Lose weight with the health program, lose excess. Diet of Elena Malysheva: free menu and recipes for every day

Malysheva is a well-known nutritionist and doctor. She is the author of a special dietary regimen called Elena Malysheva's diet. it effective method reset excess weight, which must be observed from two to three months. The result obtained is very reliable. In addition, it does not overload the body, does not harm it, but, on the contrary, improves well-being and heals.

What is the essence of Elena Malysheva's diet?

The personal diet is based on minimizing the intake of protein-rich foods, especially those of animal origin, as well as table salt. The list of prohibited foods also includes potatoes, flour products, sugar, rich and sweet pastries, carrots, rice cereals, alcohol, and beets. Also, an important part of the diet is the psychological attitude: you need to explain to yourself that the diet is designed to help you, to benefit, to restore harmony and beauty.

Elena Malysheva's diet is based on the following principles

  • Fasting must not be allowed, otherwise the body, at the slightest opportunity, begins to accumulate fats in its pantry in case of the next test of hunger.
  • Five meals a day in small portions is the best choice for weight loss. This will help control your appetite. So we give the body a signal that there will be no lack of food, protecting us from hunger stress, cultivating moderation in food.
  • The amount of energy from food is consumed per day, which corresponds to gender, age, personal lifestyle, physical activity. In general, a woman who is not fond of sports needs to get 1200 kilocalories per day to lose weight.
  • Set yourself up for good digestion of incoming food.
  • It is necessary to teach yourself to chew incoming food thoroughly. This helps normal digestion, the breakdown of carbohydrates in the mouth, which minimizes the risk of them turning into fats.

Ready-made product sets

The author's weight loss system consists of ready-made dinners, lunches and breakfasts, which you only need to warm up before eating, which is convenient for busy people. Let's take a closer look at the set prepared food, which includes:

  • early breakfast - muesli or cereal;
  • second breakfast - any fruit;
  • lunch - a low-calorie frozen dish (you need to warm it up in the microwave), it should be supplemented with a fresh salad;
  • afternoon snack - cereal bar or dried fruits;
  • dinner is a relatively high-calorie frozen dish, which is also complemented by a vegetable salad.

What's included

The calorie content of the products in the system is precisely calculated: each serving corresponds to 1 meal and is placed in a separate package. Each tray indicates the method of cooking, and the daily ration has packaging different color to make it easier to find the right food. The composition of the diet of Elena Malysheva by day is collected in four packages of different colors:

  • green is breakfast;
  • yellow is lunch;
  • blue is an afternoon snack;
  • red is dinner.

Part of the food has a dry appearance and must be steamed before consumption, the bay hot water(about 90 degrees). Other food from the Malysheva system is frozen, so it first needs to be thawed, and then heated in a microwave oven. The menu for the week includes:

  1. Breakfasts, the calorie content of which is approximately 300 kcal. The following options are offered: muesli with 4 cereals, oatmeal porridge with berries, muesli with seeds / candied fruits, fruit and cereal bar with cranberries and cherries, buckwheat / rice / wheat porridge with raisins, other additives, steam scrambled eggs with cauliflower or broccoli, etc.
  2. Lunches with calories up to 150 kcal. Represented by champignons with potatoes in sauce, turkey with cauliflower / broccoli, saury fillet with mashed potatoes, salmon and steamed rice, buckwheat porridge with mushrooms and onions, meat cuts, meatballs with mushroom sauce, chicken breast with boiled rice, etc.
  3. Desserts are about 300 kcal. The menu for the week includes such options for afternoon snacks: a fruit and nut bar, a mixture of dried fruits and nuts, blueberry/lingonberry soufflé, kozinaki with dried apricots and sesame seeds.
  4. Dinners, the calorie content of which is about 100 kcal. Proper nutrition according to Malysheva includes boiled chicken breast with buckwheat porridge, soup with noodles and low-fat chicken, green / pumpkin cream soup with breadcrumbs, fish meatballs with rice stuffed with vegetables Bell pepper, cabbage stewed with mushrooms, vegetable pilaf.

Set price

A standard set of products from the weight loss system is designed for 28 days and does not require long cooking. At the same time, you can even make a purchase online by ordering goods on the website with delivery to St. Petersburg or Moscow. Buying a set by mail and ordering home delivery is great option for buyers who are pressed for time or unable to leave the house due to excessive overweight.

The price of a weight loss kit may vary depending on the chosen system: there are several program options for sale, designed for men, women, people with chronic diseases, etc. The average cost of food is 12,000 rubles. The proposed diet is designed for 4 weeks, with 4 sets of food intended for fasting days (the minimum amount of light food).

Elena Malysheva's diet for weight loss at home

The food system includes ordinary foods that can be prepared at home using ordinary, affordable products. In fact, Malysheva's diet for a week is not classic version systems for weight loss, but a set of products that provide overweight people with all essential substances with a moderate calorie diet. An important rule during weight loss is the observance of the diet. If necessary, you can add vegetables, mushrooms, spices, vegetable broths, kefir with low fat content to the menu, etc.

Elena Malysheva's diet menu for a week

There is a menu developed by a specialist. The total caloric content of products per day does not exceed 1200 kcal.

The menu is divided into five meals:

  • first breakfast around eight in the morning,
  • the second at 10 am,
  • lunch between 12 and 13 o'clock,
  • afternoon snack at 16-17 hours,
  • dinner no later than 19 hours.

First day

  • one boiled egg, 200 g of buckwheat porridge, 100 g of vegetable salad, one apple;
  • cottage cheese casserole 120 g, 4 dried fruits, a spoonful of low-fat sour cream, tea;
  • 200 g of boiled vegetables, 120 g of steamed beef soufflé, a glass of rosehip broth;
  • grapefruit;
  • baked apple, 200 g of stewed zucchini and cabbage.

Second day

  • 200 g of oatmeal porridge with a spoonful of fresh-frozen berries, a glass of fat-free yogurt;
  • 200 g of vegetable salad, rye-bran bread in the amount of two pieces;
  • cabbage-tomato salad 100 g, pilaf 220 g, a glass of rosehip broth;
  • 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 125 g of biokefir;
  • 150 g steamed cod soufflé, 200 g boiled vegetables.

Third day

  • steamed omelet, vegetable salad 100 grams;
  • Apple;
  • 150 g of vegetable soup, 100 g of boiled chicken fillet, 100 g of boiled green beans;
  • stewed cabbage with apple 200 g;
  • 150 g low-fat cottage cheese.

Fourth day

  • 50 g of boiled beef, 100 grams of vegetables, 2 rye bread;
  • 150 gr vinaigrette, 2 bran loaves;
  • 100 gr boiled fish, 150 g stewed vegetables, a glass of rosehip broth;
  • 30 walnuts, green apple;
  • 200 g of carrot and cottage cheese casserole with a spoonful of low-fat sour cream.

Fifth day

  • 100 g of oatmeal porridge with 30 grams of dried fruits;
  • 200 g vegetable puree;
  • 100 g of boiled fish, 200 grams of stewed vegetables, rosehip broth one glass;
  • 170 g of vegetable pilaf;
  • 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.

Sixth day

  • 30 grams of hard cheese, one boiled egg, 50 grams of green peas;
  • one baked potato, 100 grams of vegetable salad;
  • 150 grams of pea soup, 100 grams of boiled chicken, 150 grams of stewed vegetables, two bran bread;
  • 200 grams of vegetable salad;
  • 250 g of baked vegetables, 50 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.

Seventh day

  • 200 g barley porridge, 50 g stewed carrots with an apple;
  • orange;
  • 200 g stewed cabbage with beef, green apple;
  • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese and greens;
  • 150 g fish soufflé, 150 g boiled green beans.

Power principle

A menu for a week or longer requires the use of no more than 1200 kcal per day. Since the average daily calorie content of a woman's diet is 1400-1800 kcal, weight loss occurs due to a calorie deficit. Key principles of weight loss:

  1. You can't lose weight quickly. Healthy weight reduction involves the processing of exclusively adipose tissue. This process is relatively slow: no more than 150 g of fat is burned per day, so the result of a week of dieting will be modest - a plumb line of about 0.5 kg. Despite the low rate of weight loss using the Malysheva system, it gives a more stable and safer result. The minimum period during which such a diet must be observed is 3 months.
  2. Accounting for normal weight. Before you begin, you need to soberly assess the state of your own body. Many women, whose weight is within the normal range, begin to lose weight, although they do not need to.
  3. Taking into account individual characteristics. Before you go on a diet - a menu for a week or longer, you need to find out the nature of excess weight and determine how much body weight exceeds the norm. In some cases, giving up junk food does not help to lose weight, since the cause of obesity lies in diseases - metabolic disorders, disorders endocrine system, etc.
  4. Menu correction. Fatty, fried, salty foods are reduced or completely excluded from the diet. In a minimal amount, vegetable fats can be consumed.
  5. Establishing eating habits. A diet for a week or more suggests that a person will get used to a balanced, healthy menu and will stick to it after the completion of the course. This is important for maintaining and improving the result of losing weight.

Pros and cons

This weight loss system has earned the love of many Russians. The pros and cons of the Malysheva diet for a week or a month are unequal. The advantage of the author's nutrition system is its benefits for the body. Such a regimen of food intake and a balanced diet do not put a burden on the digestive system and other human organs. The advantages of the diet include, in addition, the absence of the need to count calories: the daily menu is clearly scheduled.

The negative factor of this method of losing weight is the relative monotony of the diet, but such a set of products was not chosen by chance - all food has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines. The disadvantage of the diet is the fact that excess weight goes away slowly, unlike other more strict nutrition systems. However, having managed to lose a few kilograms according to the Malysheva system, you will probably no longer see them on your body if you adhere to the basics of a healthy diet.

