How to care for a live Christmas tree in a pot. Araucaria - home spruce A plant similar to a small Christmas tree

Based on last year's questions, I would like to talk a little about Christmas trees in pots, which appear in abundance in stores on New Year's Eve. It’s not worth talking about cypresses sprinkled with “snow” and sparkles - this is a ruined plant, it is bought only as a Christmas decoration. The unfortunate thing dries out quickly enough.

As for Christmas trees, on the one hand, it is more humane to plant a tree in a pot than to cut it down at the root. On the other hand, conifers of temperate latitudes still do not live long indoors. In principle, you can try to save the purchased spruce. While the tree is dressed up, caring for it consists of watering and spraying, because most conifers in winter suffer from dry air. Water for irrigation should be taken soft, settled, but not warmer than room temperature, watered as the earthen ball dries out, ensuring uniform, moderate soil moisture, about 2 times a week.

After the New Year, when it has served its purpose, you need to place the spruce on a bright, cool window, ventilate the room often and water less often, but without drying out the soil. Very often the side of a Christmas tree standing on the window facing the room turns yellow and falls off. Opposite side is cool and closer to the light, and therefore remains green. The plant needs to be turned, otherwise one side will completely crumble, and the branches of the spruce do not recover, they grow only from above.

Of course, it is better to take the Christmas tree out glazed loggia, just make sure that in severe frosts the soil in the pot does not freeze. At temperatures close to zero, it will not freeze, and the air there is more humid. When the bright sun appears in the spring, at first lightly shade the plant, otherwise the young shoots will begin to turn yellow.

But what you should not do under any circumstances is replant. Firstly, conifers are transplanted late spring, secondly, they do not tolerate transplantation well. If you have a summer house, you can try to plant it in the ground in late spring. Spruce trees are very difficult to survive transplantation, so it is strictly forbidden to disturb the earthen ball. Also make sure that root collar remained at the same level. The place should be chosen moist, with heavy soil, in summer heat shaded from direct sun. Spruce can take up to three years to take root.

All cultivated varieties of spruce come from prickly spruce, but their winter hardiness depends on where they are bred. Northern varieties are naturally more resistant than German and Dutch ones. Canadian blue spruce is often sold, which confuses buyers. The fact is that “Canadian” is a synonym for the specific epithet “blue”, so it is not a fact that it comes from Canada.

Unfortunately, in most cases we have to come to terms with the idea that the Christmas tree will die: it will not live in an apartment, and Dutch varieties are not winter-hardy enough to live on our streets. If you want to decorate your own Christmas tree every year for the New Year, then you should get a so-called indoor spruce - araucaria.

This plant, with stiff branches arranged in tiers and spiny leaves, is very reminiscent of a Christmas tree. It can reach a height of 1.6 m. It grows slowly, even slower in a cramped pot. Araucaria - easy to grow coniferous plant, preferring coolness and good lighting. In a heated room, this mini-Christmas tree requires regular spraying.

Alternatively, you can buy cypress

Just like araucaria, it grows quite slowly. If, having bought a cypress tree for the New Year, you predict the fate of a houseplant for it, you will have to trim the roots from time to time so that it does not grow too much. In addition, it will not be easy for the cypress tree to survive wintering in warm apartment. It will require abundant watering (in the first half of the day with settled water), frequent spraying and bright, diffused light.

There are other “winter” plants that will help create a festive atmosphere.


The main symbol of Christmas among indoor plants. In Europe and England, poinsettia (or Euphorbia most beautiful) is also called the “Christmas Star” for its beautiful bracts (no, these are not flowers at all, as many people think). Red, pink or white, they last for 2-6 months. Therefore, when purchasing, pay attention to the small central inflorescences: the plant will bloom longer if they are not open. At home, place the poinsettia in a well-lit window, protect it from drafts and heat from radiators - spray it often. After flowering, the plant is thrown away, but if you are not looking for easy ways, you can leave it until the next New Year. In order for the poinsettia to bloom again, in the fall you will have to keep it in complete darkness for 14 (!) hours a day.


This ornamental shrub began to grow as indoor plant recently. It tolerates coolness and drafts well. But in winter it needs good lighting - so keep the pot in the window. Does not tolerate waterlogged soil. Since boxwood grows very slowly, you can trim the branches and form a bush at any time of the year. In summer, place the pot on the balcony - boxwood loves fresh air.


