effort in order to carry out actions that, ultimately, should provide him with the opportunity to receive something in order to eliminate the need. Since the work process has an inverse effect on motivation, goals can be adjusted at this stage.

    Fifth stage- receiving rewards for the implementation of the action. Having done a certain work, a person either directly receives what he can use to eliminate the need, or what he can exchange for the object he wants. At this stage, it turns out to what extent the implementation of the actions gave the desired result. Depending on this, either a weakening, or preservation, or an increase in motivation for action occurs.

    sixth stage- elimination of need. Depending on the degree of stress relief caused by the need, and also on whether the elimination of the need causes a weakening or strengthening of motivation for activity, a person either stops the activity before a new need arises, or continues to look for opportunities and take actions to eliminate the need.

    Knowledge of the logic of the motivation process does not provide significant advantages in managing this process. Several factors can be pointed out that complicate and obscure the process of practical deployment of motivation. An important factor is the non-obviousness of motives. One can assume, guess about what motives operate, but it is impossible to “isolate” them explicitly. Long-term observations are required in order to try to say with a sufficient degree of certainty what motives are driving in the motivational process of a person.

    The next important factor is the variability of the motivational process. The nature of the motivational process depends on what needs initiate it. However, the needs themselves are in a complex dynamic interaction with each other, often contradicting each other, or, conversely, reinforcing the actions of individual needs. At the same time, the components of this interaction can change over time, changing the direction and nature of the action of motives. Therefore, even when profound knowledge the motivational structure of a person, the motives of his action, unforeseen changes in a person’s behavior and an unforeseen reaction on his part to motivating influences can occur.

    Another factor that makes the motivational process of each individual person unique and not one hundred percent predictable is the difference in the motivational structures of individual people, the different degree of influence of the same motives on various people, a different degree of dependence of the action of some motives on others. In some people, the desire to achieve a result can be very strong, while in others it can be relatively weak. In this case, this motive will have a different effect on people's behavior. Another situation is also possible: two people have an equally strong motive for achieving a result. But for one, this motive dominates over all others, and he will achieve results by any means. For another, this motive is commensurate in strength of action with the motive for complicity in joint actions. In this case this person will behave differently.

    system motivation business structure

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