Weight Loss Recipes

You can follow the diet for a week or as long as you want, but it is better to make such a diet a habit and follow it constantly. With the help of Elena's technique, it will be possible to lose weight forever and without harm to health. Since each organism is individual, the time to achieve results varies, however, following the rules of nutrition, you will definitely get the expected results. Recipes for weight loss are simple and do not require significant time costs.

  1. Prepare 0.7 kg of fresh fillet, 1 egg, spices, 0.3 cauliflower, dill.
  2. Grind the meat and boiled cabbage with a blender until smooth.
  3. Combine the mass with an egg, finely chopped herbs, spices.
  4. After thoroughly mixing the mass, form cutlets out of it and cook them for a couple.

  1. You will need 1 onion, 6 ripe tomatoes, chicken broth (1 l), bell pepper, spices, sour cream, buckwheat (150 g) and herbs.
  2. Chopped onions must be darkened in olive oil, bake tomatoes in the oven for 15 minutes.
  3. Free the tomatoes from the skin, grind with a blender along with the onion, dilute the mixture with chicken broth.
  4. In the resulting mass, you need to shift the separately boiled buckwheat and pieces of stewed pepper.
  5. It is better to serve the dish with a spoonful of sour cream and fresh herbs.

  1. Prepare in advance an onion, 3 tomatoes, chicken breast, 100 g of buckwheat, greens, sweet pepper.
  2. Sauté the diced onion for a couple of minutes.
  3. Peel the tomatoes by pouring boiling water over them, then mash the pulp with a fork and transfer the mixture to the onion in the pan. Simmer the ingredients for 7 minutes, stirring with a spoon.
  4. Boil the meat in a liter of water. Add another glass of water to the resulting broth and boil buckwheat in this liquid.
  5. Cut the chicken, send it to the soup along with the fry.
  6. The last in the dish according to the recipe of Elena Malysheva, add finely chopped peppers, herbs.

  1. Take 2 chicken breasts, a can of pineapple, soy sauce, spices.
  2. Boil the meat, do not drain the broth - it will be needed.
  3. Pineapple cut into cubes.
  4. Mix chicken with 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce and pepper.
  5. Put the marinated fillet in a mold, pour in the broth and cook in the oven for half an hour at 180 degrees.
  6. Pour 2 tbsp into the pan. l. broth and pineapple juice from a jar. Boil the liquid, then add 1 tbsp. l. starch and mix thoroughly. Finally add pineapple chunks.
  7. Eat chicken with pineapple sauce 1-2 times a week during Elena Malysheva's diet.

Diet of Elena Malysheva - this is it

Video from the program "Live healthy"

In the presented video, Elena Malysheva analyzes such a weight loss method as fasting. Those who have tried this diet share their results and impressions.

According to the TV presenter and the reviews of those who are losing weight, the diet is aimed at high-quality, painless and significant weight loss. But the price of a ready-made set of food is frankly overpriced. Many who want to lose weight want to cook for themselves those dishes offered by a famous doctor and popularizer. healthy lifestyle life. First, it will be much cheaper. Secondly, the dishes will always be fresh, not frozen.

Technology is available to everyone. It is necessary to show endurance and willpower, which, alas, is not always enough. The TV presenter focuses on the fact that diet and debilitating starvation are not the same thing. The first is beneficial and promotes weight loss, the second causes serious damage to health. Proper nutrition “educates” the body in the right way. The stomach begins to prepare for food processing in advance, which improves digestibility and prevents the deposition of excess.

Diet principles

Malysheva does not make any discoveries. Her system is aimed at improving the body and increasing efficiency. According to the methodology, you should limit the consumption of products such as:

  • sweet dishes;
  • foods high in starch;
  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • bakery products;
  • smoked meats;
  • fats of any origin;
  • seasonings.

Salt lovers also have a duty to reduce their consumption, no matter how hard it may be. Although the traditional enemy of the figure is sugar, salt is not inferior to it in this.

According to the method of Elena Vasilievna, it is necessary to arrange one unloading day every week. This means that you should adhere to the rules of monopower. For example, you can eat only one rice during the day, which removes excess water and unloads the digestive system.

The author of the methodology advises to adhere to fractional nutrition and consume proteins and carbohydrates separately. As those who lose weight note, the Lose Too Much program, although it helps in the fight against excess weight, does not work alone. You will have to change your lifestyle, introduce physical activity, start caring for your body. An example diet might include:

  • breakfast - protein omelette and lean buckwheat porridge, 100 g each;
  • second breakfast - one large pear;
  • lunch - a ladle of vegetable puree soup, chicken meat 100 g;
  • afternoon snack - a handful of nuts with raisins;
  • dinner - vegetable salad 100 g, two minced chicken meatballs.

Possible results

Many people think that the diet is too simple and cannot significantly improve the figure. Someone generally calls the system “for the lazy”, because ready-made food sets are attached to the method, which can be used for a month without wasting time counting calories and cooking.

One thing can be said for sure - the diet proposed by Malysheva will not bring harm, because it is based on ground rules healthy food. Is it really possible to lose weight? If you strictly adhere to the program, without making indulgences and not forgetting about fasting days, then, of course, it will help. But the problem of discipline that many people who want to lose weight have is not solved by purchasing the grocery set offered by the TV presenter.

Nutritionists approve of the considered nutrition system, but warn: without a change in thinking, it is unlikely that it will be possible to defeat hated kilograms and food addiction.

Elena Malysheva is not only a popular TV presenter, but also one of the most famous and popular nutritionists. She has developed many popular diets, which we will present to you in detail with detailed information. daily menu. Let's consider the main ones.

Elena Malysheva's diet rules

Compliance with the diet of Elena Malysheva allows you to form healthy food habits. Elena Malysheva's diet is a system of healthy eating with a reduced calorie content.

Before starting a diet, consult with your doctor.

Elena Malysheva's diet for weight loss at home will be more effective if you follow the following rules:

    You can’t starve, otherwise the body, feeling hungry, will make reserves and the weight will “freeze”, and you will feel bad. Just eat small meals (volume = 1 cup), but often.

    Count calories. The optimal daily calorie content is 1200 kcal, and sometimes 800 kcal.

    Chew your food thoroughly (at least eighteen times). Then you will enjoy the taste of food and avoid overeating, greatly facilitating the work of the stomach.

    Drink more clean water(at least ten glasses a day), because it is not high in calories, fills the stomach, fights hunger, improves metabolism, removes toxins and toxins, and normalizes bowel function. Moreover, a glass of water must be drunk on an empty stomach immediately after waking up.

    We reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet: we do not eat pastries, sweets, instead we use vegetable fiber, cereal cereals, whole grains (once a day).

    We do not eat foods containing visible fat (for example, butter) - use low-fat dairy products.

    We do not use sugar and salt.

    For lunch, you need to eat protein foods: for example, boiled lean meat, this will allow us to avoid muscle dystrophy.

    Regularly take moderate physical activity that does not overload the cardiovascular system.

    Him: go in for water aerobics, walking.

    Do fasting days every week to stimulate the process of losing weight.

Recommendations for dieting Elena Malysheva for weight loss:

There is a list of products that can be consumed without restrictions:

Allowed drinks:

  • Mineral water,
  • diet cola,
  • Coffee,
  • Any drinks without added sugar,
  • Sweet (no sugar)
  • sweeteners,
  • Gelatin,
  • Sauces,
  • Spices,
  • Unsalted vegetable broth
  • Garlic,
  • Dry and fresh herbs
  • Horseradish,
  • Lemon juice,
  • Mustard,
  • Vinegar,
  • Vegetables: artichoke, eggplant, white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, mushrooms, cabbage - broccoli, onion, cucumber, unsalted vegetable juices, tomato, pepper, radish, radish, asparagus, bean stalks.

Every day you need to drink two liters of clean water.

With any meal, you can drink a glass of unsweetened tea or coffee.

Food should be taken at regular intervals (for example, every 4 hours - at 8 am, 12 noon, 4 pm, eight pm.

During the 2nd breakfast, you can eat 150 grams of berries instead of fruits (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries), or you can drink a glass of kefir and eat 150 grams of berries.

For a more accurate diet, use the food calorie calculator on our website.

Elena Malysheva's diet for weight loss (two weeks):

The principle of Elena Malysheva's diet is to reduce the intake of fatty foods and minimize salt intake. The author also advises to eat often, in small portions.

First week

First day

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: spaghetti, meatballs, tomato paste, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 314.4 kcal,

Snack: Fruit bar with apricot - 182.05 kcal,

Dinner: Noodle soup in chicken broth with parsley, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 144.6 kcal,

Total: 808.55 kcal per day.

Second day

Breakfast: Fruit bar with apples, nuts, a glass of tea or coffee - 185.35 kcal,

Lunch: a piece of salmon fillet, steamed rice, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 146.6 kcal,

Dinner: chicken julienne, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 258.25 kcal,

Total: 790.2 kcal.

Third day

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: fettuccine with chicken meat, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 330 kcal,

Dinner: lazy cabbage rolls, vegetable sauce, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 124 kcal,

Total: 806.26 kcal.

Read also: Elena Malysheva told how not to bring yourself to anorexia with this medicine

Fourth day

We have breakfast: muesli with the addition of nuts, seeds, candied fruits, a glass of tea or coffee - 161.65 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: mushrooms with potatoes and onions, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 275 kcal,

Dinner: green cream soup with broccoli, crackers, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 178.9 kcal,

Total: 806.05 kcal.

Fifth day

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with cabbage - broccoli, a glass of tea or coffee - 166.05 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: a piece of chicken fillet, boiled rice, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 218.2 kcal,

Snack: hazelnuts + almonds + dried fruits - 210 kcal,

Dinner: pumpkin cream soup, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 201.6 kcal,

Total: 795.85 kcal.

