Signs and conspiracies for apple saved. Signs and conspiracies for the Apple Savior (Transfiguration of the Lord). Everything for a change for the better

On August 19, 2020, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, which is popularly called Apple Spas. On this day, solemn services are held in churches and the fruits of the new harvest, including apples, are illuminated.

In Russia, there have long been many signs and beliefs about the Apple Savior, as well as rituals and customs associated with this holiday. Many of them are still followed.

In particular, there have been many prescriptions regarding what is possible and what is not allowed at Apple Spas. We will talk about how this day was celebrated in the old days and about the beliefs related to Apple Spas.

What is allowed at Apple Spas? From this day on, you can eat apples of a new crop, which until that time were not accepted to be consumed. It was believed that a woman who ate an apple in the summer before the Apple Savior takes on the ancient sin of Eve.

On this day, it is customary to leave offerings in the church, treat friends and acquaintances with apples, give gifts to the poor (it was not for nothing that they said: “A beggar will eat an apple on Apple Spas”).

The consecrated fruits were also carried to the cemetery and even left on abandoned graves.

Signs and beliefs on Apple Spas

Let's talk about the signs that are associated with Apple Spas. People believed that on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, apples acquired miraculous power.

If you eat an apple on this day, making a cherished wish, then it will certainly come true. The girls made wishes on the suitors, saying: “What is made up is contrived, what is contrived will come true, what will come true will not pass!”

At sunset, the peasants sang songs, danced round dances, seeing off the summer: it was believed that after this day it ends. It was believed that what would be the Apple Savior, such would be the Pokrov day.

Rain on Spas foreshadowed a rainy autumn, and dry weather - dry. The weather on Spas also judged the next January. The rainy Savior foreshadowed a snowy January, dry weather - a frosty and snowless first month of the year.

From Apple Spas the nights became cold. The people said: “The Savior has come - take mittens in reserve”, “The Second Spas has in store for a fur coat.”

What is forbidden to do on Apple Spas?

This day falls during the Dormition Fast, so believers need to observe certain dietary restrictions and refrain from entertainment.

Traditionally, meat, dairy products, and eggs should not be eaten during fasting. On the day of the holiday, believers are allowed to include fish, vegetable oil and wine in their diet.

During the fasting period, one should refuse to watch entertainment TV shows, visit theaters and cinema.

In the earthly life of a person, joining and bringing closer to God. There are few who do not go through this: we are baptized in childhood, or an adult independently and consciously comes to Christ.

Baptism of a child in Lent

Orthodox life half consists of fasts: multi-day, one-day.

Is it possible to baptize a child during fasting - a frequently asked question.

Baptism is one of the seven sacraments that takes place on any day of the year. Veliky, Rozhdestvensky, Petrov and Assumption fasts are no exception. The error arose, rather, because of the Wedding, which is not performed these days, but they applied this law to Baptism. In reality, things are different.

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Tip: it is more common to baptize infants and adults on Saturday, Sunday, but choose another day if desired. Therefore, fasting is not a hindrance for Christening.

Baptism of a child in a church

Features of Baptism in the Great and Assumption fasts

Great, Dormition fasts are considered strict, when a person prays especially hard, takes care of the purity of his soul and avoids entertainment events.

As for bodily abstinence, even fish is allowed to be eaten only on holidays:

On Lazarus Saturday, eating fish caviar is allowed.

And since many events in a person’s life are accompanied by festive feasts, the Church does not forbid on strict days to set the table only with fasting dishes. Yes, and fun will be inappropriate.

Important: but this is not a ban on the sacrament, but the point is how the parents themselves are set up and ready for the ceremony. If after Baptism it is planned to invite relatives and friends to a feast, it is better to choose a day that does not fall on the days of repentance. Otherwise, it would be prudent to refrain from a bright celebration of this event.

In addition, for forty days before Easter and two weeks before the feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos, services of special content and length of time are celebrated. Therefore, it is advisable to coordinate with the priest the possibility of holding a Baptism.

Sacrament of Baptism

Godparents: who are they

Often there are disputes between Baptism in infancy and adult conscious life.

The task of the parents of the baby is to help develop not only physically, but also spiritually.

The soul of a baby is pure and sinless; in order to protect it, prayer is needed, a conversation with God. Only after Christening can you pray for a person, submit notes about health.

Therefore, parents at an early age introduce the child to church life. And godparents join in to help - people who are responsible for the formation and development of the soul of the godson.

These are the second most important close people, after their own parents, and in spiritual matters they can be more significant than moms and dads.

