DIY fireplace made from cardboard boxes. How to make a fireplace out of cardboard with your own hands - step-by-step instructions. The process of creating a fireplace

False fireplaces made of cardboard have a mass positive qualities compared to the real ones. The main features are:

  • mobility – you can change location;
  • usage natural materials that are not harmful to health;
  • practicality - this interior element fits into any style;
  • availability of materials and ease of manufacture;
  • original and at the same time aesthetically correct appearance;
  • low-cost production;
  • a huge selection of decorative designs.

There are several options for making a fireplace from cardboard boxes, each of which does not differ in the complexity of the method of constructing the frame. The key to a high-quality result is compliance with all points of the instructions presented in the article.

Preparing for work

Before you begin the actual manufacture of the product, you need to carefully think through everything and carry out preliminary preparations:

If you carry out the preparation correctly and take into account all the nuances, then the process of creating a false fireplace will seem simpler and shorter. Even the most unprepared person can do the job quickly and efficiently.

Where to install

As already clarified earlier, the location of the future decorative element determines the basic design requirements, so you should approach this decision with all responsibility, think through everything possible options. It is necessary to take into account the possibility of moving the structure.

There are several main types of fireplaces regarding placement:

  • Closed type;
  • Corner structures;
  • Wall-mounted;
  • Island;
  • Collapsible;
  • Portable.

If the space of the room allows, then you can use any of the types, but if space is limited, it is better to choose the wall-mounted type.

The design of such an object can be varied, as well as its size. Can be supplemented with auxiliary parts - shelves, niches, secondary surfaces. An original solution in interior design will be a corner fireplace.

The disadvantage of this location is that the structure has a unique shape, which means that if necessary, the “firebox” can only be moved to another corner.

  1. The installation location must meet the following requirements:
  2. If the model is portable, then it can be installed on the carpet. Otherwise - texture flooring should be missing.
  3. The wall must be smooth and free of potholes.
  4. It is better if the place is not cluttered with other pieces of furniture.
  5. The fireplace looks good in the central part of the wall, which is immediately visible when entering the room.

If you plan to move the fireplace throughout the year, then you need to think about a special screen on the wall and part of the floor on which the base will be attached. If you plan to have an additional shelf, then it is better when the wall is decorated in light colors. pastel colors

. This way, elements for decoration (vases, figurines) will not be lost against its background.

If the space of the room allows, then you can use any of the types, but in case of space restrictions, it is better to choose the wall-mounted type

Dimensions and materials

The dimensions of the decorative “firebox” directly depend on the area of ​​the room and the desired result. If the false stove is the central decoration, then the dimensions must be appropriate. When determining the parameters, it is necessary to take into account that during the formation of the frame certain parts may be cut off. In addition to cardboard and finishing material work will need and auxiliary materials

, which are often forgotten or their necessity is not taken into account.

  1. These are:
  2. Construction tape;
  3. Adhesive for finishing works;
  4. Putty or putty;

Water-based paint;

  1. In addition to the standard materials necessary in any case, auxiliary ones are also needed, which are used for decoration:
  2. Wallpaper with a certain texture and relief.
  3. Decorative rock.
  4. Foam curved skirting boards.
  5. Sea pebbles.
  6. Wooden plates.

Self-adhesive or wood-look film, plastic. Basically all of the above can be used individually or combined together. But don't use too much different textures

. This will make the thing too artificial and overloaded with special effects.

When determining the parameters, it is necessary to take into account that during the formation of the frame certain parts may be cut off

Manufacturing instructions

Making a fireplace from cardboard can be done in several independent ways. At the same time, each of them differs insignificantly from the others. Let's look at the main options.

To prevent the shape of the “stove” from becoming deformed, it is better to attach the body of the product to the wall. This can be done in several ways. In order not to spoil the wallpaper or plaster of the wall, you can secure the box with self-tapping screws.

Such a fireplace can be installed and dismantled without problems as many times as you like throughout the year. But in winter this interior detail is almost irreplaceable.

