Which stone is suitable for Pisces women? Which stone suits Pisces the most? Stones that suit and do not suit Pisces

Magic properties were attributed. It was believed that earrings, rings and bracelets, goblets and hilts of swords, sabers, decorated with gems, would protect their owner from foreign influences from the outside, help cure illnesses, attract love and much more.

Ancient table of stones and minerals

Even the Babylonian priests and magicians considered precious crystals as concentrates space forces and energies. Stones that were inserted into amulets and talismans became especially powerful. In astromineralogy, there are many tables showing the relationship between gems, zodiac signs and planets. Let's analyze some of them. Let's do this using the example of which stone suits Pisces. The first list, in which the sign of interest to us corresponds to sapphire, almost completely reproduces the well-known apocalyptic list of jewels that should adorn the walls of New Jerusalem. In this list, each sign corresponds to one mineral.

More modern interpretations

And here is another table. Let's see in it. Here, each sign already corresponds to 3 gems. In our case, these are pearls, amethyst, rock crystal. This interpretation of correspondences is connected with the ancient Persian and modern views for astromineralogy. Now a table reflecting the relationship between minerals and planets. According to her, which stone is suitable for Pisces? This sign is ruled by the Moon. The same luminary affects opals, moonstones, aquamarines, beryls, corals and pearls. And, finally, one more list - monthly. Which stone suits Pisces according to him, given that part of February and part of March fall under this sign? Esotericists advise wearing amethyst for February Pisces, and jasper for March Pisces.

"Precious calendar" for men

The classification of suitable precious and semi-precious stones will continue with another informative list. In addition to the main planet, located at the time of the birth of a person on the ascendant, on personal horoscope other influences celestial bodies. This nuance should be taken into account when choosing or giving jewelry. For example, which stone is suitable for Pisces men? If astrologers consider amethyst to be the main one for the sign, then in addition to it they offer a number of gems. Those born from February 21 to March 1 are under the influence of Saturn. These are capricious, dreamy natures, great lovers of women and at the same time loneliness. Jade and moonstone, aventurine and hematite, tiger's eye, jasper, carnelian are suitable for them. Those representatives of the stronger sex who were born from March 2 to March 11 experience a pronounced influence of Jupiter. They are vain, strive for outward grandeur, honest. Their stones are opal, heliotrope, coral, pearls. And finally, for Pisces born from March 12 to March 20, sapphire, aquamarine, diamond, alexandrite, tourmaline are considered the most suitable. These people are sociable, conceited, sensual and cutesy. Of course, all characteristics are given for the average representatives of the sign. It is better for all Pisces not to acquire onyx and carnelian.

Selection of gems for Pisces

Lovely ladies, of course, are also wondering: which stone is suitable for Pisces-girls? In principle, those that have already been mentioned. If not use minerals in special cases. Which ones - we will explain. Pearls have a particularly beneficial effect on female half Pisces, as it activates their spiritual development, harmonizes the personality, and this is what is most relevant for the representatives of the sign. Pearls - sea and river - makes their eyes shine brighter, gives the skin a fresh, healthy look. Esotericists believe that the mineral may well become happy talisman, which will protect from unhappy love, help to make the right important decisions. And for millennia, it is pearls that have been an indicator of a healthy body of Pisces. It gently shines and glows if the owner of the jewelry feels great, and dims at the slightest ill health.

Amethyst magic

Let's talk more about the rest of the stones, suitable for Pisces. And let's start with amethyst, a truly magical crystal, very strong - so much so that it is not recommended for anyone to wear it all the time. Amethyst will provide good support to those Pisces who need to win over people. If you have it with you, it is much easier for the representatives of the sign to cope with their own anxieties, fears, and complexes. Cheerfulness of spirit, optimism, bright and kind thoughts - Pisces often acquire them too thanks to a wonderful stone. People involved in spiritual practices can receive special help from amethyst: priests, magicians, prophets, healers, psychics, etc. It gives rise to courage and perseverance, sharpens intuition, a prophetic gift, and makes it possible to concentrate energy. Another stone symbolizes fidelity in love, even if the object of feelings has gone to another world. Therefore, it is called "widow" and is not advised to be worn by young girls. And mature women and men can.

moonlight in moonstone

The stones of the Pisces sign, as already mentioned, are associated with the Moon, like the sign itself. That is why the moonstone is considered one of the most important for Pisces. Women wearing it become more attractive, sexy, they radiate charm and are extremely desirable for men. Yes, and many purely feminine diseases disappear under the beneficial influence of the gem. True, a moonstone can awaken such passions and desires in a woman’s body that it will be difficult for her to control herself. To prevent this from happening, the stone and the owner should take a break from each other from time to time. But for men, the mineral will be useful if they are engaged in magic, palmistry and other occult practices. Moonstone in Pisces increases susceptibility, responsiveness to certain mystical signs. And finally, the gem is a great love talisman.