More often, they take girlfriends and friends who are far from the Orthodox faith and the church as godparents. Many do not attend the church, do not know how to pray, do not go to confession, do not take communion, they cross the threshold of the church only on major holidays - Easter, Christmas.

Unfortunately, often an Orthodox Christian or his parents after the Sacrament of Baptism put an end to it.

Baptized, thank God! The necessary minimum has been done. The obligation to the Lord and the soul of the child was fulfilled. Then only the earthly: education, health, study, work, army, marriage. Well, you can also go to the church twice a year: on Easter to dedicate Easter cakes, meat and eggs, and on the Baptism of the Lord - to collect holy water. The one who has stronger faith (if, of course, there is time!) On Palm Sunday, he will dedicate willow, honey Savior honey and apple Savior apples and grapes. Well, that's definitely enough for now.

All. Enough.

In the mind of such a person, Orthodoxy is just a good old grandmother's tradition. No more. And the whole mysterious saving life of the Church passes by and is completely unnoticed by him.

But you need to understand that the Sacrament of Baptism is not the end, but the BEGINNING. This is the door to the vast and deepest world of the Church - the world of Orthodoxy. I was baptized, and I stood on the first step of the ladder to heaven. Christ Himself took my hand, and instead of tearing it out of His paternal hand and leaving again as if nothing had happened into the world with its haste, emptiness and passions, the grace of the Holy Spirit, received in the baptismal font, calls me up - to the Kingdom of Heaven step by step, step by step, second by second. Everything is up and up, not down and down.

The Sacrament of Baptism is not only a great grace, but also a colossal responsibility. I received a gift in Baptism and Confirmation, I was grafted into the vine of Christ, united through Him with God the Father and received the grace-filled gifts of the Holy Spirit for a firm and determined life in Christianity. I am a new creature, not an old man, but a renewed earthly angel, a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. All sins have been washed away from me, it happened to me here - in the baptismal font - the miracle of my personal resurrection. There was a birth of a new god-like being - a son or daughter of God - a god with a small letter. This is what the Sacrament of Baptism is.

But instead of trembling with reverent and sacred horror before the immeasurable depth of the Sacrament, I perceive it as a pure formality - like a stamp in my passport and go on living and sinning further ...

This, my dear brothers and sisters, is the same as putting a holy icon in the mud and trampling it underfoot. After all, what is the Sacrament of Baptism if not the image of God in the heart and soul of a person?! And the one who does not cleanse, does not embellish it, does not put it on the throne of his inner heart altar - commits a terrible blasphemous sin.

Because the Lord gave me an enormous gift, and it will be demanded from me and asked: “HOW and FOR WHAT did I use this gift?”

Now, from the point of view of divine church economy (indulgence), we receive the great gift of the Sacrament of Baptism just like that. But it was not always so. Once upon a time, many Orthodox people died for him, and in order to become a Christian, one had to go through an art-proclamation in order to enter the water in full consciousness of the shrine of Baptism and come out of it as a NEW person.

The same can be said about the recipients (popularly "godfathers"). You take responsibility for the soul of the child. From now on and forever you will be connected with him by parental bonds - a spiritual invisible connection. Before the Holy See, you take an oath that you will raise your child in the Orthodox faith. Figuratively speaking, you and your child are like climbers walking in a bundle along the mountain of life. A baby will grow up, become a bad person, and after death it will break off, fly down - to hell, it is quite possible that you will go after him. Because that is your omission. Or, on the contrary, he will become a good Orthodox Christian and after death he will go to heaven, perhaps you will go after him, because this is your merit.

Excuses like "I'm already old and live in Ukraine, and my godson is sixty, and, according to rumors, he is in Australia" are not accepted. You swore an oath to God for him. As a spiritual parent, you should at least pray for him.

Therefore, parents, both biological and spiritual, should not think after the Sacrament of Baptism: “Fuuuuuuh! It's finally over, now to the table and home." But you have to think: “What next? How to live now? How to stir up the gift received in Baptism?”

The answer is simple. More often to enter under the high vaults of the temple. And live the church life. And then the Lord will tell.

A mother with a child needs to come to the temple after Baptism and conduct a churching ceremony. Parents themselves should learn the main prayers "Our Father" and "Symbol of Faith", teach these prayers to the child. Give him an icon of his heavenly patron. Of course, you should pray for the child. It must be remembered that the main shrine of Orthodoxy is the Body and Blood of Christ. And, according to the Savior, “unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you will not have life in you” (John 6:53). An adult person needs to prepare for a long time in order to take communion, and a baptized baby can simply be brought under the Chalice so that he perceives the greatest shrine of the Eucharist. It is very important. The Body and Blood of Christ, taken by the child, will purify and enlighten him in every possible way, giving him spiritual and bodily health. Of course, after this, you need to read thanksgiving prayers for Holy Communion.