Corner fireplace:

  1. First the form is given- isosceles triangle.
  2. The space for the firebox is demarcated, which will subsequently become an additional fastening element of the entire structure.
  3. The cardboard at this point is cut out in the shape of a triangle. so that the resulting figure tightly supports all sides of the “oven” and the back wall.
  4. The shelf for this type of structure is usually made made of wood or table top.
  5. The rest of the procedure is the same, which is necessary when making a standard fireplace from cardboard.

The advantage of this type is that it is more stable and takes up little space. It can be installed in a room of any size, and it will fit harmoniously into the interior design. The very shape of the product gives it extraordinary originality, which is quite valuable in contemporary art home decorations.

Such a fireplace can be installed and dismantled without problems as many times as you like throughout the year.

Adding effects

An integral part of the fireplace is the flame. Without this part, it is almost impossible to recreate naturalness. But of course you can’t start a fire in a flammable material, so I simulate a flame.

There are several such methods:

  1. Usually the fire is replaced by candles, which are previously placed in semi-closed candlesticks of an interesting design.
  2. This method is the most common, and most importantly cheap. To simulate a fire for a short time, you can use dry fuel, which is ignited in a bowl.
  3. In this case, you should carefully monitor the combustion process. Most cheap way- These are photo wallpapers that are glued to the back wall of the case. The main thing is to choose the most realistic picture with good quality
  4. print. I exist electrical devices, which completely imitate a flame in a fireplace or smoldering.

This is quite expensive, but very realistic, since the device is mounted in a fireplace, some models have sound. of this element. If photo wallpaper is used, then it is not advisable to use firewood here, as it will stand out sharply against the background of the picture.

The fireplace is also decorated with other elements:

  • The firebox is limited by glass;
  • A cylinder with pokers is installed next to the product;
  • The firebox is covered with forged grates;
  • Figurines, boxes, candlesticks and other trinkets are placed on the shelf;
  • A mirror is installed on the back of the firebox, which will shade the fire of the candles installed in it.

Reading time ≈ 9 minutes

A room with a fireplace always looks more cozy, atmospheric and beautiful. But such a solution is not always feasible, for example, due to financial capabilities or if you are the owner of an apartment and not a house. In this case alternative option may become a false fireplace. In our material we will look at step-by-step instructions for making a fireplace from boxes with your own hands, and a series of photos of such structures. You will make sure that independent construction fireplace - it's inexpensive, very simple, and most importantly - fun and exciting!

False fireplace made of cardboard.

Features and types

It does not perform any functional load, but is a very effective decorative element in the interior. Self-made artificial fireplaces from cardboard boxes are perfect solution, if you need to decorate your apartment for the holidays or just add new notes to the interior of your bedroom/or nursery. The production of such a design is very budgetary, because often the main building material - boxes - is already available on the mezzanine or in the pantry in most homes.

Obviously, such structures are safe, because real fire is not used in them. This means you don’t have to worry about complying with the rules.

Decorative fireplaces can have the most different design, during production you can choose any shape, size, decor. Therefore, you will be able to choose a model for any interior. Accordingly, a false fireplace can look either obviously artificial (for example, to decorate a living room before Christmas), or even more solid and real, as in the photo:

Realistic imitation of a fireplace.

Here is an example of a New Year's fireplace made from boxes, which will surely delight the kids:

New Year's false fireplace.

In the example below we see how well a false fireplace made from boxes fits into the interior of a living room in the Provence style. This design looks elegant, graceful and tasteful, and appearance it is absolutely impossible to understand that ordinary carton boxes.

Fireplace in Provence style.

Since real firewood is used in similar designs unacceptable, you can resort to the following alternative solutions:

It is also worth thinking about the type of fireplace and its location. Possible options:

  • Classical. This is the most familiar and easiest to implement type of false fireplace - the structure is installed against the wall in the form of a protruding facade.
  • . Allows you to occupy a corner that is often unnecessarily empty.
  • Built-in. If there is a niche of a suitable size in the wall, you can build a built-in fireplace from the boxes.
  • Ostrovny. Located in the center of the room. It’s not difficult to make it from boxes, but due to its specific location, few people choose this fireplace option.