Sixth day

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

We have lunch: meat zrazy with mushrooms, boiled buckwheat, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 302 kcal,

Snack: fruit bar with apple, nuts - 185.35 kcal,

We have dinner: julienne with mushrooms in French, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 140.26 kcal,

Total: 799.11 kcal.

Seventh day

Unloading. You can also swap fasting days - with the day when you are the most busy. We unload on rice or buckwheat. They should be undercooked, without adding salt. On this day, our main task is to remove water from the body, losing weight by one kilogram per day. There can be four meals during the day.

In the morning, add 1 tbsp to food. vegetable oil.

At each meal we eat 1/2 portion of rice or buckwheat. Then, eight meals can be made.

On this day, you need to drink eight glasses of water.

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Week 2

First day

Breakfast: cottage cheese puff, a glass of tea or coffee - 338.4 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: a portion of buckwheat with mushrooms and onions, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 143.6 kcal,

Snack: soufflé with lingonberry juice - 209 kcal,

We have dinner: cabbage rolls in pepper, vegetable sauce, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 147 kcal,

Total: 838 kcal.

Second day

We have breakfast: a portion of buckwheat with the addition of an apple, raisins, a glass of tea or coffee - 157 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: chicken meatballs with rice, white mushroom sauce, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 287 kcal,

Snack: fruit bar with cranberries - 191.5 kcal,

Dinner: a couple of fish meatballs with rice, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 172.4 kcal,

Total: 807.9 kcal.

Third day

Breakfast: fruit bar with cherries, cranberries, a glass of milk - 180.95 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: champignons with potatoes, milk sauce, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 180 kcal,

Snack: soufflé with blueberry juice - 209 kcal,

Dinner: mushroom cream soup, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 177.2 kcal,

Total: 747.15 kcal.

Fourth day

Breakfast: a serving of oatmeal with strawberries, a glass of tea or coffee - 172.5 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: a piece of saithe fillet, a serving of mashed potatoes, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 202.2 kcal,

Snack: fruit bar with the addition of an apple - 191.5 kcal,

We have dinner: chicken breast, vegetable sauce, buckwheat, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 233.4 kcal.

Total: 799.6 kcal.

Fifth day

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with cauliflower, a glass of tea or coffee - 161.1 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

We have lunch: a couple of meatballs, red sauce, buckwheat, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 313.4 kcal,

Snack: gozinaki with fruit - 212 kcal,

We have dinner: a serving of stewed cabbage with mushrooms, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 117 kcal,

Total: 803.5 kcal.

Sixth day

Breakfast: portion rice porridge with the addition of raspberries, pineapple, a glass of milk - 190 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: a piece of turkey with Bechamel sauce, garnish: cabbage - broccoli, cauliflower, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 162.2 kcal,

Snack: kozinaki with dried apricots - 209 kcal,

We have dinner: pilaf with the addition of vegetables, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 186 kcal,

Total: 747.2 kcal.

Seventh day

unloading. See above for unloading day information.

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Diet of Elena Malysheva to maintain weight

First week

First day

Breakfast: a portion of muesli with the addition of nuts, seeds, candied fruits, a glass of tea or coffee - 161.65 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: a piece of chicken, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 442.8 kcal,

Snack: fruit bar with the addition of cherries, cranberries - 180.95 kcal,

Dinner: a piece of salmon fillet, a portion of steamed Bosto rice, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 219.9 kcal.

Total: 1005.3 kcal.

Second day

Breakfast: puff with cherry filling, a glass of tea or coffee - 405.1 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: fish and potato casserole (salmon), salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 351 kcal,

Snack: hazelnuts + raisins + papaya + pineapple - 200 kcal,

We have dinner: a portion of fish soup, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 50 kcal,

Total: 1006.1 kcal.

Third day

Breakfast: a portion of muesli, a glass of tea or coffee - 171.31 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: fettuccine with chicken, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 495 kcal,

Snack: fruit bar with apricot - 182.05 kcal,

Dinner: noodle soup in chicken broth with parsley, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 144.6 kcal.

Total: 992.96 kcal.

Fourth day

Breakfast: a portion of rice porridge with raspberries, pineapple, a glass of tea or coffee - 190 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: a couple of fish meatballs, a portion of rice, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 258.6 kcal,

Snack: hazelnuts + almonds + dried fruits - 210 kcal,

Dinner: meat goulash, pasta, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 339 kcal,

Total: 997.6 kcal.

Fifth day

Breakfast: a serving of oatmeal, a glass of tea or coffee - 167.5 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: spaghetti, a couple of meat balls, tomato sauce, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 314.4 kcal,

Dinner: chili with meat, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 330.3 kcal,

Total: 997.55 kcal.

Sixth day

Breakfast: kozinak with dried apricots, a glass of tea or coffee - 209 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: a couple of meat zrazy with mushrooms, garnish - buckwheat, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 453 kcal,

Snack: almonds + raisins + papaya + pineapple - 190.5 kcal,

We have dinner: julienne with French mushrooms, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 140.26 kcal,

Total: 992.76 kcal.

Seventh day


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Second week

First day

Breakfast: soufflé with blueberry juice, a glass of tea or coffee - 209 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: buckwheat with mushrooms and onions, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 365.4 kcal,

Snack: soufflé with lingonberry juice - 209 kcal,

We have dinner: cabbage rolls in pepper, vegetable sauce, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 220.5 kcal,

Total: 1003.9 kcal.

Second day

Breakfast: oatmeal with strawberries, a glass of tea or coffee - 172.5 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: liver steak, boiled rice, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 384.9 kcal,

Snack: fruit bar with cranberries - 191.5 kcal,

Dinner: chicken julienne, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 258.25 kcal,

Total: 1007.15 kcal.

Third day

Breakfast: puff with blackberry filling, a glass of tea or coffee - 405.1 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: chicken cutlet, mashed potatoes, mushroom sauce, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 300 kcal,

Snack: soufflé with blueberry juice - 209 kcal,

We have dinner: a serving of cabbage soup, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 48 kcal.

Total: 962.1 kcal.

Fourth day

We have breakfast: a portion of buckwheat with the addition of an apple, raisins, a glass of tea or coffee - 157 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

Lunch: a piece of chicken, noodles, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 315 kcal,

Snack: Fruit bar with apples, nuts - 185.35 kcal,

Dinner: chicken breast, vegetable sauce, a portion of boiled buckwheat, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 350.1 kcal.

Total: 1007.45 kcal.

Fifth day

Breakfast: a serving of millet porridge with mango, a glass of tea or coffee - 171.5 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

We have lunch: a couple of meatballs, a portion of buckwheat, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 470.1 kcal,

Snack: Fruit bar with the addition of cherries, cranberries - 180.95 kcal,

Dinner: mushroom cream soup, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 177 kcal,

Total: 999.55 kcal.

Sixth day

Breakfast: gozinaki with fruit, a glass of tea or coffee - 212 kcal,

2nd breakfast: one apple or one orange,

We have lunch: a piece of turkey, a side dish - cabbage - broccoli, cauliflower, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 243.3 kcal,

Snack: fruit bar with the addition of an apple - 191.5 kcal,

We have dinner: azu, boiled rice, salad (greens, cucumber, tomato) - 354 kcal,

Total: 1000.8 kcal.

Seventh day


The picture is clickable

Other diet options for Elena Malysheva

Option one (1 week)

This diet does not harm the body.
Result: minus four kilograms per week, the duration of the diet is one week.
You need to combine diet with exercise.

We have breakfast: two pieces of bran bread, one hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese, two hundred grams of vegetables, a cup of green tea.

We have lunch: a portion of vegetable soup, one hundred grams of boiled chicken breast, one hundred grams of buckwheat, a glass of any freshly squeezed juice.

Snack: three hundred grams of any fruit.

We have dinner: one hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese, one hundred grams of boiled fish, one slice of bread, one glass of low-fat yogurt .

Option two (1 week)

Breakfast: boiled egg, a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. And we don't eat before lunch.

Lunch: Vegetable salad, sixty grams of turkey, a piece of low-fat cheese, lettuce.

Afternoon snack: one green apple.

Dinner: pasta + shrimp - one hundred grams, salad with spinach.

Super diet of Elena Malysheva (2-3 weeks)

The duration of the diet depends on your weight: if it is more than 90 kilograms, we follow it for three weeks, if it is more than 70 kilograms, we follow the diet for two weeks.

Breakfast: Cereal flakes drenched in low-fat milk.

We have lunch: cereals from cereals, filled with low-fat milk.

Afternoon snack: one pear.

Dinner: Spaghetti, a couple of turkey meatballs with lettuce.

Fast diet of Elena Malysheva

What is included in the Malysheva diet:

The duration of the diet is one week.

You can observe it only after consulting a doctor, because it is strict.

Breakfast: bagel, a piece of low-fat cheese.

Lunch: green salad, one hundred grams of boiled chicken.

Afternoon snack: two peaches.

Dinner: low-fat cheese lasagna, green salad with lean dressing.

Also, you can drink an unlimited amount of water.

Repeated dieting is possible in a month (this time is necessary for the body to recover).

The official diet of Elena Malysheva (5 weeks)

The duration of the diet is 5 weeks.
Allowed products: raw vegetables, low-fat cheese, yogurt, one egg, boiled hard-boiled per day.
Amount of food: unlimited.
Meal time: any.
Allowed drinks: unsweetened coffee, unsweetened tea, two liters of pure water per day.

1st week

any raw vegetables, you can also eat something from dairy products, one boiled chicken egg.

2nd week

eat the same foods as in the first week + three green apples in a day.