And in general, one should strive to visit the temple every Sunday with the child, so that the church becomes for him not a frightening unusual place, but a home. And so gradually, step by step, ascend from measure to measure, discovering the amazing and deep world of Orthodoxy. Indeed, in essence, the Sacrament of Baptism is only the beginning of the journey. A long shining road awaits you further. Stepping on it, we will receive such gifts of the Holy Spirit, before which all the treasures of the world will fade.

The main thing is that we ourselves do not pass by it ...

Number of entries: 16441

Hello, is it possible for an unbaptized person to wear a cross not as an ornament, but as a sign that I believe in God, but I don’t dare to be baptized, I think it’s too late.


It's never too late to be baptized. If you believe, prove it in practice, because Baptism is an oath of allegiance to God.

Deacon Ilya Kokin

Hello! Can a child be baptized by a pregnant godmother?


Yes, you can, there are no restrictions on this.

Deacon Ilya Kokin

Hello. Please answer my questions. If a person tells me to steal something, and I listen to him, what if I'm a little afraid of him? In our family, they do not read a prayer before a meal and a prayer after a meal. I am embarrassed to read (say) prayers. I say them to myself or very quietly. What should I do if I'm shy? If a person takes a thing without asking and returns it, but the owner of this thing does not know anything about it, then what is it called? This is probably not theft, or not? Thank you.


You can read prayers to yourself, it's okay. But it is impossible to take someone else's without asking, even for a while, this is theft. We should not be afraid to refuse a person what is a sin, because if we commit minor sins at the request of someone else, then after a while we will be required to commit a serious sin. What to do then?

Deacon Ilya Kokin

Hello! Please tell me: is it true that the parents of deceased children cannot eat apples during the whole year until the Transfiguration (Apple Savior)? Is it only about small children, or about children of any age relative to their parents? Or is it all superstition? It’s just that my grandmother always said: “I don’t eat apples, otherwise they won’t give Kolenka (her dead little son) apples in the next world on a holiday.” Thanks


Good evening. My sister and I have girls. We want to baptize children on the same day. She will baptize my girl, and I will baptize her. Is it possible to do so?


Yes, it can be done.

Deacon Ilya Kokin

Hello, I have seen several times how they put a candle with the wick down in the church, and they leave it that way. I understand, well, suddenly the person made a mistake, but no, it was done on purpose. What does it mean?


If this was done maliciously, then perhaps this is a naive attempt to “damage” a person in this way. If this is so, then such an act only testifies to the stupidity of a person - God does not help in bad deeds.

Deacon Ilya Kokin

My husband committed suicide on August 4, it’s hard, tears are choking, we have two children left, one is 2.5 years old, it’s a pity that Vadim will not see him grow up. In our church, they allowed me to put a candle on the memorial table, but the other priest scolded me, said, it’s impossible. How to alleviate the fate of her husband there and calm down herself, the soul is torn from grief.


Hello, Natalia. God help you. First of all, believe for two. You can remember the unfortunate with such a prayer: “Seek, Lord, the lost soul of Your servant (name): if it is possible to eat, have mercy. Your destinies are unsearchable. Do not put me in sin with this prayer of mine, but may Thy holy will be done. Candles can be lit, and alms can be given. Only church commemoration is not allowed, for public worship.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Good afternoon. Can Jehovah's Witnesses study their book Draw Close to Jehovah? I am Orthodox. I take communion.


Hello. Basil. In no case. This will be the crime of the Jews. In general, stay away from Jehovists. This is a totalitarian sect, mangled personality. Study the Gospel according to the interpretations of Theophylact of Bulgaria.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov



Hello Nikolay. Saint Seraphim was a very strong man in his youth. He saw that the ordinary monastic labors left most of these forces in idleness. And idleness is a source of temptations, especially for a monk who has chosen a solitary lifestyle. Numerous demonic temptations inevitably begin to appear to such a monk. So he took on a lot of work. He wore chains, worked hard physically, and performed the Jesus Prayer, kneeling on a stone. We will not repeat this. Don't even try.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Hello, father! I really need your advice. My name is Victoria, I am 17 years old. Recently I have been hit by a lot of diseases, I need jaw surgery due to malocclusion, I got constant pain under my jaw due to nerves, then I had two operations to remove a fingernail, then I found out that I was not all right with stomach, neck, head, breathing, I was diagnosed with flat feet and scoliosis, vision problems. I'm going to see a psychiatrist, I've had suicidal thoughts... I just want to ask: why were these tests sent to me? Maybe I'm doing something wrong, I'm sinning a lot? Can you please help me figure out what needs to be changed?