Required materials and preparation

Obviously, the main material is cardboard boxes of different sizes - from overall household appliances, and small boxes, for example from shoes and gadgets. If there are not enough boxes available at home, you can purchase them at a hardware supermarket or ask sellers at a vegetable market or store - in this case you can even get them for free.

It is desirable that the cardboard be dense and durable - structures made from such material will keep their shape well and, accordingly, will last longer.

Carton boxes.

Also during production you may need following materials(depending on product design):

  • masking tape (regular or double-sided);
  • dye;
  • A4 sheets;
  • paper glue;
  • wallpaper and suitable glue;
  • decorative plaster;
  • Styrofoam;
  • hot glue;
  • plaster molding for decoration.

You may also need corners, baguettes and moldings, pieces of chipboard or plywood.

You will probably find the necessary tools in your home: a pencil and a ruler (tape measure), scissors, a stationery knife, brushes.

Under preparatory stage we mean drawing up a drawing of the future fireplace. Based on where you plan to put it and how much you have free space, it is worth considering the dimensions of the structure. As an example, we give the following drawing of a false structure:

Example drawing.

Or this design option:

Example drawing.

Making the base

Let's consider two options for making a base - from several medium-sized boxes, as well as from a large box.

From several boxes

So, if you have several boxes of different sizes, the main thing is to arrange them correctly. It is necessary to form several main parts of the fireplace - side columns, an upper shelf, a firebox and possibly a lower shelf, if this is provided for in the sketch.

How to make a false fireplace from boxes with your own hands step by step:

Fireplace made from several boxes.

From one box

If you have a box from a large-diagonal flat-screen TV, then you should use the following master class for manufacturing:

In both cases, we looked at fireplaces with standard rectangular inserts. If you want to make a round cutout, you will only have to use a large box - it will be difficult to assemble a structure from small ones.

You need to prepare and transfer a sketch to the box, cut out the rounded part of the firebox, and bend the bottom to the back wall of the box. Next, use a piece of cardboard to make side walls holes and secure with masking tape. Otherwise, the manufacturing principle is similar to that described above.

Fireplace with a round portal.

Fireplace finishing

Next comes the most exciting stage of making a fireplace -! The choice of finish directly depends on what style you want the fireplace, for what purposes, for what interior. Let's look at the most common finishing options: "brick" and classic style.

To decorate the back wall of the firebox, cut out rectangles from cardboard or paper to the size of a brick 25*12 cm, tint them in a terracotta or red-brown shade and glue them in a checkerboard pattern to white background cardboard

Rear wall of the combustion chamber.

To finish the facade, you can choose from several methods:

Step-by-step instructions and photos of how to decorate a fireplace from boxes with your own hands in a classic style:

  1. The fireplace must be prepared - use putty to smooth out all the flaws, uneven spots, and sand the joints. Also paint the product.
  2. Using a sponge and light gray paint, apply a brick print to the firebox of the structure.
  3. Next, use moldings of various widths to finish the facade. It is better to attach them with liquid nails or hot glue.

Fireplace in a classic style - finished with molding and paint.

Using the step-by-step instructions and photo selection described above, you can make a unique New Year's fireplace from boxes with your own hands. Invite your child to join you - he will surely be delighted with the process of creating such a product!

Video: New Year's fireplace made of cardboard.

I have already started the topic, and again I invite you to my creative workshop to show you how to make a fireplace out of cardboard. This is probably the most popular material that is found in every home. We buy equipment, receive parcels, and you can even easily buy such boxes. How can you create them using New Year festive mood? Now I’ll show you with a photo video.

Large and simple New Year's fireplace

I started with this model because it takes no more than an hour to make. And from materials:

Making a fireplace with your own hands step-by-step instruction:

  • Secure the boxes in the letter “P”.
  • Cover with the first layer of adhesive paper. It will make all imperfections and irregularities invisible.
  • Let's decorate. We will need an artificial “brick”.

Smaller option:

The dimensions of this design are quite large. It's worth taking this into account! Or use small boxes.


This corner holiday decor is very easy to make:

The fireplace is small. But this is because it is made from one box. If you use 2-3, then the sizes will be larger.