Pepper-shaped nightshade with large orange or red berries is sold in many stores on New Year's Eve. If you place this festive bush on a sunny windowsill in a cool room and spray it daily, the berries will last until February, or even longer. Be careful: nightshade berries are poisonous! When the berries and leaves fall, the plant is treated in the same way as with the nertera - either thrown away, or cut off, replanted, exposed to fresh air for the summer, and returned indoors in the fall and rejoiced at the scattering of berries.

bay tree

The well-known “laurel” grows well in room conditions, if this southern plant has enough light and fresh air (it is not afraid of drafts). Common reason death of the plant - waterlogging of the soil in winter. Therefore, do not water frequently. In summer, display the laurel on open air. To form a beautiful bush, trim the branches. Make sure that the height of the plant does not exceed 1-1.4 m, otherwise the laurel will lose its decorative effect.


This creeping plant, completely covered with peas of bright orange berries, looks festive in a New Year's way. They appear in the fall and stay all winter. After the berries fall, the plant is usually thrown away. Although when proper care Nertera will live for several years. To do this, the rest of the winter is kept in spartan conditions - cool and with minimal watering. As soon as new growth appears, increase watering and take it out onto the loggia. Nertera requires coolness (it can easily tolerate temperatures dropping to +6°C). As soon as the berries appear, the plant is moved indoors.

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On the eve of the New Year holidays, many people are thinking about purchasing a Christmas tree and creating a festive mood in their home. But not everyone wants to buy traditional tree. If you are thinking about purchasing indoor flower like a Christmas tree, we offer a short overview of such plants.

Coniferous plants have recently begun to be grown at home. Cypress, thanks to its beauty and unpretentiousness, has become one of the most popular types who have taken root in apartment conditions. It comes from a subtropical climate, so it is necessary to create conditions in which the plant will feel comfortable. The lighting for it should not be too bright. In winter, south-facing windows are great, as from a lack of light the cypress begins to ache and loses its shape. In summer, it is recommended to place it in a north-facing window if possible. If the light is too bright, the leaves fall off. In winter, the tree must be removed away from the radiators; it is great to place it on an insulated loggia. Optimal temperature in winter from +5 to +10 degrees. Cypress loves a humid environment, so try to spray it at any time of the year. In winter, water no more than once a week and in summer no more than twice. It is necessary to feed once a month from May to August.

Indoor Chilean Christmas tree Araucaria

This evergreen tree not only took root perfectly in apartment conditions, it also purifies the air. It grows quite slowly, but over the course of 8 years it can reach two meters in height. Then the plant can be transplanted outside, it will take root there too. IN natural conditions This tree reaches 50 meters in height.

Araucaria loves diffused bright light or partial shade. In summer, it is preferable to keep it in the fresh air, avoiding direct sunlight. For uniform growth, it must be periodically turned towards the light source. The maximum temperature in the room where such a tree is located is 22 degrees. For Araucaria, cool and ventilated rooms are preferable. Try to spray the plant as often as possible, and during the heating season, place a container of water next to it. An indoor Christmas tree should be watered generously, but not more than once a week. And you should not allow the soil in the pot to dry out completely, as this can harm the tree.

Boxwood - indoor Christmas tree

Boxwood is an evergreen shrub with dense branches and dense leaves. It can be given various shapes, and it is widely used in the form of hedges. It also turned out that it takes root well at home. It has gained particular popularity among those who like to grow dwarf bonsai trees. The Garland species lends itself best to such trimming and deformation. Boxwood is suitable for growing as indoor plants:

  • evergreen
  • Bolearic
  • small-leaved
  • Keep in mind that such a tree is capricious to care for and reacts to the slightest discomfort by dropping its leaves. Boxwood loves bright light, but not direct sunlight. It is better to keep it in a cool room, and in the summer to irrigate and water it abundantly. Water moderately in autumn and winter. In spring and summer, it is advisable to feed it once every two weeks.

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    If we talk about house plants that fit perfectly into the interior of any apartment and delight the eye with delicate greenery, then, first of all, it is worth mentioning asparagus.

    This fluffy Christmas tree with long hanging stems looks great both on the windowsill and in a flower pot on the wall. Asparagus is also suitable for fashion equipment Lately phytosten.

    Origin of the curiosity

    There are more than 200 types of asparagus, but as an indoor decorative flower Only a few of them are grown. This plant is essentially an asparagus, although it sometimes resembles a fern.

    The shoots of some types of asparagus are even edible, just like regular asparagus growing in the garden.