3rd week

meat, poultry, fish (three hundred grams) can be added to the consumed products, but we reduce the amount of dairy products consumed.

And this diet is observed until the end of the diet.

Diet for weight loss Elena Malysheva (5 kg in 3 days)

Result: up to minus five kilograms.

First day

Breakfast: boiled egg, a cup of tea with lemon.

We have lunch: one hundred grams of low-fat hard cheese, a glass of tea with lemon, one apple.

We have dinner: a portion of soup, a slice of black bread, one hundred grams of fruit.

Second day

Breakfast: one boiled chicken egg, a glass of tea with lemon.

We have lunch: two hundred grams of cottage cheese with the addition of 1 tsp of honey, lettuce (lettuce, cucumber), a piece of black bread.

We have dinner: one hundred and fifty grams of fish or poultry, vegetable salad, a glass of tea with lemon.

Third day

We have breakfast: one boiled egg, a glass of tea with lemon, any one fruit.

We have lunch: fifty grams of low-fat cheese, a slice of rye bread, two hundred grams of vegetable salad.

We have dinner: two hundred grams of any fruit, a glass of yogurt, a cup of tea with lemon.

Diet of Elena Malysheva for 10 days

Developed by Elena Malysheva together with nutritionist Rimma Moisenko.

During the diet period, protein and carbohydrate days alternate: during the protein day, we eat a boiled chicken egg, boiled chicken, while the carbohydrate day is observed, we eat the “Brush” vegetable salad.
This diet can be followed no more than once a year.

Malysheva's protein diet: in the morning we drink a glass of water on an empty stomach, after ten minutes we eat one boiled chicken egg, and throughout the day we use boiled chicken without salt, skin (about eight hundred grams). We drink two liters of pure drinking water per day.

Carbohydrate day: salad (take five hundred grams of shredded white cabbage, carrots, beetroot julienne, one teaspoon of lemon juice. We mix everything, squeeze. We eat 1 glass of salad eight times a day). We drink two liters of pure drinking water per day.

Diet Malysheva for 10 days allows you to lose five kilograms.

Doctor and TV presenter Elena Malysheva, even in her sixties, boasts a thin waist. Do you want the same? Adopt 10 diets, 3 secrets of a slim figure and 5 rules for quick weight loss!

Elena Malysheva is a well-known therapist, teacher, nutritionist and doctor of medical sciences. She has become widely known for her health programs, which promote proper nutrition and weight loss through a special diet. Her advice inspires many to change their lives and has helped thousands of patients lose weight. For those who are losing weight, a special project “Lose excess” has even been created - in it people who are not able to cope with the problem of overweight on their own lose weight under the supervision of doctors according to a special program. The result is impressive: many manage to lose up to 80 kg in a few months!

The best illustration of the benefits of this woman's diet is Elena Vasilievna herself - at 55 she looks young, fit and well-groomed. In many ways, this is the result of a balanced diet, which the famous doctor adheres to for most of his life. She shares the secrets of beauty and maintaining optimal weight in her programs, openly talking about all the difficulties that await you along the way. Malysheva tirelessly repeats that any diet has contraindications. Therefore, before losing weight, be sure to consult with your doctor to find out if this weight loss regimen is right for you.


  1. It is balanced and thought out in such a way that you lose weight without harming your health. The body will receive the vitamins and minerals necessary for life. At the same time, the load on the heart, organs of the gastrointestinal tract and the liver will be extremely reduced.
  2. During weight loss, various processes in the body are adjusted. The body becomes healthier and stronger, immunity improves.
  3. Losing weight does not require rare and hard-to-find products. All food can be bought in a regular store.
  4. Elena Vasilievna offers not only menu options, but also cooking recommendations. Even those who have never approached the stove will cope with simple recipes.
  5. You don't have to endure unbearable hunger pangs. The body quickly adapts to a new diet, so the feeling of satiety replaces the half-starved existence that is characteristic of many popular diets.
  6. Weight goes off smoothly and evenly, without creating unnecessary stress for the body.


In addition to the above postulates, you need to familiarize yourself with other principles of losing weight from Elena Malysheva:

  1. Losing weight can't be fast. The process involves the breakdown of adipose tissue that has accumulated over the years. To get rid of it, it will take time - months, and possibly years of weight loss. And adherence to the correct diet for the rest of your life, in order to prevent the return of the lost kilograms.
  2. The diet for weight loss is selected according to individual characteristics - there is no universal recipe for everyone. And you should start, first of all, from the reasons that caused the appearance of excess weight - an unhealthy diet, low physical activity or diseases. It is highly recommended to undergo a medical examination before losing weight.
  3. A healthy estimate of the optimal weight. Many women, intending to get rid of excess, do not need it at all - their weight is within the normal range and you can remove 2-3 kg of “ballast” without switching to a special diet.
  4. Counting calories. You need to know exactly how many calories you consumed per meal so as not to exceed the optimal numbers.
  5. Plentiful drink - at least 1.5-2 liters of water daily. Soups, juices, tea and other drinks are not included. Drinking a glass of water before meals will help you eat less.
  6. No rush. Chew your food thoroughly, eat slowly - experience the pleasure of every swallowed piece of food. In this case, the feeling of satiety will come before you finish your meal.
  7. Physical activity is a must. She can wear any form - morning work-out, evening jogging or training on the simulator, but at least 10-20 minutes a day of physical activity should be.

Daily regime

Since the key principle of this diet is to drink plenty of water and eat 4-5 times a day, a clear regimen must be followed. It will help not to starve and not tear the gastrointestinal tract with excessive loads.

The optimal daily routine for the Malysheva diet, regardless of the foods you eat:

  • 7:00 - wake up, drink a glass of plain water;
  • 8:00 - breakfast;
  • 9:00 - a glass of water;
  • 10:00 - a glass of water, fruit, if provided for by your diet;
  • 11:00 - a glass of water;
  • 12:00 - lunch;
  • 13:00, 14:00, 15:00 - a glass of water;
  • 16:00 - afternoon tea;
  • 17:00, 18:00, 19:00 - a glass of water;
  • 20:00 - dinner;
  • 21:00 - a glass of water;
  • 22:00 - lights out.

During the diet, it is very important to follow the regime and get enough sleep. Due to lack of sleep, metabolism is disturbed, there is an increased feeling of hunger.

3 secrets of a slim figure

There is nothing unusual about secrets - it is general rules working in all diets promoted by Elena Vasilievna. Adhering to them is imperative if you want to achieve a sustainable result without compromising health and excessive exhaustion.

Secret number 1. To lose weight, you must eat

This is the main condition! And you need to eat often with short breaks. Ideally, if all the food consumed during the day is divided into 6 meals. The minimum number of approaches to food is four. There are 2-3 times a day and even more so 1 is absolutely impossible! With such a diet, losing weight is very difficult, besides, the body will thank you with indigestion and constipation. The explanation is simple: the process of digestion must go on constantly. First, it takes a huge amount of energy, so most of calories from food will be spent on the digestion of this food itself. Secondly, the intestines work more actively if they receive fractional portions of food in small quantities, which avoids digestive problems.

In addition, this approach to nutrition allows you to maintain a stable level of glucose in the blood. Thanks to this, the feeling of brutal hunger will leave you forever. Situations when you sweep everything off the table, unable to stop, will remain in the past.

Secret number 2. Food in one glass

We are talking about the amount of food that is recommended to be eaten at one time. A serving should not be more than 200-250 grams for women, 250-300 grams for men and should fit in one glass. This choice has a completely logical justification: due to the abundance of folds, the stomach adjusts to the amount of food that you eat. At fat people the stomach is stretched to an incredible size. It takes a lot of food to fill it up. The purpose of the Malysheva diet is to reduce the volume of this organ to its natural state, that is, to the size of one glass. This is a rather lengthy process that requires endurance and self-control from losing weight. But later, even if you stop dieting, you simply cannot eat more: the stomach will decrease, the feeling of satiety will come after eating the above amount of food.

Secret number 3. Water is more important than food

During the day you need to drink at least 2 liters of water. Without gas, sugar, salt and aromatic additives - pure spring or mineral water. Not counting those mugs of tea, coffee, juices, soft drinks and other drinks that you consume daily. This is necessary for several reasons:

  • water fills the stomach and deceives him: it seems to him that he is full, therefore he sends the corresponding signal to the brain;
  • a sufficient amount of water stimulates the intestines, improves peristalsis and promotes a healthy metabolism;
  • it serves as a good prevention against diseases of the urinary and cardiovascular systems.

It is with this rule that losing weight has the most problems. Not everyone is able to drink 2 liters of clean water every day, but many nutritionists insist on this condition. And if you plan to lose weight according to the Malysheva system, then you will have to strictly observe it.

10 diets of Elena Malysheva

Since the TV presenter very often makes recommendations on losing weight from TV screens, many diets have been compiled on the basis of her words, which, to one degree or another, are based on the key principles of her program. Today, about three dozen different express diets are already assigned to her authorship, thanks to which it is supposedly possible to lose 9-10 kg in 2-3 weeks and remove the stomach. Not all of these schemes really apply to Elena Vasilievna, since in some cases they contradict the key principles of healthy weight loss. But among all the diets attributed to Malysheva, 10 of them especially spread. All of them, to one degree or another, are based on the principles of getting rid of excess weight, which she promotes. The presented diets differ in terms and products that must be consumed when losing weight.


So you can call almost any diet of Elena Malysheva, since she always recommends limiting or limiting salt intake as much as possible. There are at least three reasonable explanations for this:

  1. Salt will not retain fluid, leading to weight gain.
  2. A person eats less unsalted food, which leads to a decrease in the number of calories consumed during the day.
  3. Normalizes blood pressure, which improves metabolism.