Soul of the sea

An important stone of Pisces according to the horoscope is aquamarine. It is so reminiscent of light transparency and depth. sea ​​wave, so corresponds to the tender and vulnerable soul of the representatives of the sign! According to esotericists, the stone makes it possible for its owner to maintain restraint, calmness, inner harmony. To give timid Pisces courage and even insolence, to increase life potential is also within the competence of aquamarine. And, according to legend, if the one who wears the stone is in danger, the gem loses its transparent luster and becomes cloudy. When everything is calm, the mineral shines with a special inner light.

nobility of sapphire

Blue sapphire is one of the most valuable and expensive stones in the world. For Pisces, it is extremely important, because it enhances their spiritual abilities, develops their natural potential. Raises the personality to a new stage of development, higher and more important. Moreover, he endows occultists with a supernatural gift to penetrate into the essence of the hidden and secret. For most Pisces, it is sapphire that can become a reliable amulet, protecting them from the traps of fate. The gem accumulates all the positive character traits of the sign, helps to maintain balance, calmness and sanity in any situation. And even protect from slander, envy, slander of ill-wishers.

coral fantasy

No one will argue that corals are intended by nature for Pisces. The water element made them akin, and coral products help the representatives of the sign to control their thoughts, the stream of consciousness, fight their own inconsistency and emotional breakdowns. Pisces are prone to depression, fears, mood swings. Coral in such situations may well play the role of an ambulance psychological help, especially if it has a color of red, orange, pink. To gain wisdom, clairvoyance, to find the very point of support in life, thanks to which Pisces can change their world for the better, it is also under the power of corals - children water element just like the Pisces themselves.

Stones for Pisces have different properties, since the character of the representatives of this zodiac sign is ambiguous - these are people who subtly feel others, they are very insightful and smart, patiently endure all adversity and always believe in the best. But Pisces is easy to offend and scare. They often close in on themselves, their mood can change dramatically for no reason. People of this sign suffer from low self-esteem, and at the same time continue to make martyrs out of themselves.

best mascot Pisces - amethyst

In Pisces, born in different periods, the characters can be very different, so the stones for the zodiac sign Pisces are very different. The following zodiac decades are distinguished by date of birth:

  1. February 20-February 29. Representatives of the first decade are under the auspices of Saturn. It gives a person romance and dreaminess. Pisces of this period are emotional and sensual natures. They have a rich imagination, so often those born at the end of February make excellent writers and poets. The best Pisces talisman of this decade is an amethyst. He gives inspiration and at the same time protects from those who want to profit from someone else's talent. Gems such as jasper, tiger's eye, aventurine and moonstone will bring good luck.
  2. March 1-March 11. Those born in this decade are subject to the influence of Jupiter - these are altruistic natures, keenly feeling the pain of others. Sometimes they get so upset about the problems of others that they make themselves real illnesses. People who were born in early March are prone to mood swings and emotional burnout. Minerals such as opal, sapphire, chrysolite, heliotrope, moonstone will help them maintain good spirits and not fall into depression.
  3. March 12-March 20. People of this decade are under the influence of Mars. They are fundamentally different from other representatives of their zodiac sign. These natures are resolute and stubborn, rarely change their personal opinions and try not to deviate from their principles. Pisces of this period easily achieve success. They tend to be aggressive and selfish. Pisces stones of this decade are aquamarine and alexandrite. They cool the ardor of their owner and relieve excessive suspiciousness. Opal, which promotes inspiration, is suitable for creative natures. Diamond, emerald, tourmaline, sapphire, chrysolite will also become good talismans of the Zodiac sign Pisces of the third decade.

Individual stones

Which stone suits Pisces the most depends on their character and lifestyle. However, from the whole variety of minerals, there are those whose properties are best suited to almost all representatives of this water sign. Opal - great talisman zodiac sign Pisces, as it gives energy. It improves mental capacity, develops creative potential, strengthens physical and spiritual health. Indecisive and weak natures, the gem protects from the evil influence of envious people and ill-wishers. Opal is useful for schoolchildren and students. He contributes easy memorization and application of new knowledge.

Agate also gives strength. It is especially useful for those Pisces whose life path associated with helping others. For example, these are rescuers and doctors. Agate will protect from negative energy, help in the fight against difficulties. The mineral endows the owner with wisdom so that he can distinguish truth from lies.

