Modern lesson of the Russian language, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

Arable-Uglovsky branch of MBOU Bondarskaya secondary school





Dronova Olga Nikolaevna,

teacher of Russian language and literature


The problem of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES LLC) recent times is definitely one of the discussed issues in our society. With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the guidelines of the modern school are fundamentally changing. First of all - aboutpersonal orientation with high level formation of various competencies.

The main idea embodied in the Federal State Educational Standard is the idea of ​​development. This is a necessary condition for human life. Therefore, the main goal of pedagogical activity should be clear to the teacher - to give a person the ability to act and help in the formation of a method of action, to prepare the student for self-development.

GEF LLC includes a system of basic requirements:

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To the structure of OOP LLC

To the conditions for the implementation of OOP LLC.

The fundamental difference modern approach is the orientation of standards on the results of the development of basic educational programs. The results are understood not only as subject knowledge, but also as the ability to apply this knowledge in practical activities.

The task set requires a transition to a new system-activity educational paradigm, which, in turn, is associated with fundamental changes in the activities of a teacher who implements the Federal State Educational Standard.

At the same time, the teacher faces new tasks:

    Creating an atmosphere of interest for each student in the work of the class.

    Encouraging students to speak, use various ways completing tasks without fear of making a mistake, getting the wrong answer.

    The use of didactic material during the lesson, which allows the student to choose the most significant type and form of educational content for him.

    Evaluation of the student's activity not only by the final result (correct or incorrect), but also by the process of achieving it.

    Encouraging the student's desire to find his own way of working, analyze the ways of work of other students during the lesson, choose and master the most rational ones.

    Creation of pedagogical situations of communication in the classroom, allowing each student to show initiative, independence, selectivity in ways of working; creating an environment for natural self-expression of the student.

Teaching technologies are also changing, the introduction of information and communication technologies opens up significant opportunities for expanding the educational framework for each subject in the educational institution.

Among the various areas of new pedagogical technologies, in my opinion, the most adequate to the goals set and the most universal arecollaborative learning, project method, problem-based learning, game technologies, differentiated and integrated approaches to learning. These directions refer to the so-called humanistic approach in psychology and education, the main distinguishing feature of which is a special attention to the individuality of a person, his personality.

Collaborative learning

Technologies of cooperation realize democracy, equality, partnership in the subject relations of the teacher and the child. The teacher and the student jointly develop the goal, content, give assessments, being in a state of cooperation, co-creation. The most interesting and accessible is learning in a team or group.

The main features of the organization of group work of students in the lesson are:

    dividing the class into groups to solve specific learning problems;

    performance of the received task by the group together under the direct supervision of the group leader or teacher (tasks can be either the same or differentiated);

    tasks in the group are performed in such a way that allows to take into account and evaluate the individual contribution of each member of the group;

    the group is selected taking into account that the learning opportunities of each member of the group can be realized with maximum efficiency for the team, depending on the content and nature of the work ahead.

Here is one type of work using collaborative learning technology. For example, when studying the work of one of the poets, the class is divided into groups. The number of students in the group corresponds to the number of tasks for the group. For example, these can be themes of the poet's work or, when studying the biographical data of writers, the stages of the life path. Tasks within the group are distributed by the participants themselves, prepared and discussed in the group. Then there is a regrouping, and the discussion goes on among the participants of one topic, where the best option presentation of your material. After that, the students return to their groups and talk about the results of the meeting of expert groups.

Here is another one of the tasks.Psychologists say that there are 5 levels of happiness.Accordingly, the class is divided into 5 groups in order for each of them to determine their understanding of happiness from the proposed literary quotations.

1. The first group received O. Mandelstam’s statement: “For the quiet joy of breathing and living, who, tell me, should I thank?”

What is happiness for the author of these lines? (joy from being on earth itself)

And which of the literary characters was happy only because he was alive? (Pinocchio, Gingerbread Man, Traveler Frog)

2. The second group: “Happiness is in a big salary and power…” (Eduard Asadov) What kind of happiness is this? (material well-being)

Which of the characters you know was satisfied and happy at this level? (“Tsar Koschey languishes over gold”, the old woman from the fairy tale “ gold fish”, stepmother and her daughters in the fairy tales “Cinderella”, “Frost”, “Mistress Snowstorm”, “Treasure Island”, “Pirates of the Caribbean”)

3. The third group “... it is easier for the two of us to overcome the steepness. After all, grief in love is measured in a different way ”- what measure of happiness is contained in these words? (communication, friendship, love)

Many works are devoted to friendship and love. Which of them do you remember? (“My first friend, my priceless friend” by Pushkin and Nagibin, “Warm Bread” by K. Paustovsky, “Asya”, “First Love” by Turgenev, “I Loved You” by Pushkin, etc.)

Group 4 was offered the words of E. Asadov “Happiness is burning: search, dream, work and daring wings of take-off!” Words that speak for themselves. (creation)

Can you give examples from the literature? (“In a Beautiful and Furious World” by Platonov, “Two Captains”, “Open Book” by Kaverin, “The Blind Musician” by Korolenko).

Group 5 "Happy is the one who made the greatest number of people happy" (Ludwig van Beethoven). What is the secret of your happiness? (make others happy). How do you understand these words? (give your heart, live for others)

Which of the heroes of literature and in life can you name? (Pavel Korchagin from the novel "How the Steel Was Tempered" - and its prototype - Nikolai Ostrovsky himself; "The Gadfly" novel by Ethel Lilian Voynich, Danko's image from the legend Izergil).

Differentiated approach to learning

The principle of a differentiated educational process is the best way to promote the personal development of students and confirms the essence and goals of general secondary education. The main task of the differentiated organization of educational activity is to reveal individuality, to help it develop, settle down, and manifest itself.

The differentiated organization of educational activity, on the one hand, takes into account the level of mental development, the psychological characteristics of students, and the abstract-logical type of thinking. On the other hand, the individual needs of the individual, his capabilities and interests in a particular educational field. Differentiated learning process is a wide use various forms, methods of teaching and organization of educational activities based on the results of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of educational opportunities, inclinations, abilities of students.

So, when studying the adverbial turnover, it is possible to choose a task on your own in accordance with your capabilities.

1 group.

a) Place punctuation marks in the sentences.

2 group.

a) Place punctuation marks in the sentences.

b) Underline the adverbial phrases.

3rd group.

A) Rearrange the sentences in accordance with the schemes

The principle of differentiation can also be used in homework:

The study of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov
"Hero of our time"

1) Front:write an essay "My favorite pages of the novel"; reread the stories "Bela", "Maxim Maksimych".

2) Group:a) prepare a message about Pechorin (portrait, character traits, first reader impressions of him); b) collect material about Maksim Maksimych.

3) Individual:a) prepare an expressive reading of the beginning of the story "Bela"; b) select and analyze poems by M.Yu. Lermontov, echoing the description of nature in the story "Bela"; c) prepare the story of Bela's life on behalf of the heroine; d) select poetic epigraphs from Lermontov's lyrics for the stories, reflecting the state of mind of the protagonist of the novel.

The use of a differentiated approach allows the teacher to develop and release the creative forces in the student, to intensify his activity, to educate the need to learn more and more about the richness and diversity of the forms of the Russian language.

One of efficientfunds , conducive cognitive motivation, andthe formation of universal learning activities is creating problem situations on the lesson.

At such a lesson, an exploratory approach to learning is implemented, the meaning of which lies in the fact that the child receives knowledge not in ready-made, but "produces" it in the process of his labor. This is the lesson that today's student needs. In the process of such systematic work in the lesson,personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative actions. In this lesson, students learn to fix difficulties in their own activities, identify the causes of these difficulties, determine the goal of their further work, choose means and ways to achieve the goal, search for the necessary information. Students learn to compare, analyze, draw conclusions, formulate their opinions and positions, coordinate various positions in cooperation.

Such techniques activate the mental activity of students and generally contribute to the formation of various competencies (knowledge, skills).

It is no secret that modern textbooks do not always contain the required number of tasks that contribute to the formation of UUD. Heretransformation example assignments in Russian.

Initial task. First write out the sentences with participial phrases, and then the rest. Fill in the missing letters, add the missing punctuation marks. Emphasize participles and single participles, enclose the nouns they define in a rectangle. Indicate the part of the word in which the inserted spelling is located. (Suggestions are given from the story of L. Kassil).

Possibletransformation option tasks:

Make up a coherent text from these sentences. Underline the words that serve as means of connecting subsequent sentences with previous ones.

Discuss in pairs:

    What is this text - written or written oral?

    To whom is he addressed?

    Why does L. Kassil tell us about it?

Option 1.

Retell this text on behalf of one of the guys who participated in the events described. The addressee is the parents of this boy/girl who asked what happened in the yard. Think about what style would be appropriate in this case?

Option 2.

Imagine that you witnessed the events described by L. Kassil and decided to write about the actions of the guys in the local newspaper. Give this note a title.

Think about it:

    What style will you write in?

    What will be your goal (to inform readers, to awaken certain feelings in them, to call for something, to convince of something)

The length of the note is up to you.

Such tasks contribute to the development of communication skills.

Integrated Lessons

Integrated lessons are an effective form used to systematize knowledge in a modern school, since these lessons will synthesize the knowledge of various academic disciplines, resulting in a new quality, which is an inseparable whole, achieved by a wide and in-depth interpenetration of this knowledge.

The purpose of an integrated lesson is to give students comprehensive (in-depth and expanded) knowledge about the subject of study, its holistic picture.

For example, on the topic “Definition of a scientific concept” (grade 6), the following tasks are offered:

Task 1. Find in these texts specific constructions that are characteristic of the scientific style, with the help of which you can give a concept of a scientific subject.

1) Nature is the whole world that surrounds us. These are the Sun and stars, plains and mountains, forests and steppes, seas and rivers, plants and animals. We ourselves are also part of nature.

2) Living bodies - organisms. These include bacteria, fungi, animals, humans. The bodies of nature are constantly changing. These changes are called phenomena.

Task 2. Read the text and say what it is about. Give a title to the text.

The Earth makes a complete revolution around the Sun in a year. The length of the year is 365 days 5 hours. 48 min. 46 sec. The Earth's axis maintains a constant direction in space. The device that shows how the Earth revolves around the Sun is called tellurium (from the Latin "tellus" - earth). (G.S. Kalinova and others. Natural science.)

Task 3. Pay attention to the spelling of proper names (Earth, Sun). In what case do we write these words with a small (lowercase) letter? Write down the terms necessary for understanding the text (Earth's axis, tellurium). Ask questions to the text. Retell the text using the constructions you have learned.

Since texts from textbooks on any subject can be used as materials for such lessons, it will not be an exaggeration to say that the Russian language is a means that can integrate almost all subjects of the school curriculum into a single whole.

