Why dream of an aquarium with goldfish or piranhas? The main interpretations of different dream books are what the aquarium is dreaming of. Aquarium - why dream

Every dream has its own meaning. It is important to pay attention to the place of events, participants and their behavior. In today's article, we will figure out what aquarium fish dream of and how their actions affect the interpretation.

Usually, the appearance of fish in a dream portends imminent changes, and their direction depends on a large number of external factors: the state of the aquarium and the water in it, the number of fish, emotions experienced, etc. Each dream book presents its own interpretation.

Video "What is the dream of the aquarium"

From this video you will learn what the dreamed aquarium means.

According to Miller

Miller's dream book gives the following classification:

  • clean water in the aquarium - good luck;
  • dirty water in the aquarium - to the disease;
  • to catch a fish - to possible problems;
  • water inhabitants are distinguished by a beautiful color - good luck.

If you notice a cat putting its paw into an aquarium, think about the details. Are you being too careless with them?

According to Freud

Freud's dream book Special attention attracts the sleeper to the actions:

  1. If you are engaged in catching aquatic inhabitants, this may indicate that you will not be able to get satisfaction from intimacy. Review your current problems and try to solve them during the day. This will help clear your thoughts of worries and turn the situation in your favor.
  2. If the fish from the dream are multi-colored, this indicates chaos in the head. Think about putting things in order.

Also, such a dream can be considered as an expression of a woman's sexuality. If the container is empty, then the girl does not have the opportunity to have children.


Vanga's dream book considers such a meeting in a dream as a negative sign:

  • the appearance of fish promises betrayal by the person you trusted;
  • if you caught her with your hands, beware of the impending trap, and the ill-wishers themselves will fall into it;
  • if an aquatic inhabitant is caught with a net, then you are careful about solving problems;
  • if you are just watching the aquarium - the course of life bypasses you, be more decisive.


According to Longo's dream book, the appearance of fish in a dream speaks of something good:

  • such a dream promises a business person the signing of a major contract;
  • bright color - good luck;
  • gold fish announces the beginning of the stage when plans begin to be implemented.

What fish dreamed

The external features of aquatic inhabitants is one of the main factors. The more varied and brighter the color, the longer it will last. white stripe in your life. If the fish turned out to be golden, this promises fulfillment of desires and profit. If at the same time she behaves actively and quickly moves around the aquarium, the dream informs about the upcoming journey. However, the trip will require a certain amount of money.

If the fish were alive, clarification of what the water was like is required. Clean water promises good luck and rewards for work. For a young woman, such a dream can portend early pregnancy. If the water turned out to be cloudy, expect trouble.

Dead fish tell a girl about disappointment in a relationship, a man about problems in business. If in a dream you touched the floating fish bodies, health problems are possible. If there are too many dead fish in the aquarium, be on the lookout: many obstacles can arise.

Dreamer's actions

Another factor to pay attention to is the actions of the sleeper:

  1. Feeding fish usually promises a successful business relationship. If a girl feeds the fish, this can tell her about making a profit or an imminent pregnancy.
  2. Buying an aquarium is a warning about unforeseen expenses. The protagonist can be either the dreamer himself or any other person.
  3. If you decide to swim in an aquarium, get ready for material losses.
  4. Catching fish with your hands portends possible work-related successes, profits, or fortunate circumstances.
  5. Catching with a net can warn of an imminent acquaintance with an annoying person.

The meaning of the aquarium

The condition of the aquarium can also say a lot:

  • an aquarium with water and a large number of inhabitants can speak of good luck and promise a promotion at work;
  • if you dreamed of an aquarium without fish, be on the lookout: a dream can report deceit, a quarrel with a person whose location you value;
  • empty aquarium for women, it represents a cage - it is safe, but it is not possible to maintain a familiar lifestyle;
  • a broken aquarium promises women problems with a male boss, if the container is broken during cleaning - to gossip, and if the aquarium is broken and the contents spilled onto the sleeping man - to wealth.

Other interpretations

Non-standard behavior, when fish jump out of the water, confirms a person’s desire to change their profession or environment. If the inhabitants of the aquarium jump out of clean water, change will lead to the best. If the fish jump out of dirty water - to worsen the current condition.

If a talking fish is dreaming, this may mean the imminent fulfillment of desires, even the most unrealistic ones. For people connected with business, such a dream promises the conclusion of contracts and profit. If the sleeper is sick, the fish that has raised its voice says that the person will be cured, but only on the condition that he will follow all the instructions of the doctors.

Pay special attention to the number of fish in the aquarium: if only one swims, then something that you have been waiting for will happen soon. If a lot of fish dream, a girl can talk about an upcoming pregnancy.

Do not forget that not every dream is prophetic. The likelihood of its implementation directly depends on lunar day. Having seen the subtext in your dream, be sure to conduct an additional check.

A dream associated with fish, with a body of water, usually has a favorable interpretation. Life on Earth originated in the depths of the ocean - perhaps this partly explains the positive interpretation of such dreams. Let's see what the fish in the aquarium dream of, according to various interpretations.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

According to the compilers of the dream book of Catherine the Great, those who see an aquarium in their dreams are distinguished in real life by a passion for collecting. If you are just watching fish and other inhabitants of a home pond, there is a possibility of a pleasant surprise that your loved one will present to you in the near future.

Women's dream book

Seeing, buying, installing an aquarium in a dream means a change of job for a young girl.

If a woman in a dream looks at an aquarium, admiring its pretty inhabitants, then her life is well arranged, she is satisfied with herself and her partner, happy and calm. This applies to all aspects of family life, including sexual.

If you are going to feed aquarium fish in a dream, expect guests soon.

Eastern dream book

Why does a woman dream of an aquarium with fish? For a young lady of the fair sex, this is a sign of imminent marriage, and the spouse will be wealthy. The couple is not in danger of financial problems, but there may not be mutual understanding in such a marriage.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in September - November and December

For the birthdays of the autumn (and the first winter) months, an aquarium in a dream portends the appearance of offspring.

Dream Interpretation Longo

For those who prepare food for fish in a dream, intending to feed the beautiful inhabitants of the aquarium, such a dream means long-term monotonous work in the near future. If you treat it responsibly and with patience, it will give excellent results.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Seeing an aquarium with fish in a dream means enjoying peace and all kinds of pleasures in life.

Miller's dream book

Do you see in a dream that you are going to change the water in the aquarium? Get ready for the upcoming changes in life.

If someone wants to take a fish out of the aquarium, and you just watch without interfering, this is an occasion to think about your behavior. Perhaps you have become frivolous lately. This can cause a lot of trouble if you do not adjust your own behavior in accordance with generally accepted standards.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Seeing a pretty aquarium with cute fish in a dream is a sign of happiness and success in all endeavors.

Eastern dream book

Why does the Aquarium dream in a dream from a dream book?

For a young woman, a dream in which she sees a large aquarium with beautiful fish means that she will marry a wealthy man. However, this marriage cannot be called happy, since there will be no understanding between the spouses.

I dreamed that you were changing the water in the aquarium - you were on the verge of change.

Women's dream book

If in a dream you see a large aquarium with beautiful fish, you are threatened with marriage. You have to marry a wealthy man. However, it cannot be said that this marriage will be happy - in this marriage there will be no place for mutual understanding and trust.

Family dream book

A large aquarium with beautiful fish that a young woman dreamed of portends an imminent marriage. Moreover, the spouse will be a very wealthy person. But it's too early to rejoice: this marriage can hardly be called happy - there will be no mutual understanding in the family.

The cat is trying to catch a fish from the aquarium, but you don’t even think of stopping it - your frivolity can cause many problems for you and your loved ones.

They changed the water in the aquarium - wait for the changes.

Combined dream book

An aquarium is a sign symbolizing a digestive upset that may happen to you in the near future. Pay attention to your health.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of an Aquarium?

The aquarium is a sign of a sudden indigestion that may happen to you in the coming days.

Dream Interpretation 2012

The aquarium is a reflection of limitations.

With small fish - a reflection of children (not considered separately from other characters).

With big fish - a reflection of a partner, partner (not considered separately from other characters).

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did the Aquarium dream about in a dream?

If you dreamed about an aquarium with clean and clear water, in which fish or reptiles swim, it promises you happiness, success in business and promotion, especially if the aquarium is large.

The absence of living creatures in the aquarium - warns you of a possible deceit or quarrel with the person you need.

A full aquarium broken by you or someone in a dream symbolizes your success in business, unexpected receipt of money, profit, inheritance.

The dream in which you swim in the aquarium yourself is a warning; losses, losses and losses can await you.

Dream Interpretation Longo

Break the aquarium big quarrel through your fault. Take the dream as an omen - be more attentive to what you say, otherwise conflict cannot be avoided; be more calm about what your loved ones say: in their hearts they can say something that they will later regret very much. Be tolerant of the shortcomings of others, otherwise you will face the hostility of others. One of your friends or relatives is dismantling the aquarium - you are annoyed by the lack of time, because of this everything falls out of your hands, it seems to you that things are going badly and there is no way to fix them. In fact, you only need to focus on the main thing, discarding the secondary. Sometimes this is extremely difficult to do. Analyze your situation and determine what is most important to you now.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Aquarium see empty - to complete indifference a person who was not indifferent to you.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

If you dream of an aquarium with merrily frolicking fish, or if you feed these fish in a dream, a long-awaited pregnancy will come.

For an elderly woman, this dream means that chronic diseases will torment her.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

A dream about an aquarium with exotic fish swimming in it, which you are happy to watch - to a pleasant and unforgettable meeting with the people you adore.

Dream Interpretation Longo

To dream of an aquarium with fish swimming in it that you feed - you have a week ahead of you when you will need a lot of patience, be prepared for monotonous work. Perhaps it will eventually bring you success, but at the beginning such work will seem boring and uninteresting to you. This must be passed through; treat such work as a test that will bring a good result.

Cleaning the aquarium and pouring fresh water into it - someone will try to hit you below the belt, be careful when looking for support, because ill-wishers are not asleep. If you let your guard down and your intuition betrays you, the ill-wisher will take the opportunity to harm you.

Watching someone look at your aquarium means that you will soon meet with a person about whom you have a negative impression. At the moment, you can be more objective and evaluate other people's actions less critically. Perhaps you will see this person in a completely different light. At least don't push him away at the first moment.

An empty aquarium means that it seems to you that you are in a claim to your loved ones: you are counting on strong support, but you receive only on-duty signs of attention. I can advise you only one thing - do not be too sensitive to troubles, perhaps you are now having such a streak. When it is over, you will no longer perceive everything so dramatically.

Buying a large, spacious aquarium in a store is an omen of high expenses, and not always justified; you should be smarter and not overspend, but for some time it will be impossible for you to do this. After such a “splash” in business, you will have a lull.

If you dreamed that you were acquiring a small but cozy aquarium - a dream foreshadows the abandonment of the business you have begun for reasonable reasons. If you notice that the enterprise is not going well from the very beginning, step aside from it, otherwise you will face severe disappointments.

Breaking an aquarium is a big quarrel through your fault. Take the dream as an omen - be more attentive to what you say, otherwise conflict cannot be avoided; be more calm about what your loved ones say: in their hearts they can say something that they will later regret very much. Be tolerant of the shortcomings of others, otherwise you will face the hostility of others.

One of your friends or relatives is dismantling the aquarium - you are annoyed by the lack of time, because of this everything falls out of your hands, it seems to you that things are going badly and there is no way to fix them. In fact, you only need to focus on the main thing, discarding the secondary. Sometimes this is extremely difficult to do. Analyze your situation and determine what is most important to you now.

Miller's dream book

If in a dream you see that a cat is trying to catch a fish from an aquarium, but you do not drive it away, it is possible that your frivolous behavior can cause many problems for you and your loved ones.