Stones and talismans for Pisces (video)

Heliodor and moonstone relieve bad thoughts and sad memories. They help lift your spirits and relieve stress. Heliodor raises the self-esteem of those who wear the mineral on themselves. Pisces, he will help to reveal talents and improve social status.

Pisces is an indecisive and very suspicious sign of the zodiac. Give them confidence and confidence own forces maybe coral. The stone strengthens the mental state, enhances intuition, helps to concentrate. In addition, a coral amulet brings many interesting events and pleasant changes to the life of the owner. It protects from damage and helps to find a soul mate. Coral talismans must be taken by travelers. It opens up many bright and unusual places and contribute to a successful trip.

Gallery: stones for Pisces (50 photos)

Aquamarine fights Pisces' imperfections. He gives them confidence, gives courage, increases self-esteem. Aquamarine Jewelry - good amulet from emotional exhaustion. It also saves you from ill-considered financial expenses.

Of those stones that are suitable for Pisces women, one can name cacholong, aquamarine and moonstone. They make their owner attractive, help create a family, realize themselves in the professional field. Attracts love and gives courage to cacholong. This mineral is suitable for Pisces women who have difficulty meeting the opposite sex. The mineral helps to feel free and at ease. Married women the gem helps to protect family happiness.

Contribute to a successful acquaintance and aquamarine. Gem jewelry can be worn to a party or a date to feel easy and confident. It is believed that prolonged contemplation of the mineral brings happiness. Moonstone makes a woman attractive and desirable. it perfect gift from the stronger sex. If a woman received a gem from her beloved man, then their union will become strong and happy.

If gems for Pisces women reveal the beauty of the beautiful half of humanity, then male stones help their owners to realize themselves in life. Amethyst is a good mascot stone for a Pisces man. It gives self-confidence, aims at success, quickly restores energy. It is believed that the mineral has a healing effect on Pisces, curing many diseases.

Of all the zodiac minerals, pearl is the stone of money and wealth.. It will help its owner to get high paying job, establish your own business, attract profit. It also gives internal energy and excellent performance.

Useful for men and aquamarine. This gem is a wonderful talisman for married women and men. He protects family happiness, protects from intrigue and gossip. In addition, the mineral contributes good relations with colleagues and relatives.

Negative stones

A talisman for Pisces can be chosen from a variety of stones, but there are minerals that are absolutely contraindicated for this sign. Often this is due to which zodiac signs suit Pisces the least. Virgos have completely different character traits. According to the horoscope, their talisman stones have the opposite energy, so they are contraindicated for Pisces. These are gems such as sardonyx, lapis lazuli, olivine, topaz, as well as minerals dark colors that will drive sensitive Pisces into depression.

Jade and hematite are absolutely negative stones according to the sign of the Zodiac. Pisces, who are already prone to mood swings, they will make even more emotionally unstable natures. They will disrupt relationships with loved ones, create problems at work and at home.

Not suitable for Pisces and jasper, with whose energy the representatives of this sign cannot cope. The mineral will suck out energy from its weak-willed and indecisive owner, depriving him of mental strength. All this will lead to a breakdown, bad mood, prolonged depression.

Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac and belongs to the water element. The symbol of this sign is two fish, tied together by a ribbon or thread and swimming in different directions. The duality of the image means a contradiction between the material and spiritual worlds.

Pisces is considered one of the most mystical signs of the zodiac. They are gentle, sensitive, sentimental, gifted with creative intuition and are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of ideals or dear people.

Due to a rich imagination and a tendency to live in their inner world, this sign seems helpless and not adapted to everyday life.

A talisman stone that suits this sign is able to protect from evil and activate creativity.

Talisman stones

The water element of Pisces determines the color of the talisman stones: blue, blue, green, the colors of the sea wave or foam (white, gray, crystal clear).

The most effective charms are chosen according to the date of birth. This approach will strengthen the connection between man, stone and patron planet.

Each mineral has its own character and strength, aimed at solving various problems and troubles. Depending on which mineral to choose, various positive traits of a person are activated.

The amulet is a very personal thing, it connects the material and mystical space, protects from external and internal negative aspects. In no case should stones be stolen or obtained by deceit, then the positive energy is distorted. When choosing a stone, they are guided by tactile and emotional sensations: a real amulet seems warm, it is pleasant to hold it in your hands and you don’t want to let it go.

Dangerous stones for Pisces

The impact of stones on the character and energy is very strong. Many talismans can be too powerful and activate negative traits character.