Gaming technologies

The didactic game remains a very effective method for the development and improvement of cognitive, mental and creativity children. The game reveals to the child the unfamiliar facets of the science being studied, helps to take a fresh look at the usual lesson, encourages students to become interested in the subject, which means that the learning process becomes more effective. The purpose of turning to gaming technologies in the Russian language lesson is to acquire specific practical skills, consolidate them at the level of methodology, and translate knowledge into experience.

In each class there is a group of students that belongs to the category - inconspicuous and quiet. The collective team spirit, the desire to win very often transforms these timid children and gives them the opportunity to show themselves from an unexpected side, to reveal dormant abilities.

The game is of particular benefit to low-achieving children, since in the process of preparation the child has increased learning motivation. Preparation is not a boring and monotonous job of collecting the necessary information on subjects. Children are divided into teams in advance and distribute their roles. When forming teams, it is necessary to take into account the level of students within the group and between them in order to distribute the evenness of forces. It is necessary to build a game so that each student can show their abilities. To do this, you can offer variable forms of answers: written, oral. You can also offer competitions of a narrow focus: a competition of captains, a competition of theorists, etc.

Word games, consultation games, and quizzes can be used in Russian language lessons.

Task 1. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second. For example, custom (tea).








WOK() Hedgehog














Task 2. Before you is a sentence in an incomprehensible language, in which, however, prefixes, suffixes, endings, as well as the rules for connecting words in a sentence are exactly the same as in Russian. Do parsing sentences, write the parts of speech.

The stern rashka lit up the queen's torso.

Task 3. You want to surprise everyone. Add adjectives to the words so that you get an oxymoron: water, swindler, thunder, sage, fool.

The teacher can conduct travel lessons, excursion lessons, KVN lessons, role-playing lessons, competition lessons, theatrical lessons. Gaming technologies will be effective if they are carried out not from time to time, but in a system.

Project method

What can be the content of research on literature and the Russian language?

This can be a comparison of the work of various writers, an analysis of the development of certain topics in Russian literature, the study of innovation and traditions in a work of art, the connection of historical events with their literary reflection, the evolution of the artistic method of the master of the word, searches in the field of form, analysis of works or episodes, staging, syncwines, composing, writing tests, games, etc.

In my opinion the most efficient view project - mini-project. Students, studying the educational material, make tests for practical work, crossword puzzles, messages, interviews with characters, complex text analysis, syncwines, staging of an episode, composing - miniatures, etc. Such projects are the most effective, as they involve active thinking and quick results. Children like syncwines at the lessons of literature and the Russian language.

The result of the project activity:


morphological portrait of the word,

one word encyclopedia

collection of illustrations,

collections of own creative works,

wall newspaper,

video or slide film,

linguistic text analysis,




The project is valuable because in the course of its implementation, schoolchildren learn to independently acquire knowledge, gain experience in cognitive and educational activities. If a student receives research skills in orienting in the flow of information at school, learns to analyze it, generalize, see a trend, compare facts, draw conclusions and conclusions, then due to a higher educational level, it will be easier for him to adapt in later life, choose the right future profession, will live a creative life.

Information Technology

The use of information and computer technologies helps to increase interest in the subjects studied, to intensify the cognitive activity of students, to develop their creative potential. The teacher must master many pedagogical technologies, including information technologies, and apply them in the educational process.

The computer has become a familiar attribute in the lessons of the Russian language and literature, in extracurricular activities. ICT allows you to effectively organize group and independent work, carry out an individually differentiated approach to learning, and contribute to the improvement of practical skills and abilities.

We use the following ICT applications:

    creating presentations for lessons (both students and teachers),

    work with Internet resources,

    working with interactive whiteboard

    use of ready-made training programs,

    development and use of own author's programs.

In order to arouse interest in a literary work, we look at fragments of films, performances. Literature lessons are audio-recorded.

Use of information technologyallows you to reveal the creative potential of the teacher and unite around him the same creatively minded students.This may be a correspondence tour of literary places, acquaintance with the work of the writer, preparatory work for painting essay...

And this work is of great importance for the formation of skills independent work on information search, includes schoolchildren and teachers in the modern information space, promotes self-realization and self-development of the student's personality.

Thus, the above technologies make it possible to achieve the solution of the main task: the development of students' cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, navigate the information space, and develop critical and creative thinking.

Usage modern technologies forms the personality of the student, helps to educate educated, moral people who are capable of cooperation, are distinguished by mobility, dynamism, and constructiveness.

The implementation of GEF LLC at school marked the beginning of the formation of experience based on the methodology of competency-based and meta-subject approaches developed in the works of I.A. Zimney, A.V. Khutorsky, V.V. Kraevsky, Yu.V. Gromyko, N.V. Gromyko, A.L. Andreeva and others.

The leading idea of ​​using competency-based tasks isfocus on achieving meta-subject results forformation of key competencies, necessary for effective operation in various fields life.

Basis fordevelopment of the cognitive strategy of schoolchildren areGOATs are competence-oriented tasks. This type assignmentscan be classified according to the structure and nature of execution oncreative (heuristic in nature, not containing clear requirements for the structure and order of execution) andstructured (corresponding to a certain structure).

The specificity of competency-based tasks is that their solution always involves an appeal to the personal experience of the student, social and personal significance, the use of linguistic, cultural, communicative knowledge in practical activities.

Competence-oriented tasks of a structured type ( GOAT s) areway of formation and development students of suchcompetencies , howinformational, communicative and problem-solving competence.

Each competency in the development of the KPH is represented by several aspects, which, in turn, are defined at different levels (low, medium, high).

Communicative competence includes the following aspects: written communication, public speaking, dialogue, productive group communication.

Information competence: planning and search for information, extraction of primary information, extraction of secondary information, information processing.

Problem solving competence. Identification (definition) of the problem, goal-setting and planning of activities, actions to solve the problem, use of resources, evaluation of actions, evaluation of the result / product of the activity, reflection (evaluation of one's own progress).

Competence-oriented task : firstly, this is an activity task; secondly, it models a practical, life situation; thirdly, it is based on relevant material for students; fourthly, its structure consists of certain elements.

Competency-oriented task consists of: 1)stimulus; 2) task formulation; 3) source of information; 4) a form for completing the task (if it implies a structured answer); 5) test tool.

Introduction algorithmGOAT structured type looks like this.

1. Introduction to the problem(immerses in the context of the task and motivates for its implementation, connection with practice is desirable).

2. Task formulation:

the text of the task must begin with a verb;

the text of the task indicates WHAT to do, and there is an indication of HOW to do it (depending on the level).

3. Information necessary to solve this problem.

4. The form of presentation of the results of the KPH(the structure of the presentation by students of the result of their activities to complete the task is set).

It differs from a regular task in that the student is offered a specific plan of action when looking for an answer to a question and an element of solving the problem is necessarily included.

The use of competence-oriented tasks in the classroom means modeling educational situations for the development and implementation of activities based on:

use of additional features of the studied material;

adequate ways of organizing the study of traditional program material.

Among the ways to organize the study of program material that allow the effective use of competence-oriented tasks, we can name:

organizing the study of new program material without prior explanation of the teacher;

enlargement of didactic units, a concentrated explanation of new material, providing the study of the basics of the content of the topic (conceptual apparatus, patterns, cause-and-effect structures, the formation of a generalized picture) with subsequent expansion of the content based on the addition of information received from the textbook or provided by the teacher with information independently obtained from other sources .

There are 3 options for evaluating the results of the KPH: 1. The key of the test task. 2. Model answer (for self-testing by students or teacher testing). 3. Evaluation criteria (for the teacher).

The relevance of the application of competence-oriented tasks in the lessons of the Russian language and literature, in my opinion, is the focus on the formation of universal learning activities that underlie the basic competencies of the individual (information, communication, problem solving, etc.). The use of this kind of tasks has a positive effect on the motivation of educational activities, stimulates the active educational and cognitive activity of students.

"Teaching English in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard"

Teacher: GBOU school No. 423

Krivtsova Tatyana Evgenievna



Currently, teaching English is considered as one of the priority areas for the modernization of modern school education.

It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without knowledge of the English language. Learning a foreign language is a process of obtaining knowledge that is vital in a modern society that is developing towards universal globalization. The presence of such specialists in the labor market will strengthen the position of enterprises in the world market. Proficiency in English will improve the standard of living and open up many new opportunities for students. This is the search for new friends abroad on the Internet, and reading interesting articles and works of literature in English, and watching English-language films without translation of the language of the vast majority of international scientific, technical, political and professional international conferences, symposiums and seminars. Knowing English, you will be able to communicate with business partners, take part in international conferences, read international business magazines and newspapers. The existence and successful development of modern society is possible only with a certain level of proficiency in oral and written foreign language speech.

The main goal of teaching foreign languages ​​is the formation and development of the communicative competence of schoolchildren, the practical mastery of a foreign language .

Communicative competence includes:

Linguistic competence - knowledge of a certain vocabulary and syntactic rules and be able to use them to build a coherent statement;

Sociolinguistic competence - the ability to use language forms, based on the situation of communication;

Sociocultural competence - the desire to communicate with others, knowledge social relations in society and the ability to navigate them.

According to the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the study of English at school should be aimed mainly at the development of speech skills in order to further develop the ability and readiness to communicate in a foreign language, that is, to achieve foreign language communicative competence.

    Present yourself orally and in writing, write a resume, application, letter, questionnaire in English .

    Represent your family, school, city, country within the framework of intercultural communication.

    be able to ask question, build a dialogue in English.

    To master various types of speech activity: writing, reading, dialogue, monologue.

In connection with the transition to the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards, the teacher is faced with the task of forming educational universal actions that ensure the development of students' abilities for self-development and self-improvement. The term "learning universal actions" means the ability to learn. Universal learning activities can be grouped into four main blocks:

1. Personal (UUD) - the development and education of students in understanding the importance of learning English in the modern world, and the need to use it as a means of communication, knowledge, self-realization and social adaptation, the education of the qualities of a citizen, a patriot, the development of national identity, the desire for mutual understanding between people of different communities, tolerant attitude towards another culture.

The student realizes what a person is in a dialogue with peers, in interaction with a teacher. He begins to realize why oral and written assignments are performed, why homework should be done. Students get acquainted with the traditions and customs of other countries and begin to compare them with their own country. At this stage, there is a moral and ethical assessment of the learned material.

2. Regulatory (UUD) - the development of regulatory UUD through the formation of personality quality. They provide organization and regulation by students of their educational activities. It is necessary to teach students to predict their results. As a means of self-control, they use a textbook, a workbook in order to understand whether everything works out for them, comparing their answers with the standard. With self-control, the written and oral speech of students is corrected. With a positive result, they have positive emotions and increases self-esteem.