If you dreamed that you were changing the water in the aquarium - in real life you are on the verge of change.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see the Aquarium in a dream?

If you dreamed of a filled aquarium and fish swimming in it, pay increased attention to your diet: an unexpected indigestion is possible in the very near future.

An empty aquarium - apathy, turning into depression, may seize you.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Aquarium according to the dream book?

Aquarium with fish - for rest, relaxation, peace; lethargy of consciousness, inertia, slowing down of affairs.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

see in the aquarium dead fish- means that you should think about the expediency of your hobby, do not neglect the opinion of relatives.

To break a full aquarium - promises unexpected profits, an inheritance, or a major deal.

Seeing an empty aquarium means that soon you will have a lot of fun with a plentiful table and booze.

Watching the inhabitants of the aquarium - a loved one will surprise you.

Freud's dream book

Like any closed container, an aquarium is a purely feminine symbol, and its connection with water speaks of great satisfaction from sexual relations.

Aquarium in a dream - speaks of an imminent pregnancy.

An aquarium with a lot of fish and beautifully arranged - symbolizes his family for the dreamer.

An empty aquarium means infertility.

Launching fry into the aquarium indicates a desire to have children, and launching adult fish into an aquarium indicates a desire to have or change a partner.

Broken aquarium - speaks of a possible discord with your partner. Be careful!

Aquarium - can be seen in a dream by people who suffered from enuresis in childhood.

Ukrainian dream book

Aquarium with fish - happiness and joy; to have in the house - to get into trouble, big trouble.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Aquarium according to the dream book?

The aquarium itself - symbolizes the digestive system, diseases associated with it.

If there is a small fish in it, then according to our Internet dream book, this is a symbolic image of children.

Dreaming big - a reflection of partnerships.

Seeing a lot of beautiful fish for a woman in a large aquarium promises to get married soon, and very successfully.

Change the water in it - it promises change.

If the water in it is clean, provided that there are inhabitants in it, the dream promises only favorable changes.

Empty - a hint that the dreamer can be deceived.

To break an aquarium filled with water - a stream of luck in business will spill on you.

I dreamed that you were swimming in it - a warning about the threat of financial losses.

Feed the fish in the aquarium - in the next seven days you will need an iron extract.

To clean it - get ready for a blow from an insidious person.

Seeing someone looking at your aquarium - according to the dream book, the first impression of someone is deceptive, he is not so bad.

Buying a new and large one - you will soon have to seriously spend money.

Dreaming of a small but comfortable one - you should stop the development of all important projects.

Someone close decided to dismantle the aquarium - you yourself do not have enough time, you do not control things.

Watching a cat in a dream that catches fish in an aquarium - beware of stupid actions, it will not be easy to correct the consequences.

If the fish in it are dead, then according to the dream book, in reality it will turn out that you are wasting time on a stupid hobby.

I dreamed that looking at everything in the aquarium would soon be a surprise from a loved one.

An aquarium with fish is dreaming - to pleasant events, joyful surprises, to long-awaited gifts. It is possible that an exciting journey awaits you.

According to the dream book, a broken aquarium - in life there is a high probability of a major scandal. In pursuit of your interests, you will have to come into conflict with someone.


An aquarium with beautiful fish is usually considered an auspicious dream. After such a dream, small worldly joys, surprises and gifts await you. In the near future, everything will be fine for you. Also, a dream promises relaxation and a pleasant pastime. Those who have long wanted to relax can take advantage of this period. However, the same dream warns that excessive rest can lead to delays in business and inertia. Also, an aquarium with fish portends troubles that you can successfully avoid.

The same dream promises a woman who saw him a wedding with a financially secure man. It will take place in the near future, but in this marriage there is a danger of a lack of understanding between the spouses. A dream in which a cat catches aquarium fish is also considered not very pleasant. If you are just watching this, the dream warns you of carelessness that will not lead you to good.


Dream Interpretation Aquarium with fish

Why dream of an Aquarium with fish in a dream from a dream book?

When you dream of an aquarium where fish are splashing, a series of pleasant events is expected. Surprises, gifts from relatives are possible. It is the right time to attend festive events, organize home gatherings, friendly meetings.

An aquarium in which bright, exotic fish swim portends a meeting with old acquaintances and friends whom the sleeper has not seen for a long time. From communication with these people, only pleasant impressions, joyful memories will remain.

Who dreamed of an aquarium with fish?

A woman dreamed of an aquarium with fish

For a woman, the interpretation of a dream about an aquarium with fish may vary depending on the dreamer's marital status. To a married lady, funny fish inform about possible pregnancy or desire to give birth. Single women will soon meet their love.

A girl dreams of an aquarium with fish

If a girl dreamed about how she and her chosen one admire an aquarium where beautiful fish swim, such a vision reflects harmony in relationships, spiritual kinship between partners. Appreciate this mutual understanding, do not swear over trifles.

What fish did you dream about in an aquarium?

Why dream of an aquarium with dead fish

To dream of an aquarium where the fish are dead - to serious family disagreements. The dreamer will have to take on the role of a peacemaker, as relatives will defend their own point of view to the end.

Aquarium with big fish in a dream

According to Felomena's dream book, an aquarium with large fish sedately swimming there represents a happy relationship with a soul mate. Soon a marriage is possible between the dreamer and his loved one, or the birth of a baby in a couple.


Aquarium, Aquarium fish, Aquarium with fish

To everyone who dreamed of the Aquarium in a dream and to those who dreamed of Aquarium fish, Dream Interpretations prepared a very curious forecast. Most Dream Interpretations are sure that the Aquarium with Fish in a dream portends major changes.

Seeing an aquarium in a dream, Buying an aquarium in a dream- monotony and monotony.

AT this moment you feel like one of the aquarium fish Slowly and leisurely swimming in clear water. It seems to you that now life has stopped, as if it had stopped... Perhaps this state is somewhat burdensome for you. But do not try to change anything - take a philosophical attitude to what is happening, Enjoy peace and quiet. Sometimes the absence of any events is already a great joy.

To dream of aquarium fish swimming in clean water - a positive inner attitude.

Seeing aquarium fish in a dream, They swim in muddy or dirty water- negative emotional state, tendency to anger and aggression.

Dreams in which Water is present are usually interpreted on the basis of its quality and appearance. So the Aquarium with Fish will bring you either harmony and peace, A contemplative attitude to what is happening, Or it will indicate your internal problems, Disagreements with your own Self. This is what you should think about ...

Seeing an aquarium with fish in a dream (for women)- to a quick and not very happy marriage.

The traditional interpretation of this dream prophesies to a woman a wealthy, But not too easy-to-communicate boyfriend. An aquarium can become a kind of "cage" for you, in which you will feel quite comfortable and protected, but at the same time you will be completely deprived of the opportunity to participate in an active social life.

Seeing an empty aquarium in a dream- disappointment in others.

You were internally sure that in a difficult moment your loved ones will help and support you. However, the Dream prophesies a different outcome of events. Probably, at the most decisive moment, you will find yourself alone with your problems - mentally tune in to independent struggle and try to explain the reasons for such behavior of others.

Seeing an aquarium with fish in a dream, Changing the water in the aquarium- changes.

The dream once again indicates to you that you are internally ready for change. So what prevents you from weighing everything, analyzing your chances and decisively changing something? Now is the best time for this.


Why dream of an aquarium with fish?



Aquarium (according to Miller's dream book) - For a young woman, a dream in which she sees a large aquarium with beautiful fish means that she will marry a wealthy man. However, this marriage cannot be called happy, since there will be no understanding between the spouses. If in a dream you see that a cat is trying to catch a fish from an aquarium, but you do not drive it away, then it is possible that your frivolous behavior can cause many problems for you and your loved ones. If you dreamed that you were changing the water in the aquarium, then in real life you are on the verge of change.

Personal Account Deleted

Plenty - big profit; big fish - slander; boiled fish
there is a loss.


In general, fish for pregnancy (girl)

Personal Account Deleted

If you love fish, this is beautiful dream, fate will generously give you, this dream can mean a happy marriage.
however, if you want to catch a fish, this may mean your desire to catch someone on your bait). beware of doing this. do not give in to the temptation that pushes you to the path of sin..

Gehenna Fiery


The aquarium is a sign of a sudden, albeit minor, indigestion that may happen to you in the coming days.

to catch - you will be deceived and disappointed.

Little fish - fear, illness

Big fish are an important enterprise

Catch with your hands - you will make enemies for yourself

Yes - happiness in the lottery

To see a fish falling from the sky or fish rain - bad sign. Ecological catastrophes, disasters.

There is a fish in a dream - to receive unexpected, but pleasant news.

The dream in which you saw three fish is a happy omen.

A dream in which you dream of a fish with a human face means a threat nuclear war.

Fishing - trying to find a way out of a predicament.

To see a large accumulation of fish - do not rely too much on fate, otherwise you will miss your chance.

The dream in which you saw a live carp indicates your stamina and endurance.

If you dreamed rotten fish- unexpected rumors will spoil your relationship with an influential person.

Fish is a symbol of duality, difficulties, inconstancy.

Seeing in a dream how one fish attacks another is a submarine attack.

Personal Account Deleted

The restrictions are justified by something serious, for example, pregnancy. Check with your doctor and God bless you!!!

Olga Chamkaeva

Women for pregnancy)), checked

and why dream of a fish in an aquarium ??? I dreamed of two small fish in an aquarium


Ekaterina Kozyreva

give birth to twins!


to pregnancy

Andrey Romanyuk

If you dream that a fish is splashing in a transparent pond, then soon you will be able to achieve prosperity and power. Seeing a dead fish is a financial loss. If a young woman sees a fish in a dream, this promises her a handsome and talented groom. caught a fish, this means that, despite the machinations of ill-wishers, you will have the wisdom to avoid trouble. If you fish while not on the shore, but in the water, then success and wealth will come to you only thanks to your talent and quick wits .In general, fishing is a symbol of energy. However, if you fail to catch a fish, then the hour of your luck has not yet struck. If you eat fish, then this promises a tender and long love.

Modern dream book

mild illness

Dream Interpretation of Simon Canonite

Seeing or catching is a benefit; in women - to pregnancy; dead - a nuisance; happiness in the lottery; catch with your hands - make enemies for yourself; small fish are an important enterprise; catch - you will be deceived and disappointed

Esoteric dream book

See - problems with children, possibly an unwanted pregnancy. Catch - the heirs try on your property. Yes - it is possible to receive an inheritance soon. Clean, cook - your hopes for an inheritance are unlikely to be realized. But if in a dream you then eat this fish, then you will be the heir.

Miller's dream book

Goldfish To see a goldfish in a dream predicts many successful and pleasant adventures. For a young woman, this dream promises marriage to a handsome man. If the fish is sleepy or dead, the woman will face severe trials.

Ukrainian dream book

Fish dreams of rain, bad weather. If a fish dreams: a man or a girl - there will be a change in the weather, young women - she will have a baby. Big fish - good earnings. Lifeless fish - weakness. Dead fish - in bad weather. To see a goldfish (fish) - the envisioned, expected will not come true. Fish - wrecking; someone "digs" under you. A lot of fish - bad weather. Rybin in the hands - unsuccessful childbirth. There is fish: for men - to have mistresses, for women - easy childbirth. Fishing is profit, victory over rivals; clean live fish - for fun.