Which mineral is contraindicated for the sign of Water? Pisces women should avoid bright red stones. Such minerals will have an overwhelming effect, awaken unusual activity.

The contradiction between the soft nature and the motivation of the stone will eventually lead to depression, and even depression.

The following stones are contraindicated for the water sign of the Zodiac:

A well-chosen amulet reveals the best features in a person. If you wear contraindicated stones, you can disrupt the harmony of the individual, cause depression, depression, attract troubles and resistance of the Universe to all deeds and undertakings.

Which of the contraindicated stones can be worn if you like the jewelry? If the mineral is pleasant to hold in hands, there is a feeling that the stone is in its place, such a talisman can be used. This means that some character trait is very weak and requires additional stimulation, active influence, help from other signs and spheres of influence.

Pisces women are perhaps the most mysterious, mystical and, at the same time, charming personalities. People born under this sign have good intuition, sensitivity and are able to see through people and understand literally everyone.

Pisces by nature are prone to magic and the occult, they believe in everything mystical and unknown. Therefore, the right choice talisman for fish, backed up by their strongest faith, will truly show its magical and healing properties.

Many gemstones suit people born under the sign of Pisces. However, choose exactly your stone, which will become strongest magical talisman, follows, relying on internal sensations.


Cute, sophisticated, sensitive fish girls should choose their talisman based on their own needs, because each stone has certain magical and healing properties.

For girls born under the sign of fish, you should choose your talisman from the list of stones, suitable for them according to the horoscope- this is:

  • Pearl;
  • Aquamarine;
  • Chrysolite;
  • Moonstone.

According to tradition, it is not customary to buy pearls yourself, they must be presented as a gift. Pearl jewelry is the perfect birthday gift for a Pisces girl, especially when she comes of age. Pearls are very suitable as a talisman for fish girls. It will help them stabilize their emotional mood, give happiness and good luck. Pearls are considered a symbol of love. and among some peoples it is presented as a gift to the bride from the groom at the engagement.

Aquamarine very useful for emotionally unstable fish, moving "from one extreme to another", it will help them to master stability, to find inner harmony. In addition, this stone helps with work and study improving concentration.

Chrysolite best suited for people who lead an active lifestyle professional athletes. It protects such people from possible dangers and injuries associated with increased risks in their lifestyle.

Moonstone- the talisman of creative, sensitive, emotional and vulnerable people. It helps to achieve great success in creativity, stabilizes the emotional state. Also, this talisman will help to find the most true love those who sincerely desire it. You can choose these stones for making jewelry, or wear them on a chain.

The most ideal version of the strongest magical talisman for fish, it is a pendant in the form of two fish, whose eyes are made of the preferred stone.


A Pisces woman is very easy to distinguish from other signs of the zodiac, as a rule, this is a well-groomed woman with good taste possessing modesty and charm.

Many Pisces women remain vulnerable and sensitive with age, as in their youth. Their character is reminiscent of the heroine Assol from the novel Scarlet Sails. They believe in everything perfect and strive for perfection.

It is preferable for female fish as talismans to choose stones such as:

  • Emerald;
  • Sapphire;
  • Amethyst;
  • Aquamarine.

Emerald- a magical stone that is ideal for people in leadership positions. It gives success at work and attracts income, and also helps to maintain family stability.

Sapphire is a very strong magical stone that should be carefully chosen as a talisman. The fact is that sapphires do not tolerate weak, weak-willed people, therefore they can only be worn by women with a strong spirit, to whom the talisman will help to succeed in all endeavors.

amethysts ideal as a talisman for women of advanced age. They help maintain health, promote emotional stability. This stone symbolizes goodness and peace.

Aquamarine as a talisman is symbol of honesty, wisdom, insight and kindness, which patronizes the sign of Pisces.

For love

Pisces girls who dream of great and sincere love should be worn as a talisman, and it will help in finding a soul mate. Pearl will also help the fish find their love and provide them with a long and happy life with a chosen one.

To find love family happiness fish are patronized emeralds and amethysts. To attract love, you need to wear two stones in pairs, ideal option will become earrings with precious stones or a pendant in the form of two fish, whose eyes are made of a talisman stone.


According to the science of the stars, aquamarine, pearls, chrysolite, and moonstone are the most patronized by fish. Amethysts, emeralds, sapphires favorably affect this zodiac sign. Jade, opal, tiger's eye, amber and pomegranate can also be worn as talismans.

Astrologers say that categorically not suitable for fish the following stones: rubies, diamonds, serpentine, quartz and yellow topazes.