    Cognitive (UUD) - mastering new language means (phonetic, spelling, lexical and grammatical) in accordance with topics and situations, mastering knowledge about the linguistic phenomena of the target language, different ways of expressing thoughts in the native and target languages; introducing students to the culture, traditions of the country of the language being studied within the framework of topics and situations of communication. Cognitive UUDs include

General educational - logical;

Problem setting and problem solving activities.

Logical UUD form logical thinking when using a support (texts, grammatical material, linguistic and cultural material).

The formulation and solution of problems can be carried out during project activities.

4. Communicative UUD - the development of communicative UUD in four main types of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading, writing).

Communicative competence, in turn, includes subject competences: speech, language, sociocultural, and educational and cognitive . Communicative competence includes the ability to consciously select language means for communication in accordance with the speech situation; understand spoken and written speech and reproduce its content in required volume, create your own coherent statements.

Speaking as a type of speech activity relies on language as a means of communication. Language provides communication between those who communicate.

There are types of oral speech: dialogic and monologue.

The simplest type of oral speech is dialogue, i.e. a conversation supported by interlocutors who jointly discuss and resolve any issues. For colloquial speech characteristic are the replicas exchanged by the speakers, the repetition of phrases and individual words after the interlocutor, questions, additions, explanations, the use of hints that are understandable only to the speaker, various auxiliary words and interjections. The features of this speech largely depend on the degree of mutual understanding of the interlocutors, their relationship.

The second type of oral speech is a monologue that one person utters, referring to another or many people listening to him: this is a teacher's story, a student's detailed answer, a report, etc. Monologue speech has great compositional complexity, requires completeness of thought, stricter adherence to grammatical rules, strict logic and consistency in presenting what the speaker wants to say.

At the heart of modern methods of teaching speaking are such categories of oral communication as: situation, role, position, commonality, type and scope of communication, which are considered in modern science as models of verbal communication.

The most important of these teaching methods is the communicative (speech) situation.

The communicative situation, as a method of teaching speaking, consists of four factors.

1) circumstances of reality (environment) in which communication is carried out (including the presence of unauthorized persons);

2) relations between the interlocutors (subjectively - the personality of the interlocutor);

3) speech motivation;

4) the implementation of the very act of communication, which creates a new situation, incentives for speech.

The purpose of teaching speaking in a foreign language lesson is the formation of such speech skills that would allow the student to use them in unlearned speech practice at the level of generally accepted everyday communication.

The implementation of this goal is associated with the formation of the following communication skills in students:

a) understand and generate foreign language statements in accordance with the specific situation of communication, speech task and communicative intention;

b) to carry out their speech and non-verbal behavior, taking into account the rules of communication and the national and cultural characteristics of the country of the language being studied;

c) use rational methods of mastering a foreign language, independently improve in it.

The ability to communicate in a foreign language involves the formation of certain qualities in students that make the process of mastering the language as a means of intercultural communication the most effective. It is about educating students:

Interest and positive attitude to the language being studied, to the culture of the people who speak this language;

Understanding oneself as a person belonging to a certain linguistic and cultural community, as well as universal consciousness;

Understanding the importance of learning a foreign language;

Needs for self-education.

The implementation of the main goal of teaching English at school is associated with the expansion of the general educational horizons of students. Filling the learning content with authentic information about the country of the language being studied, consistently relying on the sociocultural and speech experience of students in their native language and comparing this experience with the titles, skills and abilities acquired in the lesson are designed to form students a broad understanding of the achievements of the cultures of their own people and the people of the country of the language being studied.

At the end of the English language course, students should have the following communication skills.

To carry out dialogical communication with adults and with peers, including with native speakers of the language being studied, within the spheres, topics and situations of communication;

Make statements about be and about the world around, about what they read, saw, heard, while expressing their attitude to the perceived information or the subject of the statement.

When developing speaking skills in an English lesson, it is important that the process takes place in the language being studied, but at the same time, it should not focus only on language problems.

Speaking skills, like any other skills, do not form by themselves. For their formation, it is necessary to use special exercises and tasks, which means that there should be lessons aimed mainly at developing speaking skills.

In the methodology of teaching English, there are two ways to form speaking skills.

The first way involves the development of monologue skills based on the read text. The second way is connected with the development of these skills without relying on the text, starting only from the topics and problems of the issues under discussion, the studied vocabulary and grammar, as well as speech structures.

Formation of monologue skills based on various stages work with text. The text outlines the speech situation and the teacher does not need to come up with ways to create the situation, but only use to create speech utterances and modification with the help of speech settings and exercises.

Tasks after reading the text involve longer statements. Here, the logical and semantic connections of speech are established, the means of expression used, speech techniques, methods of argumentation, etc. are analyzed. An example of tasks that make up the content of the lesson

1. Answer questions for understanding the content and meaning of the read text.

2. Agree with the statements or refute them.

3. Choose verbs, adjectives, idiomatic expressions, tropes with which the author expresses his attitude to people, events, nature, etc.

Properly selected texts have a high degree of information content.

Authentic texts of various genres provide a good linguistic and speech support, a role model, a basis for composing speech statements according to the model.

The monologue is built without relying on a specific text. This path is used by the teacher in the following cases:

    At the initial stage, when the tutors cannot read or when the teaching texts do not offer a basis for the development of speaking.

    At the middle and senior stages, when the language and content level of knowledge on the topic or problem under discussion is quite high. In this case, monologues can be built on the basis of many texts. In this case, it is supposed to use interdisciplinary connections, a common understanding of the topic.

For educational communication, dialogic speech presents more difficulties than monologue. Much depends on the situation, the psychological characteristics of the students and other factors. The main characteristics of the dialogue can be distinguished:

Reactivity; - situationality.

Reactivity . It is this feature of dialogic speech that causes objective difficulties in mastering this form of communication in English for students.

These difficulties are based on the following:

1. The reaction of a communication partner can be completely unpredictable, for example, he can suddenly turn the conversation in a different direction. It is no less difficult to cope with a situation in which there is no reaction at all. In both cases, it is necessary to change the initially intended logic of the conversation in the course of communication, to connect a variety of discursive techniques to achieve the intended goal of communication.

There are frequent cases when students do not have the necessary social skills of dialogical communication not only in English, but also in their native language. An English teacher should be able to form them almost anew. The lack of these skills is manifested not so much in ignorance of vocabulary, grammar, etc., but in the inability to get in touch with people, politely answer questions, show interest in what the interlocutor is saying, keep up the conversation with the help of simple response remarks, adequately use facial expressions, gestures, intonation and other paralinguistic means. In addition to the ability to speak, dialogue involves the ability to listen. Here, new groups of objective difficulties come into play, due to the individual characteristics of the speaker's speech. To successfully conduct a dialogue, it is necessary to have a certain level of development of speech hearing, compensatory skills, probabilistic forecasting, etc.; students need to master a certain set of response replicas, form a readiness to interact in unexpected situations, and master the necessary compensatory technologies.

Situation - speech does not happen outside the situation. In both monologue and dialogue, it is the situation that determines the motive for speaking, which, in turn, is the source of speech generation. Educational communication has its own specifics, educational monologues and dialogues do not always proceed according to the same laws as in real communication. However, if settings like “Tell us about your family, favorite hero, etc.” can provoke a more or less successful monologue statement, then outside the given situation, a similar setting for a dialogue will clearly not be successful.

Situation as one of the characteristic features of the dialogue suggests that the success of dialogic communication in the classroom largely depends on the given situation and students' understanding of the speech task of communication.

The problems of teaching written communication are of increasing interest among methodologists and practicing teachers. Without a doubt, the importance of writing essays and personal letters is most obvious at the senior stage of teaching a foreign language, but the formation of these skills should begin from the very initial period of mastering a foreign language, when the foundations of communicative competence are laid, necessary and sufficient for their further development and improvement in the course. studying this subject.
To achieve this goal, a sufficiently long period is required, during which students need to familiarize themselves with the language being studied as a means of communication from the first steps. The subject results of mastering the subject "Foreign Language" are formed on the basis of the following requirements of the Federal State Standard of Primary General Education of the second generation: the acquisition of initial communication skills in oral and writing with native speakers of a foreign language based on their speech capabilities and needs; mastering the rules of verbal and non-verbal behavior; mastering the initial linguistic concepts necessary for mastering oral and written speech in English at an elementary level and expanding the linguistic horizons. Graduate elementary school will learn:
write out words, phrases and sentences from the text;
write a greeting card for the New Year, Christmas, birthday (based on a sample);
write a short letter to a foreign friend following the model (based on the sample).
in writing, briefly answer questions to the text;
compose a story in writing according to the plan / keywords;
fill out a simple questionnaire;
correctly draw up an envelope, service fields in the e-mail system (address, message subject).
Learning to write begins with the first lesson, with the first letter of the English alphabet.

The purpose of teaching written speech is "the formation of students' communicative competence, which includes the possession of written signs, the content and form of a written work of speech."

The tasks that need to be solved to achieve this goal include “the formation of the necessary graphical

automatisms, speech-thinking skills and the ability to formulate a thought in accordance with written styles, expanding knowledge and horizons, forming authentic ideas about the subject content, speech style and graphic form of a written text.

When teaching English, the main types of written speech activity are distinguished:

    Controlled writing: - writing letters; - writing words; - making sentences (or rewriting, copying texts).

    Directed letter.
    Written work is carried out in accordance with a specific task.

    Free letter.

According to the program in foreign languages ​​in the field of teaching reading, the teacher is tasked with teaching students to read texts, understand and comprehend their content with different levels of penetration into the information contained in them. Ideally, reading in a foreign language should be independent, carried out not under compulsion, but accompanied by interest on the part of students. Practice shows that students have very low interest in this type of speech activity. This type of speech activity is not for students a means of obtaining information, raising the cultural level, or simply a source of pleasure, but is considered by them as a purely educational task.

In grades 5-7, students learn to read and understand texts with different depths of penetration into their content (depending on the type of reading): with an understanding of the main content (introductory reading); with a complete understanding of the content (learning reading); with selective understanding of the necessary or interesting information (browsing/search reading). The content of the texts should correspond to the age characteristics and interests of students in grades 5-7, have educational and educational value. Regardless of the type of reading, it is possible to use a bilingual dictionary. Reading with an understanding of the main content of the text is carried out on simple authentic materials with a focus on subject content, allocated in grades 5-7, including facts that reflect the features of everyday life, life, and culture of the countries of the language being studied. The volume of texts for reading is 400-500 words. Reading skills to be formed: 1) determine the topic, the content of the text by title; 2) highlight the main idea; 3) choose the main facts from the text, omitting the secondary ones; 4) establish a logical sequence of the main facts of the text.