    Asparagus – perennial with long branches resembling vines. Its leaves take the form of shoots called cladodes.

    It is these needle-shaped formations that give it such an attractive decorative look and make it look like an unusual Christmas tree with soft needles.

    This plant blooms with small, inconspicuous, although pleasant-smelling flowers. But small bright red or dark blue berries look original in the greenery of asparagus and decorate it very much.

    Asparagus is native to the subtropical forests of the Mediterranean, Asia and South Africa. Therefore, the plant is thermophilic and does not do well with a lack of moisture.

    True, some of its species may well winter in open ground in a fairly cool climate.

    For every most sophisticated taste

    Despite the variety of species of this plant, only a few are grown at home.

    To the most popular varieties asparagus include the following:

    1. Pinnate has the appearance of a branching shrub and is more similar to a fern than all other varieties. It has thin branches, sometimes more than a meter long, and black and blue poisonous fruits. Although at home it blooms, which means it rarely bears fruit. Of all plant species, this is the most shade-loving; it can even grow completely in artificial lighting. But still in winter period It is better to move the plant closer to the window.
    2. Dense-flowered or asparagus Sprenger very impressive beautiful plant with small leaves-needles. Its long branches descend like vines, so it is better to plant it in a flowerpot. This species bears fruit; its bright red berries look original in the dense greenery. It is one of the most heat-loving species of indoor asparagus and does not tolerate temperatures below 15˚.
    3. Ethiopian (Meyer) It is less common among amateur gardeners than the first two species, although its long fluffy stems look very elegant. The fact is that this species is demanding on temperature conditions and does not tolerate temperatures below +12˚ and above +18˚. Therefore, it is grown more often in winter gardens, greenhouses and glassed-in loggias.
    4. Crescent native to the mountain forests of India. It is not even a shrub, but rather a fast-growing vine that can reach 6 meters in length. It is called so because its leaves (cladodes) are crescent-shaped. This species is quite unpretentious and does not tolerate hot sun rays and too cold temperatures.

    In the photo, sickle-shaped asparagus

    This is what pinnate asparagus is like - a selection of photographs of the handsome man:

    First acquaintance - first mistakes

    Asparagus is a fairly popular indoor plant, which is not surprising. Its delicate fluffy greenery can charm even a person who is not too keen on floriculture.

    Although this plant is not too capricious, if you want to get one, you should still pay attention to a number of important points:

    1. Selecting a location. Decorative asparagus is a light-loving flower, so you need to choose a well-lit place. But, at the same time, bright sun is harmful for many species. If the window of the room in which you plan to place the asparagus faces south, then the window sill is not suitable for the plant. It should be placed at a distance, for example, in a flowerpot on the wall adjacent to the window.
    2. Optimal temperature. On the one hand, as a plant of the subtropical zone, asparagus (at least most of its species) does not tolerate cold well. However, he also does not like heat, especially if the air in the apartment is dry. Therefore, the plant must be protected from drafts and placed away from heating devices. The optimal temperature for this plant is 15-20 degrees.
    3. Soil Features. So that asparagus is comfortable and always pleases the eye with fresh and juicy greens the soil for it should not be too acidic, loose and 2/3 consist of sand and humus. It’s also good to add a little bone meal to it.

    What you need to know about planting a plant

    If the plant has just been brought from the store, then you should not immediately replant it in a new bowl. Firstly, asparagus must adapt a little to new conditions. Secondly, you should water it well to soften the soil.

    Features of care

    Asparagus is not considered a capricious plant that requires any specific methods of growing at home and care.

    But, nevertheless, some of its features should be taken into account:

    • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight;
    • observe temperature regime so that the flower does not suffer from either cold or heat;
    • like any tropical plant, it loves moisture, so it should be watered often, especially in summer, and sprayed;
    • the soil needs to be loosened from time to time;
    • drying branches should be pruned, this stimulates the growth of new greenery;
    • Once every two weeks it is recommended to apply fertilizers, both mineral and organic.

    The beauty blooms and smells

    Seasonal features of cultivation

    Caring for asparagus in summer and in the cold season differs, since winter for almost any plant is a time of rest.

    Summer time

    In summer, watering should be as abundant as possible - twice a week. It’s okay if water accumulates in the pan.

    Of course, the plant cannot be flooded, as this will cause rotting of the roots. In summer, it is also recommended to spray the flower once a week, this also helps to humidify the air.