By date of birth

Depending on the year of birth, you can determine your belonging to a particular sign Eastern horoscope. If you select a stone by date of birth, based on the recommendations of two horoscopes, then the talisman stone will have the strongest magical properties. Stones that are suitable for fish, in accordance with the year of birth:

  • Rat - pomegranate;
  • Bull - tiger eye;
  • Tiger - amethyst;
  • Rabbit - pearl;
  • Dragon - chrysolite;
  • Snake - chrysolite;
  • Horse - aquamarine;
  • Sheep - pomegranate;
  • Monkey - opal;
  • Rooster - aquamarine;
  • Dog - pearls;
  • The pig is a moonstone.

Remember that you need to choose a stone intuitively, feeling warmth and inner peace when in contact with it.

In order for the beneficial effect of the talisman with the mineral to always be, you should do right choice. They select a mineral for a talisman / amulet with skill, based on the recommendations of the patron of the corresponding sign of the zodiac constellation by the time of birth (day, month, year) of the person to whom this gift is being prepared.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing the right amulet for a particular man born between February 19 and March 20, it’s time to know exactly the main features of his character and those general recommendations, proposed by the constellation Pisces, the last of the patrons, the twelfth sign of the Zodiac, completing the astrological-zodiacal magic circle.

Pisces is the most controversial representative of the astrological-zodiacal magic circle. The patronizing Pisces elements such as Water and the planets Jupiter and Neptune determine in their nature the fundamental qualities of character - changeability, duality and instability.

For the most part, people, especially men, actively manifest dreaminess, intuitiveness, illusory nature, and the ability to sacrifice themselves.

Pisces men strive to organize their lives in such a way that harmony, beauty, and aesthetics are present in it. And also a lot of time is devoted to creativity, art and unity with nature.

In addition, they always have such traits in character as vulnerability, closeness and phlegm. Which indicates that they are often absolute introverts, who often have manifestations of neurasthenia, depression, alcoholism and drug addiction.

The main problem for men born under the sign of Pisces is the lack of self-cultivation of willpower and the inability to withstand the blow of fate, finding themselves in a difficult life situation. Being in a difficult life situation, they can turn into religious fanatics all kinds of occult currents.

Selection of stones in amulets-talismans for the Pisces man

The basic principles in the selection of the right stone / mineral for a particular Pisces man are determined by the decade of his birth.

First decade. From February 19th to March 1st. The patron of the Sun. Pisces born during this period are quite capricious and fantasies. Such behavior often brings discord in family life. To remedy the situation, it is suitable to use the choice of stones such as amethyst, aventurine, moonstone and tiger's eye.

Second decade. From March 2nd to March 11th. Ruler Jupiter. Pisces men love attention and fame, but are very vulnerable when they are deceived. Stones such as coral, pearls, opal or hairy are suitable for them.

Third decade. From March 12th to March 20th. Ruler Mars. Pisces men born at this time are friendly, always ready to lend a helping hand. Astrologers are sure that they will benefit from stones such as sapphire, diamond, tourmaline, aquamarine, emerald.

Since men rarely wear jewelry, it is preferable to give a keychain, a watch or a lighter (in case there is an addiction - smoking), a tie pin complete with cufflinks, a pen or a figurine from precious metal with a mineral inlaid in it or completely made of it.

More about stones

In order to choose the right stone-assistant, they carefully study its abilities and impact on the Pisces man.

Amethyst. This stone is the most suitable of all known as a talisman for a Pisces man. Especially in combination with jasper and aquamarine. A truly masculine stone that will help you quickly climb the career ladder, giving confidence in the future.

Aquamarine. An amulet using this stone will enable its owner to grow and develop in a professional field, absorbing a new useful information like a sponge. It will also allow a man to avoid intrigue and gossip in life.

Opal. This wonderful stone / mineral is suitable for a Pisces man as a talisman in protecting family happiness.

Black opal. Able to activate the reserve of hidden, not yet fully developed, abilities in the Pisces man.

Coral. This mineral will provide a chance to take right decisions in critical situations.

Moonstone.Ideal for men who show a genuine interest in a religious cult of all kinds. This mystical stone improves his intuition and attracts love and romance into his life, allowing him to move away from religious fanaticism.

Coral. You are allowed to wear red. Otherwise, serious trouble arises. Coral will protect from many diseases and evil tongues.

Amber. It will help to attract good luck to Pisces men.

small conclusion

The smallest souvenir or figurine of the listed stones / minerals, located on the desktop, can bring unheard of success to its owner and save them from many troubles.

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