Reading with a complete understanding of the text is carried out on simple authentic texts focused on the subject content of speech in grades 5-7. The following skills are formed and practiced: 1) fully and accurately understand the content of the text based on its information processing (language guess, word-formation analysis, use of a bilingual dictionary); 2) Express your opinion on what you have read. The volume of texts for reading is up to 250 words.

Reading with selective comprehension of relevant or interesting information offers the ability to scan a text or several short texts and select the information that is necessary or of interest tostudents.

In grades 8-9, students learn to read and understand authentic texts with different depth and accuracy of penetration into their content (depending on the type of reading): introductory, studying, viewing. The content of the texts should correspond to the age characteristics and interests of students in grades 8-9, have educational and educational value, and influence the emotional sphere of schoolchildren. Regardless of the type of reading, it is possible to use a bilingual dictionary. Reading with a full understanding of the main content is carried out on authentic materials that reflect the features of life, life, culture of the countries of the language being studied. Reading skills to be formed: 1) determine the topic, the content of the text by title; 2) highlight the main idea; 3) choose the main facts from the text, omitting the secondary ones; 4) establish a logical sequence of the main facts/events in the text. The volume of the text is up to 500 words.

Reading with a full understanding of the text is carried out on lightweight authentic texts of various genres. Reading skills to be formed: 1) fully and accurately understand the content of the text on the basis of its information processing (language guess, word-formation and grammatical analysis, selective translation, use of country-specific commentary); 2) evaluate the information received, express their opinion; 3) comment/explain certain facts described in the text. The volume of the text is up to 600 words.

Reading with a selective understanding of the necessary or interesting information involves the ability to view an authentic text (an article or several articles from a newspaper, magazine, Internet sites) and select information that is necessary or of interest to students.

In grades 10-11, students should navigate in a foreign language text: predict its content by title; read authentic texts of different genres mainly with an understanding of the main content (define the topic, highlight the main idea, highlight the main facts, omitting the secondary ones, establish the logical sequence of the main facts of the text); read simple authentic texts of different genres with complete and accurate understanding, using various tricks semantic processing of the text (linguistic guess, analysis, selective translation, evaluate the information received, express one's opinion); read the text with a selective understanding of the necessary or interesting information.

Listening, the ability to distinguish and understand what others say, and in relation to educational work in English lessons, understanding foreign speech by ear during its passage.

Listening comprehension is closely related to speaking - the expression of thoughts by means of the language being studied. Speaking can be a reaction to someone else's speech.

Listening to foreign speech and speaking are interrelated in the educational process: listening can serve as the basis for speaking, in turn, the quality of understanding of the listened material is usually controlled by answering questions about the content of the listened to or by retelling it.

Thus, listening prepares speaking, speaking helps the formation of listening comprehension.

The communicative orientation of the process of teaching a foreign language is reflected in the variety of forms of organization of this process. Role-playing games, theatrical performances, project and research activities are the most commonly used activities in English lessons. As in real life students must learn to use different ways problem solving depending on the nature of the problem. Different forms of organization of the language learning process also help the teacher to create situations of communication that are as close to reality as possible. Any lesson has a huge potential for solving new problems. But these tasks are often solved by means that cannot lead to the expected positive result.

For both students and teachers, a lesson is interesting when it is up-to-date in the broadest sense of the word. Modern is both completely new and not losing touch with the past, in a word - relevant. In addition, if the lesson is modern, then it certainly lays the foundation for the future.

Today, the school is becoming not so much a source of information as it teaches how to learn; the teacher is no longer a conductor of knowledge, but a person who teaches the ways of creative activity aimed at the independent acquisition and assimilation of new knowledge. The nature of the activity of the teacher and the student is changing. The student ceases to be a passive participant in the educational process, and, along with the teacher, participates in setting the goals and objectives of each lesson, determines the plan of his work, chooses the means and methods for achieving the goals, actively participates in evaluating his own activities and the activities of classmates. The formation of universal educational activities is the key to the prevention of school difficulties.

The main pedagogical task of an English teacher is to organize favorable conditions for successful learning activities in the classroom. But for this, the teacher must clearly know: what to teach and how to teach.

If we compare the goals and objectives with the previous standards, their wording has changed little. There was only a shift in emphasis on the results of mastering the main educational program, which are presented in the form of personal, meta-subject and subject results. All educational activities should be based on an activity approach, the purpose of which is to develop the student's personality on the basis of mastering universal ways activities. Lessons should be built according to a completely different scheme. After all, a child cannot develop with a passive perception of educational material. The student must become a living participant in the educational process. It is his own action that can become the basis for the formation of his independence in the future. This means that the educational task is to organize the conditions that provoke children's action.

In this regard, we can define the following requirements for a modern lesson:

    a clear statement of purpose;

    determination of the optimal content of the lesson in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum and the objectives of the lesson, taking into account the level of preparation and readiness of students;

    forecasting the level of assimilation of scientific knowledge by students, the formation of skills and abilities, both in the lesson and at its individual stages;

    selection of the most rational methods, techniques and means of teaching, stimulation and control, and their optimal impact at each stage of the lesson;

    the choice of the optimal combination of various forms of work in the classroom and the maximum independence of students in the learning process, providing cognitive activity,

    the lesson should be problematic and developing: the teacher himself aims at cooperation with students and knows how to direct students to cooperate with the teacher and classmates;

    the teacher organizes problem and search situations, activates the activity of students;

    creation of conditions for successful learning of students.

The new standard, having presented new requirements for learning outcomes, gave us the opportunity to take a fresh look at the lesson, to embody new creative ideas. But this does not mean that traditional methods and methods of work should be rejected. They can be applied in a new way, along with modern technologies.

The novelty of modern Russian education requires the personal beginning of the teacher, which allows him to either give a traditional lesson, filling students with knowledge, skills, or give a modern lesson, developing an understanding of this knowledge, skills, skills, creating conditions for the generation of their values ​​and meanings.


1. Asmolov A.G. Formation of universal learning activities in basic school: from action to thought [Text] / A.G. Asmolov, G.V. Burmenskaya, I.A. Volodarskaya and others / System of tasks. A guide for the teacher. (Standards of the second generation). - M.: Education, 2010.

2Federal state educational standard for basic general education (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia ) [Electronic resource

MKOU "Sar-Sar secondary school"

Development of lessons in the Russian language

under the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard

Completed by: Kurbanova E.A.

____ Borrowed words __________

Kurbanova Elmira Abiddinovna

MKOU "Sar-Sar secondary school"


Russian language and literature

5th grade

Lesson "Borrowed words"

Russian language 5 cells.

    The purpose of the lesson: the formation of sustainable educational and cognitive motivation for the subject on the example of the topic "Borrowed words in the Russian language", the organization of students' activities to achieve the following results:


    awareness of the aesthetic value of the Russian language; respect for mother tongue, pride in him; the need to preserve the purity of the Russian language as a phenomenon of national culture;

    the desire for speech self-improvement;) a sufficient amount of vocabulary and acquired grammatical means for the free expression of thoughts and feelings in the process of speech communication; the ability to self-assessment based on observation of one's own speech.


    possession of all types of speech activity: listening and reading:
    adequate understanding of the information of oral and written messages (communicative setting, text topic, main idea; main and additional information);

    possession of different types of reading (search, viewing, introductory, studying) texts;

    the ability to extract information from various sources, including the media, Internet resources; use dictionaries freely various types, reference literature, including on electronic media; mastering the methods of selection and systematization of material on a specific topic; ability to lead independent search information;

    the ability to transform, preserve and transmit information obtained as a result of reading or listening;

    the ability to compare and compare speech utterances in terms of their content, stylistic features and language means used; speaking and writing: the ability to determine the goals of the upcoming educational activities (individual and collective), the sequence of actions, evaluate the results achieved and adequately formulate them orally and in writing; ability to create oral and written texts different types, speech styles and genres, taking into account the intent, addressee and communication situation;

    the ability to freely, correctly express one's thoughts orally and in writing, to comply with the norms of text construction (logicality, consistency, coherence, relevance to the topic, etc.); adequately express their attitude to the facts and phenomena of the surrounding reality, to what they read, heard, saw;


    understanding of the main functions of the language, the connection between the language and culture of the people, the role of language in the life of a person and society;

    conducting various kinds word analysis (phonetic, morphemic, derivational, lexical, morphological),

    understanding the features of language design, the use of expressive means of the language in the text;

    mastering the main stylistic resources of the vocabulary and phraseology of the Russian language, the basic norms of the Russian literary language (orthoepic, lexical, grammatical, spelling, punctuation), norms speech etiquette and their use in their speech practice when creating oral and written statements;



develop the ability to formulate definitions of concepts;

develop the ability to find borrowed words in the text;

to form the ability to use borrowed words in speech;

develop the ability to determine the etymology of borrowed words;

enrich vocabulary students;

improve spelling and skills.


development of critical thinking of students;

development of students' attention;

formation of UUD (personal, regulatory, cognitive):

development of the ability to formulate and prove one's point of view;

development of skills to analyze, compare, generalize;

develop the ability to apply new knowledge;

development of creative, speech abilities of students;

formation of logical skills;

development of the ability to rely on what is already known, on one's own subjective experience;

development of the ability to formulate a problem;

development of group and pair work skills.


fostering interest and respect for the native language;

education of a value attitude to the word;

development of communicative UUD:

creating a favorable atmosphere of support and interest, respect and cooperation;

interaction of students in group and pair work: development of respect for each other.

    Lesson type: lesson to introduce students to new material

    Forms of work of students: individual, pair, group

    Required technical equipment: PC; multimedia projector;

    Structure and course of the lesson

Annex to the lesson plan

Borrowed words

Lesson stage

used ESM

Teacher activity

Student activity

Formed UUD.

Organizational moment, motivation to study

noah activity

Teacher's welcome speech

The principle of psychological comfort

UUD: personal, communicative.

The goal is to create a friendly atmosphere, motivation for learning, creating a situation of success

Knowledge update

The teacher reads the epigraph to the word lesson of V. G. Belinsky: "All peoples exchange words and borrow them from each other." The teacher offers to reflect on the statement, interpret it, think about the names of such words in the language.

Students make assumptions and discuss them with classmates.

Students name the topic of the lesson.

The principle of integrity.

UUD: cognitive, communicative, regulatory (independent formulation of goals and objectives, planning, forecasting)

PURPOSE: to create a problem situation, to predict upcoming activities.

Goal setting and motivation

The teacher gives the task: listen to the text, write down in a notebook the words that seem familiar to you.Audio recording on English text"Sports" and asking questions.

What is the topic of the text?

Why do you think so? After all, the text is in a foreign language. Then he reads the same text on German offering to compare them. Then he invites the students to set the goal of the lesson, guiding them in doing so.