Dream Interpretation Veles

Crimson fish on a river covered with cracked ice floes - a big conversation with people you depend on, the destruction of relationships; big fish - an important enterprise, the beginning of a big business; a stream teeming with fish is a profitable enterprise, good cash profit

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Fish is a symbol of duality, difficulties, inconstancy. To see a fish falling from the sky or fish rain is a bad sign. Ecological catastrophes, disasters. Fishing - trying to find a way out of a predicament. To see a large accumulation of fish - do not rely too much on fate, otherwise you will miss your chance. The dream in which you saw three fish is a happy omen. There is a fish in a dream - to receive unexpected, but pleasant news. A dream in which you dream of a fish with a human face means the threat of nuclear war. Seeing in a dream how one fish attacks another is a submarine attack. If you dreamed of a rotten fish, unexpected rumors will ruin your relationship with an influential person. The dream in which you saw a live carp indicates your stamina and endurance.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Feeling the dead is a disease; there is - anxiety, worries; to see living water in water - good luck in business, hope; to catch a live one is a great success; if he didn’t catch it himself - the birth of a child; to catch a fish is a rich marriage (for a woman); rotten, decaying - unexpected wealth, an unexpected increase in income.

Muslim dream book

Fish, one or two - means a wife. If there are a lot of fish, and they are large, this means property, and small fish - to sadness and care.

Freud's dream book

If you dreamed about how you were catching fish, then in real life you can hardly disconnect from thoughts about current affairs while making love. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that you cannot relax to the end and get (as well as deliver) pleasure. At least


If they were caught and caught, then to pregnancy, and if they just swam, then to nothing

* *

To prosperity and profit.

Renat Abdulin

to pregnancy - I know that

Vlad VM

For drinking beer

Soul Sad

Green CHEL :-)

Well, if there are two, then most likely to twins)))))

Maria Ivanova

to illness


An aquarium - a dream aquarium with exotic fish swimming in it, which you enjoy watching - to a pleasant and unforgettable meeting with the people you adore.

Koshka koshka

Aquarium (with fish) - To rest, relaxation, peace; lethargy of consciousness, inertia, slowing down of affairs.

Why do goldfish dream in an aquarium?



For a young woman, a dream in which she sees a large aquarium with beautiful fish means that she will marry a wealthy man. However, this marriage cannot be called happy, since there will be no understanding between the spouses. If in a dream you see that a cat is trying to catch a fish from an aquarium, but you do not drive it away, then it is possible that your frivolous behavior can cause many problems for you and your loved ones. If you dreamed that you were changing the water in the aquarium, then in real life you are on the verge of change.

If you dream of a fish in clear water, the dream portends that fate will generously endow you. Dead fish in a dream - promises grief and portends loss. If a live fish a young lady dreams - happy love awaits her. Catching and catching fish portends serious trials that you will endure with steadfastness, while maintaining presence of mind. If you walk on water with nonsense, then in reality you will soon be able to achieve prosperity thanks to your enterprise. Looking at fishing promises you a surge of energy and skillful use of favorable circumstances. If you see that you didn’t catch anything, and leave the river empty-handed, the dream warns you about the vanity of your desires. If you go to the fish market, then in reality prosperity and joy await you. Seeing a fishing net is a dream promising acquisitions, but if the net is torn, then annoying chagrins are possible. If in a dream you pick up fishing hooks, then this dream reminds you that you have every reason to build your own destiny.

to feel the dead is a disease; there is - anxiety, worries; to see living water in water - good luck in business, hope; to catch a live one is a great success; if not himself caught the birth of a child; to catch a fish is a rich marriage (for a woman); rotten, decaying - unexpected wealth, an unexpected increase in income.


If you dreamed of a goldfish, then this is a pleasant adventure.
A young woman can hope for a successful marriage.
If the fish is dead, difficulties await the woman.


this dream portends that fate will generously endow you, or, more simply, to money !!!


If you dream that a fish is splashing in a transparent pond, then soon you will be able to achieve prosperity and power.

Seeing a dead fish is a financial loss.

If a young woman sees a fish in a dream, this promises her a handsome and talented groom.

If you dreamed that you caught a fish, then this means that, despite the machinations of ill-wishers, you will have the wisdom to avoid trouble.

If you fish while not on the shore, but in the water, then success and wealth will come to you only thanks to your talent and ingenuity.

In general, fishing is a symbol of energy. However, if you fail to catch a fish, then the hour of your luck has not yet struck.

If you eat fish, then this promises tender and long love.


For a young woman, a dream in which she sees a large aquarium with beautiful fish means that she will marry a wealthy man. However, this marriage cannot be called happy, since there will be no understanding between the spouses.

If in a dream you see that a cat is trying to catch a fish from an aquarium, but you do not drive it away, then it is possible that your frivolous behavior can cause many problems for you and your loved ones.

If you dreamed that you were changing the water in the aquarium, then in real life you are on the verge of change.


If you saw a goldfish in a dream, then you will have many successful and pleasant adventures. For a young woman, this dream promises marriage to a rich and handsome man.
- If the fish is sleepy or dead, the woman faces severe trials.



dreamed of an aquarium with catfish and goldfish


steal a bus


I dreamed of a lot of aquariums with unusual sea fish, very beautiful, but supposedly they needed to be saved and transplanted to another place, but I couldn’t do it, I was confused. After sleep, there was some kind of incomprehensible anxiety


i dreamed of a very beautiful light aquarium with many different fish and beautiful vegetation surrounded by indoor flowers, and all this in a room that was clean and flooded with sunlight.


I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend came to visit me. And I have such a big aquarium at home on the whole wall, with beautiful colored fish. The aquarium is still with blue illumination.


Hello. Please interpret my dream. I don't remember why, I wanted to buy a big spider. But in the end I didn’t buy it (and I didn’t see the spider itself, I just wanted to). Instead of a spider, I bought an aquarium with fish. It was round, not very large, with fish and herbs in it. And I sat and watched the swimming fish.


Good afternoon!
I am in a position and I had a dream that my husband and I picked up a huge stray dog. She is very affectionate and we took her to the vet. On the way, I find that I am holding an aquarium with clean water and in it the fish are the same in color and size, they are quite large. But then I see this aquarium, almost without water and some of the fish are dying. But I absolutely do not feel sorry for this, but even somehow the other way around.


Hello! I dreamed of an aquarium with two goldfish, large and smaller ... The one that started to die more .. on one side the scales crawled out ... and it slowly turns on its side .. and I seem to be trying to save it ... I shake it with my hand .. so that it does not die


Hello, the aquarium has been dreaming for 2 days in a row. Yesterday crabs and crayfish tried to escape from it, today turtles. Thank you.


Hello) Today I saw in a dream that I was raped (I pushed him but he still didn’t let me go, Then it was as if my neighbors who lived nearby came and we were sitting in my room, But suddenly my room turned into an aquarium and we started swimming! this is such a dream


three aquariums. One is a small fish. In the other, there are more fish and one dead at the bottom. And in the third swims very big fish, and at the bottom are the remains of another of the same kind that the inhabitants of the aquarium feed on.


I had a dream that I was changing the water in an aquarium with small multi-colored fish. And I also dreamed that these fish then began to multiply


one fish in the aquarium was bitten by two other fish, then I removed the wounded fish to other fish, lying separately in a basin filled to the top.


I swam naked in the aquarium! The aquarium was at home, very big! There were fish in it. I remember how I dived and almost caught a small fish at the bottom and released it. The water was not quite transparent, even a dark green hue! I go to the aquarium, and the ropes are stretched on the sides inside and the water was a wall, like the ropes did not allow the water to completely fill the aquarium, I was very surprised ... where there was no water, the fish lay without moving and I removed the ropes to save the fish. The water filled aquarium and after I watched the fish swim ... well, how so!


Hello, my name is Natalya, I had a dream that I had a large aquarium of 200 liters in my apartment and there are fish there, the water is clean and the sand is yellow beauty


I dreamed of fish in an aquarium, one of which began to give birth to fry, and the other fish opened its mouth and ate one fry. I started catching fry to save them.


Hello! I dreamed about the aquarium of my old friend. First, the fish swam, then one fish eats some white thing like a jellyfish and dies. I shout to my friend that the fish is dying. A friend takes a net and pulls out this fish. in which some fish die, while others are in a convulsive state.


I dreamed about a small round aquarium, and in it muddy water, as if someone stirred up the sand, the turbidity was beige sandy ... and for some reason it alerted me in a dream ... there were no fish in the aquarium, it was empty ... without algae stones .. just with muddy water


I walked with my child around the mall, and at the exit from it there was a pet store that sold fish, there were a lot of them and I looked at everyone very well.


Hello Tatiana. i had such a dream that I was walking past an aquarium and there was such clean water and some exotic big fish were swimming there, they were some kind of ugly ones.


I dreamed that we were somewhere with a friend, and she was buying a suitcase-shaped aquarium, and I really wanted the same


In my dream, I was in a hurry. With some boy, she ran somewhere along a dark street, where there were trees and lanterns. The road was earth. Then when we were running, in the middle of the way we met two guys, they smoked cannabis and laughed. We ran past them through a huge cloud of this smoke. I even coughed. Then we ran to some building that looked like oceans, there were children there. The boy who was with me immediately ran to a round small aquarium. There were two goldfish there. I know this, but I don't think I saw him, or I saw him from afar. And I immediately woke up. The dream happened during the day.


I dreamed of a large clean aquarium, but algae descended from top to bottom, there were a lot of them and the fish swam almost at the bottom and got confused in the algae.


I dreamed that friends came to visit and brought gifts for Easter: Easter eggs, something else, and small aquarium fish with a large aquarium. I put the fish in the aquarium, watched them. Predatory fish also swam there, which could eat smaller ones. I worried, I wanted to catch them, then the aquarium broke down, the water poured out, I had to collect the fish, they practically all remained in place, I launched them back with a few nets, someone else filled the water.


i dreamed that the fish first choked and then vomited and then tadpoles appeared like frogs


i dreamed of aquarium fish that jumped out of the aquarium and floated through the air around the apartment. The fish were red. the dream was funny and funny


I had an aquarium with fish several times, the last dream: I see the aquarium is half filled with water, i.e., supposedly, it leaks and I understand that, in the end, the fish will die, but, unfortunately, for some reason, nothing can be done can.


I stood at work and looked at our aquarium. The water is clean and transparent. The fish are bright and not very bright. I was going to catch someone, it seems that I woke up


i dreamed that I was sitting and holding a round small aquarium on my knees, in which many different small fish swim.


I dreamed that I was sitting at home and someone was smoking a large aquarium, there were no fish in it, only there were all sorts of non-living algae and one of them constantly floated up. And besides, after they were all on the surface, when everyone turned away she drowned. and then they carried this aquarium where, but already empty, without water .... and while I was rising from the first floor of the entrance, I saw a drug addict who followed me. and I walked and looked around so that she wouldn’t prick me with it.


Good afternoon. I dreamed that there were 3 golden fish in the aquarium, I fed them, they began to gnaw my hands and pull to the bottom of the aquarium


I see a large aquarium in my house, not small in it, small fish with golden tails and one big one that looks like a shark, I also think how it doesn’t happen that she eats them, I see the water is so muddy fed, fed, and with such greed they pounced on the food, then began to change the water, and then some garbage happened that it was as if the water had warmed up and all my fish floated up their belly, I let's save them and then woke up ...


Hello Tatiana. I dreamed that we had a large aquarium and our 3 goldfish were swimming there. Then my daughter brought a lot different fish mostly dark, like telescopes. There were so many of them and they swam quickly in clear water.


Hello, yesterday I dreamed that I saw fish in transparent bags - my mother is trying to separate small aquariums from large ones, but she can’t. Today I again dreamed of fish in the aquarium, there were 2 sympathetic aquariums, closed, I worried about the fish, decided to change the water, opened them, went for water, when most of the fish returned they were dead, then I saw two beautiful fish, and my cat attacked the bottom, I dragged her away - the fish were alive, but obviously badly hurt.


I dreamed about how I catch a fish with a net in one aquarium and transplant it into another. I had a dream this night, from Monday to Tuesday. Thanks in advance.