    If the room is sunny, or the windows face south, then you need to take care of shading the asparagus. It's better to move it to summer time away from the sun.

    In the warm season, plants can be placed on a balcony or open loggia, but only if there is shade there.

    Asparagus pinnate

    Features of winter care

    Winter is a dormant period for flowers, and watering should be reduced to once a week, preventing the soil from drying out. In February, when young shoots begin to appear on asparagus, watering can be increased.

    At this time, the main danger to the plant is from heating devices, and in winter it is necessary to place the flower away from them.

    Spring is transplant time

    Since asparagus grows quickly, it is recommended to replant young plants once a year, and older ones after 2 or 3 years.

    To do this, choose a more spacious pot and fill it with fresh soil mixture. During transplantation, you should carefully examine the roots of the flower and cut off any diseased or rotten ones.

    When replanting, it is recommended to divide heavily overgrown plants and place them in different pots.

    Meyer's asparagus

    Why does he get sick and die?

    The causes of flower disease are the same as for most indoor plants: overwatering or insufficient watering and pests.

    The most dangerous spider mite for domestic asparagus is a real problem for many gardeners.

    It's too small to notice right away and difficult to get rid of. Moreover, spraying with substances that kill the pest can destroy the plant itself.

    However, it should be remembered that the danger of asparagus damage spider mite increases in dry air, so spraying is a good preventative measure.

    How can you propagate a plant?

    Propagation of asparagus is possible both by seeds and cuttings.

    The seeds sprouted

    Seeds are usually sown in the spring, when the plant begins to grow rapidly. To do this, make a soil mixture of peat and sand.

    Before the first shoots appear, it is better to keep the box with the sown seeds in a dark and fairly warm place. When the seeds sprout, you need to transfer the seedlings to light, but not to the sun. As soon as the plants grow, they are transplanted into separate pots.

    At home, asparagus is often propagated by cuttings, separating them from the general bush when transplanting in the spring. Young shoots from last year are better suited for this.

    In order for the plants to take root well and take root, it is necessary to cover them with glass, such as a jar, for the first time. After 2-3 months, the seedlings will take root and can be opened.

    If these simple requirements If the care instructions for asparagus are followed, the flower will live for at least 10 years and will decorate the house with its delicate delicate greenery and delight the owners.

    Indoor araucaria is included in the list of evergreens that you can grow yourself at home. It is believed that it can purify the air. Caring for a small Christmas tree is easy if you know some features.

    Araucaria - description

    In its natural environment, the tree can reach a height of up to 50-60 m, but sometimes real giants can be found. Domestic representatives do not grow more than 2 m. The main characteristics of the Araucaria indoor plant include the following information:

    1. The branches on the trunk are arranged in whorls and when viewed from above, they will look like a star. 1-2 whorls grow per year.
    2. Along the entire length of the branches there are short and needles. Their color can vary from bright green to gray.
    3. The tree grows slowly and can be kept indoors for 8-10 years. Mature plant can be transplanted outdoors.

    Araucaria - interesting facts

    Even owners of homemade Christmas trees do not know everything about them, and perhaps the following information will be surprising to many:

    1. This tree was found back in the Mesozoic period.
    2. During the Jurassic period, araucaria were the main food for herbivorous sauropod dinosaurs.
    3. Known beneficial features araucaria and they are associated with the fact that conifers secrete phytoncides - substances that fight germs and bacteria in the air.
    4. The seeds of this tree can be eaten.

    Araucaria - species

    Today, 19 species are known and the following indoor Christmas trees are most often used indoors:

    1. Variegated. The tree has a pyramidal crown and is native to Norfolk. The houseplant Araucaria variegata has soft and small foliage.
    2. Narrow-leaved. Its homeland is Southern Brazil. This tree has thin twining branches with bright green leaves.
    3. Columnar. Found naturally in New Caledonia. The trees have a narrow crown in the form of a pyramid, which is formed by short branches.

    Araucaria - home care

    1. Indoor araucaria should be positioned so that light falls on it from both sides, or the flowerpot must be rotated every day, otherwise the trunk may become bent. The tree should be protected from direct rays.
    2. When figuring out how to care for araucaria, it is worth saying that the optimal temperature for it is 20 degrees in summer and 10 in winter.
    3. There is no need to trim the tree.
    4. During the growing season it is recommended, for which use complex mineral fertilizer.

    Araucaria - soil

    Much depends on the quality of the selected soil, so it is important to take a responsible approach to its choice.