Students set the objectives of the lesson:

Learn to recognize a borrowed word;

Find out the origin of such words;

Learn to identify what languages ​​words are borrowed from

Entering new material

The teacher offers to independently define what borrowed words are, then compare them with the definition from the textbook. Then he proposes to determine from which language the words written out from the texts are borrowed and check with the information from the dictionary of the textbook.

Students independently give a definition, then compare it with the materials of the textbook, find information about the origin of words in the dictionary entries from the textbook.

Primary fastening

1. Electronic task "Borrowed words" Option 1

The teacher guides and advises.

Students will classify the words into groups, depending on the origin. In case of difficulty, turn to the hint

Communicative, cognitive UUD

Application of new knowledge in a standard situation

2. Electronic task "Borrowed words" Option 2

The teacher provides guidance as needed.

The students work in pairs.


The teacher gives an assignment. Divide the words into groups according to their origin. (The words are written on the board.)

Olympics, college, rally, jacket, basketball, postmaster, athlete, genie, pile, cottage, fine, sandwich, spinning, child prodigy, grandmaster, gentleman.

Students work individually

Cognitive, regulatory UUD

Transfer to new conditions

1. The teacher proposes to determine the interpretation of which foreign words are given.

1) Crunchy dough that breaks easily (cracker).

2) The brand of a product that is very popular with buyers (brand).

3) Price list, a list of prices for goods and services of a particular company (price list).

4) The first show of the performance (premier).

5) Elegance of movements, beauty of posture (grace).

6) Crew, personnel of the ship (crew).

7) Master of fine craftsmanship precious metals and stones (jeweler).

Conclusion: - With the help of what words do we replenish our vocabulary?

2. Write a short miniature: "Music in my life", write what kind of music you prefer and why, using as many borrowed words as possible, in case of difficulty, refer to the textbook materials.

Pupils guess foreign words, check their spelling in the dictionary

Write creative work, then read it to the class, evaluating and reviewing the work of classmates.

Communicative, cognitive, regulatory UUD

Communicative, cognitive, regulatory UUD


    The teacher offers a choice of: 1) write out 4 sentences from works of art (one complex) with borrowed words;

    2) prepare a presentation on 5 borrowed words from different languages.

    3) prepare the message "Words-travelers"

Students choose a task from the teacher's

Cognitive, regulatory UUD


Students determine what they learned in the lesson, what questions they would like to discuss in subsequent lessons.

Communicative, cognitive, regulatory UUD


The teacher offers to evaluate his work and the work of a neighbor on the desk, evaluates the most active students.

Students evaluate activities based on their results, self-assessment

Communicative, regulatory UUD


The teacher offers to assess the level of understanding of this topic and their impressions of the lesson with the help of drawings.

Regulatory UUD

Lesson-scenario (FSES) in the Russian language on the topic

"Vowels in the prefixes PRE- and PRI-" in the 5th grade of the UMK MM. Razumovskaya

Teacher Seregina Olga Egorovna

Place of work, position:

MBOU "Agibalovskaya secondary school"; teacher of Russian language and literature

The target audience: students of grade 5 A

Subject: Russian language

Short description: Russian language lesson in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Lesson type: a lesson in the "discovery" of new knowledge

Lesson topic:"Vowels in the prefixes pre- and pre-"

Lesson Objectives: informative: to expand the conceptual base about orthograms in word prefixes; with the help of practical tasks, to ensure that students understand the conditions for choosing a vowel in the prefixes pre- and pre-

Activity: to form students' skills in working with words that have the spelling "Vowels in prefixes pre- and pre-"; develop UUD in students: cognitive, communicative and regulatory in accordance with the type of lesson (lesson of "discovery" of new knowledge).

Lesson stages

Teacher activity

1. Organizational moment.

Greetings. Expression of good wishes.

Organization of self-examination homework.

Target: the inclusion of students in educational activities at a personally significant level.

1. Greeting, checking readiness for the lesson, recording the date.

Hello guys. Sit down. I wish you success in the lesson and good grades. Write down the number, great work.

2. Mutual verification of homework according to the standard

At home, you did exercise 630. When writing which prefixes did you have to solve a spelling problem?) (rules for writing prefixes ending in Z-S)

What algorithm did you use? (1st step - determine the letter at the beginning of the root: vowel, voiced or deaf);

2nd step - remember the rule - before the vowel and voiced consonant of the root in the prefix, the voiced consonant Z is written, before the deaf, the deaf consonant C;

3rd step - write the prefix in the word.

Exchange notebooks with each other and check the correctness of the tasks according to the model (screen) SLIDE 2:

Irresponsible, illiterate, powerless, harmless, inactive, selfless, tasteless, endless, boundless, heartless.

In the self-control sheet for homework, enter the score given to you by a classmate.

No errors - 5 points:

1-2 mistakes - 4 points

3-5 mistakes - 3 points

6 or more - 2 points

2. Actualization of knowledge.

(Motivation for learning activities)

Purpose: to fix the actualized methods of action in speech (repetition of what has been studied).

3. Repetition of what has been learned.

From the given text, write out the words with prefixes and divide them into 2 columns:

1. Fixed prefixes

2. Prefixes ending in Z and S.

1 student at the blackboard. SLIDE 3

The sun came out again, illuminated the gloomy side of the horizon, and disappeared. Everything changed and became gloomy. The grove shook. Swifts and swallows flew low over the ground. Lightning flashed. There was a rumble overhead.

1 column - looked out, lit up, disappeared, trembled, flew by.

2 column - changed, flashed, resounded.

What word did not enter either the 1st column or the 2nd?


Why? (The prefix Pri_, cannot be written in our columns, because this prefix does not apply to invariable and prefixes on s-s)

3. Student goal setting

lesson as their own learning task.

Purpose of the stage: discussing the difficulties (why the difficulties arose, what we do not yet know).

4. Goal setting and motivation:

This morning a telegram came to our class. Only here's the bad luck: apparently, something happened to her on the road, and some letters disappeared somewhere. Nevertheless, let's try to read it and restore the lost letters. read out a telegram

(Telegram text on screen) SLIDE 6

FROM fiery hello pr ... rates Pre- and Pre-

Which morpheme is missing letters? Will we be able to spell prefixes right away? Why did the spelling problem arise when choosing a vowel? (? (no stress falls on the prefix, the vowel is in a weak position, therefore, you need to know the rule for choosing a vowel in a prefix)

What do you think the topic of today's lesson is? (Vowels in prefixes PRE and PRI) SLIDE 7

How to build a work to correctly write words with prefixes pre- and pre-?

(SLIDE 8: First you need to remember what we know about this topic, then what we can and what we should learn in the lesson - the opinions of students are heard)

Exactly the same telegram is on your desk. Our goal is to gain knowledge that will help restore the text of the telegram, which will be useful in life not only when writing telegrams, but will also help in the future to pass exams in the Russian language. At the end of the lesson, I think we will be able to spell the letters in the telegram correctly.

set a goal.

4. Problematic explanation of new material.

Objectives: to organize communicative interaction, during which the spelling algorithm of prefixes is identified and fixed.

pre-; create a problematic situation; speak out new way actions in external speech.

5. Development of a project for getting out of difficulty

(algorithm, translation of the rule into the language of images).

Purpose: solving oral problems and discussing the project of its solution.

5. Linguistic fairy tale.

Today in the lesson we will conduct a small study and find out under what condition it is necessary to write pre-. At what -at-.

Filling in a small table that each student has will help us in this.

1. Incomplete action


1. Can be replaced by the word "very" PREVENTIVE, WISE.




Sew on, nail on.

4. Proximity to something, can be equated to the word "about".

A linguistic fairy tale will help us.

There were two consoles. One Pre-, the other Pri-. The prefix Pre- was very kind and very wise. She made friends with adjectives and played with them in new words: very kind - pre-kind, very wise - wise.

What words with the prefix Pre- met in this text? PREVENT, WISE. (Students call, and the teacher writes on the board in the table).

Under what condition is the prefix PRE - written? (The prefix Pre- can be replaced by the word “very”)

Pristaka Pre- was the daughter of the prefix Pere-, she was very similar to her mother. Only one letter she did not take from her mother, the letter E. Due to this similarity, she could replace the prefix per- in verbs: interrupt - interrupt, step over - transgress.

What words with a prefix appeared in this text?


In what other case is the prefix PRE- written? (Prefix Pre- \u003d Re-)

The prefix PRI- was a well-bred and shy young lady, she did not allow herself anything superfluous. He won’t lie down, but lie down, he won’t sit down, but he will sit down.

What words with a prefix are found in this passage?


What is the significance of the prefix PRI- in this case?

(Everything is done “A little bit, not to the end - the incompleteness of the action”)

In addition, the prefix PRI- was observational. She noticed that

if a person walks and approaches something, then they say “came”, the horse galloped, the turtle crawled, and the bun rolled in general.

What words with prefix did you find?


So, what does the prefix mean in this case? (Approximation)

Once the prefix PRI- visited a technology lesson. Girls are taught to sew on buttons, and boys are taught to nail nails.

What words with the prefix Pre- did you find? SEW, NAIL .. What is the meaning of the prefix in this case?


And the prefix PRI- likes to compare everything:

the station square is very large, the school grounds are not so huge, and her grandmother's garden plot is quite small.

What words with the prefix PRI- found in the text?


What is the significance of the prefix in this case? Proximity to something can be equated to the word "about".

So, we have completed the table. Let's once again conclude when the prefix PRE is written, and when is PRI? (Children make a conclusion according to the table)

6. Primary fastening.

Purpose: to consolidate the new mode of action in practice. 6. Explanatory dictation (1 student at the blackboard).

Tie, attach, land, run, long, pretty, sit down, stand up, obstacle.

In the self-control sheet, enter the score according to the scale

No errors - 5 points:

1-2 mistakes - 4 points

3-5 mistakes - 3 points

6 or more - 2 points

7.Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

Objectives: to organize independent performance by students of standard tasks for a new mode of action, followed by verification according to the standard;

based on the results of independent work, organize a reflection of the activity on the application of a new way of activity.

7. Independent work with self-examination according to the standard exercise No. 646) Students enter a score on the self-control sheet.? SLIDE 9

Approximation, connection Location near Incomplete action

land Urals suspend

attach seaside muted

solder raise


8. Inclusion in the system of knowledge and repetition.

Purpose: to organize the repetition of educational content necessary to ensure meaningful continuity

8. Working with text.

What verbal picture did V. Soloukhin draw?

What helped you see the picture of the spill? (the tops of the bushes, the roofs of the baths peeked out of the water)

How did the inhabitants of the flooded village feel? (anxiety, fear of the elements) Prove with words from the text (The birdies were anxiously scurrying about. The old women lamented. Everyone was waiting for them [the buildings] to be carried)

What style is the text?