I saw in a dream that I took out the fish from the aquarium with my hands ... I want to change the water and rearrange them in a jar where there was a piece of cloth .... there were a lot of fish ... the fish stuck to each other and seemed to stick to the fabric in the jar ... but still I changed the muddy water on clean and all the fish swam in clean water


Hello, my name is Olga. Thanks in advance. I dreamed that I caught 3 guppies from the aquarium, because the aquarium fell apart, transferred it to another aquarium with other snails and lizards, it also broke, I caught them again and transferred them to the third aquarium, all the aquariums had clean water


i dreamed that I bought a small round aquarium with fish. The water was pale blue and very beautiful pebbles, rich color of plants


Hello Tatiana! in my dream, which I had from Saturday to Sunday, I saw: my aquarium in which it was 110 liters, clean water, algae growing in it and floating zebrafish, I began to look for "gold" looked closely and saw them at the bottom of the aquarium, the dead lying on their side. I can't figure out what this is all about... Or was my dream empty? Although I had dreams before that, regardless of the day of the week, came true in my life, if not immediately, but after some time. please tell me what it means...


I dreamed of a dog that bit me on the knee, after which I woke up with pain in my knee. Grandmother said that the dog is a close blood relative, which you do not expect, in the evening a cousin unexpectedly arrived. My grandmother also said that she dreamed of a dog that barked at her and threw herself, but the chain did not let her go. And the grandmother was waiting for her son to visit from another city, in the afternoon a telegram arrived that he was not allowed to go on vacation.
And yet, if I dream that I got into the mud (I went into it on the square, stood and didn’t know how to get out) and dirty water (I fell in the shower and couldn’t get up, floundered in soapy water), then I’ll definitely get very sick after 2 -3 days.


I have a large aquarium at home, red parrots live there, they spawned and a lot of colorful beautiful fry appeared. Grow before the eyes of golden, and striped, etc. Maybe it has something to do with my pregnancy I'm 6 months old


I dreamed of an aquarium in which I changed the water. There were a lot of fish in it, mostly gold. The water is clean. Then I fed them. This dream dreamed me this night. Now I am pregnant. What did he mean to me?


there were two aquariums. one is not big, but with dirty green water, as if the water had not been changed for a long time. There were fish swimming there, which I don’t remember exactly, but there were also red ones. I caught them and transplanted them into an aquarium with clean clear water, it was huge, no less than 1000 liters.


I was standing at the bus stop unknown guy I held a bag with 6 fish, the fish are beautiful, three with black tails, the size of the fish is b-big, and then I rode a small tricycle with joy and laughter, constantly laughing


Aquarium, size not determined. Several fish. I change the water, it is not clear, but not dirty - not clean. One of the fish has fry. There are many, about 20. The first small size, as expected, and the latter is the same size as the fish itself. (I really don’t have a large aquarium at home and 4 fish live in it. One, as if waiting for fry, or maybe not, didn’t get hung up, but the thought was like this. I didn’t change the water in the coming days and didn’t intend to.)


I have a large aquarium at home, there is a big catfish in it. so I dream that my husband wants to transplant (small) fish into another aquarium in order to wash a large aquarium. I took this catfish in my hands and it grew up right in front of my eyes, I began to tell him that he couldn’t fit in a small one and that other fish should also be planted in the aquarium while you wash it. Why such a dream?


I didn’t dream as if my boyfriend’s friend asked me to take care of his fish, I saw a large aquarium with muddy water, there were a lot of medium fish and, most importantly, peeled shrimp .... I angrily survive in the soda aquarium, and some of the fish die, but then I changed my mind and decided to save the fish, and began to change the water in the aquarium. I changed it


I saw in a dream a medium-sized aquarium, this is what I have at work! The water was clean, and those fish that now live in it are alive and healthy, but the recently bought little ones all died and surfaced! And in reality, they didn’t buy fish, only in a dream!


the pet store and my husband and I choose fish for the aquarium, a lot of red ones with big fluffy tails and transparent plump fish


i was in a room with an aquarium, there were fish, but I don’t remember them, the water was saturated turquoise, I put my hand in there and many small fish swam to it


Good day. I had an interesting dream last night. I dreamed of a very large aquarium, actually half a wall. At first there were few inhabitants with it, then peering, I began to see more and more. They were large and varied in shape. Catfish, scalars and some others, I can’t name exactly. They swam all over the space, but sedately and slowly. They were not bright colors- dark, somewhat black, green. The water was clear and clean. Approaching the aquarium, I began to feed them and the inhabitants of this aquarium ate with great pleasure.
If you can interpret this dream, I will be happy to read your opinion.


I dreamed of an aquarium, there were many plants and fish in it, beautiful, large angelfish, which swam and frolicked very quickly. I tried to transfer one scalar to a second, more spacious aquarium, but it didn’t give in, when I caught it, it turned out that it was a double juice. i.e. two juices in one, and I kept trying to separate them, in the end everything worked out for me and the fish began to frolic in the second larger aquarium along with the others. The colors in the dream were warm, bright, the fish itself orange color. I didn't feel any anxiety. Why do you have such dreams?


I began to dream of an aquarium with fish. The first time he broke it, and I had to collect the fish with my hands. In the second, a familiar guy caught a fish from the aquarium, and the red cat managed to eat one.


I dreamed everything as it was. people, environment, sensations, feelings, touch, etc. I saw an existing aquarium, but someone broke it, and there was no glass anywhere! it surprised me. I took my wet koia and thought about it. I only cared about the fish that lay under the furniture. I collected them and looked for vessels to draw water. the first and only one, I picked up the biggest fish and put it in a bottle of water, and she hugged me with her fins as if she didn’t want to let go of my finger, I already felt the force of compression. The paradox is that I know this fish and it has been dead for a long time, I didn’t feel it, since this is not my personal aquarium.


In a clean aquarium launched the fish. One medium fish immediately pretended to be dead. Then she swam, and a bigger fish immediately attacked her and killed her. I screamed, I wanted to separate them, but the big one grabbed the little one. And you can say she tore it apart


a medium-sized silvery fish in a large aquarium with muddy water gave birth to two round green fry from the gills, one of which began to choke, but the fish seemed to inhale air into his mouth with his mouth and it calmed down and swam, then I saw this aquarium in my parents' room, windows, but there was only that silver fish, and in the second dream that same night, I saw myself in an office like at my last job, where I worked about ten years ago, but an office for one person, a guy came there, like working with me (in a dream), but in reality I never saw him, I began to tell that the other guy was affixed in connection with the transfer to another job, and he himself would also soon leave for the army, it seems, but what I remember is that in this the office had white walls and a walnut table, and three high stools, two were white, and one was red, and before that I carried red in my hand in the same dream, but it was white at first, and then suddenly turned red, that's how something like that


I dreamed that my husband and I were looking at a large aquarium with crystal clear water in which a lot of aquarium fish swim: catfish, guppies, swordtails, neon. Why this dream?


Hello, I dreamed in a dream that I was walking down the street and I saw a store there in the window, people were looking at something, well, I came up too ... and there was a large aquarium with different medium-sized fish ... they swam there and I looked at them ... tell me what it would be for ?? ?


I fed large beautiful aquarium fish and for this they caressed my hand like cats, as if thanks to me


Good afternoon, Tatyana. I dreamed that in my apartment there were three large aquariums with clean water. Small fish swam in aquariums. And in each was one small frog, green-golden in color. These frogs jumped out of the aquariums and jumped around the room. And I tried to catch them.


I dream that I am trying to wash the aquarium. I catch fish, transplant them into a jar, and then, when I release the fish into a clean aquarium, I see that they were eaten by my black cat, which for some reason sits in the water with its head


I came to a cafe that had just opened, it’s cozy there, there are a lot of aquariums with beautiful fish (of different sizes and colors) around, and I went to look at them ...


The aquarium is large with medium-sized fish, the dream was in black-gray-dirty green tones ... a bridge across the river, swam in a transparent, but green river, there were a lot of algae near the bathing place ... swam with a little son, nephew and some other boys …. I saw a close friend, but completely naked ... and held his newborn son in her arms (he has no children in life and he is married, intimacy does not bind us, only friendly relations), my mother was with me on the river - then we left the river with her and began to climb up a steep slope consisting of intertwined tree roots (light beige color) ... the impression of sleep remained tense ... there were always a lot of people around, in my opinion, mostly males ... Thank you for your help.


at first there was one aquarium and I populated it with fish ... then suddenly there were two of them .. and I also populated fish there ... then a cat began to fall into one of the aquariums (I don’t remember its color), then jump out of it, then fall again ... then I wanted to help her get out, but she herself jumped out and ran away


I dreamed that my mother and I were looking at an aquarium in which 2 big fish swim, I was leading with my hand, they were following me, as if they were hungry, I poured food on them, but they didn’t swim after him, they looked at me, and I didn’t see the bottom of the aquarium .


Hello! I had a dream in which I saw a large aquarium and fish swam in it, but I remember one large orange one very clearly. I watched them with such amazement and could not take my eyes off their beauty.


The aquarium was large, rectangular. there were a lot of monotonous fish in it, the usual silvery color. The aquarium was in the house. the water was clear. My dead father was also in this house and we fought with him.


I dreamed of several aquariums with fish. In one, the fish lay at the bottom, when I took them out and wanted to throw them away, it turned out that they were alive. And in another - the fry suddenly began to grow very quickly.


I dreamed that I needed to clean the aquarium. only one goldfish lived in it. the water was not dirty which surprised me. decorations in the water are clean and beautiful. having collected a little cloudy water, but clean enough in a test tube, I transplanted that fish into it. drained the water from a large aquarium and turned on the water to collect. then my husband came and asked where is the fish? it was not in the test tube. my husband found her on the table, she almost turned dark and did not breathe, we lowered her into a test tube with old water, but she was already clean and the fish began to swim. a feeling of shame for my mistake completely covered me, I again felt guilty for what had happened and even though I knew that now everything would be fine, at the time of leaving the dream the unpleasant did not recede


I dreamed that my husband and I created a huge aquarium with big fish, but not at home, but in some other place, not far from where our parents live. We were about to leave somewhere and drove up to the yard of our parents, and there everything was in the water, apparently the aquarium was broken. All the fish are lying on the street in showers, my dad is trying to collect water, save the fish. I walk up to the biggest fish that is suffocating in the downpour. I wake up on this. The dream was in color and rate realistic


Hello. I dreamed of an aquarium with goldfish. Quite large. Large air bubbles formed in the water and almost threw the fish out. Then one of the fish gnawed through the glass so that its teeth stuck out and it got stuck. Then I helped it out and even held it in my palm. [email protected]


I dreamed of a large aquarium with fish and crayfish, which stood on a metal stand, and there was one living crayfish in the aquarium, and then there were a lot of them, but then they seemed to become inanimate


I dreamed that I was swimming with fish in a large aquarium. White color prevailed in a dream, or rather the background of the walls in the room in which there was a large aquarium. The water was clear and clean.


big aquarium. I'm watching it. and suddenly a fish jumps out on my hand. I think it lacks air. I'm looking for where the compressor is, and I'm trying to start the fish back. she is alive and jumps out into my hand again.




In my dream, I saw in the aquarium that my telescope fish began to breed and there were already about 20 of their cubs. and black beetles were also present in the aquarium. I decided to change the water in the aquarium and broke it by accident, and when I started collecting fish, it turned out that the fish were not black, but golden.


hello, I dreamed of a very large beautiful aquarium and young fish swam in it .. I just looked at it .. It seemed to be standing in my kitchen on the floor of the wall ..