Salt restriction will positively affect not only the figure, but also human health. And so that the food does not become completely bland, it is allowed to use soy sauce, lemon juice and natural seasonings. In the “Drop the excess” project, every beginner to lose weight at the first stage is recommended to simply forget about salt. The result exceeds all expectations: some manage to lose from 5 to 15 kg! And this is without restriction in food and global changes in the diet.

It is easy to follow this diet of Elena Malysheva: you do not need to salt food during cooking or in finished form. You will also have to give up all types of prepared meat and fish products: sausages, sausages, meatballs, etc. Meat must be bought raw and cooked at home. But don't salt it! You will also have to forget about cheese, canned food and many other products that include salt, including all kinds of sauces and some types of seasonings. The amount of food eaten is not limited.

Rice (mono)

This is a fasting diet, which is recommended for every person every week, even if he is not losing weight. The technique allows you to cleanse the body of toxins and unload the digestive tract. To arrange a fasting day, you need only 1 kg of rice, green tea and mineral water without gas. Rice must be boiled (after soaking in cold water, which will save it from excess starch) and divided into 6 equal portions. Each is eaten with an interval of two hours: at 8:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00 and 18:00. Between meals, drink, alternating, a glass of water or a mug of green tea.

Express: 3 day New Year's Eve

Allows you to lose up to 5 kg in just a few days. For several days, you need to eat the same set of foods:

  • Breakfast: a small slice of bread and two slices of low-fat cheese.
  • Lunch: 150-200 g of boiled chicken, vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack: 2 low-calorie fruits.
  • Dinner: vegetable lasagne with cheese.
  • Second dinner: green vegetable salad.

For a week

It is combined with moderate physical activity, which allows you to get rid of 2-4 kg in 7 days. Every day you need to eat the same foods:

  • Breakfast: 2 slices of bran bread, 100 g fat-free cottage cheese, vegetable salad, green tea.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, lean boiled meat, a small portion of rice or buckwheat, juice.
  • Afternoon snack: 2-3 low-calorie fruits.
  • Have dinner with a piece of low-fat fish, a slice of bread and a glass of kefir.

Protein (kefir) for 10 days

This diet is recommended only for healthy people. It implies an almost complete restriction of salt in the diet, which leads to a quick weight loss result. The fact is that salt retains fluid in the body, adding a few extra pounds to live weight. Getting rid of it, you lose several kilograms without much effort. In addition, within 10 days, 3 unloading days on kefir are provided. It is necessary to use only protein foods that promote the growth of muscle tissue, and not fat cells. The bottom line is that the body spends a lot of energy on protein processing, which also speeds up the process of losing weight.

By the day, this diet is painted as follows:

  • 1, 5 and 10 days - 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir;
  • 2nd and 6th days - 1 liter of kefir, 250 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 3rd, 7th and 9th days - no more than 900 g of lean fish - boiled or baked;
  • 4th and 8th days - 0.5 chicken breast without skin.

On such a diet, losing 5 kg in 10 days is absolutely not a problem. Many get rid of more weight - the result depends on the initial indicators and physical activity.

13 days (with lettuce brush)

Elena Malysheva announced this diet on the air of the Live Healthy program. Everyone sets the term for losing weight: 10 or 13 days. The peculiarity of this diet is the alternation of protein and carbohydrate days. As such, the menu is not given, but you need to follow some recommendations.

Protein day starts with a glass of water room temperature. For breakfast, a boiled egg and green vegetables are eaten. During the rest of the day - 800 g of low-fat boiled chicken. Any vegetables up to 1.5 kg are allowed on a carbohydrate day (except potatoes). They can be eaten in soups, salads, boiled and stewed. Such a diet allows you to quickly get rid of a few extra pounds without harming your own body. However, such a diet is not recommended for people with gastrointestinal disorders and those on a special diet table.

On a vegetable day, it is recommended to prepare a special “brush” salad, which will speed up weight loss and at the same time free the body from toxins and unnecessary elements. To prepare such a salad, you need to finely chop and mix in equal proportions:

  • beets;
  • carrot;
  • cabbage.

All vegetables must be raw, not thermally processed. A tablespoon is used as a dressing. olive oil and lemon juice.

For three weeks

This diet is designed for people who are very overweight. It is necessary to arrange fasting days 1-2 times a week. On other days, you do not need to “eat up”, trying to make up for the lack of calories during unloading. The diet on the fasting day is the same, it includes cereal flakes in skim milk for breakfast and lunch. Afternoon - pear. Dinner should be pasta with lean meatballs (small portion). Of the drinks, preference is given to traditionally green tea and plain water. To facilitate the choice of products, use the food designer (see below).

For a month (5 weeks)

For each week, a special diet is selected. So in the first week you can eat raw vegetables in unlimited quantities. They are used in the form of salads, mixes, sliced ​​\u200b\u200band whole. Once a day, you can eat an egg (for breakfast or lunch). Fat-free dairy products are also allowed indefinitely. In the second week, green apples are added to this diet - they are eaten 3 pieces every day. On the third "seven days" and until the end of the diet, 300 g of lean meat is added to the menu of the first two weeks.

For three months

The advantage of this diet by Malysheva is a minimum of stress for the body. Excess weight goes away easily and does not come back. First you need to calculate for yourself the optimal number of calories. Based on this, a menu is drawn up, which must be followed for the entire period of weight loss. Breakfast is recommended at 8 am, lunch from 12:00 to 13:00, and dinner until 19:00.

Sample meal plan for one day:

  • For breakfast: oatmeal (buckwheat) unsweetened porridge without oil, fat-free yogurt, cottage cheese or kefir.
  • For lunch: boiled chicken or fish, egg.
  • For afternoon snacks - one unsweetened fruit.
  • For dinner: an egg, lettuce, 200 ml of low-fat yogurt.

If desired, a glass of kefir can be transferred to a second dinner or drunk before bedtime.


The main feature is a long period of compliance. You can’t count on a quick result, but the lost kilograms go away for a long time, if not forever. The advantage of such a diet of Elena Malysheva is the absence of severe food restrictions. The main principle is to eat no more than 1200 calories. This is enough for the average working person. However, if you do physical labor, increase your limit to 1500-1800 calories.

What is the essence of this diet:

  • eat often, but in small portions;
  • abandon mayonnaise, ketchup and other salad dressings, using only lemon juice for this purpose;
  • eat lean meat with a minimum amount of salt;
  • give up sugar, alcohol, fatty and starchy foods;
  • cereals - for breakfast, protein - for lunch, vegetables - for dinner, fruits for snacking.

When choosing long-term diet priority is given to products containing coarse fibers. These are all kinds of vegetables and plant products. Their unique property is that they are poorly digested, not absorbed and easily excreted from the body. At the same time, they act like a sponge: they take with them up to 10-15% of the accumulated cholesterol and various toxic substances. As a result, a feeling of satiety is created, intestinal motility improves, excess fat leaves the body.

Rules for rapid weight loss from Elena Malysheva

Elena Vasilievna tirelessly repeats that fast weight loss- harmful. And rarely effective. Having got rid of 3-4 kg in a few days, you will have to make a lot of efforts to maintain the achieved result. However, there are situations when you really need to lose a few pounds and do it quickly. In this case, you must follow simple rules:

  1. Think over the diet for the week, providing for two unloading days.
  2. Plan to unload on days that are very busy - so that there is no temptation once again eat.
  3. Avoid strenuous exercise on these days.
  4. In the morning on an empty stomach, take a teaspoon of vegetable oil.
  5. Drink at least 1 glass of water every hour.

At the same time, there is no need to limit yourself to food after 18:00 or 19:00. It is not the time of eating that is important, but its quantity and calorie content. In addition, it is important to evenly distribute all the food consumed during the day, eating fractionally at short intervals.

Fast Diet Weight Loss Results

Eating according to this scheme for a month, people on average lose 6-8 kilograms. This is very good result, which, do not forget, is not so easy to save. As you embark on this journey, don't lose your head. The effect largely depends on your starting weight. The fatter you are, the more you can lose in a short time. However, the results must not be greater than:

  • 1.5 kg in one day;
  • 2.5 kg in two days;
  • 3 kg in 3 days;
  • 4 kg in 5 days;
  • 5 kg in 10 days.

With this diet, you can lose up to 15 kg of excess weight. it perfect option For most people, with all their efforts, the result is much worse. Therefore, you should not despair if you have not achieved similar success.

Diets for fast weight loss

The most common food options for emergency weight loss are protein. And there are two simple explanations for this: protein does not turn into fat and it takes a huge amount of energy to digest it. Such a diet by Malysheva should be carefully taken by people with kidney disease, type 2 diabetes. Therefore, it is highly recommended to consult a doctor first.

Weight loss in 5 days

1 day - juice. Dilute with 0.5 liters of orange celery juice with water. The total volume should be 2 liters. Divide this amount into 10 doses and consume every hour and a half. To prolong your meal and get a feeling of fullness, eat juice with a spoon!

Day 2 - rice. It will take 1 cup of dry rice, which must be washed the day before, poured with water and left to stand until the morning. Then rinse again and boil in unsalted water. The resulting volume should be divided into 8 servings and eat during the day with an interval of 2 hours.

3 day - apple. You will need 6 medium-sized fruits (about 1.2 kg). Half of the apples must be cut in half, core removed and baked in the oven. During the day, alternate raw and baked fruits, eating two halves at a time.

Day 4 - cucumber. It will take 3.5 kg of these vegetables, which are divided into 8 servings. They need to be eaten during the day with an interval of 1.5 hours. Do not forget about the drinking regime - at least 2 liters per day of plain non-carbonated water.

Day 5 - the famous brush salad (recipe above). 1.5 kg of salad (500 g of each ingredient) is divided into 6 meals.