What means of expression does the author use? (personifications: water has crept up to the gardens, the water bends down the bushes, the baths are slumped)

Explain the lexical meaning of the words “shouldered” (snuggled) and “wailed” (cried)

Match these words with synonyms

In the self-control sheet, enter 1 point for each synonym.

9. Reflection of educational activity in the lesson.

Objectives: to evaluate the results of their own activities;

focus on the difficulty with the new course of action in order to agree on homework.

9. Restoring the telegram Enter the missing letters in the text of the telegram

It seems to me that now you know enough about the spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI and you can independently restore the text of the telegram.

Fill in the missing letters in the telegram and explain your choice. .SLIDE 10

What was the goal?

Were you able to achieve your goal?


What were the results?

Where can new knowledge be applied?

What difficulties did we experience? In what? Explain and talk about your problem. What helped us overcome them?

10. Homework

It is obligatory for everyone to use the table that we compiled in the class when completing the assignment and additionally read paragraph 54

1) Who is not yet sure that he will be able to distinguish prefixes on his own, then tell yourself: "I worked well!" and follow exercise No. 646,

2) Who has learned to distinguish between the meaning of prefixes pre- and pre- and can explain the topic to a friend, say to yourself: "Well done!" and come up with a vocabulary dictation of 10-12 words on the topic studied today.

Finally, I would like to give you such an unusual reminder in verse about the prefixes Pre- and Pre-, which will remind you of the conditions for choosing a vowel in these prefixes .:

Overcome the barrier

Don't break the law

In fine weather

Break bad sleep


Block your way

Here we will write everywhere


All Together: Pre-.

With the prefix Approximate,

Glue and sew.

Let's raise it a little higher

And we'll bring something.

Let's downplay a little

Just a little bit,

Let's put it in order

And let's sit down and rest.

11. Grades for the lesson

SLIDE 12 Grades for the lesson: carefully look at the self-control sheet, add up all the points and rate yourself on the scale.

Checking homework - maximum 5 points.

Independent work No. 646 - maximum 5 points.

Working with text - maximum 2 points.

Total: maximum - 12 points.

Key to evaluation:

11-12 points - score "5";

7-10 points - score "4";

5-6 points - score "3".

Draw the mood. SLIDE 13

Well done! Thank yourself and our guests with applause. SLIDE 14

Attachment 1

Self-control sheet

teaching__ 5 class A _________________________________________________________________

Checking Homework Exercise

646 Working with text.

Total points Score

No errors - 5 points

1-2 mistakes - 4 points

3-5 mistakes - 3 points

6 or more - 2 points

No errors - 5 points

1-2 mistakes - 4 points

3-5 mistakes - 3 points

6 or more - 2 points

For each synonym 1 point Key to assessment:

11-12 points - score "5"

7-10 points - score "4"

5-6 points - score "3"


We ... we are in Balakovo by train, passing ... at exactly 10.00 to the pr ... city station. At 11.30.

we'll be at school and we'll be able to get to work.

With pr…big regards, pr…bets Pre- and Pre-

TABLE "Spelling of prefixes PRE- and PRI -"

Prefix Meaning Examples Prefix Meaning Examples

1. Incomplete action


1. Can be replaced with the word "very"


2. Approximation


2.Pre- = re-


3. Accession.

Sew on, nail on.

4. Proximity to something, can be equated to the word "about".


TABLE "Spelling of prefixes PRE- and PRI -"

Prefix Meaning Examples Prefix Meaning Examples

Development of a lesson according to new standards (FSES).

Subject: "O//Yo after hissing in the suffix." 5th grade

Lesson Objectives

1. Training:

a) repeat the spelling o / / e after hissing at the root;

b) deepen and expand knowledge of spelling o//ё after hissing (not only in the root, but also in the suffix);

c) to form the ability to choose, the ability to justify the choice of o / / e after hissing in the suffix and at the root of the word;

d) classify language material based on the rule.

2. Developing:

a) to form communicative UDD: the ability to form judgments within the educational discourse; build educational communication in pairs, groups, in communication with the class team;

b) to form UDD of a cognitive nature: mastering the methods of selection and differentiation of language material; extracting information from spelling and explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language;

c) to form a regulatory UDD: the ability to set a goal and give its verbal formulation; the ability to evaluate the result of their educational activities; the ability to reflect on the results of studying the topic of the lesson.

3. Educational:

Awareness of literacy as an indicator of a person's general culture;

Raising the desire for literate speech.


A computer;

Projector, screen;

Evaluation paper;

Cards Oh, Yo

Scales, cards "Participant", "Observer".

Types of activities of students in the lesson:

1. Participation in the goal-setting of educational activities.

2. Formulation and written fixation of the purpose of the lesson

3. Drawing up a diagram according to the studied spelling, filling in the table on the topic of the lesson.

4. Listening, oral work on cards.

5. Oral chanting of the speech according to the words of the exceptions (o / / e after the words hissing at the root).

6. Independent work on the topic

7. Reflection of students at the end of the lesson, evaluation of the results of their activities in the lesson

8. Evaluation by the teacher of the results achieved by the students

Before the lesson (at recess) everyone is given an "Evaluation sheet" (10cm x 10cm)

Probably everyone wants to give their child a quality education. But how to determine the level of education, if you have nothing to do with pedagogy? Of course, with the help of GEF.

What is FGOS

For each education system and educational institution, a list has been approved mandatory requirements aimed at determining each level of education of a profession, specialty. These requirements are combined within the framework of which is approved by the authorities authorized to regulate education policy.

The implementation and results of mastering programs in state educational institutions cannot be lower than those specified in the Federal State Educational Standard.

In addition, Russian education assumes that without mastering the standards it will be impossible to obtain a state document. GEF is a kind of basis, thanks to which the student has the opportunity to move from one level of education to another, like climbing a ladder.


Federal state educational standards are designed to ensure the integrity of the educational space in Russia; continuity of the main programs of preschool, primary, secondary, vocational and higher education.

In addition, the Federal State Educational Standard is responsible for aspects of spiritual and moral development and education.

The requirements of the educational standard include strict deadlines for obtaining general education and vocational education, taking into account all kinds of forms of education and educational technologies.

The basis for the development of indicative educational programs; programs of subjects, courses, literature, control materials; standards for the financial supply of educational activities of specialized institutions implementing the educational program is the Federal State Educational Standard.

What is the standard for public education? First of all, these are the principles of organizing the educational process in institutions (kindergartens, schools, colleges, universities, etc.). Without the Federal State Educational Standard, it is impossible to monitor compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the educational field, as well as to conduct final and intermediate certification of students.

It is worth noting that one of the goals of the Federal State Educational Standard is internal monitoring. With the help of standards, the activities of methodological specialists are organized, as well as certification of teachers and other personnel of educational institutions.

Training, retraining and advanced training of educators are also under the influence of state standards.

Structure and implementation

The federal law decided that each standard must include three types of requirements without fail.

Firstly, the requirements for (the ratio of parts of the main program and their volume, the ratio of the mandatory part and the share that is formed by the participants in the educational process).

Secondly, the implementation conditions are also subject to stringent requirements (including personnel, financial, technical).

Thirdly, the result. The entire educational program should form certain (including professional) competencies in students. The lesson on GEF is designed to teach how to apply all the acquired skills and knowledge, and act successfully on their basis.

Of course, this standard is not the constitution of all educational institutions. This is just the beginning of the vertical, with the main recommendation positions. At the federal level, on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard, an approximate educational program is being developed, focusing on local specifics. And then educational institutions bring this program to perfection (even interested parents can participate in the last process, which is regulated by law). Thus, from a methodological point of view, Russian education can be represented as a diagram:

Standard - an exemplary program of the federal level - the program of an educational institution.

The last paragraph includes such aspects as:

  • academic plan;
  • calendar schedule;
  • work programs;
  • evaluation materials;
  • guidelines for subjects.

Generations and differences GEF

What is the state standard, they knew back in Soviet times, since strict regulations existed even then. But this specific document appeared and entered into force only in the 2000s.

GEF was previously called simply the educational standard. The so-called first generation came into force in 2004. The second generation was developed in 2009 (for primary education), in 2010 (for basic general education), in 2012 (for secondary education).

For higher education, GOSTs were developed in 2000. The second generation, which entered into force in 2005, was focused on obtaining ZUMs by students. Since 2009, new standards have been developed aimed at developing general cultural and professional competencies.

Until 2000, for each specialty, a minimum of knowledge and skills was determined that a person who graduated from a university should have. Later, these requirements became more stringent.

Modernization continues to this day. In 2013, the law "On Education" was issued, according to which new programs for higher professional and preschool education are being developed. Among other things, the item on the training of scientific and pedagogical staff has firmly entered there.

What is the difference between the old standards and the Federal State Educational Standards? What are next generation standards?

chief hallmark is that in modern education, the development of the personality of pupils (students) is at the forefront. Generalizing concepts (Skills, skills, knowledge) disappeared from the text of the document, more precise requirements came in their place, for example, real types of activities that each student should master were formulated. Great attention is paid to subject, interdisciplinary and personal results.

To achieve these goals, the previously existing forms and types of education were revised, and an innovative educational space for the lesson (lesson, course) was put into action.

Thanks to the introduced changes, the student of the new generation is a free-thinking person, able to set tasks for himself, solve important problems, creatively developed and able to adequately relate to reality.

Who is developing the standards

Standards are replaced with new ones at least once every ten years.

GEFs of general education are developed according to the levels of education, GEFs of vocational education can also be developed according to specialties, professions and areas of training.

The development of the Federal State Educational Standard is carried out taking into account:

  • acute and promising needs of the individual;
  • development of the state and society;
  • education;
  • culture;
  • science;
  • technology;
  • economy and social sphere.

The educational and methodological association of universities is developing the Federal State Educational Standard for higher education. Their draft is sent to the Ministry of Education, where discussion takes place, corrections and adjustments are made, and then given to independent expertise for a period not exceeding two weeks.

The expert opinion is returned to the Ministry. And again, a wave of discussions is launched by the GEF Council, which decides whether to approve the project, send it for revision or reject it.

If changes need to be made to the document, it follows the same path from the beginning.

Elementary education

GEF is a set of requirements necessary for the implementation of primary education. The three main ones are results, structure and implementation conditions. All of them are due to age and individual characteristics, and are considered from the point of view of laying the foundation for all education.

The first part of the standard indicates the period for mastering the basic initial program. It is four years old.

It provides:

  • equal educational opportunities for all;
  • spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren;
  • continuity of all programs of preschool and school education;
  • preservation, development and mastery of the culture of a multinational country;
  • democratization of education;
  • formation of criteria for evaluating the activities of students and teachers4
  • conditions for the development of an individual personality and the creation of special learning conditions (for gifted children, children with disabilities).