I dreamed that the aquarium was filled with water to the middle ... the water is quite clean, but there are a lot of fry - I understand that they are cramped, so I decide to add fresh water. Right next to the aquarium I see a glass transparent container filled with clean water. I pour it into the aquarium and see that many fry, as it were, move along a water bridge into a container from which water flows. I try to shake them back into the aquarium so that they don’t die, it doesn’t work right away ... when I succeeded, I find out, on outer walls containers of eggs, a lot ... please explain what it can be ?!


i dreamed that I turned the aquarium with fish like predatory ones, then I picked them up and threw them back into the aquarium and one fish bit me, but it didn’t hurt the blood, it just pinched a little


Hello.. My name is Leila. I dreamed of a huge clean aquarium, there was water in it, but I don’t remember the fish, it seems it was in the wall and at the bottom it had a huge hole, the edges of which were anointed with sealant


I dreamed that I wanted to buy a car, I found as many as three and I liked only one silver color


Hello! I dreamed of 3 aquariums, with different types of fish. the fish are colorful, frisky, the water is clean, but suddenly I kind of remembered that I hadn’t fed them for a long time and started throwing food. There was no oxygen in one aquarium, and in my mind I thought about transplanting the fish into those two where there is oxygen. I don't remember further.


The wife of my beloved came to my house. It didn't even surprise me that she knew my address from somewhere. She was very calm and friendly to me, she felt that she liked me (in real life we ​​did not know her personally). She walked around the house, gave some advice. She went to small aquariums (in my life I don’t have aquariums at home), she says, we need to add water to them, you see, the fish are bad there, they don’t have enough water. I add clean water, and the fish begin to breathe calmly and swim happily. In one of the aquariums there is a beautiful goldfish. In the second, I don't remember. I woke up feeling calm and serene.


My ex-husband gave me 2 aquariums with fish, they were very beautiful, they swam in clear water, there were a lot of them, some bright, beautiful, golden, blue, with bright spots. I miss my husband very much, before going to bed I wanted him to dream about me, I had not seen him for about a year. I dreamed with a gift ...


Hello. Today in a dream I saw a beautiful cockerel aquarium fish. A few days ago I saw three large (several meters) fish in clear water. I also saw a large golden bell that was driven past me in a car and a golden cross fell from it, which I held in my hand and had to take it to where the bell was taken. Thank you.


I was leaving a strange house, I was walking through a large aquarium, it had no bottom, there were some small dirty toys nearby, I give them to someone and I say wash them, to whom I give them, I don’t see behind me, I saw another large empty aquarium, it was whole and I went along the road / I immediately find myself at some small white table, the walls around are white, and someone hangs a drawn clock on the wall there the numbers 10/2/5, with peripheral vision I see a shadow that flashed in the mirror. I had this dream on my birthday. Before that, I also had a not very pleasant dream. I woke up my son, he woke up with black circles under his eyes and hand marks on his neck. I asked him if you were strangling yourself, he answered yes, in the middle of the room there was a money tree flower.


Hello! I saw several aquariums in one there was a large dark fish (very big) and very mobile, and in others there were two or three small beautiful fish. And fry. The water is clean everywhere. Aquariums of different sizes.


I dream of a large aquarium with a goldfish (it actually stands at our house) and the water in it becomes cloudy before my eyes


i dreamed of a very clean water, at a depth there is a very large aquarium and very beautiful with decorative beautiful fish) there are a lot of them


in a friend's house there is an aquarium with cloudy water and fish on the floor. I collected them and put them back into the aquarium. Everyone swam, but there were 2 left on the floor dead fish. I saved somewhere 8.


good morning Tatyana, today I had a very unusual dream, I was confused, I saw a large aquarium and there were a lot of small fish swimming there, which I wanted to transplant, but didn’t have time, a turtle began to give birth to me, and I was looking for a place for small turtles, why this dream? Please explain, thank you in advance


Hello! I dreamed of a small aquarium and a lot of fish, a black and white dream, I caught these fish, but then I let them go back and just watched them. Then I dreamed of a test with 2 or 3 bright stripes and dreamed of breastfeeding a baby Please explain.


i dreamed that I was launching a lot of adult fish (huppies with red-orange tails) into the aquarium, the water is clean, transparent, there are a lot of beautiful algae in the aquarium. Then I see that there is a gap between the back and side walls of the aquarium, and water will flow out (but I didn’t see the leak ). (Aquarium similar to the one I have at home) What is this for?


A dream in which I found an aquarium with fish and remembered that I had not fed them for a long time. Started feeding. One started to eat. The other one was kind of lethargic, as if she didn’t wait ..

Kirill Titov:

Good evening. My girlfriend recently had such a dream: she went into a bright empty room, where there was a chair in the middle, and on it was an aquarium with a fish. The water in the aquarium was clean, mirror-clean. The fish was red, even golden in color. The fish was small .My girlfriend, squatted down, leaned over and just looked at a fish and a fish on her. and Then she (my girlfriend) woke up in a cold sweat. What could it be? Why this dream? Please answer. Thank you in advance!)


I see an aquarium. The fish jump out of it, and I catch them and release them back into the aquarium. Two goldfish, one of which is dead. I try to take it out, but it comes to life. The water is light. (We also have an aquarium at home)


Good afternoon, I dreamed of an aquarium with fish, small size but they were half dead. There were a lot of them. You can say the aquarium was teeming with fish.


fish jump out of the aquarium, I catch them and throw them back into the aquarium and see if there are many of them alive or not near the aquarium and I try to collect them all there, and there are so many, many of them, the aquarium is seething, it’s dirty on the floor, something white like flour and a fish in something white and I throw it into the water and the water turns white and many big fish appear ......


Hello Tatyana! The dream was in color, I saw at the same time that a tooth fell out, but I had no blood, then in the same room I see a beautiful aquarium with small fish.


Good afternoon. I dreamed of two very large aquariums on the same wall. There was muddy water in the aquariums, in one of the aquariums there was a turtle, it first swam and then sat on a stone. There were also big fish swimming there. And in another part of the aquarium, small colored fish swam in clear water.


Hello! i dreamed of a large aquarium, for some reason I poured soup with dead fish and lemonade into it in the place of water, after which, when the aquarium was filled with liquid, a lot of very bright and beautiful fish appeared there, I watched them.


i dreamed of two aquariums, one full and with clean water, and the second almost empty with muddy water and small fish


a couple of days ago I had a dream that I had several aquariums with bright beautiful fish, and the day before yesterday I had a dream that the fish died in the aquarium, but the water was clear and clean


There were two aquariums standing at right angles. A lot of greenery (algae), the water is clear, the fish swim bright scarlet (orange), air bubbles come out, the aquarium is illuminated. I feed my fish a mix food that includes worms, dry food and hard cheese.


I dreamed of an aquarium. the owner was an unknown man. the fish were black and somehow dirty. He didn't feed them for some reason. this made me very angry.


I dreamed that in our house there is not a very large, but a beautiful aquarium, round, beautiful, everything shines, how clean it is. And in this aquarium a goldfish swims, but not quite gold - huge, beautiful, more like crucian carp, with golden-silver scales. Moreover, this fish is clearly larger than this aquarium allows itself. And the feeling of this dream was so pleasant, light!


fish swim in an aquarium, I look at them at first, they seemed to be dead, then I look at live fish swimming


not a large aquarium stands in front of me, but there is green, muddy water in it. Several fish swam in the water and then suddenly floated up belly to the top.


i dreamed about the aquarium that it turned over and all the fish spilled onto the floor in the aquarium, 1/3 of the water remained and I threw it back, only one sick dark fish was


Hello! I dreamed of a large aquarium with muddy water, I cleaned the water in it and launched fry, about 5, and then they became large colored fish


Hello Tatiana,
I dreamed of an aquarium with fish, they swam slowly, some died and I began to catch them with a net and throw them away. I showed it to someone and complained that the fish were dying.
What would it mean?


Hello, I saw how I launch colorful fish into the aquarium and there are a lot of them. I was wondering how they all fit in there. Water and aquarium (round) were clean. Thanks


two nights in a row, I have a dream about a newborn child, a boy. And this is my child. The dream is bright. Like in reality. And relatives are present in it.


I dreamed of an aquarium with fish: earlier this aquarium included about five fish, and then there were more of them, in a dream I also thought: why are there so many fish in this aquarium? They swam one after another quickly quickly.


a gray, but very cute rat caught a small red fish from my turtle, the existence of which I did not even know


i ended up in an aquarium store, there were both empty and with fish, empty ones were very cheap up to 100 rubles, then my dad turned up there, and I started telling him that they needed to be bought and I also needed to buy fish, then I went to look at them .


received as a gift new apartment without renovation and in one of the rooms there were many aquariums, they are large and there are many colorful fish and plants in them


Hello Tatiana! I dreamed of a large aquarium in which many fish swim, mostly small and medium. But there were one or two big fish. One fish was oddly shaped - as if two or three fish had merged together. In front of my eyes, it separated and turned out to be two fish. In the room with the aquarium there were many green plants in pots, in general, the dream was bright and pleasant. Thanks in advance for your interpretation!


I was in some room, I dreamed that I was in a vertical aquarium and that there was a hatch (open) on top, but I was knocking on the glass. Then some guy just broke one of the glasses and pushed me out, but the water didn’t pour and I just fell on the pieces and cut my hand.


dreamed a lot different sizes aquariums with both live and dead fish. From the "dead" aquarium, I caught live fish with a net and transplanted them to live ones.


i dreamed of 2 aquariums and there were a lot of many fish in them. they were clearly cramped. in one of them, 2 huge black fish aggressively devoured small ones ... in the other, almost all the fish were of the same size ... large different colors and species… and the aquarium is not big… there was a feeling that something had to be done… fear, and a desire to help. but I woke up.


i dreamed of a building ... and in each room there were aquariums with fish ... they were all different and bright .... only near each aquarium there were live fish on the floor ... as if they had jumped out of the aquarium .... and I walked in every room picked them up and threw them into the water to the rest until they died. Saved everyone


I changed the water of a former friend in the aquarium. Only some of the fish seemed to decompose .. but many fish remained alive. And I launched them into the aquarium by changing the water.


i am with people I don’t know. people are very nice. they have a rather large aquarium, but the roars are not very large and there are not many of them. i help the owner to replant the fish after cleaning the aquarium. a tiger lives. I stroked him, played with him.


I dreamed of an aquarium with dirty water. A piece of wood (small, flat) floated inside. On which an object lay (most likely a cigarette), in the room in which I ended up it was dark, not much light from the window, a completely unfamiliar room.


Good afternoon!
Today I dreamed about an aquarium with fish, but I don’t remember its clear boundaries and sizes. I saw a very bright, colorful, beautiful fish, it surprised me so much, I gasped in my sleep. And then this fish split into 2 fish. It also felt like in a dream that there were also fish in the aquarium, but I focused on these bright unusual fish. There was also another aquarium nearby and there was a very large, large fish in it, but I don’t know which one, I also looked at it and was surprised.


i dreamed of an aquarium with small multi-colored fish, but there was very little water in it, but I was so glad that I had living creatures at home


I go into the room and see a lot of aquariums with fish of different sizes and colors. Some aquariums are frankly overflowing with fish, I am trying to transplant some of them into another aquarium. somewhere I notice a turtle, also in the water. I feed the fish. I think there are so many.


The fish wanted to jump out of the aquarium, I covered them with something, and those who managed to jump threw it back ... and I found one behind the aquarium, he was almost dead, but as soon as I threw him into the aquarium, I saw that he came to life and was so beautiful)


I dreamed of a huge aquarium with very beautiful and large fish. Such bright warm colors, I experienced only joy and admiration. I don’t remember anything else.


an aquarium with fish a lot of small fish, they are multi-colored, and one big fish seems to be on the side, it is somehow dark, small fish attracted my attention. what would that mean?