    1. Use slightly acidic soil.
    2. The araucaria plant grows well in a mixture consisting of turf and leaf substrate, peat and sand. The proportions of the parts are: 1:2:2:1.
    3. Another option for suitable soil is clay-turf, which contains two parts earth and 0.5 parts sand.
    4. Indoor araucaria can also be grown in ready-made earthen mixtures For coniferous species which are available in stores.

    What kind of pot is needed for araucaria?

    If you bought an indoor Christmas tree, then it is better to plant it in a medium-sized pot with a wide base. Another option is a flowerpot with a height of 25 cm. The growth and development of a home Araucaria tree in a pot that does not fit in size will be slowed down. Great importance has a good drainage system. There should be holes at the bottom of the pot to prevent stagnation of moisture.

    Homemade araucaria - watering features

    To carry out irrigation, it is necessary to use clean, settled water, which must have room temperature. The earthen lump should not be allowed to dry out completely, but stagnation of water is also contraindicated. If something is done incorrectly, the branches will begin to wither and the needles will fall off. The araucaria flower needs periodic spraying, and this procedure is especially important in winter, when the air in the room is dry. The procedure should be carried out twice a day. You can also use a tray with moistened expanded clay.

    Transplanting araucaria at home

    A homemade Christmas tree does not require frequent replanting, so the procedure should take place no more than once every 3-4 years, when the earthen ball is completely entwined with roots. It is recommended to do everything in April or May. Transplanting araucaria should take into account a number of features:

    1. Prepare a new portion of soil; suitable mixtures were discussed earlier. It is also necessary to buy a new pot, which should be larger in diameter compared to the previous pot.
    2. First, thoroughly water the soil around your indoor araucaria, which will make removal easier. You need to remove the roots carefully so as not to damage them. It is not recommended to clear the roots of old soil.
    3. Place it in a new pot, fill it with soil and insert the tree. It is important to consider that the root collar of the plant should be at the same soil level as before. It is prohibited to cover it with soil.
    4. All that remains is to lightly compact the soil and water it well.

    Araucaria - diseases

    If you do not care for your Christmas tree properly, problems may arise.

    1. If indoor araucaria begins to turn yellow and dry, and the needles fall off, this indicates that the air is very dry or the room heat. Take care to humidify the air.
    2. A curved trunk indicates uneven lighting and you need to turn the flowerpot the other way.
    3. When the lower branches of an indoor Araucaria tree dry out, this may indicate a root beetle attack. The way out of the situation is to treat the trunk with an insecticide solution.
    4. If the plant grows very slowly, then this indicates the presence of large quantity calcium. It is best to use soil for pine needles, and use soft water for watering.
    5. If thin young shoots appear, they indicate an insufficient number nutrients. The situation can be corrected by applying mineral fertilizers.

    How to propagate araucaria at home?

    Indoor spruce grows slowly and is very difficult to propagate. The result can only be obtained if all the rules are followed. For those who are interested in how araucaria propagates, two options can be offered: the use of cuttings and seeds. In both cases, it is necessary to take into account that if the soil is insufficiently nourished, the shoots will grow thin, and if the air is too dry, they will turn yellow and dry out. If there is excess calcium in the soil, the growth of the plant will slow down.

    Araucaria cuttings

    The procedure must be carried out in the spring or at the beginning summer period, and it consists of several stages:

    1. You can use a plant that is already 10 years old. The top should be cut off a few centimeters below the whorl. Please note that after this the araucaria will stop growing upward, but side shoots she can let it out.
    2. To propagate araucaria by cuttings, it is necessary to dry the cut top in a shaded and well-ventilated area. After this, clean the cut from the released resin and sprinkle it with charcoal powder.
    3. To stimulate root formation, you can use special means.
    4. On next stage you can plant the cuttings in a container that needs to be filled wet sand or a mixture of sand and peat. Cover it with a glass vessel or plastic bottle and place in a warm place. Please note that the temperature should not be more than 26 degrees.
    5. The rooting process takes a long time and will take at least two months. All this time, it is necessary to regularly water the cuttings and spray them. You can survive indoor araucaria after forming a root ball.

    Araucaria from seeds at home

    It’s worth saying right away that the task of propagating a Christmas tree using seeds is almost impossible. The result can be obtained if the seed material is freshly collected.