False model trapezoidal

Looks unusual! The thing is that the side part is not a rectangle, but a trapezoid. How to do it?

Master Class:

  • We make an add-on to the main box

  • Making a hole for the firebox

  • We strengthen everything with tape.
  • Decorate with baguette.
  • Let's putty.

  • We apply the pattern.

All that remains is to give it a New Year's look with the help of garlands, a Christmas tree and toys.

Homemade option

Here we need patterns. All the necessary parameters are indicated in the video.

  • Cutting out the details:
    The video has detailed diagram products.
    First. In a rectangle (94 by 92 cm) we cut a hole, 34 cm from the top and 23 cm from the side. The second one. We make a hole in the same rectangle, retreating 18 cm from the side.

    In the first part we make cuts of approx. 17cm.

  • You need a rectangle 92 by 94 cm.
  • We make cuts in four more parts (94 by 32), not reaching the top by 17 cm.
  • In two more parts (34 by 32) we make similar cuts.
  • Let's connect. We put on the long parts on the sides, and the short ones in the middle. We glue all the “seams”.

  • We connect the first part with the second.
  • Glue the wall.
  • Let's make a firebox.
  • The fireplace roof should be longer and wider than the structure
  • We make bricks and ornaments from cardboard.
  • We cover it with a kind of papier-mâché.
  • We color and decorate.

Now we have a real miracle at home with which the holidays will be spent in warm atmosphere comfort.

Children's version

I called it childish because even a little one can handle it.


Pink design

How do you like this option? Not exactly New Year's colors, but very cute, right?

How easy it is to make bricks

There are several options:

  • glue cardboard bricks,
  • draw on putty,
  • glue cut-out paper ones or take ready-made self-adhesive,
  • draw

Read more about the last method. Not everyone can draw so many bricks. To make your work easier, apply paint to a sponge the right size and make prints. Here, too, there are two options: either we apply paint around the perimeter of the sponge or we completely fill the entire surface with paint; the effect depends on the method of application.

Who among us does not remember Papa Carlo’s poor closet from childhood? A drop of comfort and beauty in it was created only by the hearth painted on the canvas. This can probably be considered the very first and famous example false fireplace! Indeed, even if the flame in the fireplace does not provide warmth, the room where there is a fireplace and fire becomes warmer and more joyful. We, city dwellers, especially want to sit near an elegant, albeit artificial, fireplace on dark winter evenings.

Let's talk about what you can make a false fireplace from with your own hands and how to decorate it for the New Year and Christmas. Moreover, you don’t need to look far for examples: our siblings have already created many real masterpieces and continue to create! There is even a real one from sibling REXXX.
After all, during the fabulous New Year's Eve, many people want to become a little wizard...

What can you make a false fireplace from?

False fireplace made from cardboard boxes

So, what can you make a false fireplace from on your own?

A very popular material due to its availability, easy to work with and suitable even for women’s hands is cardboard boxes.
If there is a large box (for example, from under a TV) - great! Cut with a knife "furnace"", bend it inward, glue the walls, securing them with tape - and the base is ready!

Mantelpiece(it should be slightly wider and longer than the fireplace itself) can be made from several layers of cardboard, a sheet of plasterboard, or polystyrene glued together.
All that remains is to cover the base with wallpaper or paper and start decorating!

Photo from

An interesting solution would be corner false fireplace from a cardboard box - such a fireplace does not require much space:

To view the photo in full size, click on the image

Photo from

If there is no such box, then you can get by with a few small ones, for example, shoe boxes:

To view the photo in full size, click on the image

Photo from

Another example of a base for a false fireplace made from small boxes:

Photo from the site svoimi-rukami-net

For real masters, nothing is impossible! This complex fireplace is also made entirely of cardboard, and the flame in it is also cardboard:

Photo from

False fireplace made of foam plastic

Another, very light (in literally), the material for making a false fireplace is polystyrene foam. Using a knife and glue gun, you can make a base like this:

Photo from

For greater structural strength, the parts can be additionally secured with toothpicks coated with glue.