Hello! In a dream, I changed the water in my aquarium, where there are now a lot of small guppies and carefully watched so as not to scoop them up with a ladle.


Good afternoon!
I dreamed today of a large aquarium with fish in in large numbers they looked like haddock or goodian fish, there were a lot of them and they all looked in one direction in the aquarium there was green algae that was white like corals, at first I decided that it was a herring and the fish shimmered very beautifully in a silvery ash blue color And a dark-haired man was standing near the aquarium


I dreamed of two aquariums. .. transfer fish from one aquarium to another. .. beautiful fish of different sizes. . But in one aquarium there are so many fish that the largest of it jumps out. .. what does 2 aquariums mean at once? Both are beautiful with clear water. But one has more fish than the other.

And yesterday I dreamed of a butterfly-fish (a butterfly swam in an aquarium) very beautifully.


today I dreamed about an aquarium with fish, I opened the lid to look at them from above, I wanted to touch them, but the water was hot there. and the aquarium was mine with my fish in my room, what does that mean?


i dreamed of a very beautiful aquarium with fish in one there were few fish, the second and more fish and bright beautiful and one aquarium with a room with big fish


I have an aquarium on my desk with goldfish swimming in it.
then everything changes abruptly and the sea is dreaming, but it is calm, I sailed on a boat, I don’t remember further


hello, in a dream I saw a lot of beautiful fish in the aquarium, but they swam in muddy water and I wanted to change the water, but I don’t remember whether I changed it or not


i dreamed that I constantly add water to the fish and somehow it disappears somewhere, at first there were only two fish and live ones, and then I feed them and there are already many (5-6 pieces) dead to these two. The fish were almost all in a dream, just like mine in reality.


i dreamed of our aquarium, only the aquarium itself, I don’t remember, but the fish shimmered with colors and were colorful and incredibly beautiful, they swam, I couldn’t take my eyes off them, I looked spellbound


i dreamed of a big aquarium, I go into the room there is a young man who takes me in his arms and starts spinning, during this whirling he came close to the aquarium and I accidentally hit him with my foot, he cracked. Water flowed out of him, it began to decrease, but then it stopped abruptly, the water was clean, and the aquarium too, there was one live fish, we can say that it was big, catfish


it’s like I’m at home and above me there is a glass aquarium with fish, for the place of the ceiling, there were still houses with me, I don’t remember who exactly, that’s what I remember, thanks in advance)




I dreamed of a very beautiful aquarium in which a beautiful fish swam, then she began to give birth to beautiful multi-colored colorful three fish.


i dreamed of an aquarium with colorful fish, they were alive. then I saw a dead fish and tried to get it out of there, the water became cloudy and I cleaned the water


I dreamed of an aquarium with fish, but the fish seem to be like catfish, but with beautiful wings like butterflies. The water is clean, many plants, in general, a beautiful well-kept aquarium with unusual fish. I looked at the aquarium and watched unusual fish. Tell me what it could mean?


Hello! I break an aquarium with small fish, but then large freshwater ones turn out to be there, and as a result, a pike bites my finger in general. What can this mean?


hello. i had a dream today that I collect a lot of multi-colored small fish in the aquarium in my apartment on the floor, there are a lot of them, etc. I had already collected for myself the right amount in the aquarium as much as I wanted, then I suggested to my brother asking if I needed fish. he answered yes, then we began to collect these brilliant and brightly colored fish in a jar of water. what does that mean please tell me? in advance thx


I dreamed that I went to a new store and the store was very long one way and the other. While I was walking, there was a very sea of ​​food and fish, ordinary fish, moving in one direction, the aquariums were all with clear water, and there were sooo many counters. In a dream, I met a classmate whom I had not seen since school. further there were stalls with cabbage, sauerkraut, and ended up leaving the store


Hello Tatyana! I usually don't have dreams, or I don't like them. Tonight I dreamed about the aquarium that we have in the salon


Hello Tatiana! Usually I don’t have dreams, but today I had a dream about an aquarium that stands in our salon. 2 live in it red-eared turtles and a goldfish. In a dream, I dreamed that one of the corners of the aquarium (the left one, if you were facing it) seemed to be unglued, I still went to touch it and noticed that the glass seemed to be shaking, and told my husband about it. She said that, they say, the wall is moving away and it will start to leak. The next thing I remember was how water began to flow out of this corner on a white floor and the aquarium was emptied by 3/4 and then the turtles attacked the fish and bit off half of the body from its tail. I realized that she could not help and turned away. When I looked again, the aquarium was again full and there were still many goldfish swimming in it, and among them a dead one that had been bitten, but then I noticed that the turtles seemed to be also larger and they were of different sizes (i.e. ages). I counted 12 pieces. The last thing I remember was telling my husband that turtles had appeared in the aquarium.
* the water on the floor looked clean, which one I couldn’t make out in the aquarium (we had a broken backlight and it was a bit dark in the aquarium), but there was no turbidity.


I am in clear water, shallow, one orange fish swims up, I see it, where it disappears - I don’t know, and so 3-4 fish swim up. all.


Good evening Tatyana, I had a very long and strange dream related to aquariums, there were a lot of them, about 12, but they were in one. that is, one large aquarium was divided into 12 parts. 3 of them were huge. life reigned in about 7 aquariums, but I did not notice this right away. along the way, as I moved away from the aquarium, I saw even more and more of the same aquariums, in one aquarium the agent for spraying air was constantly working, but for some reason the water was rather cloudy, and in the second, which was about twice as large, it the product did not work, but the water remained clean, I constantly turned it on and off. the fish were varied. when I opened this large aquarium, deciding to change something in it. I found that a turtle lives in it, deciding to wash it under running water, I went to the bathroom and washed it. and she turned and stretched into a snake, when I carried her back she was heavy and bit me several times. but it seemed to me harmless bites, when I opened a large aquarium, in order to put this snake on me, a bunch of tarantulas and snails crawled out on my hands and on my skin. they subsequently ran away. I gave up and saw Aquariums under the large one, they had very large snails and they really wanted to eat, it seemed to me, there was an aquarium nearby with small half-dead snails and I decided to throw one small one to the large ones, they ate it I was terribly scared. another aquarium was with fish turned upside down. I decided to remove them when I lifted the lid and put it on my mother's bed, spiders and snails jumped out again. in the medium tank all the snails were dead. I have never seen this before. I asked my dad to help me, he said that you need to first wash one and put all the living there. then wash everyone else. I decided to feed them all, went for food when I returned, there were even more of them. as if everything had grown in size. and I woke up.


I broke a 20l aquarium. accidentally, unintentionally .. all the fish were small, densely populated and colored, they were practically flattened by the wall-glass of the aquarium .. I tried to save and woke up ..


I dreamed of a full aquarium of water. I looked at the fish from above, there were a lot of them there, they swam, and I thought that a little more and the water would pour out. How to pour food there?


Good afternoon!
i dreamed of a large aquarium, two fish swim in it, one big, the other small, I needed to drain the water, but I didn’t know how.


I have an aquarium with 1 cock. I dreamed that I wake up in the morning, I go to the aquarium, and in addition to my cockerel, there are many small fish there - his offspring, I am very happy and tell my husband about it. This is where the dream ends.


I go into the kitchen, and there is a huge aquarium with clean water, with colored stones, green algae and floating black fish on the entire wall.


In his father's apartment, namely in the hall near the sofa, he builds an aquarium with fish. And with great surprise, I pick up small aquarium fish from the sofa and throw them into the aquarium.


In a dream with my husband, caviar was taken out of the trout, the fish at first tried to spawn it itself, but I didn’t give it to her because it would not be fertilized and I wanted to keep the caviar for myself. Then my godfather on the street in the aquarium had one egg and a fry hatched from it. and lived in my aquarium


In a dream, I remembered that I had not fed the fish in the aquarium (I don’t really have an aquarium), and found that at that moment the big hungry fish ate all the small ones. The fish heads were littered around the aquarium. The big fish had big sharp teeth.


I went to the aquarium, it was half empty of water, at the bottom lay dead fish, two golden cockerels floated on the surface


an old house on the mountain and my family and I live in it, and there are still 20 people past us, somehow I see that my husband is hugging and kissing a girl whom we both know, while I’m sure they had just a couple of minutes ago sex, then I go out into the street I see a truck it is full and under it and around it various products and cans are full ... next to the house there are some buildings (sheds) of residents they are full (someone has trash anyone who has personal belongings and products ) and on one of these sheds there is an aquarium with fish - a large 120 liters, the water is clear, there are a lot of fish, they are not large and not predatory


i saw an aquarium in which there are a lot of small fish and 2 huge ones and it was bursting at the seams, and then it nevertheless cracked and the fish all fell on the floor with water, and I tried to save and find them, it was very dark and I was afraid to step on them, almost I collected everything in a bowl of water and calmed down


I dreamed that I was sleeping and heard the sound of breaking glass and woke up from this. Then in a dream I run to see what happened and I see my son near the aquarium, he says that he accidentally touched the glass and it broke. And I see how water runs out into the hole and fish fall to the floor. Then I woke up in reality and ran to look at the aquarium, everything was fine. Half the day is haunted by a feeling of anxiety.


Hello. I had a dream in which I saw a small aquarium with colorful and beautiful fish and clear water. But it was someone else's aquarium, not mine. It caused concern that the fish would freeze there and that they wanted to eat. I started looking after them trying to connect a thermometer and see the temperature of the water. Everything worked out…


I stayed near a large closet. On each shelf were medium-sized aquariums. All of them were filled to the brim with muddy water, but inside they were only vodras and stones.


Hello Tatyana, I have the same dream for the second time, an aquarium, today I dreamed that I was at home, small in size, I vaguely remember if something was there or not, but I remember how I wanted to change the air for the fish, put it better what would they have ok, and the day about two years ago, I dreamed that I was in the store and I really wanted to have fish, they were bright and colorful, I wanted to buy and didn’t buy anything ... woke up, what are these dreams for? and even today I saw my friend pregnant, she was very happy for her and cried with happiness, and then I saw later, but already allegedly giving birth


Guppy gave birth to a huge number of fish. During childbirth, her stomach tore (burst) and the fry fell. From the number of fry, the aquarium turned gray ((so many of them were born). I began to catch large colored fish and transplant them into another aquarium, and the fish with a torn abdomen swam slowly (but I didn’t see her die). I was very happy with such a number of fry! !!


An aquarium with clear water contains a turtle without a shell but looks more like a small dragon or a reptile sitting in water lilies. Fed and leftover food in a glass rinsed and poured into the aquarium, the water turned blue. He kept the aquarium did not hurt and put it in place.


a large aquarium with fish, the water in it is cloudy, I ask my man to get rid of it, but in response, he climbs into the aquarium with his bare hand and takes out a pregnant fish from there and says that the aquarium should be left


Hello! I had a dream today, our aquarium is not large by 8 liters, it was not completely filled with water, the water in it was cloudy, almost everything was in a gray background, there were practically no fish


I am married, and from Thursday to Friday I had such a dream ...
we have an aquarium, it’s 100 liters in it, there are a lot of all sorts of fish, and there are 6 small neons ... and now I’m dreaming that I went to the aquarium and saw that our neons became much larger and I understand that the fish has bred and called her husband to he got these little fish so that mom can eat her own kids and then I woke up


saw this dream from Thursday to Friday three large aquariums with fish really want a second baby


I dreamed of a round aquarium that stands in our house. Only in addition to the cockerel fish living in it, 4 more goldfish swam there. There was not enough water in the aquarium, so I added it. The fish swam actively, the water was clean and clear.


I dreamed of an aquarium with fish, and in this aquarium a fish gave birth .... The dream was vivid ....