Lose weight in 3 days (lean diet)

If you do everything right, you can lose about 4 kg of excess weight in just three days. It is advisable to choose the busiest days for the event, when there is simply not enough time to think about food. The diet is perfect for vegetarians and fasting people, as all animal products are excluded from the diet. It is not recommended to expose yourself to high physical activity in the process of express weight loss. Throughout the diet, you must eat the same set of foods:

  • 1 liter of orange juice;
  • 1 liter vegetable juice (no salt!);
  • 1.2 kg vegetable salad (arbitrarily chopped broccoli, cauliflower, radish, celery, cucumber, parsley, bell pepper);
  • 600 g of steamed vegetables (white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Chinese in any combination);
  • 6 tablespoons of sunflower seeds;
  • 300 g oatmeal.

Try to evenly divide all these foods into 6 servings so that you get the same number of calories at each meal. And do not forget about 2 liters of water, which you also need to drink during the day!

Ready meals from Malysheva

For those who do not want to cook separate meals every day in order to lose weight, a set of ready-made meals is offered - it is sold on the website of Elena Vasilievna and is available to anyone. The diet of this food is designed in such a way that a person consumes no more than 1000-1200 calories per day. Products are varied and contain vitamins and elements necessary for health.

Composition and set of products

By ordering such a set, you get several boxes for each day. They contain portioned food containers for 4 meals. To avoid confusion, each serving is color-coded: green breakfasts, yellow lunches, red dinners, and blue afternoon snacks. In addition, one independent snack is allowed - from the options that correspond to your diet. Food is supplied dry or frozen. You just need to heat the food in the microwave or pour boiling water. Products undergo cold shock treatment, thanks to which they retain appearance and useful properties.

Malysheva's diet menu includes:

  1. Breakfasts are a varied alternation of cereals, fitness bars, frozen omelettes and nut mixes. Frozen foods must be stored in the refrigerator. For breakfast, you can add one glass of low-fat milk, yogurt or kefir (without sugar or any fruit additives).
  2. Lunches are varied and not repetitive. These are all kinds of combinations of soups, fish, rice, spaghetti, meatballs, meat. Products do not increase appetite, satisfy hunger and contain maximum necessary elements to stay active throughout the day. Additionally, it is allowed to eat a salad of vegetables and green leaves, seasoning it with lemon juice or 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.
  3. Snacks - dried fruits and nut mixes, fruit bars. Used for a hearty and tasty snack without prior preparation. One fruit to choose from will help diversify the snack: an apple, an orange, a tangerine, or 100 grams of strawberries.
  4. Dinners - cabbage rolls, meatballs with a vegetable side dish, meatballs, pilaf and many other favorite dishes. Dinners are usually less caloric than lunches, but no less tasty. It is permissible to supplement the meal with the same salad as for lunch.

The packages are airtight and convenient - they are easy to take with you to work, on a trip or to nature, which makes it easier to worry about cooking. It is convenient that you can alternate and choose any breakfasts, lunches, afternoon snacks and dinners without adhering to any particular scenario. This will allow you to eat differently every day and at the same time get a full set of useful elements and vitamins. Thus, Elena Malysheva's diet will be easy, tasty and effective.

Fasting days

These products must be eaten for 6 days in a row, and on the seventh, arrange a fasting day. You will find the entire diet for this in pink packaging. There are two unloading options - rice or buckwheat. Throughout the day, it is necessary to eat cereals pre-filled with boiling water without salt. In total, about 800 grams are obtained. This amount must be divided into 8 portions and eat at intervals of 2-2.5 hours. It is very important not to forget about the drinking regimen, but if possible, drink water between meals. Other products are prohibited on this day.

During such unloading, you can lose up to 1 kilogram of weight! Mainly due to excess fluid, which will quickly leave your body due to the lack of salt.

Types of ready-made diet

Elena Malysheva's food sets are divided into three large groups: for healthy men and women and people with hypertension. In the variant for those suffering from hypertension, foods that can provoke changes in blood pressure are excluded from the daily diet. In each of these sets, you can choose the option of a fasting day: buckwheat or rice.

The diet with rice fasting days comes in three versions:

  1. Women for weight loss, designed for 1 month with a daily intake of 800 kcal.
  2. For women to maintain weight, designed for those who have already lost weight and do not want to gain weight again (1000 kcal).
  3. Men for weight loss (1000 kcal).

A diet with buckwheat fasting days is possible in four versions: a diet for men is added to the previous three to maintain weight.

Diet for men

The main difference between the male diet and the female one is the higher calorie content of servings. This is due to a different metabolism - men, on average, require much more energy for normal life than women. Therefore, they consume 1000 kcal per day for weight loss and 1200 kcal for maintaining weight, while for women this figure is 800 and 1000 kcal, respectively. Otherwise, the composition of the men's diet does not differ from the women's: the same logic of preparing dishes and a variety of menus, the distribution of calories throughout the day.

Is it possible to follow a diet while breastfeeding

Many newly-made mothers who have gained excess weight during pregnancy are interested in whether it is possible to go on the diet of Elena Malysheva during lactation. But they forget that breastfeeding is a special diet, which implies the rejection of many such products that are already not welcome in Elena Vasilievna's diet. However, it is still not recommended to eat ready-made kits during lactation - they contain a lot of vegetables, fruits and bars that can cause allergies in a baby and provoke a decrease in the amount of breast milk.

In addition, the diet for nursing mothers is very different from the menu of an ordinary person - after all, it should include a little more carbohydrates and fats than provided for in Malysheva's ready-made kits. So far, Elena Vasilievna's ready-made food kits are not provided for newly-made mothers, so for weight loss it is better to contact a nutritionist to draw up an individual nutrition plan. Please note that many doctors recommend not to think about losing weight during lactation - this is invariably accompanied by a decrease in milk production, which does not have the best effect on the health of the child.

Food designer Elena Malysheva

In his book "Elena Malysheva's Diet", the doctor of medical sciences provides a convenient way to create your own diet. In the "Meal Builder" section, the page is divided into 5 parts of different colors, indicating one of the meals: green - breakfast, pink - second breakfast, yellow - lunch, blue - afternoon tea, red - dinner. The menu is thought out in such a way that a person consumes the main calories in the morning. At the same time, nutrition is balanced, containing the optimal set of products for weight loss.

Sample recipes from the food constructor

You can combine all the described dishes in any order: any breakfast can be combined with any lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. This allows you to make the diet varied and avoid those foods that are not to your taste.

Here are some power options for this designer.


No. 1. Cottage cheese with bread and parmesan (309 kcal):

  • a piece of whole wheat flour bread (50 g);
  • butter 5 g;
  • 30 g Parmesan cheese;
  • 100 g fat-free cottage cheese;
  • a glass of coffee without sugar.

Spread butter on bread and spread cheese.

No. 2. Oatmeal with raisins (116 kcal):

  • 100 g of oatmeal;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • 1 glass of orange juice.

Porridge is boiled in water without adding sugar and salt.

Number 3. Cottage cheese with apple and bread (239 kcal):

  • 100 g fat-free cottage cheese;
  • 1 small apple;
  • 50 g whole grain bread;
  • 5 g butter.

second breakfasts

No. 1. Apple with yogurt (118 kcal):

  • fat-free yogurt, without sugar and fruit additives.

No. 2. Strawberries with milk (80 kcal):

  • finely chop 150 g strawberries and mix them with half a glass of skimmed milk.

Number 3. Peanut Butter Sandwich (150 kcal):

  • Spread 1 tsp on whole rice loaves (2 pieces). peanut butter. Drink a cup of green tea.


No. 1. Salmon with salad, kefir and bread (332 kcal):

  • 100 g salmon;
  • 150 g vegetable salad (Iceberg, cabbage, bell pepper, celery, carrot), season with 1 tsp. olive oil with lemon juice;
  • 1 whole grain bread, kefir.

All products are served without salt.

No. 2. Chicken breast sandwich (309 kcal):

  • Spread a piece of bread (50 g) from rye flour toasted in a toaster with a thin layer of mustard, top with boiled chicken breast (100 g), cut into thin pieces, cheese (50 g), half a tomato. If desired, add greens and lettuce.

Number 3. Mackerel with celery and onions (343 kcal):

  • 100 g of boiled mackerel;
  • 25 g onions;
  • 25 g celery;
  • 5 g mayonnaise;
  • a piece of whole grain bread;
  • a cup of tea or coffee with 50 ml of skimmed milk.

afternoon tea

No. 1. Yogurt with strawberries (102 kcal):

  • in fat-free yogurt (125 g) add 100 g of strawberries.

No. 2. Milk with ice cream (115 kcal):

  • Mix half a glass of skimmed milk and 50 g of skimmed ice cream in a mixer.

No. 3. Baked apple (90 kcal):

  • wash the apple, cut the core and bake in the oven for 10 minutes. Sprinkle with cinnamon before serving.


No. 1. Beef with salad (267 kcal):

  • 100 g beef tenderloin;
  • 150 g of salad.

The meat is steamed without oil and salt. Fat-free kefir with lemon juice acts as a salad dressing. You can add parsley and dill to taste.

No. 2. Chicken breast with potatoes and salad (327 kcal):

  • 1 potato (100 g);
  • 100 g of boiled chicken breast;
  • 5 g butter;
  • 200 g of vegetable salad, flavored with the juice of half a lemon.

Number 3. Turkey with spinach (154 kcal):

  • Grill 100 g turkey without oil or stew. As a side dish - 200 g of steamed spinach.

active movement

In the same book, Malysheva gives a constructor for performing exercises that will help get rid of the most problematic areas without overworking. Regular exercise speeds up the process of losing weight and has a very beneficial effect on metabolism. In addition, it is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases, strokes and depression. According to Malysheva's theory, active exercise determines the success of your chosen diet by 20%. When performing gymnastics, you must follow 4 simple rules:

  1. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds.
  2. Move non-stop during the entire exercise cycle.
  3. Practice for at least 10 minutes.
  4. Read the rules of the exercises in advance so as not to be distracted and not to stop during the gymnastics.