It is based on a systemic-activity approach. But the primary education program itself is developed by the methodological council of the educational institution.

The second part of the Federal State Educational Standard sets out clear requirements for the result of the educational process. Including personal, meta-subject and subject learning outcomes.

  1. Formation of ideas about the diversity of the language space of the country.
  2. Understanding that language is an integral part of national culture.
  3. Formation of a positive attitude towards correct speech (and writing), as part of a common culture.
  4. Mastering the primary norms of the language.

The third part defines the structure of primary education (extracurricular activities, programs of individual subjects, which includes thematic planning according to GEF).

The fourth part contains requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational process (personnel, finance, material and technical side).

Secondary (complete) education

The first part of the standard on requirements is partially repeated and echoes the Federal State Educational Standard on primary education. Significant differences appear in the second section, which deals with learning outcomes. The necessary norms for the development of certain subjects are also indicated, including in the Russian language, literature, a foreign language, history, social science, geography and others.

Emphasis is placed on students, highlighting such key points as:

  • education of patriotism, assimilation of the values ​​of a multinational country;
  • formation of a worldview corresponding to the level of reality;
  • mastering the norms of social life;
  • the development of an aesthetic understanding of the world, and so on.

The requirements for the structure of educational activities have also been modified. But the sections remained the same: target, content and organizational.

Higher levels

GEF for higher education is built on the same principles. Their differences are obvious, the requirements for the structure, result and conditions of implementation cannot be the same for different educational levels.

The basis of secondary vocational education is a competency-based approach, i.e. people are given not just knowledge, but the ability to manage this knowledge. At the exit from the educational institution, the graduate should not say “I know what”, but “I know how”.

On the basis of the generally accepted GEF, each educational institution develops its own program, focusing on the profile orientation of the college or university, the availability of certain material and technical capabilities, etc.

The Methodical Council takes into account all the recommendations of the Ministry of Education and acts strictly under its guidance. However, the adoption of the programs of specific educational institutions is under the jurisdiction of local authorities and the department of education of the region (republic, territory).

Educational institutions should take into account and implement recommendations regarding educational materials (for example, GEF textbooks have taken their rightful place in libraries), thematic planning, etc.


On the way to the approval of the Federal State Educational Standard, it went through many changes, but even in its current form, the education reform receives a huge amount of criticism, and received even more.

In fact, in the minds of the developers of the standard, it was supposed to lead to the unity of all Russian education. And it turned out the opposite. Someone found pluses in this document, someone minuses. Many teachers, accustomed to traditional teaching, had a hard time transitioning to the new standards. The GEF textbooks raised questions. However, there are positives to be found in everything. Modern society does not stand still, education must change and is changing depending on its needs.

One of the main complaints against the Federal State Educational Standard was its lengthy wording, the lack of clear tasks and real requirements that would be imposed on students. There were whole opposing groups. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, everyone was required to study, but no one gave explanations on how to do this. And with this, teachers and methodological specialists had to cope on the ground, including everything necessary in the program of their educational institution.

Topics on the Federal State Educational Standards have been raised and will continue to be raised, since the old foundations, in which knowledge was the main thing in education, have become very firmly established in everyone's life. The new standards, which are dominated by professional and social competencies, will find their opponents for a long time to come.


The development of the Federal State Educational Standard turned out to be inevitable. Like everything new, this standard has caused a lot of controversy. However, the reform took place. To understand whether it is successful or not, at least, it is necessary to wait for the first graduation of students. Intermediate results are uninformative in this regard.

On the this moment Undoubtedly, only one thing - the work of teachers has increased.

Modern lesson Russian language, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

“If we teach today the way we taught yesterday, we will steal from the children tomorrow.”

John Dewey

Recent times One of the most discussed issues in our society is the problem of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards (FGOS LLC). Everyone understands that it is impossible to work in the old way: time does not stand still, the new generation requires a new approach to itself. And here is the Federal State Educational Standard - unaccepted by some, misunderstood by some. In such a situation, it remains only to complain about education. But you need to find a way out, even if by trial and error. Today's children are significantly different from those for whom the current education system was created. First of all, the social situation in the development of children of this century has changed: the awareness of children has sharply increased, they read relatively little, especially classical fiction, the lack of formation of the motivational sphere, different types of thinking. With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the guidelines of the modern school are fundamentally changing, the main task of which today is to transfer the student to the mode of self-development.

Modern life today makes serious demands on a person - this is high quality education, communication skills, purposefulness, creativity, and most importantly, the ability to navigate a large flow of information and the ability to adapt to any society. Preparation for the future life is laid at school, so the requirements for education are changing their priorities today. The fundamental difference between the modern approach is the orientation of standards to the results of mastering not only subject knowledge, but also the ability to apply this knowledge in practice. Modern society needs educated, moral, enterprising people who can: analyze their actions; make decisions independently, predicting their possible consequences; be mobile; be able to cooperate; have a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country. And the school becomes not so much a source of information as it teaches how to learn; the teacher is not a conductor of knowledge, but a person who teaches in the way of creative activity aimed at the independent acquisition and assimilation of new knowledge. The modern lesson of the Russian language in the context of the introduction of a new generation of the Federal State Educational Standards should include the following six main stages:

    mobilization (implies the inclusion of students in active intellectual activity);

    goal-setting (students independently formulate the goals of the lesson according to the scheme “remember → learn → learn”);

    awareness of the insufficiency of existing knowledge (the teacher contributes to the emergence of a problem situation in the lesson, during the analysis of which students understand that the existing knowledge is not enough to solve it);

    communication (search for new knowledge in a pair, in a group);

    mutual verification, mutual control;

    reflection (the student's awareness and reproduction in speech of what he learned new and what he learned in the lesson).

In order to prepare a Russian language lesson taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, it is necessary to carefully consider, select and use in teaching techniques and methods that form the ability to independently acquire knowledge, collect necessary information to put forward hypotheses, to draw conclusions and conclusions. And this means that a modern student should be formed universal learning activities that provide the ability to organize independent learning activities. If we compare the traditional activities of a teacher and the activities of a teacher in a lesson aimed at obtaining meta-subject and personal results, we can see a number of differences:

Subject of change

Traditional activities of a teacher

The activities of a teacher working according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Preparing for the lesson

The teacher uses a rigidly structured lesson plan

The teacher uses the scenario plan of the lesson, which gives him freedom in choosing the forms, methods and methods of teaching.

When preparing for the lesson, the teacher uses the textbook and methodological recommendations.

In preparing for the lesson, the teacher uses the textbook and methodological recommendations, Internet resources, materials of colleagues. Exchange notes with colleagues

The main stages of the lesson

Explanation and consolidation of educational material. The teacher takes a lot of time

Independent activity students (more than half of the lesson time)

The main goal of the teacher in the lesson

To be able to complete everything that is planned

Organize activities for children:

    search and processing of information;

    generalization of methods of action;

    setting a learning task, etc.

Formulation of tasks for students (definition of children's activities)

Formulations: solve, write down, compare, find, write out, do, etc.

Formulations: analyze, prove (explain), compare, symbolize, create a diagram or model, continue, generalize (draw a conclusion), choose a solution or a solution, explore, evaluate, change, invent, etc.

Lesson Form

Predominantly frontal

Predominantly group and/or individual

Non-standard lessons

The teacher conducts a lesson in a parallel class, the lesson is taught by two teachers (together with computer science teachers, psychologists and speech therapists), the lesson is held with the support of a tutor or in the presence of the students' parents

Interaction with parents of students

Occurs in the form of lectures, parents are not included in the educational process

Awareness of parents of students. They have the opportunity to participate in the educational process. Communication between the teacher and parents of schoolchildren can be carried out using the Internet

Educational environment

Created by the teacher. Exhibitions of students' works

It is created by students (children make educational material, conduct presentations). Zoning of classrooms, halls

Learning Outcomes

Subject Results

Not only subject results, but also personal, metasubject

No student portfolio

Portfolio creation

Main assessment - teacher assessment

Focus on the self-esteem of the student, the formation of adequate self-esteem

Positive assessments of students on the results of examinations are important

Accounting for the dynamics of children's learning outcomes relative to themselves. Assessment of intermediate learning outcomes

Thus, comparing the activities of a teacher, in particular a teacher of the Russian language and literature, before the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard and at the present stage, we understand that if it does not change radically, then it is significantly updated. All innovations are aimed at the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge by the student and at the development of his personality, his cognitive and creative abilities.

What are the requirements for the modern lesson of the Russian language in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard:

A well-organized lesson in a well-equipped classroom should have a good beginning and a good ending.

The teacher must plan his activities and the activities of students, clearly formulate the topic, purpose, objectives of the lesson;

The lesson should be problematic and developing: the teacher himself aims at cooperation with students and knows how to direct students to cooperate with the teacher and classmates;

The teacher organizes problem and search situations, activates the activity of students;

The conclusion is made by the students themselves;

Maximum creativity and co-creation;

Health saving;

The focus of the lesson is children;

The ability to demonstrate the methodological art of the teacher; feedback planning;

The lesson must be good.

When modeling a Russian language lesson, you must adhere to the following rules: 1. Specifically determine the topic, goals, type of lesson and its place in the spread of the curriculum. 2. Select educational material (determine its content, volume, establish a connection with previously studied, control system, additional material for differentiated work and homework). 3. Choose the most effective teaching methods and techniques in this class, a variety of activities for students and teachers at all stages of the lesson. 4. Determine the forms of control over the educational activities of schoolchildren. 5. Consider the optimal pace of the lesson, calculating the time for each stage. 6. Think over the form of summing up the lesson. 7. Think over the content, volume and form of homework.

In accordance with the new standards, it is necessary, first of all, to strengthen the child's motivation to learn the Russian language, to demonstrate to him that schoolwork is not about obtaining knowledge abstracted from life, but on the contrary - the necessary preparation for life, its recognition, search useful information and skills to apply it in real life. Lessons should be built according to a completely different scheme. The main emphasis should be on the interaction of students and the teacher, as well as the interaction of the students themselves. The student must become a living participant in the educational process. It should be remembered that assignments should be of a problematic nature, aim the student at search or research activities, and involve individual or group work.

In order for the process of introducing new educational standards to proceed as successfully and painlessly as possible, the teacher must continuously work to improve his professional level. He must continuously learn: learn in a new way to prepare for a lesson, learn in a new way to conduct a lesson, learn in a new way to evaluate the achievements of students, learn in a new way to interact with their parents. The teacher, his attitude to the educational process, his creativity and professionalism, his desire to reveal the abilities of each child - this is all the main resource, without which the new requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the organization of the educational process at school cannot exist.

For each stage of the lesson, it is necessary to use your own active methods that allow you to effectively solve the specific tasks of the stage. As an example:

1. Stage of motivation (self-determination) for corrective activities (1-2 min.) The purpose of this stage is to include students in learning activities. Exists many tricks that can be successfully applied at this stage. Let's consider some of them.