Hello Victoria. Sorrows can come from three different sources. The first source, the most important, is our nature. Not the nature that surrounds us, with its environmental problems, but our own, human nature. Diseases are part of it. This is a consequence of the fall of Adam and Eve. We receive the capacity for sorrows, subjection to diseases and inevitable mortality from them through the law of natural birth. Nature cannot be changed, but we expect a "new heaven and a new earth" after the second glorious Coming of Christ, and a general resurrection. However, there are means, legal and charitable ones at that, to lighten the burden of this heritage. This is life according to the Commandments of Christ, life according to the Gospel. The gospel should not just be read, but should be tried to live by it. The second source of sorrows is God's Providence. The Lord allows those whom He loves to endure sorrows and attack, so that they can grow spiritually. For this, even before sorrows, He gives the necessary grace-filled strength to bear them. Such sorrows never lead to despair, because the grace of God overcomes exhaustion. The third source of sorrows and temptations is the devil. He multiplies sorrows for one purpose: to despond, petrify, and despair. In such states, a person forgets that there is a God, that not a single hair will fall from the head without His will. He stops praying, he stops forcing himself to live according to the Commandments. Tormented. Falls into blasphemy and blasphemy. And the devil needs this, he rejoices at it. But if a person in sorrow continues to force himself to pray, to read the Gospel, to fast, to Communion, to Repentance, and, no matter how the sorrow intensifies, thanks God for everything - the devil cannot bear this. And he never does anything that brings a person closer to God. When he sees that the troubles he causes to a person do not turn him away from God, but, on the contrary, contribute to the strengthening of his prayers, the multiplication of thanksgiving, he immediately stops tormenting the person and retreats from him. Follow this path as far as you can. Leave the rest to the Lord God.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Hello! I have such a situation in my family: my parents do not allow me to fast. Sometimes I start fasting so that they do not notice it, but when they notice, they take offense at me, sometimes it comes to small and short quarrels. They explain their ban by the fact that I have a weak growing body (I am 17 years old), that I am very thin, and therefore I must eat well. Perhaps they remember my fainting two years ago. Now there are no fainting spells, only sometimes it becomes uncomfortable. I personally explain my half-fainting state by the fact that I also rarely go to church and, therefore, rarely confess and take communion (here, too, I often argue with my parents). The hospital says that his health is in order and there are no major deviations. How to convince parents? After all, I go to church very rarely, and if I stop fasting, then I just don’t know what will happen to me! Thanks in advance for your reply!


Hello Anastasia. There is no need to conflict with parents, this will only cause more frustration. Give in little, gain in more. Well, they insist on eating modest foods, eat, but not to satiety. Give up what you love. For example, don't put sugar in your tea. In a word, something that you will certainly feel, but it will not be evident, will not irritate your parents. The main thing in fasting is the principle of abstinence, moderation in everything. Of course, the composition of food plays a big role, but if there is no freedom of choice, there is no sin in that you eat what you are obliged to eat. When you can fully provide for yourself, and cook your own food, you will be able to fast, even, if you want, according to the monastery charter. Practice moderation in everything. Even from spring water you can die if you drink a whole bucket. Refrain from entertainment in the post. From empty talk, on the contrary, immerse yourself in the reading of the Gospel and the Holy Fathers. Read the Soulful Teachings by Abba Dorotheus in two weeks. Seeing your complaisance, parents will not object to attending Sunday services. And in general, prepare for confession and communion secretly. Help Angel.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Hello. Tell me, please, how to be. My young man wants to live in a civil marriage, but I do not. I'm looking for ways to convince him.


Olga, on the site in the heading "My fortress" there is an article "Labyrinths of civil marriage." Your young man simply does not want to be responsible for his actions, to take responsibility for your life and your honor.

Archpriest Maxim Khyzhiy

Hello. My husband and I are unable to conceive children. We really want this family happiness. Tell me, please, what icon to buy and what prayer to read about the petition of the children? Many thanks in advance for your time.


Ira, you are still very young, it happens. Pray to the Mother of God. But I strongly advise you to consult good doctors. They are also sent by God.