    1. To propagate araucaria, you need to place one seed at a time in containers with the right soil.
    2. The top should be covered with sphagnum moss and placed in a room with a temperature no higher than 20 degrees.
    3. Sphagnum moss needs to be moistened from time to time.
    4. The plant will take a long time to germinate and you will have to wait 2-4 months. When the needles appear, you need to cover the sprout with a plastic cup and place it in a small greenhouse.
    5. Periodically, seedlings should be watered and sprayed. The sprouts grow very slowly.

    Traditionally, we decorate our homes on New Year coniferous trees- spruce or pine trees. But it’s not always possible to put a tree at home - there’s not enough space, small children, and sometimes it’s just a shame that beautiful tree, which has been growing for many years, is cut down simply to stand for a week in human habitation and be thrown out as unnecessary. Lately, artificial Christmas trees have become increasingly fashionable. They are, of course, beautiful and comfortable, but still not alive. Let's think about what kind of living plant can replace the traditional Christmas tree.

    Plants to replace the Christmas tree


    The simplest and most accessible plant for these purposes is araucaria. This is a tropical Christmas tree that you can grow at home as a houseplant without any problems, decorating it for the New Year. Unlike a regular Christmas tree, araucaria has needles that are lighter and silkier to the touch, which makes it also a very pleasant indoor plant.

    Boxwood can be a successful replacement for a Christmas tree. It is usually grown in gardens and parks as an ornamental shrub. It easily tolerates haircuts, which is why living ones are made from it. garden sculptures topiary. If desired, the bush can be given a conical shape, making it look like a spruce. Boxwood can be grown at home, but it does not like the flood and in winter it needs as much light as possible in a warm room. And in the summer you can plant a green bush in the garden or decorate your balcony with it. For the winter holidays, this green fluffy bush can easily replace a traditional Christmas tree.

    Indoor cypress

    Another coniferous plant may well grow in the apartment - cypress and its closest relative, cypress. It is usually sold in the form of small bushes or an elegant tree with light green needles. You can buy it at any flower shop. But since it is too hot for him to spend the winter in an apartment, the plant should be placed in the coolest and brightest place in the house after the holidays. If there is no cool place, it must be sprayed regularly. In the summer, the plant can be placed in the garden or on the balcony.


    Another plant that can replace a Christmas tree can be a thuja. It can also be grown in a cool window and decorated for the New Year.

    A wonderful New Year's tree can be made from juniper. This wonderful coniferous plant also has a very pleasant smell, which will add special new notes to the aroma of the holiday. Only juniper for these purposes must either be grown from seeds or bought in a store - juniper dug up in the Crimea or the Caucasus does not grow in indoor conditions.

    You can decorate the festive interior of your home with a real live Christmas tree growing in a flowerpot or container.

    Recently, more and more often they have begun to offer to purchase not a cut down spruce, but one planted in a container. Subsequently, it can either be returned to the forestry department or planted in the garden. When purchasing such trees, you need to make sure that the lump of earth in which they grow is not frozen. If you buy a small Dutch Christmas tree at the store, do not buy plants that have been doused with fake snow spray or glitter - such plants usually do not survive.

    Spruce in a pot or container in a warm room can be kept for no more than 7-10 days. Since, due to the heat, the spruce can wake up from hibernation and begin to grow. If the tree still begins to grow, it can no longer be taken out into the cold. The plant should be placed in the coolest, but not freezing place and left until spring. Plant or dig in with a container until next year Spruce can only be grown when the temperature in the place where it is kept is equal to the outside temperature. If you place the plant on a freezing loggia, be sure to wrap the container well so that the earthen ball does not freeze.

    You can stock up on a Christmas tree in the fall - buy a good healthy container plant at a gardening center, bury the container in the ground and sprinkle with mulch to root system not frozen. Then, the day before the holiday, dig it up and bring it into the house. Such a spruce can be left for the winter on a frost-free loggia.

    Rosemary can be an interesting substitute for spruce. It can be grown simply as a houseplant and even for kitchen purposes as a spice. Well, for the New Year your kitchen can be decorated with this unusual Christmas tree.

    However, for these purposes, you need to buy or grow Mediterranean rosemary, which is more favorable to the dry air of our rooms. Crimean rosemary does not take root in apartments.

    The once popular, but now slightly forgotten asparagus also looks like a Christmas tree. And its densely flowered variety can rival a real Christmas tree in its fluffiness and beauty.


    Well, in principle, almost any indoor plant can be used as a New Year’s tree - the main thing is that it is beautiful. It could be a ficus, a palm tree, etc.