But what a wonderful false fireplace made of foam plastic he made OLGA31:

“You can order a false fireplace made of polystyrene foam. It is lightweight, and you can always put it away, like a Christmas tree, after the holidays.
But creativity will still be needed. Because it is made white. You need to paint it with paint containing decorative plaster. So that there is a maximum feeling that it is made of stone. Then age in a convenient way. I just used dark colors in the recesses and along the edges. It turned out quite well.
He is very weightless and quite cute. True, I didn’t dare to put candles on it, you never know.”

False fireplace made of paper

The simplest and, at the same time, original solution will be... just using the experience of Papa Carlo. In this case, you can do without a portal at all by drawing a false fireplace under the shelf:

Photo from

Or draw a paper flame in a cardboard fireplace, lighting it from behind:

Photo from

False fireplace made of boards

An interesting version of a false fireplace for permanent use in the interior can be made if suitable boards, for example, parquet, are left from the renovation. They are glued to a lattice frame rigidly fixed to the wall.

Well, this fireplace will become New Year’s thanks to the festive decoration!

To view the photo in full size, click on the image

Photos from websites,

And a small workshop on making false plywood fireplace from my siblings Lady Irin:

“The fireplace is made of plywood, hollow inside, covered with brick-like wallpaper on top.” It stood for several years and served as a decorative element. A row of real bricks was placed at the bottom of the “fireplace” for stability. In front of the “hearth”, a piece of linoleum was cut out in a semicircle “for the pavement” and the edge was covered with furniture nails. The back (inner) wall of the “hearth” was also covered with brick-like wallpaper. The outer semicircle of the “hearth” itself was covered with cut out “bricks”.
They put real small birch logs inside like a hut, and inside them they put Christmas garland, rolled into a circle. With the overhead light turned off, a complete illusion of a fireplace was created.

On the shelf where the New Year's houses are located, there is a secret niche, you open the flap and there you can make a small bar or use a compartment for surprises and gifts. Those who don’t know the secret will never guess...”

False fireplace made from old furniture

Well, what if there are no parquet or other suitable boards, but just in time for the New Year you decided to throw them away? old furniture? Well, a wonderful false fireplace was made, for example, from an old sideboard. True, you certainly can’t do it without men’s hands!

To view the photo in full size, click on the image

Photo from

My husband made guides for drywall and covered them with furniture panels. We took it to Leroy. By the way, the frame was immediately made to these dimensions, so as not to cut it ourselves.
This fireplace is constantly standing, all year round. I place candles on the mirror below. Immediately romance in the house.

Photo OLGA31

As coasters a piece will do wall panel, board, several squares of tiles. But you can simply place the fireplace on the floor.

Decoration of false fireplaces, experience for siblings

The most popular solution last season among our members of the forum was a cardboard false fireplace, painted or pasted over to resemble a brick.
Bricks can simply be drawn on paper or wallpaper, or you can use ready-made wallpaper/film. Or you can, to add volume, cut them out of foam plastic and stick them on your fireplace, then paint them.

Here is a fireplace made by a forum member Marousel , still waiting for decorations:

And here are the false fireplaces, already awaiting their festive attire:

Photo ElenKa09

Photo Goksel

“Bricks,” however, can be white:

To view the photo in full size, click on the image

Photo Zarnitsa

To view the photo in full size, click on the image

Photo Molena, Panterka

Or maybe the fireplace will be “composed” of stones:

Photo Olganet

Photo Cheburek

Another, more formal style is a snow-white “marble” false fireplace:

Photo Samli

Photo Nasenka

How to simulate a flame in a false fireplace?

So, the fireplace is ready! Now we need to light a flame in it. True, since the fireplace is not real, the flame will be either artificial or very small - after all, we must not forget about fire safety!

The simplest solution, requiring almost no effort, is to place an electric garland or LED strip “in the firebox” of the false fireplace.

Photo from

A good way to simulate a flame is an electronic photo frame with the desired image inserted into the firebox of a false fireplace. You can, as in the examples above, make a flame out of cardboard or simply draw it, attaching a light source to it (while maintaining safety!).