Exemplary table of exercises during a diet: figure constructor

The exercises proposed in the constructor are divided into three large groups: for the arms and chest, for the abdomen and back, for the buttocks, legs and hips. Before starting charging, it is recommended to warm up the muscles for one and a half minutes. The exercises start with the upper body, then move to the middle and complete the lower. At the end of the complex, repeat the warm-up so that the heartbeat slows down and the muscles gradually calm down. It will not be superfluous to perform muscle stretching.

Charging does not require special physical training and is easy to perform. However, if you feel unwell during it, it is better to stop the gymnastics and consult a doctor. The exercises proposed in the constructor are adapted for three types of people: thin, normal and full.

For thin

1 2 3
Top Feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells stretch forward. Bend your elbows towards you, holding the dumbbells vertically. Starting position- lying on the floor, bending your knees, arms with dumbbells spread apart. Raise your hands, bringing them together and holding them in front of you. Return to starting position. IP - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells along the body. Raise your arms to parallel with the floor, holding the dumbbells vertically. Return to IP.
middle part Lie on the floor with your knees bent, heels on the floor. Hands behind head. Raise the pelvis off the floor so that the body and legs form a 90-degree angle. Try to do the exercise as slowly as possible. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Arms bent at the elbows, dumbbells in front of you vertically. Without changing the position of the hands, alternately throw the left and right legs forward, making a quick and sharp kick. Lie on the floor with your knees bent, heels on the floor. Hands behind head. Raise the body, touching alternately with the left elbow of the right knee and with the right elbow of the left knee.
Bottom Sit on a chair with your hands on the seat. Raise the pelvis, transferring the weight to the hands. Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells lowered along the body. Rise on toes without changing the position of the body. Stand up with one leg on a chair without bending at the knee. Squat as far as possible on one leg without bending the leg extended forward.

For normal

1 2 3
Top Legs spread shoulder-width apart and slightly bent at the knees. Arms bent at the elbows, dumbbells in front of you. Box with dumbbells, alternately and sharply straightening your arms forward to parallel with the floor. Lowering the dumbbells along the body, do lunges forward. Squat on the left leg to raise right hand up to the chest. Do the same with a pair of right leg - left hand. IP - semi-squat, hands with dumbbells below. Rise, spreading your arms to the sides until parallel with the floor. Then return to the starting position.
middle part Lying on the floor, raise your legs and upper part body. Perform the “twisting bike” exercise by alternately bending your knees and touching them with the elbows of opposite hands. Lying on the floor, rest your feet against the wall. Raise your pelvis as high as possible, leaning on your arms and shoulders. Sit with your knees bent and your heels on the floor. Rotate your body left and right, touching the floor with your hands.
Bottom Squat with dumbbells in your hands. Hands during squats are lowered down and the positions do not change. The left leg is slightly forward and bent. Transfer the weight of the body to it. Move the other leg back a little. The arms are bent at the elbows vertically in front of the body. Raise your right leg, touching your elbows with your knee. After repeating 10 times, change legs. IP - standing, feet shoulder width apart. Jump up, bringing your feet together to make a clap.

For full

1 2 3
Top Bend and unbend your arms with dumbbells, being in a semi-squat position. From a prone position, do push-ups, touching the body to the floor. Sitting on a chair, spread your arms with dumbbells to the side until parallel with the floor.
middle part Lying on the floor, bend your legs and body, alternately reaching your knees with your right and left elbows. Stance: feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows and wound behind the head. Lean left and right while lifting the corresponding leg. Lying on the floor, spread your arms to the sides. Slowly raise both legs and just as slowly lower them to the floor.
Bottom Squat to a semi-squat position. Lying on the floor, raise your legs. Alternately raise the left and right to the vertical, without bending at the knee. Standing in front of a chair, move the left and right legs over it.

How to get out of the diet

The diet from Elena Vasilievna is good because it allows you to freely join the diet and leave it without much effort. The menu is designed in such a way that the body receives the vitamins and nutrients necessary for life. This is one of the few diets that can be followed for life without any harm to health.

However, if you decide to end the diet, you need to gradually introduce into the diet foods in which you previously limited yourself. You should not load your digestive tract with heavy fatty foods, sweets and salty foods in one day. If you want to increase the calorie intake of food, do it gradually, adding no more than 20-50 kcal per day to the diet. Extend the timing of the exit from the diet as much as possible. Thanks to this, the lost kilograms will not return.

And to keep the results as long as possible, follow these simple rules:

  • eat no more than 1200 kcal per day;
  • do not eat on the go;
  • do not leave gymnastics, gradually increasing the load.

And in order to forget about the problems with being overweight forever, it is better to completely abandon some products, pampering yourself with them only occasionally and a little bit.

Diet analogues Malysheva

Ready meal kits - not unique idea. The Leovit system “We lose weight in a week” has also become widespread. Losing weight is offered a weekly ration of food. The total calorie content of food consumed during the day is 400-500 kcal. This is much less than according to the Malysheva system, however, it is allowed to supplement this diet with self-cooked dishes. For example, eat a piece of boiled low-fat fish for dinner. In total, about 800-1000 kcal is obtained. In addition, the food is salty and, according to customer reviews, looks a lot like food. fast food. However, there are more options for sets to taste:

  • traditional;
  • vegetarian;
  • Mediterranean;
  • Japanese.

The products are delivered dry. They must first be poured with boiling water, which makes it even more similar to standard fast food dishes. However, this is a good option for those who do not know how to control portions and do not like to cook. Other box diets have also gained popularity: GREEN, D-LIGHT, Just for your, Body Light.

The logic of Elena Malysheva's diet is comparable with many other nutrition systems. So similar principles await you when you usually count calories: you eat a variety of foods, but in certain quantities, so that on average per day the calorie content of foods does not exceed 1000-1200. In general, Elena Vasilievna's diet has absorbed the features of several diets, combining their advantages in the most optimal way. This is one of the most versatile ways to get rid of annoying excess weight, suitable for men and women of all ages and minimum set contraindications.

The diet of Elena Malysheva is based on the main principles of a healthy low-calorie diet. She quite rightly believes that it is possible to achieve high-quality and long-term results only by adhering to reasonable and fairly simple rules of a healthy lifestyle.

However, in this diet you will find for yourself some features that, in combination with the basic principles, can lead to the desired results.

Nutrition for weight loss from Elena Malysheva. General principles.

Diet Malysheva , the menu of which is elementary and accessible to almost everyone - this is not just a nutrition system or a list of acceptable products, but a philosophy, a way of life, the adoption of which not only helps to bring the figure closer to perfection, but also to improve the body as a whole, which, of course, will help to consolidate the result after the desired weight loss.

The diet menu of E. Malysheva may have various options dishes. It is best to create your own menu for the week and for every day. Recipes for free dishes can be found in our article.

Lack of hunger as one of the basic rules of nutrition

The natural instinctive reaction of the body to the cessation of intake nutrients, is the accumulation of calories.

In this way, Solving the issue of extra pounds by refusing food, you can achieve the opposite effect: the body will respond to hunger with even more intense accumulation of body fat at the first opportunity to obtain nutrients.

This means that in order to achieve correct, gradual and long-term weight loss, hunger must be eliminated and, conversely, regular meals should be provided to avoid stress and its consequences in the body.

Consistently small portions

The ideal number of meals per day, according to Elena Vasilievna, is 5, 3 of which can be considered basic and 2 intermediate.

Frequent meals in limited quantities will help create a feeling of fullness throughout the day, while small portions will ensure stable weight loss.

Eat from small plates and weight loss will not take long

The correct portion should be less than 250 grams. A proven way to accustom yourself to this amount of food at a time is to eat from a small plate.

Pure healthy water!

An indispensable companion for all those who care about health and figure. Drinking enough water throughout the day also implies this diet - Malysheva claims that a carefully thought-out menu, supplemented large quantity water can work wonders.

Water removes toxins from the body, rejuvenates, participates in almost all the most important processes occurring in the body - is it worth underestimating its importance?

Say no to simple carbs!

This truth is as old as the world, but without following this rule, a slender figure can be an unattainable dream. It is necessary to refuse flour products, especially buns and cakes, chocolate and sweets.

Dried fruits are tasty and useful replacement buns

In the world there are a sufficient number of quite worthy substitutes for desserts that are familiar to us, but destructive for our figure, for example, honey, dried fruits, sweets based on fruits and dairy products.

Chew, chew and chew again!

Do not forget about the magic rule of 33 times. Yes, that's how many times you need to chew the desired piece before it goes into the stomach. This exercise is not difficult to get used to, and the results deserve their place on our list of good habits.

In this case, food is absorbed much better than with the usual hasty pushing of a piece into the mouth, and the feeling of satiety will have time to come even before the hand reaches for the supplement.

Fat Free Products

Malysheva's diet, the menu of which is based on the simple principles of a healthy diet, does not imply the use of fatty foods, which is quite natural.

The less fatty foods in the diet, the more energy, health And, of course, fewer extra pounds.

Focus on protein

Lean meats, legumes, and low-fat dairy products are excellent. construction material for the body

The use of protein in large quantities helps to "dry" the body without depriving it of strength.

The best day is unloading

It is a good habit to reduce your diet to one single food once a week.

Ordinary fasting day can be vegetable, fruit or sour-milk. But Elena Vasilievna prefers rice or buckwheat. In her opinion, it is these cereals that are able to cleanse the body as much as possible in a day, without depleting it.