I dreamed about our aquarium. It was noisy, like shells hitting glass. I went to the aquarium, the fish are huge, there are a lot of them, they rush .... I fed them (seemingly), and the walls of the aquarium were very hot. I added cold water and the fish calmed down


i had a dream in which I saw two aquariums with different beautiful fish, one big one small aquarium, the water was clean, the fish are very beautiful


I dreamed that I was planting algae in an aquarium with water at the expense of fish, I don’t remember exactly. The aquarium is big. There are algae there, but I have to plant only three on long stems.


a large aquarium with beautiful fish, I watched them, I wanted to add pebbles to it


Hello! Today I dreamed of a small gray aquarium fish. She swam in a round aquarium in clear water and I just looked at her. What could this dream mean? Thanks in advance.


the son introduced him to his bride and at that moment the thermostat explodes in an aquarium with a small amount of water, some of the fish are alive, and some have died.


i dreamed of a large aquarium, with fish, then some of them simply died, some remained alive, I caught the dead.


I dreamed of a large and small snake crawling out of the aquarium. The snake began to shrink, writhed and gradually decreased as if something was killing her from the inside. And I just watched from the side


I dreamed of fish that looked somewhat like a flounder, of dark shiny tones. the aquarium was medium in size, well lit, with clean clear water and cozy, there were a lot of fish in it, but 3 or 4 fish were lying at the bottom of the aquarium and it looked like they were dying (but still breathing), I caught them and one of them had to be removed from the aquarium, and the rest survived and after a few minutes became as active as all the other fish. I also added clean water to the aquarium and the fish became even more comfortable there, judging by my emotions.


hello! I dreamed that my husband gave me 2 aquariums with fish, with clean water and the same size


the cat ate a goldfish that he got from a small aquarium where several such goldfish swam. I allowed it. but it was not pleasant to look at this eating process, since these are my fish.


I dreamed of a huge aquarium and supposedly I was washing it and I was very worried about the fish that swam in it.


I dreamed of a huge aquarium, supposedly I took it off the wall and start washing it and I’m very worried about the fish that swam in it.


in the white room there is a large aquarium in the shape of the letter p with water and many plants, small fish and many flocks around the plant and I look at all this


The action took place at my house, in a room where there is a large aquarium. I remember that there were several small fish and huge catfish who died not too long ago. In a dream, he was stuck between the film and the wall of the aquarium. When I came up and saw this, I took him in my hands and released him into the water.


I had a dream with dead fish in the aquarium. As if I pour water from an aquarium and dead fish fall out of there. I'm going to change the water


Hello! today I dreamed about how I looked at 2 large aquariums, in one there are a lot of different fish and in the other one goldfish, but without water they changed the water, I stood looking at her and she looked at me ...


I watched the fish in the aquarium, there were a lot of them and they were small, the water is clear


I dreamed that my aquarium fish were jumping out of the aquarium onto the table. and I caught them and threw them back into the aquarium


Good morning! I dreamed about my aquarium, which I have been going to clean since yesterday. For some reason, in a dream, he stood in a bathtub with water, the water was cloudy, the aquarium was small. Some of the fish were in the aquarium, and another part was swimming in the bathroom, so I caught them with my hands and placed them in the aquarium. What scares me is that some of the fish were dead. What can such a dream portend?


I didn’t even dream of an aquarium, but a huge glass container with clean water and beautiful plants inside, and this tank was in the toilet, and the toilet itself was, for some reason, two-room, where the floors and walls were covered with plaster, as in the pioneer camps "convenience in the yard".


Aquarium fish on the floor in clear water swim and someone collects them


The room is full of water and aquarium fish swim in it and it is not known who is trying to collect them in an aquarium, only I don’t see who collects and I don’t see an aquarium


I was driving a car with a package of purchased gupiks near clear water, I noticed that bright and furious fish were lying on the road. I stopped, I thought they were dead, I went up to touch them, but they were alive and let them collect small and large ones to the tuppiks, they stick them away from me, and I catch them in a bag, and there are a lot of them scattered in a bag!


Hello. The dream was that I was transplanting my fish into another aquarium with other fish and one lizard. the fish were different but the aquarium is not big. Further, the picture changed to a flight over the sea.


I dreamed that I was looking at three aquariums in the store, so big, full of orange fish, mostly bright ones. I stand and admire, and dream that I will buy an aquarium home, for a new apartment, but so far I can’t take it, because there is a repair. At the same time, I eat Apple.


Aquarium with 3 octopuses, 1 tailless orion (stinger), 1 BIG fish and a few small ones. And a white snake, almost transparent with yellow stripes, crawled out of the wounds on my leg. I caught it.


Good afternoon. I dreamed that we bought an aquarium with fish for my aunt at home. I advise them not to show people, otherwise the fish will die, hide in a closet. And sit at home and watch. Then a big fish looked at me intently from the closet. I just got married, please interpret the dream.


I dream that I am standing in some square (bazaar) and there is a huge aquarium with very large fish. I could not move away from there, to admire them. And I also thought that I need to buy next time


I dreamed of a new aquarium that we made at work ourselves, a large, new aquarium, with crystal clear water without fish, and next to it is the old one, also with clean, clear water with fish, I stand nearby and look at them and rejoice.


Hello! At first I dreamed that in the aquarium a big fish was trying to swallow another fish. And then the aquarium suddenly turns out to be without water. I don't understand where the water went. I touch around with my hands, but it's dry there. The fish seem to be alive, and my big sucker catfish has paws and legs.


i dreamed that there were a lot of fish in the aquarium, some fell into the feeder, were without water and air; I started rescuing them and then I saw a poppy fish that was pregnant with a very big belly.


i dreamed about an aquarium. There were a lot of fish swimming there. And one fish had Tiri fry. What does this mean?


fed the fish in the aquarium, the fish were golden, but the water became cloudy. someone told me to stop and not feed the fish, but I continued to feed. about water, I answered that this is not my aquarium and I don’t know why they don’t change it


hello! I dreamed about the birth of aquarium fish ...


I dreamed that my husband bought an aquarium with fish, the backlight and design were not blue, but yellow and dark, but the water was not cloudy. The aquarium was not large and not small, medium in size, we put it on the bedside table.


I dreamed of 3 aquariums with gupiks there were algae and clean water, and I fed them. And when I fed them, they jumped out and dived again, and some even bit their finger, they didn’t leave any blood or traces. The dream was bright and had a dream at 1 o’clock in the afternoon today.


I dreamed of a large aquarium in which there were many not very large fish. Approximately 10-15. Then, passing by it, I saw that it was broken, and the fish were beginning to suffocate. I found a container, put the fish in it, and began to carry water into it. Then, when I brought another jug ​​of water, I saw that the aquarium was intact again. And the fish swim there as usual. I still didn’t understand, it seemed to me that he was broken, or not, I even thought in a dream that it all seemed to me. Then she launched two, as it turned out, predatory fish there. They did not touch the others, but tried to bite each other. Please help with interpretation. I am a girl and I am 18 years old


I dreamed that a huge pool of water was falling on someone else’s child, but the woman didn’t break, she ran up to the pool, picked it up and the child crawled out from under the pool


I opened the refrigerator and there was an aquarium in it, small fish swam, but one was more than 15 cm. in the aquarium there was a large mushroom mushroom and something else, and in front of them there were 5 or 6 fish


Hello! I dreamed that there was a large aquarium in the kitchen, the water was crystal clear, fish were swimming, both large and small, both light and dark. I thought they were hungry, probably, and began to think about what to feed, found nothing and began to crumble bread in water, but they didn’t eat. Then it seemed to me that two or three small fish died, but I turned on the backlight for them and they came to life and began to swim. The dream did not leave terrible impressions. I also felt that in a dream I really want to eat.


dreamed of work. I work at a metallurgy plant where there were colleagues. I work in a large camp and there are two large aquariums with fish of different colors on this camp, but there were also golden fish


seg. in a dream I saw a large aquarium with dirty water and live fish. I began to clean it, put the fish in a small one, and climbed into this one and began to wash and clean it, and there were rotten fish at the bottom, but I think that's what they ate and did not die. and so the whole dream.


at first I saw a large orange frog in the aquarium and was surprised that it had not died yet. then she began to peer into it and saw many fish in it. the water is slightly dirty, on the walls of the snail. and I was very worried about the question of how to change the water in this aquarium


Why in a dream from a small cracked aquarium to transplant three fish into a larger aquarium


two aquariums, I look into one I see a beautiful color fish, I think where did the aquariums come from?


I dreamed of 2 aquariums, one with water and fish, it was dirty, I began to wipe it and the glass fell out, but there was still glass under it, I thought in a dream that I should put it in place, and the second aquarium was very dirty and with black mold, but better than the first, I decided to clean it and change it to that one.


Hello… My name is Marina. Here is such a dream. The ex-husband brings me two large aquariums in one fish, but he is smaller, and there are not many fish, but the other is very full, and there are not only fish but also frogs, but he doesn’t seem to put it, but pours it into another aquarium .Thanks.


I looked at beautiful fish, there were two small aquariums. Then I had to list which fish were in the aquariums


i dreamed that I was with my grandparents (I haven’t been with them for a long time) and they have 3 aquariums (they don’t have them) and I wanted these for myself, but the fish are different and sick and small ... knowing that I’m late for the bus, I noticed that they need to change the water and willing to change... [email protected]


I dreamed that I was showing my husband the fish in our aquarium, which were not there before ... The water was clean, our fish and our home aquarium! And the fish are so pretty!

Many people buy aquarium fish, which can be watched endlessly. Why do fish dream in an aquarium? Due to their unusual coloring, they soothe, distract from bad thoughts. Therefore, if you had a dream, an aquarium with fish in which you were definitely present, this may mean your desire to relax a little, get away from everyday problems, and take time for yourself. But this is far from the only interpretation of what aquarium fish dream of. The dream interpretation offers many interpretations depending on the details of the dream.

Why do aquarium fish dream in a dream? As the dream book says, the interpretation depends on the type of fish that you dreamed about.

If you dreamed of fish in an aquarium, after waking up, try to remember the dream as best as possible, do not miss the little things. Many nuances matter for the interpretation of sleep: what kind of fish you saw, whether the water in the aquarium was clean or cloudy, there were a lot of inhabitants in it, or little what exactly you did in a dream. Use our tips so as not to miss any important details for interpretation.

Who saw the dream: girl, woman, man, child

What is the dream of a fish in an aquarium for a young and unmarried girl? Relationships with a loved one are reaching a new level, you will be made a marriage proposal. Pay attention to the color of the fish. If they were dark, therefore, your partner will not be able to fully provide for the family. You may need to take out loans to provide for your children. In the event that the fish dreamed bright or various colors, in family life, you will have to face everyday problems more than once, but everything will end happily.

Why do women dream of fish in an aquarium - in reality, changes in life await her. What they will be is up to you. A hint was given in a dream, try to use it correctly in order to avoid failures and losses. If the water in the aquarium was clean and transparent, pleasant surprises await you in reality. Perhaps soon you will receive a gift that you could not even dream of. If the water was dirty, you should reconsider your outlook on life. Start changing, especially within yourself. Be less ambitious, try to avoid conflict situations.

As the dream book says, an aquarium with fish in a dream for a man means that he is faced with a choice. He has an attractive appearance, thereby being popular with the opposite sex. Fleeting novels are not excluded, which quickly begin and also end quickly. But lately, a woman who was able to reach right to the heart has not gone out of your head. One thing is upsetting, she has a family and children.

How to be in that case? First of all, listen to your inner voice, do not make mistakes. Maybe it's just not your person? Soon there will be a meeting that will turn your perception of reality upside down, you just need to wait a bit. As the saying goes: "Who knows how to wait, he gets the best." Don't forget about it.