A fireplace in a house is a symbol of comfort and warmth. Not every private home has a fireplace made of stone, but the owners standard apartment you don’t even have to dream about it. And you should always dream. If you can’t lay out a real fireplace, then even a housewife can make an imitation of it. Such a simple and available material like cardboard.

To make it you will need unnecessary boxes, glue, scissors and imagination. For decoration, various unnecessary remnants of colored paper, polystyrene foam and other materials found in the house are suitable.

Sketch of the future hearth

Before planning production cardboard fireplace, we need to study the experience of those who have already turned the idea into reality.


  • Determining a place for future design. The most suitable ones would be empty corner or a wall.
  • Depending on the availability of free space, the dimensions of the structure are determined.
  • Making a sketch. It is necessary to mark the external and inner dimensions. The sketch can be done in color, complementing it with intended decorative elements. These elements do not need to be drawn, you just need to determine the places for them. This fireplace diagram will allow you to see the future product in its finished form.

When thinking through decorative details, you must strive to ensure that the resulting layout is as similar as possible to a real fireplace.

Manufacturing process

The basis of the fireplace structure will be a cardboard frame. For its construction, it is best to use thick cardboard boxes. Corrugated cardboard for packaging large household products will be most suitable. If you still have the packaging from the TV, then the ideal frame is ready.

In addition to cardboard, you need to prepare:

  • Stationery and polymer glue, which will be used to attach decorative elements.
  • Wide tape, better to use double-sided masking tape.
  • White paint. For coloring cardboard, dispersion is the most suitable.
  • As cutting tool You will need scissors and a cutter.
  • Paint brushes and foam rubber or sponge.
  • Old cloth napkins or scraps of fabric.

Depending on the idea, other materials should be provided. For example, stucco molding made of foam material. If there is a remainder liquid wallpaper, then they will find a use for creating volume.

How to make a fireplace using cardboard?

Assembling a false fireplace begins with the manufacture of the central block. First you need to form the columns. To do this, you need to cut out rectangular parts according to the dimensions.

We must remember that cutting cardboard is not difficult, but making straight folds on it is more difficult work. In order to make an even fold, you will need an even bar or ruler and an object to secure the fold. For this purpose, it will be quite convenient to use a regular spoon or pen.

The ruler is placed along the fold line, the cardboard is carefully folded along the ruler and a line is drawn on the back side. This must be done carefully so that the fragile cardboard does not break through.

The central part is covered with paper or painted immediately. After assembly, these actions will be difficult to perform.

The finished parts are assembled using tape. As mentioned above, it is convenient to use double-sided tape for these purposes.

To ensure that the product is evenly painted, you can apply a white primer before applying the paint. A layer of primer will smooth out any existing unevenness. After the cardboard absorbs the applied primer and dries well, you can begin painting.

A mandatory attribute of a fireplace is a shelf on top. It should be dense and hard. To make a shelf, you will need to roll the cardboard in three or four layers - this will ensure the necessary rigidity.

As an alternative to cardboard for the shelf, you can cut a strip from thin plywood. Another option for a shelf is polystyrene foam. The material is light and durable. Such a shelf will also allow you to fasten the frame of the fireplace.

Finish options

An interesting option is to imitate brick or stone masonry. To do this, you can choose a self-adhesive film. Such materials are sold in construction supermarkets. You just need to calculate the size of the canvas and select the desired design in the store.

If the product is decorated with stucco, the fireplace will look more interesting. For these purposes, use the remains ceiling tiles, foam baseboards or buy additional moldings.

If desired, the fireplace can be decorated with additional elements. For example, a New Year's fireplace can be complemented LED lamps simulating candles.

And finally, the most important thing that allows us to call a fireplace a home is fire. Several logs wrapped LED strip, will make the hearth almost real. And in New Year's Eve The flickering light of the fireplace will give the room comfort and a festive mood.

So, a simple and accessible, financially easy construction option is outlined hearth and home. We can say that this is a basic instruction on how to make a decorative fireplace. The basis is there, but the decoration decorative elements everyone does it according to their own taste.

Photo of a fireplace made of cardboard with your own hands