Archpriest Maxim Khyzhiy

Father, bless. How does the church view kissing and hugging before marriage? Is it a sin? After all, it is difficult to maintain a relationship with a young man only on one communication. Explain, please, what is lust and lust? This question has bothered me for a long time. Help me figure it out, God bless.


You can kiss only the bride - a girl (woman), with whom everything has already been decided. The one who loves must nevertheless spare his love, and not force it to make hasty decisions. So you ask: "What is lust and lust?". The answer can be short: "Lust is when there can be another woman in your place." When there is only one interest in you - sexual, as a person you are simply not interesting for a young man.

Archpriest Maxim Khyzhiy

Hello. My husband left me for the second time, we have three children. The first time he changed, he also hesitated for a long time, and left. Then he asked for forgiveness, got together, gave birth to a third. It torments me, did I do the right thing, is there no sin on me? The marriage is married, but the husband is not particularly churched.


Olga, you had the right to divorce after your husband's infidelity. Now you have a not very clear situation: if he left to cohabit with someone, you can file for divorce yourself. But, as I understand it, something was wrong between you and your husband. It is no coincidence that the topic of intimate relationships has entered the agenda. An important topic, by the way. Many who dismissed this with the words “the main thing is spiritual unity” paid dearly for hasty frivolity. By themselves, marital relations will not save the family, but they are a continuation of normal love, mutual feelings and sympathy of the spouses. You need to think hard about when and why alienation began in the family.

Archpriest Maxim Khyzhiy

Good health to you, fathers! Thanks for the previous reply. I am interested in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church. Question: while studying the material, I came across a trend of "renovationism" at the beginning of the 20th century. There is a lot of material, but I am interested in what is their difference from the ROC, what they wanted, and the opinion of the ROC about this movement.

Onuchin Pavel Valentinovich

Dear Pavel Valentinovich, Your question is the subject of a lecture. Therefore, I will confine myself to a recommendation to read the works of one of the best historians of the Church, Sergei Lvovich Firsov, on this subject. They are on the web. Also note Prot. George Mitrofanov.

Archpriest Maxim Khyzhiy

Mom died, the brother insists up to 40 days to carry out the ceremony of consecration of the apartment in which she lived. The father continues to live in this apartment, his mother does not bother him. Why do you need apartment lighting in principle, and especially up to 40 days, as the brother insists? brother lives separately.


Irina, the consecration of the dwelling after forty days of mourning is a tribute to tradition. In general, when we sanctify our dwelling, we ask God's blessing for this house, since a Christian must, in all situations of his life, resort primarily to God, hope for His help and blessing.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello dear fathers. I was baptized, I was baptized quite young, I don’t even remember my godmother, I lived in different countries, my godfather had already died. It so happened that I don’t have a cross, because I was baptized in early childhood, I don’t know where my cross, in which I was directly baptized, went. Mom also can not answer this question. For some time she wore a cross from the Matrona set, but it was wooden, all blackened. Soon I myself am going to baptize my niece, the question is: can I go to church and buy myself a cross, do I need to go to the priest? Thank you.


Marina, you can buy a cross yourself. If you do this in a church shop, and not in a jewelry store, then you don’t need to go to the priest for consecration. Just put it on and wear it.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Good afternoon. The daughter is getting married. I want to bless the young. I buy two icons in a bookstore at the church, do I need to go to the priest, ask for blessings? How does this procedure take place at home, what words should I, the mother of the bride, pronounce? I'm very worried, please advise.


Tatyana, the church blessing of marriage is performed in the sacrament of the wedding. And the parents bless the young at home with cross-shaped icons with the words “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". The bride and groom kiss the icons, after which you can give them your parental instructions.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello. We continue to get acquainted with the summer Orthodox holidays. Apple Savior is the second holiday in the month of August.

Consecration of the fruits of the new harvest

August is rich not only in harvest, but also in Orthodox holidays. First, on August 14, all believers celebrated Honey Spas. It is followed by Apple Spas. What date is this holiday celebrated? Every year, as well as in 2017 - August 19, the date never changes.

On this day, believers bring honey, apples of a new harvest to the temple for consecration. During this period of August, there is the Assumption Fast, which will last until August 28.

From the history of the holiday

The history of the holiday goes back to the 4th century. According to legend, the Savior with three disciples: John, James and Peter climbed Mount Tabor to begin their prayer. It was here that Jesus Christ learned that he must sacrifice himself for the salvation of people, here a very bright divine light fell on him, indicating his destiny. Therefore, the holiday is called the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Jesus forbade his disciples to talk about what they saw, and ordered all people to collect fruits for consecration in the temple. This event took place 40 days before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on the cross.