Quantity into quality

Since the Mylysheva diet solves the problem of excess weight in simple and well-known, but, at the same time, reliable and proven ways, its menu is selected and taking into account the correct number of calories consumed per day. And those should be from 800 to 1200.

If you need to lose weight only due to dietary restrictions, it is better to stay within 800 calories, but if the diet is combined with regular sports or fitness, you can increase the threshold to 1200.

This number of calories is enough to satisfy the body's need for nutrition, bypass the risk of "breaking loose", and, at the same time, the body will quickly return to shape.

Not a day without physical activity

Such an attitude dooms its owner to inevitable success in acquiring a slender figure.

No matter how proper or even poor nutrition, the body will never look as attractive as in combination with physical activity.

Movement is not only life, but also a beautiful, toned body

Reasonable loads make the body toned, the heart and blood vessels healthy, and their owner cheerful and energetic.

The price of products - the cost of a weight loss program

Elena Malysheva's diet menu is extremely simple, and the products from which the dishes are prepared are accessible to everyone.

For example, a kilogram of buckwheat can be purchased for 50 rubles, oatmeal, which Elena Vasilievna recommends eating for breakfast, costs from 20 to 70 rubles, chicken for lunch and dinner is 200 rubles, and meat for meatballs and zrazy is 300-400 rubles.

What is included in the diet

In the diet box you can find:

  1. cereals. Oatmeal, buckwheat, rice are an indispensable source of carbohydrates, which means energy. Oatmeal is especially helpful. Properly prepared, it is able to remove cholesterol from the body.
  2. Protein foods of animal origin. Elena Malysheva in her diet recommends alternating different meat dishes. Those. the weekly menu may include, for example, chicken, red meat in the form of meatballs or zraz, chicken fillet, turkey, fish, eggs, etc.
  3. Fresh fruits and vegetables. Source of fiber and vitamins.
  4. fruit bars. Elena Malysheva recommends them as an intermediate meal, for example, an afternoon snack.
  5. Nuts and dried fruits. They contain essential trace elements, vitamins, protein.
  6. Tea coffee.

Malysheva's diet: a sample menu for every day of the week


  • Breakfast- oatmeal or a small puff, tea / coffee.
  • 2nd breakfast- an apple or an orange.
  • Dinner- spaghetti "Bolognese" or turkey in white sauce with a side dish of cauliflower.
  • afternoon tea- fruit bar or berry soufflé.
  • Dinner- chicken soup or cabbage soup.


  • Breakfast- fruit bar with tea (coffee) or buckwheat porridge.
  • 2nd breakfast- 100 g of berries to choose from.
  • Dinner- chicken breast or chicken meatballs with buckwheat and mushroom sauce.
  • afternoon tea- a handful of cashews and dried fruits or a bar of cereals and berries.
  • Dinner- chicken or fish meatballs with rice and vegetable salad.


  • Breakfast– Muesli or fruit bar with berries, tea/coffee.
  • 2nd breakfast- an apple or an orange.
  • Dinner- Fusilli with minced chicken with sauce or fish fillet with mashed potatoes.
  • afternoon tea- Fruit bar or berry soufflé.
  • Dinner- mushroom cream soup or julienne, vegetable salad.


  • Breakfast– Muesli with dried fruits or oatmeal with pineapple, tea/coffee.
  • 2nd breakfast- Berries of your choice
  • Dinner- potato casserole with salmon or chicken stew with vegetables.
  • afternoon tea- nuts and dried fruits or a bar of cereals and fruits.
  • Dinner- Broccoli cream soup or cabbage stewed with mushrooms, vegetable salad.


  • Breakfast- Buckwheat with mushrooms or beans, tea / coffee.
  • 2nd breakfast- an apple or an orange.
  • Dinner- meat zrazy with mushrooms or meatballs in tomato sauce, buckwheat, vegetable salad.
  • afternoon tea- nuts and dried fruits or grain gozinak with fruits.
  • Dinner- fish soup or spicy meat with vegetables.


  • Breakfast- rice or oatmeal with fruit, tea / coffee.
  • 2nd breakfast- Berries of your choice
  • Dinner- white fish fillet or liver with rice, vegetable salad.
  • afternoon tea– Fruit bar or sesame gozinak with dried fruits.
  • Dinner- chicken breast with vegetables and buckwheat or vegetable pilaf, vegetable salad.


Fasting day on boiled rice or buckwheat.

Note! It is necessary to monitor the amount of salt consumed. Dishes from the Malysheva diet menu are only slightly salted, and this is no coincidence.

The skill to consume a minimum of salt with food will allow you to forget about puffiness and in combination with the general rules of harmonious nutrition will help to achieve beautiful figure and excellent health.

Menu for 10 days for women. Table (free).

Breakfast Lunch Dinner afternoon tea Dinner
1 dayOatmeal with berries, tea/coffee.AppleChicken baked with vegetablesCereal kozinak with dried fruits (An afternoon snack on the Malysheva diet menu is the time when you can afford a small healthy dessert)Steamed salmon fillet with rice and salad of vegetables and herbs
2 dayBuckwheat porridge, tea/coffee.2 tangerinesPotato casserole with meatFruit bar with dried apricots and nutsFish soup, salad of vegetables and herbs
3 dayPuff with berries, tea/coffee.100 grams of cherriesTagliatelle with minced chicken with white sauceHandful of almonds and dried fruitChicken soup with greens, vegetable and green salad
Day 4Rice porridge with strawberries, tea / coffee.OrangeFish cakes with riceSoufflé with cranberry juiceGoulash with buckwheat

vegetable and herb salad

Day 5Oatmeal with apple and pineapple, tea/coffee.100 grams of strawberriesSpaghetti bolognese"Handful of cashews and dried fruitLobio, salad of vegetables and herbs
Day 6Multigrain muesli with nuts, low fat yogurtAppleCutlets with riceSesame gozinakJulienne with chicken and mushrooms, salad of vegetables and herbs
Day 7Cherry puff, tea/coffee.100 grams of pineappleBoiled turkey with buckwheatFruit bar made from prunes and nutsBeef azu with rice, vegetables and greens salad
Day 8Oatmeal with strawberries, tea/coffee.peach or nectarineFried beef liver with riceSoufflé with lingonberry juiceBorscht, salad of vegetables and herbs
Day 9Rice porridge with berries, tea / coffee.OrangeChicken with noodles and sweet and sour sauceHandful of almonds and dried fruitStuffed peppers, salad of vegetables and herbs
Day 10Muesli with dried fruits, fat-free yogurt100 grams of cherriesMeatballs in tomato sauce with buckwheatBar of cereals and nutsBroccoli cream soup, vegetable and green salad

Elena Malysheva's diet menu recipes at home

The dishes underlying the diet are simple and accessible to anyone who wants to try it on themselves at home from products that can be found in the refrigerator.

Below are recipes for some of the dishes from the diet.

Spaghetti bolognese"


  • Spaghetti;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Celery - 2-3 stalks;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • Minced meat (from beef and pork) - 300 g.


  1. Finely chop vegetables (onions, carrots and celery).
  2. Fry them in a pan.
  3. Separately, fry the minced meat until golden brown.
  4. Peel the skin off the tomatoes and chop.
  5. Mix minced meat with vegetables, add tomatoes.
  6. Leave to simmer for about an hour.
  7. 10-15 minutes before the final readiness of the sauce, put the spaghetti on to boil.
  8. Before turning off the heat under the sauce, add the garlic.
  9. Put the spaghetti on a plate, put the sauce on top, decorate with a sprig of basil.

Broccoli cream soup


  • Broccoli - 0.5 kg;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Cream 10% (or milk) - 100 ml;
  • Soda - a pinch;
  • Salt, spices and seeds - to taste.

Interesting to know! If you dissolve a pinch of salt in water, vegetables boiled in it will retain their color. (Malysheva's diet will become even more effective and enjoyable if you make the menu bright and attractive to look at.)


  1. Boil broccoli in salted water with a pinch of baking soda until tender.
  2. Drain off most of the water.
  3. Make the mass homogeneous with a blender.
  4. Add cream and bring soup to a boil (but do not boil).
  5. Decorate with seeds.

Salt-free 13 day diet Malysheva for weight loss

Malysheva's diet, the menu of which we have already discussed above, allows a small amount of salt in food. Despite its effectiveness, the complete rejection of salt, combined with the principles announced by Elena Vasilievna, give the maximum result.

According to Elena Malysheva, excess salt may be one of the main causes of weight gain in people in adulthood. Following the Malysheva diet for 13 days without salt will achieve significant results in weight loss, improve health and improve skin condition.

What is the price and how to buy a detailed diet menu

If there is neither time, nor desire, nor strength to cook the food described in the diet, Malysheva's diet can be purchased on the official website.

A set of specially designed, prepared and packaged meals will be delivered to the specified address, designed for 4 weeks of daily healthy, but simple and familiar nutrition for everyone. These dishes are frozen and just need to be reheated as needed.

A set of ready-made food according to the Malysheva diet. The price of a 4-week complex is from 15,000 rubles.

The diet is selected depending on the state of health, intensity of physical activity and weight. to be reset. The cost of a 4-week meal kit varies from 14,500 thousand and above. You can order it on the official website of Elena.

The victory over extra pounds is a question that worries the vast majority of people around the world.

The Malysheva diet is one of the simplest, most affordable and effective ways lose extra pounds without harming health, but improving its condition.

Useful videos about the Malysheva diet and other popular diets:

The official diet of Malysheva: general principles, menu for the week, for every day:

This video details the contents of the Diet for the Week menu product set:

Dish recipes proper nutrition for every day in this video:

Similar diets and menus: Tatyana Rybakova presents a weight loss course:

Be healthy and beautiful!