Varieties of aquarium fish

A dream involving decorative catfish symbolizes disappointment in the inner circle. There are people around you who are trying to ingratiate themselves with you. Once again, you should not open your soul, do not talk about plans for the future, otherwise they will not come true. So-called "friends" rejoice at your failures, although they say something completely different in your eyes. At any opportunity, they will immediately “stick” a knife in your back if there will be a benefit from this. It is better to spend more time with your family, arrange joint movie viewings, romantic dinners, field trips.

If in a dream a person watches guppies, in real life changes await him. Pay attention to the color of the fish. If they were dark, fate has not prepared for you very well. good gift. Disagreements in the family are possible. It is worth learning to compromise, to look for a way out of a problem situation together, without shifting responsibility on each other. Change your character, because sometimes you are simply uncontrollable. If you do not start to change, you can remain completely alone. Look at yourself from the other side, are you doing everything right in life?

Gouramis seen in a dream are a symbol of the fact that from birth a person is endowed with certain abilities. You have a gift for foreseeing and foreseeing failures and problems. True, others do not take you seriously, they often make fun of you. Do not pay attention to it, one day they will understand that your words matter.

Many aquarium neons in clear water predict joy and happiness.

Neon fish are very beautiful. Well, if they swam in the clearest water, in this case you can succeed in any endeavor, you just have to make a little effort for this. Relations with colleagues are even, they respect you, listen to your opinion, and often seek advice.

A bad sign, if beautiful fish were in very dirty water, not very good news awaits you. Perhaps you will learn about the deception that has been so carefully hidden from you for a long time. You should not make hasty decisions, you need to analyze everything, only then draw the appropriate conclusions.

If in a dream a person saw barbs, such a dream does not have a very good meaning. There are many envious people around you who are waiting for the right moment to hurt you. You should not once again talk about your plans for the future, otherwise, most likely, you will not succeed. It is worth giving more time to your loved one, you gradually move away from each other. Watch an exciting movie together, plan a vacation trip together, take a walk in the park or go to nature.

Why dream of a goldfish in an aquarium? She is associated with something mysterious and beautiful, because in fairy tales she can fulfill wishes. After waking up, try to remember what emotions you experienced in a dream. If you feel calm and satisfied, you can cope with any troubles. You can easily achieve success in any endeavor without much effort. The only thing you need to be careful about others. Do not let people close to you, do not open your soul to them, do not share your thoughts for the future. Otherwise, sooner or later you will have to experience disappointment.

Was the fish seen large or small

  • I dreamed of large aquarium fish - troubles and problems await you. Relations with colleagues are often tense, you are treated with distrust and hostility. It is worth once again to remain silent so as not to escalate the situation or step aside. Do not show your emotions, treat others calmly, do not react to provocations.
  • If there were several large fish in the aquarium, the environment around you is not very good. They try to put pressure on you, thereby lowering your self-esteem. Avoid communicating with such people, then life will become easier and more interesting.
  • Did a woman dream about a lot of small fish in an aquarium? Very soon, positive changes await her. With a loved one, relationships are reaching a new level, soon you will have a marriage proposal.
  • Read also: ?

What actions did you perform in the dream?

If in a dream you feed the fish, in reality you are able to cope with problems on your own, without the help of others. You can improve your financial situation. Management sees you as a promising employee, often gives you responsible work.

Do you transplant fish in a dream to another place? In real life, something is bothering you. Often, anxiety is unfounded, fear appears nowhere. Do not take trouble to heart, otherwise health problems will arise. Try to give up bad habits eat right and exercise.

If you change the water in the aquarium, in reality your life will soon change for the better. Perhaps you will be offered to go on a long business trip. There you will meet, thanks to which you will look at the surrounding reality with different eyes. Do not miss your chance, otherwise you will regret the rest of your life.

See dead fish inside the aquarium

If in a dream a fish tries to jump out of an aquarium, in reality everything does not work out the way you want. Relations with family and friends are disrespectful, colleagues do not listen to your opinion. You would like to change the environment, but do not know how to do it.

Why dream of a dead fish in an aquarium or on the floor next to it - in this case, you should avoid conflict situations with others, otherwise you can lose everything at once. Do not look for the truth in the workplace, once again keep silent or step aside. You don't need to prove anything to anyone, otherwise you can lose your job.

Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

As you can see, the question of why aquarium fish dream in an aquarium cannot be answered unambiguously. On the one hand, live fish in clean water is a positive symbol that promises you a change for the better in the near future. But on the other hand, the very image of an aquarium in a dream indicates restrictions and lack of freedom, especially if the aquarium was small and the fish in it was large, or muddy water was poured inside.

According to Miller's dream book, an aquarium with fish is a sign of success in your business.

Miller's dream book - you will succeed

According to this dream book, fish in an aquarium means that you can succeed, you just need to make a little effort for this. In the near future you will be able to improve your financial situation. Why do women dream of fish in an aquarium - it's time to think about having a baby.

Wangi's dream interpretation - you are valued and respected

As this dream book says, aquarium fish in clear water means that in real life everything is going very well for you. In society, you are treated with respect, listen to your opinion, often seek advice.

Freud's dream book - you feel lonely

Seeing an aquarium with fish in a dream is more often for lonely people with low self-esteem. Perhaps indecision often prevents you from taking the first steps, meeting interesting people. Look at yourself from the other side, start spending more time with friends and expand your social circle: go to parties, get acquainted with representatives of your own and the opposite sex.

Modern dream book - you will receive a gift

As this dream book says, an aquarium with fish for a woman and a man - good dream which symbolizes positive changes in life. You are able to overcome any difficulties. Probably, soon a person will receive an unexpected gift that he could not even dream of.


If you had a dream with aquarium fish, after waking up, try to remember it as best as possible, do not miss the details. Thus, it will be easy to find the answer to the question of interest. Do not miss the little things, because it was there that the hint was given. Not always such dreams can positively affect a person. It all depends on the circumstances and emotions that he experienced during the dream. But in general, seeing aquarium fish in a dream is a good sign.

Video "What is the dream of the Fish"

Dream interpretation of fish in an aquarium

Every person to some extent is a predictor of his own destiny. Of course, not many can look into the future by an effort of will. But at night we can see predictions in a dream. The main thing is to be able to correctly unravel the message higher powers to understand why we dream of symbols.

For example, why do fish dream? It is worth studying the dream book, and then, armed with knowledge, draw up a correct and complete picture of sleep.

Dream interpretation

Fortunately, at the moment there are several dozen dream books, many of which have a good reputation. It is to them that you should turn in the first place.

Miller's dream book

If you dreamed of fish in an aquarium

An aquarium filled with fish promises change. They will be especially noticeable if in a dream you change the water in it.

She dreams that the cat is trying to get and eat a fish - the dream book indicates that in the future be careful, naivety can turn against you.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

Freud, as a true psychologist, that is, a doctor, first of all associates a dream about an aquarium with possible enuresis in a sleeping person. Such dreams show that it is time to consult a specialist.

If you are absolutely healthy, then the interpretation of sleep may be as follows, you are a real family man, for whom home and relatives come first in the priority table.

The aquarium is filled with fry - the desire to have children, and most likely several.

Big fish - the desire to change partners. For an imminent divorce, that's what such a dream is about for people who are married.

When interpreting sleep, Freud paid special attention to women. If a woman has such a dream, it reflects her sexuality. The more fish in the tank, the higher the female libido. Accordingly, an empty aquarium is interpreted not in favor of the sleeping one. It can also mean that she is infertile.

Family dream book

It is a dream that you are cleaning the aquarium - big changes in life, a change of job, place of residence, partner, field of activity.

A dirty vessel with fish for a woman promises trouble in the family; you will not reach mutual understanding with your husband.

The family dream book also emphasizes women's dreams. If an aquarium with clean and clear water, healthy fish - a favorable dream. The sleeping woman will receive a loving husband, many children and a “full cup” house.

Dream Interpretation Longo

If you fed the fish

In this source, the entire emphasis is on the manipulations that you do with an aquarium in a dream:

  • change the water, or feed the fish - good change;
  • break an aquarium - there is gossip about you;
  • someone praises your fish - in reality you will meet this person. Communication with him will be extremely unpleasant, and you will not be able to restore your peace of mind for a long time.

Detailed interpretation

Seeing a fish in a dream is a rather extensive topic. Such a dream can have dozens of interpretations. Therefore, the dream book tried to break this dream into groups.

Gender of the sleeping person

The fact is that the same dream for men and for women will be radically different. In addition, the status of a person is important, whether he is married, whether he has children, what age he is.

Dreams of a female

To receive a vessel with fish as a gift is a positive dream. But to give it yourself - to the troubles that will come from a loved one, most likely a spouse.

A cat catching its prey from an aquarium is a turmoil for you and your loved ones.

Seeing a lot of exotic fish in a dream - you will be happy, the more of them, the more joy.

In a dream, you do something for your pets, change the water, rearrange the decor - a mirror image of reality. In everyday life, you behave the same way, constantly climbing into someone's life. Stop doing this, otherwise you will turn everyone against you.

Girlish dreams

For an early marriage

Many dream books define dreams filled with fish as an early engagement or wedding. But such a prediction works only if the girl is already an adult and she has a serious relationship with a young man.

“The fish itself is always change, it is also responsible for our emotional sphere. Therefore, after such a dream, you will definitely change internally, under the influence of some event.

What is the dream in which the girl feeds the fish? To happy marriage, soon replenishment in the family. But, if the water is muddy and dirty, then you will not meet your spouse soon.

To break a container with waterfowl - turmoil with the boss - a man at work.

Buying a small fish tank - change your job, and possibly your priority goals in life.

Why do fish dream of the male half of humanity

If for girls to see waterfowl in a dream for good, happiness, marriage, pregnancy. That guys will not be happy with such a dream. It means the collapse of plans, the unfulfillment of hopes.

A live big fish promises a man financial stability. That's what small fish act for - to a lot of small troubles, which, however, will not do much harm.

Your actions

If you wanted to catch

You can find out what the events in a dream will lead to only when you remember all your actions.

  • Swim with the fish - you will incur material losses. Take care of your finances.
  • Buying an aquarium - you will make unnecessary purchases.
  • Watching another person make a purchase - in reality, he will make rash spending.
  • Kill fish - your reputation will suffer, you will lose your job, you will be left without support.
  • Catching fish - your body is weakened, there is a danger of catching an infectious disease. Try not to put yourself in danger in the near future.
  • Holding an aquarium pet in your hands is a pleasant chore.
  • To clean - troubles, troubles.
  • To break and see how the fish blur - a quick enrichment.

Aquarium condition

Before puzzling over what your dream is about, it is worth recalling the state of the vessel itself and the water in it.

For example, an empty tank may dream of deception, you should keep your ears sharp.

Dirty musty water with dead fish is a very negative sign. Trouble will enter your home.

In general, the seers considered this: pure, clear water- good changes, muddy and musty - life will change for the worse.

gold fish

The fish world has hundreds of species. All of them are of different colors and sizes, sometimes the fish is even golden. It is the goldfish that brings people luck in all fairy tales. I dreamed of a big gold one - you got a ticket to a fairy tale.

Dreaming of a big goldfish - better sleep impossible to imagine. The appearance of such a symbol in a dream promises a real fairy tale in reality. All your desires will be fulfilled by magic, but on one condition, they must be within the law and not harm anyone.

A big golden fish is dreaming of being in your hands - the wish will come true literally tomorrow.

If the fish dreamed of being golden, and at the same time it swims around the aquarium, make a profit.


Sometimes we dream of fish jumping out of the aquarium. Such a dream promises change. If the water was clean - for the better. Muddy - for the worse.

But it is worth remembering, no matter what kind of fish you dream about, big or small, simple or golden, basically such a dream is positive. The two main points are the purity of the water and whether it is alive or dead. But even with the most negative prediction, it is in your power to take action and cope with all difficulties.