In my work I try to use competence-oriented tasks in the Russian language, some of the tasks I take from textbooks, using a completely different presentation of them, some I develop on my own. For example: Stimulus A conversation at recess between two students.
- These roots with alternating vowels are impossible to learn! There are so many!
- I think you're exaggerating. You just need to remember the algorithm of work.
– Will you help me?
Task formulation. Help the student to restore the work algorithm and, using it, insert the letters. Explain which word and why is "superfluous" here.
Information source Algorithm:
1. Select the root.
2. ?
3. ?
4. Insert the letter.
Words for work: stop .. read, bl .. sleep, grown .. schenny, freeze .. retard with delight, freeze .. take away from happiness, note .. take on rivals, impermeable .. kay, podr .. heed a flower bed, exchange ..knut the pen, r..drain, bl ..steel execution, podder in the ranks.
Check tool. Criteria for evaluation.
The ability to isolate the root.
The ability to determine the lexical meaning of the root.
Reason for choosing a vowel.
"Superfluous word
Roots with alternation.
Roots with a checked vowel.
Note. For each correct answer, the student receives 1 point.
For each correct but incomplete answer, the student receives 0.5 points.
For an incorrect answer, the student receives 0 points.
The maximum number of points is 8.
Such tasks will lead to the fact that students will no longer be afraid of non-standard tasks, and this will arouse interest in learning the Russian language.

I also use the following methods of creating a problem situation: an inciting dialogue- posing a problem situation based on the contradiction between worldly and scientific fact, which surprises students (for example, in a lesson on the topic “Historical changes in the morphemic composition of a word”, you can invite students to work with the word “ryakha”, which in Old Russian meant “beautiful” ). The main thing is that the teacher should be creative in the preparation of the lesson, in the selection of tasks of a problematic nature, aiming the student at search or research activities. For example: Stimulus. Mom asked fifth-grader Sasha to write a list of purchases in the store on a piece of paper. Sasha wrote: Sh..colade, black coffee, condensed..milk, toothbrush, rasch..ska, etc. He doubted the writing of some words, we will help Sasha. Accordingly, the children and the topic of the lesson will formulate “Letters o / e after the words hissing at the root”, and the goal of the lesson will be determined, and the tasks will be set. Further, the teacher manages the problem-search or research activities of students.

Reception "Confused logical chains."
I would like to start the lesson with the lines you know, but they crumbled. Who will help me?
"begins" "C" "success!" "good luck" "small"
“Success begins with a little luck!”
- How do you understand these words?
- I wish you good luck today, which will help our lesson to be successful!
Intellectual warm-up- two, three not too difficult questions for reflection.

Warm-up can be done in different ways:

What is superfluous?

Summarize - what is it?

Tablets with concepts and terms are posted on the board and the guys are asked questions.

Intellectual warm-up not only sets students up for learning activities, but also develops thinking, attention, the ability to analyze, generalize, highlight the main thing.

2. The stage of actualization and trial educational action. (5-8 min)

At this stage, preparation for the independent implementation of a trial educational action, its implementation and fixation of an individual difficulty are organized.

Reception "Sorbonka" - small cards designed for active memory training. Concentrating attention only on those elements that have not yet been mastered, students firmly and for a long time assimilate and memorize theoretical concepts; Lesson time is saved to check previously learned; there is coverage of the work of all students in the class; working individually, in pairs and groups, the guys learn to evaluate themselves and their comrades; using individual approach, you can correctly point out to the student the gaps in his knowledge.

According to the highlighted words, tell what you know about Phonetics. suffix, phrase, consonants panel, sentence, syntax, vowels personification, transcription, stress.

Reception "Agree - Disagree"

A universal technique that contributes to the actualization of students' knowledge and the activation of mental activity. This technique makes it possible to quickly include children in mental activity and it is logical to proceed to the study of the topic of the lesson.
Children are invited to express their attitude to a number of statements according to the rule: agree - "+", disagree - "-".

    A word that has one lexical meaning is unambiguous.

    A word that has several lexical meanings is polysemantic.

    Word resemblance in relation to the word difference- antonym.

Reception “Basket of ideas, concepts, names”

This is a technique for organizing individual and group work of students, which allows you to find out everything that students know about the topic under discussion. On the board, you can draw a basket in which everything that all students know about the topic under study will be conditionally collected. First, each student remembers and writes down in a notebook everything that he knows on the proposed question (strictly individual work, duration 2-3 minutes). Then there is an exchange of information in pairs. Students share known knowledge with each other (group work). Time for discussion is no more than 1-2 minutes. This discussion should be organized, for example, students should find out what the existing ideas coincided with, about which disagreements arose. Next, each student names some one piece of information or fact, while what was said before cannot be repeated! All information briefly, in the form of abstracts, is recorded by the teacher in the "basket" (without comments). In the basket, you can "dump" all the concepts related to the topic of the lesson, it will conditionally collect everything that all students together know about the topic being studied.

Let's invite the guys to put in the basket only words with a prefix attached with the meaning "incomplete action". Thus, attention increases, they are more focused: it is important to correctly insert the letters and determine the meaning of the prefix.

pr...dangerous, pr...boring, pr...beat, pr... approach, pr...Baikal, pr...refuge, pr...add, pr...coastal, pr...twist, pr...fall, pr...lead, pr...twirl, pr... knit, pr ... station, pr ... slow down, pr ... bend, pr ... move,

A few words were placed in the “basket”, and a lot of work was done.

3. Stage of localization of individual difficulties.

1. I stop acting - I start thinking.

2. What did I do, what knowledge did I apply?

3. Where did the difficulty arise? (place)

4. Why did it arise? (cause)

4. The stage of setting goals and building a project for correcting the identified difficulties.

The goal of this stage is - construction by children of a project for getting out of difficulties and the formation of the ability to implement it. This process is led by the teacher. At first, a leading dialogue is used.

What is the goal we need to set? The topic proposed by the children may not coincide with the planned one. Then the teacher, having shown the children the version prepared by him, must agree with them on the wording of the topic.

Having identified the course of action, it is necessary to build a plan. You can offer to come up with a plan of action to get out of the difficulty. Alternatively, the plan is ready, and the children arrange the sequence of actions.

2. Make a plan for the text you read

3. Write down keywords

4. Fill in the blind table

5. Discuss with comrades

6. Tell the studied material to your desk mate

7. Tell the studied material to the class

8. Complete practical tasks on the topic At this stage, it is necessary that students formulate an individual goal their future corrective actions, i.e. they listed what concepts, methods of action they need to clarify and learn how to apply correctly; chose way (how?) and funds(by using what?) corrections, that is, they established which specifically studied concepts, algorithms, models, formulas, recording methods, etc.

5. Stage of implementation of the constructed project.

The main goal of this stage is the meaningful correction by students of their mistakes in independent work and the formation of the ability to correctly apply the appropriate methods of action.

At this stage, the students act according to the plan, and the teacher, if necessary, directs them with the help of leading questions.

6. Stage of generalization of difficulties in external speech. (4-5 min)

The main goal is to consolidate the methods of action that caused difficulties.

Students in the form of communicative interaction - first frontally, then in groups and in pairs - solve typical tasks with pronouncing the solution algorithm aloud. The stage is accompanied by reflection (thinking) of what is being done, how it is being done, and whether everything is clear. Particular attention here should be paid to those students who have difficulties, it is better that they speak out loud the correct methods of action, based on the algorithm just repeated in the lesson, a model of reasoning.

The following types of work are appropriate: a commented letter, complicated copying, warning dictations, distributive dictations.

7. Stage of independent work with self-examination according to the standard (4-5 min)

During this stage, we use individual shape work: students independently perform tasks of a new type and carry out their self-examination, step by step comparing with the standard. In conclusion, a reflection on the assimilation of a new method is carried out. You can ask questions: - Who had difficulties? What are they related to? - What did you do? - Who succeeded? Well done! Put yourself pluses (or other encouraging signs accepted in the class: a smiling face, the sun, etc.).

8. The stage of inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition (7-8 minutes)

The main goal of the stage of inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition is the application of methods of action that caused difficulties, repetition and consolidation of previously studied and preparation for the study of the following sections of the course.

When repeating previously studied material, game elements- competitions, crossword puzzles, charades, the third extra, etc. This creates a positive emotional background, contributes to the development of children's interest in lessons. Example working methods:

"Catch the mistake"- when discussing with students the material already studied, the teacher deliberately makes mistakes, the students must correct them.

"Traffic light"- This is a strip of paper, red on one side and green on the other. When questioned, students signal their readiness to answer by raising the “traffic light” with the red or green side.

Chain poll- the story of one student is interrupted at any place and transferred to another with a gesture of the teacher. And so several times until the end of the answer.

Programmable question- the student chooses one correct answer from several proposed ones (the survey is conducted orally)

9. The stage of reflection of activity in the lesson.

The stage of reflection is necessary not only for the teacher to check the memory of his students, but also so that they themselves can analyze whether they managed to achieve their goals.

Questions I try to offer at the end of each lesson:

1. What are your main results today? What made you able to achieve them?

2. What difficulties did you encounter during the assignment, how did you overcome them? 3. 3. What ideas came up during the assignment?

4. Questions and wishes that have arisen in connection with the topic of the lesson.

One more trick “Tell me according to the scheme: I know, I remember, I could” Guys round speak in one sentence, choosing the beginning of the phrase from the reflective screen on the board:

    today I found out...

    it was interesting…

    it was difficult…

    I performed...

    I realized that...

The main thing that everyone should remember is that the task of the teacher is not only to clearly and easily explain, tell, show everything in the lesson, but to include the student himself in educational activities, to organize the process of independent mastery of new knowledge by children, the application of the knowledge gained in solving cognitive, educational and practical problems. and life problems.

Information sources :

1. Exemplary programs for academic subjects. Russian language. 5 - 9 grade: project. - 3rd ed., revised. – M.: Enlightenment, 2011. – 112p. – (Standards of the second generation).

2. Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education / Ministry of Education and Science Ros. Federation. - M.: Education, 2010. - 31 p. – (Standards of the second generation) the embodiment of new standards of school education. Didactic requirements for the modern lesson.

3. A. A. Vakhrushev, D. D. Danilov. How to prepare teachers for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

4. The article "Modern lesson of the Russian language and literature in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards LLC: theory, practice, prospects", Sorokun L. M.

5. How to design universal learning activities. From Action to Thought: A Teacher's Guide / Ed. A.G. Asmolov. - 2nd ed. - M. : Education, 2010. - 152 p. : ill. - (Standards of the second generation). - Bibliography: p. 148-150. - ISBN 978-5-09-022831-2.