What is the essence of the holiday? In the understanding that Jesus Christ united the divine and the human. It was on this day that the Son of God revealed to his disciples the real essence of his divine origin, that he is not an ordinary philosopher, but that he brings people a new faith. The disciples saw with their own eyes how their Teacher was transformed, showing a divine face and white clothes shining with a wonderful light. All the people around Jesus understood the true meaning of his mission on Earth.

What does the Apple Savior mean for the people? It also marks the end of summer work and the beginning of even more diligent harvesting work.

Prohibition for women

Women are forbidden to eat apples until the very holiday, especially those whose children died in infancy, had miscarriages or abortions. Why can't you eat apples before the Apple Savior? This is explained by the fact that little children, sitting in the sky, will see their mothers and cry sadly. If a woman did not eat apples, then the Mother of God will give the child an apple of paradise for happiness and good luck. There is not a word about this in Scripture, but the belief lives on to this day.

Many people ask the question: is it possible to baptize on the Apple Savior? Yes, you can!

Apple Spas - the end of summer

Signs that come true.

  1. When eating the first apple on Spas, when biting off the last piece, do not forget to make a wish. They say everything comes true before the first snow!
  2. What will this day be, such will be the Veil (October 14) and the whole of January 2018.
  3. If there is no rain, then the autumn will be dry; if it rains, then wait for a rainy autumn.
  4. If it is clear on this day, then the winter will be severe.

The traditions of the Savior also come to life - to treat everyone with apples and honey. Previously, during the mass festivities, everyone who had an apple orchard put carts with a new crop on the street to distribute them to passers-by. Those who didn't were considered greedy, dishonest people.

On this day, fairs and festivities were held, it was noisy and fun, people went to visit a friend. Tables were full of food. Fun games were organized for the children. Today, Spassky games are also held in kindergartens.

Holiday Recipes

  • Take apples of the same size.
  • Cut off the "lid", remove the seeds and core.
  • Blend cottage cheese, powdered sugar, a little starch, vanilla, yolk with a blender.
  • Fill the apples with this mass.
  • Put in the oven for 30 minutes.

caramel pancakes


  • 6 apples.
  • 120 gr. flour.
  • 250 ml milk.
  • 125 ml. water.
  • 150 gr. Sahara.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 1 lemon.
  • ½ tsp cinnamon.
  • 2 tbsp butter.
  • 250 ml sour cream.
  • 3 tbsp powdered sugar.
  • salt.


  • In a bowl, put flour, milk, water, eggs, 50 gr. sugar, salt. Whip everything up.
  • Bake pancakes.
  • For the filling, cut the peeled apples into cubes, add cinnamon, zest and lemon juice, 30 gr. Sahara.
  • Melt the butter in a frying pan, add 70 gr. sugar, stirring constantly, prepare the caramel.
  • When sugar becomes caramel color, remove from heat, add apples, put on fire.
  • Stir until apples are caramelized, then remove from heat.
  • Put the filling on each pancake, pour sweet sour cream on top.

holiday ceremonies

On the Transfiguration of the Lord, people performed various magical rites for love and wealth.

Remove damage immediately

Many diseases are caused by damage from envious people. Take honey and birch bark, do the following:

  • Wake up on August 19, when it's just beginning to get light.
  • Fill a clay pot with water from a spring, lie down to sleep.
  • At noon, smear the bark with honey.
  • Glue the bark to the forehead.
  • Say a conspiracy.
  • Wash yourself with water from the spring, pour the rest under the birch.
  • Rinse, dry the bark so that it becomes your amulet, always carry it with you.

“Good health, happiness and joy, come into my soul, heal the body. Terrible filth and former grief, go away, seep into the ground. Flower, linden and bee honey is delicious. May sweetness fill my life. May it be so".

For wealth

  • Pick 3 branches of linden, put them in the bedroom.
  • In the mornings, for 9 days, before noon, perform the ritual.
  • Go around your home, beat with twigs in the corners and read the plot. After 9 days, dry the branches, store them until the next Apple Spas.

“Money sticks to money, and the lost coins are returned. If I spend anything, I'll get it back a hundredfold. Money sticks to money, wallets stick together. My words are strong. Amen".

Dear friends, get ready for the holiday, involve the children so that they also learn the story of the Transfiguration of the Lord.
